Body Form, Locomotion and Foraging in Aquatic Vertebrates Author(s): P. W. Webb Source: American Zoologist, Vol. 24, No. 1 (1984), pp. 107-120 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 05/11/2014 11:02 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Oxford University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Zoologist. This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Amer. Zool., 24:107-120 Body Form, (1984) Locomotion and Foraging in Aquatic Vertebrates1 P. W. Webb School of Natural Resources,Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Synopsis. Four functional categories are defined to embrace the range of locomotor diversity of aquatic vertebrates; (1) body/caudal fin (BCF) periodic propulsion where locomotor movements repeat, as occurs in cruising and sprint swimming; (2) BCF transient propulsion where kinematics are brief and non-cylic, as occurs in fast-starts and powered turns; (3) median and paired fin (MPF) propulsion, with very diverse fin kinematics, used in slow swimming and precise maneuver; (4) occasional propulsion or "non-swimming." Specialization in any one of these categories compromises performance in one or more of the others, thereby reducing locomotor diversity and hence behavioral options. Food characteristics influencing the role of locomotion in search and capture are; (1) distribution in space and/or time and (2) evasive capabilities. BCF periodic swimmers take food that is widely dispersed in space/time; BCF transient swimmers consume locally abundant evasive items and MPF swimmers consume non-evasive food in structurally complex hab? itats. Locomotor specialists under-utilize smaller food items in exposed habitats. This resource is exploited by smaller fish, which are locomotor generalists because of predation pressures. For such locomotor generalists, locomotor adaptations for food capture are of diminished importance and other adaptations such as suction and protrusible jaws in fish are common. Introduction 1976; Vitt and CongLicht, 1973; Ruben, don, 1978; Ruben and Battalia, 1979; Ben? et al, 1981; Huey and nett, 1980; Bennett Pianka, 1981; Toft, 1981). In particular, and experimental on theoreticai studies amphibians, reptiles and birds have estab? in morphological, lished a dichotomy phys? for two and characters iological ecological foraging patterns; (a) more active, cruising, wide ranging and (b) more sedforagers foragers (Pianka, 1966; entary, sit-and-wait Schoener, 1971; Eckhardt, 1979; Huey and Pianka, 1981; Taigen etal, 1982). Among there are clear phys? aquatic vertebrates iological parallels (compare tuna and pike). In addition, in the the rigors of moving that is water sug? dense, viscous medium correlates should gest that morphological also be particularly clear. However, there has been little attempt to examine foraging in terms of modern mechanical patterns on aquatic animal locomotion. principles is to ex? here, therefore, My objective relation? plore morphological-ecological ships for foraging by aquatic vertebrates. This extends ideas developed for other and ecosystems vertebrates to the aquatic derived from biosphere utilizing principles and experiments hydrodynamic theory over the last decade and a half. I first define classes of locomotor mechanisms indepen? dent of any foraging considerations. See- Biomechanical studies typically deter? mine the mechanical of struc? properties As such, they tures or suites of structures. also define performance boundaries which for in turn must constrain behav? options As a result, iors using a given structure. biomechanics is increasingly seen as an in understanding essential the component between structure complex relationships and function of an organism. In addition, as more structures are scrutinised, generThese can be alizations begin to emerge. used to focus new hypotheses on "design" to identify unexpected tradeoffs, morpho? and to develop ideas logical adaptations, on the evolution and ecological roles of various composite animal designs. Analyses interrelating morphology, and foraging behavior have physiology been particularly in placing bio? productive mechanical studies in ecological and evo? This context. on for? lutionary emphasis has functions been effective aging probably because successful is necessary for feeding hence contribgrowth and reproduction, to fitness (Bennett and uting meaningfully 1 From the Sympoisum on Biomechanicspresented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, 