Learning CPR: Making Your Current Site Interventions More Effective Mike Mattos #rtiaw Presenter: Mike Mattos Learning CPR Making Your Current Site Interventions More Effective Our Mission To ensure high levels of learning for all students #rtiaw To achieve this goal, a school must create a systematic process that ensures every child receives the additional time and support needed to learn at high levels. #rtiaw © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. 1 “A system of interventions can only be as effective as the individual interventions of which it is comprised.” —Buffum, Mattos, & Weber, Simplifying Response to Intervention: Four Essential Guiding Principles (2012), p. 130 #rtiaw The two primary reasons why many schools struggle with identifying effective interventions: 1. The “more of the same” syndrome #rtiaw “When it comes to interventions, giving at-risk kids more of what is not working is rarely the answer. “Common sense would tell us this, yet many schools continue to build their systems of interventions with practices that don’t work, have never worked, and have no promise of getting better results next year.” —Buffum, Mattos, & Weber, Simplifying Response to Intervention (2012), p. 130) #rtiaw 2 © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. The two primary reasons why many schools struggle with identifying effective interventions: 1. The “more of the same” syndrome 2. The “what program do we buy” syndrome #rtiaw The key to successful interventions is to align your efforts to the essential characteristics of effective interventions. #rtiaw —Buffum, Mattos, & Weber, Simplifying Response to Intervention (2012) © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. 3 Alignment Alignment Steps Steps 4 U2 or or F 3 2 or 3 Tier 2Desired Desired Student or Learning Student Learning Tier Outcome? 3? Outcome? Intervention Evaluation and R E P R O D U C I B L E Alignment Chart Intervention Evaluation and Alignment Chart U or F UnmoUnmoTier 2 tivated tivated or or Failed or Failed Tier 3? Learner? Learner? Targeted Targeted REPRODUCIBLE Simplifying Response to Intervention © 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. Trained Systematic Highly Trained Timely Directive Highly Directive ResearchTimely Based ResearchBased + = Intervention + = Intervention is highly aligned. is highly aligned. 9 = Intervention 9 = Intervention is somewhat is somewhat aligned. aligned. X = Intervention X = Intervention is not aligned. is not aligned. Current Site Current Site Interventions Interventions R E P R O D U C I B L E | 153 | 153 page 1 of 2 page 1 of 2 Simplifying Response to Intervention © 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. Systematic 154 REPRODUCIBLE | R E P R O D U C I B L E Effective Intervention Evaluation and Alignment 154 | Protocol R E P R O D U C I B L E Chart This activity can be used by a leadership team and/or intervention team to Effective Intervention Evaluation and evaluate schoolwide interventions, or by a teacher teamAlignment to evaluate teacherled interventions. It is recommended that this activity is completed twice Chart Protocol a year—prior to the start of the school year, and at the midpoint of each school year. can be used by a leadership team and/or intervention team to This activity evaluate schoolwide interventions, or by a teacher team to evaluate teacherled interventions. It is recommended that this activity is completed twice Guiding Questions a year—prior to the start of the school year, and at the midpoint of each 1. Research-Based: Do we have evidence that the intervention can school year. work? Do we have evidence that the intervention is working for students currently in the intervention? Score with a + , 9, or X. Guiding Questions 2. 1. 3. 2. 4. 3. 5. 4. 6. 5. 6. 7. 8. 7. 8. 9. 10. 9. 10. Directive: Do we require targeted students to attend? Do we hold Research-Based: Do we have evidence the intervention students accountable when they don’t? that Score with a + , 9, orcan X. work? Do we have evidence that the intervention is working for Timely: long does take us to identify studentsHow currently in theit intervention? Scoreand withplace a + , a9,student or X. in or out of this intervention? (Goal: At least every three weeks Directive: we require targeted toX. attend? Do we hold during the Do school year.) Score withstudents a + , 9, or students accountable when they don’t? Score with a + , 9, or X. Highly Trained: How well trained and qualified are the individuals Timely: How long it take usScore to identify place a student implementing this does intervention? with aand + , 9, or X. in or out of this intervention? (Goal: At least every three weeks Systematic: Can we guarantee that aevery during the school year.) Score with + , 9,student or X. who needs this intervention, gets this intervention? Score with a + , 9, or X. Highly Trained: How well trained and qualified are the individuals Targeted—Unmotivated Learner/Failed Learner: the implementing this intervention? Score with a + , 9,Isor X.intervention for intentional nonlearners (won’t