UK SHALE GAS: THE ENGINEERS’ SUMMIT. Seminar 25 February 2014 London K BOOO E BEEFCEMRBER 6D VE 15% A S O T WHY YOU SHOULD BE THERE Engineers, operators and suppliers involved in the growing UK shale gas industry cannot afford to miss this event. Join us at the only event in this country to focus on the engineering processes and challenges associated with shale gas production. Attend UK shale gas - the engineers’ summit to hear technical presentations plus UK and international case studies from industry leaders like IGas Energy, E.ON, Reach CSG and Schlumberger. Through presentations and panels, the summit will cover the full range of issues facing engineers, such as exploration, drilling, hydraulic fracturing and resource capture. Networking and delegate interaction is a key feature of this industry-first event. A solutionfinding roundtable discussion forum led by key industry players and a panel discussion session will enable you to take full part and have your questions answered. BENEFITS OF ATTENDANCE: • Network with leading industry experts involved in UK shale gas such as IGas Energy, E.ON, Reach CSG, Aurora Petroleum, Schlumberger, and Weir Group • Hear exclusive international case studies from the USA and France • Enhance your understanding of exploration, drilling, hydraulic fracturing and resource capture • Discover how operators envisage future UK exploration and production • Understand hydraulic fracturing from an engineer’s perspective WHEN 25 February 2014 WHERE Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ BOOK ONLINE EXHIBITOR SUPPORTING ORGANISATION MEDIA PARTNER SPONSORSHIP & EXHIBITION OPPORTUNITIES GET INVOLVED Attending this event as either an exhibitor or sponsor will give you the opportunity to display your solutions, services and products to the right people at the right time. BENEFITS OF SPONSORING • Plant yourself firmly in the minds of key decision-makers • Cross many markets and broaden your international appeal • Be associated with industry-wide publicity • Enjoy well-targeted networking opportunities • Have your company logo and URL featured on our website This is an excellent way to enhance your company profile and communicate effectively to your target audience. For sponsorship and exhibition enquiries, please contact Aman Duggal on +44 (0)20 7973 1309 or email SPEAKERS AND CONTRIBUTORS PROGRAMME WELCOME TUESDAY 25/02 9:00 REGISTRATION AND NETWORKING REFRESHMENTS 9:25 MORNING CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Dr Tim Fox, Head of Energy and Environment, IMechE 9:30 UK SHALE GAS OVERVIEW - THE BGS AND DECC REPORT Mike Stephenson, Director of Science and Technology, British Geological Survey (BGS) •How we know the UK has shale gas •Understanding the quantity and location •Assessing the BGS/DECC report and its findings 10:00 OPERATOR OVERVIEW OF UK SHALE GAS EXPLORATION AND CAPTURE John Blaymires, COO, IGas Energy PLC •Overview of the developments taking place in UK shale gas •The engineering challenges of capturing indigenous gas •The future of the shale gas industry in the UK 10:30 OPERATOR PERSPECTIVE OF DRILLING AND PRODUCTION Graham Dean, Director, Reach CSG •Examining the latest drilling technologies and their applications in shale gas projects •Understanding the engineering challenges of drilling in shale gas projects •Strategies to ensure safety and efficiency on-site 11:00 NETWORKING REFRESHMENT BREAK 11:30 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION FORUM This session gives delegates the opportunity informally to debate the topics led by each roundtable host, who sets the agenda and facilitates discussion. MIKE STEPHENSON DIRECTOR OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (BGS) Mike runs the Science Programme at BGS with approximately 520 science staff and six major science areas. Mike is a well-known commentator on shale gas and has lectured to the Royal Society as well as contributed to numerous government scientific reviews. JOHN BLAYMIRES COO, IGAS ENERGY PLC John has 29 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry gained at Hess Corporation and Shell International. Before joining IGas, he was Director of Technology Development for Hess based in Houston. ROUNDTABLE 1 HYDRAULIC FRACTURING: WHAT HAVE ENGINEERS LEARNT FROM PAST FRACKING THAT CAN HELP THEM IN FUTURE SHALE GAS PROJECTS? Hosted by Kenneth McIntosh, Frac Team Leader, E.ON ROUNDTABLE 2 SHALE GAS EXTRACTION IN THE USA: BEST PRACTICE AND INNOVATIONS Hosted by Chris Poole, Divisional Engineering Director Oil and Gas, The Weir Group PLC ROUNDTABLE 3 SHALE GAS DRILLING: WHAT CONSTITUTES BEST PRACTICE FROM AN OPERATOR’S PERSPECTIVE? Hosted by Graham Dean, Director, Reach CSG ROUNDTABLE 4 ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS TO UNDERSTANDING AND SHALE ROCK STRESS Hosted by Vincenzo De Gennaro Principal Geomechanics Engineer, Schlumberger •Additional roundtables will be announced GRAHAM DEAN DIRECTOR, REACH CSG Graham has had a long career in the oil and gas business. He is a petrophysicist and a petroleum engineer, and his company, Reach, has a large PEDL licence in the Scottish central belt. 13:00 NETWORKING LUNCH SPEAKERS AND CONTRIBUTORS PROGRAMME (CONTINUED) AFTERNOON CHAIRMAN James Bridge, Chairman of