27-30 December 1982, At Louisville, Kentucky. IC This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 108 P. W. Webb of food are broad characteristics ond, in terms of loco? described and discussed search and motor correlates for effective of food items. Non-locomotor capture are also search and capture mechanisms discussed so that the role of locomotion can be seen within the context of suites of complimentary adaptations. nificant in post-capture not discussed. Locomotor Adaptations food treatment sig? are Principles The functions of diverse locomotor mechanisms can be placed into one of four is (1) "Periodic" categories: propulsion characterized kine? by cyclically repeating matic patterns using the body and caudal It is used fin, le., BCF periodic propulsion. in activities for periods sustained from a second to several (chases; 1978) Major, weeks (migrations) and hence includes con? stant speed cruising, and sprint prolonged and locomotor two-phase swimming, pat? terns (Weihs, Hoar and Randall, 19736; 1978; Weihs and Webb, 1983). (2) Tran? sient propulsion is characterized by brief, as in fast-starts and kinematics, non-cyclic powered turns (Weihs, 1972, 1973a; Webb, 1978a; Weihs and Webb, 1983) using the fin; i.e., BCF transient propul? body/caudal sion. Such performance is crucial to sur? vival as the ability to accelerate rapidly and to quickly execute turns is used to escape Eaton and 1974; (Howland, predators Hackett, 1983; Webb, 1981, 1982c; Weihs and Webb, 1983). (3) The use of median and paired fins for swimming, typical in low activities, i.e., MPF speed, fine maneuver 1967; Gosline, (Alexander, propulsion 1971). (4) Fish that rarely swim, i.e., nonswimmers, Table 1 summarizes the optimal characteristics attributable morphological to each category. The four functional are based categories on various observations that suggesting for locomotor specialization performance in any one area is associated with reduced in one or more of the others. performance This evidence is discussed below. Body j caudal fin (BCF) propulsion The definition of two functionally dis? tinct categories of BCF propulsion, (1) BCF and (2) BCF transient periodic propulsion with mutually exclusive forms is optimal based on numerous theoreticai (see Lighthill, 1975; Weihs, 1972, 1973a) and exper? imental studies (Weihs, 1973a; Webb, 1973, Detailed are summa? 1977). arguments rized by Webb (1977, 1982a) and Weihs and Webb (1983). Optimal morphologies are defined as those thrust maximizing while minimizing drag (Fig. 1). For BCF thrust is maximized periodic propulsion, by a lunate tail of large span, but relatively small chord (high aspect ratio), joining the to pro? body by a narrow caudal peduncle vide for locally large amplitude displacements and control of the angle of attack. A large anterior and mass body depth reduce recoil energy losses. Drag is mini? mized by the same type of morphology that maximizes thrust, i.e., a relatively rigid streamlined with minimal area body, between the shoulder and the caudal fin trailing edge where frictional drag is greatly increased movements by swimming (Lighthill, 1975; Wu et al, 1975; Pedley, 1977; Weihs and Webb, 1983). There are many forms diverse verte? convergent among brate phylogenetic cer? cetaceans, groups; tain sharks (Cladoselachidae, Lamnidae), extinct and tunas reptilian ichthyosaurs, the latter providing the type(Thunnidae), name of thunniform swimmers (Lindsey, is common, 1978). Endothermy presum? muscle power. ably increasing The thunniform the design represents of BCF optimal morphology periodic but there are different levels of swimmers, and different specialization types of spe? cialization for sustained periodic propul? sion. The of non-endomorphology thermic swimmers cruising carangiform but is less specialized than approaches thunniform animals. Sharks are also usu? cruisers, ally specialized e.g., Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae and Sima(Thomson kinematics nek, 1977), but have different and body form (Fig. 1). They retain eellike body movements and exploit interac? tions between the sidewash from an ante? rior median fin with the next posterior fin, the effective increasing angle of attack of the latter, and hence thrust (Lighthill, and 1975; Wiersma, 1975; Sparenberg This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Aquatic Vertebrate |o| ^ o w Form, Locomotion, . u bi) Cu O C cj o OJ o O-bC rt bp bc M bo .Ex3 ,ss:=: B 2 3 .S e3 is