The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Subject Description Form Subject Code ITC3861 Subject Title Fashion Retail Buying Credit Value 3 Level 3 Pre-requisite / Co-requisite/ Exclusion Pre-requisite: Fashion Retailing Principles (ITC2890) Objectives Intended Learning Outcomes The subject aims to help students to acquire knowledge of the discipline of fashion buying as well as to explore current global and local issues in retail buying. This subject will seek to enhance the development of students’ global awareness, critical and analytical thinking and communication skills. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. describe the fundamentals of the buying process and integrate the knowledge towards fashion retailing principles; b. analyze buying principles, procedures and techniques to enhance merchandising/buying decisions; c. formulate and implement strategies for effective fashion buying to contribute to the success of the fashion retailer; d. develop creativity towards solving issues in fashion buying in the marketplace; e. develop research, communication and presentation skills; f. acquire experience in teamwork approach and skills towards solving problems. Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus (I) Introduction to Fashion Retail Buying Basic concepts and overview of retail buying Buying for different types of retail institutions (II) The Fundamentals of Fashion Buying Understanding the fashion consumers Fashion buying preparation and forecast Planning and control of merchandise assortment Seasonal sales plan and buy plan Open-to-buy analysis 227 Teaching/Learning Methodology Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes (III) The Merchandise Management Financial aspects of merchandising plan Merchandise budget plan Inventory management (IV) The Merchandise Strategies Product development strategy Testing of new merchandise Private label and import programs Ordering and the replenishment process End of season merchandise strategies Pricing strategies and practice (V) The Sourcing Strategies The global marketplace Evaluating and buying from domestic or foreign markets Fashion markets review Buyer / Vendor relationship and negotiation (VI) Current trends and research issues Case studies of buying strategies of fashion retailers Research and analysis of current trends Dynamic changes in fashion buying of retail environment Problem based learning approach will be adopted to facilitate problem solving skills and analytical ability of the students. Students are required to do projects and case studies to help them integrate knowledge of the industry. Lectures are structured to convey theories and concepts for the discipline of fashion buying. Workshops are designed to supplement lectures to facilitate learning. Seminars are used to develop critical thinking ability towards practical issues of fashion buying. Based on interactive teaching and learning approach, students will be assessed individually by continuous coursework and term paper. Specific assessment methods/tasks % weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f 1. Coursework 50 % 2. Examination 50 % Total 100 % 228 In the Coursework part, students will be guided by a tutor to explore current issues in fashion retail buying. There will also be hands-on sessions for the use of quantitative models in budgeting and buying. Students will also have the opportunity to develop their presentation skills for some of the planned workshops. There will be one major project handled by the allocated groups to simulate a real buying situation, where they will need to reference all they have learnt from the lectures and tutorials. Working together will develop individual and group research, critical and analytical thinking skills and meets the objectives set out in the ILO. Student Study Effort Expected Class contact: Lecture/Workshop 28 Hrs. Seminar/Project 14 Hrs. Other student study effort: Self Reading 26 Hrs. Project Work 28 Hrs. Total student study effort Reading List and References 96 Hrs. Essential Clodfelter, R. 3rd Edition. Retail Buying: from From Basics to Fashion. Fairchild Publications Diamond, J. & Pintel, G. 8th Edition Retail Buying. NJ: Prentice Hall. Donnellan, J. 3rd Edition Merchandise Buying and Management. NY: Fairchild Publications. Tepper, B.K. & Godnick, N.E. (2000). Mathematics for Retail Buying. NY: Fairchild Publications. Supplementary Bohlinger, M. S., 5th Edition. Merchandise Buying. NY: Fairchild Publications. Cash, R.P., Thomas, C., Wingate, J.W., & Friedlander, J.S. (2005). Management of Retail Buying. NY: John Wiley & Sons. Goworek, H., (2007) Fashion Buying, Blackwell Science. 229 Levy, M. & Weitz, B.A. (2011). McGrawHill. Retailing Management. Irwin Journals Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Journal of Marketing Journal of Retailing Periodicals Women’s Wear Daily Inside Fashion Draper’s Record Vogue-UK, US, French & Italian Editions Elle Marie Claire GQ Fruit Milk Websites 230