2011 Annual Report - Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota

Pets and
Care closer to home p.7
Back to her rightful place of happy,
nine-year-old Kaya, a former Children’s
patient, shows her love of acting as she poses
by herself and with her older sister, Breya.
New spaces in St. Paul
resea ams
pr ogr
Research and
clinical trials at
a glance p.11
Making safe simple
Hope and opportunity
Children’s CEO and board chair
share 2011 highlights
The little & big things
Programs & services
A new collaboration
Capital campaign
Thanks to gifts & grants
Research & recognition
Leading the way
A combined effort
Children’s leadership
Financials, facts and statistics
Donors rise to the occasion
Hope and opportunity
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota
champions the special health needs of children
and their families. We are committed to improving
children’s health by providing high-quality, familycentered pediatric services. We advance these efforts
through research and education.
Children’s will be a national leader in advancing
the health of children, innovating and delivering
family-centered care of exceptional quality.
Raymond L. Barton and Alan L. Goldbloom, MD
2011 was a year of change and challenges, but also a year of hope and opportunity at Children’s Hospitals
and Clinics of Minnesota. Fewer children in Minnesota were hospitalized for serious illness or injury than
any time in the past decade, which is good news. However, of the young people in the Twin Cities needing
hospitalization, a higher percentage than ever before chose Children’s. Even with current health care hurdles,
we continue to grow and be recognized as a leader in children’s care.
This year’s annual report shares the stories and highlights of our remarkable year, from expanded programs
and new construction to the little things that make a family’s health care experience unlike any other.
You’ll read about some of our new units and programs; the research and work we’re doing in the community
to advance kids’ health; St. Paul’s new emergency department, funded by a generous gift from the Peter
J. King Family Foundation; and our new neuroscience center and partnerships that are improving the
continuity of care across the region.
It’s no secret that health care is one of the most challenging, and exciting, places to work right now. As
federal and state resources continue to tighten, rest assured that the quality of care delivered at Children’s
continues to improve through your commitment. Your ongoing generosity will bring hope and healing to
thousands of children every year.
Will, 4-years-old, and a
former Children’s patient.
Alan L. Goldbloom, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota
Ray Barton
Chairman of the Board, Great Clips, Inc.
Chair, Children’s Board of Directors
From surgeries big and small,
to cancer care and innovative
pain management techniques,
nobody treats kids like we do.
And it’s your generosity that
helps make it all possible.
What sets Children’s of Minnesota apart from other
hospitals? In short, everything – from the cutting edge
surgery suites, to special pediatric pain protocols,
to the music and bubbles and popsicles that remind
our patients to be kids and provide much needed
distraction. Everything we are and everything we do is
100 percent kid-focused.
Suzanne Ullom of Bozeman, MT, knows all about the
big and little things that make Children’s different.
Her daughter Shelby was born at 23 weeks in a
hospital that wasn’t equipped to handle a seriously
premature baby. Her doctors recommended a
transfer to Children’s, and understandably, Suzanne
was anxious. But then her neonatologist told her,
“Children’s is the best there is. If Shelby were my
daughter, that’s where we would be.”
From the moment Shelby arrived at Children’s,
she was ushered into a world of care specifically
designed for kids. The Ullom family’s
experience at Children’s was so
profound that they sold their
home in Montana and moved
to Minneapolis, a distance
of almost 1,000 miles, so
Shelby could get the best
care and experience.
Two years later, Shelby’s
condition still requires
frequent visits to
Children’s. “Shelby likes
to do everything that
other kids her age like
to do,” says Suzanne.
“Children’s lets her be
just that…a kid.”
Suzanne Ullom shares a
tender moment with her
now two-year-old daughter
Shelby, who was born at just
23 weeks and cared for at
Children’s neonatal intensive
care unit.
1. Pets and healing
2. The little things
3. Star Studio
CBS’s The Early Show learned about Children’s
Pets Assisting With Healing (PAWH) program
and spread the word about what a difference
these volunteers are making in the lives of
children and their families. Established in
2004, Children’s PAWH program now includes
more than 25 dog teams and two bunnies that
visit patients in the hospital and work with kids
during appointments. PAWH fulfills requests
across all Children’s campuses.
At Children’s, we take pride in offering a
patient experience unlike any other. That’s
why we use super-fast, needle-free numbing
agents before starting an IV. Or pull children
in a red wagon from one appointment to the
next. Or keep a ready supply of popsicles
on hand. It’s these little things that mean
so much to kids. After all, children are the
reason we’re here – and the reason you
support us so generously.
Three decades ago, Children’s Star Studio
began with a security camera, a puppet
and lots of creativity. Today, Star Studio has
evolved into our own in-house TV channel
that brightens the day for kids and makes a
difference in their experience at Children’s.
It’s all part of our belief that arts are integral
in a patient’s healing journey. And, one more
thing that sets us apart from other hospitals.
4. Emergency care
5. Child life
We know that kids experiencing a traumatic
event do better at a dedicated children’s
hospital. Thanks to community support,
trauma capabilities at Children’s have
dramatically increased. Pediatric emergency
medicine physicians plus new pediatric
orthopedic care coverage are available at
both designated Level III pediatric trauma
centers. In Minneapolis, a new helipad and
pediatric surgeon in house 24/7 provide
children more rapid access to critical care
and surgery. The best emergency care and
the best emergency experts – all dedicated
exclusively to kids.
No hospital stay is without its share of worry
and stress. That’s why Children’s certified
child life specialists are there for children –
and their families – throughout the hospital
stay. Their presence can help decrease the
anxiety kids may feel while in the hospital
or visiting the clinics, emergency rooms,
radiology or surgery areas. They play with
the patients, talk to their siblings and
answer questions. Quite often, they can
make the biggest impact on a family while
their child is in the hospital. And, this
program – 100 percent donor supported – is
only available thanks to your generosity.
programs & services
A new
We understand that the needs of a child’s body often
make injury treatment more complex. In orthopedics,
for example, a fracture in a growing child’s bone needs
specialized attention.
A new collaboration with Gillette Children’s Specialty
Healthcare means that Children’s of Minnesota
patients now have access to the best pediatric
orthopedists in the region – within the walls of our
two hospitals. These fellowship-trained experts offer
round-the-clock emergency room coverage, weekday
inpatient consultations, and follow-up care. In most
cases, clinic appointments can be made the same day.
Health care is a constantly changing
field, with new and exciting
developments happening every
day. That’s why we at Children’s
continually expand our programs
and services to care for every child
who needs our help.
of U.S.
are affected by an eating
disorder, but most do not
receive treatment for their
specific eating condition.*
Eating disorders can present a complicated array of physical and
emotional challenges. Simultaneously addressing these challenges with a
caring team of multi-disciplinary professionals is the best way to lead our
patients on the path to healthy choices. In 2011, Children’s launched the
Center for the Treatment of Eating Disorders to provide the first pediatric
hospital-based program of its kind in the Twin Cities. The center offers
immediate access to medical stabilization along with a cooperative focus on
family needs and referring physicians for continued treatment.
*According to an NIMH-funded study published online ahead of print March 7, 2011, in the
Archives of General Psychiatry.
This partnership allows each health care system to
benefit from the other’s expertise and resources.
While Children’s will focus on emergency care
and general orthopedics, Gillette will continue
to treat those with lifelong disabilities like
cerebral palsy and spina bifida as well as
conditions that affect the spine.