g ? (/5CJV3Q_U-,c/3 C/3 z3 w a; O ? -3 ^ TJ ^ 3 c jrt ? ^ a OjJJ * G Cc -5 TJ OX 6 109 <u .2 . bo ^ t- .2C ^3 TJ Q-x 1? C ? bc rt oj c _ bp C ? TJ oj ?g"u? . p OJ E > bc ?" OJ-3 C^ ? c 2 C/5 TJ c^ 3 -C O ?P ^ o S ^"-3 Foraging TJ rt j^ x$ a &"? T3 u >^ a CU 2 x? "CJd oj ? x 2 OJOJ ^ rt -c i W ? ^e .SPL 0; rt ???? rt c CQ < S ^ f?o, ^ E O .S oq ^ I' bc ^3 * C a 3O <u bJD OJTJ rt OjTJ o rt ^ X ?r- rt ^ .2 % o o 5 > aq PQEJ 2s This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions OJ E OJ > o . ES o x2 a ij ? I3 P. W. Webb 110 GENERALIST Engraulis Salmo Notropis Ictalurus vMicropterus Ferco Fig. 1. Examples of external morphologies of locomotor specialists and generalists among fish. and Keyes, the Webb 1982). Following established practice among fish locomotor I will call this the carchamorphologists, rhiniform mode, as sharks such as Carcharhinus have representative body forms and kinematics. For BCF transient the opti? propulsion, is one mal morphology thrust maximizing with a large body depth along the body and a flexible length (especially caudally) propulsive large amplitude body allowing movements. Optimal designs for minimiz? have a small "dead-weight," ing resistance mass to be acceli.e., a small non-muscle erated 19826; Weihs and Webb, (Webb, 1983) and hence differ from that to max? imize thrust. This contrasts with BCF peri? odic adaptations where thrust maximizing, forms are largely condrag minimizing the propulsion, gruent. For BCF transient species utilize var? body forms of different of improved ious combinations thrust or reduced resistance such overall that performance converges among species. thrust Extremes in design can be considered resistance or For maximizing minimizing. form the cottid example, (Fig. 1) exemplifor fies thrust maximizing morphology as the body dorsov? transient swimming entral depth is extended along the whole In fins. the esocoid form contrast, length by resistance as the illustrates minimization of myotomal muscle large percentage reduces non-essential mass (Webb, 19786; Webb and Skadsen, 1979). forms for BCF periodic and Optimal This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Aquatic Vertebrate Form, exclu? are clearly transient performance in is reduced, sive; for one, body flexibility the other enhanced; BCF periodic propul? is optimized sion performance by a small transient area, performance by body/fin large area, etc. (see Table 1). It follows that for one activity pattern a shape specialized in the other (see will reduce performance and Smith, Webb Webb, 1977, 1982a; 1980; Webb and Keyes, 1981), although this can be mitigated to a certain extent by fins in fishes (Webb, collapsible ray-finned 1977). for BCF periodic Specialization propul? sion also reduces or eliminates MPF per? formance options. The paired fins are usu? reduced to relatively stiff hydroplanes ally because lift is more ecohydrodynamic nomical than other methods for controlin faster, continuously swim? ling buoyancy animals 1977; Gee, (Alexander, ming 1983). The median fins are also stiff, when and may act as keels (Aleyev, present, 1977). Median and paired fin (MPF) propulsion MPF propulsion is characteristic of and batoidimorph fish and actinopterygian is distinct from BCF propulsion in terms of efficiency and the range of thrust vectors that may be generated. Froude (propellor) of propul? efficiency sion systems declines with decreasing speed. at low speeds, the efficiency of However, BCF propulsors declines faster than MPF At low speeds median and propulsors. fins work at paired higher efficiency (Fig. 2). The muscles for each propulsion system will also have their own analogous speedcurves dependent (Gold? performance for spink, 1977). Thus, muscle efficiency MPF systems is likely higher at low speeds than muscles ofthe BCF system. MPF pro? an adaptation for efhpulsion is, therefore, cient low speed swimming (Blake, 19836). There are some apparent exceptions. The non-caudal fins of Molidae, Labridae and Embiotocidae propel fish at cruising speeds with aerobic performance capabilities comparable to BCF swimmers (Webb, where 19736; Dorn et al, 1979). However, BCF mechanisms are recruited to present, swim at sprint speeds (Wardle, 1975), and Foraging Locomotion, 111 ? dorsalfin propulsion hudsonius Hippocampus A anal fin propulsion Xenomystis nigri ? dorsal fin propulsion niloticus Gymnarchus 10 slender ? theorybody V+fX ^ 2fX 0-9 c- 0-8 I 0-7 V 0-6 -/? 