COURSES FOR SARJANA PROGRAM ENGINEERING PHYSICS - FTI – ITB Urut Kode MK Sem NM Kuliah Ind. SKS Urut Sem Kode MK 4 1 MA1222 NM Kuliah Ind. Semester 1 1 SKS Semester 2 MA1122 Kalkulus I Kalkulus II 4 2 FI1101 Fisika Dasar IA 4 2 FI1201 Fisika Dasar IIA 4 3 KI1111 Kimia Dasar I A 3 3 KI1211 Kimia Dasar II A 3 2 4 KU1011 Tata Tulis Karya Ilmiah 2 4 KU102X Bahasa Inggris 5 KU1131 Olah Raga I 1 5 KU12XX Olah Raga II 1 6 TF10T1 Konsep Teknologi 2 6 BI1001 Pengetahuan Lingkungan 2 7 TF1101 2 7 TF1201 Object Oriented Programming 2 Programming Total = 18 SKS Total = 18 SKS Total SKS TAHAP 1 = 36 SKS Semester 3 Semester 4 1 TF2101 Matematika Rekayasa 3 1 TF2201 Matematika Fisika 2 TF2102 Probabilitas & Statistik 3 2 TF2202 Metoda Numerik 3 3 TF2103 Konversi Energi 3 3 TF2203 Elektronika 3 4 TF2104 Rangkaian Elektrik 3 4 TF2204 Medan Elektromagnetik 3 5 TF2105 Fisika Rekayasa 3 5 TF2205 Fisika Modern 3 6 TF2106 Termodinamika 3 6 TF2206 Lab. Teknik Fisika I 1 7 KU2071 Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan 2 Total = 18 SKS 3 Total = 18 SKS Total SKS TAHAP 2 = 36 SKS Semester 5 Semester 6 1 TF3101 Metoda Pengukuran 4 1 TF3201 Pengolahan Sinyal 2 TF3102 Fenomena Gelombang 3 2 TF3202 Kontrol Otomatik 3 3 TF3103 Fisika Kuantum dan Nano 3 3 TF3203 Fisika Material 3 4 TF3104 Fenomen a Transport 3 4 TF3204 Teknologi Sensor 3 5 TF3105 Sistem Logika Digital 3 5 TF3205 Kode dan Standar Industri 2 6 TF3106 Lab. Teknik Fisika II 2 6 TF3206 Lab. Teknik Fisika III 2 7 KU206X Agama & Etika 2 Total = 18 SKS 3 Total = 18 SKS Total SKS TAHAP 3 = 36 SKS Semester 7 Semester 8 Etika Profesi dan Kerja Praktek 2 1 TF40Z1 Tugas Akhir 5 TF4102 Tugas Khusus 2 2 TF4002 Kapita Selekta Teknik Fisika 1 3 TF4103 Manajemen & Ekonomi Kerekayasaan 2 3 TF4203 Instrumentasi & Sistim Pengukuran Akustik 3 4 TF4104 Instrumentasi & Sistim Pengukuran Industri 3 4 TF4204 Instrumentasi & Sistim Pengukuran Optik 3 5 TF4105 Instrumentasi & Sistim Pengukuran Analitik 3 5 TFXXXX Pilihan 3 6 TFXXXX Pilihan 6 6 XXXXXX Pilihan 3 1 TF40K1 2 Total = 18 SKS Total = 18 SKS Total SKS TAHAP 4 = 36 SKS Total SKS = 144 SKS 1 Urut Kode MK Sem NM Kuliah Ind. SKS Urut Sem Kode MK 4 1 MA1222 NM Kuliah Ind. Semester 1 1 SKS Semester 2 MA1122 Kalkulus I Kalkulus II 4 2 FI1101 Fisika Dasar IA 4 2 FI1201 Fisika Dasar IIA 4 3 KI1111 Kimia Dasar I A 3 3 KI1211 Kimia Dasar II A 3 2 4 KU1011 Tata Tulis Karya Ilmiah 2 4 KU102X Bahasa Inggris 5 KU1131 Olah Raga I 1 5 KU12XX Olah Raga II 1 6 TF10T1 Konsep Teknologi 2 6 BI1001 Pengetahuan Lingkungan 2 7 TF1101 2 7 TF1201 Pemrograman Berorientasi Obyek 2 Pemrograman Total = 18 SKS Total = 18 SKS Total SKS TAHAP 1 = 36 SKS Semester 3 Semester 4 1 TF2101 Matematika Rekayasa 3 1 TF2201 Matematika Fisika 2 TF2102 Probabilitas & Statistik 3 2 TF2202 Metoda Numerik 3 3 TF2103 Konversi Energi 3 3 TF2203 Elektronika 3 4 TF2104 Rangkaian Elektrik 3 4 TF2204 Medan Elektromagnetik 3 5 TF2105 Fisika Rekayasa 3 5 TF2205 Fisika Modern 3 6 TF2106 Termodinamika 3 6 TF2206 Lab. Teknik Fisika I 1 7 KU2071 Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan 2 Total = 18 SKS 3 Total = 18 SKS Total SKS TAHAP 2 = 36 SKS Semester 5 Semester 6 1 TF3101 Metoda Pengukuran 4 1 TF3201 Pengolahan Sinyal 2 TF3102 Fenomena Gelombang 3 2 TF3202 Kontrol Otomatik 3 3 TF3103 Fisika Kuantum dan Nano 3 3 TF3203 Fisika Material 3 4 TF3104 Fenomen a Transport 3 4 TF3204 Teknologi Sensor 3 5 TF3105 Sistem Logika Digital 3 5 TF3205 Kode dan Standar Industri 2 6 TF3106 Lab. Teknik Fisika II 2 6 TF3206 Lab. Teknik Fisika III 2 7 KU206X Agama & Etika 2 Total = 18 SKS 3 Total = 18 SKS Total SKS TAHAP 3 = 36 SKS Semester 7 Semester 8 Etika Profesi dan Kerja Praktek 2 1 TF40Z1 Tugas Akhir 5 TF4102 Tugas Khusus 2 2 TF4002 Kapita Selekta Teknik Fisika 1 3 TF4103 Manajemen & Ekonomi Kerekayasaan 2 3 TF4203 Instrumentasi & Sistim Pengukuran Akustik 3 4 TF4104 Instrumentasi & Sistim Pengukuran Industri 3 4 TF4204 Instrumentasi & Sistim Pengukuran Optik 3 5 TF4105 Instrumentasi & Sistim Pengukuran Analitik 3 5 TFXXXX Pilihan 3 6 TFXXXX Pilihan 6 6 XXXXXX Pilihan 3 1 TF40K1 2 Total = 18 SKS Total = 18 SKS Total SKS TAHAP 4 = 36 SKS Total SKS = 144 SKS 2 TF1101, Programming (2 SKS) Short Description: Introduction to algorithm, mathematical induction and operation, permutation and factorial, binomial coefficient, harmonic-fibonacci numbers, generation function, algorithm analysis, fundamental programming, linear lists, trees, multilinked structures, dynamic storage allocation. Related Courses: MA1122 Calculus I, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Donald E. Knuth, 1998, The Art of Computer Programming, Addison Wesley, Reading Massachussetts. 2. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, C. Stein, 2001, Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill. TF1201, Object Oriented Programming (2 SKS) Short Description: Introduction to object, control of program flow, initialization and cleanup, hidden implementation, class usage, polymorphism, interfaces & inner classes. Related Courses: 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. MA1222 Calculus 3. TF1101 Programming, Prerequisite. I, II, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Bruce Eckel, 2000, Thinking in Java, MindView Inc.. 2. T.C. Lathbridge, R. Laganiere, 2002, Object Oriented Software Engineering: Practical Software Development using UML and Java, McGraw Hill. TF2101, Engineering Mathematics (3 SKS) Short Description: Linear algebraic: linear equation system, matrix and determinant, basic concept of linear algebra, eigen value. Calculus in scalar and vector fields: geometry and physical interpretation of scalar and vector fields, differential calculus using ∇ operator, integral calculus, volume, area and surface, Green theorem, Gauss divergence theorem, Stokes and Bessel theorem. Related Courses: 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. MA1222 Calculus II, Prerequisite. I, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. E.Kreyzig, 1998, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons. 3. A Jeffrey, 1996, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Academic Press. 3 TF2102, Probability and Statistics (3 SKS) Short Description: Model and basic concept of probability, set theory, sample space, probability theorem, random variable, probability distribution, descriptive statistical concept, central tendency unit, elementary sampling theory, hypothesis, regression and correlation. Related Courses: 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. MA1222 Calculus II, Prerequisite. I, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. R. Ross, 1987, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineer and Scientist, Wiley. 2. P.A. Suryadi, 1990, Pendahuluan Teori Kemungkinan dan Statistik, Penerbit ITB. 3. A. Papoulis, 1990, Probability & Statistics, Prentice Hall. TF2103, Energy Conversion (3 SKS) Short Description: Classification of energy, energy usage, energy source, energy production and its component, transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Electrical and renewable energy generation. Production of thermal energy, Rankine cycle, chiller, Otto cycle, diesel, gas turbine, storage of non-conventional hybrid energy, direct and indirect energy conversion. Related Courses: 1. TF2104 Electric 2. TF2106 Thermodynamics, Co-requisite. Circuits, Co-requisite. Bibliography: 1. D. Sitompul, 1991, Prinsip Konversi Energi, Erlangga. 2. Patria M. Klein, 2000, Indonesia Energy & Environment, The International Education Foundation. TF2104, Electric Circuits (3 SKS) Short Description: Basic elements and laws, circuit analysis and design techniques and concepts, energy storage elements, first and second order circuits, sinusoidal steady state analysis, alternating current concepts, RC, RL and RLC circuit analysis and design, polyphase circuit analysis. Related Courses: 4 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. MA1222 Calculus II, Prerequisite. I, Prerequisite. Bibliography: D.E. Johnson, J.L. Hilburn, 1990, J.R. Johnson, Basic Electric Circuit Analysis, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. TF2105, Engineering Physics (3 SKS) Short Description: Mechanical system, vibration phenomena in membrane, acoustics in ears, light and its interaction with matter and eyes, phenomena of cool plasma. Understanding the material of this course is the foundation of engineering physics. Related Courses: 1. FI1101 Elementary Physics 2. FI1201 Elementary Physics IIA, Prerequisite. IA, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. IESNA, 2001, IES Lighting Handbook. 2. Moon, Parry, 1936, The Scientific basic of Illuminating Engineering, McGraw Hill. 3. Goldstein, H, 1981, Classical Mechanics, 2nd Ed., Addison Wesley. TF2106, Thermodynamics (3 SKS) Short Description: Properties of matters, ideal gas, first law of thermodynamic and second law of thermodynamic of close and open system, thermodynamic cycle for power generation and heat pumps, thermodynamic relations. Related Courses: 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. MA1222 Calculus II, Prerequisite. I, Prerequisite. Bibliography: Y.A. Cengel and M.A. Boles, Thermodynamics – An Engineering Approach, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998. TF2201, Physical Mathematics (3 SKS) Short Description: Complex function, partial differential equation, basic concept of system analysis, Fourier series and limited Fourier transformation, integral Fourier and Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z transform. 