THE IMPACT OF PRICING POLICY ON THE DEMAND FOR WATER IN IRAN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR By AHMAD SADEGHI Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, University Putra Malaysia, in Fulfilment of the Requirements for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy March 2010 DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to: The Late Imam Khomeyni, the enlightener and messiah of Iranian people, and my dear family, especially my father, Late Barat Ali, and my mother, Fatemeh Soghra, who have given their full support, encouragement and devotion to my completion of the study; to my dear wife “Esmat” for her patience during the course of my study and my beloved children Saeideh and Zahra who missed me always. Finally, my beloved grandmother, “Ome Sallameh”, whom I lost in the first of my study, but she is always with me ii ABSTRACT Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy THE IMPACT OF PRICING POLICY ON THE DEMAND FOR WATER IN IRAN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR By AHMAD SADEGHI March 2010 Chairman: Mohd. Ghazali Mohayidin, PhD Faculty: Agriculture Iran is located in an arid and semi-arid area with scarcity of water resource for its agricultural activities. About 93 percent of the total annual Iranian water consumption is for agricultural activities. Notwithstanding high irrigation water demand in the agricultural sector, farmers pay very low price for water and the cost borne by farmers for irrigation water is much lower than the actual value of water. The low irrigation fee has caused not only inefficient allocation of water resources in this sector, but it has also resulted in farmers producing crops which require relatively large amount of water as well as non-essential crops. The main objective of this study is to analyze alternative water pricing mechanisms and to determine its impact on water demand. The specific objectives of this research include: to estimate the demand for irrigation water, to analyze the effects of iii increasing water price to farmers and finally to recommend a suitable mechanism for determining an efficient pricing system for irrigation water. Data for this study were collected from 28 provinces in Iran, obtained from the relevant provincial statistical reports of 2001 to 2006. Crops grown in the 28 provinces were wheat, barley, lentil, pea, pinto bean, onion, tomato, potato, cucumber, water melon, cotton, sugar beet, and these are based on the producer provinces statistical reports from 2001 to 2006. Demand functions for irrigation water were estimated as functions of water price, land rental, price of fertilizer, machinery rental, price of seed, wage rate, price of animal fertilizer and pesticide, and irrigated production level for each of the crops mentioned above. Based on the natural log functional forms and the estimated regression coefficients, pricing systems for irrigation water for 28 selected provinces were developed. Parameters for the demand functions were estimated using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) or Generalized Least Squares (GLS), Estimated Generalized Least Squares (EGLS), and or Weighted Least Squares (WLS). The parameters of models were estimated using the econometric method on panel data. A major conclusion that emerged from this research is that the pricing elasticity of irrigation water demand for most crops in Iran agricultural sector is perfectly inelastic. Furthermore, the estimated results of price elasticity of irrigation water demand, in terms of water supply cost (MC and AVC), showed that they were in fact very low, and perfectly inelastic for most crops. iv Also, this study showed that the price elasticity of water demand is relatively inelastic based on value of marginal product, and it can approximately lead to an efficient use of irrigation water. The study concluded that the Iranian authorities could make use of suggested pricing mechanism as an important and effective policy tool for water conservation. v ABSTRAK Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagai memenuhi keperluan untuk ijazah Doktor Falsafah IMPAK POLICI HARGA TERHADAP PERMINTAAN AIR DI SEKTOR PERTANIAN IRAN Oleh AHMAD SADEGHI March 2010 Pengerusi: Mohd. Ghazali Mohayidin, PhD Fakulti: Pertanian Negara Iran terletak di kawasan kering dan separa-kering yang menghadapi masalah kekurangan air bagi aktiviti pertanian. Sekitar 93 peratus daripada jumlah penggunaan air tahunan adalah untuk aktiviti pertanian. Walaupun terdapat permintaan air dalam kuantiti yang tinggi dalam sektor pertanian, harga yang dibayar untuk air oleh petani adalah sangat rendah, dan harga yang dibayar untuk air pengairan adalah kurang daripada nilai sebenar air. Harga air yang rendah bukan hanya telah menyebabkan pengagihan air yang tidak cekap, tetapi ia juga telah menyebabkan petani menggeluarkan tanaman yang memerlukan banyak air dan tanaman yang tidak begitu penting. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis alternatif kaedah penentuan harga air dan kesannya terhadap permintaan air. Objektif khusus kajian ini termasuk: untuk membuat anggaran terhadap permintaan air untuk pengairan, menganalisis vi kenaikan harga air yang disalurkan kepada para petani dan juga mencadangkan mekanisma atau sistem yang cekap dan sesuai untuk menentukan harga untuk air pengairan. Data yang digunakan untuk kajian ini adalah berdasarkan kepada laporan statistik dari 28 wilayah di Iran bagi tahun 2001 sehingga 2006. Mengikut laporan statistik itu juga, tanaman yang terdapat di 28 wilayah tersebut ialah gandum, barli, lentil, kacang polong, kacang-kacangan luna, bawang merah, tomato, kentang, timun, semangkar, kekabu, dan gula bit. Fungsi permintaan air untuk pengairan dianggar sebagai fungsi kepada harga air, sewa tanah, harga baja, sewa jentera, harga biji-benih, kadar upah, harga baja ternak, harga racun perosak dan dan tahap pengeluaran untuk setiap produk yang tersebut diatas. Berdasarkan bentuk logaritma asli dan anggaran pekali regresi, satu sistem penilaian telah dibentuk bagi menentukan harga atau nilai air pengairan untuk 28 wilayah yang dinyatakan di atas. Parameter fungsi permintaan dianggar dengan menggunakan “Ordinary Least Squares” (OLS) atau “Generalized Least Squares” (GLS), “Estimated Generalized Least Squares” (EGLS), dan/atau “Weighted Least Squares” (WLS). Penganggaran model dibuat dengan menggunakan kaedah ekonometrik ke atas data panel. Kesimpulan utama yang ditemui daripada kajian ini ialah kaedah semasa menentukan harga air untuk pengairan adalah tidak cekap; iaitu, keanjalan harga permintaan untuk air pengairan bagi kebanyakan tanaman dalam sektor pertanian di Iran sangat tidak anjal. Seterunya, anggaran keanjalan harga air pengairan vii berdasarkan kos marginal dan kos berubah purata adalah sangat rendah, atau dengan kata sangat tidak anjal untuk kebanyakan tanaman. Selain daripada itu, kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa keanjalan harga permintaan untuk air pengairan adalah agak anjal jika berdasarkan nilai keluaran marginal, oleh itu ia boleh membawa kepada penggunaan air yang lebih cekap. Kajian ini merumuskan bahawa pihak berkuasa Iran boleh menggunakan mekanisma perletakan harga yang dicadangkan sebagai alat dasar yang penting dan cekap untuk pemuliharaan sumber air. viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank God that whatever my heart ever desired God gave me that, and more than I ever could seek. (Hafiz - e Shirazi) I thank God for all His blessings on me and thank Him for giving me courage and strength to finish my study. It is understood that human beings cannot repay one another enough. Hence, it is better to request Almighty Allah to reward the person who did a favor and to give his best. A person cannot go through life without the help and guidance from others. One is invariably indebted, knowingly or unknowingly. These debts may be of physical, mental, psychological or intellectual in nature but they cannot be denied. To enlist all of them is not easy. To repay them even in words is beyond my capability. The present work is an imprint of many persons who have made significant contribution to its materialization. The success of this thesis would not have been possible without various contributions and support to this work directly or indirectly, and I would like to convey my special appreciation to those who made it possible. I wish to express my deep sense of appreciation and gratitude towards my committee chairman and supervisor, Prof. Dr. Mohd Ghazali Mohayidin for his valuable patient, guidance and supervision of this dissertation. Your morality, constant support and encouragement have helped me to press on until the research written and completed. I learned and experienced a lot to doing a good research. ix I am grateful to my advisory committee members, Prof. Dr. Md. Ariff Hussein, and Dr. Jalal Attari for your recommendations and guidance that lead this thesis to successful completion. Please accept my heartiest gratitude, you all have been sources of help, encouragement, and valuable advice to me, I am also grateful for your valuable suggestions and guidance during this study, without which the completion of my research would not have been possible. I am thankful to all staff of UPM, especially those of the Agriculture and Economics Faculties who contributed to my learning process, especially Prof. Dr. Zainal Abidin Mohamed Head of Department of Agribusiness and Information Systems. You behaviour was so friendly; I enjoyed a lot, thanks a lot to all of you. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to my family for their patience and perseverance during my absence and for keeping me warm even when out of the country. I owe a lot to my parents and for accepting inconveniences of my absence during my study. They have been a constant source of encouragement. Finally I am especially grateful to my dear wife and children for their patience during the course of my study, and my dear brothers Mohammad Ali, Mohammad Hossein and my sisters. I am deeply indebted to many individuals who have assisted me to perform the research and finalize this thesis by providing scientific, technical, administrative and moral support. I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to the previous Chancellor of Power and Water University of Technology Dr.Naghashan. Special thanks to Dr. Khodabakhsh and Mr. Ahmadzadeh staff of Iran Water Resources Management x Company, Dr. Mohaddes, Dr. Sanaei, Dr Montazer Hojat, Dr. Vakilpour, and Dr. Mortazavei, Babaei, Khomamei, Barangi, and my entire friends who helped me. xi APPROVAL I certify that a Thesis Examination Committee has met on 5th March 2010 to conduct the final examination of Ahmad Sadeghi on his thesis entitled “The Impact of Pricing Policy on the Demand for Water in Iran Agricultural Sector” in accordance with the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971 and the Constitution of the Universiti Putra Malaysia [P.U. (A) 106] 15 March 1998. The committee recommends that the student be awarded the Doctor of Philosophy. Members of the Examination Committee are as follows: Zainal Abidin Mohamed, PhD Professor Faculty of Agriculture Universiti Putra Malaysia (Chairperson) Khalid Abdul Rahim, PhD Professor Faculty of Economics and Management Universiti Putra Malaysia (Internal Examiner) Amin Mahir Abdullah, PhD Lecturer Faculty of Agriculture Universiti Putra Malaysia (Internal Examiner) Mohd Fazui Bin Mohd Jani, PhD Professor Faculty of Economics and Business University Kebangsaan Malaysia (External Examiner) BUJANG KIM HUAT, PhD Professor and Deputy Dean School of Graduate Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia Date: 5 March 2010 xii This thesis was submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The members of the Supervisory Committee were as follows: Mohd Ghazali Mohayidin, PhD Professor Faculty of Agriculture Universiti Putra Malaysia (Chairman) Md Ariff Hussein, PhD Professor Faculty of Agriculture Universiti Putra Malaysia (Member) Jalal Attari, PhD Lecturer Faculty of Water Engineering Power & water University of Thechnology (Member) HASANAH MOHD GHAZALI, PHD Professor and Dean School of Graduate Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia Date: xiii DECLARATION I declare that the thesis is based on my original work except for quotations and citations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously, and is not concurrently, submitted for any other degree at University Putra Malaysia or at any other institution. AHMAD SADEGHI Date: 5 March 2010 xiv TABLE OF CONTENT iii vi ix xii xiv xvii xviii xix xx 1 ABSTRACT ABSTRAK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS APPROVAL DECLARATION LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURE LIST OF APPENDICES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 The Importance of Water General Overview of Water 1.2.1 Water and Population 1.2.2 Water Uses 1.2.3 A Synopsis of Global Water Crisis Study Scope 1.3.1 Background of Iran 1.3.2 Overview of Climate in Iran 1.3.3 Overview of population in Iran 1.3.4 Overview of Agriculture Status in Iran Description of the problem Research Questions Research Hypotheses Research Objectives Significance of the study Organization of the study 23 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 General Survey of Water Pricing Pricing Methods of Irrigation Water 2.2.1 Volumetric Pricing Method 2.2.2 Non – Volumetric Pricing Method 2.2.3 The Market - based Pricing Method 2.2.4 The Quotas Method Pricing Mechanism and Accomplished Studies in Iran 2.3.1 Urban Water 2.3.2 Agricultural Water Discussion and Deduction 3.3 23 28 29 32 34 37 37 37 41 45 50 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 3.2 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 10 10 11 18 19 19 20 21 Introduction Theoretical Framework 3.2.1 Demand Function 3.2.2 Elasticity- A General Survey 3.2.3 Irrigation Water Demand Function Econometric Methodology xv 50 50 51 62 66 71 3.4 3.5 3.6 Econometric Model Data Collection Description of Variables 3.6.1 Water Demand 3.6.2 Water Price 3.6.3 Output Price 3.6.4 Wage 3.6.5 Cultivated Area 3.6.6 Other Explanatory Variables 3.6.7 Value of Marginal Product (VMP) 3.6.8 Average cost 3.6.9 Short-run Marginal Cost 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Introduction Estimation of the Model with Current Price 4.2.1 Wheat 4.2.2 Barley 4.2.3 Lentil 4.2.4 Pea 4.2.5 Pinto Bean 4.2.6 Onion 4.2.7 Tomato 4.2.8 Potato 4.2.9 Cucumber 4.2.10 Watermelon 4.2.11 Cotton 4.2.12 Sugar Beet Estimations of the Model with Alternative Prices Discuassion 5 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Summary 5.1.1 Purpose and Objectives 5.1.2 Research Procedures 5.1.3 Research Findings 5.1.4 Contributions of the Study 5.2 Conclusion 5.2.1 Policy Implications of the Empirical Findings 5.2.2 Limitations of the Current Research 5.2.3 Recommendations for Future Research REFERENCES APPENDICES BIODATA OF STUDENT LIST OF PUBLICATIONS xvi 78 79 80 80 83 83 83 84 84 84 86 86 87 87 87 88 92 95 99 102 105 108 112 115 117 121 124 127 131 134 134 134 135 136 142 144 145 147 148 150 158 203 204 LIST OF TABLES Table Page Shares of total water use 4 Main features of regions of Iran 9 Agricultural lands area on holdings with cropland 13 Time process of irrigation fee in Iran 15 Comparison of pricing methods 30 Ranges of irrigation efficiency in some provinces in Iran 83 Water demand function for wheat 89 Water demand function for barley 93 Water demand function for lentil 97 Water demand function for pea 100 Water demand function for pinto bean 104 Water demand function for onion 107 Water demand function for tomato 110 Water demand function for potato 114 Water demand function for cucumber 116 Water demand function for watermelon 119 Water demand function for cotton 123 Water demand function for sugar beet 126 Descriptive statistics of current price and water alternative prices 128 Estimated coefficients for the alternative prices of water 130 xvii LIST OF FIGURE Figure Page Project Water Scarcity in 2025 5 Map of Iran’s Borders 7 Iran Climate Map 8 Main Basins of Iran [IWRMC] 9 xviii LIST OF APPENDICES A. Water in World and Iran B. Characteristics of Iran Provinces and their Agricultural Products C. A Review on Studies Carried Out D. Irrigation Demand Function E. Schematic of the Compute Stages of the Water Demand F. Estimation Results of the Water Demand Functions G. Studies with High R – Square H. Descriptive Statistics xix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AFC AP ASCE ATC AVC CWP ECM EGLS FAO FEM GDP GE GLS IIWM IWRMC MB MC MCP MNB MP MR MSB MSC O&M OECD OLS PE REM SRMC STATA SUR SURE VMP WLS Average Fixed Cost Average Product American Society of Civil Engineers Average Total Cost Average Variable Cost Crop Water Productivity Error Components Model Estimated Generalized Least Squares Food and Agriculture Organization Fixed Effects Model Gross Domestic Product General Equilibrium Generalized Least Squares International Institute of Water Management Iran Water Resources Management Company Marginal Benefit Marginal Cost Marginal Cost Pricing Marginal Net Benefit Marginal Product Marginal Revenue Marginal Social Benefit Marginal Social cost Operation and Maintenance Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Ordinary Least Squares Partial Equilibrium Random Effects Model Short Run Marginal Cost Data Analysis Statistical Software Seemingly Unrelated Regression Seemingly Unrelated Regression Estimation Value of Marginal Product Weighted Least Squares xx CHAPTER I 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Importance of Water Water plays a very important role in the formation and continuation of civilizations, and it is a necessary factor for economic development. Water is a fundamental precondition for increasing food production, for energy development, and for industrial activities and consequently, to provide higher employment opportunities, security of potable water hygiene, and to protect biological diversity and ecosystem. Water is available almost everywhere, but there is much difference between supply and demand for water in quality and quantity, timing and place. In the Post-World War II period, economic development became the main goal of various communities. In this regard, water was known as one of the main developmental factors, and great efforts were made in using new technical and financial possibilities in water supply and demand throughout the world. As economic activities increase, the importance of water increases, and so does the importance of studies relating to supply and demand of water. 1.2 1.2.1 General Overview of Water Water and Population Water is the source of life on the planet earth. About 70 percent of the earth’s surface and also human’s body is made from water. Most of the earth surface water (about 1338 billion km3) is in the form of oceans, and fresh water only forms three percent of the total volume of water on earth. Almost 75 percent of total fresh water (about 24 million km3) is in the form of ice caps and glaciers located in polar areas. Finally, between 12.5 and 14 billion cubic meters of water is available for human use which amounted to about 6.8 billion liters per person in the year 2001. By the year 2025 global per capita availability of freshwater is projected to drop to 4.8 billion liters per person as another two billion people join the world population. Global per capita figures on water availability, however, give a false picture, as the world’s available freshwater supply is not distributed evenly around the globe, throughout the seasons, or from year to year. Thus, in many cases water is not sufficient where or when it is necessary. In other cases we have too much water, in the wrong place, at the wrong time (Hinrichsen, Robey, & Upadhyay, 1997). For example, the amount of renewable freshwater available per capita on an annual basis ranges from 600 million liters in Iceland to only 75,000 liters per person in Kuwait, as estimated in 1995 (Gardner-Outlaw & Engleman, 1997). The world’s population is growing by about eighty million people each year. This number implies an increased demand for freshwater of about 64 billion cubic meters a year (Clarke, 1991). While population growth rates have somewhat slowed down, the absolute number of people added in each year have not done so. For example, because nearly two billion people have been added to the planet since 1970, per capita availability of water is one - third lower now than it was then (Postel, 1997). The population growth rates have ominous implications for per capita water supply in some regions such as Africa and the Near East. As their population grows, more and more countries encounter water shortage. 2 Water stress and water scarcity are the two words used to describe countries with water in short supply. When annual water supplies drop below 1,700 cubic meters (between 1,700 and 1,000 cubic meters) per person, a country is said to be encountering water stress, and as annual water supplies drop below 1,000 cubic meters per person, it is said to be facing with water scarcity. The chronic shortage of freshwater is a threat to food production, economic development, and ecosystems. Falkenmark and Widstrand (1992) developed the concepts of water stress and water scarcity based on an index of per capita freshwater needs. They estimated a minimum need of 100 liters per day per person for household use and between 5 and 20 times as much for agricultural and industrial uses. Population, fertility rate and growing water shortage for some selected countries are shown in the Table A.1 in the Appendix. 1.2.2 Water Water Uses uses include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. Agriculture is the biggest user of water in the world. It is estimated that approximately 69 percent of total water consumed in the world is for irrigation. Approximately 23 percent of world water uses are industrial activities such as power plants, ore and oil refineries, and manufacturing plants. About 8 percent of total world water is consumed for household related purposes. The world is steadily being affected by climate changes. The level of economic development, weather condition, and population are factors that affect the patterns of water usage in different countries. For instance, in Africa, 88 percent of water is used 3 for agricultural purposes where as in developed countries, most of renewable water is used in industrial activities and electricity production (Refer to Table 1-1). Table 1-1 Shares of total water use Countries Worldwide OECD* Iran Uses (%) (%) (%) Domestic 8 5 6 Industry 23 65 1 Agriculture 69 35 93 *OECD: The member countries of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development In most countries around the world, a very small proportion of water is used for drinking, cooking, washing, cleaning, irrigation of house gardens, and public services. In addition, when standard of living improves, demand for household water increases. 1.2.3 A Synopsis of Global Water Crisis Water crisis is a term referring to a situation in which the world’s water resources are disproportionate with human demand. The major aspects of the water crisis are overall scarcity of usable water, and water pollution. Approximately one billion people don't have access to clean potable water. Furthermore, more than two billion lack access to adequate sanitation. Millions of people perish every year as a result of preventable water related diseases, and this is certainly one of the biggest development failures in the modern era. Based on estimates of the Pacific Institute, over 34 million people might die in the next 20 years as a result of water-related diseases (Gleick, 2002). 4 On the other hand, global water resources are endangered by climate changes, abuse, and pollution. This, of course, could be prevented if authorities pay respect to protection of the environment using innovative water efficiency and conservation strategies, community-scale projects, smart economics, and new technologies. Figure 1-1 shows that, in 2025, water shortages will be more prevalent among poorer countries where population growth is rapid and resources are limited. This group of countries include all African and Middle Eastern countries, and parts of Asia that will have less than 650 m3 of water per person which is a severe water shortage by any standard (Johansson, 2000). Figure 1-1 Project Water Scarcity in 2025 (based on Seckler et al., 1998) 1.3 Study Scope This research focuses on water usage in agriculture sector of Iran. The crops that will be the focus of the valuation study are; wheat, barley, lentil, pea, pinto bean, onion, tomato, potato, cucumber, water melon, cotton, sugar beet. 5 Iran is the eighteenth largest country in the world. Iran consists of 30 provinces, each governed by an appointed governor. The provinces are divided into counties, and subdivided into districts and sub-districts. Important information on Iran provinces such as its capital, area, annual precipitation, and population is shown in Table B.1 in the Appendix. 1.3.1 Background of Iran Iran is located in the Middle East, the northern temperate zone to the South West of Asia. Iran’s land area is about 1.648 million km2 (636,296 square miles), and is bounded by Azerbaijan (759 km) and Armenia (48 km) in the northwest, the Caspian Sea in the north, Turkmenistan (1205 km) in the northeast, Pakistan (978 km) and Afghanistan (945km) in the east, Southern coastline (2045 km) in the south and, finally, Turkey (511 km) and Iraq (1,609 km) in the west. The Persian Gulf located in the south has an area of 232,850 square kilometers and stretches 930 km from the Arvandrood River to the Oman Sea, with an average width of 288 km. Iran has more than 3,450 rivers among which Karoun River, Atrak, Zayanderood, Sefidrood, Hirmand and Uroomiyeh are the most important ones. About 65 percent of Iran is covered by deserts, salt flats, and bare-rock Mountains. 11 percent of Iran’s total surface is covered by forests, and also, 7 percent is covered by cities, towns, villages, industrial areas and roads (See Figure1-2). 6 Figure 1-2 Map of Iran’s Borders 1.3.2 Overview of Climate in Iran Iran is an arid and semi-arid country which is characterized by long warm and dry periods covering nearly ninety percent of the country. It has a variable climate. In the south, the summers are very hot and winters are mild. In the northwest, the winters are cold with heavy snowfall and subfreezing temperatures during December and January. Spring (March, April and May) and fall (September, October and November) are relatively mild, while summers (June, July and August) are dry and hot (See Figure1-3). 7 Caspian Mild and We Caspian Mild Mediterranean with Spring Rains Mediterranean Cold Mountains Very Cold Mountains Cold Semi-Desert Hot Semi-Desert Dry Desert Hot Dry Desert Hot Coastal Dry Coastal Dry Figure 1-3 Iran Climate Map The main source of water in Iran is precipitation (both Rainfall and Snow), and water entering from Border Rivers. Total precipitation is estimated to be about 413 billion cubic meters, of which almost 295 billion cubic meters evaporates. In Iran, the mean annual rainfall is about 250 mm which is about 30 percent of the mean annual precipitation in the world. Western part of Zagrous Mountains in the west of Iran has one of the regions with heaviest precipitation. Altogether, the total potential of renewable water resources in Iran has been estimated to be 130 billion cubic meters. The country is divided into 6 main hydrological basins which are, in turn, subdivided into 37 basins (See Figure 1-4). 8 Figure 1-4 Main Basins of Iran [IWRMC] Table 1-2 shows areas, the volume per year of precipitation, and the renewable water resources (precipitation minus evapotranspiration) for the six basins of Iran. Table 1-2 Main features of regions of Iran Basin Region Name Area (km2) Precipitation Volume (mm3/year) 1 Caspian Sea 173,730 2 Urumieh Lake 51,866 3 Persian Gulf 419,802 4 Central 851,126 5 Moshkil Hirmand 107,369 6 Kashaf-rood 44,107 Source: Jamab Consulting Engineers (1999) 9 84,190 22,300 153,820 27,510 13,480 11,860 Net Precipitation Volume (mm3/year) 24,834 7,207 62,035 29,584 1,910 2,430 1.3.3 Overview of population in Iran The rate of population growth in Iran is high. The highest recorded rate of 3.9 percent occurred in 1986, and the lowest recorded rate of 1.45 percent occured during the years of 1986-1996 (Ghazi, 2002). According to the census in the year 2005, Iran’s population was 71.4 million people approximately 99 percent of which are Muslim. About 65 percent of Iran’s people are of Aryan origin. Iran’s population is relatively young; almost 34 percent of the population is under the age of 14 and 61 percent between 15 and 64 years of age. It is also expected that the population may double by 2021 (Plan and Budget Organization, 1999). 1.3.4 Overview of Agriculture Status in Iran Agriculture plays an important role in the Iranian economy. According to a report from Iran Statistics Centre in the year 2005, agriculture sector forms 11.5 percent ($170 billion) of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), one third of non-oil exports (Around $55 billion). Moreover, the sector employs about 23.4 percent of the labor force and provides more than 80 and 90 percent of the national food requirements and raw materials for domestic industries respectively. Iran’s agricultural sector is one of the most important economic sectors of the country. One-third of Iran’s total area is suitable for agriculture. However, due to poor soil and lack of adequate water distribution most of the areas are not under cultivation. In fact, only about 20 percent of the total land area is under cultivation in the form of cultivatable land, gardens and etc. According to published statistics in the 10 year 2003, about 8 million hectares of the cultivated area were irrigated; and about 9 million hectares were rain fed (See Table B.2 in the Appendix). The western and north western parts of the country have the most fertile soils. According to reports from some agencies, the various climatic zones make it possible to prepare the land for planting a great variety of crops, including fruits (pomegranate, fig, melon, orange, grape, peach, and date), cereals (rice, maize, barley, and wheat), vegetables, cotton, sugar beet and sugarcane, pistachio (38% of the world’s output in 2005), nuts, olive, spices (Press TV, 2008), tea, tobacco and medicinal herbs (Iran Daily, 2007). More than 2,000 plant species grow in Iran; only 100 out of which are being used in pharmaceutical industries. The land covered by Iran’s nature flora is four times that of the Europe’s (Mehr News, 2007). 