Fall 2005 - Association of Complementary and Integrative

Complementary Physicians of BC
Vo l u m e 5
N u m ber 2 Fall 2005
Devoted to the advancement
A Word from the ACPBC President
of excellence in complementary
Visioning the Future
and integrative patient care,
by promoting education,
research and sharing of
Ron Puhky, MD
information and knowledge.
It is with mixed feelings that I
write this, my last editorial for the
ACPBC newsletter. Transition is in
the air for all of us in the medical profession, myself included,
and that will be the theme for
the ACPBC workshop to be held
up at Hollyhock May 31 – June 4,
2006. Please review the advertisement for Doctors in Transition in
this issue and make time in your
calendars for what is sure to be a
soul nourishing experience.
Our organization is still basking in the ‘afterglow’ of the very
successful conference When the
Body Forgets to Heal: An Integrative Approach to Reactivating the
Healing Response at the University
of Victoria featuring Dr Andrew
Weil. The ACPBC Executive has
been very busy completing loose
ends from this.
It is time for me to pass on the
torch to the upcoming generation of integrated physicians. The
last ten years have been enjoyable and rewarding and now the
‘gates of Rome’ are open with the
BC government and UBC being
more open to integrated medicine,
as our forward-thinking outgoing
President, Dr Ron Puhky, and our
very competent President-elect, Dr
Warren Bell have found out. (Please
see their respective comments.)
I look forward to supporting the ACPBC from a back row
seat as I once again ‘transform’
myself and to seeing you all at the
Doctors in Transition workshop at
Hollyhock in May/June 2006.
Stephen Faulkner MB, ChB
Dr Ashoka Krishnamurthy, Dr Shannon Waters, Margaret Hess, Dr Ron Puhky, Dr Jim Tucker and Dr Peter Nunn.
ere we are post-conference, and
what a conference it was! All
events sold out and our feedback
was tremendous. On behalf of the ACPBC
Executive, Conference Committee, general
membership and myself, I would like to
take this opportunity to express our sincere
gratitude to our conference planner Geoff
Gosson for his hard work and dedication
in turning our expansive conference vision
into a splendid reality!
In July we had a great time celebrating
the conference and visioning the future
at our farm on Saltspring. Most of the
projects you will read about in this issue
were started at this meeting.
This will be my last report as President.
Dr Warren Bell from Salmon Arm will be
moving into my position in the New Year.
Long-time deeply dedicated member, Dr
Peter Nunn, has stepped down as Secretary/
Treasurer and Dr Steven Kleinman has taken
over this role. Current Vice-President, Dr
Claire Astley will be stepping down as VP
in January, though she will continue in her
role as Education Coordinator and be active
on committees. As we go to print, there
is currently no one standing for election
for the VP position. Please contact Nicole
Moen, or me if you would like to put your
name forward for VP for the ACPBC in this
very exciting time for the Association!
I will be active in my new role as PastPresident as I want to continue to contribute
to the many projects we have started. I was
President for two years and I am more than
satisfied with the progress the ACPBC has
made. On page seven is a summary of the
interim report we sent to the Lotte and John
Hecht Memorial Foundation. It describes
how the ACPBC is involved in moving
integrative medicine initiatives forward.
Blessings to you all for a healthful
and joyful winter season. ◆
A Word from the President
Post-Conference Report
Chipping Away
General Meeting Schedule
Incoming President
Doctors in Transition
ACPBC Operational Report Summary
Membership Application Form
Left: Dr Andrew Weil and Donna Herringer. Right: Stephanie Von Dehn (Medical student), Angela Webster (Executive Director of The Lotte and John Hecht
Memorial Foundation), Nicole Moen (ACPBC Executive Coordinator), Dr Roger Rogers.
When the Body Forgets to Heal
An Integrative Approach to Reactivating the Healing Response
This Report was summarized from the
Post-Conference Report the ACPBC sent
to conference funders The Lotte and John
Hecht Memorial Foundation
he ACPBC initiated, planned and
delivered a full-scale international,
interdisciplinary conference
entitled When the Body Forgets to Heal:
An Integrative Approach to Reactivating
the Healing Response. It was held on
May 27– 29, 2005 in Victoria, BC, at
the Royal Theatre and the University
of Victoria.