do) or failed learners (can’t Systematic: Can we guarantee that every student who needs this do)? Have we mistakenly placed nonlearners and failed learners intervention, gets this intervention? Score with a + , 9, or X. in the same intervention? Score with a U for unmotivated learner (won’t do) or an F for failed learner (can’t do). Targeted—Unmotivated Learner/Failed Learner: Is the intervention for intentional nonlearners (won’t do) or failed learners sup(can’t Targeted—Tier 2 or Tier 3: Is the intervention supplemental do)? Have we mistakenly placed nonlearners and failed learners port (Tier 2) or intensive support (Tier 3)? Score with a “2” for Tier inor the same Score with a U for unmotivated learner 2 a “3” forintervention? Tier 3. (won’t do) or an F for failed learner (can’t do). Targeted—Desired Student Learning Outcome: Targeted—Tier 2 or Tier 3: Is the intervention supplemental supAre our interventions targeted to specific standards/outcomes? port+ (Tier 2) or intensive support (Tier 3)? Score with a “2” for Tier 2 or+a Are “3” for Tier 3. students grouped by the cause of their struggles, or the symptoms? Student Learning Outcome: Targeted—Desired Alignment Steps: What actions canto bespecific taken to address any colinterventions targeted standards/outcomes? + Are our umn with an “X” on the chart? + Are students grouped by the cause of their struggles, or the The Big Picture: Look at the list of interventions as a whole. Are symptoms? there a variety and balance of offerings? For example, are there Alignment Steps: Whattoactions can be takenand to address any col-Is interventions targeted both unmotivated failed learners? umn with an “X” on the chart? support offered to both of these groups at Tier 2 and Tier 3? The Big Picture: Look at the list of interventions as a whole. Are there a variety and balance of offerings? For example, are there interventions targeted to both unmotivated and failed learners? Is support offered to both of these groups at Tier 2 and Tierpage 3? 2 of 2 Simplifying Response to Intervention © 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. page 2 of 2 Simplifying Response to Intervention © 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. 5 What Is an Intervention? “An intervention is anything a school does, above and beyond what all students receive, that helps a child succeed in school.” —Buffum, Mattos, & Weber, Simplifying Response to Intervention (2012), p. 129 #rtiaw Characteristics of an Effective Intervention Research based Systematic Directive Timely Administered by trained professionals Targeted #rtiaw Characteristics of an Effective Intervention Research based Systematic Directive Timely Administered by trained professionals Targeted #rtiaw 6 © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. A school should utilize interventions for which they can point to research that demonstrates a practice has a high likelihood of working … … or can provide evidence that demonstrates the practice is working for a majority of students who have received the intervention. #rtiaw In other words, there is reason to believe the intervention: Can work (research) Is working (evidence) #rtiaw Scientifically Research Based vs. Research Based #rtiaw © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. 7 Scientific, Research-Based Interventions “Research that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to educational activities and programs” —No Child Left Behind Act (2001) #rtiaw In other words, there is reason to believe the intervention: Can work (research) Is working (evidence) #rtiaw —Buffum, Mattos, & Weber, Simplifying Response to Intervention (2012) 8 © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. + = Highly aligned = Somewhat aligned X = Not aligned #rtiaw Characteristics of an Effective Intervention Research based Systematic Directive Timely Administered by trained professionals Targeted #rtiaw Systematic Can you guarantee that every student who needs this intervention receives this intervention? #rtiaw © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. 9 Characteristics of an Effective Intervention Research based Systematic Directive Timely Administered by trained professionals Targeted #rtiaw Directive Confronting the “real world” narrative #rtiaw Directive Are targeted students required to attend this intervention? #rtiaw 10 © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. Characteristics of an Effective Intervention Research based Systematic Directive Timely Administered by trained professionals Targeted #rtiaw Timely Are students identified for this intervention at least every three weeks? How often do we evaluate progress? #rtiaw Characteristics of an Effective Intervention Research based Systematic Directive Timely Administered by trained professionals Targeted #rtiaw © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. 