Science - Mount Abu Public School

Mount Abu Public School
Holidays Home Work
Session 2014-15
Class: XII (Science Stream)
Dear Parent,
Holidays are meant for ringing in happy times. Leisure and Pleasure go hand in hand but studies
should not be forgotten during this time. The school, therefore, plans some interesting activities to
keep the child learn and explore not only his books but his outer world too. The child must be
encouraged to complete these assignments happily and must enjoy them at the same time. Also the
parent must act as a guide or a support and let the child do all these activities himself/herself.
There are some beneficial instructions to be followed for the completion of the holiday’s homework
and overall revision session.
 Help your ward in planning a well laid out schedule that allows time for work, academic and
co-circular pursuits.
 Guide your ward to revise the syllabus covered for all subjects till date.
 Encourage your ward to indulge in reading extra books.
 Encourage your ward to converse in English at home and read the newspaper daily.
 Holiday homework should be attempted as per instructions for each subject.
 The search for the Integrated Project work should be done separately.
 The School will reopen on 1st July 2014.
Holiday Homework (for all subjects) must be submitted as per the mentioned dates.
• 3rd July, Physics / Accountancy
• 4th July, B.Studies / Chemistry
• 5th July, English
• 7th July, Mathematics/ I.P
• 8th July, Optional/ Economics
The prescribed holiday homework will make a part of Test Series.
The novel prescribed to children by CBSE must be read by the child regularly and the related
activities, based on them ,will be conducted in the class after the vacations.
General Instruction
Q.1 Surf the internet for some famous poems by ‘Afred Tennyson;/’Robert Frost’ and paste them.
b) Write the ‘poetic device’ used by the poet with their evidence.
Q.2 Ours is a world of advertisements. The electronic and print media have an advertisements
galore. Most of these ads are misleading and false. Should there be a check on what they
claim? Write a related article in 250-300 words.
Q.3 You have travelled from the stone age to the age of computers. There is an explosion in the
field of technology. Write a speech in about 200 words to be delivered in the science
symposium to be held in your school on the topic ‘The advancement of technology’.
Q.4 You feel that the facilities for tourism can be improved in India. Write a letter to the secretary,
Department of tourism of our same. Also suggest some facilities that can be provided.
* Read the novel ‘The invisible man’ by H.G.Wells
*Revise the syllabus that has been covered in the class for the ‘Special test’ will be
conducted in the last week of June.
General Instructions
Prepare an investigatory project in about 14 sheets (28 pages) on the topic given to you by
your Physics teacher. Use A4 size coloured sheets for the project including various images,
latest discoveries and inventions on the topics allotted to you. Mention –
Bibliography in your project.
Some useful links for the projects given below:
Assessment Criteria: Contents, Originality, Creativity, Presentation & Research
Questions from Practice Manual & NCERT
Electric charges and field NCERT (Exercise ) Q no. 1.1 to 1.15
Practice Manual- 2 & 3 marks question. From Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
NCERT, ALL Solved exercises and unsolved ones from 2.4 to 2.15
Practice Manual -2 & 3 marks question.
Current Electricity NCERT:-All solved examples.
Practice Manual – Page No. 34 to 39
General Guidelines
Prepare a chemistry Project on the topic given to you by your chemistry teacher. Use A4 size
sheets for the project including various
 Newspaper clippings
 Images
 Latest discoveries and inventions on the topic.
Mention –
 Contents
 Acknowledgement
 Aim
 Theory
 Observations
 Conclusions
 Result
 Bibliography in your project.
Assessment Criteria: Contents, Originality, creativity, Presentation & Research
Some useful links for the projects given below:
Do the questions of the following chapters from the Practice Manual in a separate school
Chapter 10 –Haloalkanes and haloarenes
Chapter 2 – Solutions
Chapter 11- Alcohol and Phenols
Chapter 12- Aldehydes ,Ketones and Carboxylic acids.
Q1. Make the summary of the chapters done in the class (Ch. – 1 to 5).
Summary must include all the definitions of the sub topics and all the related formulae.
Q2. Do the Self – Assessments of Ch – 1 to 5 from Practice Manual.
Instructions to do Practice Manual: All the work is to be done in Practice Notebook.
 The assignments in the Practice Notebook should be done in a neat and clean
 Students should ensure the questions are done within a time limit as specified in class
room by the teachers.
General Instructions
Where to do? Separate Notebook
1. How does Zygote usually differ from Zoospore in terms of ploidy
2. Which characteristic property of Bryophyllum is exploited by gardeners and farmers?
3. Give the scientific name of a plant which came to India as a contaminant with imported wheat
and causes pollen allergy.
4. Pollen grains of water pollinated species have a special characteristic for protection from water.
What is that?