5 Related Courses: 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. MA1222 Calculus II, Prerequisite. I, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. A Jeffrey, 1996, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Academic Press. 2. E.Kreyszig, 1998, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons. 3. M.L Boas, 1995, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, John Wiley & Sons. TF2202, Numerical Methods (3 SKS) Short Description: Error, root equation, linear algebra equation, interpolation and functional approach, numerical integration, and differential equation. Related Courses: 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. MA1222 Calculus II, Prerequisite. I, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. S.C Chapra and R.P. Canale, 1995, Numerical Methods for Engineers, Mc-Graw Hill. 2. R.L Johnston, Numerical Methods, 1994, A Software Approach, John Wiley. 3. W.S Dorn, D.D. McCracken, 1990, Numerical Methods with Fortran IV Case Studies, John Wiley & Sons. TF2203, Electronics (3 SKS) Short Description: Voltage and current supply, Thevenin and Norton theorem, semiconductor diode and its circuits, bipolar transistor, FET, circuit configuration of transistor, power and cascade amplifier, frequency response, operational amplifier (op-amp), linear and non-linear amplifier circuits. Related Courses: 1. FI1101 Elementary Physics 2. FI1201 Elementary Physics IIA, Prerequisite. IA, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Albert P. Malvino, 1993, Electronic Principles, Mc.Graw-Hill, New York. 2. Tobert. Boylestad & L. Neshelsky, 1994, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Prentice-Hall. 3. Jacob Millman & Arvin Grabell, 1988, Microelectronics, McGraw Hill. TF2204, Electromagnetic Field (3 SKS) Short Description: 6 Vector analysis and coordinate system, static electric field and field intensity, electric flux density, Gauss law and divergent, energy and potential field, conductor materials, dielectric and capacitance, potential map and magnetic flux, solution to Poisson and Laplace equations, steady state magnetic field, force, magnetic induction and material, continuous changes of magnetic field, propagation and reflection of plane wave, plane wave at boundary and inside dispersive media, transmission cable, basic of antenna. Related Courses: 1. TF2101 Engineering 2. TF2104 Electric 3. TF2202 Numerical Methods, Prerequisite. Mathematics, Circuits, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. R.L. Johnston, 1990, Numerical Methods with Fortran IV Case Studies, John Wiley & Sons. 2. R.L. Johnston, 1994, Numerical Methods: A Software Approach, John Wiley & Sons. 3. R. P. Clayton and S.A. Nasar, 1987, Electromagnetic fields, McGraw Hill. TF2205 Modern Physics (3 SKS) Short Description: Theory of special relativity, thermal radiation and Plank postulate, photon and photoelectric effect, duality properties of matter and wave, de Broglie and Einstein postulate, atomic model, energy quantization, theory of Schrödinger of quantum mechanics. Related Courses: 1. MA1122 Calculus I, Prerequisite. 2. MA1222 Calculus II, Prerequisite. 3. FI1101 Elementary Physics IA, Prerequisite. 4. FI1201 Elementary Physics IIA, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Arthur Beiser, 1987, Concept of Modern Physics, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. 2. Robert Eisberg and Robert Resnick, 1985, Quantum Physics of Atom, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles, second edition, John Wiley, New York. TF2206, Engineering Physics Lab. I (1 SKS) Short Description: Introduction to instrumentation, RLC circuits, Norton and Thevenin circuits, Kirchoff law, diode and power supply, transistor, FET, op-amp, and thyristor. 7 Related Courses: 1. TF2104 Electric 2. TF2203 Electronics, Co-requisite. Circuits, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Johnson, 1996, Electric Circuit Analysis, Prentice Hall. 2. Albert P. Malvino, 1993, Electronic Principles, McGraw-Hill, New York. 3. Kissell, 2000, Industrial Electronics, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall. TF3101, Measurements Methods (4 SKS) Short Description: Measurement system, basic concept of measurement instrumentation, input noise, instrumentation calibration, standard hierarchy of measurement instrumentation, error in measurement system, static characteristics, mathematical modelling in input-output of dynamic system, time domain of static and dynamic system, response parameter of dynamic system, higher order system and dead-band, measurement error due to dynamic system, parameter identification in time and frequency