9 u. 0-5 V u. UJ 0-4 UJ a 8cc 0-3 u_ 0-2 / fin propulsion //v^subcarangiform body/caudal Salmogairdneri 01 0 4 5 1 2 3 SPECIFIC SWIMMING SPEED(L.sH) Fig. 2. Relationship between swimming speed and Froude efficiency for some propulsion systems in fish to show the higher efficiency of MPF systems at low swimming speeds. Note that slender body theory that is usually used to interpret BCF propulsors is least appropriate at low speeds. It assumes lateral speeds of body displacements are small compared to forward speeds (Lighthill, 1975;Yates, 1983), which is increas? ingly violated as speed declines. As a result the theory (dotted line) overestimates efficiency compared to observations (solid line) at low speeds. Nevertheless, because the theory is such a common method of calculating efficiency for BCF systems, it is included for comparison. The curve shown (dotted line) is based on Bainbridge's equation relating speed and tail-beat frequency, and a propulsive wavelength of 0.8 x body length: calculations are based on a length of 20 cm. Note the relatively low efficiency of Hippocampusmay be associated with crypsis (Blake, 1980). Remaining data are from Blake (1979, 1980, 1983a). since power requirements increase roughly with (speed)3, the maximum power of these MPF mechanisms is still relatively small. that MPF mech? Thus, the generalization anisms are used for low speed, low accel? eration activities remaines appropriate. In MPF swimming, individual fins are in pairs (pectorals, typically arranged pelvics and dorsal/anal) and can usually func? tion independently. As a result, the fins orient in any direction thrust precisely of mass (Harris, about the center 1937, 1953; Gosline, 1971), This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions facilitating precise 112 P. W. Webb maneuver. MPF swimming fish can turn about the vertical axis near the center of the body translocation nec? mass, without 1976, 1977, essary in BCF turns (Blake, 1978). An optimal design for MPF propulsion has not been experimentally proven, except for the role of paired fins used as brakes there 1937, 1953). Nevertheless, (Harris, is circumstantial evidence (summarized by for expecting the optimal Webb, 1982a) form to include; (1) mid-lateral pectoral fin insertion ofthe insertion; (2) ventrolateral fins somewhat beneath the pelvic pectorals; (3) metrical soft-rayed, dorsal and dorso-ventrally symanal fins, extending of edge reinforcement caudally; (4) leading fins; (5) short, deep, laterally compressed body. This form combines many individual each of which has been named mechanisms, 1926; Lindsey, (Breder, 1978). I suggest the integrative aspect of these be recog? nized by the term chaetodontiform (Fig. 1), after Chaetodon. fin distributions are Actinopterygian variable, and Rosen (1982) has argued that the chaetodontiform (acanthopterygian) an alternative pattern may "just represent solution to the problems of swimming and to more primitive fish. feeding" compared Fins of primitive fish are used for slow and maneuver, but in competi? swimming tion situations, the more chaetodontiform are usually found in more struc? species habitats turally complex requiring greatest control of maneuver (e.g., Keast and D. Webb, 1966; Gosline, 1971; Hobson, 1974; Hobson and Chess, 1976, 1978). In addi? that maneution, Werner (1977) observed of the somewhat chaetodonti? verability form (Centrarchidae; bluegill Lepomis macrochirus) leads to niche separation along the food axis from fusiform juvenile large? mouth bass (Centrarchidae; Micropterus salConsistent habitat moides). segregations of the chaeclearly suggests advantages todontoid form for slow swimming and maneuver. for MPF propulsion Specialization ap? in other areas. pears to reduce performance the elasmo? Many skates and rays among branchs, and many knife-fishes (Notopteridae and Rhamphichthyidae), knife-eels and ocean sunfish (Molidae) essential to BCF expansion In the others, propulsion. very large sur? face areas of chaetodontiform fish will carry a large drag penalty in BCF periodic swim? because ming especially body movements increase drag up to 10 times (Webb, 1973a, BCF pe? 1975; Videler, 1981). Therefore, riodic performance should be impaired. Definitive evidence is lacking, but some observations suggest support indirectly. Hobson and Chess found that (1978) planktivores feeding away from shelter on a reef usually had body forms designed to to distant cover while chaetodonti? sprint form fish tended to remain close to shelter. The degree