Patients like Zach – who came in
for an elbow injury – benefit from
the combined expertise that
Children’s physicians, including
Jamie Engels, MD, and Gillette
bring through the new
orthopedic partnership.
Children’s now has partnership
agreements with some of the finest
pediatric clinics in the area – Metro
Pediatrics, PACE Pediatric and Adolescent
Care of Minnesota, and Northeast
Pediatrics. There are also cooperative
agreements with regional hospitals to
provide services such as cancer and
blood disorder treatment at St. Cloud
Hospital and Hudson Hospital & Clinics.
This unique web of Children’s health
care providers and partnerships means
that families can receive seamless care
closer to home, minimizing the costs and
stresses of travel.
New concussion clinic
Neurosurgery program growth
Innovations in neurology and neurosurgery have greatly improved the quality
of life for children with neurological conditions, from concussions and epilepsy
to brain tumors. The addition of Joseph Petronio, MD, to the neurosurgery
department is one example of how Children’s is in constant pursuit of
improving programs to meet patient needs. Under his leadership, the
neurosurgery department is enhancing programs and expanding capabilities
to help more children than ever.
Care closer to home
Startling new research has drawn
attention to the dangers of concussion in
people of all ages, but especially those
in children. In 2011, Children’s created
its concussion clinic to address the
increased need for comprehensive medical
evaluation for concussion patients. The
clinic offers a full battery of tests and
provides individual treatment plans with
follow-up care and symptom management.
The demand has been so high, Children’s
hopes to grow the program through
additional donor support.
capital campaign
Thanks to
gifts & grants
Your generosity is why Children’s
can offer the comprehensive services,
world-class facilities and a unique
healing environment that meets the
needs of our region’s young people.
Through recent and upcoming capital
projects, we are continuing to build
facilities that rightly match the level
of care we provide.
The neuroscience center will benefit
patients and families such as Lyla
and her parents Masud and Emily.
Diagnosed with a brain tumor at age
2, today Lyla is cancer free, following
treatment at Children’s of Minnesota.
Brain-related conditions are often the most complex
and frightening of patient diagnoses. Concussions,
epilepsy, brain tumors and other neurological
conditions can require a team of various medical
professionals, making treatment plans complex
and challenging for the whole family. The new
neuroscience center at Children’s – St. Paul, the only
one of its kind in the region, will provide a centralized
diagnosis and treatment hub to benefit everyone from
patient and parent to doctor and therapist.
The design of the neuroscience center includes
private patient rooms with additional space for family
members. Plus, new labs, play and relaxation areas,
and treatment rooms mean that one floor can meet
every need. Families will no longer have to shuttle
from one location to another to see various specialists.
Everyone they need to see will be readily accessible.
The neuroscience center shell is built, but needs
to be fully funded before work on the interior can
begin. It is our hope that the center and other
Children’s – St. Paul capital improvements can
be completed in 2012, but we need your help to
make it a reality.
Peter J. King
1. New spaces in St. Paul
Children’s – St. Paul is experiencing a birth
of its own – there is new life in new spaces,
making the hospital an inviting place of
health and healing. With your support, we
have opened a new surgery center, new
Level II nursery, new pediatric intensive
care unit with all private patient rooms and
a newly expanded emergency department.
Gift opportunities are still available for the
beautiful and therapeutic rooftop garden,
designed to have flowers, walking paths
and play areas.
2. U
nveiling a new
emergency department
Children’s – St. Paul emergency department
has undergone new design and construction
thanks to a generous gift from the Peter J.
King Family Foundation, which supports
“bricks and mortar” improvements in areas
like youth education and health care. It
was a fitting endeavor for this foundation
to provide the funds for Children’s new
emergency department, which aims to
increase efficiency, decrease wait times,
enhance infection control, and create an
emergency experience that is as comforting
and supportive as possible.
3. Fill a Room with Care
Imagine if your child or a loved one needed
critical medical care. Chances are you
would prefer a quiet, private room where
your child and family could gather during
the healing process. Through Fill a Room
with Care, families and corporations are
paying it forward and helping underwrite the
expense of a private room and all it affords,
from greater conveniences for families
and increased infection control, to fewer
patient moves and greater access to special
equipment and medication. Just another
way that your generosity creates a unique
healing experience.
4. Every dollar counts
5. The Mother Baby Center
Last year, Children’s provided more than
$50 million of care not covered by insurance
or Medicaid. And that number will grow as
state and federal dollars for health care
continue to disappear. Children’s has been
and always will be committed to treating
every child who needs it. That’s why no gift
is too small, and why every dollar donated
truly matters.
With your support, we are partnering with
Allina Health to build the best place to
have a baby – and the best place to be
a baby. The Mother Baby Center, located
on Children’s – Minneapolis campus
and connected by skyway to Abbott
Northwestern Hospital, will integrate
Abbott Northwestern’s maternity and
newborn services with Children’s neonatal
intensive care unit.
research & recognition
National leaders High honors for a job well done
the way
While quality and safety are always
a top priority, we continue to apply
bedside learning to inspire new
and better ways of providing care.
That’s why we’re committed to
ambitious research and scientific
inquiry. This has brought Children’s
numerous awards and accolades,
but more importantly — it gives our
patients hope.
Cancer is one of the most terrifying words a parent
could ever hear. Even though it is the leading cause
of death by disease among children in the United
States, only three percent of federal cancer research
funding addresses cancers impacting kids. That’s why
private funding is so important to the many health
professionals who study childhood cancers.
In 2011, St. Baldrick’s Foundation gave a $330,000
grant to Kris Ann Schultz, MD, a Children’s pediatric
cancer specialist studying rare tumors found in
children and adolescents.
Because of the grant and funding from Hyundai Hope
on Wheels and Children’s annual Pine Tree Tennis
Classic, Dr. Schultz, along with colleagues from
Children’s National Medical Center and Dana Farber
Cancer Institute, established the International Ovarian
and Testicular Stromal Tumor (OTST) Registry – the
first registry of its kind.
Path to Excellence award
Consumer Reports
NRC Picker (NRCP), a division of
National Research Corporation,
selected Children’s Hospitals and
Clinics of Minnesota for its 2011
Path to Excellence award. One of
only three recipients in the country,
Children’s received this award
based on achievement within
categories identified by patients
as most important to the quality of
their care, like physical comfort,
emotional support and coordination
of care.
Children’s pediatric intensive care
units (PICU) received national
attention from an unusual source:
Consumer Reports. The magazine
gathered 2010 data and ranked
92 children’s hospitals across the
country on rates of bloodstream
infection. Children’s – St. Paul
PICU ranked in the very highest
category with zero infections.
Children’s – Minneapolis PICU
earned the second highest rating
having half as many bloodstream
infections as the national average.
This recognition highlights our
outstanding staff members and
their dedication to delivering the
highest quality care.
The OTST Registry allows for collecting clinical and
biological records and continued research focused
on rare tumors found in children and adolescents.
Forming a centralized database will help in
understanding the nature of the tumors and, in
turn, lead to increased survival rates.
Numerous awards
Children’s Anne Harris, (L) clinical
research coordinator, and Kris Ann
Schultz, MD, a pediatric cancer
specialist, helped establish the
International Ovarian and
Testicular Stromal Tumor
Registry – the first of
its kind.