domain, displacement, velocity and acceleration transducers and sensors. Related Courses: 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. MA1222 Calculus 3. TF2102 Probability 4. TF2104 Electric 5. TF2203 Electronics, Prerequisite. and I, II, Statistics, Circuits, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: E.O. Doebelin, 1992, Measurement Systems: Application and Design, McGraw-Hill. TF3102, Wave Phenomena (3 SKS) Short Description: Wave theory, wave equation, phase, group and dispersion velocity, wave mechanics, acoustic wave, wave propagation, wave radiation, wave absorption, Doppler’s effect and shock wave, electromagnetic wave. Related Courses: 1. FI1201 Elementary Physics 2. MA1122 Calculus 3. MA1222 Calculus 4. TF2204 Electromagnetic Fields, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 8 IIA, I, II, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Prerequisite. 1. Hirose and K.E. Lonngren, Introduction to Wave Phenomena, John Wiley & Son, New York. 2. W.H. Hayt, Engineering Electromagnetics, McGraw-Hill Co. 3. L.E. Kinsler, A.R. Frey, A.B. Coppens and J.V. San, Fundamentals of Acoustics, John Wiley & Son, New York. TF3103, Quantum and Nano Physics (3 SKS) Short Description: 1-D and 3-D Schrödinger equations, solution of Schrödinger equation for various ideal potential well and barrier, eigen function and value, probability density, orbital angular momentum and molecular bonding, building atoms and molecules, introduction to physics of solids, scaling laws, structure of nano-particles, molecular dynamics. Related Courses: 1. TF2101 Engineering Mathematics, Prerequisite. 2. TF2205 Modern Physics, Prerequisite. Bibliography: th 1. A. Beiser, 1987, Concept of Modern Physics, 4 edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. 2. K. Eric Drexler, 1992, Nanosystems, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 3. R. Eisberg & R. Resnick, 1985, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles, John Wiley & Sons, New York. TF3104, Transport Phenomena (3 SKS) Short Description: Transport phenomena and equilibrium, mass transfer, momentum and heat, steady state transport, convective flux and mass diffusion phenomena, turbulence flow, integral method analysis, dimensional analysis, agitation and development procedures, mass and heat transport in laminar flow, transport in non-steady state, transport coefficient determination, non Newtonian transport phenomena. Related Courses: 1. TF2101 Engineering 2. TF2106 Thermodynamics, Prerequisite. Mathematics, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Brodkey and Heshey, 1988, Transport Phenomena: A Unified Approach, McGrawHill. 2. W.J. Thomson, 2000, Introduction to Transport Phenomena, Prentice Hall. 3. Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot, 2001, Transport Phenomena, John Wiley. TF3105, Digital Logic System (3 SKS) Short Description: 9 Switching theory, logic combination circuits, development modular combination circuits, memory element, logic sequential circuits. Related Courses: 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. TF2104 Electric 3. TF2203 Electronics, Prerequisite. I, Circuits, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Victor P. Nelson, et al., 1995, Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. rd 2. J.F. Wakerly., 2000, Digital Design: Principles and Practices, 3 Edition, Prentice Hall. 3. F.D. Petruzela, 1998, Programmable Logic Controllers, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. TF3106, Engineering Physics Lab. II (2 SKS) Short Description: Practicum of introduction to system and instrumentation calibration, measurement method of various parameters (level, pressure, flow, and temperature), wave phenomena, and digital system. Related Courses: 1. FI2104 Electronics, 2. TF3101 Measurement Methods, 3. TF3102 Wave Phenomena, 4. TF3104 Transport Phenomena, 5. TF3105 Digital Logic System, Co-requisite. Prerequisite. Co-requisite. Co-requisite. Co-requisite. Bibliography: 1. Victor P. Nelson, et al., 1995, Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 2. Frank D. Petruzella, Programmable Logic Controller, McGraw Hill, New York. 3. E.O. Doebelin, 1990, Measurement Systems Application and Design, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. TF3201, Signal Processing (3 SKS) Short Description: Understanding signal and signal classification, discrete and digital signal, convolution and correlation, digital filter, discrete Fourier transformation, fast Fourier transformation, spectral analysis and its application, signal detection. Related Courses: 1. TF2101 Engineering Mathematics, 2. TF2102 Probability and Statistics, Prerequisite. 