Offshore and Upstream Engineering, IMechE 14:00 HYDRAULIC FRACTURING CASE STUDY: PLANNING AND EXECUTION OF OFFSHORE FRAC CAMPAIGN IN LEHMAN SANDSTONE Kenneth McIntosh, Frac Team Leader, E.ON •Identifying the technical challenges facing engineers •Implementing lessons learned from previous projects to ensure operational performance •Logistical and commercial challenges of offshore fraccing 14:30 UNDERSTANDING IN-SITU STRESS IN SHALE ROCK Vincenzo De Gennaro Principal Geomechanics Engineer, Schlumberger •How in-situ stress is measured in shale rock, a review of different measurement techniques •In-situ stress, a key element of unconventional resource evaluation •The importance and benefits of effective in-situ stress measurements 15:00 SHALE GAS EXTRACTION IN THE USA Chris Poole, Divisional Engineering Director - Oil and Gas, The Weir Group PLC •Technologies used for hydraulic fracturing •Lessons UK engineers can learn from US experiences •Overview of innovations and best practice 15:30 NETWORKING REFRESHMENT BREAK 16:00 OPERATOR PERSPECTIVE OF SHALE GAS EXPLORATION AND OPERATIONS OVERSEAS Richard Moorman, Technical Advisor, Tamboran Resources •How and why shale gas is so successful in the US •Case studies of cutting-edge technological innovation in major US shale plays •The revolutionary implications of shale-related technologies for global unconventional oil and gas development 16:30 PANEL DISCUSSION: WHAT DOES SHALE GAS PRODUCTION IN THE UK LOOK LIKE? FEATURING INDUSTRY-LEADING SPEAKERS FROM ACROSS THE VALUE CHAIN, INCLUDING: •Eric Vaughan, Well Services Director, Cuadrilla Resources Ltd •John Blaymires, COO, IGas Energy PLC •Ian Roche, Managing Director, Aurora Petroleum Ltd •Mike Stephenson, Director of Science and Technology, British Geological Survey (BGS) •John Baldwin, Managing Director, CNG Services 17:00 CLOSING REMARKS 17:05 CLOSE KENNETH MCINTOSH FRAC TEAM LEADER, E.ON Kenneth has spent sixteen years in the oil and gas industry, working for numerous operators including Marathon Oil, Shell and Statoil. VINCENZO DE GENNARO PRINCIPAL GEOMECHANICS ENGINEER, SCHLUMBERGER Vincenzo supervises the geomechanics for North Africa and the geomechanical projects related to unconventional gas in Europe and Africa. CHRIS POOLE DIVISIONAL ENGINEERING DIRECTOR OIL AND GAS, THE WEIR GROUP PLC Chris has been with Weir Group for six years, and is currently based in Texas. Previous to this he has worked at Schefenacker and Cosworth. RICHARD MOORMAN TECHNICAL ADVISOR, TAMBORAN RESOURCES Richard has over 20 years of experience as a professional engineer. He has been active in financial, operational, and executive capacities in shale gas plays around the world since 2004. Find out more about our speakers at • This programme is subject to change. • The Institution is not responsible for the views or opinions expressed by individual speakers. FORWARD THINKING We are the market leader among professional engineering bodies. We’ve been supporting engineers since 1847 and have 100,000 members in over 120 countries, working in the world’s most dynamic and important industries. Our comprehensive events programme brings you the latest research and best practice from industry and academia. OTHER EVENTS TO LOOK FOR: 6 November 2013, London 4 December 2013, Aberdeen 26 February 2014 - 27 February 2014, Chennai, India YOUR FUTURE IN MECHANICAL PROCESS ENGINEERING PIPING AND PIPELINE RISKBASED INSPECTION 2013: OPTIMISING MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BULK SOLIDS HANDLING 2014: TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT FOR THE 21ST CENTURY The Institution of Mechanical Engineers is holding an informal session for students and recent graduates, allowing you to speak with longer-serving engineers and companies that can recruit and advise as you take the first step in your career. Don’t miss out on this market-leading event when your fellow piping and pipeline engineers and professionals meet and hear exclusive presentations from such industry leaders as Shell, BP and TOTAL. This two day international conference will provide attendees with an opportunity to learn about the latest technology used to handle medium to heavy bulk materials such as mined ores, stone and coal. FOLLOW OUR WEEKLY UPDATES ON WWW.IMECHE.ORG If you are interested in any of these events, please contact JOURNALS MEMBERSHIP GET INVOLVED Professional Engineering Publishing is the publisher for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. For more information about our magazines, journals and conference proceedings visit Whether you’re a student, apprentice, graduate, qualified engineer or just have an interest in engineering, Institution membership offers the highest professional prestige. Professional registration is a valuable investment for any engineer who is serious about their career. Whether you’re new to the profession or well established, volunteering is a great way to gain new skills, knowledge and experience. As an Ambassador you have the chance to represent your profession and give something back to the engineering community as well as inspiring the next generation. 