BrightSign Expander Hardware Guide PCBA: Rev C Version: 0.1 Saratoga, CA, USA 1 Table of Contents OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 3 EXPANDER BLOCK DIAGRAM..................................................................................................... 4 PORTS .......................................................................................................................................... 6 POWER CONNECTOR ..................................................................................................................... 6 OPTICAL SPDIF CONNECTOR......................................................................................................... 6 DB25 SWITCH/LED CONNECTOR ................................................................................................... 6 USB ............................................................................................................................................. 8 1/8” AUDIO CONNECTORS .............................................................................................................. 9 POWER USAGE ........................................................................................................................... 10 ENVIRONMENTAL ....................................................................................................................... 10 THEORY OF OPERATION ........................................................................................................... 11 POWER SUPPLY .......................................................................................................................... 11 CYPRESS CY8C24894 PSOC (UCONTROLLER) ........................................................................... 11 AUDIO OUTPUTS .......................................................................................................................... 11 SPDIF OUTPUT ........................................................................................................................... 11 ON BOARD LED .......................................................................................................................... 11 ON BOARD DIP SWITCH .............................................................................................................. 11 USB ........................................................................................................................................... 12 APPENDIX A................................................................................................................................. 13 FLOW CHART: (FOR REPAIR CENTER USE) ........................................................................... 13 (1) POWER START ....................................................................................................................... 13 (2) USB DEVICES DO NOT ENUMERATE ......................................................................................... 14 GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING NOTES:................................................................................. 16 1) IF THE POWER LED IS LIT AND USB HUB IS GETTING 3.3V, WINDOWS DEVICE MANAGER CAN BE USED TO SEE IF ALL 5 USB DEVICES ARE OPERATIONAL ON THE EXPANDER. CONNECT EXPANDER TO A WINDOWS MACHINE, GO TO DEVICE MANAGER -> VIEW -> “DEVICES BY CONNECTION” .................................................................................. 16 THERE SHOULD BE 4 USB AUDIO DEVICES AND ONE USB HUMAN INTERFACE DEVICE:16 ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 2 BrightSign Expander Overview This hardware reference manual specifies the hardware interfaces on the BrightSign Expander, as well as providing a guide to troubleshoot the hardware of the Expander for in-field service. The BrightSign Expander is a 7 port USB Hub with 5 USB devices connected to the Hub, while remaining two USB ports are used for expansion. There are 4 USB to Audio devices (3x Analog Audio, 1x SPDIF). There is also USB enabled microcontroller, which acts as an interface between USB and General Purpose 3.3V I/O. BrightSign Expander is designed to function in tandem with BrightSign Compact (HD810, HD1010) to expand the capabilities of Compact to that of HD2000 and much more. This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander Expander Block Diagram Dual USB Connector USB Type B 3x Analog Audio Connectors SPDIF Analog Switch Line Driver 2 Vrms Headphone Amp USB HUB USB2517 3x USB Audio DACs PSoC USB Device DB25 GPIO Port DIP switch LED Regulator 3.3V DC 5V Conn. This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander Expander Mechanical This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander Ports On back of the unit: • Power plug for 5V power input at 3.0A • 3 stereo 1/8” mini plugs for audio output • S/PDIF Optical Audio Output • USB Type B upstream port • Two high speed USB downstream ports. On front of the unit: • Power LED • 8 position dip switch • DB25 Female for LED output and Switch input, as well as supplying 100mA of 3.3V power. Note: Unless otherwise specified, Roku recommends that all cable lengths be 10 Meters or less. The customer may be able to use longer cables in specific cases, but the customer must test the cable to see if it will work. Generally higher quality cables with lower capacitances can be run longer than cheaper cables. Power Connector The power connector on our board is rated at 5V @ 3.0A. The plug to go into our connector is standard 5.5MM plug, center positive, with a 1.65MM center pin hole. The power is over voltage protected and reverse polarity protected with two 5W 5.6V zener diodes. Optical SPDIF Output connector This connector accepts a standard SPDIF optical cable. DB25 Switch/LED connector The Switch/Led connector is a DB25 Female. This connector is used to allow the Expander to control external LEDs or other devices requiring 15mA of current or less. Connect the LED outputs to the LED ANODE and connect LED CATHODE to ground. If you want to connect up some other device then the output is capable of sourcing or sinking up to 24mA at 3.3V, but we do have a series resistor of 100 Ohms in each line. This connector also allows connecting up external contact closures to ground. In order to connect a switch, connect one side of the switch to the switch input, and connect the other side of the switch to one of the ground pins on the DB25 connector. Finally the connector can also supply 3.3V at up to 100mA to an external device. The 3.3V output is polyfuse protected. If Expander is driving the inputs on another Expander, Compact, HD2000 or HD600, then you can at most drive 3 inputs from 1 output. Calculations follow showing why this is: The GPIO outputs have 100 Ohm series resistors, the