Research and clinical
trials at a glance
Children’s clinical investigators
are searching for treatments, cures
and patient protocols that will help
pediatric patients here and around
the world. In 2011, we received more
than $12 million of generous support
from foundations, individuals and
other organizations that enabled us to
continue our research work. We boast
an impressive slate of 403 active
research and sponsored programs,
with 204 clinical trials and 70
additional peer-reviewed publications
in 2011 alone.
When we’re not providing advanced care to our patients, our doctors, nurses and support
personnel continue to learn and lead, garnering numerous awards for their work. Among them:
The Minnesota Chapter
of the Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation honored John
McNamara, MD, medical
director of Children’s cystic
fibrosis program, with the
Angela Warner Friend
of The Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation Award.
Patsy Stinchfield, MS,
RN, CNP, director of
infectious disease services
at Children’s, earned
the American Nurses
Association (ANA)
Immunity Award, which
recognizes nurses’ roles
in increasing vaccination
rates and reducing
incidence of vaccinepreventable diseases.
Sharon Berry, PhD,
a Children’s clinical
psychologist specializing
in child and pediatric
services, received the
2011 Outstanding Service
Award from the Minnesota
Association for Children’s
Mental Health, for her work
in the children’s mental
health arena.
S tefan J. Friedrichsdorf,MD,
medical director of the
department of pain
medicine, palliative care
and integrative medicine
at Children’s, received a
2011 Cunniff-Dixon Award
for innovative symptom
management of pediatric
patients, compassion and
family-centered care.
A combined
Children’s presence reaches
beyond our hospital walls. It’s felt
in the community through health
screenings, disaster response,
health education and counseling,
often benefiting families with few
resources. It’s this ripple effect of
your generosity that impacts our
entire region.
With the widespread use of the measles vaccine, this
painful and life-threatening disease is practically
eradicated – but not entirely. In the spring of 2011, a
reported case of measles in Hennepin County caused
an outbreak. Fortunately, Children’s was ready.
The first steps included tracing the child’s
whereabouts during the incubation period. Each
person risking exposure received detailed counseling
about how to minimize the spread of measles, and
which vaccine or preventive medication would be
right for them. Next, state and local authorities
worked closely with Children’s staff to establish triage
procedures and treatment protocols. In addition,
Children’s staff went out into the community to spread
the word about immunizations and dispel recent
myths about vaccine complications.
Children’s saw the vast majority of infected
patients, and hospitalized 13 of those with
complications. Through a combined effort, the
outbreak was contained and no lives were lost.
Even after the initial crisis was over, the Children’s
team continued to address the underlying
cause of the outbreak. By joining a Minnesota
Department of Health task force, Children’s
health professionals are helping to educate
the public on the importance and facts of
Three-year-old twins Madison and Mylee –
once preemies at Children’s – are all smiles
after recently receiving their vaccinations.
1. Easier access to
WIC services
The USDA’s Women, Infant and Children (WIC)
program was designed to help pregnant
women, babies and children under the age of
five get the nutrition they need. While most
WIC programs are housed in government
buildings, Children’s WIC clinic is located on
the Minneapolis hospital campus. WIC clients
can get the counseling, food and support
they need in the same place where they are
getting check-ups and treatment. Making WIC
services easily accessible ensures that help is
getting to the people who need it most.
2. Protecting kids at home
3. Making safe simple
Health care for children is about more
than just annual shots and treating sports
injuries. Sometimes it involves taking care of
emotional and physical damage from the one
place all kids should feel protected: inside
the home. The Midwest Children’s Resource
Center (MCRC) is called whenever a health
care staff member suspects child abuse.
Through careful analysis and treatment, a
specially trained staff of physicians, social
workers and nurses manage every case’s
unique needs. MCRC also conducts trainings
and outreach with law enforcement and
local government officials to ensure that the
public safety and health care community
is knowledgeable and educated on best
practices and treatments. Since more than
60 percent of these cases involve children
on Medicaid, donated funds help pay for the
critical services that can help these children
on the path to a better life.
Partnering with UnitedHealthcare, Children’s
is educating the broader community on
child safety and injury prevention. A host
of public service announcements, web
resources and participation in community
events are helping us get the word out
about “making safe simple.” The key to
this program’s effectiveness is clear, direct
messaging on things like car seats, helmet
safety, dangerous household situations and
ATV safety – in partnership with Polaris
Industries. Having a presence at events like
the Minnesota State Fair, and providing free
car seat clinics and ATV safety training,
helps us connect with people in a fun and
educational way.
Children’s Hospitals and
Clinics of Minnesota leadership
(effective Jan. 1, 2012)
Alan L. Goldbloom, MD
President and Chief
Executive Officer
David S. Overman
Chief Operating Officer
Jerry Massmann, MBA, CPA
Vice President Finance and
Chief Financial Officer
Phillip M. Kibort, MD, MBA
Vice President Medical Affairs and
Chief Medical Officer
Theresa Pesch, RN
Vice President Development and
Executive Director, Children’s
Roxanne Fernandes, RN, MHA
Chief Nursing Officer
Maria C. Christu, JD
General Counsel and Vice President
Advocacy and Health Policy
Becky Bedore, MSN, RN
Ryan D. Robinson
Sr. Director Clinical Services –
Treasurer, Hospital
Chair, Joint Finance Committee
David J. Schmeling, MD
Matt Majka
Chief of Surgical Services
Treasurer, Foundation
Chair, Quality Committee
Gloria Drake, MSN, RN, CRNA
Sr. Director Clinical Services – Surgical
Services and Perioperative Care
Gregory Wright, MD
Chief of Critical Care
Pamala VanHazinga,
Terri A. Hyduke, MA
Chief Executive Officer, Children’s
Physician Network
Vice President Human Resources
2011 Board of Directors
Carol Wilcox, RN, MS
Raymond L. Barton
Jeffrey D. Young
Chief Information Officer
Susan Sencer, MD
Chief of Staff
Robert Segal, MD
Chair, Hospital
Chair, Joint Executive Committee
Michael V. Ciresi
Gaye Adams Massey
Grants for
education and
support of
Molly Culligan
Michael B. Fiterman
Gregory Goven
Sharon Jaeger, MD
Bill Jeatran
Mary L. Jeffries
Cynthia L. Lesher
Chad M. Lindbloom
Richard J. Migliori, MD
Michael J. Ott
Timothy J. Pabst
Sandra Sackett, MD
Robert Segal, MD
James Sidman, MD
Capital costs
and interest)
State taxes
and other
Provision for renovation,
equipment and new programs**
Patrick G. Ryan
Patient care reimbursement
Labor costs
Vice Chair, Hospital
Grants for education and research
David J. Miller
Philanthropic support of programs*
Professional fees, purchased services,
supplies and facility costs
Other operations
Capital costs (depreciation and interest)
State taxes and other expenses
Provision for renovation, equipment
and new programs**
Chair, Foundation
Chair, Development Committee
Andrea Kmetz-Sheehy
Vice Chief of Staff
Vice Chair, Foundation
Chair, Joint Compensation Committee
Clark M. Smith, MD
Alan L. Goldbloom, MD
Chief of Pediatrics
fees, supplies,
Chair, Joint Governance Committee
Chair, Joint Audit and
Compliance Committee
Sr. Director of Ambulatory Care
Labor costs
Patient care
Russell Becker
Jamie Wiggins, RN, MS,
Matt Hocks
Uses of revenue
Chief of Staff
Chair, Professional Staff Committee
Chair, Joint Investment Subcommittee
Sr. Director Clinical Services –
Critical Care
Sources of revenue
Susan Sencer, MD
Sr. Director of Care Coordination,
Emergency, and Trauma Services
David A. Brumbaugh, SPHR
Sr. Hospital Administrator,
St. Paul Site Campus and Senior
Director Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Services
Results of operation
President and Chief
Executive Officer
*Children’s also received an additional $10.8 million of philanthropic support for capital needs.