Conference Speakers
and Delegates
Our conference attracted a number of
prominent individuals in the integrative medicine field. Dr Andrew Weil was
our featured keynote speaker. He also
sat on our first panel: “Educating a New
Generation of Physicians” and attended
a lunch for medical students. He is now
an honourary member of the ACPBC.
Additionally, the conference attracted the following distinguished presenters: Dr Steven Aung, an ACPBC member
and a 2005 recipient of the Order of
Canada for his work in the health field;
Dr Gabor Maté, influential physician,
author and psychotherapist; Dr Carolyn
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DeMarco, author of one of the first
integrative health books for women;
Dr Charles Moss, one of the few
Fellows of Medical Acupuncture in
the American Academy of Medical
Acupuncture; Dr Leanna Standish, a
leading researcher in integrative healing
from Bastyr University in Washington
state; Dr Marja Verhoef, a dynamic
leader at the University of Calgary who
has been instrumental in starting many
of the “CAM in Canada” organizations
and CAMera). We also stepped quite far
out of the box and invited “Adam” a
young distance healer; he drew a lot
of attention to our conference.
We worked hard to have as many
medical students as possible attend
the conference. One group of four
students raised money, deferred exams,
rented a van and drove from Calgary.
One keynote speaker declined an honourarium and donated that money to
the students’ conference fees. In all we
had about 25 medical students attend
(UBC, U of Calgary, USA).
New Connections
The ACPBC has expanded its
connections with a wide variety of
organizations and individuals with
which we will be able to partner to
work on other projects. The “CAM in
Canada” display was an eye-catching
installation of ten 6’ x 2 1⁄2’ brilliantly
coloured banners that symbolically and
literally brought together the following
organizations and their representatives
for the first time in the same place:
ACPBC, Canadian Complementary
Medical Association (CCMA),
Canadian Interdisciplinary
Network for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Research
(IN-CAM), Integrative, Complementary
and Alternative Medicine—Medical
Student Interest Group (ICAM), Holistic
Health Research Foundation of Canada
(HHRFC), Canadian Complementary
and Alternative Pediatric Medicine
Network (PedCAM), Complementary
and Alternative Health Affiliate
—Canadian Health Network (CHN),
Alternative and Integrative Medical
Society (AIMS), Complementary and
Alternative Medicine in Undergraduate
Medical Education (CAM in UME)
and Complementary and Alternative
Medicine Education and Research
Network of Alberta (CAMera). That we
were able to include 2 student organizations—ICAM (U Calgary) and AIMS
(UBC), and a federal health organization
—the Canadian Health Network—in this
installation, were especially significant
and gratifying to us.
In addition, we have established
relationships with a number of other
organizations across Canada. The
Association of Massage Therapists and
Wholistic Practitioners, operating out
of Edmonton, was a generous sponsor. We established a number of other
sponsor relationships including: Planet
Organic, Quest Vitamins, University of
Victoria School of Nursing, Hollyhock
Retreat Centre, International Society
for Orthomolecular Medicine, Genuine
Health and several media sponsors.
Conference Feedback and
As a result of this conference, The
ACPBC has established itself in the
integrative medicine field. Anecdotally,
we heard such comments as, “I’ve been
attending health conference for 30 years
and this is the best one I’ve ever attended.” In our comments section of evaluation form we read comments such as:
“I feel this is a LANDMARK event that
will galvanize a whole series of health
practitioners to go out into their community and in their own way inspire
and create change,” “This was an
amazing conference! Attention to
detail was done in the most caring and
health promoting way,” “Conference is
‘5 Star’—From presenters to publications
to organization to food venues, nutrition
breaks etc.,” “Simply the best conference
I have ever been to; in terms of presenters, the organization of the conference,
attention to detail and nurturing envi-
“The Stev/phens”, Dr Steven Kleinman, Dr Stephen Malthouse, Dr Stephen Faulkner, Steven Carter in
front of the dramatic CAM in Canada display.
ronment,” and “That was, without a
doubt, the most wonderful inspirational
conference I have ever attended. From
the choice of speakers to the range of
delegates to the inclusion of music to
the amazing dinner last night.”
We are delighted with these glowing
endorsements and also to those who
offered tips for the next conference.
Longer Term Outcomes of the
Conference Communications
While the precise impact of our overall
communications is hard to measure, we
certainly have had more impact with
our communication than ever before.
We also gained more media coverage
than at any time in the past. We had a
wide-variety of display ads, journal ads,
media releases, flyers, call for presentations and papers, direct mailings and
broadcast faxes to BC Physicians,
registration brochures, postcards,
rackcards, posters and articles.