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Family Name First Name Membership No Name of Organisation (for name badge) Address for correspondence Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss) Job Title Institution Please complete and return this form to: EVENT REGISTRATIONS Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1 Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 9JJ Fax +44 (0)20 7222 9881 For registration enquiries call Tina Churcher on +44 (0)20 7973 1258 or email Please read the information listed below as each booking is subject to the Institution’s standard terms and conditions. CONDITIONS OF BOOKING Completed application forms should be returned to the address above, along with the correct payment. Attendance at the event will be confirmed on receipt of the full balance. All participants are advised to bring a copy of their confirmation with them on the day, to ensure the fastest possible entry. Town/City Postcode Contact Telephone Email Do you have any special requirements? SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Please inform us of any special requirements, ie dietary or access, on the relevant section of this form. How did you hear about this event? o Direct mail o Website o Colleague o Other FEES AND CHARGES Please complete the appropriate box. Registration fees include entry to the sessions, refreshments, lunch, and a copy of the event proceedings. EARLY BIRD RATE STANDARD RATE Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers £243.00 + VAT Save £43.00 £286.00 + VAT Member, supporting organisation £243.00 + VAT Save £43.00 £286.00 + VAT £ Non-member £303.00 + VAT Save £53.20 £356.20 + VAT £ Student/retired £65.45 + VAT Save £11.55 £77.00 + VAT £ £10.00 + VAT £ AVAILABLE UNTIL 6TH DECEMBER Invoice Charging (if applicable) TOTAL AVAILABLE FROM 7TH DECEMBER £ PAYMENT DETAILS Payment must accompany this registration form. Registration will be confirmed only on receipt of full payment. Please indicate method of payment: o Cheque o Credit Card o BACS o Invoice (see below) Cheques should be made payable to IMechE and crossed. Please note international delegates may pay only by credit card, BACS or banker’s draft. A copy of the draft must accompany this form. It is the delegate’s responsibility to pay any bank charges. Credit Card: o Visa o MasterCard (please note we cannot accept American Express, Diners Club or Maestro) Card No Valid From / Expiry Date / Name of Cardholder Billing Address of Cardholder (if different from above) Postcode Amount to be Deducted Signature INVOICE DETAILS (UK DELEGATES ONLY) Delegates wishing to be invoiced must provide an order number. If your company does not use order numbers please include a formal request for invoicing on your company’s letterhead. A charge of £10 +VAT will be made to cover additional administration costs. Invoices are payable on receipt and no alterations to these terms will be accepted. Tel The Institution is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration or cancellation/postponement of an event. The Institution shall assume no liability whatsoever if this event is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed due to a fortuitous event, Act of God, unforeseen occurrence or any other event that renders performance of this conference impracticable, illegal or impossible. For purposes of this clause, a fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to: war, fire, labour strike, extreme weather or other emergency. Please note that while speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such, the Institution reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary without any liability to you whatsoever. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on the event’s webpage as soon as possible. SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS Members of supporting organisations can register at members’ rates: Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers and Shale Energy Insider. VENUE This event will be held at Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ LIABILITY The organisers do not accept liability for any injuries or losses of any nature incurred by delegates and/or accompanying persons, nor for loss or damage to their luggage and/or personal belongings. ACCOMMODATION Quote ID number 8488ETS Order No Contact Name Name and Address for Invoicing CANCELLATION For a refund (minus £25 +VAT admin charge), cancellations must be received at least 14 days prior to the event. Replacement delegates are welcome at any time. The Institution reserves the right to cancel any event. In this case, the full fee will be refunded unless a mutually convenient transfer can be arranged. In the event that the Institution postpones an event for any reason and the delegate is unable or unwilling to attend on the rescheduled date, they will receive a full refund of the fee paid. Postcode Fax BACS bank transfers can be made to: IMechE Current Account, NatWest Charing Cross Branch. Sort code: 60-40-05 Acc No: 00817767 A copy of the draft must accompany this form. Swift Code: NWBKGB2L IBAN Code: GB96NWBK60400500817767 For added convenience you can also book online at: ENQUIRIES For event enquiries, please contact Tina Churcher on +44 (0)20 7973 1258 or email The Institution of Mechanical Engineers is a registered charity (no 206882) VAT No GB299930493.