of development of the paired fin muscle is inversely related to the amount of myotomal slow muscle, so that only one of the systems can be effectively utilized for routine and (Greer-Walker swimming Pull, 1975; Johnson, 1983). (Gymnotidae) lack a caudal Non-swimming benthic fish live in Many post-larval nutrient poor habitats where food is rare or episodic carcass falls provide unpredictable inputs (Sullivan and Smith, 1982; Gee, axial 1983). Such fish often have reduced skeletal and muscle systems (Childress and 1973; Torres et al, 1979) inhib? Hygaard, and probably metabolic iting locomotion between and expenditures (Smith feeding and Hessler, 1974; Smith, 1978; Somero Childress, 1979). Foraging and Locomotion move to Virtually all aquatic vertebrates locate and/or consume food. The relative of location versus consumption importance of food depends on food distribution and characteristics. Distribution item-specific from food widely ranges along a continuum in space and time to food-abundispersed dant patches where a consumer's life-cycle can be largely completed without exhaustcharacter? ing local supplies. Item-specific istics of primary concern here are size and and to a lesser extent defense mobility, These characteristics also vary capabilities. along continua. the locomotor abilities of Similarly, vertebrates should determine their aquatic This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Aquatic Vertebrate Form, in cropping effectiveness widely dispersed versus locally abundant food. Locomotor should also influence the abil? performance How? ity to take food items when located. ever, at the same time other demands, will modify avoidance, predator especially of locomotion in feeding. the importance Then, not only must behavior be modified, In addi? but so will optimal morphologies. criteria must be recog? tion, optimization nized that are influenced by locomotor animals should behave to capabilities; maximize net rates of return of limiting This nutrients, applies usually energy. to maximizers and to feed? equally energy (Schoerer, ing periods of time minimizers 1971; Krebs, 1978; Pianka, 1978). locomotor and repertoires Accordingly, behavior be should inter-related. foraging these correlations should be Furthermore, most clearly seen for the locomotor spe? cialists since their locomotor options are most constrained There? by specialization. first. fore, these are discussed Locomotor Specialists Widely dispersed food The general requirement to exploit food in is to move space/time widely dispersed at speeds that sample the greatest volume dis? (travel the greatest non-overlapping of energy tance) for the least expenditure and Webb, This (Weihs 1983). applies to and filter feeders. equally macrophages Weihs (1973c), Ware (1975) and Weihs et al. (1981) have shown that optimality is achieved at by BCF periodic propulsion low speeds (i.e., cruising relatively speeds) where the ratio M/P of the standard met? abolic energy expenditure, M, to the com? of power required for swimming, ponent P, is 0.7 to 1.3. Further gains in range may be achieved beat-and-coast by two-phase and beat-and-glide (Weihs, propulsion the specialist with 19736, 1974). Therefore, thunniform and associated morphology BCF periodic swimming behaviors are typ? ical of fish and mammals taking widely dis? tributed food (Fig. 3). Thunniform animals are not scavengers or detritivores, both re? yet exploiting sources could be facilitated by efficient Locomotion, Foraging 113 The occurrence of food for scavcruising. is in (Sullivan episodic space/time engers and Smith, 1982). Detritus is often abun? dant, but of such low quality (Bowen, 1979) that relatively distributed large quantities over relatively to large areas are necessary are satisfy energy needs. These resources exploited by BCF periodic propulsion but elas? specialists, by the non-thunniform carcharhiniform mobranchs, using prin? non-locomotor ciples. Additional adapta? for these fish to tions appear important reduce costs and which are not energy available to thunniform animals. Thus elasmobranchs tend to be benthopelagic so that the high cost of non-stop swimming seen in thunniform is avoided. animals Elasmobranch metabolic rates are low to other fish (Brett and Blackcompared those of the usually burn, 1978) whereas endothermic thunniform vertebrates are et Thus the al, 1981). very high (Gooding rate of utilization of resources by elasmo? branchs is reduced in periods between food