** P
rovision for renovation, equipment and new programs represents the amount associated with operating income.
This amount excludes investment gains.
Children’s of Minnesota 2011 five-state region
2011 facts about Children’s
In 2011, Children’s cared for 125,782 individual patients from the five-state region. These
patients represented 100% of MN counties and 64% of the counties in WI, IA, ND and SD.
Children’s of Minnesota is one of the 10 largest freestanding pediatric health care systems in the
U.S., with 347 staffed beds at our hospitals in St. Paul and Minneapolis and four outpatient sites in
the surrounding suburbs. Source: AHA Guide, based on number of staffed beds
Individual patient encounters* by county
Volunteer hours of
Number of Children’s patients
in 2011 by county:
Total number of employees
(excluding Children’s Physician
Network and Minnetonka)
Employees (full-time equivalents)
Professional staff members
Family encounters for language
Outpatient clinic visits
Top three languages
1. Spanish
2. Somali
3. Hmong
Laboratory test/pathology cases
500 – 50,000
250 – 499
50 – 249
1 – 49
Children’s Physician Network – triage calls
Inpatient admissions
Average number of children
hospitalized per day
Total number of staffed beds
Inpatient surgical cases
Outpatient surgical cases
Emergency department visits
Home care visits
Rehabilitation visits
Radiology procedures
Inpatient pharmacy doses dispensed
No patient encounters
Respiratory therapy treatments
atients are counted once, even if they visited Children’s multiple times at different facilities.
Data includes all inpatient and outpatient encounters for all facilities.
Children’s fundraising results
Vital statistics
Outpatient visits
Program support*
Capital support*
0 500003K 1000006K 1500009K 200000
12K 250000
Patient days
Surgical cases
Uses of contributions
Program services – capital
Program services – operations
Provision for future program services
General, administrative and
fundraising, net**
services –
services –
0 5000 20K10000 40K 15000 60K 20000 80K 25000100K
Community outreach
Program support
Education and research
Patient ages
Age 15+
Age 10-14
Age 5-9
Age 1-4
Age 0-1
Pediatric care and clinical excellence
Family support
Community outreach
Education and research
Pediatric care
and clinical
* Reported as net revenue on the Foundation’s financial statement.
** Costs are net of funds received to support fundraising initiatives.
thank you
Donors rise to the occasion
Delivering Next
Generation Care
Campaign donors
Children’s vision is to provide the very best in pediatric health care for our
region’s children – today and into the future. The Delivering Next Generation
Care Campaign is helping us to realize that vision through spectacular campus
renovations and dynamic program expansions.
The overwhelming commitment and generosity of the donor community has
made these efforts possible, and for that we are truly grateful. We are pleased
to recognize the many philanthropic supporters who are helping us to deliver
next generation care. This list acknowledges campaign donors who have
pledged or made an outright gift of $10,000 or more from January 1, 2007
through December 31, 2011.
Theresa Pesch, RN
David Miller
It is time, once again, to reflect on the amazing developments at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of
Minnesota. First and foremost, we must thank our generous donors who made 2011 a banner year in
Children’s history. You helped us raise $25.3 million in 2011 – quite a significant accomplishment.
Between health care reform and the economy, we’re ever reliant on the community’s support. We depend
upon your continuing generosity, which allows us to grow programs, build and expand essential units,
perform research, and improve our services – all which make a vital difference to our patients and
families. The truth is, without the generous support of our donors, Children’s, and ultimately our patients,
would suffer.
Fortunately, generous people like you continue to rise to the occasion and help us meet the needs
of our children, while continuing to make Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota the charity
of choice in our area.
Every day, we are reminded that when it comes to providing the very best for our children, there is no
finish line. As we look toward the rest of 2012, we have set ambitious goals, including funding The Mother
Baby Center and the neuroscience center. Your help in supporting Children’s and these programs ensures
that we will never turn away a child who needs us. That’s why we’re called Children’s.
Theresa Pesch, RN
David Miller
Executive Director of Children’s Foundation
Vice President of Development
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota
CEO, Minnetonka Moccasin
Chair, Children’s Foundation
$1,000,000 - $15,000,000+
$500,000 - $999,999
$250,000 - $499,999
The Afremov Family
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
Lee and Penny Anderson
Raymond and Mary Lou Barton
Best Buy Company, Inc.
Gary and Kathy Blackford
C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.
Albert W. Cherne Foundation
Children’s Association – Minneapolis
Children’s Hospital Association
Great Clips, Inc.
HealthPartners, Inc.
Peter J. King Family Foundation
Kohl’s Department Stores
The Phileona Foundation
Edward J. Phillips Family Foundation
Leslye Phillips Family Foundation
The Pohlad Family Foundation
Colleen Ryan and the late Jim Ryan
and Family
Ryan Companies US, Inc.
Patrick and Ann Ryan
UnitedHealth Group
Anonymous (2)
Glen and Harold Bend Foundation
The Children’s Heart Clinic, P.A.
Children’s Respiratory & Critical
Care Specialists, P.A.
Michael V. and Ann C. Ciresi Foundation
Edwards Memorial Trust
Gregory and Jane Goven
John and Marna Holman
The Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Neonatal Physicians, P.A.
Pediatric Anesthesia, P.A.
Pediatric Surgical Associates, LTD
Piper Family Fund of the
Minneapolis Foundation
Walter Reeve Ramsey Charitable Trust
Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, LLP
Wendy and Colin Smith Family
Philanthropic Fund
Peter and Sally Anson
Eunice Bauman*
George and Karen Benz
Gary and Helen Bergren
F.R. Bigelow Foundation
Community Health Charities – Minnesota
Michael and Kathy Dougherty
Mark and Shannon Evenstad
Michael and Linda Fiterman
Joan and James Gardner
Penny and William George
Knutson Construction Company, Inc.
Carl and Janet Kuhrmeyer
Jane Larson*
Brian & Susan Mark and Family
McGough Construction Company
Minnesota Wild Foundation
Jeanne Mithun
Catherine E. Murnane Trust
David and Monica Nassif
Piper Jaffray
RBC Tile & Stone
*In remembrance
We have made a sincere effort to accurately honor our donors. However, if you should notice an error or omission, please contact
Children’s Foundation at (651) 855-2800 so that we can correct our records.
The Robert and Anne Reznick
Family Foundation
Robins, Kaplan, Miller and Ciresi Foundation
for Children, a supporting organization of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Rose Francis Foundation
Harold Roitenberg
Ruth Roitenberg
Target Corporation
St. Baldrick’s Foundation
Jonathan and Mary Wood
$100,000 - $249,999
Raymond and Karen Ames
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
Associated Anesthesiologists, P.A.
Athwin Foundation
The Looe Baker III Family
Allison and James Barosko
Ronald and Gay Baukol
Russell and Trish Becker
Borders Book Stores
Boston Scientific Foundation, Inc.