This wide-ranging coverage and
extensive word-of-mouth publicity
resulted in sold-out events across the
board for the conference. We continue
to hear stories about how our conference has affected delegates’ lives. For
example, one person put together a
healing team for himself at the conference itself and several wrote about their
experiences at the conference in their
own paper and electronic newsletters.
Overall this conference has been a
striking success. We were successful
in community building, increasing
ACPBC membership, developing ACPBC
policy, establishing a leadership role in
the integrative medicine community,
achieving a positive financial outcome,
and raising the public profile of
integrative medicine through our
conference communications. The
positive experience arising from
managing our first large-scale
conference gives us the confidence
to stage other events in the future. ◆
Watch for information
about the
A C P B C C O N F E R E NCE 2007
Dr Mark Sherman led early morning yoga at the start of each day of the conference.
Fall 2005 | 3
Chipping Away
Report from the ACPBC Conference
“When the Body Forgets to Heal”
By Shelley Easthope, Conference Delegate
have just returned to the cocoon of
my home and practice on Pender
Island after a week-end on the
University of Victoria campus, attending When the Body Forgets to Heal :
An Integrative Approach to Reactivating
the Healing Response, hosted by the
Association of Complementary
Physicians of BC. Attending the conference were many physicians, medical
students, researchers, nurses, TCM
doctors, as well as herbalists, massage
therapists, and other ‘interested’ parties.
To my knowledge, I was the only shiatsu therapist present, and I found a great
deal of interest in shiatsu expressed by
everyone to whom I spoke. I distributed
about 40 of our much-admired
brochures and displayed a simple but
eloquent poster presenting shiatsu
and the Shiatsu Therapy Association.
I received an almost overwhelming
amount of information and inspiration!
The keynote address, which was
open to the public and a sold-out event,
was Dr Andrew Weil, speaking on the
Healing Focus of Integrative Medicine.
Dr Weil was a positive and inspiring
speaker, describing programs he has
founded to train physicians in integrative medicine, and placing the trend
toward integrative medicine in a historical perspective. He predicted that integrative medicine is the way of the future
and pointed out that the trend toward it
is being hastened by economic pressures
on the crumbling current medical care
system in North America. I believe this
is apparent to all shiatsu practitioners,
and this, in a sense is the bad and the
good news.
The program of Saturday and
Sunday began with qi-gong, tai chi
and or yoga before breakfast and then
keynote addresses and workshop presentations throughout the day. Dr Gabor
Maté spoke compellingly on the subject
of his book, “When the Body Says No:
The Mind/Body Unity in Health.” He
identified traits associated with illness,
such as desire to please, inability to say
no, and inability to express anger. He
encouraged honesty and self-awareness
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Debbie Aung, Dr Chris Lam, Dr Steven Aung, Dr Hans Terlingen at the Royal BC Museum Banquet.
in both doctor/practitioner and patient,
to create a healing environment.
Dr Leanna Standish and Dr Marja
Verhoef, spoke on Integrative Medicine
Research: Canadian and American
Perspectives. They called for development of appropriate methodology
to evaluate complementary and
alternative therapies. Dr Verhoef
co-directs the Canadian Interdisciplinary
Network for Complementary and
Alternative Research (IN-CAM), funded
by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research and Health Canada.
(see www.incamresearch.ca)
Dr Steven Aung led the qi-gong
both mornings. The child-like sessions
of tree hugging and walking from tree
to tree and then people hugging,
were great ways to greet the day in
a joyful and relaxed manner. I feel I
really got to know some of the trees
on the campus. Sunday morning, Dr
Aung also made a presentation entitled
Metta, Karuna, Saydana, Upekkha,
and Mudita: The Most Powerful
Healing Energies (Lovingkindness,
Compassion, Selflessness, Impartiality,
and Sympathy). He briefly described his
life journey and the powerful Buddhist
teaching he received in childhood in
Burma. He emphasized that treatment
without these qualities will not create
true healing, and that having a
positive and kind attitude is critical
to providing care.
I attended three workshop presentations. A most inspiring presentation
about creation of an integrated healing
centre was presented by Dr Hal Gunn,
of the Centre for Integrated Healing in
Vancouver. Dr Gunn described the focus
of the centre on the shared essence
of the healing experience. He also
described shared principles of practice
and guidelines to create a culture that
supports healing. He explained that
they begin each day with a group
meditation and short reading.
