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Testomatic Manawama
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Quiz 1
Answer the following questions.
1. In the experiment described in class where a subject was asked to sit at a table and
to "decide" to lift their arm. The results showed that the conscious experience of
choosing to move the arm occured _______ the actual movement of the arm.
a -- at the exact same time as
b -- about a third of a second before
c -- about a third of a second after
d -- over a second before
2. Your ability to acquire language is _____ while the specific language you speak is
a -- environmental; genetic
b -- genetic; environmental
c -- controlled by the brain; controlled by the mind
d -- controlled by the mind; controlled by the brain
3. Most scientists would probably feel comfortable describing the relationshiop
between Mind and Brain as similar to the relationship between __________
a -- stomach and digestion
b -- heart and feelings
c -- sleep and wakefulness
d -- talking and listening
4. The nature-nurture issue can best be defined as the study of
a -- how brain activity causes mental activity.
b -- whether or not behavior is predictable or random.
c -- how differences in behavior relate to differences in heredity and environment
d -- how the mind directs free will.
5. Psychology is best defined as the study of
a -- abnormality.
b -- social influences.
c -- consciousness.
d -- behavior and experience.
6. People who support the concept of free will believe that
a -- heredity plays a critical role in the development of behavior.
b -- some choices go beyond the realm that science could study or predict.
c -- different parts of the brain control different types of behavior.
d -- behavior is basically predictable.
7. Some investigators try to determine the relationship between physical/chemical
processes and our conscious experiences. They are said to be investigating the
a -- nature-nurture issue.
b -- question of free will and determinism.
c -- question of internal versus external locus of control.
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Testomatic Manawama
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d -- mind-body problem.
8. René Descartes was a proponent of _______ and speculated that the "seat of the
soul" was located in the _________.
a -- monism; frontal lobes
b -- monism; heart
c -- dualism; pineal gland
d -- dualism; the Eighth Chakra
9. The heritability factor for intelligence is about .50. This means that _________.
a -- you get half of your intelligence from your father, and the other half from your mother.
b -- about half of the variability in intelligence can be attributed to genetic factors.
c -- you have a 50% chance of getting your intelligence from your mother, and 50% chance of getting it from
your father.
d -- about half of the variability in intelligence can be attributed to environmental factors.
e -- both b and d.
10. As a science, Psychology can be found between the fields of _____ and _____.
a -- Physics; Chemistry
b -- Biology; Chemistry
c -- Chemistry; Sociology
d -- Biology; Sociology
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