Western Europe

Western Europe
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Quick Facts
15 nations soon to have unified currency--Euro
Top Fifth in Wealth
Population clusters along the Northern European Plain
Core: Industrial Heartland
Periphery: Med & Iberian Peninsula
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Sub-Regions & States
Industrial: UK, Eire, France, Benelux & Germany
Northern (Scandinavia): Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland
Alpine: Austria & Switzerland
Mediterranean: Italy, Spain, Portugal, & Greece
Created JDG 2000
Source: U-Texas Map Library (2000)
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Physical Geography: Climates
Mid-Lat West Coast Dominates
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Physical Geography: Physiography
Glaciation Important (Plains, Dramatic Mtn. Landscapes, Channels, & Fjords)
Mtns: Alps, Apennines, Pyrenees
N. European Plains
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Physical Geography: Hydrography
Channels & Straits: English, Dover, Gibraltar
Seas: Baltic, North, Med., Adriatic, Aegean
Bays of Biscay
Rivers: Rhine, Seine, Elbe, Danube, Lire, Rhone, Thames & Po
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Physical Geography: Resources
Water & Waterways
Marine Life
Increasing NG & Oil
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Physical Geography: Environmental Problems
Acid Rain
Water Quality
Waste Management
Population Density in Fragile Ecosystems
Soil Erosion
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Physical Geography: Natural Hazards
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Human Geography: Culture Groups
Celts (N. France & UK)
Germans: Saxons & Franks (Germany, N. France, & Coastal England)
Germans: Bavarians & Lombards (Alpine)
Romans (Med. Through UK)
Vikings (Scandinavia & UK)
Greeks (Med & Asia Minor)
Berbers (Iberian Peninsula)
Basques??? (France)
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Human Geography: Religion
Roman Catholic
E. Orthodox
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Human Geography: Population
Highly Controlled--Particularly in Industrial & Northern Regions
ZPG in N. Europe?
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Industrial Heartland
Economically dominated by the continents largest & smallest states
Historically, driven by access to waterways & coal fields
Classic Agglomeration Economies
New Development not tied to resources
Birthplace of Industrial Revolution & Industrial Capitalism
Highly integrated production systems
New left-center politics & economics
Created JDG 2000
From Pulsipher (2000)
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Industrial Heartland: Concerns?
Ethnic Tolerance during times of economic stress
Stabilizing trouble areas, such as N. Ireland & former E. Germany
Sovereignty Issues associated with EU
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Northern (Scandinavia)
High Development Indicators
Highly urbanized societies
Diversified Economies: Hi-Tech Manufacturing, Agriculture & Extractive
Governments are committed to strong social ‘safety nets’
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Alpine: Switzerland & Austria
Two very different countries
Switzerland characterized by 3 linguistic groups: French, Italian, & German
Tourism Important
Other service industries, such as banking, important
High Value Added Manufacturing essential to economic based
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Poorest region in WE
Italian economy anchors region
Portugal has experienced very little industrialization
Tourism is the most successful service industry shared by all
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Post-WWII investments
Dense & Thriving Urban Centers
Classic Agglomeration Landscapes
Ancient Landmarks
Future of rural lands increasingly a
political question
Created JDG 2000
Western Europe
Future: Globalization
Integration of EE into EU
Ethnic Tolerance
Old World Core replaced by New World Cores (US, CANADA, &
Created JDG 2000