“Adam” presented his way of
understanding the healing process
to an absolutely crowded room. The
respect for and fascination with his
work was evident.
The third workshop I attended,
Energized Living: A Personal Journey
Through and Beyond Critical Illness,
was given by Dale Peterson, of Seattle.
Dale moved from the edge of death
from HIV/AIDS to a life free from
Left to right: Joy Cline and Dr John Cline; Dr Hal Gunn (far right) enjoys the banquet with fellow delegates; Dr Claire Astley: Ann Coombs, Dale Peterson
and Dr Hal Gunn part of the final panel discussion.
medication and disease. In a lively
and witty presentation, Dale took us
through his Energized Living Scorecard
to capture our personal definitions of
absolute well-being and define what we
needed to do to get out the way of our
own healing magic. He described his
experience of seeing the statue ‘David’,
in Italy and explained that when asked
how he carved it, Michelangelo said,
“I simply took the piece of marble and
carved away everything that was not
David.” Dale said that described how
he saw this healing process. The scorecard helps keep track of what is getting
‘chipped away’ to find your true or
optimal self.
I found this image of us chipping
away to find ourselves, very moving. We
do this with our clients when we do a
treatment—chipping away all that blocks
them from being their radiant selves.
We do this ourselves in our own healing,
and professionally in finding the shiatsu
therapist—carve away what is not the
shiatsu therapist. Perhaps this is also
what we are doing as an Association.
The conference was a valuable
experience both personally and for our
Association. I hope that at the next conference we will be able to assist more
than one member of our Association
to attend and represent us. I am thankful to my longtime friend and client,
Ann Coombs, author of “The Living
Workplace,” and one of the two ‘nonmedical’ speakers at the conference, for
her suggestion that I be asked to present
at this conference. I am thankful for a
supportive professional association that
I could be proud to represent. ◆
Shelley Easthope practices and teaches
shiatsu, reiki and her ‘Ki to Health’ seminars, on Pender Island, and has recently
published her first book, “Reflections of
Medicine Beach, Conversations with a
Place.” www.shelleyeasthope.com
ACPBC General
Meeting Schedule
2nd Weds of each month
(not July & Aug)
4:00 pm meeting;
5:00 pm educational session
The James Bay
Community Project
547 Michigan St., Victoria
Members gather for business meetings
or open forum meetings followed by an
educational session about a topic related
to integrative and complementary medicine. Guest speakers speak on a wide
variety of topics to help members stay
current on complementary practices,
political issues and current research. This
part of the meeting is open to partners
and other health practitioners.
Left: Louise Rose delivers a riveting conference closing performance. Right: Dr. Penny Whillans presents her workshop “The Interplay: Personality Styles
and Chronic Conditions”.
Fall 2005 | 5
Warren Bell, MD
am honoured to be asked to take
on the task of Presidency in 2005.
I have accepted this challenge with
some trepidation as I live in Salmon
Arm in the southern Interior, and most
of the members of the ACPBC live
farther south—and it’s a long walk! I
have accepted this task because of the
support and assistance of Ron Puhky,
our outgoing President, in maintaining
continuity with meetings when I cannot be physically present. I have also
accepted because there is a core team
of members, enhanced by the efforts
of Executive Coordinator Nicole Moen,
who will join me in addressing issues
as they arise in the coming year.
It is clear that “the times they are
a-changin’.” Offering patients or clients
a wider range of therapeutic options
beyond drugs and surgery is simply
recognizing reality; patients and clients
are making these choices for themselves already. It is now the task of us,
as physicians who have already stepped
beyond the boundaries of conventional
medicine, to reach out to policymakers, educators, fellow practitioners and,
of course, to the general public, and
find constructive and effective ways to
broaden and deepen this process. We
need to make it all-inclusive. We need
to help remove barriers and obstacles to
integration. We need to help to make
all therapeutic choices available to all
citizens, and to broaden the definition
of both “health” and “intervention.”
“Health” can come through fitness
gained through an exercise program at a
community centre or from better
biochemistry gained through learning
to make more sophisticated choices in
the supermarket and kitchen.
“Intervention” can mean helping
someone with a mobility problem get
down to the seashore to smell the salt
air and listen to the seagulls’ cries. Or
it can mean acupuncture for a chronic
back problem.