5. Give the function of (a)Corpus luteum (b) Endometrium
6. In the given figure, give the name and functions of parts labeled A and B.
7. Give reasons for the following :
(a) The first half of the menstrual cycle is called follicular phase as well as proliferative phase.
(b) The second half of the menstrual cycle is called luteal phase as well as secretory phase.
8. Explain the significance of the condition in which the testes remains suspended in the scrotum
outside the abdomen.
9. After a successful in vitro fertilisation, the fertilised egg begins to divide. Where is this egg
transferred before it reaches the 8-celled stage and what is this technique called?
10. Name the fluid from which foetal cells are extracted for chromosomal analysis.
11. How are non medicated IUDs different from hormone releasing IUDs? Give examples.
12. Name the technique :
(i)Transfer of an ovum collected from a donor into the fallopian tube of another female who cannot
produce ova but can provide a suitable environment for fertilisation and development.
(ii)Embryo is formed in laboratory in which sperm is directly injected into the ovum.
(iii)Semen collected either from the husband or a healthy donor is
artificially introduced either into the vagina or the uterus.
13. Name any one plant that shows the phenomenon of incomplete dominance during the
inheritance of its flower colour.
14. Name the base change and the amino acid change, responsible for sickle cell anaemia.
15. Name the disorder with the following chromosome complement:
(i) 22 pairs of autosomes + X X Y
(ii) 22 pairs of autosomes + 21st chromosome + XY.
16. A haemophilic man marries a normal homozygous woman. What is the probability that their
daughter will be haemophilic?
17. A test is performed to know whether the given plant is homozygous dominant or heterozygous.
Name the test and phenotypic ratio of this test for a monohybrid cross.
18. Bryophytes and Pteridophytes produce a large number of male gametes but relatively very few
female gametes. Why?
19. Distinguish between gametogenesis and embryogenesis.
20. Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction. Why is vegetative reproduction also
considered as a type of asexual reproduction?
21.The Outer envelop of pollen grains made of a highly resistant substance. What is that
substance? At which particular point is the substance not present?
22.Among the animals, insects particularly bees are the dominant pollinating agents. List any four
characteristic features of the insect pollinated flower.
23. Name the parts A, B, C and D of the anatropous ovule (Figure 2) given above.
(a)Read the graph given below. Correlate the ovarian events that take place in the human
female according to the level of the pituitary hormone during the following day.
(i) 10th . 14th days (ii) 14th .15th days
(iii) 16th . 23th days (iv) 25th . 29th days (If the ovum is not fertilised)
(b) What are the uterine events that follow beyond 29th day if
the ovum is not fertilised?
Study the figure given :
(i) Pick out and name the cells that undergo spermiogenesis.
(ii) Name .A. and .C. cells.
(iii) Give ploidy of .B. and .E.
(iv) What are the cells marked as .F.? Mention their functions.
(v) Mention the type of cell division in A and B.
Mention two differences between Turner.s syndrome and Klinefelter.s syndome.
The human male never passes on the gene for haemophilia to his son. Why is it so?
Mention four reasons why Drosophila was chosen by Morgan for his experiments in genetics.
Choose any one topic for the project from the list given below::
 Reservation System
 Dictionary
 Payroll System
 Hospital Management
 Student Management System
 Mobile Billing System
 Credit Card Billing System
 Billing System( Any)
 Student Fee Management System
 Banking
 Library Management System
 Hotel Management System
 School Information System etc.
Complete the Project in C++ and submit the CD along with the proper project report.
Layout of the project:
 Cover Page (including name of the project, name of the student, roll no and class)
 Index
 Acknowledgement
 Content
 Output
 Bibliography
Assessment Criteria: Content, Originality, & Presentation
General Instructions:
 All the work is to be done in Physical Education Practical file only
 The events in practical file should be done in neat and clean manner
 Add pictures, dimensions, structures wherever applicable
 Write in original and legible hand
References : Physical Education Book, Practical files, Internet etc.
Physical Fitness-AAHPER
Athletics-Middle & Long Distance Runs & Throws
Health & Fitness Activities- Asanas/Swiss Ball/Plyometric/Aerobics (any one)
Skill of any one Team Game of choice from the given list.
Record File
The events being opted must be other than from those administered under Physical Fitness Test.
1. Write benefits of Asanas, Swiss Ball & Plyometric
2. Measures Resting Heart Rate & Respiratory Rate of ten members from family or neighborhood
for three weeks & show graphical representation of the data.
3. Draw a neat diagram of the Field/Court of any one Game of choice. Write its history, Rules &
Regulation, Terminologies & Important Tournaments.
Athletics, Basketball, Football, Handball, Hocky, Kho Kho & Volleyball