available. elasmo? becoming Finally, branchs have electroreception and a well sense of smell, more appropri? developed ate distance senses for carrion and detritus. An alternative scavenging/detritivore locomotor correlation is found among elas? mobranchs in the rajiform mode. Batoidishare the other nonmorphs presumably locomotor of elasmobranchs, adaptations but we do not yet know enough about their to understand what design propulsion or compromises be principles might in their evolution. involved Locally abundant food When food is locally abundant and persistent, so that life cycles can be completed in its vicinity, then specialization largely in locomotor functional is morphology to be the expected among adaptations related to specific food characteristics, size and evasive ability (Weihs particularly and Webb, 1983). For predators, feeding behavior must be predicated on the that prey will try to escape. assumption ofa predator is to min? Then, the objective imize the duration of an interaction (see Isaacs, 1975) to catch prey before they can maneuver reach shelter. and/or Ideally, This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 114 P. W. Webb MICROPHAGES MACROPHAGES EVASIVE SEARCH 8 FILTER FOOD WIDELY DISTRIBUTED FOOD LOCALLY ABUNDANT - PARTICULATE ITEMS SEARCH 8 CHASE FEEDERS NONEVASIVE TEMS ORWAIT SEARCH Rhmcodon ? Fig. 3. Summary of postulated functional relationships between aquatic locomotor forms and food properties. The cross-hatching shows the area where suction is a major feeding adaptation. of evasive prey require maximal predators acceleration and Skadsen, 1980; (Webb Rand and Lauder, 1981; Vinyard, 1982) and hence BCF transient as propulsion, characterized the Esocidae or Cottidae by (Fig. 3). Ideal ambush sites are frequently BCF complex so that predatory structurally transient propulsion retain MPF specialists as an important of propulsion component their locomotor repertoire. for BCF periodic Specialists propulsion also take evasive prey (Drenner et al, 1978; Major, 1977, 1978), yet they appear to lack locomotor to facilitate adaptations prey For filter feeders this should be capture. of little concern indi? since, by definition, vidual particles are not sense. However, thunniform fish and mammals chase prey, and are clearly less effective in actually capin BCF tranturing prey than specialists sient propulsion. For example, catch suc? cess of scombrids on fish is of predating the order of 15% compared to >60% for esocids and Cullen, 1974; (Neill Major, 1978: Webb and Skadsen, 1977, 1980; Rand and Lauder, 1981). Thus, non-loco? motor complimentary should adaptations be expected. Thunniform tend predators to break up schools to force (presumably disorientation and straggling) use and/or Par1977, 1978; pack hunting (Major, 1982). tridge, Non-evasive food. Animal, and vegetable food may be concentrated detrital in a bewildering diversity of locations, ranging from in the water column, suspended through lying on surfaces to hidden in holes etc. Habitat complexity is usual due to other living organisms (e.g., macrophytes, to both productivity contributing This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions corals) and Vertebrate Aquatic Form, Locomotion, Foraging 115 fea? The essential topographic variability. is the ability ture of utilizing such resources to take food in any plane, and to move utiliza? restricted Thus, spaces. through items will tend to select tion of non-evasive char? in MPF propulsion, for specialization of chaetodontiform acteristic tropical reef sunfishes fish or freshwater centrarchid (Fig. 3). The Locomotor Generalists The locomotor a represent specialists small portion ofthe total number of species of aquatic vertebrates. Species unspecialized for locomotion are more numerous. These generalists all the locomooverlap modes ofthe where specialists tor/feeding it would seem they should be less compet? Yet generalists occur and recur itive. fish evolution and they are suc? throughout cessful. The basic reason appears to be that the locomotor specialists exploit only part of the food resource base. Consider first BCF periodic propulsion Extinct ichspecialists. (e.g., Cladoselache, and modern thunniform ani? thyosaurs) mals (whales, tunas, dolphins, porpoises, lamnid sharks, etc.) are large. Less spe? cialized carangiform and carcharhiniform cruisers are also large compared to most 1966; Nel? (Marshall, aquatic vertebrates size is important son, 1976). Forager because the