1.4 Description of the problem Water resources are among major assets to every country. In the past decades, accompanied by increasing population, urbanization, and industrial development, there has been increased demand for water. The increasing water demand has caused an alarming decrease in annual per capita renewable water resources. Based on the studies conducted by the United Nations (UN) experts, the per capita water resources of Iran are projected to be about 726-860 m3 in 2025 compared with 2,200 m3 in 1990. By the year 2025, Iran is expected to fall into the category of countries with critical water scarcity (Mousavi, 2005). Nowadays in the most arid and semi-arid areas of Iran, people are facing with insufficient supply of water and it is recognized as one of the major constraints to 11 economic development. In such areas, the main problem in water management is matching supply and demand for water. Demand for water increases due to population growth and economic activities especially those in agriculture. However, the supply of water has remained constant, resulting in shortage or scarcity of water for future needs. Currently, about 89.5 out of 130 cubic billion meters of renewable water (68.85%) is yearly used in the country. Thus, in view of the current population of Iran (71.4 million), the current consumption of renewable water is 1900 cubic meters per capita. Hence, based on Falken Mark Index, Iran is on the verge of water crisis. Likewise, based on the indices of International Institute of Water Management (IIWM), Iran is in severe water crisis. According to IIWM report, Iran should add to its water resources around 112% to maintain the current situation, an amount that seems impossible in light of the capacity of existing water resources. The world population growth and limited water resources have resulted in a shortage of agricultural products in Middle Eastern countries, especially Iran. Iran is located in an arid and semi-arid area. Based upon the accomplished studies in Iran Water Comprehensive Plan, renewable water resources of Iran amount to 130 billion cubic meters approximately. It has been show that of all current renewable water resources of Iran, about 83 billion cubic meters (93%) is taken up by the agricultural sector. As one of the major economic sectors in Iran, the agricultural sector is encountering rareness of water resources. Of all 165 million hectares of the country’s area, about 12 20 million hectares (12.2%) are irrigated, and 17 million hectares (10.3%) are in the form of dryland. According to (Keshavarz, Ashraft, Hydari, Pouran, & Farzaneh, 2005), 6.4 million out of the 37 million hectares of agricultural lands are under annually irrigated crops, 2 million hectares are under horticultural crops, and about 6.2 million hectares are under annual dryland crops; the remaining 3.9 million hectares are fallow. Of the country’s total area, 90 million hectares are pasture land and 12.4 million hectares are forests. Based upon the available data, the areas receiving full irrigation in Iran total to 5 million hectares (Refer to Table 1-3 ). At least 1.6 and 1.8 million hectars of the irrigated areas are suffering from severe and moderate water stress, respectively (Keshavarz et al., 2005). Table 1-3 Agricultural lands area on holdings with cropland Area Irrigated Rainfed Uses Cropland (ha) Cropland (ha) Land under annual crops 5141153 6505877 Fallow 1873689 2676453 Orchards & nuserie 1282188 185846 Total 8297031 9368176 Source: Statistical center of Iran - Iran statistical book 2006 Total (ha) 11647026 4550142 1468034 17665198 In the past 80 years, rapid growth of population has been one of the most important factors contributing to the decrease in per capita renewable water in Iran. Within a period of 80 years, the population of Iran has increased about seven times. Consequently, annual per capita of renewable water has decreased from 13000 cubic meters in the year 1921 to 1750 cubic meters in the year 2006. In view of the decreasing per capita renewable water, it is anticipated that food security will be a serious challenge in the coming decades. On the other side, due to low efficiency of agricultural irrigation systems, about 50 to 60 percent of the 13 renewable water devoted to agriculture is squandered. This has caused agricultural water productivity to be very low (Keshavarz et al., 2005). Efficient usage of irrigation water in Iran is one of the most important contributing factors to producing as much food as required at present and in the future. Suitable planning, price policies, management, and education for efficient application in this sector is one of the most important policies of the Iran’s government (Keshavarz et al., 2005). Studies have revealed that the overall irrigation efficiency in Iran ranges from 33 to 37 percent which is lower than average worldwide irrigation efficiency. This rate of irrigation efficiency implies that the average consumption of irrigation water in the country is high compared to corresponding worldwide usage (Keshavarz et al., 2005). A research conducted by the Iranian Agricultural Engineering Research Institute in 1999 revealed that the consumption efficiency depended on farm management, method of irrigation, growth stage, and type of crop. Furthermore, consumption efficiency was found to vary between 24.7 and 55.7 percent. The overall irrigation including transmission efficiency was found to vary between 15 and 36 percent (Keshavarz et al., 2005). The study also pointed out that increasing the economic value of water is one of the major objectives in the Iran Economic Development Program. Increase in the economic value of water is possible when the yield or return per specific volume of 14 water increases. For this reason it is preferable to use the available water supply for producing commodities with higher economic efficiency, and/or to use it in regions where its return is of greater economic value. Not paying the real price of water, may convey the demander the illusion that the value of water is really the low price they are paying. Hence, the cheapness of water would create no incentive for the economization of water. Furthermore, it wouldn’t encourage the firms to invest in water sources, since the profit is very low. Studies has indicated that underpricing of irrigation water results in an inefficient use of scarce water resources. In other words, water is squandered due to underpricing. Based on current regulations, the price of regulated surface water is between 1 and 3 percent of the value of the cultivated crops. A chronicle of Iranian irrigation pricing policies, since 1937 till now is shown in Table 1-4. Table 1-4 Time process of irrigation fee in Iran Date Pricing System 1937 1942 1954 1967 1971 1981 1985 1986 1988 1999 Politic - Social Politic - Social Economic - Social Economic - Social Economic - Social Economic - Social Economic - Social Politic - Social Politic - Social Economic - Social Computing Method of water rate Stone Four Stream Farmer Situation Volumetric (m3) Volumetric (m3) Volumetric (m3) Volumetric (m3) Volumetric (m3) Hectare Hectare Volumetric (m3) Identification Base of water rate Operating cost and maintenance Local price Average cost Average cost Average cost Average cost Average cost Per four hectare, $ 0.015 Four percent of product 1-3 percent of value of the cultivated crop Source: Iran Water Resources Management Company (2008) Social and political water pricing is used to cover maintenance and operation costs. The purpose of the method is to supply cheap water to farmers, financial 15 independence to manager and protection to consumers. Government in this way accepts investment costs while the manager does not participate in operational costs. This way, the price of water are kept extremely low and used to increase agricultural income from irrigated areas. This pricing method is not related to actual costs. Managers in such systems receive their remuneration through operational costs. In cases where operation and maintenance costs are not paid, government usually reimburses the system through subsidy. In the system, water rate is determined to cover all or part of the investment costs (with interest or without interest) including maintenance and operational cost. The purpose of the method is to encourage farmers to participate in investment. Essentially, the investment done by the government will be reimbursed by farmers through pricing. The reimbursement is done in two ways A) Repay part of the total investment done B) To repay the total used investment Based on the above discussions, determination of crop water requirements and cropping pattern for each region and specification of volumetric allocation of water have been considered to be the major objectives in increasing the economic value of water. Price mechanism is applied to balance production and consumption of economical goods and services. Being an economical good, irrigation water must be optimally allocated based on economic theories and price mechanism. Thus, planning for efficient use and conservation of water resources is of special interest, and in this 16 regard, prices can play an effective and an important role in achieving and maintaining equilibrium between supply and demand of water. Determination of per cubic meter price for water, and establishing a suitable allocation of it among different activities such as agriculture, industry and urban use have always been one of the most fundamental problems economists, policy makers, and planners in the water and agricultural sector have been encountering. According to Latinopoulos et al., (2004) in developed countries, the price of agricultural water is far below its economic value and farmers often pay for water little or nothing at all. Consequently, farmers have little incentive to conserve water or avoid from cultivation of highly water-consuming crops. Apart from politics, the other critical factor equally contributing to the inefficiency of water allocation is the conspicuous lack of suitable pricing of irrigation water (Johansson, 2000; Latinopoulos et al., 2004). Based on the available agricultural statistics in the year 2001, 93% of gathered water in Iran was consumed by the agricultural sector. Despite the huge demand of this sector for water, the price for water that farmers pay is very low. A considerable number of studies have been carried out to measure the value of water in the agricultural sector. All the studies agree on the fact that the paid price for water is lower than the real value to farmers. An initial estimation shows that the average water price in modern irrigation networks is only $ 0.0003 per m3. At the equilibrium condition, the water price must be equal to the value of an increase in yield on one side and the increase in gathered water cost on the other side. Price can and has been 17 used to equilibrate supply and demand. Nonetheless, unfortunately, the pricing system has not been exerted to solve the water problem in Iran’s agricultural sector. 1.5 Research Questions Previous studies shows that the water usage in the agricultural sector of development countries is inefficient. Hence, to improve efficiency, considerable improvement is necessary through policy changes, including reforming the existing water pricing structure. There are many factors that determine an effective pricing mechanism for irrigation water. This research focuses on issues related the estimates of water demand for the agricultural sector in Iran, the price elasticity of irrigation water and effective pricing policies. Hence, this research will find answers to the following questions: 1. Are the current prices in Iran’s agricultural sector effective? 2. Would an increase in irrigation fee have an effect on decreasing the agricultural water usage? 3. Which pricing mechanism (pricing based on AVC, MC, and VMP) is efficient for irrigation water in Iran’s agricultural sector? 4. Can water price play an effective role in determining the quantity of irrigation water consumed? 5. Is the price elasticity of demand for irrigation water greater than one in Iran’s agricultural sector? 6. Is there a positive relationship between crop quantity and demand for water? 18 1.6 Research Hypotheses The hypotheses of this research include: 1. Price of Irrigation water is inefficient. In other words, water demand is inelastic with respect to its current price. 2. Price elasticity of water in Iran’s agricultural sector is negative and less than one. 3. In Iran’s agricultural sector, pricing structure, based on marginal cost and average variable cost of water (from water supplier), has no effect on decreasing water usage by farmers. 4. In Iran’s agricultural sector, pricing structure, based on value of marginal product, has the effect of decreasing water usage. 5. In Iran’s agricultural sector, crop quantity has a significant effect on water usage. 1.7 Research Objectives The main objective of this research is to analyze alternative pricing mechanisms and to determine its impact on water demand. The specific objectives are: 1. To investigate the existing water pricing policy 2. To estimate water demand functions according to current price, Value of Marginal Product (VMP), Average Variable Cost (AVC) and Short Run Marginal Cost (SRMC). 3. To analyze the impact of alternative pricing mechanism on the demand for irrigation water 19 4. To recommend a suitable mechanism for determining an efficient pricing system for irrigation water 1.8 Significance of the study As aforementioned, Iran is located in arid and semi-arid areas, and Iranian people are encountering insufficient supply of water. The demand for water increases due to population growth and economic activities especially in agriculture. However, the supply of water has remained unchanged resulting in shortage or scarcity of water for future needs. On one hand, the agricultural sector is one of the most important economic sectors of Iran; on the other hand, water is the most limiting factor for production. In fact, close to 93 percent of the renewable water in Iran is used in the agricultural sector. Unfortunately, due to cheapness of water and losses through leakage, evaporation, and etc., only 30 to 40 percent of the irrigation water (of the 93%) is effectively available for crop production. Iranian authorities are well aware of this problem and have always been conscious of the urgent need to improve the efficient application of water in agriculture by proper policy changes, technological solutions, and other alternatives. According to (Molle & Berkoff, 2007) water pricing mechanism can be used as primary means for regulating irrigation water consumption, cost recovery, and conservation. Hence, a study on the irrigation water pricing is necessary to achieve an efficient application of irrigation water in Iran. This study is able to fill some of the gaps present in researches conducted previously. First, it provides consistent and comprehensive estimates of water prices (values) 20 across several regions of Iran. Second, this study reveals that kind and value of crops, and geographical factors have significant effect on water demand and price. Finally, this study shows that with current prices, farmers are not using water efficiently. So far, no such study on the irrigation water pricing has been conducted in Iran. It follows that reform in agricultural water pricing can significantly save a large amount of water. Indeed, low water prices generally lead to waste while higher prices promotes conservation. Results of the study would be important in highlighting that water is wasted because it is underpriced. 1.9 Organization of the study This study is organized into five chapters. The current chapter serves as the introduction of the subject matter and the problem statement of the study. It also highlighted the importance of the study. It also offers the outline of the study. Chapter two is a comprehensive review of water pricing mechanism based on relevant literatures. More so, the existing water pricing practice in Iran is described in the chapter. The method of analysis adopted in this study will equally be elaborated in the chapter also. Chapter three discusses the theoretical framework represented in the study. It includes a conditional derived demand for irrigated water based on cost, description, justification of the variables involved, experimental model designs, and methods used to achieve the stated objectives. Chapter four presents an econometric model of panel data used to estimate the demand for irrigated water for wheat, barley, lentil, pea, pinto bean, onion, tomato, 21 potato, cucumber, water melon, cotton, and sugar beet. Next, the inputs price elasticity and crop amount are extracted and key information highlighted in the form of text and tables. Chapter four also presents the results, interpretations and conclusions associated with them. Finally, the chapter also computes input price elasticity and crop quantity based on average variable cost, marginal cost and value of marginal production. The final chapter presents a summary of findings, policy implication and conclusion of the study. Recommendations for future researches are also presented. 22 CHAPTER II 2 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW General Survey of Water Pricing Water pricing is a means of achieving one or more usage-policy purposes. According to (Molle & Berkoff, 2007), water charge is capable of acting as a financial means directed to recover all or part of the recurrent and capital costs. It’s noteworthy that recovery of recurrent costs is critical, especially to keep the physical integrity of the system when money that belongs to the government is to be used for public goods. Moreover, water charge can be an economic tool designed to preserve water and raise its productivity by promoting, (i) cautious management and water conservation; (ii) cultivation of crops requiring less water, and investments in water-saving technologies; and (iii) diverting water to high value agriculture and/or other sectors. Finally, a charge may also be an environmental instrument to oppose water pollution and improve water quality (Molle & Berkoff, 2007). There has been recently a trend in the world to promote the efficiency of water use. As an economic good, water can no longer be treated as a free commodity. It has been proven to be quite necessary that in order to achieve a sustainable, efficient and environmentally sound water resource development and management, all the user sectors such as agriculture, industry and household must pay for their water usage. Water pricing is an important means of improving water allocation and encouraging users to conserve water resources (Sahibzada, 2002). 23 Several studies have been conducted on the impact of water price on demand for it. Gottlieb (1963) formulated the effects of income and price on domestic demand for water. The demand was an aggregation of industrial, commercial, and public uses served by municipal water systems throughout the Kansas state. He drew the conclusion that “price increase tends to depress per capita consumption of water temporarily.” Gardner and Schick (1964) examined factors affecting urban household uses of water in the northern Utah. They found that plumbing price and lot size were significant. North (1967) claimed that the best fitting equation for estimating residential use of water within the city of Athens must include number of family members, number of baths in dwellings, existence and area of gardens and lawn areas, and market value of residences. The income and price elasticities were 0.83 and 0.67 respectively. Linaweaver et al. (1967) found that water demands throughout a country vary over a wide range from one season/area to another. Most of the differences between summer and winter usage of water in residential areas is attributed to lawn irrigation. Thus, authors separate domestic and sprinkling demands from each other by subtracting the amount of seasonal variation from the total. Lesser water use in apartment areas in comparison to single family dwelling residential areas reflects the relatively smaller lawn areas adjacent to apartment buildings. In areas with metered public water and sewer systems, higher water use in the west results from the lack of natural precipitation during summers. In areas with septic tanks, the annual water use was less than that in areas with public answers. Water use in flat rate areas is more than twice as great as that in metered block rate areas. 24 Guilbe (1969) found that type of dwelling, and property value, public apartments were not suitable as a basis to explain and predict water demand. Instead, the number of bedrooms was found to be more appropriate for this purpose. Saunders (1969) identified the factors closely related to water usage in urban areas, both for inter- and intra-community basis. The population, value added, land area, and number of autos turned out to be the primary variables affecting total water usage in metropolises. Burke (1970) developed an econometric model of municipal water requirements which unified variables reflecting the various factors affecting water demand. He used log-linear functions and concluded that in New York city, important variables were estimated precipitation, number of families and people served; whereas, in California, they were estimated number of retail establishments, value added by manufacturers, and population being served. Hanke (1970) investigated the effects of a change from flat rate to a metered one of the price structure for the residential water demand in Boulder, Colorado. According to his findings, (i) domestic demand was reduced by 36 percent but stabilized at the lower level thereafter; (ii) with the introduction of meters, sprinkling demand not only was substantially reduced but also continued to decline every year during the study period. Wong (1972) investigated the impact of income, price and average summer temperature on consumer’s behavior of demand for water in Chicago. He found that, 25 (i) summer temperature was the most significant variable in both areas; (ii) the income elasticity obtained from the time series analysis for Chicago was significant at 2 percent, but not for outside communities; (iii) the price elasticity obtained from a time series analysis was not significant for Chicago, but was significant at a level of 5 percent for outside communities; (iv) the price elasticity obtained for both areas from a cross-sectional analysis was significant at a level of 5 percent; however, the income elasticity was significant at a level of 2 percent only in the two more populated areas; (v) cross-sectional analysis yielded larger coefficients of income and price elasticity than those from time series analysis; however, they showed larger values of standard error of the estimate and lower R2 values. Morgan (1973) collected information and data about number of persons per dwelling unit, annual water usage, and market value of a dwelling unit as a function of annual quantity of demand for domestic water and estimated the function of water demand. Eliminating water price since it was fixed. He found that the number of people per dwelling unit to be the primary factor in the determination of domestic water consumption. Howe (1982) used two marginal price variables and price difference for estimating linear function of water demand for both non domestic and domestic usages. Williams and Suh (1986) estimated the model of water demand separately for business, household, and industry consumption. They introduced market size and the level of economic activities as variables in functions for business and industry demands. In functions for household water demand, they incorporated variables such 26 as price, per capita income, temperature, rainfall, dimension of dwelling as the major factors. Aghthe and Billings (1987) estimated a simultaneous equation model of demand to determine the price elasticity of demand for households within each income group. They found that higher income households not only used more water but also had lower elasticity of demand. That is, a uniform proportional rate increase causes a larger percentage drop in water usage among low income households than among those with lower income. Rhodes and Sampath (1988) showed how optimal pricing system depends on the relative capital intensities between large and small farmers. They also presented a large volume of literature dealing with irrigation water management in general and water pricing in particular. In the documents, also are compared six alternative methods of distribution and pricing irrigation water in developing countries. The methods were then ranked on the basis of equity in the distribution of income, allocation efficiency in production, and cost recovery to the supplying authority. Nieswiadomy and Molina (1991) indicated that households are responding to marginal price when facing with increasing block rate structures, and to average price when facing with decreasing block rates. Tsur and Dinar (2002) highlighted the equity and efficiency performance of various irrigation water pricing methods. A review of water pricing practices enabled them to arrive at two conclusions, (i) water pricing can improve income reallocation only if 27 water quota rules are enforced; (ii) water pricing methods that affect the demand for irrigation water ensure its efficient use. These studies are mainly on the characteristics of different price systems. Being based on a variety of case studies on the execution of water pricing reforms, the studies indicate that there are many difficulties in executing more efficient pricing rules. Theoretical water pricing models are, however, rare and mostly scattered in the scientific literature. These studies are also important to water public service managers and to water supply industry regulators who have to establish exact water pricing systems for particular conditions in which their customers operate. Ghazali et al. (2010) recently published a paper titled review of water pricing theories and related models which developed a wide range of methods for pricing water. 2.2 Pricing Methods of Irrigation Water According to Johansson (2000), the basic role of prices is to help distribute rare resources among competing users and uses. Pricing of water affects distribution considerations by different user. He stated that a diversity of methods for water pricing has arisen which are dependent on economic and natural conditions. The usual pricing methods for irrigation water include volumetric pricing, nonvolumetric pricing methods (such as output pricing and input pricing, or area pricing), market-based pricing methods, and quotas. These methods often result from insufficient information regarding actual consumption amounts. Volumetric pricing 28 mechanisms charge for irrigation water based on use of actual volume of water (Johansson, 2000). He also indicated that non-volumetric methods charge for irrigation water is based on land values, or per area or per output/input basis. However, the mechanisms of pricing based on market are needed to address waterpricing inefficiencies intrinsic to existing irrigation institutions. Market-based mechanisms rely on market pressures and nicely specified water rights to determine the irrigation water price (Johansson, 2000). The efficiency, equity and implementation costs associated with these practices are summarized in Table 2-1. 2.2.1 Volumetric Pricing Method According to Johansson (2000), volumetric pricing mechanisms charge for irrigation water using a measurement of the quantity of water consumed. He added that such mechanisms call for information on the volume of water used by each user. He also pointed out that water meters make volumetric pricing straightforward, involving routine maintenance and periodic meter readings. Volumetric pricing costs are fairly high and entail water user association, or require a central water authority to set a price, collect fees, and monitor usage. Volumetric approach consists of, (i) indirect calculations based on measurement of minutes of known flow (as from a reservoir) or minutes of uncertain flow (proportion of the flow of a river); and (ii) charges for a given minimal volume even if it is not actually consumed. Volumetric charges are fairly common in groundwater irrigation systems (Sahibzada, 2002). 29 Table 2-1 Comparison of pricing methods Pricing scheme Potential efficiency Time Equity horizon of efficiency Short-run User-pays Fairness Implementati on costs Characteristics Single-rate volumetric First-best Complicated Requires water use monitoring Multi-rate Volumetric (Tiered) Two-part First-best Short-run Can be used to target ... Relatively complicated Requires water use monitoring First-best Long-run As above As above Output/input Secondbest Per area Secondbest Short-run As above Short-run/ long-run As above Relatively complicated Less complicated Easy Quotas Short-run As above Easy Requires cost and benefit information ... Requires developed water .... Water markets First-best (when tradable) First-best Short-run/ long-run Depends Difficult on type of market Source: Johansson et al. 2002 (Adapted from Tsur and Dinar ,1995). Requires input/output... Requires cropping ... He also pointed out that the optimal volumetric pricing rule requires that water price is set equal to marginal cost of water supply. In the absence of a water market, a water user organization or central water authority is needed to monitor use, set the price, and collect fees. The implementation cost associated with volumetric pricing is relatively high. In fact, an optimal volumetric price would equal, (i) in the absence of implementation costs, the (variable) cost of supply equal the cost of delivery; (ii) in the presence of implementation costs, the marginal delivery cost plus marginal implementation cost. In multi-rate volumetric method (tiered pricing), water rates change as the amount of water consumed exceeds certain threshold values. It is usual when water supply or 30 demand have periodic daily/seasonal variations. During periods of excess demand, the water price accounts for water scarcity, and is increased by the scarcity rent. On the other hand, during periods of excess supply, setting the water price equal to the marginal cost of supply would result in (short-run) efficiency. On the other side is a two-part tariff pricing method, which includes two elements, (i) an access charge (aims to recover, at a minimum, the fixed costs of the service associated with supplying the user); (ii) a constant marginal price per unit of water purchased (volumetric marginal cost pricing). This pricing method has been supported, and practiced, in situations where a public utility produces with marginal cost below average cost, and needs to recover variable and fixed costs (Johansson et al., 2002). According to Sahibzada (2002), the two - part tariff includes two main components, a volumetric charge and an access charge. The main objective of the two-part tariff is to achieve an efficient pricing which addresses both demand and supply sides. Supply efficiency needs sufficient recuperation of costs to sustain the provision of services required by customers. Demand efficiency requires that customers are charged not less nor more than the cost of producing a unit of service for them. Brazil uses the two - part tariff systems (a volumetric water charge to recover operation and maintenance costs, and a per hectare water charge to recover the public investment in off - farm irrigation infrastructure) in water pricing. In addition, the government is allowed to recover from small farmers public investments to acquire land and on - farm equipment (Sahibzada, 2002). 31 The two-part tariff system is an ideal pricing system for the water sector when the objective is cost improvement and financial sustainability of the system. Nevertheless, it suffers from a potential inefficiency effect if the access charge exceeds the net benefit of the service for an individual user (which might happen for small users). In such a case, the user will withdraw from the system since they are better off without it even though the marginal cost is less than the marginal benefit of the service (Sahibzade, 2002). He also indicated that irrigation water charges is comprises a two - part tariff containing a volumetric water charge to recover maintenance and operation costs, and a per hectare water charge to recover the public investment on an off - farm irrigation foundation. 2.2.2 Non – Volumetric Pricing Method Non-volumetric pricing is utilized when volumetric pricing is impossible. As a mentioned above, several pricing methods have been proposed for irrigation service in practice: per area pricing, per output pricing (which calls for knowledge of user’s outputs, but obviates the need for water use measurement), per input pricing (which charges users for water consumption through a tax on inputs, for example per unit charge for each kilogram of fertilizer purchased), and betterment levy pricing (Johansson et al, 2002). 32 The Output Pricing Method According to Tsur and Dinar (2002), output pricing procedures charge farmers a water fee for each unit of output they produce. Thus, output pricing requires data from the output level of each farmer. Its advantage is that it does away with the need for measuring individual water consumption which is a more costly and unachievable task in many regions (particularly in developing countries). When implementation costs are zero, the allocation earned under output pricing is second - best, and output pricing is inferior to volumetric pricing (that is, it produces a lower social benefit). On the other hand, when implementation costs are not zero, the allocation earned under output pricing is the first - best allocation. The Input Pricing Method Input pricing procedures charge water use via taxing inputs. Irrigators pay a water fee per each unit of a certain input use (for example, fertilizer). The Area Pricing Method Area pricing charge for water is the most usual procedure of irrigation water pricing found. Under this pricing mechanism, farmers are charged for water used per irrigated area. The procedure often depends on the type and quantity of crops supplied with water, the season, and some other factors. Rates are typically greater for pumped water from storage than for gravity flow from stream diversion (Johansson, 2000). 33 Area pricing is easy to perform and administer and does not require water transmission facilities to be metered. This procedure requires only farm size data (if a unified fee is used) or only land - by - crop data (if the per hectare water fees vary across crops). Simplicity and low agency costs associated with this method are reflected in its (Johansson et al., 2002). In area pricing, for the right to receive irrigation water, users pay a fixed per hectare/acre fee that, once paid, can no longer affect decisions regarding input and output, but can affect the choice of crop or persuade some farmers to switch to unirrigated farming. For users who pay the water fee, the demand for irrigation water is greater than it would be under marginal cost pricing, and the resulting water allocation is inefficient. However, the execution costs connected with per area pricing are lower than those associated with volumetric or output pricing. Thus, area pricing may well generate a higher social benefit (Johansson et al., 2002). 2.2.3 The Market - based Pricing Method Tsur and Dinar (2002) indicated that water markets are of different forms throughout the world, in industrial and developing countries. They also pointed out that water markets may be formal or informal, organized or natural. Their participants may trade water on the spot or for future delivery, or they may trade water rights (for example, the right to purchase some quantities of water at a particular price during specific periods of time). They also indicated that, in a stylized water market, yearly, each farmer is given a water endowment and is free to sell or buy such shares of entitlements from other 34 farmers at the going rate. Such entitlement may be based on historical or legal rights, or they may be set by a deputed or assigned committee or water agency. In the absence of implementation costs, the basic premise of modern economics is that under certain conditions (that include a competitive environment, fully informed agents operating under certainty, no externalities, and no increasing returns to scale in production), markets achieve a first - best efficiency (Johansson, 2000). In the case of water, due to expensiveness of its transport, water markets tend to be localized, consisting of a limited number of participants some of whom may be able to influence outcomes. Meanwhile, water markets induce the transfer of water from less productive to more productive farmers, and eliminate corruption incentives to which centralized allocation mechanisms are more sensitive. Water supply is often uncertain; thus, water resources may be shared by many users who inflict externalities on one another. Finally, water supply systems may exhibit increasing returns to scale. Hence, water markets are unlikely to achieve a first - best allocation in practice. Nowadays, special attention is paid to the use of markets in water allocation due to emerging scarcity and inefficient allocation and use of water resources. An increasing number of studies have focused on specific policy implications of water market and trading. Dinar et al. (1997) stated that market-based allocation is considered economically efficient from both individual and social viewpoints. They argued that under certain 35 conditions, market mechanism is able to secure water supply for high-value uses in different sectors without need for developing new, costly water resources. They claimed that such conditions include, defining the original allocation of water rights, creating the institutional and legal frameworks for trade, and investing in basic necessary infrastructure to allow water transfers. They also indicated that by allowing compensation for water sold by low-value uses, water markets provide a stimulus for more efficient water use. According to Sahibzada (2002), there are cases of both informal (when recharge is adequate and there are a sufficient number of sellers in the market) and formal (when the legalizing of water trading and recording of water-use right exist) water markets. Most informal markets are located in the irrigated areas of South Asia while the formal ones can be found in North and South America. Easter et al., (1997) stated six essential arrangements for an efficient, sustainable and equitable water market. When such arrangements are distorted, achieving first - best allocations is unlikely. For example, when the development of water markets is generally localized (for water is expensive to transport), the number of users and suppliers is limited which, in turn, may lead to a non-competitive market, and may preclude first-best allocations. By the way, when first-best conditions are distorted, second-best market allocations may surpass volumetric pricing in efficiency. The essential arrangements mentioned above requires, (i) a management organization; (ii) institutional arrangements that set up water rights as detachable from land rights (iii) an effective resolution mechanism; (iv) a flexible infrastructure; 36 and, (v) internalization of externalities. Besides, equity concerns, such as future and social goals, need to be addressed. 2.2.4 The Quotas Method In this method, water user (farmer) will have to pay some part of their productions to the water authority (water sellers) as water fee. Johansson et al. (2002), stated that the quotas method is efficient when using base prices on the marginal cost of acquiring more water plus its rareness value. They also argued that incidental prices based on marginal costs are often too high for low income farmers. They alleged that quota allotments are, in many cases, used to mitigate fairness or resource management issues that arise with a water market or marginal cost pricing. 2.3 Pricing Mechanism and Accomplished Studies in Iran In every region of Iran, water rate is determined based on the aforementioned theories, and economic, social and geographical conditions. 2.3.1 Urban Water Methods usually employed to determine urban water price will be discussed below. One-part tariff and multi-part tariff The simplest form of water tariff is a fixed monthly (flat-rate), as well as another form of water rate which is in order to consumption water unit that measure by meter. 