Marilyn J. Broz*
Joseph* and Marjorie F. Brula*
Daniel and Nancy Burkes
Barry and Joni Butzow
James and Carmen Campbell
Carousel Audi
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics
Professional Staff
Cossack Foundation Steve & Barbara Cossack
Daulton Foundation
David Dayton
Dedicated Logistics, Inc.
Arline B. Dimond*
David and Sharon Garber
General Mills, Inc.
Dr. Alan and Lynn Goldbloom
David and Rosemary Good
Google, Inc.
Gray Plant Mooty Foundation
Michael and Diana Hanline
J. Elmer and Esther Hansman
Charitable Trust
HDR Architecture, Inc.
Anna M. Heilmaier Charitable Foundation
Stanley and Karen Hubbard
Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc.
Hunt Electric Corporation
Hyundai Motor America
Darren and Terry Jackson
David Katkov and Patricia Wyffels
Andrea Kmetz-Sheehy and Robert Sheehy
Mikko Koivu
Ramon J. Kral*
Daniel and Constance Kunin
The Theodora H. Lang Charitable Trust
Jane Larsen*
Susan and Edwin McCarthy
McCarthy Bjorklund Foundation
Joseph and Mary Mulvehill
National Childhood Cancer Foundation
Rand and Shannon Olson
Otto Bremer Foundation
Pediatric Home Service, Inc.
Polaris Industries, Inc.
Jody and Octavio Portu
Regis Corporation
Sara and Peter Ribbens
Sam and Stacey Riter
Riverbridge Partners, LLC
Jim and Mary Beth Roane
Paul and Sue Rosenau
Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross
The Saint Paul Foundation
The Mendon F. Schutt Foundation
Securian Financial Group, Inc.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Sit Investment Advisors
Starkey Laboratories, Inc.
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
John Stennes*
Sid and Carol Verdoorn
Tom Wintz
Sara Wintz
$50,000 - $99,999
Accurate Home Care, LLC
The Paul Adelman Children with
Disabilities Foundation
Anonymous (4)
J. Hayes Batson and Dr. Alicia Kunin-Batson
Drs. Michael and Ellen Bendel-Stenzel
George and Karen Benz
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
Otto Bremer Foundation
Neil and Kristi Brown
The Charlson Foundation
Cities 97
Clear Channel Outdoor
CoBank Farm Credit Leasing
Cold Spring Granite Company
Kim and Carol Culp
James and Jennifer Davenport
Dellwood Foundation, Inc.
Kay Dobbs
Dr. Jason and Deborah Doescher
Jeannette S. Drevescraft*
Dan and Janet Dryer
edgProductions, Inc.
Edna B. Ellingson
Emerson Process Management
Famous Dave’s of America, Inc.
Federated Insurance Foundation
Dr. Michael and Rebecca Jane Frost
B.C. Gamble and P.W. Skogmo Fund of the
Minneapolis Foundation
Alan Geiwitz and Mary McMahon
Scott and Jennifer Gill
Hansen Family Foundation Trust
Hardenbergh Foundation
International Union of Painters and
Allied Trades
Dr. Slavko and Elizabeth Ivankovic
David and Allison Iverson
Robert and Geri Jorgenson
Margaret H. and James E. Kelley
Foundation, Inc.
Drs. Phillip and Mary Beth Kibort
Drs. Philip and Patricia Kohls
LeJeune Family Foundation
M & M Mortgage
George Mairs, Jr.
Michael and Katherine McElroy
Scott and Susan McLeod
John G. & Lois M. McNutt Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists
Minnesota Epilepsy Group, P.A.
Minnesota Gastroenterology, P.A.
Minnesota Timberwolves
Minnesota Wild Hockey Club
Jeffrey Nolan
Frank and Marilyn Nogai
John and Margaret Ordway, Jr.
Dr. David and Kristine Overman
The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation
Michael Petry
Theresa A. Pesch
Stephen Pratt
Darwin and Geri Reedy
Rice Family Foundation
RJF Agencies, Inc.
Kevin and Cindy Roberg
Carl and Mary Schroeder
Dennis and Barbara Senneseth
David and Martha Sewall
Mendon F. Schutt Family Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Randy Shaver Cancer Research &
Community Fund
Dr. James and Joyce Sidman
Humphrey and Rosalie Simson
Spenser Somers Foundation
Dr. Scott and Tiffany Stuart
James and Sandra Swearingen
TCF Foundation
Treasure Island Resort & Casino
Barbara* and Bernard* Webber
Weber Shandwick Worldwide
William Weisman
Jeffrey and Maria Weness and Family
Wheelock Whitney and Kathleen Blatz
$25,000 - $49,999
3M Company
AJ Indoor Advertising, Inc
American Girl, LLC
Matt Ames
Anonymous (2)
Arthur’s Jewelers
Susan Applegate
Walter and Ginger Bailey
Harley Bergren
BERK-TEL Communications, Inc.
Boston Scientific CRM Grant Committee
Blythe Brenden
David and Maureen Brumbaugh
Scott Bullock and Debera O’Leary
Camp Odayin
Caribou Coffee
E. Jerome and Linda Carlson
John and Lynne Carroll
Children’s Wellness Fund BCBS of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Maria Christu and Kevin Staunton
CNA Foundation
Dr. J. Michael and Kristine Coleman
Eugene Goetz and Jan Conlin
Culp Family Foundation
Robert and Joan Cummins
Babe Davis
Jodi Davis
Elisabeth Dayton
W. John and Elizabeth Driscoll
Entegris, Inc.
John and Katie Feste
Chad and Holly Figg
Joseph Friebe and Diane Dinndorf Friebe
Dr. Catherine and Paul Gatto
Deryck* and Olive* Gerard
Lilla Gidlow
Goebel Marketing North America, LLC
Granite City Food & Brewery, LTD
Great River Energy
Clark and Sima Griffith
Dr. Marcus and Elizabeth Gustafson
Dr. Erik and Jana Hagen
Eric and Catherine Hansen
Harris Companies
Kevin and Polly Hart
The Laura and Walter Hudson Foundation
I.V. Foundation
William and Amy Jeatran
Joyce Jones*
KARE 11 Television
Paul and Sarah Karon
Dr. Timothy Lander
Dr. Stanley and Suzanne Leonard
Leonard, Street & Deinard Foundation
Linde Gas, LLC
Linfor, Inc.
The Madson Family
Sam and JoAnn Mairs
Dr. Mark and Nancy Mammel
Marbrook Foundation
Jerry Massmann and Irma Cameron
Todd and Julie Mathes
Mercedes Foundation
Minnesota Vikings
Joel and Shelly Moryn
Mosaic Co.
Anders and Lynn Myhran
Dr. Glen and Marilyn Nelson
Nelson Family Foundation
Ann Nyberg
David and Lee Ann Overman
Timothy Pabst and Dana Lindsay
Partners in Pediatrics, Ltd
Dr. Richard and Barbara Patterson
Ruth Plane*
Pioneer Press
Priority Courier Experts VANEX
Andrew and Lynne Redleaf
Fernando and Patricia Reitich
Ryan and Kathy Robinson
Jack and Jan Ryan
Paul and Melinda Schwartz
St. Paul Police Department
The St. Paul Radiology Foundation of
the St. Paul Foundation
St. Paul Soccer Club
Warren and Mary Staley
Star Tribune
Patrick and Dr. Susan Stevens
Spyder Trap Online Marketing
Tennant Foundation
Terri Tersteeg and James Peterson
David and Jennifer Timm
Bill and Sheila Tippie
Twita Entertainment
Mary Lightner Vernon*
Nicholas T Walesch Foundation
Walman Optical Company
Michael and Barbara Wigley
Whitebox Advisors
Lawrence and Linda Wilford
Benno and Gertrude Wolff Family Fund
of the St. Paul Foundation
Perry and Barb Wood
$10,000 - $24,999
ABC Kitchens
Activision Value Publishing
Nancy Bronson Anderly*
Dr. Glen and Kathryn Anderson
Anonymous (2)
Baby Angels Foundation
BERCHTOLD Corporation
Allan and Theresa Bergren
Bituminous Roadways, Inc.