theoreticai minimum size of an item that may be included in the diet is that which just returns zero approximately net calories when consumed (Mittelbach, Werner and Mittelbach, 1981a; 1982). the large BCF specialists, with Therefore, must on concentrate demands, high energy food items that have a large absolute size, as well as utilizing dense areas. energy it is well known that the sizeHowever, distribution of food item sizes frequency tends to be log-normal and Jan(Schoener Mittel? zen, 1968; 1970; Hemmingsen, Werner and Mittelbach, bach, 1981b; 1982) so that if large BCF periodic spe? cialists are consuming items of large abso? lute size, they omit from their diet the in abundant small partienergy resources cles/patches (Fig. 4). BCF transient Similarly, ally sit-and-wait predators, usu? specialists, tend to harvest Fig. 4. Diagrammatic illustration of the distribution of food items in a habitat, showing probable resource exploitation by BCF propulsion specialists (hatched area) and generalists (unhatched area). of large absolute and relative size small 1977; (Werner, 1978). Many Popova, and intermediate sized items/patches are too widely distributed to exploit economically without cruising capabilities. The small and intermediate sized items, underutilized BCF can be by specialists, eaten by MFP specialists. These, however, harvest food near cover and hence they too omit a large part ofthe resource base from their diets, in this case due to food distri? bution, not food item size. Thus, the various locomotor specialists underutilize a food base of small and inter? mediate sized food items, usually in exposed habitats. These resources are exploited by small fish. However, because food is often and the fish are small, these fish exposed are a major food base for many locomotor Thus vertebrates specialists. aquatic smaller food items must retain exploiting and loco? predator-evasion capabilities, in any given direction motor specialization must be limited. For example, excessive in BCF periodic specialization propulsion to harvest food would increase vulnerabilof these small fish, while ity to predators excessive in BCF transient specialization to reduce would propulsion vulnerability decrease food. ability to find sufficient These arguments only limit the extent of permissible It is clear that specialization. some specialization related to feeding hab? its occurs among these generalists, paralitems This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 116 P. W. Webb Minthat seen among specialists. leling tend to have slender nows, for example, caudal peduncles and deeply forked tails towards BCF and small total area tending These periodic swimming morphologies. on fish tend to forage widely suspended food or drift. Perch, on the other hand, more have caudal thicker peduncles, rounded fins, and caudal area is enhanced by dorsal and anal fins. This is reminiscent of BCF transient specialists morphology, and accordingly, perch tend to consume more evasive prey (Keast and D. Webb, and Scott Crossman, 1966; 1973; Webb, the essential feature 19786). Nevertheless, remains that variation is relatively small, for predator and fast-start capabilities evasion are protected Some? (Webb, 1978a). is seen only what greater specialization such as defenses associated with passive toxins, etc. spines, cryptic coloration, locomotor Food-specific adaptations may be of diminished due to pre? importance, dation, for locomotor generalists exploiting smaller-sized food items. Generalist loco? motor forms will be adequate when den? sities of small items are high because filter remains effective and feeding (Leong as illus? 1969; O'Connor, Ware, 1978) trated by many Clupeiformes. However, in impor? locomotion must be diminished tance for food collection by particulate This is not only because feeders. of pre? dation but also because small items must be cropped at a high rate. The energy return on each item is small and particles are taken at rates of the order of tens per second (Mittelbach, 1981a). Then, feeding events approach the same duration as min? imum response times for locomotor events 19806; Eaton et al, 1983). Whole (Webb, over prey at the rates body movements would probably be impossible. In required the costs of such movements are addition, 1982; Webb, high (Vinyard, particularly which would reduce net energy 19826) gains. Clearly, non-locomotor adaptations are essential for particulate loco? feeding motor generalists. The critical