Team Building Keynotes & Exercises

 Team Building Keynotes & Exercises
Empowered teams in various forms are somewhere in virtually every major
corporation in North America today. A fundamental power shift is going on in many
organizations. The emergence of empowered teams isn’t just another management
fad "here today and gone tomorrow." Empowerment renders obsolete the traditional
management methods used in organizations for the last century. The workplaces
that empower their employee teams to assume many of the traditional management
responsibilities are becoming commonplace.
As the term "empowerment" implies, it is related to people’s perception of their
power to act. It is concerned with the actual degree and scope of that power, as well
as with their confidence in using it. Managers need to change from supervisors to
coaches to make empowered teams effective. Changing this management role isn’t
easy. Leadership needs to provide decision-making to front-line staff. In addition,
empowerment is very much a two-way street with communication to and from
leadership and to and from front-line staff.
Our team building seminars are designed to foster a spirit of teamwork and to help
individuals work more effectively as members of a group. The fun and challenging
team building exercises are great morale builders, and set up the whole group for
gaining new insights into team dynamics. Each seminar is tailored to the specific
needs and objectives of the group, and can include modules on:
* Team membership styles
* Identifying and clarifying team roles
* Shared goals, shared values and interdependence
* Problem solving and decision making within teams
* Intra-group and inter-group conflict resolution
* Inter-group cooperation and support
Teamwork in a Different Context
Our team building workshops build the spirit of teamwork by creating a teamwork
experience in a different context. The daily routine of work is generally focused on
the tasks at hand. Employees often get stressed out or stuck in task-focused habit
patterns that cause them to lose sight the value of teamwork. When interpersonal
conflicts arise, they get defensive and act in ways that break down teamwork. When
managers and supervisors consistently do this, it ripples through the organization
and de-motivates the entire team. The team needs a change of context.
You can schedule your team building workshop on-site or in an off-site location, such
as a nearby (or not so nearby) hotel, resort or meeting facility. We work with you to
plan the details, and we provide the training, facilitation and team building activities.
By getting everyone out of the daily work context and into a new, teamwork-focused
context, we create a powerful experience that results in a new level of teamwork
awareness and organizational change.
© Tara Furiani 2010 | 888.548.5880 x 27 | Fun & Games with a Purpose
There's no question about it, our team building workshops are fun! Regardless of the
size of your group, we will facilitate creative team activities that are guaranteed to
elicit laughter, fun and enjoyment. But there's a purpose behind everything we do:
building the spirit of teamwork. Every activity is followed by an interactive debrief,
during which we discuss what happened during the experience and how it relates to
teamwork in the workplace. Activities, discussions and training are seamlessly
blended together to make your workshop an effective catalyst for change.
A Profound Team Building Experience
You can train people in the principals of teamwork, and we certainly do that. But our
workshops go much deeper than typical classroom training. We immerse your
people in a team building experience. Team members get to know each other in new
ways, and new connections are formed. The assessments and exercises open new
dimensions of understanding and empathy. Participants gain deep insights about
teamwork through the fun, activities, training and team interaction that would not be
possible through simply being exposed to new information about teamwork.
A Team Building Event and an Ongoing Program
Once your team experiences one of our workshops, you will want to develop an
ongoing team building program. We can design a program for you that keeps the
energy building, consisting of:
* Periodic team building workshops conducted by us, or by your in-house training people
* Initiatives, assessments and tools, designed to increase awareness and accountability
* One-on-one coaching and consulting with managers, supervisors and key members of your team
* Training seminars and workshops to build interpersonal skills
We provide the tools to help your managers and supervisors keep the spirit of
teamwork growing within your organization. Contact us today for more information
about our programs and a free team building consultation.
Team Building Requires Action
Team building is what effective leaders do every day. They do it because they are
aware of the value of teamwork, and they see how their attitudes and actions either
build teamwork or break it down. When every member of your team becomes an
effective leader, teamwork flourishes. Team building requires awareness, and
awareness requires action. Take action and schedule a team building workshop for
your team now!
Your objective may be simply to engage your group in fun team building activities,
for the sake of socializing and having fun. Tara Harrington is an expert at designing
the right program to achieve the desired results. Book your team building program
© Tara Furiani 2010 | 888.548.5880 x 27 | 