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1. Education
PhD University of North Texas 1998
MA Texas A&M University-Commerce 1991
BA Southern Methodist University 1971
2. Current rank/position
Assoc. Curator, Head of Archives and Special Collections at LSU Shreveport, 2004present
3. Related work experiences in the field
Adj. Instructor (History & English) Grayson County College, Denison, TX 1998Adj. Instructor (History) Austin College, Sherman, TX 1999-2000
Adj. Instructor (History) Collin County Community College, Plano, TX 1996-1997
4. Professional licensure and certifications
Certified Archivist (Academy of Certified Archivists), 1991-present
5. Publications
a) Books
Inventing Texas: Early Historians of the Lone Star State, College Station: Texas A& M
University Press, 2004.
Adele Looscan: Daughter of the Republic. Texas Biography Series. (Ft. Worth, TX: TCU
Press, forthcoming 2014).
b) Chapters in books and articles in refereed journals, refereed bulletins, and
refereed proceedings
“Daughter of the Republic: Adele Looscan,” Texas Women/American Women: Their
Lives and Times. (Athens: University of Georgia Press, forthcoming).
“Women and the Texas Revolution in History and Memory.” Women and the Texas
Revolution. Ed. Mary Kelly Scheer (Denton, TX: UNT Press, 2012).
“Early Historians and the Shaping of Texas Memory,” Lone Star Pasts: Memory and
History in Texas. Eds. Gregg Cantrell and Elizabeth Turner (TAMU Press, 2007).
Review of Writing Indians: Literacy, Christianity, and Native Community in Early
America, by Hilary E. Wyss, and The Demon of the Continent: Indians and the
Shaping of American Literature by Joshua David Bellin. The Eighteenth Century
Current Bibliography, n.s. volume 28 (forthcoming)
Review. Gone To Texas. By Randolph B. Campbell. West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook 2005 (forthcoming).
H-Net Book Review published by (1 Sept 2004). Don Erler. Lone
Star State of Mind: A Former Political Theorist Explores Real World Issues.
Foreword by George Anastaplo. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2002. xiv + 181
pp. Index. $60.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-7391-0449-7; $19.95 (paper), ISBN 0-73910450-0.
Review of The Portable Handbook of Texas, edited by Roy R. Barkely and Mark F.
Odintz. WesternHistoricalQuarterly 31.1 (Spring 2002): 99-100.
“Marching to a Different Drummer, Austin College in Sherman, 1889-1897.” Legacies
8 (Spring 1996), 16-24.
“John Patterson Osterhout: Annals of a Texas Emigrant,” Texas Studies Annual 2 (1995),
Review of Tainted Breeze: The Great Hanging at Gainesville, Texas, 1862, by Richard
B. McCaslin. Legacies 7 (March 1995): 44-45.
“Darwinian Dilemma: Documenting Recent History.” History News (Nov. 1993)
c) Other publications (e.g., compositions, essays, etc.)
“Long Arm of the Archives: LSUS Archives and Special Collections Reaches Out,”
Southwestern Archivist 29, no. 1 (February 2006): 16.
“Louisiana State University-Shreveport Acquires Woodruff Papers,” Louisiana History 2005
“Rocking on the Red: LSU-Shreveport Acquires the Woodruff Papers,” Southwestern
Archivist 28, no. 3 (August 2005):14.
“Grand Old Movie House Makes Its On-Line Debut,” Southwestern Archivist 27, no. 4
(November 2004): 16.
“Special Collections, The Lively Art of the Book.” Austin College Magazine (Winter
2001): 26-31.
“Lost Buildings of Austin College,” Austin College Magazine (Nov. 1999).
6. Other scholarly/creative contributions (e.g., performances, exhibits, etc.)
LSUS Authors. Exhibit. Annual, 2004-2011.
“Tom Bell of Vivian: Life and Times of a Wildcatter.” Exhibit. 2005
“The Eye of the Beholder,” an exhibit of the Menasco Studio Collection. Exhibit.2005
“The Freeman & Custis Red River Expedition of 1806 Then And Now. Exhibit 2006.
“The History of the State Fair of Louisiana: Celebrating 100 Years”. Exhibit. 2006
“LSUS Alma Mater” Lyrics, 2007.
“From the Cotton Field to the Plaza…forty years of excellence.” 40th Anniversary
Memory Book. LSUS, 2007.
“Fame: The Portraiture of Langston McEachern.” Exhibit. 2009.
“DEPRESSION” NORTHWEST LOUISIANA, 1929-1939, Exhibit. 2009.
“Déjá Vu: The Editorial Cartoons of Preston A. “Pap” Dean, Jr.” Exhibit. 2010.
7. Papers presented at professional meetings (title, name of organization, location, dates)
“Adele B. Looscan and the TSHA,” Texas State Historical Association Meeting, 28 Feb 2013.
