Total Commitment
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
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Total Commitment
Organizations are using their managed services portfolio to build and offer stronger capabilities for an
eco-friendly environment
Archana Singh
Monday, May 03, 2010
While India showed its commitment to climate change
by switching off lights to observe the Earth Hour, the
VAS industry also geared up to match the efforts by
coming up with strategies aimed at developing an ecofriendly environment.
Idea's Sirji advertisement made an imaginative and
catchy statement for an alternate to paper use with
the help of an agonized tree. The ad surely kicked off
discussions among stakeholders of the VAS industry to
give a serious thought to VAS products, to catch the
bandwagon of green initiatives.
green VAS solutions.
VAS is growing at an exciting pace the world over, and
India is among the top three countries for mobile and
Internet VAS. Innovations in the domain of mobile
entertainment, digital promotion, network and utility
VAS offerings-which include focused product lines for
service providers, enterprises and media-can form a
complete ecosystem which can be the focal point for
Interestingly, VAS has always been green, even before
the terminology came in vogue. Mobile VAS can be
termed green in the long run because of the inherent
nature of its service offerings. When the information
comes to the user in an electronic form, it bypasses
more traditional forms of communications like printed
paper, magazines etc. This leads to less strain on
natural resources. All mobile VAS services like
ringtones, SMS, voice SMS and subscribed services fall
in this category.
Waking Up to the Reality
With new technologies in the mobile market, it is the
right time to get into the mobile enterprises
applications space with green offerings. Dr Inderpal
Singh Mumick, CEO, Kirusa says, "I would say that
despite naysayers discounting carbon credits,[5/4/2010 11:31:31 AM]
Current Issue
Total Commitment
companies are realizing that green is not a myth but a
reality that we have to wake up to soon."
With green in VAS, organizations have come up with
strategic initiatives designed to work towards enabling
their managed services portfolio to further enhance,
build and offer stronger capabilities in developing an
eco-friendly environment. The success of green VAS in India is dependent on the mobile ecosystem
which can enhance and advance the usage of its services. The market expansion in this domain has
to be catered to ardently, and this offers a wide scope in increasing the services uptake.
The new green VAS technology will leave behind the existing ones by providing a single platform to
cater to end-to-end commerce services for the end-user. The market also needs to adapt green VAS
and utilize the services that will positively impact their lives. Mobiles can play an important role in
enabling these services and providing customized solutions as per the need of the hour.
Says Jagdish Mitra, CEO, CanvasM, "Green VAS solutions will offer a blend of technologies with
functional benefits to cater to the social or professional requirements in various verticals." With the
new green world of VAS, innovative interactive communication is a way to address the demands of
the next generation technologies.
Information VAS and
m-commerce are the
two categories that
are impacting the
Deepak Halan,
group business
director, IMRB
The green VAS
services uptake will
be a steady and
ongoing process as
the market expansion
in this domain has to
be catered to
ardently. This offers a
wide scope for
increasing revenue for
service providers and
Jagdish Mitra,CEO,
I would say that
despite naysayers
discounting carbon
credits, companies are
realizing that green is
not a myth but a
reality that we have
to wake up to soon
Dr Inderpal Singh
Mumick, CEO, Kirusa
Advanced communications with mobile enterprise applications with green solutions are gaining high[5/4/2010 11:31:31 AM]
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Total Commitment
priority for enterprises as they drive RoI with process improvement. The scope of enterprise mobility
holds a strong potential with more user-friendly, easy-to-use versions of email, calendaring and
corporate portal access applications amongst others.
An Ongoing Process
The Idea Sirji campaign added fuel to the fire for green initiatives but it is not for this alone that the
industry has turned to green. Going by the definition of green: any service that saves time and
effort and does not use carbon intensive methods is green. Mobile VAS is one such service.
Says Deepak Halan, group business director, IMRB International, " Information VAS (mobile
newspapers, storing e-bills, e-tickets and boarding passes on mobile, etc) and m-commerce
(considerably less fuel is burnt with fewer visits to the bank since my mobile phone now takes care
of those transactions) are the two categories which are impacting the environment positively."
Adds Mitra, "Green VAS services uptake will be a steady and ongoing process as the market
expansion in this domain has to be catered ardently. This offers a wide scope in increasing revenue
for service providers and operators." Green VAS will serve as a flexible solution that meets customer
needs by combining the whole host of communication devices into one strong business device.
Industry Attempts
Telcos have shown an interest in green VAS initiatives and factors that will contribute to its success
such as infrastructure development with a strong network capability, more effective promotional
campaigns and efforts, setting up local knowledge share for dealing with customers and prospects,
In rural India too VAS is expected to have a considerable positive impact on the environment. With
the increasing penetration of operators in rural India and falling 3G enabled handsets prices, it is
expected that in the next four to five years many rural citizens will not need to travel via say tractors
to the nearest hospital for consulting a doctor on their health diagnostic reports.
Smartphones and other m-device will enable storage and transmission of personal health
information. Also, information VAS services such as market price of crops, will mean that farmers
have to travel less frequently to mandis. Moreover, special VAS applications such videoconferencing
with crop experts or those that enable farmers to switch on a water pump a few kms away will result
in burning less fuel due to cutting down on commuting.
Dr Mumick adds, "Telecom growth is driven by mobile VAS, which in turn is driven primarily by the
younger generation. Indian youth today is more aware and empathetic towards the environment."
Apart from social re-engineering causes, companies are also looking at identifying with the current
causes to appeal to the young generation and capitalize on that.
Although serious attempts are being made by industry experts, yet a lot has to be done in making
the concept of green VAS a success.
Archana Singh
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