37 Multi-part tariff comprises two, three or more components, and also additional components such as annual evaluation on the basis of minimum asset value, water rate, fixed water rate and etc. The most common type of tariff is a two – parted one with flat rate. Using this type of tariff, without reference to consumption in the past, season or region, is cause parsimony in subscriber water consumption. Declining Block Rate or Promotional Pricing In this type of rate, water consumption per bill is divided into some blocks, and distinct prices for each block are determined. The prices decline with use increase and form declining block rate and water rates decline consecutively. Using this kind of rate does not create motive for parsimony. Incremental Block Pricing Under this type of rate, with an increase in consumption block price is increased in the same direction. This tariff may be when user pays one price for total usage, but with usage increase, price for upper block is increased. Implicit assumption of this type of rate is recognition of remunerative consumer and justice in payment for water. 38 Mixed Block Rate This type of rate is a combination of promotional pricing and incremental block pricing as its components. Normally, prices are firstly ascending and then descending. In this sort of rate, there always is a minimum payment. Block rate and prices are declining for users with under - consumption and increasing for those with over - consumption. Seasonal Rate Demand for water and its production cost varies all year round (demand is increased when weather is warm and dry) and water authorities offer various prices for different seasons. For example, in summer water authorities use higher prices to encourage consumers to decrease their consumption of water. Using various rates in summer is the most effective method in comparison with using maximum prices in this season. Whereas seasonal price differential reflects seasonal change of parsimony costs, rates could be a strong motive for economical return, conservation and justice. Accomplished Studies Kollahi (1991) estimated the potable water demand in Shiraz city. He used time series data for estimation of demand functions such as total demand, domestic demand, non-domestic demand and demand for various seasons. He used time series - cross section statistics for variables such as number per dwelling unit of people in house area and court yard area. Results showed that consumption of potable water for domestic and non-domestic purposes in various seasons has been more than 39 quantity of minimal water necessary for living. On the other hand, water demand has a positive relationship with house area and a negative one with number per dwelling unit of people in court yard area. Saeid nia (1996) estimated the demand function of urban water for Qom city. He used in his estimation variables such as water consumption, water average price, number of subscriber and house income average. He found that which price elasticity and water income were negative. Sadr et al. (1994) estimated the quantity of water demand for Tehran city with the assumption that it was a function of water price, income, number of subscribers and temperature. They used statistic and information of time series for a period of 14 year and 10 seasons. They found that variables such as income and temperature were not significant, and quantity of water demanded had a direct relationship with number of subscribers and an indirect one with price. Hassanli (2006) analyzed the cost and water values of components by considering water as an economical good, and measured the volume of water used for citrus production by drip system in Darab region in Iran. He found that the real value of water is much more than the final water cost, and suggested a price which indicates the high value of water in the study region. He obtained water value, final water cost, the value of marginal production of water, and a price for water. His suggested prices for water were 824, 319.5, 374.4 and 55 Rials/m3, respectively. 40 Jafari (2007) provided an overview of the theoretical issues and operational models for estimating the value and cost of water in Alavian Dam, Iran. He concluded that the full cost of water for dam and the irrigation network would be 92 and 182 Rials/m3 respectively with an average of 174 Rial/m3. 2.3.2 Agricultural Water As mentioned in chapter one, Iran is facing with drought and agriculture sector uses about 93 percent of irrigation water in Iran. Water is used for crop irrigation, and to leach salt from soils, and to regulate crop temperature. The system of agriculture in Iran uses surface and ground water resources prominently. Users have no control over the availability and quantity of water, and there is no a market for trading ground/surface water in Iran. According to Keshavarz et al. (2005), half of the fully irrigated areas are equipped with modern irrigation systems and are operated by governmental organizations; the rest are operated by the private sector, with groundwater as resources. Current prices for agricultural water depends on crops, source kind of water supply (surface or groundwater), and area to be irrigated. In Iran’s agricultural sector, the current price of irrigation water is derived from the value of the crops to which it is applied. For instance, for traditional networks, semi - modern irrigation networks and modern irrigation networks, water rates are one, two and three percents from the value of the crops respectively. Hence, this method needs information on prices of outputs in each province. Its advantage is that it does not require measurement of 41 individual’s water consumption which is very expensive or even impossible in many regions. Private sector supplies water from groundwater resources, and charges farmers a water fee based on abstraction charge (almost one percent of the value of the crops) which is determined by government. In determining the real price of water, compensation costs (in groundwater) and cost of pumping water should be taken into account. Although water prices have gone up from time to time during recent decades, they have never risen as fast as the prices received for agricultural commodities. This pattern of charges encourages wasteful use of the country’s most limiting resources. According to Sahibzada (2002) noting the growing shortage of water in Iran, a reasonable water price policy could be the key to rare water resource development. Accomplished Studies Keramatzade et al. (2006) used linear programming technique for determination of the economic value of agricultural water in Shirvan Barzo Dam, Iran. They have been considered the shadow price of water resource as an economic value which was equal value of marginal product after earned optimal cropping pattern for integrated farm and horticulture. Hossein zad & Salami (2005) evaluated the effect of the choice of production function on the estimated structural parameters. They also revealed the importance of correct functional form specification to prevent incorrect policy implications. 42 They estimated a number of flexible and inflexible functional forms which are assumed to represent the wheat production process in Alavian region. Next, they computed the economic values of water based on the estimated parameters of various production functions. They compared the economic value of water input which was derived from parameters of the correctly specified functional form; then, they indicated that using the econometric criterion and specification of tests, with those of the inappropriate functional forms, reveals a substantial difference between the computed values for the water input. Salami & Mohammad nejad (2002) used the flexible production functions, and estimated the economic value of irrigation water in Saveh region. They found the shadow price per cubic meter of irrigation water at farm gate to be 215, 386, 342 and 265 Rials for use in wheat, cotton, cucumbers, and pomegranate productions, respectively. A comparison of estimated and the current price of water shows that the economic value of irrigation water is much higher than what is currently received by the local water authorities. Under these circumstances, an inefficient use of water and the lack of incentives in investing in water saving technology are expected. Hossein zad et al. (2007) stated that some inputs in agricultural products are quasifixed in nature (like water in Iran), and there is no defined market for them. These input prices were not determined by market and there were no suitable and efficient price for them. Next, they employed non-market methods for determining the economic value (real price) of water for staple crops (wheat and onion) in the Maragheh- Bonab Plain using flexible production functions approach. They found 43 that the economic value of water used in wheat and onion production were almost 248 and 291 Rials per cubic meter, respectively. They concluded that the estimated prices are much higher than local prices of these inputs. Chizari et al. (2006) used goal programming approach for determination of optimum cropping pattern and economic value of irrigation water in three regions in Shirvan Barzo Dam located in the north of Khorasan province. They computed the economic value or shadow price of water with sensitivity analysis of constraints. According to their study the estimated economic value of water ranges between 56 and 2227 Rials. Using an engineering economic approach, Mansouri & Ghiasi (2002) estimated the cost of irrigation water at the point of reservoir dams in Azarbaijan Gharbi province for the two year period of 1998-99. They found the real price of water to be much higher than that applied by water authorities. They pointed out that the mentality behind such changes should be towards promoting water from a free input, as it is considered by many at present, as a commodity of economic value. Asadi et al. (2007) in their seminal study, estimated (1) the value of marginal product of irrigation water, (2) the cost of irrigation water, (3) the cost of production per hectare for different groups, (4) the price elasticity of water demand; and (5) the water price by Gardner method in Ghazvin plain in 1995. The irrigation area under Taleghan Dam was divided into five homogenous regions on the basis of the cost for providing water and the length of the water canal. The required data were then obtained from 127 farmers who were selected from 24 villages of Ghazvin plain using a suitable sampling method. In this study, water demand function and the 44 values of marginal production will be estimated by linear programming, econometric and engineering economic methods. Results show that the price elasticity is less than one, and demand for water relative to its price tends to be inelastic. The marginal production value of water was more than the price received by authorities. Average price of agriculture water is estimated about 65 rials per (m3) by Gardner method. The marginal production value of water for users groups (<10ha) in five regions estimated 65,148,190,230 and 102 rials while for farmers groups (>10 ha) was 208, 113, 77, 69 and 120 rials, respectively. Zare (2006) estimated the suitable production function for economic value calculation per unit of groundwater in Kerman province. He also estimated the cost and social welfare functions, and calculated the side effects of excessive pumping using social welfare function was earned. Lastly, using production function, he calculated the demand elasticity for input water. He concluded that the best way to increase irrigation efficiency is to promote efficient irrigation methods. 2.4 Discussion and Deduction As mentioned in chapter one, the main objective of this study is to analyse current pricing mechanism, and to create an appropriate mechanism for determining an efficient pricing system in Iran agricultural water. Therefore, the demand side of agriculture water will be focused upon, and an irrigation water demand function via minimization of cost function will be derived. The estimated coefficients of irrigation water demand functions will be used for analysing current water pricing system and alternative water pricing systems. The estimated elasticities of irrigation water will be used to compute marginal value product of water. 45 On the supply side, water pricing system based on average and marginal cost will be used. Secondary data on expenditures of a district on irrigation water supply delivery will be used to calculate average and marginl cost per cubic meter of water. The average variable cost of water supply delivery and has been calculated using operating and maintaining expenditures on the irrigation system. Estimated agricultural water use, calculated under each price alternative, can then be compared with actual water use derived from secondary data. As mentioned above, there have several water pricing system for irrigation water: average cost pricing, marginal cost pricing (short run and long run or two part tariffs), pricing based on value of marginal product and etc. Average cost pricing is one accepted pattern for recovery of the partial or full cost of the irrigation works. According to Sahibzada (2002), it is called the cost of service approach which to public utility rates has both an economic and an equitable appeal. In this approach farmers should be charged only a quantity sufficient to cover the outlay incurred in providing service. There are two variants of this approach: 1) Charging rates which cover only current maintenance and repair and used for as partial cost recovery or the rock bottom variant. 2) Full cost recovery insists on charges which not only cover maintenance but also yield a depreciation allowance and some net return on the historical capital costs of the canal (Sahibzada, 2002). He also illustrated that average cost pricing involve inefficiencies in water use. Lewis (1969) cited by Sahibzada (2002) claimed that average cost pricing would mean that a cultivator using an extra unit of water for crop production would be charged less 46 for it than it costs the community to provide. He also pointed out that this pricing takes only the supply side into account and ignores the demand side, and its application under both increasing (lead to profits) and decreasing (lead to subsidization) average costs leads to inefficient outcomes. According to Tsur et al. (2004), average cost relaxes the need to use public funds, but entails an efficiency loss in the irrigation sector. In addition, the farmers carry most of the burden of the welfare loss. Therefore, according to the problem mentioned in chapter one, I think that this criterion is not appropriate to economic decision making in Iran. Marginal cost pricing is another criterion that is adopted for determining rates in the irrigation water. Marginal cost pricing sets the price of irrigation water equal to the marginal cost of providing it or incremental costs associated with incremental production. According to Dinar et al. (1997) a marginal cost pricing mechanism, targets a price for water to equal the marginal cost of supplying the last unit of that water. One of the most important advantages of this pricing is that it is theoretically efficient. But Dinar et al. (1997) and Sahibzada (2002) in their studies showed that using of this pricing system confronts some practical problems such as: 1) Marginal cost alters with the nature of the irrigation decision with which the irrigation methods are concerned. 2) The marginal cost varies with the period over which it is measured (like seasonal differences and short - run vs. long - run) and space (the tail end and near to the source of water supply) which will require that different prices be charged at different times. 3) This method is difficult to estimate and apply in real conditions. Therefore, pricing based on marginal cost as a result from, would necessitate 47 charging varying prices within a single irrigation system and also overtime. Consequently, I believe that this criterion is not appropriate to economic decision making in Iran, too. Another famously accepted criterion for determining rates in the agriculture water sector is pricing system based on value of marginal product of irrigation water. According to Sahibzada (2002), in this method, prices will be just low enough so that all water available is used, but just high enough so that no farmer wants more irrigation water at the price facing him. As mentioned later, on the value of marginal product water which at equilibrium, this will be equal to the price farmers are willing to pay for water. On the other hand, Shiferaw et al. (2008) pointed out where no market price exists, optimal allocation of irrigation water will require the shadow price to be equal to its marginal value product. According to Dinar et al. (1997) an allocation which equates water’s unit price (the water’s marginal value product) with the marginal cost is considered an economically efficient, or socially optimal, allocation of water resources. Therefore, I think that this criterion ought to be more appropriate to economic decision making in Iran. Five methods of estimating the marginal product value of water include; (i) The residual imputation which deducts from gross product value the costs of inputs other than water, and then, attributes the whole of the remainder to the water input. 48 (ii) The linear programming method which is well suited to estimate the marginal value of water. (iii) The production function method which is used to derive the marginal product value of water. In this method, The first estimates a crop-water production function from field trials and then scales this physical production function by the price of the product (Colby, 1989) ; (Penzhorn & Marais, 1998); (Conradie & Hoag, 2004). (iv) The derived demand function method which is to estimate a demand function directly from water price data. Griffin and Perry (1985) presented an econometric model using panel data of irrigation prices (volumetric and flat rate water charges) in Texas. (v) The fifth approach is to use Hedonic pricing methods to measure the contribution of water value to farm prices. The next chapter will start with the presentation of the theoretical framework, which will specify the foundation of the study. The first section of the chapter will also illustrate and compare various pricing models that have been mentioned above. The procedure of computing the value of marginal product will also be shown in Chapter 3. 49 CHAPTER III 3 3.1 METHODOLOGY Introduction Economics mainly deals with explaining and foreseeing events. To do so, theoretical and empirical methods of study are utilized. Even though a blend of the two approaches is mostly used in practice, they should be differentiated from each other. On one hand, starting with some assumptions, theoretical approaches use some abstract inferences, and come up with some conclusions eventually; on the other hand, empirical approaches of study are, to some extent, inherently inductive. After all, the two methods are complementary in that theories provide guidelines for empirical investigations. On the other hand, empirical studies furnish some means for testing the basic assumptions of theoretical methods. Likewise, they provide a way for juxtaposing with reality of the deductions made from theoretical studies (Henderson & Quandt, 1980). In this research the demand functions of irrigation water will be estimated using Cobb-Douglas functional form and Panel Data econometric methods. 3.2 Theoretical Framework In the next sections, the theoretical framework of demand and cost functions will be discussed first. 50 3.2.1 Demand Function According to microeconomic theories, there are two kinds of demand functions. The first one is the demand function of output or consumer’s ordinary demand function which can be derived from the analysis of utility maximization. The second one is the input or derived demand function which can be obtained from the analysis of profit maximization (input unconditional demand) or cost minimization (input conditional demand). Output Demand Function According to Henderson and Quant (1980), consumer’s ordinary demand function expresses the quantity of commodity they buy as a function of commodity price and their income. The function can be derived from the analysis of utility maximization. Equation 3-1 shows the typical form of utility function. Utility u ( X 1 , X 2 ,.... X n ) Equation 3-1 Likewise, the budget constraint can be written as, I P1 X1 P2 X 2 ... Pn X n Equation 3-2 Where, I denote income. The generalization of the Lagrange–multipliers method to n variables can be easily done if we write the selected variables in subscript notations. The objective function will then be equation (3-1) subject to constraints of equation (3-2). Thus, the Lagrangian function will be as follows, 51 L U x1 , x 2 ,, x n I p1x1 p2 x 2 pn x n Equation 3-3 In the output demand function, the first-order conditions for maximization consist of x1, x2, x3, x4, …, xn and . The demand functions are obtained by solving this system for the unknowns x1, x2, x3, …,xn and . The solutions for x1, x2, x3, …,xn are in terms of the parameters p1, p2, p3, .., pn and Ī. The quantity of xi as consumer purchases, depends on their income, and in the general case, on the price of all commodities (Henderson & Quandt, 1980). The first-order condition will consist of the following (n+1) simultaneous equations, L U p1 0 x1 x1 L U p2 0 x2 x2 . . Equation 3-4 . L U pn 0 xn xn L I p1 x1 p2 x2 ... pn xn 0 For any two goods we have, U / xi p i U / x j p j Equation 3-5 This implies that at the optimal allocation of income, MRS (xi for x j ) pi pj Equation 3-6 52 U / xn U / x1 U / x2 ... p1 p2 pn MU x1 p1 MU x2 p2 ... Equation 3-7 MU xn pn Where, denotes the marginal utility from an extra amount of consumption expenditure (the marginal utility of income). At the margin, the price of a commodity represents the consumer’s evaluation of the utility of the last unit consumed i.e., how much the consumer is willing to pay for the last unit. pi MU xi Equation 3-8 Solving for xi , i = 1..n, …, xn gives the demand functions x1 I 2 P1 x2 I 2 P2 . Equation 3-9 . . xn I 2 Pn The demand functions extracted in this fashion are contingent on continued optimizing behavior by the consumer. The demand curve derived from this function looks at the relationship between x1 and p1 while keeping p2, p3,..,pn, Ī and preference unchanged. In other words, it shows the following relationship, 53 x *1 x1 p1 , p2 , , pn , I x *2 x1 p1 , p2 , , pn , I . Equation 3-10 . . x *n x1 p1 , p2 , , pn , I Input Demand Function In the input demand function, we will discuss production function of a firm or farm. Given that production is a function of the values of variables x1, x2, x3, x4,…,xn corresponding to inputs, it can be written as follows, q f x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ,, xn Equation 3-11 Frequently, economists assume that the problem of optimum input combinations has been solved, and conduct their analysis of a firm in terms of its revenues and costs expressed as functions of output. The problem of the entrepreneur is then to select an output maximizing their profit. Equation 3-12 expresses the total cost of production (C) as a linear function, C Ø q b Ø q ri xi Equation 3-12 C ri xi b Where ri’s stand for the prices corresponding to of xi’s, and b is the fixed inputs cost (the cost function vanishes in the long-run). A firm then maximizes output subject to a cost constraint. It follows from the Lagrange function that, 54 V f x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ,, xn C0 r1 x1 r2 x2 rn xn b Equation 3-13 Where, 0 is an undetermined Lagrange multiplier. Setting the partial derivatives of V with respect to xi, i = 1,…,n, and equal to zero will lead to the following set of equations, V f r1 0 x1 x1 V f r2 0 x2 x2 . . . Equation 3-14 V f rn 0 xn xn V C0 r1 x1 r2 x2 .... rn xn b 0 Transferring the price terms to the right hand side of the first two equations, then dividing the first equation by the second one gives the equation below for any two goods, f x i MPxi f i ri f x j MPxj f j r j Equation 3-15 First order conditions state that the rate of technical substitution (RTS) or ratio of the MP of xi to the MP of xj (MPs ratio of xi and xj) must be equal to their ratio of prices. Thus, the contribution to output of the last dollar expended upon each input must equate. 55 A number of special cost relations which are also functions of output level can be derived from Equation (3-12). Average total cost, average variable cost, and average fixed cost are defined as the respective total, variable, and fixed costs divided by the level of output. This is shown in the following equation, ATC [Ø q b] / q ; AVC Ø q ; AFC b / q Equation 3-16 Where, ATC is the sum of AVC and AFC. Marginal cost is the derivative of total cost with respect to output; in other words, MC C q Equation 3-17 For an entrepreneur who sells their output at a fixed price, revenue is also a function of the level of their output. It follows that, their profit is a function of the level of their output too. This fact is shown by the equation below, TR C p .q (q ) b Equation 3-18 Setting the first derivative with respect to “q” of in Eq. (3-18) equal to zero yields the maximized profit, i.e., p '(q ) 0 q '(q ) MC p '(q ) MC Equation 3-19 An entrepreneur must equate their MC with their constant selling price of output. They can increase their profit by expanding their output if the addition to their 56 revenue of selling another unit exceeds the addition to their cost (Huffaker, Whittlesey, Michelsen, Taylor, & McGuckin, 1998).The second order condition for profit maximization requires that MC must be increasing at the profit-maximizing output. Equation (3-20) expresses this fact. 2 / q 2 2C / q 2 0 Equation 3-20 Multiplying by -1, and inverting yields the inequality 2C / q 2 0 . If MC were decreasing, the equality of price and MC would give a point of minimum profit. (Henderson and Quandt, 1980: 87) The analysis of a firm is easily generalized to cover a production process with s outputs and n inputs. The production function is stated in an implicit form like f(q1,q2,…,qs ; x1,x2,…xn). Profit is the difference between total revenue from sale of all outputs and the expenditure upon all inputs, pi qi – rj x j Equation 3-21 An entrepreneur desires to maximize profit subject to the technical rules given by production function. Letting, J pi qi – rj x j f q1 , q2 ,, qs ; x1 , x2 , xn and setting each of its s + n + 1 partial derivatives equal to zero yields, 57 Equation 3-22 J / q i p i Fi 0 J / x j r j Fs j 0 J / f q1 , q 2 , , q s , x1 , x 2 , x n 0 Pi / p k f i / f k q k / q i j , k 1, 2, , s ri / p k f s j / f k q k / x j or r j p k .q k / x i Equation 3-23 i 1, 2,, s ; j 1, 2, ., n An important duality for the firm exists between the production and cost functions. Letting a firm’s isoquant q0 defined by q0 = f(x1,x2), and that the first - order condition for cost minimization for this output be - dx2/dx1 = r1/r2. The input functions can be derived in the following form, X 1 1 r1 / r2 , q 0 Equation 3-24 X 2 2 r1 / r2 , q0 Now differentiate the cost equation, C r1 x1 r2 x2 Equation 3-25 Given of (3-25) and the first order conditions r1 = λ f1: C / r1 xi ( f1. 1 / ri f 2 . 2 / ri ) xi 0 i 1, 2 Equation 3-26 Where, X1 and X2 are cost - minimizing values expressed as functions of the ratio of the input prices to the recommended output level. λ is the Lagrange multiplier in the constrained cost minimization problem. 58 The bracketed term equals q0 / ri = 0 along the isoquant. Equation 3-26 is known as Shephared’s lemma. Technically, it is one result of the envelope theorem (it concerns how the optimal value for a particular function changes when a parameter of the function changes). The partial derivates of the cost function with respect to input prices equal the cost minimizing values which for the inputs are as follows, xi C r1 , r2 , q / ri Equation 3-27 We know that a firm maximizes profit by selling a quantity for which MC = P. In the short run, the supply function of a perfectly competitive firm states the quantity that it will produce as a function of market price. The function can be derived from the first-order condition for profit maximization. (Henderson & Quandt, 1980:140) The approach mentioned above is Primal Approach. We can extract supply and demand functions for inputs directly from profit or cost functions. This approach is called Duality Approach. In this method, the partial differentiation of the first order condition of profit function with respect to output price yields output supply which is a function of output and inputs prices. r1 , r2 , q / P q P, r1 , r2 Equation 3-28 59 While the partial differentiation of the first order condition of profit function with respect to price of a particular input by using Hotelling’s lemma yields (the negative of) the corresponding input demand. This demand function is called the unconditional demand for input, and is a function of output and input prices. As the profit function itself is homogeneous of degree one, both of the functions described above are homogenous of degree zero. That is, doubling both output and input prices will not change the input levels that a firm chooses, nor will this change the firm’s profit - maximizing output level (Nicholson, 2004). r1 , r2 , q / r1 x1 P, r1 , r2 Equation 3-29 Finally, the partial differentiation of the first order condition of cost function with respect to price of a particular factory by using Shephard’s lemma yields the corresponding factor demand. This demand function is called the conditional (contingent) demand for input. Conditional factor demand is a function that gives the optimal demand for each of the several inputs as a function of the output expected, and the prices of inputs. r1 , r2 , q / r1 x1c q, r1 , r2 Equation 3-30 At the profit-maximizing choice for input x1 (for example labour input), these two concepts agree about the amount of labour hired, that is, x1c q, r1 , r2 x1 P, r1 , r2 Equation 3-31 60 Differentiation of this identity with respect to the market wage yields, x 1 P , r1 , r2 x 1c q , r1 , r2 x 1c q , r1 , r2 q [ . ] r1 r1 q r1 If Equation 3-32 q q P MC MC . r1 MC r1 Equation 3-33 Then, x 1c q x 1c q P MC MC = . . Out put Effect q r1 q MC r1 Equation 3-34 This equation shows that the total effect of a change in the input price (wage for labours employed) can be decomposed into two components: (1) the change in contingent labour demand, holding q constant (the substitution effect); and (2) the change in contingent labour demand from a change in the level of output (the output effect). Both of these effects mentioned above are negative. The first of these effects is obviously negative because of the convexity of the firms’ isoquants. The second effect is clearly negative since: (1) q/ MC in equation above is negative, that is, for a given market price a shift upward in the marginal cost curve causes reduction in production. (2) For a normal good, both x1c/ q and MC / r1 are positive. So the output effect will definitely be negative. But even in the pesky case of an inferior input, both of these derivatives will be negative, so their product is positive. Therefore, even for inferior goods the output effect is negative (Nicholson, 2004). 61 An increase in price of input affects both substitution and output since the amount of input demanded decreases. 3.2.2 Elasticity- A General Survey After the derivation of the demand function, now it’s possible to derive own elasticity of demand and also income (output) elasticity of it. The own elasticity of demand for an input X is defined as the ratio of proportionate rate of change of the input to the proportionate rate of change of its own price where price and output Q remains constant. In the other word, the own price elasticity of demand for an input is defined as the percentage change in the quantity of the input taken from the market divided by the percentage change in the price of that input. According to Debertin (2002), the output - price elasticity is the percentage change in the quantity of the input taken from the market divided by the percentage change in the price of the output. Using calculus, the own price input demand elasticity is ex , p x x / x x px px / px px x Equation 3-35 “A numerically large value for elasticity means that a quantity is proportionately very sensitive to price changes. When elasticity is less than negative one (ε11 < -1), demand is elastic whereas input with numerically small elasticity more than negative one (ε11 > -1) is demand is inelastic and it is called necessity. Besides, if elasticity is between negative one and zero (-1 < ε11 < 0), demand is inelastic. However, when elasticity vanishes (ε11 = 0), demand is infinitely inelastic. On the other hand, when 62 elasticity equals unlimited, demand is infinitely elastic in which case MC = MB and MNB = 0. If there were more inputs to the production process than one, both own price and cross-price elasticities can be defined. A cross-price elasticity of demand for the derived demand function relates the percentage change in the quantity of input xi taken from the market divided by the percentage change in the price of input xj. In other words, the cross-price elasticity of demand measures the rate of response of quantity demanded of one input (for example hire) to a price change of another input (for example water). The common formula for the cross–price elasticity of demand is given by, 21 lnx 2 / lnp x 1 p x1 / x 2 . x 2 / p x1 Equation 3-36 According to economic theories, inputs can be technical complements and still substitute for each other along a downward- sloping isoquant. A simple example of technical complements in agriculture would be two different kinds of fertilizer nutrients in corn production. For example, the presence of adequate quantities of phosphate may make the productivity of nitrogen fertilizer greater. In the Cobb Douglas type of production functions, an input (x2) is said to be technically independent of another input if when the use of x2 is increased, the marginal product of x1 (MPPx1) does not change, but an input (x2) is said to be technically competitive with another input (x1) if when the use of x2 is increased, the marginal product of x1 (MPPx1) decreases. 63 Cross–price elasticity may be either positive or negative. If two inputs are substitutes (that is, sign of elasticity is positive), it should be expected that consumers use more of one input when the price of its substitute increases. Similarly, if the two inputs are complements (that is, sign of elasticity is negative), a price rise in one input is observed to cause the demand for both inputs to fall. According to Nicholson (2004), change in the price of an input will cause the firm to change its input mix. That is, k/l changes in response to a change in w/v while holding q constant. In other words, we wish to examine the derivative along an isoquant. k l w v Equation 3-37 Putting this in proportional terms as s (k / l ) w / v ln(k / l ) (w / v ) k / l ln(w / v ) Equation 3-38 The equation also indicates an alternative definition of the elasticity of substitution: (i) in the two-input cases, s must be nonnegative, that is, an increase in w/v will be met by an increase in k/l; and ii) a numerically large value of s means that firms change their input mix significantly if input prices change. The partial elasticity of substitution between two inputs (xi and xj) with prices wi and wj is given by, 64 sij ( xi / x j ) w j / wi ln( xi / x j ) ( w j / wi ) xi / x j ln( w j / wi ) Equation 3-39 sij is a more flexible concept than s since it allows the firm to adjust the usage of inputs other than xi and xj when input prices change. A quantitative elasticity of demand in a derived demand function is defined as proportionate change in the quantity of an input relative to that in output while prices remain constant. i ln xi / ln Q Q / xi . (xi / Q) Equation 3-40 Where, ηi denotes the quantitative elasticity of demand for an input xi. According to economic theories, quantitative elasticity should be positive meaning that when demand for an output increases, the demand for input will increase too. Finally, when a firm maximizes profit in a competitive market, MR = MC, and it can be seen that, 1 MC p 1 eq , p Equation 3-41 p MC 1 p eq , p According to Nicholson (2004), the gap between price and marginal cost is an important measure of inefficient resource allocation as shown below: 65 1. The gap between price and marginal cost is zero, there is no gap (eq,p = - ∞), the demand curve facing the firm becomes perfectly elastic and resource allocation is intensively efficient. 