10 Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W.Schafer, Discrete-time Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2. E. Oran Brigham, The Fast Fourier Transform, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 3. J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Application, Macmillan. TF3202, Automatic Control (3 SKS) Short Description: Describes concept of automatic control, modeling of physical system and differential equation solution, block diagram concept, transient and steady state response analysis and response specification, PID controller action and error analysis, control system stability, root locus method, frequency response method, compensator design, case study application of automatic control. Related Courses : 1. TF2201 Physical Mathematics, 2. TF3101 Measurement Methods, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. K. Ogata, 2001, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 2. B.C. Kuo, 1998, Automatic Control Systems, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. TF3203, Physics of Materials (3 SKS) Short Description: Structure and atomic bond, lattice defect and diffusion, mechanical properties and characterization, strain hardening and annealing, solidification process and phase diagram, technical material: ferrous alloy, non ferrous alloy, ceramic, polymer, composite materials, properties of electrical, magnetic and optic, thermal materials, material protection from degradation and failures. Related Courses: 1. TF2205 Modern Physics, 2. TF3103 Quantum and Nano Physics, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Donnald R. Askeland, The Science and Engineering Material, 3rd edition, PWS Pub 2. L. H. Van Vlack, 1995, Materials Science for Engineers, Addison Wesley 3. R. Bube, 1981, Electron in Solid, Stanford University 11 TF3204, Sensor Technology (3 SKS) Short Description: Principal of physical transduction, sensor in measurement system, sensor characteristics, development and fabrication of sensor, interface electronic circuits, mechanical sensor, thermal sensor, electrical sensor, magnetic sensor, radiation sensor and chemical sensor. Related Courses: 1. TF2203 Electronics, 2. TF3101 Measurement Methods, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. A.Nuruddin & A.Venema, 2002, Data Acquisition Systems, Sensors and Actuators, Lecture Notes, ITB. 2. S.M. Sze, 1998, Semiconductor Sensors, McGraw-Hill. 3. J. Fraden, 1993, Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Design and Applications, American Institute of Physics Press. TF3205, Industrial Code and Standard (2 SKS) Short Description: Short description of quality assurance, quality assurance stages, sample case in the field of engineering physics in various industries. Technical standard, type of standard and code, application to owner and contractor, manufacturing and vendor, standard for process industry, standard in process instrumentation, standard in building and manufacture, standard in medical instrumentation and transportation, quality assurance and quality control. Related Courses: 1. TF3101 Measurement 2. TF3202 Automatic Control, Co-requisite. Methods, Prerequisite. Bibliography: --- TF3206, Engineering Physics Lab. III (2 SKS) Short Description: Sensor, sound propagation out door, sound absorption and transmission phenomena, measurement of light intensity distribution, measurement of light intensity, refrigeration, heat conductivity. Related Courses: 1. TF2105 2. TF2106 Engineering Physics, Thermodynamics, 12 Prerequisite. Prerequisite. 3. 4. 5. 6. TF3102 Wave Phenomena, TF3203 Physics of Materials, Co-requisite. TF3204 Sensor Technology, TF4005 Automatic Control, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Co-requisite. Bibliography: --TF40K1, Professional Ethics and Job Training (2 SKS) Short Description: Business ethic, new paradigm in business, company culture, professional and business ethic, ethic code, talent and attitudes, leadership, supplier and customer partnership, competence development, intellectual capital, case experiences and job training. Related Courses: 1. TF10T1 Concepts of Technology, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. M.W. Martin, and Schinzinger, 1996, Ethics in Engineering, McGraw-Hill. New York. 2. D.G. Johnson, 1991, Ethical Issues in Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 3. G.R Beabout, D.J. Wennemann, 1994, Applied Professional Ethics: A Development Approach for Use with Case Studies, University Press of America. TF4102, Special Assignment (2 SKS) Short Description: Group assignment research project is given under supervision of faculty member. Research project is developed as design project, laboratory work, analysis physical phenomena, development of software or hardware. The