learndirect Customer Queries & Complaints Policy



Customer Queries

& Complaints Policy

Please tell us what you think !

We welcome feedback and complaints from all of our customers or anyone who has been involved with learndirect .

0800 101 901 learndirect.com

Our commitment to handle customer contacts

At learndirect we are committed to handling all types of contacts by our customers quickly, accurately, and fairly.

We aim to fully resolve any concerns or problems you might have and if there is anything we cannot resolve or put right straight away we will explain why and say what we can do.

We recognise that feedback from customers is vital in helping us to further improve the services we offer.

We therefore record and analyse the information you give us to ensure that we get to the root cause of any issues you might have.

This policy is applicable to all learndirect customers across our various types of provision and sets out how to contact us, how we will handle your contact, how quickly we will respond, and gives full details of our query / complaint handling process.

How to Contact Us

If you are a learndirect customer the quickest and easiest way to get a question answered or to resolve a concern is usually to contact your tutor, trainer-assessor, or centre manager.

In addition we have a ‘help’ section on our website where you can find lots of useful information to help solve any problems you might have with your learning


If you are not currently a learndirect customer, or if you are unable to resolve your query via your tutor / trainer-assessor / centre manager, or via our help section you can:

Call us on 0800 101 901

(Our helpline is open Monday –

Friday 8am-9pm, Saturday 9am-6pm, and Sunday 10am-6pm)

Contact us online by completing a short web form. Just go to www.learndirect.com/help/


Write to us at ‘ FREEPOST learndirect ’ (no stamp required)

Life in the UK

If you are a LitUK test candidate and would like to know more about how we handle your feedback and complaints please see the guidance on our website http://lifeintheuktest.ukba.homeoffice.


What we need to know from you

For us to be able to handle your query effectively we will need the following information when you contact us:

• Your name & location

• What type of programme you are undertaking with learndirect

• Your user name (if applicable)

• Full details of what your query or concern is

• The reference number for the query if you are contacting us about an ongoing issue

If you want to remain anonymous then we will still try to deal with your query though it might not always be possible and we will tell you as to what we can and can’t do.

How we will deal with your query or complaint


Advise your tutor, trainer-assessor, or centre manager about your query or complaint and give them the chance to resolve the matter. If you are unhappy with the outcome, or with how long it is taking, or if you think it is not appropriate to raise the issue with them go to Stage 2.


Contact us via any of the means described in the ‘how to contact us’ section of this policy. We will try to give you an answer straight away and if we can’t an appropriate subject expert / operational learndirect manager will investigate your query or complaint and you will receive an update or resolution within 5 working days


If you are not happy with the outcome you must advise us that you wish your query or complaint to be escalated. It will then be reviewed by the learndirect Customer

Service Team and you will be contacted within a further 10 working days


If you remain unhappy with the outcome of your query or complaint you must then put your concerns in writing explaining your concerns in full and send it to

‘ learndirect complaints (stage 4), 3rd Floor, Dearing House, 1 Young St, Sheffield,

S1 4UP’. The matter will then be investigated by a Senior Manager. They will look at how your query or complaint was investigated, the response you received, and will speak to the people involved. A reply will be sent within 10 working days of receipt.

External query / complaint review

Stage 4 is the final stage of our internal process. If after following the stages you are still unhappy with the outcome of your query or complaint we will advise you of any third parties you can pursue it with. This will usually depend on the type of learning you have been doing.

For funded learners the Skills Funding

Agency (SFA) will investigat e com plaints if the learndirect process has been concluded. The SFA policy can be found at: http://readingroom.lsc.gov.

uk/SFA/Procedure_for_dealing_with_ complaints_about_providers_of_ education_and_training_April_2013.pdf

Customers undertaking Work

Programme or Mandatory Work Activity,

Community Work Placement or

Supervised Jobsearch Pilot can go to the

Independent Case Examiner (ICE) if they are not happy with the outcome of their query or complaint once the learndirect process has been concluded. Further details can be found at: http://www.indcase-exam.org.uk/en/complaints/ index.asp