2. The demand curve facing the firm is more elastic (eq,p < - 1) the resource allocation is relatively efficient. 3. The demand curve facing the firm is relatively inelastic (eq,p > - 1), would imply impossibility and the resource allocation is relatively inefficient. 4. The gap between price and marginal cost is very high (eq,p = 0) the demand curve facing the firm becomes perfectly inelastic and resource allocation is intensively inefficient. The gap between price and marginal cost will fall as the demand curve facing the firm becomes more elastic. If eq,p > -1, then MC < 0 meaning that firms will choose to operate only at points on the demand curve where demand is elastic. 3.2.3 Irrigation Water Demand Function Empirical Model In the estimation of input demand and output supply, different approaches have been suggested and adopted. Timmer (1974) as cited by Chembezi (1990), identified two approaches, namely direct and indirect estimations. Indirect approaches involve derivation of demand functions from agronomic response functions and research. Direct methods, on the other hand, involve estimation of demand functions directly from observed market data on input consumption and prices, and also the prices or 66 quantities of farm output. For the purpose of this study, the direct method approach will be used to estimate the water demand functions. According to Jorgenson (2000): “Under increasing returns and competitive markets for output and all inputs, producer equilibrium is not defined by profit maximization, since no maximum profit exists. However, in regulated industries the price of output is set by regulatory authority. With output fixed from the point of view of the producer, necessary conditions for equilibrium can be derived from cost minimization. Where total cost is defined as the sum of expenditures on all inputs, the minimum value of cost can be expressed as a function of the level of output and the prices of all inputs.” Thus as mentioned earlier, conditional factor demand is a function that gives the optimal demand for each of several inputs as a function of the expected output, and the prices of inputs. Conditional demand functions are obtained using the Shepard’s Lemma where the cost minimization problem is the production of a specified level of output with the least expenditure on inputs (Arrigada, 2004). In this study, it is assumed that, under cost minimization, the water demand function is a function in terms of crop quantity and the prices of the eight inputs namely, water price, land rent, fertilizer price, machinery rent and cost, seed price, wage, animal fertilizer price and pesticide price. The most widely used forms of production functions in the analysis of agriculture are the Cobb-Douglas, Modified Cobb-Douglas is called Transcendental and the Translog (Sahibzada, 2002). However, Translog is a flexible functional form which places no prior restrictions on the production technology such as constant returns to scale, homogeneity, separability and constant elasticity of substitution (Sahibzada, 2002). It is a second order Taylor series approximation, and thus requires a larger number of parameters to be estimated. This in turn, results in a decrease in the degree of freedom, an increase in variance and may make it impossible to reject the null hypothesis. By the way, multi - collinearity is often a 67 problem of estimating Translog production function in estimating single equation (Sahibzada, 2002). In this research, the Cobb-Douglas functional form is used due to; 1. To avoid of mentioned problems above 2. It is very common in agricultural production studies 3. Its stinginess in parameters 4. Ease of interpretation 5. Computational simplicity 6. The resulting coefficients make it possible to interpret the elasticity of production with respect to inputs. 7. Indicate the relative importance of each input with respect to output. Several studies have made use of this form primarily because the resulting coefficients make it possible to interpret the elasticity of production with respect to inputs, and also indicate the relative importance of each input with respect to output (Sahibzada, 2002). He used an initial Cobb-Douglas production function to estimate the relationship among total aggregated farm output, fertilizer use, labor supply, tractor use, and irrigation water input. The findings suggest that irrigation water demand is price inelastic, and that predicted water usage exceeds actual use across the sample. The Cobb-Douglas functional form was proposed by Wicksell (1851-1926), and tested against statistical evidence by Charles Cobb and Paul Douglas in 1928. The general form of the Cobb-Douglas production functions is as follows, 68 n q A X iBi Equation 3-42 i 1 Where, q and Xi denote output and each bundle of inputs respectively. A, and Bi are n parameters. This function exhibits constant returns to scale if Bi 1 . Under i 1 constant returns to scale Cobb-Douglas function, Bi is the elasticity of q with respect to an input Xi. Since 0 Bi 1 , each input exhibits diminishing marginal productivity. Any degree of increasing returns to scale can be incorporated into this n function depending on Bi (Nicholson, 2004). The reason for computational i 1 attractiveness of this form is that it becomes linear in terms of the logarithms of the variables, that is: ln q ln A Bi ln xi Assuming that our objective function is as follows, min TC Pw .W Pl .L Pf .F Pp .P Pr .R Pm .M Pa .Fa PS .S Equation 3-43 Equation 3-44 Subject to the constraint, Y AW a1 La2 F a3 P a4 R a5 M a6 Fa a7 S a8 Equation 3-45 where, Y = Total aggregated output; F = Fertilizer; L = Labour; M = Tractor and machinery services; Fa = Animal Fertiliser; R = irrigated area; S= Seed; P = Pesticide; and W =Consumed (Demanded) water; Pi = input prices; cost minimization problem for a firm can be written as a constrained optimisation equation, as below: 69 l (Pw.W Pl .L Pf .F Pp.P Pr .R Pm.M Pa.Fa pS .S) (Y 0 AWa1 La2 Fa3 Pa4 Ra5 Ma6 Fa7 Sa8 ) Equation 3-46 where is the lagrangian multiplier. After applying the first order conditions for cost minimization and rearranging, C(Pw, Pl , Pf , Pp , Pr , Pm, Pa , PS ,Y) Pw.W Pl . L Pf . F Pp. P Pr . R Pm. M Pa. Fa PS . S Equation 3-47 Using Sheppard’s Lemma the firm’s system of cost minimizing input demand functions (the conditional factor demands), differentiating the cost function, and rearranging the terms we will obtain the following: C ( Pw .Pl .Pf .Pp .Pr .Pm .Pa .PS ) B.Y ay .( Pwb1 .Pl b2 .Pf b3 .Pp b4 .Pr b5 .Pm b6 .Pa b7 .PS b8 ) ( Pw1 2 b1 Pl1 2 b2 Pf1 2 b3 Pp1 2 b4 Pr1 2 b5 Pm1 2 b6 Pa1 2 b7 p1s 2 b8 ) Equation 3-48 C W PW c Y ay . B . Pw b 1 Pl b 2 . P f b3 . P p b 4 . Pr b5 . Pm b6 . Pa b7 . p S b8 Equation 3-49 In logarithmic terms, it yields, lnW ln B ay lnY b1 ln Pw b2 ln Pl b3 ln Pf b4 ln Pp b5 ln Pr b6 ln Pm b7 ln Pa b8 ln PS Equation 3-50 A detailed derivation of the input demand function for irrigation water is given in Appendix D. 70 3.3 Econometric Methodology According to Johansson (2005) when data on water use exist, researchers generally employ econometric approaches to determine the value of irrigation water to producers (See Table C.3 in Appendix about Econometric Studies of Water Values). When, however, the number of observations of irrigation water usage available is not adequate, mathematical programming approaches are useful to estimate water demand, and the value of irrigation water (See Table C.4 in Appendix on Mathematical Programming Studies of Water Values). In the econometrics research, the determination of the type of econometric methodology is very important. Different methods have been employed to estimate the water demand function. These methods are generally divided into two main groups, nonparametric and parametric (econometric). Nonparametric methods are either based on mathematical techniques such as linear programming and mathematical programming, or on accounting calculations and system of farm budgeting. In nonparametric method, the economic value of water input is extracted, and the farmer reaction to different prices of water is estimated. This method is used where no market price and amount exists (e.g. for water). In parametric econometric methods, a researcher will estimate a demand function for input either directly (derived demand function) or indirectly. In the former case, production function or profit function, and or by crop cost function making clear, and then the demand function of input will be extracted. On the other hand, the success of any econometric analysis eventully depends on the availability of the appropriate data. Three types of data may be available for empirical analysis: time series, crosssection, and pooled (i.e., combination of time series and crosssection) data. A time 71 series is a set of observations on the values that a variable takes at different times. Most empirical work based on time series data assume that the underlying time series are stationary. Cross-section data are data on one or more variables collected simultaneously. Of course, the cross - sectional data have their own problems, in particular the problem of heterogeneity. In pooled or combined data, the elements of both time series and cross - section data are pooled together. Panel, Longitudinal, or Micropanel Data is a special type of pooled data in which the same cross-sectional unit (say, a family or a firm) is surveyed over time (Gujarati, 2002). This study focuses on the irrigation water demand function via using a panel data set. A panel data set is one that follows a given sample of individuals over time, and thus provides multiple observations on each individual in the sample (Hsiao, 2003). According to Baltagi (1983), the major reasons for carrying out the analysis using panel data rather than time series or cross sectional data are as listed below, (1) Checking for individual heterogeneity. (2) Panel data give more informative data with more variability, less collinearity among the variables, more degrees of freedom and more efficiency. (3) Panel data offers better ability to study the dynamics of adjustment. (4) Panel data are better in identifying and measuring effects that are not simply detectable in pure cross-section/time-series data. (5) Panel data models allow us to construct and test more complicated behavioral models than purely cross-sectional or time-series data. (6) Micro panel data gathered on individuals, firms and households may be more accurately measured than similar variables measured at a macro 72 level. Biases resulting from aggregation over firms or individuals may be reduced or eliminated. (7) Macro panel data on the other hand have a longer time series and are free from the problem of nonstandard distributions typical of unit roots tests in time-series analysis. According to Hsiao (2003), longitudinal data allow a researcher to analyze a number of important economic questions that cannot be answered using cross - sectional or time series data sets. Anyway, by taking proper account of selectivity and heterogeneity biases in panel data, one can have confidence in the results obtained. The panel data used in this study involve information on outputs mentioned earlier and various inputs applied for their production over a period of 6 years across 28 provinces in Iran. Schoengold et al.(2006) estimated a model of agricultural water demand based on the role of water in the farm production function. Likewise, they presented estimates of the parameters of the model using a unique panel data set from San Joaquin Valley, California. They also found that agricultural water demand is more elastic than shown in previous work on urban water demand, a result which is of high interest in clarification of differences in the design of optimal policies directed at agricultural users of water in comparison to urban users. I. Pooling Data: Assuming that the intercept and slope coefficients are constant across time and space, and that the error term captures differences over time and between individuals, the following relationship will be generated, 73 Yit 1 2 X 2it 3 X 3it uit i 1, 2, 3, ..., N ; Equation 3-51 t 1, 2, , T II. Panel Data: 1. The Fixed Effects Model (FEM) According to Gujarati (2002), estimation of equation (3-51) depends on the assumptions we make about the slope coefficients, the intercept, and the error term, uit. There are several possibilities, i) The slope coefficients are constant but the intercept varies among individuals. Yit 1i 2 X2it 3 X3it . uit for the cross section effect Yit 0t 2 X 2it 3 X 3it . uit for the time effect. Equation 3-52 Equation 3-53 ii) The slope coefficients are constant but the intercept varies among individuals and over time. Yit 1i 0t 2 X 2i 3 X 3i uit Equation 3-54 iii) All coefficients (the intercept as well as slope coefficients) vary among individuals. Yit 1i 2it X 2i 3it X 3i uit Equation 3-55 1.4 The intercept as well as slope coefficients vary over individuals and time. 74 Yit 1i 0t 2it X 2i 3it X 3i uit Equation 3-56 2. The Random Effects Model (REM) Gujarati (2002) states that in a random effect model it is assumed that the intercept of an individual unit is a random drawing from a much larger population with a constant mean value. The individual intercept is then expressed as a deviation from this constant mean value; that is, there is a common mean intercept, but actual intercepts vary randomly (error components). In other words, instead of treating β1i as fixed, we assume that it is a random variable with a mean value of β1 (no subscript i here). The intercept value for an individual company can be expressed as, 1i 1 i Equation 3-57 Y it 1 2 X 2it 3X 3it i u it 1 2 X 2it 3 X 3it .. w it Equation 3-58 Where, wit i uit Equation 3-59 The composite error term wit consists of two components, εi which is the crosssection or individual-specific error component, and uit which is a combination of time series and cross-section error components. Gujarati (2002) illustrates the difference between FEM and ECM. He states that in FEM each cross-sectional unit has its own (fixed) intercept value in all N such values for N cross-sectional units. In ECM, on the other hand, the intercept β1 represents the mean value of all the (cross-sectional) intercepts, and the error component εi represents the (random) deviation of individual intercept from this mean value. 75 However, keep in mind that εi is not directly observable; it is what is known as an unobservable, or latent, variable. He showed that a formal test called restricted F test (Chow Test) could help to choose between Pool and Panel approachs. In this test, the pooled regression model should first be employed as the baseline for comparison. Then, after estimating the model as panel the restricted F test is used. F F 2 2 ( R panel R pool ) / df 2 (1 R panel ) / df 2 2 ( R panel R pool ) / number of new regressors Equation 3-60 2 (1 R panel ) / (= n - number of parameters in the new model) When the F value is highly significant, the pool regression seems to be invalid. By the way, another method helping choose between Pool and Panel approaches is Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test for random effects, with which is equipped the STATA software package. In this test, the model regresses underlying random effects to obtain Chi-squraed value. If the calculated value exceeds tabulated Chi-squraed (χ2) value, can be drawn the conclusion that the random effect model is more appropriate than pooled model. In this study, Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test was used to choose between the Pool and the Panel approaches. Gujarati (2002) also illustrated that: “A formal test will help us choose between FEM and ECM was developed by Hausman in 1978. The null hypothesis underlying the Hausman test is that the FEM and ECM estimators do not differ substantially. The test statistics developed by Hausman has an asymptotic 2 distribution. If the null hypothesis is rejected, the conclusion is that ECM is not appropriate and that we may be better off using FEM, in which case statistical inferences will be conditional depending on the εi in the sample.” 76 III. The Seemingly Unrelated Regression Zellner’s (1962) indicated that, originally at a given time the seemingly unrelated regression is a technique for analyzing a system of multiple equations with cross equation parameter restrictions and correlated error terms. Once seemingly unrelated regression model estimates are obtained, inferences are mainly about testing the validity of cross-equation parameter restrictions. According to (Gujarati, 2004), applications of the SUR procedure with time-series or cross-section data are too numerous to cite. He also continues that in several instances in economics, one needs to estimate a set of equations. This could be a set of demand equations, across different sectors, industries or regions or the estimation of a translog cost function along with the corresponding cost share equations. In these cases, seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) approach is popular since it captures the efficiency due to the correlation of the disturbances across equations. Consequently, we are faced with three kinds of seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) approach: 1. A set of equations, across different sectors, industries or region with crosssection data. 2. A set of equations, across different sectors, industries or region with timeseries data. 3. A set of equations, across different region with time-series and cross-section data (Panel Data). In panel data the same cross-sectional unit (say a family or 77 a company or a province) is surveyed over time. In short, panel data have space as well as time dimensions. For illustrative purposes we obtained data from 28 provinces. Data for each province on were more than five variables spanning through 2001–2006. Thus, there are 28 cross-sectional units and six time periods. In all, therefore, we have 168 observations. According to (Gujarati 2004, P: 646) we could run 28 cross-sectional regressions, one for each year. For a given time, it is possible that the error term for 2001 is correlated with the error term for 2002 or both 2002 and 2003 etc. This leads to seemingly unrelated regression (SURE) modeling. By the way, EViews simply treat panel data as a set of stacked observations. 3.4 Econometric Model The functional form for conditional factor demand may be derived in consonance with an assumed production function. Here in, however, the water demand will be specified directly using a water demand function that includes output quantity and input prices. The estimation of the water demand function using the methodology presented in the previous chapter allows identification of the significant variables that explain its consumption. An empirical specification of the water demand is given by, ln Dw i ,t 0 1ln Pw i ,t 2 ln Pf i ,t 3 ln R l i ,t 4 ln Ps i ,t 5 ln W i ,t 6 lnQ i ,t 7 ln Pfa i ,t 8 ln Cl i ,t i ,t Equation 3-61 Where, Dwi,t = amount of water demanded (consumed) in i th region in year t (Cubic Meter) 78 Pwi,t = the vector of water prices used in production in i th region in year t. (Toman/m3) Pfi,t = the vector of fertilizer prices used in production in i th region in year t (Toman/kg) Pfai,t = the vector of animal fertilizer prices used in production in i th region in year t (Toman/kg) Cli,t = the vector of prepare cost of land used in production in i th region in year t (Toman/kg) Psi,t = the vector of seed prices used in production in i th region in year t (Toman/kg) W i,t = wages paid for production in i th region in year t (Toman/Man day) Qi,t = Irrigated Production in i th region in year t (Kg) Rli,t = Land rent in i th region in year t (Toman/ m2) εi,t denotes the effects of the omitted variables that are peculiar to both the individual units, and time periods. In this study i denotes the provinces of Iran and t indicates year (i= 1,2, … , 28 ; t = 2001, 2002, …, 2006). 3.5 Data Collection This study is based on secondary data. All necessary information was collected from 28 provincial statistical reports from published data, government reports and online statistical database of the provinces, Ministry of Energy, Iran Water Resources Management Company, Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, Iran Meteorological Organization, Soil and Water Research Institute, Centre of Iran statistic and relevant institutions in Iran. Many of the agricultural statistics are gathered from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization while others were inferred from official documentations. 79 This study used secondary cross sectional - time series data (Panel Data) over a period of 6 years and from 28 provinces. Annual data for the period 2001 to 2006 were used for the study. The study used Panel data to improve the analysis of water demand with respect to previous studies. Finally, the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics presented in Tables H.1, H.2 and H.3 (see Appendix H) includes the water demand, water price, land rent, seed price, fertilizer price pesticide, wage, land preparation cost, machinery services cost, animal fertilizer price, irrigated crop production and VMP for all crops. 3.6 Description of Variables Of all factors influencing demand side for agricultural water those found to be of considerable effect from the author’s view point include, product quantity, plant water required (water demand or water consumed), amount and price of inputs (such as labor, fertilizer, machinery, area, seed, pesticide, water and etc) used in the crop production processes, and finally average and marginal costs on the supply side of water. 3.6.1 Water Demand Determination of crops water requirement is the basic measure in irrigation and water resource planning. Several methods (Blaney-Criddle, Radiation, Modified Penman, and Pan Evaporation methods) have been developed over the last 50 years to estimate reference crop evapotranspiration from climatic variables are given in FAO (1984). 80 Briefly mentioning, the different steps in the calculation of consumed (demanded) water are, 1. To collect existing climatic data from the Meteorological Organization, consisting of daily readings from multiple stations. 2. To select the best method to use for determining crop water requirements. Abbas Keshavarz and et al. (2005) illustrated that: “The Penman-Monteith method was selected as the best method for determining crop water requirements during formulation of The National Document of Crop Water Requirements in Iran (Ministry of Agriculture, 1998).” 3. To calculate Reference Crop Evapotranspiration Standard of Grass (ETO) values and to determine their validity. 4. The annual crops and fruit trees under consideration in each plain obtained and the crop coefficient (Kc) was determined by the method recommended by FAO, regional condition and previous experiments. 5. To calculate the crop water requirements (ETcrop) for the selected crops. 6. To calculate the Efficient Rainfall based on the method presented by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 7. To calculate the total irrigation requirement that is given by the following equation, Irrigation water net requirement (IRReq) crop water = requirements (ETcrop) - Efficient rainfall (Peff) Equation 3-62 Where, 81 [Ptot (125 (0.2 Ptot))] 125 Peff 125 0.1 Ptot Peff for rainfall less than 250 mm in month for rainfall more than 250 mm in month Equation 3-63 And Ptot is Total Rainfall 8. To calculate the consumed (demanded) water. This is done using the following equation, Consumed Water (m3) Total Irrigation = Requirement + [Total Irrigation requirement Irrigation Efficiency (1 )] 100 Equation 3-64 These stages are shown in Appendix E. In this study, steps one through six were done based on the data extracted from published reports of Soil and Water Research Institute (SWRI) for various crops in different regions of Iran. Upon extraction of the crop water requirements from the aforementioned report, the net requirement of irrigation water will be computed by subtracting the amount of effective rainfall based on meteorological information from Iran Meteorological Organization. Data on annual average rainfall (Ptot) were collected at a sub-district level from Iran’s Meteorological Organization. Finally, the total amount of consumed water will be computed based on equation (3-64). It is claimed that the overall irrigation efficiency in Iran is between 24 to 57 percent as shown in Table (3-1). 82 Table 3-1 Ranges of irrigation efficiency in some provinces in Iran Range of Irrigation Range of Irrigation Provinces Efficiency (%) Provinces Efficiency (%) West Azerbaijan 28-41 Gazvin 27-38 Ardabil 28-39 Kordestan 25-40 Isfahan 28-42 Glolestan 28-40 Boshehr 24-30 Gillan 38-54 Chaor mahal & Ba 30-39 Mazanderan 37-57 Korasan 30-37 Markazi 29-39 Kozestan 27-37 Hamedan 27-38 Zanjan 25-38 Yazd 30-40 Semnan 30-40 Source: (Keshavarz, Ashraft, Hydari, Pouran, & Farzaneh, 2005) 3.6.2 Water Price Water price is computed from the cost of water which includes the cost paid to the regional organization of the irrigation networks, the electricity/fuel cost of pumping, and the simulated price of water that is given by the following relationship, Water Price Toman / m3 The Cost of Water Toman / ha Irrigation water net requirement ha / m3 Equation 3-65 3.6.3 Output Price The main reference for price-per-kilogram (Toman/kg) of each crop for the various provinces was The Iranian Statistical Yearbook made available by the Iranian Center of Statistics for the period 2001-2006 in order of provinces. 3.6.4 Wage Wage rates (Toman/man-day) corresponding to each type of activities (including, sowing, hoeing, pre-sowing, irrigation, harvesting and threshing) were obtained from 83 The Iranian Statistical Yearbook provided by the Iranian Center of Statistics for the period 2001-2006 in order of provinces. One man-day is equivalent to the amount of work done by one labor in eight hours during one day. 3.6.5 Cultivated Area The main reference on area under cultivation (ha) for total, irrigated and rain-fed areas was the annual report provided for each province by the Ministry of Jahad-eKeshavarzi for the period 2001-2006. 3.6.6 Other Explanatory Variables There are some other explanatory variables such as production in irrigated areas; cultivated area; yield, seed, pesticide and fertilizer prices; machinery and land rents; and cost of land preparation. Their main source was annual reports made available for various provinces by the Ministry of Jahad-e-Keshavarzi (Agriculture) for the period 2001-2006. 3.6.7 Value of Marginal Product (VMP) The marginal product of an input indicates the additional output that might be expected from an additional unit of that input ceteris paribus. The value of marginal product of a factor is the extra value of output generated by employing one more unit of that factor (VMPw = MPw.Py). As mentioned earlier, all parameters in the Cobb-Douglas production function are elasticity of production. Consequently, the value of marginal product (VMP) for a 84 certain input can be calculated from the derived demand function. The water demand function assumed is as follows, lnW ln B ay lnY b1 ln Pw b2 ln Pl b3 ln Pf b4 ln Pp b5 ln Pr b6 ln Pm b7 ln Pa b8 ln PS Equation 3-66 Hence, elasticity of water input with respect to output is, ln W ln Y W W Y Y W Y Y W ay Equation 3-67 and its marginal product can be computed as follows, MP Y 1 1 Y AP W ay W Equation 3-68 The value of marginal product (VMP) was computed by multiplying the marginal physical products of each crop in each region by their prices, V M P Py Y 1 Y Py W ay W Equation 3-69 where, Y and W denote output and the level of input respectively; and MP and AP are the marginal and average physical product for water respectively; Py is crop price in each region; = ay is the elasticity for water with respect to quantity produced, and 1 is the elasticity of production with respect to water input. ay 85 3.6.8 Average cost On the supply side determination of the average cost of water was based on, secondary data of provincial expenditures on irrigation water supply delivery, which includes the annual cost of operation and maintenance (O&M) or the average variable cost of supplying water. The annual costs of operation and maintenance were collected from Iran Water Resources Management Company. 3.6.9 Short-run Marginal Cost The short-run marginal cost will be computed from the average cost obtained earlier by dividing incremental expenditure by incremental water supply over the six year period. 86 CHAPTER IV 4 4.1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Introduction This chapter presents the research findings on the basis of research questions and hypotheses mentioned previously in Chapter one. The findings of this study are presented in two main parts. The first part focuses on a brief introduction to various crops, the estimated irrigation water demand functions, with respect to their current prices, and elasticity estimates. In the second part, the estimated irrigation water demand functions for crops mentioned above, with respect to its value of marginal product water supply side average cost and marginal cost, are presented together with the estimation of the relevant elasticity and efficient pricing for irrigation water in Iran. 4.2 Estimation of the Model with Current Price The differences in climatic, atmospheric, and geographical conditions in each of the provinces have pronounced influences on crop varieties in Iran. In this section, after the introduction of each crop, its water demand function is estimated. In the ensuing sections, the water demand functions, with respect to the current prices for strategic products (such as wheat, barley, lentil, pea, pinto bean, onion, tomato, cucumber, watermelon, cotton, and sugar beet) in Iran’s agricultural sector together with the estimation of the relevant elasticity, are presented and discussed. 87 4.2.1 Wheat Wheat is the primary crop among all cereals produced in Iran. In 2006, Iran’s total production, cultivated area, and irrigated and rainfed yield of wheat were about 14.66 million ton, 6878919 ha, and 3754.03 and 1084 kilogaram per hectare, respectively. Wheat yields from irrigated areas in Iran’s provinces range from 1717 to 5359 (kg / ha). The largest irrigated cultivation area and production level reported were 457695 ha and 2044409 ton respectively in Fars province of Iran. The total irrigated production in 2006 was reported to be about 10137770, for which 795151952 man days were hired. As mentioned earlier, the Panel Data method comprising of 168 observations was used to estimate the irrigation water demand in 28 provinces for the period between 2001 and 2006. First, Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test was used to choose between Pool and Panel Data approaches. This test revealed that the Panel Data approach was more appropriate than the Pool Data approach. Hausman’s specification test was also conducted on STATA 10 (an econometric software package) to choose one method out of the fixed effect and random effect. Based on the test, the best model for the irrigation water demand function of wheat was found to be fixed effect approach. Next, pretest and diagnostic checks were done upon which the best model was estimated. Listed in Table 4-1 are the estimated parameters. 88 Table 4-1 Water demand function for wheat Dependent Variable: LDWT Independent variable Method: Panel Least Squares Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C (Intercept) 14.53*** 0.59 24.48 *** LPW(water price) -0.036 0.01 -4.05 *** LQ (output quantity) 0.381 0.05 7.23 LPS (seed price) 0.032** 0.01 2.11 *** LPF (fertilizer price) 0.056 0.01 6.10 ** LPM (machinery rent) -0.050 0.02 -2.17 *** LW (wage) 0.054 0.01 3.86 AR(1) 0.316*** 0.09 3.55 Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 R-squared 0.99 Adjusted R-squared F-statistic 751.92 Prob.(F-statistic) Durbin-Watson stat 2.06 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 0.99 0.00 Based on the results presented in Table 4.1, the estimated coefficient for water price is negative and it is significant at 1% level. This indicates that even though the estimated coefficient is very low, farmers tend to use less water when the price is higher. In other words, a one percent increase in water price will cause water demand to decrease by 0.036 percent. Similar results were obtained for machinery rent; that is, water and machinery services were found to be complementary inputs. On the other hand, coefficients on seed price, fertilizer price and wage rate are positive and significant at 1% or 5% level. One interpretation is that water with fertilizer, seed and labour force are substitute inputs. Thus, a one percent increase in the aforementioned input prices will cause water demand to increase by 0.032, 0.06 and 0.05 percent, respectively. 89 The positive sign of the above coefficient may stem from the fact that a fullymechanized cultivation is not possible in certain regions of the country, and thus, most of the activities associated with cultivation, maintenance and harvest of barley are to be done by labour force. Indeed, after costs incurred by water use, labour force has the third highest cost share in barley production. The independent variables were not only found to be significant, but the values of the coefficients were also generally almost zero; that is, water demand is infinitely inelastic with respect to the above input prices. This indicates that farmers are insensitive to changes in input prices since they deem the above mentioned inputs essential for crop yields (Arriagada, 2004). The estimated coefficient for the output quantity is significant at 1% level. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the functional form used to estimate water demand is linear - logarithm. Hence, the estimated parameter coefficient indicates the elasticity of water use given the changes in the output quantity, i.e. that one percent increase in the demand for wheat quantity will lead to a 0.38 percent increase in water usage. This relationship could be used to determine the impacts of production quotas or other wheat policies on water use (Arriagada, 2004). Thus, the obtained coefficients do not contradict with the fifth hypothesis outlined for the research on the agricultural sector in Iran, i.e. crop amount has significant effect on the water usage. 