inputs have 1K pullup resistors to 3.3V, and the input threshold on the 541 chips is 2V high, and .8V low. The high voltage is not a problem, but the low voltage can be if there are too many inputs connected to 1 output. Here are the calculations: This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander 1 out driving 1 in: 1 out driving 2 in: 1 out driving 3 in: 1 out driving 4 in: MAX!) V=3.3*100/(100+1000)=0.3 V=3.3*100/(100+500)=0.55 V=3.3*100/(100+333.3)=0.76 V=3.3*100/(100+250)=0.94 (Too high, so we can only let 1 output drive 3 inputs The DB25 female has the following pinout: pin 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Description LED/Button 7 LED/Button 4 LED/Button 1 Ground LED/Button 13 Ground +3.3V output @ 100mA LED/Button 15 Ground LED/Button 16 Ground LED/Button 10 LED/Button 8 pin 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Description Ground LED/Button 2 LED/Button 17 LED/Button 14 LED/Button 11 LED/Button 9 LED/Button 6 LED/Button 3 LED/Button 0 LED/Button 15 LED/Button 12 Ground DB25 female as viewed from the back of Expander: The following Diagram shows how to wire up a button and LED to each input/output (this is the schematic of the Roku button/led board that we sell for development use). You of course can use as little or as many of the inputs and outputs as you wish. This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander USB The Expander has two high speed (400 mbit) USB host ports. Maximum cable length is 5 Meters. The ports have the following pinout: pin Description 1 VBUS 3 D+ pin Description 2 D4 Ground This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander 1/8” Audio connectors The Expander has three 1/8” female audio connectors. Each connector has a stereo audio signal. The full scale voltage output of the audio is 3.06V PP, with no load. The minimum load resistance that should be connected to the audio output is 5 Ohms. The connectors are capable of driving headphones directly. ? 4 connectors? The connectors have the following pinout: Tip: Left audio Ring: Right audio Base: Ground for audio signal This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander Power usage The power supply on the Expander is a 15W 5V @ 3A power supply. The Expander will use approximately 500mA of power when playing analog audio, driving high impedance load such as TV or A/V receiver. Power consumption will be higher when driving low impedance headphones (16 Ohm). This implies that up to 2.5A is available for peripheral and accessories, keeping in mind that 1,000mA should be reserved for two external USB ports when USB devices are used. The user should not connect up any combination of peripherals that will exceed 2500mA draw. If more than 2500mA is drawn, then the external power supply will shut down due to overcurrent conditions. The unit will not be damaged, but it may cause the unit to reboot or to not operate properly until the overload is removed. This 2500mA can be shared any way you like on the following connectors. USB1 – 500mA max USB2 – 500mA max DB25 3.3V – 100mA Each of 6 LED outputs on DB25 – up to 24mA each Audio 1, 2, 3 – 200mA max (i.e. if you connect up 5Ohm headphones, then each audio connector can output up to 200mA RMS) Environmental The Expander is designed to be used between the temperatures of 0 to 40C with 90% maximum relative humidity, non-condensing. This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander Theory of operation Power Supply The Expander has two onboard voltages present. These are 5V and 3.3V.. 5V comes in from the power connector and is used directly for USB, the video filter chip, the optical SPDIF chip, and the audio DACs. 3.3V is created from 5V by Semtech SC196 switching regulator. Cypress CY8C24894 PSoC (uController) The Expander uses Cypress PSoC to control GPIOs via USB. PSoC is a Full Speed USB device, which is configured to be Human Interface Device (HID). Audio outputs The Expander has three high quality audio DAC devices, which are Wolfson WM8729. These devices take in digital audio signals from the PNX8950 for I2S audio. The AUD_LRCIN signal is the framing signal for the audio, running at the frame rate of the audio source. The frame rate is usually either 44.1KHz or 48KHz. AUD_BITCLK signal is typically 64 times higher than AUD_LRCIN. The AUD_MCLK is usually 4 times faster than the AUD_BITCLK signal. The I2S audio is also routed to the HDMI chip. The audio output from the Wolfson DAC is sent to TPA0211 high quality high power audio amplifiers. These amplifiers are capable of driving 5 Ohm headphones directly. SPDIF output The Expander uses C-Media CM102S+ USB Audio device. SPDIF output from the CM102S+ is connected to optical connector. On Board LED There is one Green Power LED on the board; LED indicates if power is applied to the Expander. On Board DIP Switch The onboard DIP switch is connected to PSoC and Analog Switch. On board Pull Up resistors are used, when switches are open (OFF), PSoC and Analog Switch are at voltage high, when switches are closed (ON), PSoC and Analog Switch are at voltage low. There are three Analog Switches for analog audio 1 This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander 3. Only switch 6, 7, 8 are connected to the Analog Switches. Switches 6, 7 and 8 are used to select between 2Vrms line driver and headphone amp. ON (down) position selects headphone amp. USB USB is implemented by a PCI ISP1563 USB dual host controller chip. There is also a dual over-current protected switch TPS2042BD device, which is used to turn on and off power to the USB device, and to detect over-current situations. This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander Appendix A Flow Chart: (for Repair Center Use) (1) Power Start No LEDs on Is the Output power adapter 5V DC? No Replace Power Adapter Is the Voltage of No Check D1 & D2 for shorts No Check U5, L4, C28 No Check R19 L1 = 5V? Yes Is the Voltage of L5 3.3V? Yes Is the Voltage across D3 ~= 2V? Yes Replace D3 This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander (2) USB Devices do not enumerate No USB Is there 3.3V DC at C18, C19? No Check U5, L4, C28 Is there 3.3V DC at U34? No Check U5, L4, C28, L5 Yes Is there 12MHz at U34 pin 1 & 28 No Check Y2, C157, C158 Yes Check U34 bad solder joints. This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007 BrightSign Expander General troubleshooting notes: 1) If the Power LED is lit and USB Hub is getting 3.3V, Windows Device Manager can be used to see if all 5 USB devices are operational on the Expander. Connect Expander to a Windows machine, go to Device Manager -> View -> “Devices by Connection” There should be 4 USB Audio devices and one USB Human Interface device: This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © Roku 2007