Every decision we make affects our
health, for better or for worse. As physicians, we can play a role in leading our
communities—academic, administrative,
governmental and others—as well as
our patients, one at a time, towards a
vision of a shared commitment to using
all means to achieve health. I hope that
in the coming year, through initiatives
with UBC and the provincial government, as well as educational events
for professionals and public alike, the
ACPBC can be two things: first, a support for working physicians who want
to share their stories and experiences
with like-minded colleagues; and
second, a voice for collaboration in
advancing integrative medicine in
society at large.
I hope to facilitate those two streams
of ACPBC activity in 2006. ◆
Doctors In Transition, Self-Care &
Deepening Integrative Practice
May 31– June 4, 2006
ACPBC Presenters include:
Dr Ron Puhky, Dr Stephen Faulkner,
Dr Warren Bell
Open to physicians and other
healthcare practitioners.
Partners welcome to register.
Tuition: $525 CDN, $461 US (meals
& accommodation extra), 4 nights
Visit www.hollyhock.ca or call
1-800-933-6339 to register and
for meal and accommodation
Write info@acpbc.org or call
1-250-382-6356 for information
about the workshop.
6 | Fa l l 2 0 0 5
Dr Andrew Weil, MD, stated in May 2005 at the Association of
Complementary Physicians of BC conference, that the Canadian
and U.S health systems are going through a period of intense
change, as the conventional reliance on industrial medicine comes
under increasing challenge. This has significant implications for the
modern physician, whether recently graduated or near retirement,
not only for how we practice medicine, but also for our own
personal lives as citizens, spouses and parents.
This workshop is designed for physicians seeking to navigate
through these complex times for the benefit of their patients
and themselves while still maintaining the enthusiasm and job
satisfaction that drew them to this career initially.
The syllabus covers the mind, body, emotion and spirit of medicine
using lectures, group work, experiential exercises and healing
time in this beautiful setting. Attention is also given to addressing
relations within the larger medical community, and with the culture
as a whole.
Integrated Medicine Initiatives
are Moving Forward
Ron Puhky, MD
This Report Summary was derived from the
Interim Report the ACPBC sent to funders The
Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation
he profile of the ACPBC increased
significantly both during and after
the May 2005 conference. This has
positioned us to have some significant
input on upcoming political, social and
educational decisions. We recognize that
times have changed and the goals we
have been reaching for in integrative
medicine are actually coming to fruition.
Even the BCMA has put out a research
paper supporting “multidisciplinary
primary care.”
It is important at this time to have
individuals who have been working in
complementary medical practices for a
long time to provide the necessary guidance and philosophical integrity during
this period of rapid change. We feel it
is an extremely important part of our
Mission to step up to this current
opportunity, and we are confident
we have the necessary skills to do so.
ACPBC Mission Statement
The mission of the ACPBC is the advancement of excellence in holistic (integrative)
patient care, by promoting professional
development of physicians through the
exchange of ideas, research and continuing
education, and by disseminating information and providing education to health
professionals, students and the public.
The ACPBC has met and is working
on fulfilling its Mission through the
early stages of exploring the idea of an
integrative healing centre in Victoria.
2. Mission: promoting professional
development of physicians through
the exchange of ideas, research and
continuing education
We are holding a workshop at Hollyhock,
developed primarily for physicians,
entitled “Doctors In Transition: SelfCare & Deepening Integrative Practice”
in May, 2006 (see advertisement in this
issue). We have rented a booth at the
Family Medicine Forum Trade Show put
on by the College of Family Physicians of
Canada. The preceptorship program with
ACPBC physicians (the fourth year medical school elective at UBC) continues to
enjoy success.
3. Mission: disseminating information
and providing education to health
professionals, students and the public
Our web site has increased in popularity which lead has led to an increase in
public inquiries. While the workshop at
Hollyhock is aimed at physicians, other
health professionals may attend also. We
are exploring the feasibility of workshop
series in the spring of 2006 and plan to
host another conference in 2007.
4. Fundraising
We learned much about fundraising during the course of the conference and
have developed a basic plan to approach
supportive organizations with requests
for funds. We also have plans to explore
other grant opportunities from government, and from other foundations and
professional sources and are considering
an outreach program to seek donations
in wills and from individuals, etc.