90 The most popular test for detecting serial correlation is the one developed by statisticians named Durbin and Watson. In the initial estimation autocorrelation was found to exist and AR (1) was used to remedy it. AR (1) is known as Markov firstorder autoregressive scheme, or simply the first-order autoregressive scheme. It is significant at 1% level. The sequential disturbances are positively correlated, with a coefficient of autocorrelation of +0.32, a weak degree of dependence between members of series of observations ordered in time. The term “fixed effects” is due to the fact that, although the Intercept may differ across individuals (here the 28 provinces), each individual’s intercept does not vary overtime; that is, it is time invariant. In FEM the intercept in the regression model is allowed to differ among individuals in recognition of the fact each province may have some special characteristics (type of soil, climate, economic, social and geographical conditions) of its own. In this case, R2 is equal 0.99. According to Gujarati (2005), the quantity of R-square is known as the sample determination coefficient and is the most commonly used measure of the goodness of fit in regression. Its range is 0 ≤ R2 ≤ 1. An R 2 equals 1 means a perfect fit, while an R2 equals zero means that there is no relationship between the regressor and the predictors whatsoever. Several studies in panel data model have revealed a high R-Square (see Appendix G). 91 4.2.2 Barley Among all cereals in Iran, barley is the second most important crop after wheat. Barley production averaged 2,956,032 ton, with an estimated annual value of $ 473 million in 2006. Cultivated areas of barley amounted to 1567454 ha, and the average application of water for barley cultivation was 4.8 billion cubic meters in 2006.The total irrigated production in the same year was 1,972,399 tons, while 20,178,506 man days were employed. The yield for barley in irrigated areas of Iran’s provinces is between 1717 to 5359 kg/ha. As in the case of wheat, Fars province has the largest irrigated cultivation area (457695 ha) and highest production quantity (2,044,409 ton) for this particular crop. In 2006, the water productivity for barley in Iran ranged from 0.2 to 0.82. Meanwhile, the water productivity, average application of water, and yield in the aforementioned province for barley were reported to be about 0.51, 8659 and 4467 kg/ha, respectively. Other important information on barley is presented in Table B.4 (Appendix B). The Cobb-Douglas production function was used to estimate of the water demand function for barley. The same water demand function for barley was estimated using equation (3-61). The water demand is a function of the current water price, fertilizer price, seed price, wage, land rent, and the amount of output. The panel data corresponding to a total of 156 observations were obtained from 26 provinces for the period between 2001 and 2006. Therefore, to achieve a suitable 92 function, the Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test was initially employed to choose between the Pool and Panel data approaches. In this study, the Panel data model was found to be better than the Pool data model, and for this reason, the Hausman’s specification test was used to choose between the fixed effect and random effect. Finally, the fixed effect approach was found to be the best model for the irrigation water demand function of barley. These tests were conducted using econometric software STATA 10. After conducting the data stationary test, co-integration test (by Levin, Lin & Chu t* statistic) and diagnostic checks, the best model was estimated. Table 4-2 shows these estimated parameters. Table 4-2 Water demand function for barley Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section weights) Independent variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 4.596*** 0.59 7.79 ** -0.017 0.01 -2.05 0.812*** 0.03 23.52 -0.067*** 0.02 -4.05 0.038 0.03 1.27 -0.118 0.07 -1.57 Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.12 R-squared 0.99 Adjusted R-squared F-statistic 518.5 Durbin-Watson stat Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 0.99 1.78 C LPW LQ LRL LW LPF 93 The estimated water price coefficient was found to be negative. This variable was found significant, but its value was almost zero, that is, water demand is infinitely inelastic. This finding indicates that farmers are less sensitive to the price of water since they consider this input as an essential input. However, based on these results, farmers tend to reduce the use of water when its price increases, but this is done only in a very small amount. Therefore, the obtained coefficients do not contradict with the first and second hypotheses of the research, which are related to the existence of a negative relationship between price of water and the amount of demand for it, and price of water is not efficient. The coefficient of price of fertilizer and land rental was also found to be negative. One interpretation is that water with fertilizer and land are complementary inputs. However, the coefficient on wage is positive. One interpretation is that water and labour force are substitute inputs, whereby a one percent increase in the labour force wage will cause water demand to increase by 0.038 percent. As discussed in the earlier section, the reason for this substitution relationship is due to the farmers’ effort in enhancing efficiency of irrigation and in preventions wastage of available water. In this way, as more labour force is employed in farms during irrigation, the sooner the irrigation water will cover the irrigated area. This has finally led to a substitution relationship between labour force and consumption of water. The estimated coefficient for the quantity of output is significant at 1% level. As elaborated in the previous chapter, the functional form used to estimate water demand is linear-logarithm. Meanwhile, the estimated parameter coefficient shows 94 the elasticity of water use, provided that the changes in the quantity of output is 0.812, which indicates that a one percentage increase in the output (barley) quantity leads to a 0.81 percent change in the use of water. Therefore, the estimated coefficients do not contradict the fifth hypothesis of the research in Iran agricultural sector, i.e. crop amount has significant effect on the usage of water. The R-square value for the regression model was 0.99, indicating a nearly perfect fit. In any empirical research, when the data are improved from time series to panel data or from cross sectional to panel data, the number of observation increases. Hence, if the power of the model goes up, an expected explanation for this is that R-square has increased. 4.2.3 Lentil Lentil is among the major crops produced in the agricultural sector of Iran. Table B.5 (see Appendix B) shows the irrigated area, irrigated production, yield, average application of water, and crop water productivity of lentil in the year 2006. The total amount of production for this particular crop in 2006 was reported to be about 209067 ton. In the same year, the cultivated area, and irrigated and rainfed yield totaled to about 100784.1 (ha), 1129.52 and 293.75 kg/ha, respectively. The yield for lentil was obtained from one hectare of irrigated areas in the different provinces in Iran, averaging between 734 and 2792 kg. With 6337 (ha) cultivation area and a production amount of 8145.14 (Ton), Fars province is obviously the primary producer of lentil in Iran. In 2006, the total irrigated production was aggregated to 16663.13 metric tons, while about 588392 man-days were hired to produce such a quantity of lentil. 95 The worldwide water productivity for cereal grains, as aforementioned, is between 0.2 and 1.5. Nonetheless, the water productivity range for lentil in 2006 in Iran was between 0.11 and 0.41. Meanwhile, the water productivity, average application of water, and yield in Fars province were around 0.21, 4617 and 2792 (kg/ha), respectively. As mentioned in the previous section, the most prevalently used form of derived demand functions are the Cobb-Douglas functions, since the resulting coefficients have made it possible to interpret the elasticity of demand, with respect to price inputs and amount of output. Therefore, using the methodology presented earlier, the estimation of the water demand function enables the identification of major variables that can explain its consumption. The main equation to be estimated is the water demand equation which has been presented for the crops mentioned previously, and demand for water is a function of the current price of water, output amount, prices of fertilizer, seed, as well as wage, land rent, etc. Similarly, the panel data method was employed to estimate the irrigation water demand. For this purpose, a total of 54 observations were made on 9 producer provinces during 2001-2006. The Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test was initially done to choose between the Pool and Panel data approaches so as to come up with an appropriate function. Based on this test, the Panel data model was proven to be better. Next, the Hausman’s specification test was used to select between the fixed effect and random effect. Based on the test conducted on Eviwes 6, period weights was found to be the best model for the irrigation water demand function of lentil. 96 EViews estimates a feasible GLS specification correcting for period heteroskedasticity. The software Eviews 6 was then used to estimate the best model, after the pretest and diagnostic checks had been done. The estimated parameters are shown in Table 4-3. Table 4-3 Water demand function for lentil Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel EGLS Linear estimation after one-step weighting matrix Period weights (PCSE) standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction) Independent Variables Coefficient C 6.28*** LPW -0.25*** LW -0.90*** LPS -0.86*** LQ 1.11*** LPP 0.31* LPM -0.28** LPA 0.52*** LPF 1.06*** R-squared Adjusted R-squared Durbin-Watson stat F-statistic 70.31 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 0.93 0.03 0.09 0.24 0.03 0.15 0.11 0.05 0.21 0.98 0.96 2.53 6.73 -9.07 -10.3 -3.56 31.72 2.03 -2.52 11.37 4.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.00 0.00 The estimated water price coefficient was found to be negative. The value of the estimated coefficient is about -0.25, indicating that the demand for water is approximately inelastic. In more specific, farmers are almost sensitive to the price of water, and they tend to reduce the use of water when the price increases. In other words, a one percent increase in the price of water will decrease the demand for it by 97 0.25 percent. Thus, the estimated coefficients do not contradict with the first and second hypotheses of the research due to the existence of the negative relationship between price of water and the quantity demanded for it, and thus, the price of water is not efficient. The coefficient on the price of seed, rental of machinery and wage is also negative. One interpretation is that water with seed, machinery service and labour force are complementary inputs, and an increase of one percent in the prices of seed, machinary rental rate and wage, and land rent will decrease the demand for water by 0.86, 0.28 and 0.90 percent, respectively. On the other hand, the coefficients of the prices of fertilizer (animal, chemical) and pesticide are positive. This may be construed that water, fertilizer and pesticide are substitute inputs, and there is a substitution relationship between the inputs and agricultural water input. Therefore, to increase the efficiency of irrigation and save the amount of water used for the production of crops, farmers employ higher amount of the above inputs. Based on these value and price, the usage of the said inputs per unit area is increased so as to improve irrigation but lower water consumption. This means that a one percent increase in the prices of fertilizer and pesticide will cause demand for water to increase by (0.52, 1.06) and 0.31, respectively. The estimated coefficient for the output quantity is significant at 1% level. As discussed in the previous section, the functional form used to estimate water demand is linear-logarithm. Given the changes in the quantity of the output, the estimated parameter coefficient shows the elasticity of water usage, i.e. a one percent increase 98 in the output quantity of lentil will lead to a 1.11 percent rise in water consumption. Hence, the estimated coefficients are consistent with the fifth hypothesis of the research on Iran agricultural sector, i.e. the amount of crops has marked impact on the usage of water. 4.2.4 Pea Pea is another important crop in Iran’s agricultural sector. Table B.6 (Appendix B) lists some useful information on the production of pea, including in the irrigated area, irrigated production, etc. The information is given according to province for the year 2006. The total production, cultivated area, and yield (irrigated and rainfed) of peas in Iran in 2006 were aggregated to about 324786.1 ton, 602557 (ha), 1438 and 433 kilogaram per hectare, respectively. Meanwhile, the yield of peas from the irrigated areas ranged from 764.43 to 1623.19 (kg / ha) by province. The largest irrigated cultivation area (2912 ha) and production amount (3474 Ton) were reported in West Azarbaijan and Fars provinces. Hiring 522340 man days, the irrigated production during 2006 was estimated to be about 16159 metric tons. In the same year, the water productivity of pea averaged between 0.13 and 0.42 (kg/m3). The water productivity, average application of water and yield were reported to be around 0.24, 3788.8 (m3/ha) and 919 (kg/ha), respectively in West Azarbaijan province. As for the Fars province, the same items were reported to be 0.24, 5896(m3/ha), and 1441 (kg/ha), respectively. As in previous crops, and due to the same reasons stated in the earlier section, the Cobb-Douglas form was used for the demand functions. This helps to recognize the 99 major variables explaining water consumption. The primary thing to be estimated, once again, is the demand for water as a function of the current price of water, output amount, fertilizer price, seed price, wage, and land rental. The panel data method, with a total number of 66 observations from 11 producer provinces during 2001-2006, was used to estimate irrigation water demand. For this purpose, the Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test was once again used and concluded that the Panel model was more appropriate than the Pool model. Likewise, using Hausman’s specification test done on STATA 10, the fixed effect approach was found to be the best model for the irrigation water demand function of pea. Therefore, the best model was eventually estimated on Eviews 6 software, based on the data stationary test and diagnostic checks. The estimated parameters are shown in Table 4- 4. Table 4-4 Water demand function for pea Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares Independent Variables Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 6.02*** 0.79 * 0.056 -0.11 0.05 0.96*** *** 0.09 -0.31 *** 0.06 0.39 -0.10 0.08 0.15 -0.48*** 0.15 0.09 Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) R-squared 0.98 Adjusted R-squared 0.97 Durbin-Watson stat 2.56 F-statistic 58.47 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level C LPW LQ LW LPM LPA LPF LPS 100 4 -1.79 18.06 -3.51 6.18 -1.25 -3.21 1.64 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.01 0.12 The estimated coefficient for the price of water is negative. It was found significant at 10% level with a coefficient value of about -0.11, implying that the demand for water is infinitely inelastic. This means that farmers are insensitive to water price, and thus, are interested in lowering their water usage when the price increases. Hence, if the price of water rises by one percent, the demand for it will be lowered by 0.11 percent. The coefficients gained, thus, do not refute the first and second hypotheses of the research, and this indicates the presence of a negative relationship between water price and the amount demanded for it, and that the price of water is not efficient. The coefficients of the price of fertilizer (animal, chemical) and wage are also negative. Hence, water, fertilizer, and labour force can be regarded as complementary inputs. This means, a one percent increase in the price of fertilizer (animal, chemical) and wage will lower the demand for water by 0.1, 0.48 and 0.31 percent, respectively. On the contrary, the coefficients of the price of seeds and machinery rental are positive. It could be deduced that water with seeds, and machinary services are substitute inputs, in which there will be a rise in the demand for water by 0.15 and 0.39 percent respectively when there is a one percent appreciation in the price of seeds and machinery rental. The estimated coefficient for the quantity of output is significant at 1% level. The estimated parameter coefficient indicates the elasticity of water used given the variations in the quantity of output. A one percent increase in the quantity of output 101 will result in a 0.96 percent increase in the use of water. Therefore, the estimated coefficients do not contradict the fifth hypothesis of the research, i.e. the amount of crop has an important bearing on the water usage in the agricultural sector in Iran. 4.2.5 Pinto Bean Among the crops produced in the agricultural sector in Iran is pinto bean. In 2006, the total production, cultivated area, and irrigated yield for pinto beans in Iran were reported to be around 33923 ton, 208285.7 (ha), 2117.6 kilogaram per hectare, respectively. Meanwhile, the yield of pinto beans from irrigated areas in Iran provinces ranged from 1429 to 3362 (kg/ ha), with the provinces of Markazi and Fars as the largest irrigated cultivation area and production amount in Iran, respectively. The total irrigated production in the same year was about 202377 metric tons, while a total of 6383835 man days were utilized. The water productivity of pinto beans in Iran during 2006 was estimated between 0.21 and 0.78. In addition, the water productivity, average application of water, and yield were reported to be about 0.27, 7803(m3/ha) and 2118 (kg/ha) in Markazi province. The corresponding figures for Fars province were 0.38, 8024(m3/ha), and 3058 (kg/m3), respetively. Table B.7 (see Appendix B) presents the yield, irrigated area and production, average application of water, and crop water productivity of pinto bean holdings according to province for the year 2006. Like other products aforementioned, the Cobb-Douglas functions were used to estimate the demand for water and identify major variables explaining water consumption. The water demand equation presented in Chapter 3 was then estimated. 102 The equation reveals the demand for water in terms of the current price of water, fertilizer and seed prices, wage, land rental rate and amo unt of the output. A total of 60 observations corresponding to 10 producer provinces in period between 2001 and 2006 were used in the panel data method. The Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test revealed that the Panel data approach was a better choice than the Pool data. Meanwhile, Eviews was utilized to perform Hausman’s specification test. The test showed that a period SUR was the most suitable method. When selected Period SUR label, in the combo box labeled Weights, Eviews corrects for both period heteroskedasticity and general correlation of observations within a given cross-section (EViews 6 User’s Guide II. 2007: 483). After the pretest and diagnostic checks, Eviews 6 was then used to estimate the best model. The estimated parameters are shown in Table 4-5. The estimated coefficient for the price of water was negative. The estimated coefficient was -0.03, indicating that demand for water is infinitely inelastic. In other words, farmers are insensitive to the price of water. Thus, the estimated coefficients support the first and second hypotheses of this study that there is a negative relationship between the price of water and the amount of demand for it, and that the price of water is not efficient. 103 Table 4-5 Water demand function for pinto bean Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel EGLS (Period SUR) Linear estimation after one-step weighting matrix Period weights (PCSE) standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction) Independent Variables Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 0.75 2.73 0.00 C 2.05*** LPW -0.03 0.02 -1.20 0.24 0.03 32.44 0.00 LQ 0.99*** *** 0.06 -3.23 0.00 LW -0.19 *** 0.04 3.93 0.00 LPS 0.17 R-squared 0.96 Adjusted R-squared 0.95 Durbin-Watson stat 1.71 F-statistic 252.94 Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level The coefficient for wage was also found to be negative and significant at 1% level. This may be construed as an evidence of the fact that water and labour force are complementary inputs, whereby an increase of one percent in the wage will decrease the demand for water by 0.20 percent. Unlike the coefficients for the price of water and wage, the ones derived for the price of seeds are positive, indicating that water and seed could be regarded as substitute inputs which, in turn, means that a one percent rise in the price of seed will cause the demand for water to rise by 0.17 percent. Although the existence of a complementary relationship between water and seed inputs produces a negative relationship between the price and the quantity of demand for the other, while the accumulation of the seed price of the respective crops could be deemed as the primary factor which results in the sign of coefficient of this variable in the demand function. Likewise, taking into consideration the fact that the prices of input were used as major 104 contributing factors in the price of water, the sign of the estimated coefficient seems to be duely correct. The estimated coefficient for the quantity of output is significant at 1% level. The estimated parameter coefficient is an indication of the elasticity of water use given the changes in the quantity of output. This implies that a one percent increase in the quantity of output (pinto beans) will result in a 0.99 percent increase in the use of water. Thus, the estimated coefficients do not contradict with the fifth hypothesis of the research in the agricultural sector in Iran and the amount of crop strongly influences the usage of water usage. 4.2.6 Onion Onion is also another principal crop produced in Iran. In 2006, its production amounted to about 14663745.3 (ton). The area allocated for its cultivation and average application of water for this particular crop were 6878919 (ha) and about 12.9 billion cubic meter respectively in the same year. The key properties of onion are presented in Table B.8 (Appendix B). The yields for onion from the irrigated areas in various provinces in Iran vary from 15360 to 53090 (kg / ha). The biggest reported irrigated cultivation area of 9940 ha is located in Hormozgan. Likewise, East Azarbaijan has the largest reported production of onion in Iran, , with a production amount of 404497.22 ton. In 2006 alone, the total amount of yield from the irrigated production was reported to be about 1670367 metric tons. In order to realize such production level 6043375 man days were utilized. 105 Meanwhile, the water productivity for onions was found to average between 1.2 and 6.8 in Iran in 2006. The water productivity, average application of water, and yields of onion in Hormozgan and East Azarbaijan provinces were about 0.51, 8659, and 4467 (kg/ha) and 0.51, 8659, and 4467 (kg/ha), respictively. As in the other crops, the Cobb-Douglas functions were used and they yielded coefficients which made it possible to interpret the elasticity of demand with respect to the price of inputs and the quantity of output. Employing the methodology elaborated in the previous chapter permitted the researcher to identify the principal variables which could be used to explain water consumption. The main equation estimated is the water demand equation which was presented in the previous chapter. The equation expresses the demand for water in terms of the current price of water, the prices of seed and fertilizer, wage rates, land rental and the amount of output. The demand for irrigation water of 16 producer provinces for the period 2001-2006 was estimated using a total number of 96 observations in the form of Panel Data. In fact, the Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test showed that the Panel data approach was superior to the Pool data. After considering the results derived from the Hausman’s specification test (which was performed using the econometric software STATA 10) among the fixed effect and random effect, the fixed effect approach was found to be the most suitable one to model the irrigation water demand function for onion. Table 4-6 presents the parameters estimated in the most suitable 106 model, which was achieved after the data were gathered from the pretest and diagnostic checks. Table 4-6 Water demand function for onion Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction) Coefficient C LPW LQ LRL LPF LPM 1.92*** -0.02** 0.89*** -0.05* -0.14* 0.04* Std. Error 0.50 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.02 t-Statistic Prob. 3.86 -1.95 37.54 -1.76 -2.84 1.76 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.08 0.06 0.08 Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) R-squared 0.99 Adjusted R-squared 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 2.05 F-statistic 380.5 Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level At 5% level, the estimated coefficient for water price is negative. The demand for water was infinitely inelastic since the water price coefficient was about -0.02. Hence, farmers are insensitive to the price of water. Therefore, the estimated coefficients do not refute the first and second hypotheses of the research, i.e. there is a negative relationship between the price of water and the quantity demanded for it, and that the price of water is not efficient. The coefficients for the price of fertilizer and land rental are also negative and significant at 10% level. These findings imply that water, fertilizer, and land are 107 complementary inputs, and a one percent increase in the price of fertilizer and land rental will reduce the demand for water by 0.14 and 0.05 percent, respectively. However, the coefficient on machinery rental is positive. Water and machinary services are thus substitute inputs, i.e. a one percent rise in the rental of machinery will result in an increase of 0.04 percent in the demand for water. In particular, farmers use tractor as both supplementary and substitution input for water input. The application of machinery services is increased with rise in the area under onion cultivation. In addition, more of this input is used for a quicker and easier irrigation. To do so, some ridges (locally known as “Dookhisheh”) are created on the ground to facilitate water flow after disking and trowelling. This causes the inputs-to-prices ratio to vary. The estimated coefficient for the quantity of output is significant at 1% level. The elasticity of water use is 0.89, given the variations in the quantity of output, indicating that a one percent growth in the output (onion) quantity will result in a 0.89 percent increase in the use of water. The estimated coefficients also confirm the fifth hypothesis of the research, i.e. the amount of crops has a significant effect on the usage of water in Iran’s agricultural sector. 4.2.7 Tomato The crop production and agriculture-based industries form important part of Iran’s economy. Another crop which is of interest among all vegetable crops cultivated in Iran is tomato. About 5064571 tonnes of tomatoes were produced in Iran in 2006. The cultivated areas for tomatoes were 147462 (ha), while the average water usage 108 per hectare for it was 9023 in 2006. Utilizing around 19365603 man days, the total production in the irrigated areas in the year under consideration was nearly 5054830 tons. FAO reported that the exported volume of tomato paste crop to be about 51026 metric tons with a value of $ 26,626 million in 2004. The tomato yields in the irrigated areas of various provinces in Iran range from 9304 to 50866 (kg/ha) on the average. The largest irrigated cultivation areas and production quantity reported were 16478 (ha) and 798725 (metric ton) for the Jiroft city and Fars province, respectively. The total irrigated area for the same year was about 146837 ha, while 19365603 man days were hired to reach the above production level. The comprehensive data set available from the studies performed worldwide revealed that the global values for Crop Water Productivity (CWP) are generally very high for crops like tomato. In Iran, the crop water productivity for tomato in the year 2006 ranged from 1.27 in Sistan-and-Balouchestan province to 8.44 in Mazandaran province. Meanwhile, the water productivity, average application of water, and yield in the Fars province for this particular crop were about 5.09 (kg/m3), 9992 (m3/ha), and 50866 (kg/ha) respictively. The major by-province features of tomato holdings in Iran in 2006 are presented in Table B.9 (see Appendix B). Derived demand functions were estimated utilizing Cobb-Douglas function forms due to the possibility of interpretation of the resulting coefficients in connection with elasticity of demand, with respect to input prices, and amount of output as mentioned in the earlier section. One hundred and fifty observations carried out on 25 producer 109 provinces were used in the Panel Data method to estimate the irrigation water demand within the period between 2001 and 2006. The choice between Pool and Panel data approaches in reaching a suitable function was made based on the results from the Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test. It revealed that the Panel model showed advantages over the Pool data approach. Moreover, the Hausman’s specification test indicated that the fixed-fixed effect (two - way) was the best to be used as compared to the fixed effect and random effect approaches. The test was conducted using the econometric software STATA 10. Having the pretest and diagnostic checks done, the best model was also estimated. Table 4-7 presents estimated parameters. Table 4-7 Water demand function for tomato Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction) Coefficient C LPW LQ LPS LRL Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 15.26*** 0.60 *** 0.03 -0.06 0.04 0.30*** 0.04 -0.13*** 0.04 -0.12*** Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) Period fixed (dummy variables) R-squared 0.95 Adjusted R-squared 0.93 Durbin-Watson stat 1.52 F-statistic 58.66 Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 110 25.57 -2.28 6.60 -3.56 -3.26 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 Using the methodology presented in the earlier section, it is important to note that the estimation of the water demand function has made it feasible to identify the important variables explaining its consumption. The water demand, as a function of water current price, seed price, land rent, output amount, is the main quantity to be estimated. The estimated coefficients for the price of water at 1% level was found to be 0.06, showing that water demand was infinitely inelastic. The result also indicated that farmers were insensitive to the price of water. Therefore, the estimated coefficients do not negate the first and second hypotheses of the research that there exists a negative relationship between the price of water and the amount demanded for it, and that the price of water is not efficient. The coefficients for the price of seed and land rental are also negative and significant at 1% level. This indicates that water, seed, and land are complementary inputs, and that is one percent increase in the price of seed and land rental will lower the water demanded by 0.13 and 0.12 percent, respectively. On the other hand, the estimated coefficient for the quantity of output is positive and significant at 1% level. Thus, the estimated parameter coefficient shows the elasticity of water usage, given the changes in the quantity of output to be such that an increase of one percent in the output quantity raises the water usage by 0.30 percent. Hence, the estimated coefficients do not reject the fifth hypothesis of the research, i.e. crop amount profoundly affects usage of water in the agricultural sector of Iran. 111 The term “fixed - fixed effects” is due to the fact that the intercept of each province or individual is time variant. It may be noted that the FEM assumes that the (slope) coefficients of the regression do not vary across individual or overtime. In FEM the intercept in the regression model is allowed to differ among individuals and overtime in recognition of the fact each province and time may have some special characteristics (type of soil, climate, economic, social and geographical conditions) of its own. 4.2.8 Potato Potato is another crop of interest in Iran, with an average production of 4218522 metric tons in 2006. In the same year, an area of 163843.5 (ha) was devoted to the cultivation of potatoes, for which the application of water was 8561 (m3/ha) on the average. The irrigated production of the crop was aggregated at 4188207 (metric tons) in 2006 and 15883756 man days were employed. The irrigated potato yields in the provinces in Iran were also averagely ranged from 12110 to 36219 (kg/ha). The whole irrigated production in 2006 was reported to be about 4188207 metric ton. This was achieved via 15883756 man days of work forced hired. With a production of 875129 metric ton, Hamedan province had the largest proportion of the total production mentioned above. In the same year, an area of 25738 (ha) was devoted to the cultivation of potatoes in the province of Ardabil, which was the highest value amongst all the country’s provinces. With a value of 4.13(kg/m3), this province also had the highest water productivity for potatoes. On the other hand, Kerman province was reported to have the lowest value for water productivity of 1.43 (kg/m3). The average application of water, and the yield of potatoes in Aradabil province were reported to be about 6414, and 26527 (kg/ha), respectively. The main specifications 112 of the potato holdings according to province for the year 2006 are listed in Table B.10 (see Appendix B). In estimating the derived demand function, the Cobb-Douglas functional form was applied. Using this method, the identification of the important variables explaining water consumption becomes easier. The equation for demand of water, as a function of the current price of water, price of seed, land rental, output amount, is the main equation to be estimated. Meanwhile, the method used to estimate irrigation water demand was the Panel data, in which 138 observations from 23 producer provinces in period 2001-2006 were used. The Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test was also used to choose between the Pool and Panel data approaches. In view of that test, the Panel data was chosen as a more appropriate model to be employed. Additionally, the Hausman’s specification test (performed on the econometric software package, STATA 10) showed that the fixed effect approach was the best one for modeling the irrigation water demand function of potato among all the other approaches. Next, the data stationary test and diagnostic checks were also done, and the best model was subsequently estimated. The estimated parameters are presented in Table 4-8. The estimated coefficient for the price of water is negative at 5% level. With a value of 0.06, the demand for water is infinitely inelasticity. This, in turn, attests that farmers are insensitive to the changes that have taken place in the price of water. Consequently, the estimated coefficients comply with the first and second hypotheses 113 of the research; these are, the price of water and the quantity demanded for it are negatively related, and that the price of water is inefficient. Table 4-8 Water demand function for potato Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction) Coefficient C LPW LQ LW LPP Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 3.83*** 0.45 0.026 -0.06** 0.028 0.79*** *** 0.03 -0.15 0.022 0.07*** Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) 8.48 -2.1 27.95 -4.39 3.21 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 R-squared 0.99 Adjusted R-squared 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 2.21 F-statistic 616.71 Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level The coefficient on wage is (-0.15) also negative and significant at 1% level. Hence, water and labour force could be considered as complementary inputs, i.e. a one percent rise in the wage will reduce the damand for water by 0.15 percent. On the other hand, the estimated coefficient for the quantity of output is significant and positive at 1% level. The estimated parameter coefficient shows that an increase of one percent in the amount of output induced a 0.79 percent growth in the usage of water. Thus, the coefficients are compatible with the fifth hypothesis of the research on the agriculture sector in Iran, i.e. the amount of crops has a great influence on the usage of water. 