“Women in the Texas Revolution in History and Memory,” East Texas Historical Association
Meeting, Nacogdoches, TX, 30 Sept. 2012.
“Mary Jane Harris Briscoe and the Memorialization of Texas Veterans.” Texas State Historical
Association Meeting, 3 March 2011.
“Letters from Land’s End: Women Alone in Post-Bellum Louisiana.” North Louisiana Historical
Association Meeting, Mansfield, LA, 31 April 2011.
“Early Texas History, 19th Century.” The State of Texas History/Sam Houston Symposium.
Huntsville, TX. 2 April 2011.
“Letters from Land’s End: Women Alone in Post-Bellum Louisiana.” Louisiana Historical
Association Meeting, Lafayette, LA, 26 March 2010.
“Shreveport in 1900.” Broadmoor Branch Shreve Memorial Library. Shreveport, LA, 18 Oct
“ ‘Palmy Days on the Red River’: Research Opportunities At LSUS Archives and Special
Collections.” Louisiana Studies Conference. Northwestern State University of Louisiana.
Natchitoches, LA, 26 Sept 2009.
“Ben C. Dawkins and Ben C. Dawkins, Jr.: A Judicial Dynasty in the Western District
Of Louisiana.” Louisiana State Historical Association Meeting. Alexandria, LA, 22
March 2007.
Chair. “New Orleans in Literature.” Louisiana Historical Association Annual Meeting.
Lafayette, LA, March 2005.
“Perrin Field: An East Texas Community Meets the American Military Presence,” East
Texas Historical Association Meeting, Texarkana, Texas, 23 Feb. 2002.
“Teaching History by Design.” Society of Southwest Archivists Annual Meeting.
Ft. Worth, 25 May 2001.
“Inventing Texas: A View From the Late, Great 20th Century.” TCU/NARA
Interdisciplinary Conference on the Southwest, Fort Worth, 19 Feb. 2000.
“Decade of Leadership: Adele Lubbock Briscoe Looscan, First Woman President of
Texas State Historical Association.” Texas State Historical Association Meeting,
Austin, 6 Mar. 1997.
“Nineteenth Century Texas Women Historians, Mary Austin Holley and Mathilda
Houstoun.” East Texas Historical Association Meeting. Denton, 18 Feb. 1995.
“Great Expectations: Using Primary Sources.” Grayson County Genealogical Society.
Sherman, February 1993.
“History of Austin College Archives.” Grayson County Historical Society. Sherman,
December, 1992.
“ . . . And Make Accessible: Assisting Researchers in a Small Museum.” Northeast Texas
Museum Association Workshop on Researching Primary Sources, Gainesville,
3 Mar. 1992.
“Anatomy of Despair: A Linguistic Approach to Interior Monologue in William Styron’s
Lie Down in Darkness.” Second Annual Graduate Students in English Conference
On Language and Literature, University of North Texas, Denton, 9 Apr. 1990.
“Practical Preservation: The Care and Feeding of Family Papers and Photographs.”
Denison Genealogical Society, Denison, Texas, March 1989.
“Preserving Family History.” Public education program on researching and preserving
family history sponsored by Red River Historical Museum, Sherman, Feb. 1989.
8. Honors and awards
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Alpha Theta
Editor’s Choice, Review of Texas Books (Summer 2005) for Inventing Texas.
1997 recipient of Miss Ima Hogg Research Travel Award at University of Texas, Center
for American History.
Who’s Who Among Graduate Students in American College and Universities, 1996.
1996 recipient of Texas State Historical Association’s John H. Jenkins Research Fellowship
1996 recipient of Hatton W. Sumners dissertation fellowship from University of North Texas,
Department of History
1995-96 Outstanding Doctoral Graduate Student in History, University of North Texas.
1994 recipient of James Butler Bonham Chapter, Daughters of the Republic of Texas scholarship
for graduate research in Texas history
9. Grants and contracts funded (source, funds, dates, other pertinent information)
2012 recipient of BORSF grant, “Enhancing Education and Outreach Opportunities through
the Handbook of North Louisiana Online ($127,223).
2010 recipient of IMLS Statewide Connecting to Collections Preservation Planning Grant
2009 recipient of BORSF grant, “Enhancing Education and Outreach Opportunities Through
Louisiana History-Related Audio-Visual Resources,” ($61,019).
2008 William B. Wiener, Jr. Endowed Professorship in Archives and Historic Preservation.
LEH Outreach Grant, $2,500 for Freeman & Custis Symposium, June 14-17, 2006.
10. Additional education related to area of expertise
On-line Teaching Course at LSUS, Fall 2004
11. Technology training
Photoshop CS Basics – LSUS, Spring 2005
Moodle 2008
Blackboard 9.1