Republi of the Philippines Depa t of Education Natr Capitai Region DIVISION F CITY SCHOOLS Quezon ity, N,Ieto Manila wp&ffiw August 25,2411 MEMORANDUM TO: ntendents Asst. Schools Division Su Division/District Su pervisors Secondary School Principals Ofiicers-ln-Charge I Attached is Regiona* Letter Division Superintendent, Director re: "SALIKASAN H August 16, 2011, which is guidance of all concemed. o. 297 from ELENA R. RUIZ, Schools ln*Charge, Office of the Regional lmmediate and wide dissem ion of this Memorandum is desired. School Research Convention" dated - explanatory, for the inforrnation and ORAZON C. RUBIO, CESO VI Schools Division Superi ntendent MEMOIJR I(epu v+@ ng Pilipinas (Republic ,f the Philippnes) KAGAWA F{ NG EDUKASYON (DEPART" oF EDUCATTON) PAITBANSA PUNONC RENIY (IIATIOI'{AL 'APITAL REGION) Daang Misamis, (Misamis St., Bantay, Lungsod Q Bantay, Quezon Ci ri^...,','.. lr. r; r.. ,a.,r lt iiJi\ Iru !-l*tihr* $fi{i'Il{iH August 16,2811 To: SchoolsDivisionSuperintendents Dear Sir/ Madam: Attached is a letter dated August 1, 01 1 of Ms. Anna Karmina C. Caballes, Project Head, Saliksikan para sa Kalikasan (SA KASAI$, UP Manila - College of Pharrhacy, re: SALIKASAN High School Resea Convention, the contents of which are seltexplanatory, for information and te action. Immediate and wide dissemination o this Regional Letter is desired. Very truly yours L*.:.7 (. ELENA RUTZ Schools Dlvi sion Superintendent Officer-ln-Charge Office ofthe Regional Director Regional Letter F3/n3 " N". fl47 ?A.n z.a.tlo rr,'€o,mpe*nrn, arulr 9.i,g,n*lia.ri' 1it,, I. :r '; ,t:.1:t.,.. t ''::t .. -k $rl.rr-rta.AsAl\T) rnflippines Manila, College of Pharmacy TaftAvenue eorner Pedro Gil St., Ermita, Manila Contact numbers: 0927676428Sl ogrSgogssoo EXECI.ITIVf COMNdITTEE Epffi,n'NsR August 1, 2011 A"Y.2011-2012 Ms. Elena R. Ruiz Schools Division Superintende nt Anna Karmina G. Cabatles President Officer-ln{harge Offlce tilthe Regional Director {t'w Dear Ms. Ruiz: $1?*r', Arianne Dianne A. Aniflon Vice President Regine Philline S; del Rosario Secietary-Treasurer Michelte S. Castafieda Auditor-Business Oflicer COMlWITTEEHEAD6 Scarlette B. de Luna Air Mabuhayl The Saliksikan para sa Kalikasen (SAIIKASANI is :n envlronmental research-oriented organizetion ln UP Col{ege of Pharmacy that conducts significant researches related to environmental health and safety. lt is the primary aim of the organization to promote environmental consciousness and concern arnong communities, schools and other institutions based on scientific research outputs. This year, the organiration will hold its first $AIIKIASAN High $chool Research Conventlon, a competltion open to 3'd and 4th year high school students for investigatory projects involved in topics including environrnental health and safety, and the related fields of biology, microbiology, ecology and environmental science, Accepted researches in accordance to the guidelines (see attachment) will be presented at fhe Emilio T. Yap Auditorium of Valenzuela Hall ln College of Pharmacy, UP Manlla on Februariy 27,2Ot2, ln line with the organization's objective, the said conventlon will be a venue for sharing and disseminating relevant research topics that may be translated for public awareness on the environment, as well as provide a basis for recommendation of policies and ifiplementetion guldelines to authorized agencies. LeilaMaeB. Tahir . Soil ,,,,.:lt",ol. , "..,,.0;, to request your high office for the accreditation of SAIIKASAN High $rhool'Rei*arch Convention, Sending memoranda to high schools ln NCR to invite their particlpation willgreatly help us further promote our objectfue. ln this regard, we would like ., --.,. . - Benjamin C. Arcdra Jr. Water Hoping for your most favcrrable re$ponse. Thank you very much. Respeffglly yours, -_v FOIJNDESY AI}VISER I Qlru./ l1 *(na *qim;na c caballes Project Head Dr. Judilynn N. Solidum SAIIKASAN Hlgh School Research Conventlon Noted by; ,tmWtotnf Prof, Bienvenldo S. Balotro Student.Relations Officer -[P.t-u-4 r[-r t Dr.lmelda G.Fefia Dban, ttP€,bfl eige of P ha rmacY ' ..' 