5. Other Post Conference
Operational Effects
We have recognized that some changes
are required to carry out the increased
number of projects that we have
recently undertaken. In the New Year,
after our meetings with the Minister
of Health and his deputy ministers, we
will develop a strategic plan for our
interactions with the ministry and with
the curriculum development process at
UBC. We will also develop further goals
and objectives for the Association that
will include a detailed action plan and
a monitoring and review process. The
ACPBC membership has increased and
notable new members include
Dr Andrew Weil and Dr Steven Aung.
Finally, we would like to emphasize that
it is important to have individuals such
as those in the ACPBC membership,
who have been working in complementary medical practice for a long time,
to provide guidance in this period of
increasing popularity of integrative
medicine. We feel we must counter
the potential philosophical diffusion
by mainstream medicine, and loss of
focus, co-option and distortion by market-driven forces. We are taking a widevariety of steps guided by our Mission
to address these issues. We have the
internal skills and talent to do it and
are working at gathering the necessary
financial resources required. ◆
1. Mission: advancement of excellence
in holistic (integrative) patient care
We have begun conversations about
the inclusion of integrative medicine
in medical student education with Dr
Robert Woollard, who sits on the UBC,
Canadian and American medical school
curriculum committees. We have also
established an initial contact with George
Abbott, Minster of Health, with regard
to the inclusion of integrative medicine
concepts in provincial health policy. We
have made strides forward in the Island
Medical Program (two ACPBC members
are lecturing with them). We are in the
Dr Shannon Waters
presents Dr Leanna
Standish and Dr Marja
Verhoef with their gift
of First Nation Shawls
for their keynote
Fall 2005 | 7
Association of Complementary
Physicians of British Columbia
Devoted to the advancement of excellence
in complementary and integrative patient
care, by promoting education, research and
sharing of information and knowledge.
ACPBC Newsletter
Box 526, 185-911 Yates Street
Victoria, BC V8V 4Y9
Tel (250) 382-6356
Fax (250) 483-1507
E-mail info@acpbc.org
Websites www.acpbc.org www.bodyheals.ca
Website Design Eric the Red
Newsletter Design Mary Scobie
Executive Committee
Secretary-Treasurer (interim)
Past President (ex officio)
Medical Student Education
Vancouver Chapter
Director for the Interior
Ron Puhky, MD
Claire Astley, MD
Steven Kleinman, MD
Roger Rogers, MD
CCMA representative
Claire Astley, MD
Christopher Lam, MD
Jack Sniderman, MD
Warren Bell, MD
Stephen Faulkner
Faulkner, MBChB
Steven Kleinman, MD
Jack Sniderman, MD
Executive Coordinator
Nicole Moen, BA
The ACPBC is grateful for the support of the
Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation.
ACPBC Membership Application Form for Medical Doctors
Please print clearly. See www.acpbc.org for membership eligibility.
Name ___________________________________
Hospital Affiliations ____________________________________________________________________
Birth Date ________________________________
Post-graduate Training _________________________________________________________________
Office Address ___________________________
Home Address (optional) ___________________
Type of Current Practice ________________________________________________________________
Phone Work (
) ____________________
Home (
) ____________________
Medical Organization Memberships _____________________________________________________
) ____________________
E-Mail ___________________________________
Publications (enclose extra sheet if required) _____________________________________________
Fax ______________________________________
Medical School – Year _____________________
Internship _______________________________
Residency – Specialty _____________________
Canadian Licensure (province & number)
ACPBC Membership Fee Schedule
Practicing MD
Medical Student/Resident/
Retired MD
My name and the city of my practice may be available to the public
Yes / No
Details of my practice may be listed in a printed Directory
Yes / No
Above information may be listed on the ACPBC Web Site
Yes / No
I am willing to serve on any ACPBC or CCMA committees
Yes / No
If Yes, what are your areas of interest? (e.g. social events, education, newsletter,
board member, etc.) ___________________________________________________________
Would you like to share your expertise at educational meetings?
Yes / No
If Yes, what topics would you like to present/facilitate? __________________________
Fees are due in January of each year.
*Note: ACPBC membership automatically
confers membership to the Canadian
Complementary Medical Association.
$25.00 of your ACPBC annual fee is remitted
on your behalf to this national organization.
Your fees may be paid by cheque to the Association of Complementary Physicians of BC.
Please mail it to: ACPBC, Box 526, 185-911 Yates St., Victoria, BC V8V 4Y9
Date __________________________