Black River Asset Management
Jake Bland, Jeremy Braun and Kyle Smith
John and Karen Blank
Dorothy M. Blomquist*
Boston Scientific Corporation
Bright Spirit Foundation
Bringing The Outside World
Inside Foundation
Brite Media
Cindy Bultena
John Bultena
Carlson MBA Association University
of Minnesota
Thomas and Patricia Chervenak
Dr. Tague* and Johanna* Chisholm
Chubb & Son Insurance Companies
Chubb Federal Insurance Company
CP Medical, LLC
David and Anne Cremons
Cub Community Cares Foundation
Desi and Lise DeSimone
Downtowner Woodfire Grill
Dennis and Megan Doyle
Dream Makerz Foundation
Each One Counts Foundation
John A. Fitchette*
Michael and Ann Foley
Phillip and Jeanne Foussard
Gregory and Marissa Frankenfield
Bill and Bonnie Frels
Dr. Stefan and Ruth Friedrichsdorf
General Mills Foundation
Granite Floor Tile
Edward L. Haberle*
Matthew and Jamie Hanson
Michael Hanson
Mary Haugh*
Dr. Thomas Hellmich and
Lou Ann Bunker-Hellmich
William and Anastasia Hoeft
Patricia and Gregory Hoyt
Mary Ingebrand Pohlad
Robert and Michele Keith
Kidstop Program Weaver Lake Elementary
Janice Kispert
The Kraft Foundation
Frederick and Kay Krehbiel
Anne Larsen Simonson
James and Norma Leslie
Charles and Paula Levenberg
Christopher Lorsung
Samuel G. & JoAnn M. Mairs Family Fund
of The St. Paul Foundation
Barbara McGlynn
Dr. Richard and Joan Migliori
Douglas and Martha Miller
Jack Miller Family Foundation
Minnesota Twins
Jane N. Mooty*
Julianne and Dr. Donald Morath
Sheila Morgan
James and Jodi Muelken
Robert and Ellis Naegele
Diane Nash and David Pons
National Basketball Association
Patricia Newton
Ford and Catherine Nicholson
O’Neill Brothers Music
James and Judy Orrock
Michael and Stephanie Ott
Park Dental Group
Robert Parr
Karen Petersen
Kent and Paula Peterson
John Polley
Ron and Kimberly Price
Principal Financial Group
James Prokopanko and Bonnie McPhee
R. William and Mary Ann Reilly
Dr. Yuri and Denise Reinberg
Dr. M. Chris and Elizabeth Robison
Norton and Bert Rockler
Joel Ronning
Patricia Ronning
Ruth Ann & Norman Rose Fund of the
Fidelity Charitable Fund
Irene Roufs*
Frank and Elizabeth Russomanno
Sauer Children’s Renew Foundation
Dr. David and Lori Schmeling
Sea Foam Sales Company
The Monroe, Charlotte and Barbara Shine Fund of the Minnesota
Community Foundation
Sidal Realty Co., LLP
Dr. Susan C. Simonton
Dr. David Smeltzer and Rochelle Anderson
Dr. Joseph and Jane Sockalosky
St. Paul Radiology, LLP
Starlight Children’s Foundation
The Sunshine Foundation of Minnesota
TEGRA Group, Inc.
The Toro Company
The Travelers Companies, Inc.
Twin City Bond Club
US Bancorp
US Bank
Valspar Corporation
Dr. William and Emily Wagner
Mike Warden
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Rob and Susan White
Ronald C. White
The Wilford Family Foundation
Clark and Sharon Winslow
Dr. Gregory Wright and
Linda Halperin Wright
Michael and Mary Yaggie
thank you
2011 donors
Galaxy Group
HealthPartners, Inc.
UnitedHealth Group
The extraordinary philanthropic support of individuals, corporations,
foundations, businesses and organizations makes Children’s high-quality,
family-centered care possible. On behalf of our patients, families and staff,
thank you for your inspiring generosity in support of the health and well-being
of children in our community.
This list includes donors who gave $500 or more from January 1, 2011 through
December 31, 2011. Gifts listed in the annual report include cash, pledge
payments, memorial and tribute gifts, stocks and in-kind gifts.
$500,000 - $999,999
Albert W. Cherne Foundation
Best Buy Company, Inc.
Children’s Hospital Association
Edward J. Phillips Family Foundation
Kohl’s Department Stores
The Pohlad Family Foundation
Ryan Companies US, Inc.
Colleen Ryan and the late Jim Ryan
Patrick and Ann Ryan
$100,000 - $499,999
The Stars of Giving
This is the name bestowed upon
members of the community who
give generously out of the goodness
of their hearts. The Stars of Giving
group is made up of four levels of
star givers and the Guardian Circle.
Galaxy Group
Shining Star
This very special group
of donors are those
who give leadership
gifts of over $100,000
This group is made
up of donors who give
$100 - $999
North Star
Guardian Circle
This group signifies
those who give
$10,000 - $99,999
Givers who leave
a legacy with a
planned gift
Rising Star
This group includes
those who donate
$1,000 - $9,999
Craig and Nell Allen
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
APi Group, Inc.
Raymond and Mary Lou Barton
Eunice E. Bauman Trust
Glen and Harold Bend Foundation
F.R. Bigelow Foundation
Gary and Kathy Blackford
Michael and Molly Carson
Children’s Association - Minneapolis
Children’s Respiratory & Critical
Care Specialists, P.A.
Michael and Ann Ciresi
Estate of Jane E. Larson Trust
Foundation for Educational Research
and Development
Great Clips, Inc.
Blake and Carey Hastings
Hyundai Motor America
Irvin and Barbara Kessler
Andrea Kmetz-Sheehy and Robert J. Sheehy
Leslye Phillips Family Foundation
Piper Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Wild Foundation
Pediatric Surgical Associates, LTD
Peter J. King Family Foundation
Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, LLP
Daniel Ryan
Kate Ryan
Michael and Leah Ryan
Nell Ryan
Timothy Ryan
Sit Investment Associates Foundation
Wendy and Colin Smith Family
Philanthropic Fund
St. Baldrick’s Foundation
North Star
$25,000 - $99,999
Walt and Ginger Bailey
The Looe Baker III Family
Allison and James Barosko
Russell and Trish Becker
Harley Bergren
Borders Book Stores
Boston Scientific Foundation, Inc.
Daniel and Nancy Burkes
Barry and Joni Butzow
James and Carmen Campbell
E. Jerome and Linda Carlson
The Children’s Heart Clinic, P.A.
Cities 97
Clear Channel Outdoor
Community Health Charities - Minnesota
Dedicated Logistics, Inc.
Michael and Kathy Dougherty
W. John and Elizabeth Driscoll
Edwards Memorial Trust
Michael and Linda Fiterman
Joan and James Gardner
General Mills, Inc.