project is initiated by proposal submission and ended up with oral and written report. Bibliography: ----, 2004, Buku Panduan Tugas Khusus, Departemen of Engineering Physics, FTIITB. TF4103, Management and Engineering Economics (2 SKS) Short Description: Introduction to management, business and management plan, strategic management, human resource management, marketing, entrepreneurship, balance score card, paradigm change in business, engineering economics, and case study. Related Courses: 13 1. MA1122 Calculus 2. MA1222 Calculus 3. TK10T1 Concepts of Technology, Prerequisite. I, II, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: --TF4104 Industrial Instrumentation and Measuring System (3 SKS) Short Description: Role instrumentation in industry, terminology and units, industrial standard signal, sensor selection, data acquisition, smart instrumentation, transmitter, process control loop, control valve characteristics and sizing; actuator and positioner; data communication, interconnected units, serial and parallel communication, data highway; fieldbus foundation; computer based instrumentation; programmable logic controller (PLC); Distributed Control Systems (DCS) Related Courses: 1. TF3101 Measurement 2. TF3204 Sensor 3. TF3202 Automatic Control, Prerequisite. Methods, Technology, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. D.M. Considine, 1993, Process /Industrial Instruments & Control Methods, McGraw-Hill, New York. 2. R.E. Fraser, 2001, “Process Measurement and Control: Introduction to Sensors, Communication, Adjustments and Control, Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey. 3. George Stephanopoulos, 1993, Chemical Process Control: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall. Considine, D.M., Process /Industrial Instruments & Control Methods, McGraw-Hill, New York. TF4105, Analytical Instrumentation and Measuring System (3 SKS) Short Description: Implementation of process analyser systems: process analyser application justification, process sample conditioning systems. Process analyser application fundamentals: boiling point analysers, flash point analysers, freeze point analysers, refractive index analysers, thermal conductivity analysers, moisture/dew point analysers, hydrogen sulfide analysers. Electrochemical process analysers systems: conductivity analysers, pH analysers, ORP (REDOX) analysers, trace oxygen analysers. Spectrophotometric process analysers systems: Infrared (IR and NDIR) absorption analysers, ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS) absorption analysers. Compositional process analysers Systems: Gas Chromatograph (GC) analysers, liquid chromatographic analyser, Mass spectrophotometric (Mass Spec) Analyser. Related Courses: 14 1. TF3101 Measurement 2. TF3104 Transport Phenomena, Prerequisite. Methods, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Sherman, Rhodes, 1996, Analytical Instrumentation, Practical Guides for Measurements and Controls, ISA 2. Manual Book of Service and operation of Gas Chromatograph and Spectrometric Analyser. TF40Z1, Final Project (5 SKS) Short Description: This research is individual project under supervision of one or more faculty members. The project could be design, laboratory work, computer simulation, mathematical analysis of physical phenomena, development of instrumentation, software or hardware. The project should be conducted in compliance with guideline for final project, and the result is reported in both oral and written document. Related Courses: 1. TF4102 Special Assignment, Prerequisite. Bibliography: ---, 2004, Buku Panduan Tugas Akhir Departemen Teknik Fisika, FTI-ITB. TF4002, Capita Selecta in Engineering Physics (1 SKS) Short Description: Presentation of various topics relevance to Engineering Physics; challenges and problem solving in engineering. Alumni of Engineering Physics and expertise in the field are invited to give presentation and discussion. Related Courses: --Bibliography: 1. W.C. Booth, G.G, Coulomb, J.M. Willi, 1995, The Craft of Research, The University of Chicago Press. 2. David Madsen, 1983, Successful Dissertations and Theses, Jossey-Bass Publisher. 3. E.H. Ogden, 1991, Completing Your Doctoral Dissertation or Master's Thesis Two Semester or Less, Technomic Pub. Co. TF4203, Acoustical Instrumentation and Measuring System (3 SKS) Short Description: Properties of sound, measurement of amplitude and frequency of sound, time constant and weighted circuits, spectral analysis, Fourier integral, wave, transient 15 phenomena, impedance and circuit analogy, measurement of movement and impedance, source of radiation, room acoustics, environmental noise, loudspeaker, microphone, theory of transducer, measurement of noise and standard parameters. Related Courses: 1. TF2201 Physical Mathematics, Prerequisite. 