11 Five Ways to Make Interventions More Intensive Create interventions that: 1. Are frequent 2. Are longer in duration 3. Have a smaller teacher-to-student ratio 4. Are administered by highly trained staff 5. Are targeted #rtiaw Administered by Trained Professionals How well trained and qualified is the person implementing this intervention? #rtiaw Characteristics of an Effective Intervention Research based Systematic Directive Timely Administered by trained professionals Targeted #rtiaw 12 © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. The more targeted the intervention, the more likely it will work! #rtiaw You must get down to by student, by standard. #rtiaw Targeted Will Skill #rtiaw © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. 13 Targeted Targeted Targeted Nonmotivated or failed learner What is the desired student learning outcome? Tier 2 or 3 #rtiaw The most important step: Alignment! #rtiaw Thank You! To contact Mike: mikemattos@me.com Activities available at: mattos.info To schedule professional development at your site, contact Solution Tree at 800.733.6786. Follow Mike on Twitter: @mikemattos65 #rtiaw 14 #rtiaw © Mattos, Buffum, and Weber 2014. solution-tree.com Do not duplicate. REPRODUCIBLE R E P R O D U C I B L E Additional Resources R E P R O D U C I B L E | 187 | 187 URL or Author(s) and Description Additional Resources Publisher Name of Resource AIMSWeb NameLearning of Resource Better Through Structured AIMSWeb Teaching: A Framework for the Better Learning Gradual Release of Through Structured Responsibility Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Center on Instruction Responsibility www.aimsweb.com URL or Author(s) and This site offers full-service CBMs, for a price. Description This book offers an outstanding structured model This site offers full-service of teaching and lesson CBMs, for a price. design. Structured lessons This book offers an are fundamental to outTier 1 standing structured model instruction and for allowing of teaching and lesson small-group supports to be design. Structured lessons delivered during Tier 1. are fundamental to Tier 1 The site provides the best instruction and for allowing research and metasmall-group supports to be analyses in the areas of delivered during Tier 1. reading, math, science, speCenter on Instruction www.centeroninstruction The site provides the best cial education, and English .org research and metalanguage learning. analyses in the areas of Instruction and assessDouglas Fisher and Checking for reading, math, science, spement must become fluid Nancy Frey Understanding: cial education, and English companions. Instruction, Formative Assessment Association for language learning. whether at Tier 1, 2, or Techniques for Your Supervision and Instruction and assessDouglas Fisher and Checking for 3, must be frequently Classroom Curriculum Development, ment must Nancy Frey Understanding: informed bybecome informalfluid 2007 companions. Formative Assessment Association for assessments. Instruction, whether at Tier 1, 2, or Techniques for Your Supervision and Marzano et al. consisRobert J. Marzano, Classroom Instruction 3, must be frequently Classroom Development, tently deliver the very best Debra J. Pickering, and That Works: Research- Curriculum informed by informal 2007E. Pollock research-based practices Jane Based Strategies for assessments. to inform our practice. Increasing Student Association for Marzano et al. consisRobert J. Marzano, Classroom Instruction Achievement Supervision and tently deliver the very best Debra J. Pickering, and That Works: Research- Curriculum Development, research-based practices Jane E. Pollock Based Strategies for 2001 to inform our practice. Increasing Student Association for Council for Exceptional www.cec.sped.org This site provides invaluAchievement Supervision and Children able information from Curriculum Development, a preeminent advocacy 2001 group for students with Council for Exceptional www.cec.sped.org This siteneeds. provides invaluspecial Children able information from Ultimately, we want our Barry J. Zimmerman, Developing Selfa preeminent advocacy students to self-monitor Sebastian Bonner, and Regulated Learners: group for students with and be self-motivated. This Robert Kovach Beyond Achievement special needs. book will explain how to to Self-Efficacy American Psychological Ultimately, we truly wantbecome our Barry J. Zimmerman, Developing Selfhelp students Association, 1996 students to self-monitor Sebastian Bonner, and Regulated Learners: lifelong learners. and be self-motivated. This Robert Kovach Beyond Achievement page book will explain how to1 of 4 to Self-Efficacy American Psychological help students truly become Association,©1996 Simplifying Response to Intervention 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com lifelong learners. Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. DouglasPublisher Fisher and Nancy Frey www.aimsweb.com Association for Supervision and Douglas Fisher and Curriculum Development, Nancy Frey 2008 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, www.centeroninstruction 2008 .org page 1 of 4 Simplifying Response to Intervention © 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. 