Penny and William George
Dr. Alan and Lynn Goldbloom
David and Rosemary Good
Google, Inc.
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Anna M. Heilmaier Charitable Foundation
Knutson Construction Company, Inc.
Daniel and Constance Kunin
The Theodora H. Lang Charitable Trust
Laurence and Jean LeJeune
Liberty Diversified International
McCarthy Bjorklund Foundation
McGough Construction Company
Medtronic, Inc.
Minnesota Neonatal Physicians, P.A.
Minnesota Wild Hockey Club
David and Monica Nassif
Dr. Glen and Marilyn Nelson
Pediatric Anesthesia, P.A.
Piper Jaffray
Jody and Octavio Portu
Walter Reeve Ramsey Charitable Trust
Regis Corporation
Regis Foundation
Riverbridge Partners, LLC
RJF Agencies, Inc.
Harold Roitenberg
Colin Ryan
John and Janet Ryan
Sean Ryan
Sally A. and Peter W. Anson of The Schwab
Charitable Fund
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
St. Jude Medical Foundation
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
St. Paul Soccer Club
Twita Entertainment
Bernard and Barbara Webber*
Jonathan and Mary Wood
$10,000 - $24,999
Abbott Laboratories
Activision Value Publishing
AJ Indoor Advertising, Inc.
Matt Ames
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
Associated Anesthesiologists, P.A.
J. Hayes Batson and Dr. Alicia Kunin-Batson
Ronald and Gay Baukol
Drs. Michael and Ellen Bendel-Stenzel
Bright Spirit Foundation
Camp Odayin
Caribou Coffee
Carousel Audi
Thomas and Patricia Chervenak
Chubb & Son Insurance Companies
CNA Foundation
CoBank Farm Credit Leasing
CP Medical, LLC
Kim and Carol Culp
David Dayton
Joseph Friebe and Diane Dinndorf Friebe
Kay Dobbs
Doug and Martha Miller Foundation
Downtowner Woodfire Grill
Dan and Janet Dryer
Emerson Process Management
year for
Erik Olson Tournament For The Heart
Mark and Shannon Evenstad
Phillip and Jeanne Foussard
Dr. Michael and Rebecca Jane Frost
David and Sharon Garber
Alan Geiwitz and Mary McMahon
Go For The Gold
Gregory and Jane Goven
Granite City Food & Brewery, LTD
Gray Plant Mooty Foundation
Dr. Marcus and Elizabeth Gustafson
Michael and Diana Hanline
J. Elmer and Esther Hansman
Charitable Trust
Kevin and Polly Hart
HDR Architecture, Inc.
Patricia and Gregory Hoyt
Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc.
Hunt Electric Corporation
I. V. Foundation
Dr. Slavko and Elizabeth Ivankovic
Robert and Geri Jorgenson
Margaret H. and James E. Kelley
Foundation, Inc.
Kelsey Capital Management
Drs. Phillip and Mary Beth Kibort
Janice Kispert
Drs. Philip and Patricia Kohls
Leonard, Street & Deinard Foundation
Jason and Mylynda Livingston
Christopher Lorsung
George Mairs, Jr.
Sam and JoAnn Mairs
Brian & Susan Mark and Family
Jerry Massmann and Irma Cameron
Scott and Susan McLeod
Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists
Douglas and Martha Miller
Minnesota Epilepsy Group, P.A.
Minnesota State Arts Board
Minnesota Timberwolves
Jeanne Mithun
MN Pro Paintball, Inc
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Gift, Inc.
Joseph and Mary Mulvehill
Robert and Ellis Naegele
Dr. David and Kristine Overman
Pediatric Home Service, Inc.
Theresa A. Pesch
St. Paul Pioneer Press
Polaris Industries, Inc.
Principal Financial Group
James Prokopanko and Bonnie McPhee
RBC Tile & Stone
Fernando and Patricia Reitich
Sara and Peter Ribbens
Rice Family Foundation
Kevin and Cindy Roberg
Carl and Mary Schroeder
Mendon F. Schutt Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Securian Financial Group, Inc.
Spenser Somers Foundation
Starlight Children’s Foundation
Tague C. Chisholm Irrevocable Family Trust
TCF Foundation
Terri Tersteeg and James Peterson
David and Jennifer Timm
The Travelers Companies, Inc.
Twita Entertainment
US Bank
Valspar Corporation
The Walser Foundation
Mike Warden
White Pine Fund of Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Whitebox Advisors, LLC
Wheelock Whitney and Kathleen Blatz
The Wilford Family Foundation
Lawrence and Linda Wilford
Tom Wintz
Benno and Gertrude Wolff Family Fund
of the St. Paul Foundation
Rising Star
$5,000 - $9,999
Accident Fund
Accurate Home Care, LLC
Jean and Jack Ambler
Arthur’s Jewelers
Baker Foundation
David Baukol
Matthew Baxter
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
Birch Lake Dental
Jeffrey and Amy Bisson
Bituminous Roadways, Inc.
Blythe Brenden
Mr. Conley Brooks, Sr.
Neil and Kristi Brown
David and Maureen Brumbaugh
Howard and Kim Buff
Scott Bullock and Debera O’Leary
Curtis L. Carlson Family Foundation
Bobbie Carroll
Maria Christu and Kevin Staunton
Cody Lundgren Memorial SIDS
Golf Tournament
John and Audrey Colasanti
Dr. J. Michael and Kristine Coleman
Kathleen Cook
Mila Cooper
Culp Family Foundation
Robert and Joan Cummins
Judson Dayton
Scott and Ann Dayton
Michael and Ann Deasey, Sr. and Family
Dellwood Foundation, Inc.
Patrick and Mary Lou Doherty
Dennis and Megan Doyle
Martha Dugan
Joseph C. and Lillian A. Duke Foundation
Edward Dayton Family Foundation
Ella’s Halo
Ellie’s Light
Erickson-Aamodt Orthodontics, P.A.
David Feinberg
Michael and Ann Foley
The Foundry Visionmongers, LTD
Stuart and Nancy Friedell
Carole Gesme
Eugene Goetz and Jan Conlin
Joan Gravett*
Great River Energy
Clark and Sima Griffith
The Hanover Insurance Group
Hank and Ellen Hanten
Hardenbergh Foundation
Meghann Harker
Harris Companies
David and Nancy Haugland
Heritage Auctioneers and Galleries, Inc.
Hilton Garden Inn Minneapolis Downtown
John and Barbara Holm
Drs. Virginia and Stephen Hustead
Ingenix, Inc.
Jaden Karsten Memorial Golf Tournament
Jan Conlin and Gene Goetz Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Jay Hawk Mechanical, Inc.
William and Amy Jeatran
John and Mary Jeffries
John G. & Lois M. McNutt Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
John Lloyd Leonard Golf Tournament
Klara Johnson Trust
Douglas Johnson
Paul and Sarah Karon
Robert and Michele Keith
Dr. Michelle and Shaun Kennedy
Rosemary Klatt
Hugh E. Klein and Judith Lebedoff
Adam and Erin Labat
Dr. Timothy Lander
Kenneth Leiran
Michael and Terri Lemke
Dr. Stanley and Suzanne Leonard
Drs. Julie and John Lesser
Dr. Carolyn and David Levitt
Life Time Fitness Foundation
Chad and Julie Lindbloom
Harriet Ludwick
M & M Mortgage
Mairs and Power, Inc.