2. TF3101 Measurement Methods, Prerequisite. 3. TF3102 Wave Phenomena, Prerequisite. 4. TF3206 Engineering Physics Laboratory III, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Beranek, Acoustic Measurement, McGraw Hill 2. D.Hall, 1987, Basic Acoustics, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Kinsler, Frey, Coppens and Sanders, 1985, Fundamentals of Acoustics, John Wiley & Sons. TF4204, Optical Instrumentation and Measuring System (3 SKS) Short Description: Laser generation: stimulation emission, resonator, dielectric mirror, type of laser; laser gyroscope, interference, interferometer, interferometer speckle, holography, interferometer holography. Principle of optical fibre: total reflection, numerical aperture, profile of refraction index. Optical fibre sensor: intrinsic and extrinsic sensor, optical fibre gyroscope. Related Courses: 1. TF2105 Engineering Physics, Prerequisite. 2. TF2204 Electromagnetic Fields, Prerequisite. 3. TF3102 Wave Phenomena, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. G. Keiser, 1991, Optical Fibre Communications, McGraw Hill 2. W.T. Silfvast, 1996, Laser Fundamentals, Cambridge University Press. TF4111, Modern Control (3 SKS) Short Description: Description of modern control, system modelling using state space, concept of control, design of control system using state space, state variable estimation using observer, system with random noise, design of linear optimal control for stochastic system, state variable estimation for system with stochastic noise, application in Kalman filter, case study application of modern control. Related Courses: 1. TF3101 Measurement 2. TF4005 Automatic Control, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 16 Methods, Prerequisite. 1. B. Friedland, 1986, Control System Design - An Introduction to State-Space Methods, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2. K. Ogata, 1970, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 3. H. Kwakernaak, and R. Sivan, 1972, Linear Optimal Control Systems, Wiley Interscience, New York. TF4112, Digital Spectral Analysis (3 SKS) Short Description: Introduction, transformation theory and linear system, process random, classical spectral estimation, random signal parametric modelling, AR spectral estimation, MA spectral estimation, ARMA spectral estimation, minimum variant spectral estimation, sinusoid spectral estimation, multicanal spectral estimation, and 2D spectral estimation. Related Courses: 1. TF2101 Engineering Mathematics, Prerequisite 2. TF2102 Probability & Statistics, Prerequisite 3. TF3201 Signal Processing, Prerequisite Bibliography: 1. S.Lawrence Marple Jr, 1987, Digital Spectral Analysis with Applications, PrenticeHall. 2. Rabiner and Golad, 1975, Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall. 3. Bendat and Piersol, 1986, Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures, John Wiley and Sons. TF4121, Engineering Acoustics (3 SKS) Short Description: Room acoustics: acoustic design for conversation room, music, studio, sound system. Environnemental acoustics: noise, sound absorber/insulation, noise criteria, noise control. Related Courses: 1. TF2201 Physical Mathematics, Prerequisite. 2. TF3101 Measurement Methods, Prerequisite. 3. TF3102 Wave Phenomena, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Kinsler, Frey, 2000, Fundamental of Acoustics, McGraw Hill. 2. Hall, Basic Acoustics, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Pelton, Howard, Noise Control Management, Van Nostrand Reinhold. 17 TF4122, Thermal Environmental Engineering (3 SKS) Short Description: Climate, thermal comfort and ventilation requirement, basic concept of thermal design in building, thermal control, system and steam compression refrigeration cycle, wet air thermodynamics and psychometric, wet and dry air direct contact, basic concept of air conditioning and design of room air conditioning, concept of thermal load calculation in air conditioning, and its application. Related Courses: 1. TF2106 Thermodynamics, 2. TF3101 Measurement Methods, 3. TF3104 Transport Phenomena, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. Koenigsberger, 1974, Manual of Tropical Housing and Building, Part 1., Longman Group Ltd, Ch. 1-4. 