114 4.2.9 Cucumber With an average production of 1938491 (metric tons) in 2006, cucumber is yet another crop of interest. Total land size devoted to its cultivation was aggregated to 82350 (ha), and the average application of water was 7190 (m3/ha) in the same year. FAO reported the export level of cucumber paste crop as nearly 36948 metric tons, with a value of $ 11.012 million in 2004. The yields for cucumber from the irrigated farms in various provinces in Iran ranged from 9044 to 37228 (kg / ha). In 2006, Jiroft city had the largest total irrigated cultivation area for cucumber with 20373 (ha). Meanwhile, with 608939.6 (metric ton), Kerman province had the highest production level reported. A total of 8751533 man days were employed to realize the total production level of 1933975 in the same year. The provinces of Tehran and Kohkiloyeh-va-Boyrahmad had the lowest and highest water productivity ranges of 2.49 and 7.69, respectively. The water productivity, average application of water, and yields for cucumber were reported to be about 3.29, 8812, and 29889 (kg/ha) respectively in Jiroft city located in Kerman province. Table B.11 (see Appendix B) contains the main specifications of cucumber holdings according to province for the year 2006. Just like for the other crops, the Cobb-Douglas functions were used as the functional form of the derived demand functions to facilitate the interpretation of the elasticity of demand in relation to the price of inputs, and the amount of output. For this, the 115 demand for water, as a function of the current price of water, price of fertilizer and seed, wage, land rental, and the amount of output, was estimated. The estimation of irrigation water demand was carried out using the Panel Data, based on 108 observations conducted within the period between 2001 and 2006, from 18 producer provinces. Once again, the Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test was performed to select an appropriate function to be employed and the outcome of the test indicated that the Panel model was more suitable to be used than the Pool model. Based on the Hausman’s specification test done on STATA 10, the fixed effect approach was selected as the most appropriate model for the irrigation water demand function of cucumber. After that, the diagnostic checks and pretest were performed, and the best model was estimated. These estimated parameters are presented in Table 4-9. Table 4-9 Water demand function for cucumber Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction) Coefficient C LPW LQ LW LPM LPA Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 5.57*** 1.01 * 0.01 -0.02 *** 0.06 0.68 0.06 -0.14*** 0.04 0.08** 0.02 -0.03* Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) 5.51 -1.8 12.01 -2.62 1.96 -1.76 0 0.07 0 0.01 0.05 0.08 R-squared 0.99 Adjusted R-squared 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 1.87 F-statistic 414.21 Prob.(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ; ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 116 The estimated coefficient for the price of water is negative at 10% level. The coefficient was found to be about -0.02, and this indicated that the demand for water was infinitely inelastic, and that the farmers were insensitive to the changes in the price of water. Therefore, the estimated coefficients do not refute the first and second hypotheses of the research; there is a negative relationship between the price of price and the amount of demand for it, and that the price of water is inefficient. The coefficients on wage and animal fertilizer price are also negative and significant at 1% and 10% levels. This is a signal which indicates that water with labour force and animal fertilizer are complementary inputs, in which a one percent growth in wage and the price of animal fertilizer will lessen the demand for water by 0.14 and 0.03 percent, respectively. The estimated coefficient for the output quantity is positive and significant at 1% level. With an elasticity of 0.68, a one percentage rise in the output (cucumber) will result in an increase of water usage by 0.68 percent. Accordingly, the estimated coefficients support the fifth hypothesis of the research, i.e. the amount of crop amount has a substantial impact on the water usage in the Iranian agricultural sector. 4.2.10 Watermelon Watermelon is also another major crop whose production and export contribute to the economy of Iran. Its production averaged at 2866324 (metric tons) in 2006. In the same year, the cultivated areas for watermelons and the average application of water for it were 119096 (ha) and 7542 (m3/ha), respectively. 117 The total irrigated production during the year under consideration was reported to be about 2719320 tons, using 5761113 man days of labour. As reported by FAO, the export level of watermelon crop was about 90775 metric tons, with value of $ 14516 million in 2004. Meanwhile, the yields for watermelon in the Iranian provinces were indicated to range from 4364 to 44386 (kg / ha). In particular, Khozestan province had the largest irrigated cultivation area (21536 ha) and the highest production level of 680394 metric ton among all the provinces in Iran. Iran’s total irrigated area was 95718 ha in 2006. As mentioned in the section devoted for tomato, a comprehensive dataset of studies conducted worldwide revealed that the global values for crop water productivity (CWP) were generally very high for crops like tomatoes and watermelons. With 6.38 and 2.01, Kerman and Fars provinces took the first and last places respectively in terms of water productivity levels. The water productivity, average application of water and yield for this crop in Khozestan province were 3.87, 8147, and 31593 (kg/ha), respectively. The main specifications of the watermelon holdings for the different provinces in 2006 are presented in Table B.12. The most prevalently used form of the derived demand functions are the CobbDouglas functions, in that the resulting coefficients have made it possible to interpret the elasticity of demand, with respect to price of inputs, and amount of output. The equation of water demand, as a function of the current price of water, fertilizer and seed prices, wage, land rent, and the output amount, was then estimated using the panel data method comprising of 126 observations from 21 producer provinces for 118 the period between 2001 and 2006. The Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test was used to juxtapose the Pool and Panel Data approaches seeking for a suitable function. Finally, the Panel model was proven to be more appropriate than the Pool model. Meanwhile, the fixed effect and random effect were compared in the Hausman’s specification test which was run on STATA 10. The results revealed that the irrigation water demand function of watermelon could be best derived using the fixed effect approach. The estimation for the best model was employed to carry out the pretest and diagnostic checks. These estimated parameters are presented in Table 4-10. Table 4-10 Water demand function for watermelon Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section weights) Linear estimation after one-step weighting matrix White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction) Independent Variable C LQ LPW LW LPP LRL LPS LPM LCL Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 1.10* 0.81** -0.09*** -0.21*** 0.047*** -0.05** 0.04*** -0.02*** 0.26*** 0.66 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.06 1.66 37.22 -5.39 -4.56 2.96 -2.07 2.84 -2.78 4.19 Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) R-squared 0.99 Adjusted R-squared 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 2.06 686.773 F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 119 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.00 Based on the results, the estimated coefficient for the price of water is negative at 1% level. The coefficient was found to be approximately -0.09. This indicates that the demand for water is infinitely inelasticity, and that the farmers are insensitive to the changes in the price of water. Thus, the estimated coefficients vindicate the first and second hypotheses of the research; the price of water and the amount demanded for it are negatively related, and that the price of water is not efficient. Likewise, the coefficients for wage, machinery rental and land rental are negative, and they are significant at 1%, 1% and 5% levels, respectively. These suggest that water, labour force, land, and machinery services are complementary inputs, which explains that a one percent increase in the wage, machinery rental, and land rental will decrease the demand for water by 0.21, 0.02 and 0.05 percent, respectively. The coefficients for the price of seeds, price of pesticide, and cost incurred in land preparation are all positive and significant at 1%. Hence, it could be deduced that water and all the inputs given above are substitute inputs, and this means that a one percent increase in price of seed, pesticide, and cost in land preparation will eleviate demand for water by 0.04, 0.05, and 0.26 percent, respectively. Among the reasons for the existence of a substitution relationship between land preparation and water usage is that quality of soil and its ability by absorption and retention of water was considered as a whole. The estimated coefficient for quantity of output is positive and significant at 1% level. The estimated parameter coefficient suggests the elasticity of water use, with respect to the quantity of output, is 0.81. This also means that a one percent increase 120 in the output (watermelon) will result in a 0.81 percent increase in the use of water. The yielded coefficients also confirm the fifth hypothesis of the research, i.e. the amount of crops has a strong effect on the usage of water. When we select Cross section weights, EViews will estimate a feasible GLS specification assuming the presence of cross-section heteroskedasticity. 4.2.11 Cotton With a production of about 283673.34 (metric tons) in 2006, cotton is a crop of great importance in Iran’s agricultural sector. In the same year, the areas cultivated for cotton amounted to 116560 (ha), and an average application of water for it was about 100884 (m3/ha). Cotton yields from various irrigated areas in Iran provinces ranged from 1663 to 3318.55 (kg/ ha). With a production of 152348 metric tons, Khorasan province had highest production level. The province also contained a total cultivation area of 63722 ha, putting it in the first place among all other Iranian provinces for the production of cotton. The total irrigated production of cotton in Iran for 2006 was about 113345 metric tons, employing 8870633 man days of labour force. The water productivity for cotton in Iran was between 0.013 and 0.12 in 2006. The water productivity, average application of water and yield in the Khorasan province for this crop were repored to be approximately 0.021, 110436 (m3/ha), and 2321.14 (kg/ha), respestively. The key specifications of cotton holdings by provinces in 2006 are presented in Table B.13. 121 The Cobb-Douglas form was used for the derived demand functions. The water demand equation explained in the previous chapter (including the current price of water, price of fertilizer and seed, wage, land rental, and amount of output) was estimated. The panel data method was used to estimate irrigation water demand based on 78 observations from 13 producer provinces for the period between 2001 and 2006. The Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test made it possible to find the Panel Data approach which had been proven as better than the Pool Data approach. Similarly, the Hausman’s specification test was performed on STATA 10, and it suggested that the fixed – fixed effect approach was the best choice among all other approaches. Finally, the best model was estimated after the pretest and diagnostic checks had been carried out. The estimated parameters are listed in Table 4-11. The results show that the estimated coefficient for the price of water is negative at 1% level. Infinite inelasticity of water demand could be discerned from -0.41, as the value of this variable coefficient. In other words, this also indicates that farmers are relatively sensitive to the changes which have taken place in the price of water. Hence, the estimated coefficients justify the first and second hypotheses of the research; there is a negative relationship between the price of water and its demand level, and the price of water is not efficient. 122 Table 4-11 Water demand function for cotton Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction) Independent Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-satistic Prob. C LPW LQ LW LRL LCL LPS 2.49 2.76 -0.41 0.08 0.73 0.19 -0.27 0.16 0.12 0.036 0.56 0.156 -0.09 0.126 Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) R-squared 0.97 Adjusted R-squared 0.96 Durbin-Watson stat 2.04 F-statistic 80 Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level; ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 0.90 -5.02 3.81 -1.70 3.66 3.75 -0.70 0.37 0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.48 The coefficients for the cost in land preparation and land rental are positive and significant at 1% level. From this, it can be concluded that water and all the above inputs are mere substitutions. For this reason, a one percent rise in the cost for land preparation and land rental will increase the demand for water by 0.56 and 0.12 percent, respectively. Likewise, the coefficients for the price of seed and wage are negative. Hence, water with seed and labour force comprise complementary inputs. This means, a one percent increase in the price of seed and wage will lower the demand for water by 0.09 and 0.27 percent, respectively. 123 The estimated coefficient for the quantity of output is, however, positive and significant at 1% level. The elasticity of water use, given the changes in the quantity of output is indicated by the estimated parameter coefficient. This also means that a one percent increase in the output (cotton) quantity will bring about a 0.73 percent increase in the consumption of water. Accordingly, the obtained coefficients are in compliance with the fifth hypothesis of the research, i.e. in Iran’s agricultural sector, the amount of crops has a decisive effect on the usage of water. 4.2.12 Sugar Beet Another major industrial crop produced in Iran is sugar beet, with a production level, cultivated area, and average water application in 2006 to be around 6709112 (metric tons), 185888 (ha), and 14664 (m3/ha), respectively. Sugar beet yields in irrigated areas in the Iranian provinces ranged from 25000 to 54411 kg/ha for the same year. Among all the provinces, Khorasan had the largest irrigated cultivation area totalling 63279 ha and the highest production level of 2006475 metric tons. For the total irrigated production of about 6709112 metric tons in 2006, 15394605 man days of labour were hired. In Iran, the water productivity for sugar beet was between 1.4 and 3.42 in 2006. The water productivity, average application of water, and yield in the Khorasan province for sugar beet were reported to be about 1.92, 14779 (m3/ha) and 28348 (kg), respectively. Table B.14 (Appendix B) shows the important specifications of sugar beet holdings in the different provinces in 2006. 124 The main equation to be estimated is the water demand equation, as presented in the previous chapter. In this equation, the demand for water serves as a function of the current price of water, prices of fertilizer, seed, wage, land rental, and amount of output. The method used to estimate irrigation water demand was the Panel Data. Meanwhile, a total of 84 observations taken from 14 producer provinces during the period between 2001 and 2006 were used in the model. As the results of the Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test conducted, the Panel Data approach was used as a more appropriate one to be used to obtain a suitable function. Based on the Hausman’s specification test performed on STATA 10, the fixed effect approach was found to be the best among the fixed effect approach and random effect. Thus, the fixed effect approach was used to model the irrigation water demand function for sugar beet. Finally, the pretest and diagnostic checks were done and the most suitable model was estimated. These estimated parameters are presented in Table 4-12. The results show that the estimated coefficient for the price of water is -0.04 and it is significant at 1% level. Hence, the demand for water is infinitely inelastic. It also indicates that farmers are very sensitive to the change in the price of water. Therefore, the estimated coefficients do not contradict with the first and second hypotheses of the research; that there is a negative relationship between the price of water and the amount demanded for it and that the price of water is not efficient. 125 Table 4-12 Water demand function for sugar beet Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section weights) Linear estimation after one-step weighting matrix White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction) Independent Variable C LPW LW LQ LPS LPM LCL Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 2.41*** -0.04*** -0.16*** 0.88*** -0.03*** -0.04*** 0.09 0.25 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.005 0.02 0.06 9.53 -3.68 -3.60 44.53 -7.94 -2.32 1.57 0.00 0.001 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.12 Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) R-squared 0.99 Adjusted R-squared 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 2.22 F-statistic 811.13 Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level On the contrary, the coefficients on wage, machinery rental and price of seed are negative and they are significant at 1%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Hence, water with labour force, machinery services, and seed comprise complementary inputs. In more specific, a one percent increase in wage, machinery rental, and price of seed will reduce the water demanded by 0.16, 0.04 and 0.03, respectively. On the other hand, the coefficient for the cost in land preparation is positive, indicating that water and land preparation are substitute inputs, in which a one percent rise in the cost for land preparation will increase the demand for water by 0.09 percent. 126 Similarly, the estimated coefficient for the quantity of output is positive and significant at 1% level. The estimated parameter coefficient gives an estimated elasticity of water use with respect to the quantity of output. Thus, a one percent increase in the output (sugar beet) quantity will lead to a 0.88 percent rise in the usage of water. This also shows that the estimated coefficient is consistent with the fifth hypothesis outlined in the current research, i.e. in the agricultural sector of Iran; the usage of water is very much determined or influenced by the amount of crops. 4.3 Estimations of the Model with Alternative Prices As mentioned in Chapter one, the main goal of this study was to design a suitable mechanism for determining an efficient pricing system for irrigation water. The current prices are not efficient because the water demand elasticity with respect to the current price is close to zero (infinitely inelasticity). Therefore, an irrigation water demand function via minimization of cost function will be used. The estimated coefficients of irrigation water demand will be used for analyzing water pricing system. On the supply side, water pricing system based on average and marginal cost will be used. Secondary data on expenditures of a district on irrigated water supply delivery will be used to calculate average and marginl cost per cubic meter of water. The average variable cost of water supply delivery has been calculated using operating and maintaining expenditures on the irrigation system. 127 The descriptive data presented in Table 4-13 includes the current price and water alternative prices for all crops. While variables are defined for estimate as natural logs are represent the original values. Table 4-13 Descriptive statistics of current price and water alternative prices Variable MC Crop AVC WCP Tomato VMP WCP Watermelon VMP WCP Pinto bean VMP WCP Sugar beet VMP WCP Lentil VMP WCP Onion VMP WCP Potato VMP WCP Pea VMP WCP Barley VMP WCP Cotton VMP WCP Wheat VMP WCP Cucumber VMP * WCP is Water Current Price Mean 544.0456 31.09896 14.96 830.52 2999.25 308.04 10.44 142.98 8.84 161.01 6.36 65.55 13.38 341.26 12.92 529.12 10.66 96.70 5.93 57.91 3.49 66.39 6.71 138.29 21.54 613.09 Std. Dev. 5604.868 92.05422 11.24 597.67 2940.58 202.90 11.96 65.60 6.02 310.85 4.84 37.88 8.38 213.31 10.33 2044.01 12.17 71.94 4.22 22.29 2.69 57.08 4.28 55.56 18.31 410.21 Observations 105 105 144 144 123 126 58 58 82 82 44 44 100 100 138 138 63 63 151 151 78 78 167 167 108 108 The average MC is 544 and a standard deviation of 5605, while average AVC is 31 and a standard deviation of 92. The average water current price (WCP) for tomato, watermelon, pinto bean, sugar beet, lentil, onion, potato, pea, barley, cotton, wheat 128 and cucumber are 14.96, 2999, 10.44, 8.84, 6.36, 13.38, 12.92, 10.66, 5,93, 3.49, 6.71 and 21.54 Toman/m3, and with a standard deviation of 11.24, 2940.6, 11.96, 6.02, 4.84, 5.38, 10.33, 12.17, 4.22, 2.7, 4.28 and 18.31, respectively. While average VMP for tomato, watermelon, pinto bean, sugar beet, lentil, onion, potato, pea, barley, cotton, wheat and cucumber are 830, 308, 143, 161, 655, 341.3, 529.1, 96.7, 57.9, 66.4, 138.3 and 613 Toman / m3and with a standard deviation of 597.7, 202.9, 65.6, 310.85,37.88, 213.31, 2044, 71.94, 22.3, 57.08, 55.56 and 410.21, respectively. The shadow price of water (labelled as VMP of water) that could be calculated from the equation (3-69), the average variable cost of water supply delivery (using O&M expenditures on the irrigation system), and the short-run marginal cost would use an alternative price instead of the current price. As mentioned earlier, the Panel Data method was used to estimate the irrigation water demand. First, Breush and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier test was used to choose between Pool and Panel Data approaches. This test revealed that the Panel Data approach was more appropriate than the Pool Data approach. Hausman’s specification test was also conducted on STATA 10 (an econometric software package) to choose one method out of the fixed effect and random effect. Based on the test, the best model for the irrigation water demand functions for all crops were found to be fixed effect approach. Next, pretest and diagnostic checks were done upon which the best model was estimated. The estimated results are presented in Appendix F. Meanwhile, the estimated coefficients for the water alternative prices (VMP, AVC and MC) are shown in Table 4-14 129 Table 4-14 Estimated coefficients for the alternative prices of water Dependent Variable: LDWT Independent AVC MC Crop Coefficient Std. Coefficient *** Wheat -0.01 0.006 -0.07*** Barley -0.075*** 0.02 -0.03* 0.04 -0.10*** Lentil -0.09* * 0.01 -0.06* Pea -0.03 0.015 -0.01 Pinto Bean -0.06*** *** 0.01 -0.01*** Onion -0.04 0.02 -0.01 Tomato -0.04** Potato -0.004 0.01 -0.02 0.01 -0.01*** Cucumber -0.01** 0.003 0.006*** Watermelon -0.005* *** 0.01 0.09* Cotton 0.02 0.005 -0.08** Sugar Beet -0.01** * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the1% level VMP Std. Coefficient 0.007 -0.20*** 0.02 -0.66*** 0.03 -0.88*** 0.03 -0.49*** 0.05 -0.39*** 0.02 -0.20*** 0.01 -0.89*** 0.01 -0.16*** 0.003 -0.21*** 0.009 -0.26*** 0.05 -0.88*** 0.03 -0.50*** Std. 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.10 The regression results show that the estimated coefficients for the water alternative prices (VMP, AVC and MC) are negative and significant at 1% level. These coefficients are also very low when the price of water is equal to AVC and MC. It is because both average variable cost and marginal cost are very close to the current price. Therefore, the estimated coefficients do not contradict with the third hypothesis of the research for the Iranian agricultural sector, i.e. pricing based on the marginal cost and average variable cost of water has no effect on decreasing water usage. Nonetheless, it is approximately efficient when the price of water is equal to the value of marginal product (VMP). These coefficients indicate that when the price of water is equal to the VMP, a one percent increase in the price of water will cause water demanded for tomatoes to decrease by 0.89 percent. In other words, farmers will use lesser amounts of water when the price is higher. 130 Therefore, the estimated coefficients do not contradict the fourth hypothesis of the research conducted in the Iranian agricultural sector, i.e. pricing based on the value of marginal product has an efficient effect on decreasing usage of water. One of the most significant findings emerging from this study is that the range of the estimated coefficients for the alternative prices of water, based on the VMP is between 0.14 (for cotton) and 0.89 (for tomato). These results may be explained by the facts that there is no close substitute for water, and that farmers allocate such a tiny fraction of the costs they bear to water (Sloman, 2003). This means that the price of water is rather low, that is, each factor is totally inelastic if the price is very low. 4.4 Discuassion The estimated results indicate that the social and political pricing system (that the water rate is determined so that only the maintenance and operation costs covered) and current pricing system (social and economic pricing that is based on the average cost and water rate is determined so that cover all or part of the investment costs in addition to costs of the maintenance and operation.) is inefficient in Iran’s agricultural sector. According to ( Johansson, 2000), an economically efficient allocation of water is one that results in the highest return for a given water resource. He also suggested that to attain this effectiveness, the price of water should be identical to the marginal cost of 131 supplying an additional unit of water plus the shortage value of the resource. Garcia and Reynaud (2004) noted that maximizing social welfare leads to public utility of marginal-cost pricing (MCP). Maximizing aggregate net surplus leads to the famous law of equality of price and social marginal-cost. They also argued that due to a number of criticisms against marginal cost pricing (First - best water pricing), the “revenue-recovery principle” has played the primary rule in the design of water prices. By the way, marginal cost changes since irrigation decisions are functions of geographical conditions and seasonal differences. This fact requires that different prices are charged at different times. Likewise, the marginal cost to society of delivering one unit of water to a farmer at tail end may be higher than that of the same unit of water to a farmer nearer to the source of water supply. Indeed, water supply costs should include items corresponding to maintenance (Easter, 1987), collection of water and relevant fees (Small and Carruthers, 1991), social cost (benefit), scarcity, infrastructure, extraction cost externalities (Johansson, 2000). In 2001, Griffin showed that water price should also include opportunity costs such as, user’s marginal cost of water (to take into account sacrifice of future uses of unrenowned groundwater supplies); marginal value of raw water (surface water and fully renewable ground water sources, in scarcity situations); marginal capacity cost (when water supplied with capacity installed is less than water demand). In 2002, Sahibzada noted that water rate determination principle often favored by economists is to base charges on the value of service, i.e. on the marginal product value of water which equals, at equilibrium, the price farmers are willing to pay for 132 water. He also stated that the opportunity cost of the various inputs is normally taken to be their market prices, in the absence of their shadow prices. Where no market price exists, the cost of a particular input in its best alternative use is substituted for its price.” Shiferaw et al. (2008) illustrated that in the absence of a water market, optimal allocation of irrigation water will require the shadow price to equal its marginal product value. Therefore, the estimated results reveal that water price is approximately efficient when the price of water is equal to the value of marginal product (VMP). Consequently, Water pricing can be used as an important means of improving water allocation and encouraging users to conserve water resources as mentioned in chapter two, this criterion ought to be more appropriate to economic decision making in Iran. 133 CHAPTER V 5 5.1 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary Planning for an efficient use of water resources is one of the most important current discussions about water resources management. This is largely due to the fact that water is a fundamental prerequisite to achieve goals such as increasing level of food production, energy development, and wide industrial activities. Moreover, water also plays a key role in agricultural activities as it is an important component of the climatic system. In most arid and semi - arid areas like most parts of Iran, inadequate supply of water is confronting many people, and this is one of the major constraints on economic development in the country. In such areas, the core issue in water management is equilibrating the supply and demand for water. On one hand, the supply of water is often limited, while on the other, the quantity demanded is constantly rising, mainly as a result of growth in the country’s population. Therefore, establishing a wise water pricing system is crucial to attain an optimal allocation of water resources. 5.1.1 Purpose and Objectives In this study, the main goals were to analyze the current pricing mechanism (policy) for water and determine alternative pricing policy so as to optimize the utilization of this scarce resource. This study focused to determine suitable and efficient pricing 134 system for irrigation water. Thus, water demand functions for major crops in the region were estimated in order achieve these objectives. Reflecting on the hypothesis posed at the beginning of this study, it is now possible to state that an increase in the price of water delivered to the agricultural sector is effective as a measure to be used in conserving this rare resource and in ensuring its efficient consumption. The hypotheses on which this research was based on are listed below: 1. Price of Irrigation water is inefficient. In other words, water demand is inelastic with respect to its price. 2. Price elasticity of water in Iran’s agricultural sector is less than one. 3. In Iran’s agricultural sector, pricing based on marginal cost and average variable cost of water supply has no effect on decreasing water usage by farmers. 4. In Iran’s agricultural sector, pricing based on value of marginal product has an effect on decreasing water usage. 5. In Iran’s agricultural sector, crop quantity has a significant effect on water usage. 5.1.2 Research Procedures In approaching the aforementioned objectives, this research used secondary data to assess the efficiency of water price. Major crops considered herein include wheat, barley, lentil, pea, pinto bean, onion, tomato, potato, cucumber, watermelon, cotton, and sugar beet. Data and information related to these crops were collected from the 135 statistical reports for 28 producing provinces in Iran within the period between 2001 and 2006. The analysis was based on the econometric method of panel data. Meanwhile, demands for irrigation water were estimated as functions of water price, land rent, fertilizer price, as well as rental rate for machinery, seed price, wage, animal fertilizer price, pesticide price, and irrigated production level. In this study, regression coefficients were estimated and a suitable pricing system of irrigation water in these selected provinces was also estimated upon performing the relevant statistical tests. The natural logarithm functional forms were used to estimate the functions of water demand. The parameters of the demand functions were estimated using the ordinary Least Squares (OLS) or Generalized Least Squares (GLS), Estimated Generalized Least Squares (EGLS), and/or Weighted Least Squares (WLS). 5.1.3 Research Findings The following conclusions were drawn from the present study: 1. The price elasticity of demand for water at the price based on VMP is relatively inelastic (0 < Ed < 1) for most of crops. 2. Based on these findings, farmers will generally use lesser amount of water when the price is higher. Hence, decision makers and authorities can use price as a policy instrument for water conservation. 136 3. For most of the crops, the price elasticity of demand for water is perfectly inelastic at the current price, and this is similar for the prices which are based on AVC and MC. Indeed, each factor is totally inelastic when its price is very low. Consequently, the water prices based on the current price and on AVC and MC are inefficient. A possible explanation for this is that at these prices, farmers are less responsive to changes in the quantity of water. 4. The price of the water for most of the crops is close to efficient when the water price is given based on the value of marginal product. 5. As mentioned above, the price elasticity of water demand at the current price, and also, at prices based on AVC and MC is very low for the crops. This is because there is no substitute for water, and water cost comprises only a negligible fraction of total costs borne by farmers, i.e. the price of water is very low. 6. As for wheat, the price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC were found to be -0.036, -0.20, -0.02 and -0.05, respectively; that is, a one percent increase in the price of water will cause demand for water to decrease by 0.036, 0.20, 0.02 and 0.05 percent, respectively. 