adaptations are suction and central to the protrusible jaws, features evolution of actinopterygian fishes (Lauder, 1982; Rosen, 1982), and vital to food selection and the extension of diet breadth to include small and evasive food particles and Hall, 1974; Stein and Mag(Werner nuson, 1976; Drenner etal, 1978; O'Brien, 1979;Gillen*/a/., 1981; Mittelbach, 1981; McComas and Drenner, 1982; Werner and Mittelbach, 1982). In many situations whole are only used to supplebody movements ment suction when attacking certain eva? sive prey (O'Brien, 1979; Vinyard, 1981). Then extends the suction zone speed (Weihs, 1980). Suction may be less expensive than lunging, when it would improve the energy gain per unit of small prey and ofthe diet to increasingly permit extension small items. Thus suction and jaw protrusion appear necessary correlates to exploit? resources that are too dis? ing small-item to filter, by permitting persed rapid and economical 3). cropping (Fig. No special fin/body for plan is necessary suction feeders (Rosen, 1982). Among in suc? fish, improvements actinopterygian tion and jaw protrusion (Lauder, 1982) led to broader utilization of probably smaller and/or evasive food particles, and, in addition, facilitated radiation into struc? habitats MPF spe? later turally complex by cialists the Indeed, (acanthopterygians). success of the actinopterygians might be attributed to solving the problems of nec? structures to the essary accessory mitigate locomotor boundaries on gener? imposed alists by predation. NON-SWIMMERS Non-swimmers would seem to be exfrom a discussion cluded of locomotor suction is However, adaptations. feeding in the of food, advantageous capture any when evasive. with suc? Thus, especially can again encroach on the tion, generalists resource base of the locomotor specialists; bass (Serranidae, are excelCentrarchidae) lent examples. Eventually, costly lunging 1982) can be eliminated (Vinyard, entirely for new specialized ambush pos? providing sibilities. This has occurred among angler? fish (Grobecker and Pietsch, 1979) and in ambush costs, may be an adap? reducing tation to the energy poor habitats occupied 1971). Thus prob? by such fish (Marshall, lems of locomotor generalists may underlie This content downloaded from on Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:02:45 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Aquatic Vertebrate Form, of fish suction mechanisms the specialized nonsuch as ceratoid anglerfish, essentially swimmers. swimmers or at most occasional Locomotion, Foraging 117 clarity with which they can be seen in loco? is always only locomotion motor specialists, used in feeding one of a suite of characters and other life activities. Conclusion is to seek correlations My objective and the between locomotor morphology of niche animals. aquatic feeding Although is incomplete, information and no defini? is possible, several general tive exposition A continuum trends are indicated. of forms is recognized that at the extremes clearly wide for? between parallels the dichotomy shown for predators agers and sit-and-wait The continuum terrestrial animals. arises in aquatic animals because the locomotor specialists omit a large part ofthe food base from their diet. This is exploited by smaller fish which, because of predation, are essen? Nevertheless, generalists. among tially the generalists, trends paralleling the spe? cialists persist within the limits set by pre? Thus a dichotomy dation. is again it is more subtle. but approached, the generalists, locomotor Amongst to food types are of adaptations specific in foraging diminished and importance instead other adaptations (i.e., suction) are to overtake Hence the required prey. fishes in actinopterygian particular exploit the smaller food-item resource base omitted by specialists. and tradeoffs Adaptations complementare found in the functional locomotion ing of locomotor The dif? design specialists. in locomotor, ferences metabolic and sen? of thunniform and carchasory profiles rhiniform fish are postulated to relate to levels of uncertainty and energy density of various widely dispersed food types. Esociform and cottiform BCF transient pro? are drag minimizers and pulsion specialists thrust maximizers These dif? respectively. ferent relate to com? strategies probably for other essential aspects peting demands of foraging. For example, Cottus has a large heavy head for feeding. 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