2. Kuehn,, 1998, Thermal Environmental Engineering, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, Ltd. 3. Threlkeld, Thermal Environmental Engineering, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, Inc. TF4131, Materials Characterization (3 SKS) Short Description: X-ray and diffraction, crystal structure and lattice, component and diffraction of data acquisition, determination of crystal structure, lattice parameters, phase diagram; detection of crystal imperfection, determination of crystal grain, quantitative analysis of mixed powder, identification of unknown materials. Related Courses: 1. TF2205 Modern 2. TF3203 Physics of Materials, Prerequisite. Physics, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. B. D. Cullity, 2001, Element of X-Ray Diffraction, Prentice Hall. 2. C. Suryanarayana, M.G. Norton, 1998, X-Ray Diffraction: A Practical Approach, Plenum Press, New-York. TF4211, Medical Physics (3 SKS) Short Description: Force in body, hot and cool in medical system, energy, work and body power, pressure: lung and breaths, physical system of cardiovascular, electricity in body, cardiovascular instrumentation, application of electricity and magnetism in medical system, sound in medical system, ears and hearing, light in medical system, eye and 18 vision, x-ray diagnostics, nuclear physics in medical system, radiation therapy, radiation protection in medical system. Related Courses: 1. FI1101 Elementary Physics 2. FI1201 Elementary Physics 3. TF3101 Measurement Methods, Prerequisite. IA, IIA, Prerequisite. Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. John R Cameron and James G. Skofronick, 1978, Medical Physics, John-Wiley & Sons. 2. D.L. Hudson, M.E. Cohen, 2000, Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Press Series in Biomedical Eng. TF4212, Intelligent Control System (3 SKS) Short Description: Introduction, conventional control versus smart control, concept of design and architecture of smart control system. Neuro and fuzzy logic based smart control system. Description , structure and design of control. Genetic algorithm concept on smart control, description and analysis of genetic algorithm. Practical aspects and smart control implementation, and example application. Related Courses: 1. TF3101 Measurement 2. TF4005 Automatic Control, Prerequisite. Methods, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. M.M. Gupta, N.K. Sinha, 1996, Intelligent Control Systems: Theory and Applications, IEEE Press. 2. J.S.R. Jang, C.T. Sun, E. Mizutani, 1997, Neuro-fuzzy and Soft Computing, Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey. 3. D.E. Goldberg, 1989, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley. TF4222, Lighting (3 SKS) Short Description: Phootometry (luminous fluxes, luminous intensity, illuminance, luminance), reflectance, luminance factor, transmittance, relation between photometry parameter, graphical representation of photometry data, color temperature, effect of color, integrator sphere, goniometer, history of light source, light source specification, black body radiation, luminary specification, light control method, properties of optical system, reflector and refractor, calculation of usage coefficient, application/design of interior and exterior lighting system, day lighting. Related Courses: 1. TF2105 Engineering Physics, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 19 1. W.G. Julian, 1983, Lighting Basic Concepts, Dept. of Architectural Science, Faculty of Architecture. 2. --- , 2001, IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th edition. 3. --- , 2000, Konservasi Energi Sistem Pencahayaan pada Bangunan Gedung, SNI03-6197-2000 Edition. TF4232, Materials Processing Technology (3 SKS) Short Description: Production and material synthesis, material processing: pyrometallurgy and electrometallurgy and production of polymer and ceramics, solidification, process of deformation, and process dry and wet powder. Effect of processing to microstructure and properties of material. Related Courses: 1. TF3203 Physics of Materials, Prerequisite. Bibliography: th 1. W.D. Callister, 2000, Materials Science and Engineering, 5 ed., Wiley. 2. C.R. Barrett, W.D. Nix, A.S. Tetelman, 1973, The Principles of Engineering Materials, Prentice-Hall. rd 3. R.A. Flinn, P.K. Trojan, 1986, Engineering Materials and Their Applications, 3 ed., Houghton-Mifflin. TF4241, Engineering Optics (3 SKS) Short Description: Photographic film, camera, sharp field and its application, light propagation, projection instrumentation 1 & 2, Schlieren method, Moiré pattern generation and modification, surface profile measurement and other application, Fourier transformation tool, optical pattern recognition. Related Courses: 1. TF2105 Engineering 2. TF2204 Electromagnetic Fields, Prerequisite. Physics, Prerequisite. Bibliography: 1. K. Pramod, 1997, Optical Measurement Techniques and Applications, Artech House Inc. 2. J.W. Goodman, 1996, Introduction to Fourier Optics, McGraw Hill International. 3. W.J. Smith, 2001, Modern Optical Engineering, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill International. 20