7. The price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC were -0.02, -0.66, -0.07 and -0.03 respectively for barley. This indicates that a one percent increase in the price of water will 137 cause water demand to decrease respectively by 0.02, 0.66, 0.07 and 0.03 percent. 8. For lentil, the price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC were -0.25, -0.88, -0.09 and -0.1, respectively. In other words, a one percent increase in the price of water will cause water demand to decrease by 0.25, 0.88, 0.09 and 0.1 percent, respectively. 9. As for pea, the price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC were -0.11, -0.49, - 0.03 and -0.06, respectively, indicating that a one percent rise in the price of water will lead to a decrease in water demand by 0.11, 0.49, 0.03 and 0.06 percent, respectively. 10. The price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC for pinto bean were -0.03, -0.39, -0.06 and -0.01, respectively. This means a one percent increase in the price of water will lower demand for water by 0.03, 0.39, 0.06 and 0.01 percent, respectively. 11. The price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC for onion were -0.02, -0.20, -0.04 and -0.01, respectively; that is, a one percent rise in water price can reduce demand for water by 0.02, 0.20, 0.04 and 0.01 percent, respectively. 138 12. For tomato crop, the price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC were -0.06, -0.89, -0.04 and -0.01, respectively. This indicates that a one percent increase in the price of water will decrease demand for water by 0.06, 0.89, 0.04 and 0.01 percent, respectively. 13. The price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC were -0.06, -0.16, - 0.004 and -0.02 respectively for potato crop. In other words, a one percent grow in the price of water will lower demand for water by 0.06, 0.16, 0.004 and 0.02 percent, respectively. 14. For cucumber crop, the price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC were -0.02, -0.21, -0.01 and-0.01, respectively. This also means that a one percent increase in the price of water will reduce demand for water by 0.02, 0.21, 0.01 and 0.01 percent, respectively. 15. The price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC for were -0.09, -0.26, -0.01 and -0.01 respectively for watermelon crop; that is, a one percent rise in the price of water will cause demand for water to reduce by 0.09, 0.26, 0.01 and 0.01 percent, respectively. 139 16. The price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC were found to be -0.41, -0.88, -0.02 and -0.09 respectively for cotton crop. This reveals that a one percent increase in the price of water will lessen demand for water by 0.15, 0.14, 0.02 and 0.09 percent, respectively. 17. For sugar beet crop, the price elasticity of demand for water at the current price, and the prices based on VMP, AVC and MC were indicated at -0.04, -0.50, -0.01 and -0.08, respectively. This means that a one percent increase in the price of water will lead to a decrease demand for water by 0.04, 0.50, 0.01 and 0.08 percent, respectively. 18. The estimated coefficients for output are positive and significant for all crops. These coefficients, in logarithmic functions, indicate the elasticity of water usage given a change in the quantity of output. This means farmers tend to use more water when the demand for crops is higher. Decision makers and authorities can use this elasticity (coefficients) as a policy instrument for water conservation. The coefficients for wheat, barley, lentil, pea, pinto bean, onion, tomato, potato, cucumber, water melon, cotton, sugar beet were 0.38, 0.81, 1.11, 0.96, 0.99, 0.89, 0.30, 0.79, 0.68, 0.81, 0.73, and 0.88, respectively. For example, a one percent increase in the demand for wheat leads to a 0.38 percent rise in the usage of water. This relationship could be used to determine the impact(s) of production quotas on water supply. 140 19. The marginal production value of water for each crop was computed via these estimated coefficients (output amount coefficients). 20. The estimated coefficients for wage for most of the crops are negative and significant, implying that water and labour are complementary inputs. In fact, a one percent increase in wage will decrease demand for water by Bi percent. 21. The estimated coefficients for land rental are negative and significant for most of the crops, illustrating that water and land are also complementary inputs. Therefore, a one percent rise in the rental of land will reduce demand for water by Bi percent. 22. The estimated coefficients for the price of fertilizer for the majority of crops are negative and significant, implying that water and fertilizer are complementary inputs. Hence, a one percent increase in the price of fertilizer will lower demand for water by Bi percent. 23. The estimated coefficients for the price of seed (or the cross price elasticity with respect to the price of seed) for almost all the crops are both positive and significant. These indicate that a one percent rise in the price of seed will cause a decrease in water demanded by Bi percent. Although the existence of a complementary relationship between water and seed inputs produces a negative relationship between the price of one and the quantity of demand, as well as the accumulation of the price of seed for respective crops could be 141 deemed as the primary factor in the formation of the variable in the demand function. 24. Likewise, noting the fact that the prices of input were used as major factors contributing to the price of water, the sign of the estimated coefficient seems to be appropriate. Furthermore, in light of a large proportion of seed cost (second after that of water’s) in the total production cost, this particular input and water appear to be considered by farmers as two substitutes. Another reason for this could be the employment of price index of seed, and also, the existing variety being used. 25. The estimated coefficients for the price of pesticide for most crops are positive and significant. Hence, water and pesticide are substitute inputs, in which a one percent increase in the price of pesticide will cause demand for water to increase by Bi percent. 26. The estimated coefficients for the rental of machinery services for most of the crops are also positive and significant. This indicates that water and machinery services are substitute inputs. In this relationship, a one percent increase in the rental of machinery services will increase demand for water by Bi percent. 5.1.4 Contributions of the Study This study has filled in the gaps present in the research conducted previously. First, it provides consistent and comprehensive estimations for the price water (values) 142 across several regions in Iran. These are based on the farmers’ optimizing behaviour over some of the outputs (including wheat, barley, lentil, pea, pinto bean, onion, tomato, potato, cucumber, water melon, cotton, and sugar beet) and inputs (price of water, land rental, price of fertilizer, machinery rental, price of seed, wage, price of animal fertilizer and pesticide, and irrigated production level of the crops). Although there has been much estimation done or suggested for the value of water in Iran’s agriculture, no estimation for the values across different regions in Iran is available. Several studies have found that the value of water changes with or according to region. Keramatzade et al. (2006) used a linear programming technique to determine the economic value of agricultural water in Shirvan Barzo Dam. On the contrary, Salami and Mohammad Nejad (2002) employed flexible production functions, and estimated the economic value of irrigation water in Saveh region. Meanwhile, Mansouri and Ghiasi (2002) estimated the cost at the point of reservoir dams of irrigation water in the West Azarbaijan province in 1998-99 using the engineering economic approach. Second, this study has also revealed that the type and value of crops, as well as the geographical factors have significant effects on demand for water and its price. However, previous studies on Iran did not test the role of these factors. For instance, Chizari et al. (2006) used a goal programming approach to determine the optimum cropping pattern and economic value of irrigation water in three regions in Shirvan Barzo Dam located in the north of Khorasan province. 143 Finally, this study has shown that at the current prices, farmers are not using water efficiently. Thus, to fill these gaps, this research used a microeconomic theory by the panel data econometric method to measure the economic inefficiency of water resources in the agricultural sector of Iran. As discussed in the above mentioned studies, this particular model is different from the prior models and methods which have mostly been applied in the agricultural sector. In the panel data econometric method, the intercept coefficients for every province are considered. These coefficients can show regional variations such as climatic or soil characteristics, and prices of output. As mentioned previously, the water productivity calculated provides a wide range of economic information and policy implications which can be used to choose proper crops to be grown during droughts. In the empirical field, this research has provided the necessary economic information to the policy makers and authorities alike in Iran’s water sector to conserve water resources and manage their usage in the optimal way. Finally, the outcomes of this research can be used by policy makers and provincial governments to determine an efficient price for water. 5.2 Conclusion Water is a blessing from the Almighty God, and it is easily accessible at a minimal cost. It has been known as a public good that needs finance to cover the cost of servicing worldwide. 144 As aforementioned, the quantity of water supplied is usually constant while the quantity demanded, mainly because of the growth in population, is continuously rising. Thus, authorities should fulfil the basic needs of the people using innovative water efficiency and conservation strategies, community - scale projects, welfare economics, and new technology. Consequently, planning for an efficient use of water resources is of special interest. Furthermore, prices have been proven to play an important role in the equilibrium generation between supply and demand of water. This study has been directed towards evaluation and modification of the current price of water in order to save and optimally use this rare resource. For the purpose of the analysis conducted in this study, the derived demand functions of irrigated water were estimated, and the price elasticity were extracted from these irrigated water functions. Expectedly, the results of this study suggest that the current prices of water are not efficient since the estimated coefficients elasticity were found to be relatively low. In fact, only a small proportion of the total costs borne by farmers is that of water (Sloman, 2003), indicating that the price of water is very low. 5.2.1 Policy Implications of the Empirical Findings The findings of this study have a number of important implications for both practice and prospective polices in the future. These implications include: 1. A major conclusion may be drawn from this study, i.e. the reforms in the price of irrigation water would have a significant effect on the usage of this rare resource. In fact, this study could be instructive to policy makers when 145 they attempted to propose a fair suggestion for modifications in the pricing of water, particularly in case of water shortage. 2. The results of the study also show that significant increases in the price of water generally lead to lesser use of water resources, but higher productivity of them. 3. Another implication of these findings is that both price of water and quantity of crop should be taken into account by the authorities whenever there is water shortage. 4. An important practical implication is that this study has shown yield, crop water productivity, and average application of water for many crops in each province. This useful information reveals the water requirements for each crop in different provinces. It also indicates the efficiency of water usage in terms of the utmost agricultural production per unit irrigation water. In other words, this information provides the comparative advantage of production in relation to the use of water for each crop in every province. At the same time, this information can be used by the relevant authorities in decision making when rainfall is limited or when there is water shortage. 5. The findings of this study can help policy makers in choosing the kind of crops for production during drought. As prices of water differ from one crop to another, farmers will normally opt to cultivate crops that incur lower cost in usage of water or lower prices. For this, reason, it is important for water 146 authorities to control the allocation of water to the farmers and encourage certain cropping patterns. 6. The findings of this study suggest that the price of water is fairly efficient where its value of marginal productivity equals the price of water. 7. This study also revealed that the productions of wheat, barley, lentil, peas, and tomatoes were prominent in Fars province in terms of agro-socio-climatic conditions. 8. The findings of this study pointed out that the agriculture sector must manage its shrinking water supplies more efficiently, and that authorities should employ control in water pricing to achieve this goal. 9. Finally, the farmers’ situation and the welfare of irrigators must be considered in planning for water conservation based on the reforms in irrigation water pricing. In fact, a naive policy may raise serious economic problems such as unemployment in villages and emmigration to cities, hindering economic development, threatening food production based on agricultural crops, etc. 5.2.2 Limitations of the Current Research A number of important limitations need to be considered, herein. These limitations are given below: 147 1. The first limitation of this study is that the secondary data employed do not reflect the actual farmers’ characteristics, i.e. the analyses are at a macrolevel rather than at a farm - level. 2. The second limitation is that for some crops, the number of observations differs from the other panel members. In fact, this study relied heavily on the estimation of unbalanced panel. 3. Avoidance of model complexity, multi - colinearity and the loss of a certain degree of freedom are among the other limitations of this study. Moreover, this study had relied on the Cobb-Douglas functional form. 4. Another limitation of this study is that for some crops, the number of producer provinces is limited. Consequently, the results derived from them may offer a little bias. 5. Furthermore, the information about the market price of water and various inputs such as labour, electricity, material, and capital used in production processes is also not available. Likewise, the information on demand for water is also limited to only 6 years (2001-2006). 5.2.3 Recommendations for Future Research The limitations in relation to the methods used in this study could serve as bases for future studies; whereby it would be better to estimate sub - regional demand functions from representative farms. It is recommended that further research should 148 focus on provinces such as Fars, Khozestan, Khorasan, Esfahan, Kohkiloy & Boyerahma, and Kermanshah. Several methods have been suggested to be used for estimating water demand functions for conservation of water resources, and these should be investigated to provide the most complete information to authorities. The coefficients estimated through the econometric methods which rely on the secondary data tend to be more inelastic than the ones recommended by the mathematical programming models. However, they are very elastic in some cases. Thus, a further study with more focus on various methods is suggested. 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Population size and growth and renewable freshwater availability in water –short countries, (1995 and 2025) Country Population Water per Population Water per 2025 capita 1995 capita (million) 2025 (million) 1995 (m3 per (m3 per year) year) 28.1 527 47.3 313 0.6 161 0.9 104 0.3 192 0.3 169 6.1 594 12.3 292 0.4 777 0.7 442 Algeria Bahrain Barbados Burundi Cape Verde Comoros 0.6 1,667 1.3 Cyprus 0.7 1,208 1.0 Egypt 62.1 936 95.8 Ethiopia 56.4 1,950 136.3 Haiti 7.1 1,544 12.5 Iran 68.4 1,719 128.3 Jordan 5.4 318 11.9 Kenya 27.2 1,112 50.2 Kuwait 1.7 95 2.9 Libya 5.4 111 12.9 Malawi 9.7 1,933 20.4 Malta 0.4 82 0.4 Morocco 26.5 1.131 39.9 Oman 2.2 874 6.5 Qatar 0.5 91 0.8 Rwanda 5.2 1,215 13.0 Saudi 18.3 249 42.4 Arabia Singapore 3.3 180 4.2 Somalia 9.5 1,422 23.7 South 41.5 1,206 71.6 Africa Tunisia 9.0 434 13.5 United 2.2 902 3.3 Arab Emirates Yemen 15.0 349 39.6 Source: (Hinrichsen, Robey, & Upadhyay, 1997) 158 Total fertility rate % Growth rate 1998 4.4 3.2 1.7 6.6 5.3 2.4 2.0 0.5 2.5 2.9 760 947 607 807 879 916 144 602 55 47 917 71 751 295 64 485 107 5.1 2.1 3.6 7.0 4.8 3.0 4.4 4.5 3.2 6.3 5.9 2.1 3.3 7.1 4.1 6.0 6.4 2.7 0.7 2.2 2.5 2.1 1.8 2.5 2.0 2.3 3.7 1.7 0.6 1.8 3.9 1.7 2.1 1.1 142 570 698 1.7 7.0 3.3 1.1 3.2 1.6 288 604 3.2 4.9 1.9 2.2 131 7.3 3.3 Table A.2. Baseline (year 2000) and Projected (year 2021) Characteristics of Water Resources Management in Iran Indicator Unit 2000 Total volume of exploited water Share of water resources, by source Groundwater Surface water Recycled (domestic, industrial) Share of consumption, by sector Agriculture and aquaculture Urban & Rural Industry & Mine Water loss, by sector Agriculture Urban Volume of return flow Effluents and Wastewater Urban Industria Investment Total gross investment Contribution of private sector Importance in national economy (NE) Contribution of water investment from GDP Contribution of water value and related services in NE Contribution of capital return of expenses of governmental projects Urban water Agriculture water Economic revenue of water in different sectors (average) Economic revenue of water in farming subsector Productivity of agricultural water Role of water in the production of cereals Role of water in the production of other yields Source : Ardakanian (2005) page 29 bcm 97 % % % 52 48 - 42 55 3 81 114 - -19 +15 - % % % 94 6 1.2 86 7 3 92 117 250 -9 +17 +150 % % bcm/yr bcm/yr bcm/yr bcm/yr 64 27 29 4.5 3.7 0.8 60 10 40 8 5.5 2.5 94 37 138 178 149 312 -6 -63 +38 +78 +49 +213 1012 Rls 1012 Rls 41 40 262 32 635 80 +539 -20 % 1.2 2.6 217 +117 % 7.5 9.8 131 +31 % % Rls/cm 22 6 1614 50 23 5018 227 383 311 +127 +287 +211 kg/ m3 % 0.6 69 1.1 73 183 106 +83 +6 % 90100 90-100 - - 159 2021 Ratio Percent (selected (%) change scenario) 120 124 +24 Appendix B: Characteristics of Iran Provinces and their Agricultural Products Table B.1. Characteristics of Iran Provinces Province Capital Qom Qom Hamadan Hamadan Golestan Gorgan Azarbaijan, West Urmia Kermanshah Kermanshah Azarbaijan, East Tabriz Qazvin Qazvin Ardabil Ardabil Yazd Yazd Khorasan, South Birjand Mazandaran Sari Khuzestan Ahvaz Tehran Tehran Lorestan Khorramabad Semnan Semnan Kurdistan Sanandaj Chahar Mahaal & Shahrekord Bakhtiari Markazi Arak Yasuj Kohgiluyeh & Boyer-Ahmad Zanjan Zanjan Esfahan Esfahan Khorasan, Razavi Mashhad Bushehr Bushehr Fars Shiraz Khorasan, North Bojnourd Ilam Ilam Hormozgan Bandar Abbas Gilan Rasht Kerman Kerman Sistan &Baluchistan Zahedan Source: Statistical Centre of Iran 64,055 18,814 28,294 97,491 29,137 16,332 Annual Precipitation (mm) /2006 111.1 283.1 522.3 372.2 430 128.9 325.1 237.4 43.8 134.8 683.9 184.3 226.5 510.1 176.8 449.4 413 1,046,737 1,703,267 1,617,087 2,873,459 1,879,385 3,603,456 1.143,200 1,228,155 990,818 636,420 2,922,432 4,274,979 13,422,366 1,716,527 589,742 1,440,156 857,910 29,130 15,504 283.4 776.7 1,351,257 634,299 21,773 107,029 144,681 22,743 122,608 28,434 20,133 70,669 14,042 180,836 181,785 307.8 219.7 223.3 223.9 134.8 240.8 554.6 276.6 1475.8 134.3 54.6 964,601 4,559,256 5,593,079 886,267 4,336,878 811,572 545,787 1,403,674 2,404,861 2,652,413 2,405,742 Area (km²) 11,526 19,368 20,195 37,437 24,998 45,650 15,549 17,800 129,285 69,555 160 Population (person) Table B.2. Agricultural lands area on holdings with irrigated and rain fed cropland 2003 Province East Azarbayejan West Azarbayejan Ardebil Esfahan Ilam Bushehr Tehran Chaharmahal & Bak. South Khorasan Khorasan-e-Razavi North Khorasan Khuzestan Zanjan Semnan Total (ha) 1,319,713 887,187 731,167 423,858 322,655 348,641 221,256 194,813 149,653 2,225,941 473,669 1,266,123 737,997 153,826 Sistan & Baluchi... 245,328 Fars 1,254,511 Qazvin 413,895 Qom 80,662 Kordestan 940,609 Kerman 667,633 Kermanshah 751,012 Kohgiluyeh & Boye.. 157,251 Golestan 538,967 Gilan 253,403 Lorestan 768,924 Mazandaran 360,657 Markazi 670,852 Hormozgan 129,147 Hamedan 844,580 Yazd 131,265 Total country 17,665,198 Source: Statistical Centre of Iran Irrigated (ha) 378,825 379,541 221,725 372,699 76,188 70,151 211,912 107,202 78,756 1,138,514 197,095 690,764 155,194 131,298 Rain fed (ha) 225,104 890,838 249,657 78,520 127,852 662,305 161,132 37,988 188,484 172,851 199,113 231,175 317,791 118,028 296,090 130,238 8,297,031 20225 363672 164239 2143 812758 5327 589879 119263 350483 80551 569811 129483 353061 11120 548490 1027 9,368,167 161 940888 507647 509442 51159 246467 278489 9345 87611 70898 1087427 276573 575359 582803 22528 Table B.3. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Wheat Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Area (ha)* Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Production Application Productivity Yield ( Metric of Water (Kg/ha)* (Kg/ m3)** tons )* (m3/ha)** Qom 11894 52158.33 4385.26 9344.49 0.47 Hamadan 104719 381317 3641.34 7863.73 0.46 Golestan 156335 491029.8 3140.88 6088.48 0.52 West Azarba 115912 372171.1 3210.81 6563.14 0.49 Kermanshah 96886.5 517566.9 5341.99 6547.97 0.82 East Azarba 101809 363356.6 3569 6398 0.56 Qazvin 74667 344936.2 4619.66 7341.02 0.63 Ardabil 76093 305414.6 4013.7 5925 0.68 Yazd 26138 89202.92 3412.77 10886.53 0.31 Mazandaran 3264 9336.03 2860.3 3473.66 0.82 Khuzestan 370299 1260262 3404.01 6921.26 0.49 Tehran 69217.5 370931.2 5358.92 7908.1 0.68 Lorestan 102322 303611.4 2967.22 8450.14 0.35 Semnan 33853 134622 3976.66 7924.87 0.50 Kurdistan 38554 161441.9 4187.42 6970.90 0.60 Chaharl &Ba 33156 129458.9 3904.54 7743.66 0.50 Markazi 73324 317229.1 4326.4 8571.31 0.50 Kohgil& Boy 30426 93987.78 3089.06 6291.76 0.49 Zanjan 24348 94406.95 3877.4 8430.22 0.46 Esfahan 113088 572628.3 5063.56 8805 0.57 Bushehr 20437 55303 2706.02 7538.74 0.36 Fars 457695 2044409 4466.75 8659.28 0.52 Khorasan, 360945 1033285 2862.72 8789.19 0.33 Ilam 40618 154869.1 3812.82 6217 0.61 Hormozgan 13560 56661.4 4178.57 7421 0.56 Gilan 94 161.38 1716.84 3475 0.49 Kerman 104443.6 328862.9 3148.71 9420 0.33 Sistan &Ba. 52968 99149.27 1871.87 9657.58 0.19 Country 2706996 10137770 3745.03 7241 0.52 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 162 Table B.4. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Barley Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Area Production Yield Application Productivity (ha)* ( Metric (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** tons )* (m3/ha)** East Azarbaijan 21611.9 63147.59 2921.89 6398.46 0.46 West Azarbaijan 14764 41187.59 2789.73 6563.14 0.42 Ardabil 22232 58602.24 2635.94 5924.93 0.44 Esfahan 48636.2 226054.5 4647.86 8805.34 0.53 Tehran 36179.5 144711.9 3999.83 7908.08 0.51 CharMahal & Bakhtiari 6512 20682.02 3175.99 7743.66 0.41 khorasan 171364 480079.9 2801 8789.19 0.35 Khozestan 25675 44628.62 1738.21 6921.26 0.25 Zanjan 5015 16999.44 3389.72 8430.22 0.40 Semnan 13460 46898.02 3484.25 7924.86 0.44 Sistan & Baloshesta 17409.5 23872.99 1371.26 9657.58 0.14 Fars 34716 109853.8 3164.36 8659.28 0.36 Ghazvin 27445 86059.16 3135.7 7341.02 0.43 Ghom 27374 102761.2 3753.97 9344.49 0.40 Kordestan 4905 15631.37 3186.82 6790.90 0.47 Kerman 18829.6 46306.09 2459.22 9419.84 0.26 Kermanshah 14118 74065.59 5246.18 6547.97 0.80 Kohkiloyeh & Boyrahmad 4013.5 11598.27 2889.81 6291.76 0.46 Golestan 8353 25544.77 3058.15 6088.48 0.50 Lorestan 8661 17737 2047.92 8450.14 0.24 Mazandaran 2328 3751.34 1611.4 3474.66 0.46 Markazi 36883 133180.9 3610.9 8571.31 0.42 Hormozgan 1315 2634.66 2003.54 7421.04 0.27 Hamedan 34204 132394.2 3870.72 7863.73 0.49 jiroft & kahnoj 9213 19694.01 2137.63 8019.84 0.27 Yazd 6277 17639.21 2810.13 10886.53 0.26 country 624491.2 1972399 3158.41 7417 0.42 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 163 Table B.5. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Lentil Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Area Production Yield Application Productivity (ha)* ( Metric (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** tons )* (m3/ha)** Esfahan 1428 2950.6 2066.24 5063.04 0.41 CharMahal & Bakhtiari 631.2 901.3 1427.91 4100.8 0.35 khorasan 1234 1211.1 2792.19 4617.06 0.21 Fars 6337 8145.14 1285.33 7272 0.18 Lorestan 932 834.89 895.8 7120 0.13 Mazandaran 139 102.06 734.24 3785.6 0.19 Yazd 94 99.27 1056.07 9489.56 0.11 Kerman 285.5 351.6 1231.53 8459.67 0.14 Kohkiloyeh & Boyrahmad 121 134.05 1107.82 3131.2 0.35 Country 13377.5 16663.13 1245.61 5893.21 0.23 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings Produced Provinces 164 Table B.6. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Pea Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Irrigated Average Irrigated Crop Water * Area (ha) Production ( Yield Application Productivity Metric tons )* (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** 3 ** (m /ha) West Azarbaijan 2912 1913.99 919.3 3788.8 0.24 Esfahan 901.5 1628.87 1623.19 5463.04 0.30 jiroft & kahnoj 527 450.37 886.55 3467.67 0.26 Khorasan 2149.5 2218.46 1020.96 7353.06 0.14 Fars 2842 3474.4 1441.06 5896 0.24 Lorestan 1270 743.79 764.43 2160 0.35 Markazi 768 1389.12 1438.01 4875.2 0.29 Hamedan 264.5 675.21 1192.94 2811.2 0.42 Yazd 391.1 110 940.18 7121.56 0.136 Kerman 906 1022.48 1234.13 3467.67 0.36 Country 15459.6 16159.25 1175.82 102027.46 0.25 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 165 Table B.7. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Pinto Bean Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Area Production Yield Application Productivity (ha)* ( Metric (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** tons )* (m3/ha)** East Azarbaijan 4510 8335.7 1848.27 8778.01 0.21 Esfahan 4273 10870.71 2544.05 6919.04 0.37 Tehran 115 213.65 1857.82 8151.14 0.23 CharMahal & Bakhtiari 3972.3 10159.77 2557.65 6408.75 0.40 Fars 14994 45849.12 3057.83 8024 0.38 Geilan 944.5 1772.18 1876.31 6281.80 0.30 Kohkiloyeh & Boyrahmad 1505 5059.86 3362.04 4283.2 0.78 Lorestan 12080 22972.66 1901.71 7120 0.27 Mazandaran 486.5 695.14 1428.85 3785.6 0.38 Markazi 16019.5 33922.91 2117.6 7803.2 0.27 Country 92980.8 202377.26 2176.55 7488 0.39 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 166 Table B.8. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Onion Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Area Production Yield Application Productivity (ha)* ( Metric (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** tons )* (m3/ha)** East Azarbaijan 9149.5 404497.22 44209.76 13850.01 3.19 West Azarbaijan 1396 59103.73 42337.92 10364.8 4.08 Esfahan 5618 298106.09 53062.67 12599.04 4.21 Sistan & Baloshesta 5152 131796.29 25581.58 12797.44 1.20 Fars 4299 202713.19 47153.57 12072 3.91 Kordestan 577 13690.81 23727.57 11761.6 2.02 Kerman 281.5 8988.69 31931.42 4635.67 6.89 Kohkiloyeh & Boyrahmad 258 7055.7 27347.69 9707.2 2.82 Markazi 659.8 29638.53 44920.47 12107.2 3.71 Hormozgan 9940 165442.15 16644.08 6724.8 2.47 Yazd 445 22483.13 50523.88 18657.56 2.71 Boushehr 825 12672.4 15360.48 6340.51 2.42 Tehran 449 23837.65 53090.53 11479.14 4.62 Khozestan 3631 122034.03 33608.93 6658.71 5.05 Zanjan 3350 105961.87 31630.41 10147.2 3.12 Country 48758.3 1670367.4134258.11 10660 3.55 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 167 Table B.9. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Tomato Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Area Production Yield Application Productivity (ha)* ( Metric (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** tons )* (m3/ha)** East Azarbaijan 7151 West Azarbaijan Ardabil Esfahan Ilam Boshehr Tehran jiroft & kahnoj Khorasan Khozestan Zanjan Semnan 5211.5 1690 2185.5 663 14810 5453 16478 16845 11185 3944 1798 315427.6 44109.6 10074.01 4.38 189140.5 63673.81 78937.39 11967.94 449676.7 226689 487313.6 572013 360901 93853.85 58442.14 4.41 4.1 3.32 1.63 4.21 3.62 2.89 6.33 3.57 1.64 3.00 36292.9 37676.8 36118.7 18051.2 30363 41571.4 29573.6 33956 32266.5 23796.6 32504 8220.8 9165.93 10887.04 11048 7204.51 11479.14 10217.06 5362.71 9027.2 14498.02 10829.44 Sistan & Baloshesta 1361.2 22410.37 16463.7 12968 1.27 Fars 15702.5 798725 50866.1 9992 5.09 Ghazvin 7469 304139.3 40720.2 11479.14 3.55 Golestan 9562 263550.3 27562.3 7612.8 3.62 Lorestan 1856 39493.62 21278.9 11136 1.91 Mazandaran 4221.5 207395.8 49128.5 5817.6 8.44 Markazi 947 31929.5 33716.5 9547.2 3.53 Hormozgan 9597 221392.5 23068.9 8916.8 2.59 Hamedan 3662 141349.4 38599 8955.2 4.31 Yazd 506.5 15339.72 30285.7 11361.56 2.67 Kordestan 1114 18520.02 16624.8 9569.6 1.74 Kerman 638.5 10148.01 15893.5 12363.67 1.28 Kermanshah 2435 60660.02 24911.7 9888 2.52 Kohkiloyeh & Boyrahmad 254 8796.59 34632.2 11211.2 3.09 Country 146837 5054830 30554.9 9023 3.18 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 168 Table B.10. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Potato Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Area Production Yield Application Productivity (ha)* ( Metric (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** tons )* (m3/ha)** East Azarbaijan 9513 West Azarbaijan 1359 Ardabil 25738 Esfahan 21019.5 Tehran 1125 jiroft & kahnoj 8900 CharMahal & Bakhtiari 3894.4 khorasan 7059.5 Khozestan 4612 Zanjan 7133 Semnan 5303 Fars 6427 Ghazvin 649 Golestan 6448 Gilan 77 292057.5 30700.9 26818.93 682763.2 513592.9 22697.61 184304.9 129998.1 179003.4 98902.78 171653.5 118268.8 128200.7 13411.06 109184.9 1279.26 8746.01 3.51 19734.3 7324.8 26527.4 6413.93 24434.1 9495.04 20175.7 9463.14 20708.4 5819.67 33380.8 10084.8 65112.7 11244.26 21444.7 5842.71 24064.7 9347.2 22302.3 12450.02 19947.2 10264 20664.2 10024 16905.2 6636.8 16613.7 6025.6 2.69 4.14 2.57 2.13 3.56 3.31 2.25 3.67 2.57 1.79 1.949 2.06 2.55 2.768 Lorestan 3201 67249.44 21008.9 7968 2.64 Mazandaran 680 8234.99 12110.3 6025.6 2.01 Markazi 5136 134358.4 26160.1 8811.2 2.97 Hamedan 24162 875128.6 36219.2 9003.2 4.024 Yazd 115 2426.85 21103 9873.56 2.14 Kordestan 9573 274583.3 28683.1 10257.6 2.8 Kerman 5409 118749.8 21954.1 5819.67 3.77 Kermanshah 1284 18391.38 14323.5 9952 1.44 Country 159875 4188207 26196.8 8561 3.06 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 169 Table B.11. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Cucumber Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Area Production Yield Application Productivity (ha)* ( Metric (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** tons )* (m3/ha)** East Azarbaijan 2081 39236.4 18854.6 7178.0096 2.63 West Azarbaijan 1068 15895.7 14883.6 6252.8 2.38 Esfahan 2039.5 59345.5 29098.1 6919.04 4.20 Ilam 6195 118327 19100.5 6472 2.95 Tehran 1495 30421.3 20348.7 8151.1424 2.50 khorasan 3617 58540.5 16219.3 7801.0624 2.07 Khozestan 8166 184690 22617 8098.7136 2.79 Fars 6315 147803 23405.1 8024 2.92 Qazvin 594 11136 18747.5 7448 2.52 Kordestan 1916 37204.6 19417.8 6062.4 3.20 Kohkiloyeh & Boyrahmad 1465 48237.6 32926.7 4283.2 7.69 Golestan 1897 42388 22344.8 5804.8 3.85 Lorestan 8662 184874 21343.1 7120 2.30 Markazi 95 2275.9 23956.9 7803.2 3.07 Hormozgan 7519 131922 17545.1 7572.8 2.32 Hamedan 3379 108084 31987.1 5067.2 6.31 Yazd 493 12549.1 25454.6 8257.5616 3.08 jiroft & kahnoj 20373 608940 29889.5 8811.6736 3.39 Country 81562.2 1933975 23712 7190 3.29 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 170 Table B.12. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Watermelon Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Area Production Yield Application Productivity (ha)* ( Metric (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** tons )* (m3/ha)** East Azarbaijan 609 14009.3 27523.2 7794.01 3.53 West Azarbaijan 807 42071.7 30398.6 5564.8 5.46 Esfahan 1303.6 28121.9 27489.7 7639.04 3.60 Ilam 3423 86988 30651.2 6360 4.82 Boshehr 2514 50467.5 21923.3 9956.5 2.20 Tehran 645 11984.1 44385.6 9463.1 4.69 jiroft & kahnoj 14407 502702 29603.8 5819. 7 5.09 Khorasan 15066.7 327326 22920.6 7593.1 3.02 Khozestan 22069 680394 31593.4 8146.7 3.88 Semnan 3150 43107.5 27283.2 6906 3.95 Sistan & Baloshesta 14931.5 138506 21233.5 10237.4 2.07 Fars 9195.5 99726.7 24144 11976 2.02 Gilan 441 40602.7 25517 6636.8 3.85 Golestan 660.5 24521.9 23784.6 6636.8 3.58 Markazi 559 16007.5 28231.8 8811.2 3.20 Hormozgan 6342 111206 24861.7 4532.8 5.48 Hamedan 3194 85803.6 36527.7 8392 4.35 Yazd 1133.9 29020.4 25640.9 9873. 6 2.60 Kordestan 913 19955.2 22074.3 8392 2.63 Kerman 8327.5 214101 37138.2 5819. 7 6.38 Kohkiloyeh & Boyrahmad 945 29010.5 34743.2 7883.2 4.41 Country 116338 2719320 28409.8 5887 3.77 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 171 Table B.13.Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Cotton Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces East Azarbaijan Ardabil Esfahan Tehran khorasan Irrigated Irrigated Area Production ( (ha)* Metric tons )* 2069 4957 4904 1969 63722 6866.08 15147.34 14898.1 6007.09 35470.6 Irrigated Yield (Kg/ha)* 3318.55 3055.75 3037.95 3050.83 2321.14 Average Crop Water Application of Productivity Water (Kg/ m3)** 3 ** (m /ha) 73887.58 0.05 73887.58 0.04 136958.40 0.02 107729.76 0.03 110436.21 0.02 Semnan 5261 12850.06 2442.51 123232.52 0.02 Fars 10692 29737.8 2781.31 115834.54 0.02 Ghom 3331 7713.11 2315.55 127817.06 0.02 Golestan 10515 21157.19 2012.1 17014.19 0.12 Mazandaran 151 286.29 1895.93 17014.19 0.11 Markazi 1530.5 2545.12 1662.93 92387.46 0.02 Yazd 738.5 1847.01 2501.02 187972.22 0.01 Kerman 2694 5732.8 2127.99 151930 0.01 country 113345 279337.56 2542.21 100884.04 0.02 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 172 Table B.14. Irrigated Area, Irrigated Production, Yield, Water Price Average, Average Application of Water, and Crop Water Productivity of Sugar Beet Holdings by Province in 2006 Year Produced Provinces Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Average Crop Water Area Production Yield Application Productivity (ha)* ( Metric (Kg/ha)* of Water (Kg/ m3)** * 3 ** tons ) (m /ha) West Azarbaijan 340 11816 34753.1 10151.5 3.42 Esfahan 6976 238081 34128.5 13519 2.52 CharMahal & Bakhtiari 3490.7 108693 31137.8 11316.8 2.75 khorasan 63279.1 668825 28347.6 14778.7 1.92 Semnan 3387 111920 33043.9 12770 2.59 Fars 22310 701818 31457.6 16291.2 1.93 Ghazvin 3647.5 132876 36429.5 12647.1 2.88 Lorestan 8444 266935 31612.4 14224 2.22 Markazi 2666 81729.5 30656.2 13627.2 2.25 Hamedan 8773 318067 36255.2 12747.2 2.84 Yazd 265 7825 29528.3 21105.6 1.40 Kerman 3097.5 82848.7 26746.9 13995.7 1.91 Kermanshah 15535 1667956 49631.2 15632 3.17 Country 185888 6709112 36092.3 14664 2.46 Source: *Ministry of Keshavarzi Jehad, 2006. ** Based on research findings 173 Appendix C: A Review on Studies Carried Out Table C.1. A review on partial equilibrium analyses First-best Hearne and Easter (1998) Thobani (1998) Water markets Marginal cost pricing Easter et al. (1998) Water markets Tsur and Dinar (1997) Marginal cost pricing It has long been recognized that markets provide a means to efficiently allocate water Marginal cost pricing has also been called opportunity cost pricing, implying that the price of water should be set equal to the opportunity cost of providing it. Such things as monitoring, return flows, third-party effects, and instream uses have to be considered, when deciding what to include in water transactions. When water supplied is of different quality the marginal value of supply should be reflected in the price. Second-best Easter (1999) Externalities Summarizes water conditions, irrigation systems, and their potential externalities. Willis et al. (1998) Externalities Third-party effects of return-flow from large irrigation dam projects recently have accounted for environmental degradation in Colorado. Smith and Tsur (1997) Asymmetric information Use mechanism design theory to propose a waterpricing scheme, which depends only on observable outputs. Easter et al. (1997) Public goods It is useful to categorize irrigation service based on their public good nature, depending upon the evolution of technology or institutions. Tsur and Dinar (1997) Transaction costs Effects of implementation costs on the performance of different pricing methods are significant in the sense that small changes in costs can change the order of optimality of those methods. Zilberman (1997) Scarcity Develops an optimal water pricing, allocation, and conveyance system over space to capture different upstream and downstream incentives. Shah et al. (1995) Scarcity Find that it may be optimal to increase water prices to encourage more quickly the adoption of water conserving technologies used with groundwater. 