15 188 REPRODUCIBLE | R E P R O D U C I B L E Name of Resource 188 | DIBELS Name of Resource DIBELS The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners easyCBM easyCBM Florida Center for Reading Research Florida Center for Reading Research Intervention Central Intervention Central LD Online LD Online URL or Author(s) and R E PPublisher R O D U C I B L E Description https://dibels.uoregon .edu This site provides access to excellent research in the URL or Author(s) and Description area of literacy and access Publisher to exceptional, free reading https://dibels.uoregon This site access CBMs for provides grades preK–6. .edu to excellent research in the The very first line of Carol Ann Tomlinson area of literacy and access defense, and the most Association for to exceptional, free reading critical factor in RTI, is Supervision and CBMs for grades preK–6. Curriculum Development, strengthening Tier 1 The very first of Carol Ann Tomlinson instruction, or line “shoring up 1999 defense, and the most Association for the core.” Differentiating critical factor in RTI, is Supervision and instruction is nonstrengthening 1 Curriculum Development, negotiable, andTier Tomlinson instruction, or “shoring up 1999 is the source. the core.” Differentiating http://easyCBM.com This site offers free CBMs instruction is nonfor reading and mathematnegotiable, and Tomlinson ics for K–8; allows teachers is the source. to enter student names, http://easyCBM.com This site offers free CBMs print CBMs, enter data, for reading and mathematand print reports; includes ics forfor K–8; allows teachers norms each CBM; and to enter studenttonames, allows students take print tests CBMs,online. enter data, some and print reports; includes www.fcrr.org This is an exceptional site norms for each CBM; and for all things reading. In allows students to take particular, it provides free, some tests online. research-based activiwww.fcrr.org Thisfor is an exceptional site ties students in all five for all things reading. In domains of reading and particular, it provides free, provides reviews of dozresearch-based activiens of research-based, ties for students in all five commercial reading domains of reading and interventions. provides reviews of dozwww.interventioncentral This site is an exceptional ens of research-based, .org resource for all things commercial reading RTI, from generating and interventions. printing CBMs to finding www.interventioncentral resources This site istoanhelp exceptional monitor .org resource for all things site RTI efforts. RTI, from generating and www.ldonline.org This site provides great printing CBMs to finding information on learning disresources to help monitor abilities and resources for site RTI efforts. support. www.ldonline.org This site provides great information on learning dispage 2 of 4 abilities and resources for support. Simplifying Response to Intervention © 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. page 2 of 4 16 Simplifying Response to Intervention © 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. 190 | Name of Resource 190 | Research Institute on Progress Monitoring Name of Resource Research Institute on RTI Action Network Progress Monitoring RTI Action Network The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners Vaughn Gross Center for Reading and Language Arts Vaughn Gross Center for Reading and Language Arts REPRODUCIBLE R E P R O D U C I B L E URL or Author(s) and R E P Publisher R O D U C I B L E Description www.progressmonitoring .org This site provides backURL or Author(s) and ground and research Description resources in the area of Publisher progress monitoring. www.progressmonitoring This site provides backwww.rtinetwork.org This site is a helpful .org ground and research resource for educators and resources in the area of families and includes an progress monitoring. extensive list of FAQs. www.rtinetwork.org This site is a helpful The very first line of Carol Ann Tomlinson resource for educators and defense, and the most Association for families and includes an critical factor in RTI, is Supervision and extensive list of FAQs. Curriculum Development, strengthening Tier 1 The very first of Carol Ann Tomlinson instruction, orline “shoring up 1999 defense, and the most Association for the core.” Differentiating critical factor RTI, is Supervision and instruction is ainnon-negostrengthening Tier 1 is the Curriculum Development, tiable, and Tomlinson instruction, or “shoring up 1999 source. the core.” Differentiating www.meadowscenter This is one of finest ceninstruction is a non-nego.org/vgc ters for reading resources, tiable, and Tomlinson is the particularly for English source. learners and students with www.meadowscenter This is one of finest censpecial needs. .org/vgc ters for reading resources, particularly for English learners and students with special needs. page 4 of 4 Simplifying Response to Intervention © 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. page 4 of 4 Simplifying Response to Intervention © 2012 Solution Tree Press đ solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/rti to download this page. 17