'i. .,..rii ..t;,;i?" '"..';:;t:' tl;E " Contact Details: Anna Karmina C, Caballes President E-mail : salikasa SALIKASAN of SALIKASAN, College pharmacy, University of the philippines_Maniia, Contact #: 0915903g500 Taft Avenue corner pedro Gil ;;., Ermita, Manila III. 2. Participants must subrnit an accom abstract ofthe research paperon/b 3. A sreening of the entries will be con cted and notices will be given after one week of screening to the respective schools. Fo accepted entries, participants (4f copies of the complete ,.r"ur.h o" on/before February !0, must submit four ZALZ, 4. Registration will be done on the Convention (February 27, 20t2l. participants. d application form and four (4) copies of the January 16,ZOIZ. of 'the SALIKASAN High School Research will be no registration fee collected from the PRESENTATION L, There will be only one presenter per 2. Ten {10} minutes will be allotted forr (team members may participate if appli 3. rch topic. sentation, and fiye (51 minutes for questions ). The presentation should follow this ord a. Title of investigatory/resea rch b. Objeaive/ purpose c. Methodology d. Results and Discussion e. Conclusion and Recommendation IV. AWARDS Best Research proiect Award This award shall be given to the environmentally significant content. The wi recognition. h project" with the most complete and er shall receive a trophy and certificate of *' -" ' ,'t ...,:. , t t' t'!''":,y, SALIKASAN High School Research Convention The $aliksikan para sa Kalikesan (SALIKASAN) is an environmental research-based organizetion founded in 2009, recognized by the College of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines-Manila. lt is composed of phartnacy students and its main activity is to conduct researChes related to environmental health and safety. ln its aim to promote environmental consciousness and concern among communities, schools, and institutions, the organization will hold its first SALTKASAN High School Research Convention. lt is a research presentation event that will serye as a venue for sharing and dissemination of research and investigatory proJects on topics relating to the environment. The target participants of this event will be 3'd or 4th year high school students in Metro Manila. I. OBJECTIVES To encourage research on topics related to environment among students particularly high schoolstudents. To serve as a venue for sharing and dissemination of significant information relevant to the envlronment through presentations of research and investigatory projects To provide intermediation between the schools and the local government for relevant environmental researches that may be a basis for the recommendation and implementation of policies II. REQUIREMENTS A. Contents 1. The convention will be limited to research and investigatory projects on topics relevant to the environment specifically in the fields of Environmental Health and Safety, 2. 3. Environmental Science, Ecology, Biology and Microbiology. The research should be novel or a continuation of an existing research project. The research should be recognized by the school as part of the requirement in the school's curriculum (ie. Research subject). B. Participants ' 1. The convention will be open to 3d year or 4th year high schoot students in Metro 2. C. Manila. The convention will be open to both individual and team projects. Submission of Entries L, tnterested schools must contact the organizers for notice of participation on/before September 30, 2011, A hard copy of the application form will be sent to the school and also through e-mail upon confirmation. Eest presenterAward fhf 1ryarO shafl be given to rhe orr a1d,h; 1,11"f['1:]., award shall receive ;;.;;;fi,i; a medaland a mastery or the iiTi."J.tnffi":lrs proper' The -topic of winner of tiris recognition. Best DefenderAward sha[ be given io the ]1_ayrC pa resgych -ff cipant who can answer questions proJect most adegu.tulv. regarding thelr certificate of recognition. . ---'r, .. winner of this award ,h;ii;;r",* T meoar and a Criteria for Judglng Best Research proJect Award Environmental Relevance - ""-* Scientific Thought 35% 20% Jhoroushness ind Completeness -"'FrLr, Research TOTAL skllls 20tr 15 96 fiW9#. Best presenterAward ylrtery of the topic Delivery Organization Result presentation Vtsualatds Tlme TOTAL Eest DefunderAward Masteryof the topic Clarity Thoroughness Dellvery Organlzailon TOTAL 25% 25% 2A% 1s% rQ96 109d 7W16 2s% 259r 2A16 2s9# r096 100 96 Saliksikan para sa l(alikasan (SALIKASAN) University of the Philippihes Manila, College of Pharmacy TaftAvenue corner Ppdro Gil St., Ermita, Manila Contact numbers: o9376764z85/ ogrSgo385oo SALIKASAN High School Research Convention Name of Student/Team Leader: Year level: Contact Number(s): Email: Team Member(s): Title qf the Project*: Schogl: School Phone Number: Schoql Address: *Fou; copies of the abstract are required. Due pnlbefore January t6,2OI2. Studgnt Acknowledgement 1) I have read and understood the mechanics and guidelines of the SALIKASAN High School Research Convention. 2) Any form of scientific fraud such as plagiarism, autbmatically result in disqualification. forgery, fabrication, etc. will I Student's Signature over Printed Name Date Acknowledged Parent/Guardian Approval I give my consent for my child to participate in the SALIKASAhI High School Research Convention. Parent/Gua rd ian's Signatu re over Printed Name Date of Approval