174 MacDonnell et al. (1994) Externalities Discuss the third-party effects of American West dams and water banking Seagraves and Easter (1983) Equity Equity concerns include such things as the recovery of costs from users, subsidized food production, and income redistribution. Saliba and Bush (1987) Equity Note that higher costs associated with the purchase of water rights may force some users out of the market. Sampath (1991) Equity Argue that consumers benefit from agricultural investments through lower food prices and so should be expected to share in covering the costs. Sampath (1992) Equity Notes equity concerns surrounding income redistribution via irrigation distribution have become one of the most important objectives across disciplines. Easter (1993) Equity Illustrates the effect of ‘‘fairness’’ on efficient management of four irrigation systems. Equity Concerns Tsur and Equity Equity effects of pricing are primarily dependent on Dinar (1997) land endowments. Source: R.C. Johansson et al. (2002) 178 175 Table C.2. A review on general equilibrium analyses First-best Hurwicz (1998) Binswanger, Deininger, and Feder (1993) Berk, Robinson, and Goldman (1991) Second-best Kohn (1998) Roe and Diao (1997) Smith and Roumasset (1998) Diao and Roe (1995) Vaux and Howitt (1984) Elbasha and Roe (1995) Mohtadi (1996) Rausser and Zusman (1998) Schaible (1997) Equity Concerns Diao and Roe (2000) Derives the optimality conditions for GE treatments of market failure and second-best policies Discuss GE assumption in first-best and second-best analysis Compare the advantages and disadvantages GE and partial equilibrium analyses Externalities Illustrates a simple Nash-game scenario that both countries will opt for environmental taxes. Externalities Describes a situation found where two countries share water resources and thus the water-use decisions of each country will affect the water availability of the other country. Trade Provide a model for water management with multiple sources and transport technologies. Trade Focus on the environmental and health effects of changing trading patterns. Trade Examine the interregional equilibrium supply and demand relationship for California. Endogenous Incorporate pollution and abatement efforts growth into three types of endogenous growth models. Endogenous Show how optimal growth depends upon the growth type and extent of environmental regulation Scarcity Explore the affects of water scarcity on the political power balance in a GE format. Scarcity Examines groundwater demand responses to conservation pricing policies. Equity Water pricing may have a role in policies aimed at affecting income distribution between farming and non-farming sectors. Just, Netanyahu, and Equity Examine the equity considerations of water Horowitz (1997) pricing. Carruthers, Rosegrant, Equity Generate various scenarios regarding equity and Seckler (1997) concerns as a function of global food supply and demand linked by trade in a GE framework. Rosegrant (1997) Equity The effects on food security of changing investment levels can be evaluated for a variety of regions and periods. Source: R.C. Johansson et al. (2002) P179 176 Table C.3. Econometric Studies of Water Values Author Data Place Kim and Schaible 2000 Nebraska Moore, Gollehon, and Hellerstein 2000 Pacific Northwest, U.S. Estimation Method Linear and nonlinear estimation of crop water functions Tobit regression of censored water price experiments Pazvakawambwa 2000 and van der Zaag Nyanyadzi, OLS Zimbabwe estimation of crop-water function Droogers and Allen 2002 World Water and Climate Atlas Functional forms for evapotranspiration Quba’a, El Fadel, and Darwish 2002 TyreQasmieh region of South Lebanon Sahibzada 2002 Pakistan Linear programming of multiple crops and municipal water consumption. OLS estimated Cobb-Douglas 177 Description of Results Estimating derived demand using applied water rather than consumptive water may bias results upwards, which may lead to under investment in improved irrigation technology Producer surplus response to price changes is essentially inelastic due to the substitution opportunities underlying the multioutput production model. Findings indicate that the marginal value of water (rainfall and irrigation) given a maize price of $0.10/kg is $0.15/m3. Results indicate that the PM is superior when predicting evapotranspiration, but the MG method is preferred under uncertain data conditions, such as that one might encounter in many countries Currently, water is underpriced and overly subsidized. Optimal pricing may lead to decreased agricultural production and increased tourism-based enterprise. Elasticity found to be approximately –0.50, with a derived value of water of Rs 415 – 445 per acre inch. Table C.3. Econometric Studies of Water Values (Cont.) Author Data Place Gopalakrishnan and Cox 2003 Schaible and Aillery 2003 Oahu, Hawaii tourism industry Pacific Northwest and MidPlain States Schuck and Green 2003 Ranganathan and 2004 Palanisami Qiuqiong Huang et al. 2008 Estimation Method OLS reduced form equation for water demand. Estimation of irrigation technology transitions Description of Results Estimates provided for derived demand as a function of water price Water price elasticities of technology adoption are inelastic for the Pacific Northwest and less so for the Mid-Plain States. Arvin Logit model of Surface water prices Edison groundwater range from $50.35/af to Water adoption $87.73/af; groundwater Storage costs range from $62.85/ District, af to $112.31/af. The switching point between the two is found to occur when surface water prices are 62 percent of groundwater costs. Srivilliputh Quadratic crop Water VMPs range from ur Big water response Rs. 146.60 (maize) to Tank: functions and Rs. 385.64 (cotton). Tamilnadu, exponential Demand estimated to India water demand. be: (- 0.00001742w) y = 389 e Rural classical Results indicate that China econometric there is a large gap methods and between the value of GME estimator water and the current water cost in many places. 178 Table C.4. Mathematical Programming Studies of Water Values Author Date Place Estimation Method Multiproduct, restricted equilibrium model in a mathematical programming approach Three-stage procedure combining mathematical programming, cropgrowth model, and econometric estimation of generated data. Stochastic dynamic mathematical programming Schaible 2000 Pacific Northwest, U.S. Bontemps, Couture, and Favard 2002 Southwest France Carey and Zilberman 2002 Westlands Water Distict, CA Ray 2002 Maharashtra, Linear India programming Draper et al. 2003 California Network flow optimization 179 Description of Results Producer willingness-toaccept is lowest for regulatory policy ($4/af - $18/af) and highest for conservation-incentive policies ($67/af - $208/af). Elasticities ranging between -0.31 for a feedback model and -0.34 for an open-loop model were obtained. Demand is elastic when price of water > 0.30 F/m3 in a wet year and > 1.60 F/m3 in a dry year. Examines dynamic adoption of modern technologies when a water market exists with uncertain prices. Water purchases range from $44/af in 1988 to $115/af in 1995. Because irrigation water prices were significantly below the scarcity value of water, the potential for a system of tradable water rights seemed high. Hurdles include: raising prices to their opportunity value, allocation system inefficiencies, and crop prices are set inefficiently The largest shadow value for water in 2020 was for urban users in the Castaic Lake region -- $8/m3, which was reduced to $0.50/m3. Marginal willingness to pay measures approached $200/ m3. Table C.4. Mathematical Programming Studies of Water Values(Cont.) Author Date Place Estimation Description of Results Method Schaible 2000 Pacific Multiproduct, Producer willingness-toNorthwest, restricted accept is lowest for U.S. equilibrium regulatory policy model in a ($4/af - $18/af) and highest mathematical for conservation-incentive programming policies ($67/af - $208/af). approach Alverez 2004 Castilla – La Combines Depth for maximum crop et al. Mancha, irrigation yield is lower than the Spain scheduling, crop irrigation depth for growth, maximum gross margin, economic, and which is lower than the crop rotation depth for maximum modules using economic efficiency. nonlinear programming. The difference between a Ghahraman 2004 Khorasan Linear and simple nonlinear model and nonlinear and province, programming of an integrated linear model Iran Sepaskhah become more pronounced crop-water the greater the water functions constraint. Rodríguez 2004 Duero Linear Producers are assumed to and Valley, programming maximize profit, minimize Martínez Spain risk, and minimize labor input. A simulated spot market for water shows prices ranging from 0.005 €/m3 to 0.29 €/m3 depending on scarcity assumptions. Water value of 0.035 Tsur et al. 2004 Case studies Linear programming for Yuan/m3 for China; for R0.07/m3 for South Africa; Morocco, Morocco, 0.46 Dh/m3 – 3.0 Dh/m3 PMP for China, China, for Morocco; and TL12 Mexico, South Mexico, mil./ha – TL16mil./ha for Africa, South Turkey were estimated and Turkey Africa, and Turkey Results show the usefulness Multi-Attribute 2004 Area in the Gómezof differential analysis in Utility Theory Duero Limón and evaluating the impact of a (MAUT) Valley in Laura water pricing policy. mathematical Spain Riesg programming models 180 Appendix D: Irrigation Demand Function The demand function of irrigation water is a function of output amount and inputs price under cost minimization. Assuming that our objectives function as follows: minimize TC Pw .W Pl .L Pf .F Pp .P Pr .R Pm .M Pa .Fa PS .S subject to: Y AW a1 La2 F a3 P a4 R a5 M a6 Fa a7 S a8 Where, F = Fertiliser; L = Labour; M = Tractor and machinery services; Fa = Animal Fertiliser; R = irrigated area; S= Seed; P = Pesticide; and W =Consumed (Demanded) water. Pi are respective input prices. Cost minimisation problem for a firm can be written as a constraint optimisation equation, as: l (Pw.W Pl .L Pf .F Pp .P Pr .R Pm.M Pa.Fa pS .S) (Y 0 AWa1 La2 Fa3 Pa4 Ra5 M a6 Fa7 S a8 ) Where λ is the lagrangian multiplier. The first-order conditions for cost minimisation are: dl Pw Aa2W a1 1 La2 F a3 P a4 R a5 M a6 F a7 S a8 0 dW 181 dl Pl Aa2W a1 La2 1F a3 P a4 R a5 M a6 F a7 S a8 0 dL dl Pf Aa3W a1 La2 F a3 1 P a4 R a5 M a6 F a7 S a8 0 dF dl Pp Aa4W a1 La2 F a3 P a4 1 R a5 M a6 F a7 S a8 0 dP dl Pr Aa5W a1 La2 F a3 P a4 R a5 1M a6 F a7 S a8 0 dR dl Pm Aa6W a1 La2 F a3 P a4 R a5 M a6 1 F a7 S a8 0 dM dl Pa Aa7W a1 La2 F a3 P a4 R a5 M a6 F a7 1S a8 0 dFa dl Ps Aa8W a1 La2 F a3 P a4 R a5 M a6 F a7 S a8 1 0 dS dl Y 0 AW a1 La2 F a3 P a4 R a5 M a6 F a7 S a8 0 d Dividing equations from 2 to 8 by equation 1 and after rearranging the terms are, Pl a2 W a P RTSl , w L W 2 w Pw a1 L a1 Pl Pf Pw Pp Pw a3 W a P RTS f , w F W 3 w a1 F a1 Pf a4 W a P RTS p , w P W 4 w a1 P a1 Pp a P Pr a5 W RTS r , w R W 5 w Pw a1 R a1 Pr Pm a6 W a P RTS m , w M W 6 w Pw a1 M a1 pm 182 Pa a7 W a P RTS a , w Fa W 7 w Pw a1 Fa a1 Pa Ps a8 W a P RTS s , w S W 8 w Pw a1 S a1 Ps Ps a8 W a P a P RTS s , w W S 1 s M 1 m .... Pw a1 S a8 Pw a6 Pw Then substituting above equation in production function and will have, a 2 a P a P . a1 . W 2 w . W 3 w Y AW a1 Pl a1 Pf a3 a4 a a a a 6 7 8 5 a P a P a P a P a P . W 4 w . W 5 w . W 6 w . W 7 w . W 8 w a1 Pp a1 Pr a1 pm a1 Pa a1 Ps a3 a 2 a2 Pw a3 Pw a4 Pw Y AW . . . . a1 Pl a1 Pf a1 Pp a4 ai a P . 5 w a1 Pr a5 a6 a P . 6 w a1 pm a7 a P . 7 w a1 Pa a8 a P . 8 w a1 Ps Solving for W, W Y ai a P A. 2 w a1 Pl a2 a P . 3 w a1 Pf a3 a P . 4 w a1 Pp a4 a P . 5 w a1 Pr a5 a P . 6 w a1 pm a6 a P . 7 w a1 Pa a7 a P . 8 w a1 Ps Y .a 1 ( a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 ) . Pl a 2 . P f a 3 . P p a 4 . Pr a 5 . Pm a 6 . Pa a 7 . PS a 8 ai W A .a 2 a 2 .a 3 a 3 .a 4 a 4 .a 5 a 5 .a 6 a 6 .a 7 a 7 .a 8 a 8 . PW( a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 ) W Y ay . B . Pl b 2 . P f b3 . P p b4 . Pr b5 . Pm P wb 1 183 b6 .Pa b7 .PS b8 a8 Then solve for other factors and will have, L F . B . P wb 1 . P b3 f . P p b4 . Pr b5 . Pm b6 .Pa b7 .PS b8 b6 .Pa b7 .PS b8 b6 .Pa b7 .PS b8 Pl b 2 . B . P l b 2 . P wb 1 . P p b 4 . P r b 5 . P m ay Y P .B .Pl b2 .P ay Y P b3 f ay Y . B . Pl b 2 . P f b3 b 3 f . P wb 1 . P r b 5 . P m b 4 p P R M ay Y . P p b 4 . P wb 1 . P m b 6 . P a b 7 . P S b 8 P rb 5 a y Y b f 3 .P b p 4 P mb Y F a ay . B . Pl b2 . P f b3 .Pr b 5 . P wb 1 . P a b 7 .PS b8 6 . P p b4 . Pr b5 . Pm b6 . P wb 1 . P S b8 P ab 7 a y Y S .B .Plb2 .P .B .Pl b2 .P f b3 .P b p p 4 .P r b5 .Pm b6 .Pa b7 .p b1 w b 8 s Where, a1 B 1 a2 ( a 2 a3 a 4 a5 a 6 a 7 a8 ) ai a3 a5 a4 a6 a7 a8 ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai A .a 2 .a 3 .a 4 .a 5 .a 6 .a 7 .a 8 ay b5 ; b1 a1 ; b2 ai a2 ; b3 ai a3 ; b4 ai a5 ; b6 ai a6 ; b7 ai a7 ; b8 ai a8 ai 1 ai Now, equations put into the cost function and will have, 184 a4 ; ai C(Pw, Pl , Pf , Pp , Pr , Pm, Pa , PS ,Y) Pw.W Pl . L Pf . F Pp. P Pr . R Pm. M Pa. Fa PS . S By Shepard’s Lemma the firm’s system of cost minimizing input demand functions (the conditional factor demands) will be obtained by differentiating the cost function with respect to input prices: Y ay .B.Pl b2 .Pf b3 .Ppb4 .Prb5 .Pmb6 .Pab7 . pS b8 C(Pw, Pl , Pf , Pp , Pr , Pm , Pa , PS ,Y ) Pw. b1 P w Y ay .B.Pl b2 .Pwb1.Ppb4 .Prb5 .Pmb6 .Pab7 .PS b8 Y ay .B.Pwb1.Pf b3 .Ppb4 .Prb5 .Pmb6 .Pab7 .PS b8 Pl . Pf . b2 b3 P P l f Y ay .B.Pl b2 .Pf b3 .Pwb1.Prb5 .Pmb6 .Pab7 .PS b8 Y ay .B.Pl b2 .Pf b3 .Ppb4 .Pwb1.Pmb6 .Pab7 .PS b8 Pp . Pr . b4 b5 P P p r Y ay .B.Pl b2 .Pf b3 .Ppb4 .Prb5 .Pmb6 .Pwb1.PS b8 Y ay .B.Pl b2 .Pf b3 .Ppb4 .Prb5 .Pwb1.Pab7 .PS b8 Pm. Pa . b7 b6 P P a m PS . Y ay .B.Pl b2 .Pf b3 .Ppb4 .Prb5 .Pmb6 .Pab7 .Pwb1 Psb8 After rearranging the terms will have, C ( Pw .Pl .Pf .Pp .Pr .Pm .Pa .PS ) B.Y ay .( Pwb1 .Pl b2 .Pf b3 .Pp b4 .Pr b5 .Pm b6 .Pa b7 .PS b8 ) ( Pw1 2 b1 Pl1 2 b2 Pf1 2 b3 Pp1 2 b4 Pr1 2 b5 Pm1 2 b6 Pa1 2 b7 p1s 2 b8 ) C W PW c Y ay . B . Pw b 1 Pl b 2 . P f b3 . P p b 4 . Pr b5 . Pm b6 . Pa b7 . p S b8 In logarithms, it becomes: lnW ln B ay lnY b1 ln Pw b2 ln Pl b3 ln Pf b4 ln Pp b5 ln Pr b6 ln Pm b7 ln Pa b8 ln PS 185 Appendix E: Schematic of the Compute Stages of the Water Demand I. The steps were extracte of published report of Soil and Water Research Institute (SWRI) Gathering of climate existing data from the Meteorological Organization, consisting of daily readings from multiple stations. To select the best method to use for determining crop water requirements. ( The Penman-Monteith method was selected as the best method) To calculate Reference Crop Evapotranspiration Standard of Grass (ETo) values and validity them. To select the annual crops and fruit trees under consideration of each plain and to determine of crop coefficient (Kc) them by recommended method via FAO, regional condition and previous experimental. To calculate the Efficient Rainfall based on the presented method via American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). II. The steps which were performed by researcher To calculate the total irrigation requirement that is given by the following equation: Irrigation water net requirement (IRReq) crop water = requirements (ETcrop) - Efficient rainfall (Peff) To calculate the consumed (demanded) water that is given by the following equation: Consumed Water (m3) Total Irrigation = Requirement 186 + [Total Irrigation requirement Irrigation Efficiency (1 )] 100 Appendix F: Estimation Results of the Water Demand Functions Table F.1. Estimation results of the water demand function for wheat production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Method: Panel EGLS Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares VMP Coef. Independent variable AVC Std. Error C 14.120*** 0.92 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.20*** 0.05 *** LQ 0.47 0.09 ** LW 0.06 0.03 *** LRL 0.12 0.03 *** LPP 0.03 0.01 LCL LPS R2 0.99 Adjusted R2 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 1.72 F-statistic 846.36 Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 187 MC Coef. Std. Error Coef. Std. Error 3. 65*** -0.02** 0.43 0.01 1.50*** 0.42 -0.07*** 0.007 0.98*** -0.16*** 0.02 0.08 0.25* 0.97 0.97 2.41 248.05 0 0.15 0.96*** -0.18*** 0.05 0.03 0.14*** 0.04 0.99 0.99 2.00 433.26 0 Table F.2. Estimation results of the water demand function for barley production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares VMP AVC MC Coef. Std. Independent variable Error *** 0.64 C 2.53 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.66*** 0.02 *** LQ 0.89 0.05 *** LW 0.15 0.03 *** LPS 0.38 0.06 D(LPfa) 0.02* 0.01 LPP LPM LRL -0.03 0.008 2 R 0.99 2 Adjusted R 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 1.81 F-statistic 2240.20 Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level Coef. 0.56 -0.075*** Std. Error 1.19 0.02 0.896*** 0.16 0.03 0.11 0.02*** 0.07** 0.14*** 0.004 0.03 0.04 0.99 0.99 2.46 499.7 0 Coef. 2.18*** Std. Error 0.36 -0.03* 0.02 0.91*** -0.29*** 0.78*** 0.02 0.08 0.16 -0.22*** 0.06 0.97 0.95 1.80 53.45 0 The sign D shows it has a unit root, meaning the time series under consideration (logarithm of animal fertilizer price) was nonstationary and we make it stationary. 188 Table F.3. Estimation results of the water demand function for lentil production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Independent variable Panel EGLS (Period SUR) Panel EGLS (Period SUR) VMP Coefficient Std. Error Panel Least Squares AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error C 1.57** 0.78 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.88*** 0.04 *** LQ 1.01 0.03 *** LW 0.34 0.07 *** LPS 0.31 0.08 *** LRL -0.1 0.04 LCL LPM 0.07 0.05 LPP LPF 0.98 R2 2 Adjusted R 0.98 Durbin-Watson stat 2.04 F-statistic 440.13 Prob(F-statistic) 0 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 189 8.36*** -0.09* 2.08 0.04 0.71*** 0.07 0.03 0.1 -0.53*** 0.245*** 0.14 0.05 0.99 0.97 2.4 49.33 0 3.69* 1.8 -0.1*** 0.03 0.95*** -0.26*** 0.11 0.08 -0.45*** 1.18** 0.96 0.78 1.66 10.7 0.001 0.115 0.41 Table F.4. Estimation results of the water demand function for pea production with VMP, AVC and MC ( 2001-2006 ) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Independent variable Panel Least Squares VMP Coefficient Std. Error Panel EGLS Panel Least Squares (Cross-section weights) AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error C 1.12* 0.59 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.49*** 0.04 *** LQ 0.94 0.02 *** LW -0.08 0.01 *** LPS 0.68 0.04 *** LRL -0.05 0.0 LCL LPM LPP LPF 0.10* 0.06 LPA R2 0.99 2 Adjusted R 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 1.83 F-statistic 294.45 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level 190 2.45 -0.03* 1.83 0.01 1.83* 0.95 -0.06* 0.03 0.98** 0.05 0.78*** -0.56*** 0.05 1.69*** 0.49*** 0.46 0.16 0.24* 0.22* 0.18** -0.52* 0.22*** 0.99 0.99 2.36 180.81 0.00 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.09 0.01 -0.36** -2.45*** 0.13 0.59 0.96 0.91 1.97 17.79 0.00 Table F.5. Estimation results of the water demand function for pinto bean production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares Independent variable VMP Coefficient Std. Error AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error C 5.08*** 0.53 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.39*** 0.05 *** LQ 0.89 0.02 LW -0.04 0.03 * LPS 0.16 0.09 ** LCL -0.07 0.03 LPM LPP LPF R2 0.99 2 Adjusted R 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 2.02 F-statistic 711.81 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 191 -1.99* -0.06*** 1.01*** 0.36*** 0.06 -0.09* 0.98 0.97 1.65 94.25 0.00 1.14 0.015 0.04 0.05 0.12 0.05 0.28*** 0.30 -0.01 0.05 0.92*** 0.15* 0.64*** 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.21 -0.49 0.05 0.92 0.74 2.23 4.92 0.03 0.45 0.63 0.01 Table F.6. Estimation results of the water demand function for onion production with VMP, AVC and MC ( 2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares Independent variable VMP Coefficient Std. Error AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error C 0.68* 0.40 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.20*** 0.05 *** LQ 0.88 0.03 LW LPS LPP LPM LPfa LRL R2 0.99 2 Adjusted R 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 1.99 F-statistic 405.32 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 192 0.52 0.60 2.40*** 0.18 -0.04*** 0.01 -0.01*** 0.02 0.89*** 0.03 0.84*** -0.12*** -0.11*** 0.14*** 0.09*** 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.04** 0.03 0.99 0.99 1.81 299.53 0.00 0.02 0.02 -0.02 0.01 0.99 0.99 2.20 1740.93 0.00 Table F.7. Estimation results of the water demand function for tomato production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares Independent variable VMP Coefficient Std. Error AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error C 8.57*** 0.34224 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.89*** 0.02917 *** LQ 0.88 0.025 *** LW -0.43 0.05427 ** LPM -0.05 0.02437 LPS -0.01 0.01408 *** LPF -0.27 0.05195 LPfa LPP LRL 0.99 R2 2 Adjusted R 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 2.00 F-statistic 663.549 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 193 -1.10 -0.04** 0.98 0.02 0.95*** 0.13** 0.07 0.06 -0.08*** -0.06*** 0.04** 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.99 0.99 2.46 269.72 0.00 0.04 1.14 -0.01 0.01 0.92*** 0.07 -0.06*** 0.02 0.03* 0.99 0.99 2.56 253.04 0.00 0.02 Table F.8. Estimation results of the water demand function for potato production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares Independent variable VMP Coefficient Std. Error AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error C 3.37*** 0.50 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.16*** 0.02 *** LQ 0.82 0.02 LW -0.04 0.03 LPM LPS 0.05** 0.02 LPF LPfa LPP LRL R2 0.99 2 Adjusted R 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 2.02 F-statistic 928.134 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 194 2.72*** -0.004 0.71 0.01 0.80*** 0.04 -0.01* 0.01 0.99 0.99 2.23 606.397 0.00 3.88** 1.7 -0.02 0.01 0.69*** 0.13*** -0.07** 0.07 0.06 0.02 0.99 0.99 2.23 315.6 0.00 Table F.9. Estimation results of the water demand function for cucumber production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares Independent variable VMP Coefficient Std. Error AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error C 4.41*** 0.49 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.21*** 0.02 *** LQ 0.75 0.03 ** LW 0.09 0.04 LPM 0.09*** 0.04 ** LCL -0.08 0.04 LPF LPfa LPP LPS 0.99 R2 2 Adjusted R 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 1.99 F-statistic 520.282 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 195 4.34*** -0.01** 0.71*** -0.03*** -0.03 *** 0.99 0.99 2.06 400 0.00 1.25 0.01 0.07 0.01 6.84*** 0.29 -0.01*** 0.003 0.65*** -0.09** -0.13*** 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.22*** 0.06 -0.08*** -0.07*** 0.99 0.99 2.09 855.37 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 Table F.10. Estimation results of the water demand function for watermelon production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares Independent variable VMP Coefficient Std. Error AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error C 1.40*** 0.26 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.26*** 0.04 *** LQ 0.84 0.0 *** LW -0.08 0.03 * LPM -0.04 0.03 *** LCL 0.13 0.04 LPF LRL LPP 0.07*** 0.03 ** LPS 0.05 0.02 R-squared 0.99 Adjusted R-square 0.99 Durbin-Watson stat 2.02 F-statistic 557.215 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 196 -0.73*** -0.005* 0.012*** 0.051*** -0.016* -0.03* 0.004 0.65 0.56 1.91 7.30 0.00 0.165 0.003 0.0005 0.012 0.01 0.017 0.004 0.209*** 0.016 0.006*** 0.009 0.0003 0.0006 *** 0.080 0.020 -0.017** 0.008 -0.014*** 0.003 -0.005** 0.002 0.55 0.47 1.97 6.33 0.00 Table F.11. Estimation results of the water demand function for cotton production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares VMP Coefficient Std. Error 1.29* 1.51 Independent variable C LAVC LMC LVMP -0.88*** 0.08 *** LQ 0.99 0.04 *** LW 0.24 0.11 *** LPF 0.35 0.17 LRL 0.13*** 0.04 * LPP 0.08 0.05 ** LPS 0.16 0.08 LPA LPM R2 0.98 2 Adjusted R 0.98 Durbin-Watson stat 2.41 F-statistic 557.215 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error *** *** -10.27 1.27 -15.94 1.72 *** 0.02 0.01 0.09* 0.05 197 0.98*** 0.82 0.27 0.02 0.41*** 0.38*** 0.23*** -0.15 0.98 0.97 2.35 80 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.07 0.07 0.24 1.22*** 1.29*** -0.72*** 0.05 0.09 0.24 0.33*** 1.01** 0.09 0.40 -0.59* 0.96 0.92 2.26 20.8 0.00 0.29 Table F.12. Estimation results of the water demand function for sugar beet production with VMP, AVC and MC (2001-2006) Dependent Variable: LDWT Method: Panel Least Squares Independent variable VMP Coefficient Std. Error AVC MC Coefficient Std. Coefficient Std. Error Error C 5.11*** 0.71 LAVC LMC LVMP -0.50*** 0.10 *** LQ 0.89 0.014 *** LW -0.31 0.07 LPF -0.15*** 0.05 *** LPS -0.04 0.01 *** LPM -0.15 0.04 *** LCL 0.23 0.06 LPP LPA 0.98 R2 2 Adjusted R 0.98 Durbin-Watson stat 2.02 F-statistic 557.215 Prob(F-statistic) 0.00 * Statistically significant at the 10% level ** Statistically significant at the 5% level *** Statistically significant at the 1% level 198 0.88 -0.01** 0.77 0.005 0.84*** 0.34*** -0.33*** -0.14*** 0.05 0.11 0.10 0.03 0.10*** 0.04 0.98 0.97 2.44 222.6 0.00 1.20*** 1.25 -0.08** 0.03 0.93 -0.45*** 0.06 0.14 0.1*** 0.04 0.15*** 0.96 0.93 2.09 29.98 0.00 0.06 Appendix G: Studies with high R2 Author(s) Year Title of Research Rana Hasan 2001 The impact of trade and labor market regulations on employment and wages Aurella.B.M., 2001 Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions Francisco.H.T.,and in the European Union Inmaculada. M.Z Hossein zad, J., 2005 Choosing an empirical production Salami, H. A function to estimate economic value ….. Ruth-Aïda Nahum 2005 Income inequality and growth: A panel study of swedish counties 1960-2000 Matz Dahlberg 2005 Inequality and crime: separating the and Magnus effects of permanent and transitory Gustavsson income Mohammad 2006 A panel data analysis of banglaesh’s Mafizur Rahman trade: The gravity model approach Moolman. C.E, 2006 Modelling the marginal revenue of water Blignaut .J.N & R in selected agricultural commodities: A van Eyden panel data approach Andrew Leigh 2007 How closely do top income shares track other measures of inequality Victor Brescia 2007 Supply elasticities for selected Daniel Lema commodities in Mercosur and Bolivia Antonio Estache 2007 Regulatory agencies: Impact on firm performance and consumer welfare Marius Brulhart 2008 Sectoral agglomeration economies in a And Mathys. N.A panel of European regions Batool Asiri 2008 Testing weak-form efficiency in the Bahrain stock market Emin Koksal 2008 An analysis of public expenditures using the median voter theorem for Turkey Vialou Alexandre, 2008 Impact of GMO crop adoption on et al. quality-adjusted pesticide use in corn and soybeans: A full picture Hassen et al. 2008 The effect of heritability estimates on high-density SNP analyses with related animals Richard Frensch 2009 Trade liberalisation and import margins Jalaie and Naghavi 2009 The analysis of Iran and European Union regionalism in agricultural sector Anna Aizer 2009 The gender wage gap and domestic violence Gabriele Ruoff 2009 Grow rich and clean up later? Joint effects of IGO membership and democracy on environmental performance in developing countries 199 Amount of R2 0.99 0.37 in (Pool) and 0.99 in Panel 0.91, 0.94 and 0.96 0.90, 0.98 and 0.99 0.97 and 0.99 0.92 and 0.86 0.995 0.91, 0.98 and 0.99 0.78, 0.85 and 0.98 0.98 and 0.99 0.88 and 0.99 0.0001 and 0.9995 0.98 and 0.99 0.98 and 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.989 0.96, 0.98 and 0.99 0.99 and 1.00 Appendix H: Descriptive Statistics Table H.1. The descriptive data of barley, cotton, wheat and cucumber Barley Cotton Std. Variable Mean Dev. Observations Mean Std. Dev. Observations Demand Water 1.95E+08 2.93E+08 151 3.58E+08 6.88E+08 78 Water Price 5.93 4.22 151 3.49 2.69 78 Land Rent 8.99 5.26 151 165321.20 119595.50 78 Seed Price 135.34 36.64 151 294.19 95.00 78 Fertilizer Price 52.42 11.19 151 54.29 12.21 78 Pesticide Price 1754.14 1298.26 151 2987.63 1583.18 78 Wage 4727.44 1940.94 151 4048.76 1677.67 78 Land Prepare Cost 3.56 1.67 151 48907.44 21875.51 78 Machinery Rent Cost 13.84 7.13 151 9.77 4.10 78 Animal Fertilizer Price 3.12 2.97 151 5.14 3.98 78 Irrigated Crop Production 73611395 1.07E+08 151 27215377 39565536 78 VMP 57.91 22.29 151 66.39 57.08 78 Crop Wheat Cucumber Std. Variable Mean Dev. Observations Mean Std. Dev. Observations Demand Water 6.66E+08 8.03E+08 167 31328535 38851345 108 Water Price 6.71 4.28 167 21.54 18.31 108 Land Rent 11.20 6.90 167 168604.90 95938.16 108 Seed Price 169.90 45.56 167 48612.32 19546.59 108 Fertilizer Price 52.55 10.61 167 63.78 23.06 108 Pesticide Price 2248.81 1206.84 167 3684.12 1551.29 108 Wage 4758.18 1940.24 167 4467.75 1939.58 108 Land Prepare Cost 3.70 1.55 167 74255.38 34614.42 108 Machinery Rent Cost 16.95 8.59 167 20.17 11.13 108 Animal Fertilizer Price 3.12 3.18 167 7.28 5.94 108 Irrigated Crop Production 3.14E+08 3.85E+08 167 84787937 1.01E+08 108 VMP 138.29 55.56 167 613.09 410.21 108 Crop 200 Crop Table H.2. The descriptive data of lentil, onion, potato and pea Lentil Onion Variable Demand Water Water Price Land Rent Seed Price Fertilizer Price Pesticide Price Wage Land Prepare Cost Machinery Rent Cost Animal Fertilizer Price Irrigated Crop Production VMP Crop Variable Demand Water Water Price Land Rent Seed Price Fertilizer Price Pesticide Price Wage Land Prepare Cost Machinery Rent Cost Animal Fertilizer Price Irrigated Crop Production VMP Mean 8315997 6.36 79062.68 381.32 47.86 1857.72 4054.87 Std. Dev. Observations Mean Std. Dev. Observations 12706948 44 28089994 31102646 100 4.84 44 13.38 8.38 100 51065.85 44 196064.50 137970.50 100 169.68 44 17170.59 20028.28 100 19.39 44 58.79 16.82 100 1744.47 44 4021.00 1764.34 100 1832.63 44 4425.47 1819.48 100 34681.45 17455.58 44 82724.69 55612.74 100 7.16 4.41 44 7968.58 38272.94 100 2.70 3.82 44 7.74 7.70 100 1521337 65.55 2176976 37.88 Potato 44 44 90032257 341.26 99025506 213.31 Pea 100 100 Mean Std. Dev. Observations 63756810 58803710 138 12.92 10.33 138 182828.00 99512.18 138 151.40 56.55 138 56.45 13.75 138 2821.59 1191.90 138 4699.71 1890.24 138 Mean 6918225 10.66 72522.90 408.65 52.43 2230.69 5127.19 Std. Dev. 7931064 12.17 51149.92 151.23 17.48 1579.51 3046.06 Observations 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 59456.63 35096.87 138 35206.93 19908.76 63 22.80 14.05 138 6.56 3.94 63 6.04 6.00 138 2.59 3.86 63 1.78E+08 529.12 1.91E+08 2044.01 138 138 1515501 96.70 1288191 71.94 63 63 201 Crop Table H.3. The descriptive data of pinto been, sugar beet, tomato and watermelon Pinto bean Sugar beet Variable Demand Water Water Price Land Rent Seed Price Fertilizer Price Pesticide Price Wage Land Prepare Cost Machinery Rent Cost Animal Fertilizer Price Irrigated Crop Production VMP Crop Variable Demand Water Water Price Land Rent Seed Price Fertilizer Price Pesticide Price Wage Land Prepare Cost Machinery Rent Cost Animal Fertilizer Price Irrigated Crop Production VMP Mean 52884859 10.44 55219.01 571.04 104.19 2302.41 5004.43 Std. Dev. 54077290 11.96 36741.30 185.02 120.77 1349.03 2201.26 Observations 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 Mean 1.31E+08 8.84 161092.60 4328.92 56.10 2777.55 4505.52 Std. Dev. 2.03E+08 6.02 86925.56 6424.30 16.04 1300.33 1835.24 Observations 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 154457.50 96979.07 58 43308.14 19607.71 82 10.71 5.24 58 369.62 2858.80 82 2.91 2.84 58 2.47 2.00 82 14872056 142.98 15575644 65.60 Tomato 58 58 3.21E+08 161.01 4.82E+08 310.85 Watermelon 82 82 Mean 31722172 2999.25 111229.00 23659.45 50.05 2999.25 3693.46 Std. Dev. Observations 40303550 126 2940.58 123 103095.30 125 25540.23 126 37.77 126 2940.58 123 2577.01 125 Mean Std. Dev. Observations 51687870 52447859 144 14.96 11.24 144 201880.60 129428.90 144 54680.76 31047.86 144 62.56 20.49 144 3671.63 1803.86 144 4482.34 1740.89 144 71633.11 31883.39 144 49306.86 35536.62 124 22.43 12.16 144 15.13 11.39 125 5.85 5.99 144 7.57 8.00 125 1.68E+08 830.52 1.87E+08 597.67 144 144 1.09E+08 308.04 1.47E+08 202.90 126 126 202 BIODATA OF STUDENT Ahmad Sadeghi son of Baratali was born on 18 March 1965 in Tehran (Capital of I.R.Iran). He completed elementary guidance and high school studies in Tehran city. He got his high school diploma in the field of experimental sciences in 1983. After two years compulsory soldiering, he passed entrance exams and started his education in the field of Agricultural Economics in Tehran University where he backed his B.Sc. in 19 Feb 1992. He worked in the Ministry of Education as a teacher in the same year. Then he obtained master’s degree at Sistan and Balouchestan University in 2000. He passed all requisite courses for M.Sc. under Dr. Sepehrdoust, under whom he carried out the thesis titled “To study on the effects of economic policies - social government on rural industries of Sistan and Balouchestan”. He has been working in Tarbiat Modares University as Head of Research Office, College of Agriculture, from 1995 to 2002 year. He worked in Power and Water University of Technology (PWUT), Tehran, Iran as lecturer from 2002 to until now. He began his PhD program under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mohd Gazali Mohayidin in the field of Agricultural Economics in 2006 in University Putra Malaysia (UPM). He is married and has two daughters. 203 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Ghazali, M., Attari, J., Sadeghi, A., & Arrif, H. (2009). Review of water pricing theories and related models. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(13), 15361544. Sadeghi, A., Mohayidin, G., Hussein, A., & Baheiraie, A. (2009). Determining the Economic Value of the Irrigation Water in Production of Wheat in Iran. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,. Sadeghi, A., Mohayidin, G., Hussein, A., & Attari, J. (2010). Estimation of Irrigation Water Demand for Barley in Iran: The panel Data Evidence. Journal of Agricultural Science,2-2,. 204