Dr. Mark and Nancy Mammel
Gaye A. Massey and Harold Massey
Richard and Joyce McFarland
Dr. Yoav H. Messinger and
Dr. Julia Steinberger
Minnesota Nurses Association Foundation
MOM Brands, Co.
Dick and Joyce H. McFarland Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
MPX Group
National Hockey League Foundation
Navarre Distribution Services, Inc.
Nelson Family Foundation
New Horizon Enterprises, Inc.
Frank and Marilyn Nogai
John and Margaret Ordway, Jr.
Orthotic Care Services
David and Lee Ann Overman
Patina, Inc.
PCG Agencies
Peterson Milla Hooks, Inc.
Kent and Paula Peterson
Michael Petry
Pine Tree Orchards, Inc.
Polypro International, Inc.
Stephen Pratt
Darwin and Geri Reedy
Margaret Rivers Fund
Jeannine Rivet and Warren Herreid
Ryan and Kathy Robinson
Herve and Jennifer Sarteau
Scott and Joni Satterlee
Sawmill Trust Company
Dori Schlampp and Brad Hoyt
Dr. David and Lori Schmeling
David and Sandra Sherman
Steven and Mary Jo Sherwood
Dr. James and Joyce Sidman
Dr. Clark and Natasha Smith, II
Lenny and Sandy Snellman
Snip, Inc.
Spyder Trap Online Marketing
Dr. Richard Stafford and
Carole Westly Stafford
James and Sandra Swearingen
Tennant Foundation
The Wayne Family Foundation
Train to Work
Treasure Island Resort & Casino
University of South Florida
Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A.
William & Elizabeth Cook Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Estate of Norbert F. Winter
$1,000 - $4,999
Sybille Aaron
The Active Network, Inc.
Again Faster, LLC
AJK Cutters, Inc.
The Allen Family Fund of the
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Andrews Allen, Jr.
Philip and Sandra Allen
Allina Health System
Thomas and Martha Allman
American Eagle Outfitters Foundation
American Girl, LLC
Ameriprise Financial Matching Gifts
Raymond and Karen Ames
Ancona Escrow, Inc.
Kathy Anderson
Melodee Anderson
Dr. Sanford and Wendy Anderson
Sheila Anderson
Steven and Lynnae Anderson
Arch Insurance Group, Inc.
Jay and Linda Arendt
The Arthur and Constance Goodman
Family Foundation
Louis Asher and Lisa Wersal
Dr. Calvin and Barbara Astry
William Atmore and James McConnell
AutoUpLink USA of Minnesota, Inc.
B & G Products Company
Baby Angels Foundation
Byron and Beth Bailey
The Baratz Family Foundation
Kim Bartsch
Martin and Katherine Bassett
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Charlesetta and Ellery Beals
Dean and Keri Becker
Edward and Becky Bedore
George and Karen Benz
John and Susan Berken, Sr.
Gary and Susanne Berkland
Dr. Sharon Berry
The Bieber Family Foundation
Michael and Linda Blair
Michael Bleck and Laurie Zenner
Kevin and Maryanna Blomer
Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation
BNSF Foundation
Michael and Bonnie Bogen
Darci Bontrager
Dr. Carrie Borchardt
Mark and Maureen Borin
Chris and Rebecca Boudreau
Charlie Boushek and Austin Bach
Bowman and Brooke, LLP
William and Rochelle Boyce
Dan and Bonnie Boyum
Thomas and Michelle Bradley
Robert and Jane Braun
Dr. Timothy and Chris Bray
Matthew and Laura Bredesen
Paul and Barbara Brehm
Peggy Brenden
Sharon and David Brennan Jaeger
Brian and Lynn Brooks
Kim Brooks
Jack and Michelle Brouwer
Michael & Laura Brunner
Dr. Donald Brunnquell and Sally Scoggin
Kate Bryant and Jonathan Lindfors
Craig Budolfson
Buerkle Hyundai
David and Judith Buerkle
Buffalo Lake Hector Girl Scout Troop 30843
Brian and Carrie Buhl
Bundles of Love
Aric and Kristen Burma
Deborah Butzow
The Cardiac Children’s Cup
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Carlson
Dr. Timothy M. Casey
Catch The Wave, Inc.
Cerner Corporation
Dr. Emily and Christopher Chapman
Childrens County Day School
Children’s Professional Development Council
John Chorne
Christenson Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Christian’s Toy Box
Michael and Lisa Christy
Church of Saint Agnes
Chester and Josephine Cizio
Kelly Clark
Lori Cohen
Connecticut General Life
Insurance Company
Continental Diamond
Norbert and Mary Ellen Conzemius
Craig-Hallum Capital Group, LLC
David and Anne Cremons
Drs. Jason and Anne Cross
Richard and Marilyn Cunniff
Sheila Cunningham
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
L. Robert and Susan Jane Dapper
Data Recognition Corporation
James and Jennifer Davenport
Jim and Debby Davenport
Mark and Mary Davis
Davita Dialysis
Bruce and Ruth Dayton
Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton
Tobin and Mae Dayton
DDL, Inc.
Desmond Dean
Dental Benefit Plans
Dentistry for the Entire Family
Laurel Diede
Digi International, Inc.
Dr. Thomas and Judy Dimich
Diane Dingley
Patrick and Christine Donovan
Doody Mechanical Inc.
Mary Dorr
Dorsey & Whitney, LLP
James Dorsey and Dee Gaeddert
The Doug, Ivy, and Daniel Olson Aloha
Charitable Fund
Tim and Judy Dove
Craig and Gloria Drake
Roberta Antoine Dressen
Sandra Duel
Andrew and Lisa Duff
Mark Dunlop
Jeremy and Lynn Eaton
Edelweiss Home Health Care, Inc.
Eden Prairie Lacrosse Association
Mary Kay Edwards
Dr. David Einzig
Cynthia Ell
Enchantment Resort
Cynthia Enstad and John Sitarz
Enterprise Holding Foundation
Arthur T. Erickson Foundation
Karen Erickson
Kay Erickson
Ess Family Foundation
Famous Dave’s
Faribault Foods, Inc.
Chris Farley
Jeffrey and Carla Faust
Dr. David and Laura Ferenci
Leo and Beth Fernandez
Andrew Ferren
Dr. Gary and Kelli Fifield
Samuel and Frances Finkelstein
Fireman’s Fund
Becky Fisher
Maura Fitzgerald
Michael Fitzgerald and Cheryl Kreofsky
John Flavin
Kevin and Sara Flynn
Christopher and Janet Foley
Fox Sports Net North, LLC
Bradley and Janet Fredrickson
Dean and Lynn Freeman
Donna Frey
Dr. James Gannon
Steve Gaskins and Kathleen Larson Gaskins
John and Deborah Gastler
John and Jeanne Gatzlaff
Janette Gauger
Hoon and Kathleen Ge
General Mills Foundation
General Security Services Corporation
Beverly J. Gepfer Charitable Foundation
Giersten Company of Minnesota, Inc.
Sarah Giga
Tim and Heather Gillen
Robert and Laura Gillund
Give Me A Break, Inc.
William Glaves
Good 360
Michelle Gorman
Great Northern Corporation
Mike and Sara Greenbaum
Sharon Greenbaum
Susan and Robert Greenberg
Thomas and Judith Gregory
Mike and Joy Gretsch
Roxane and Stephen Gudeman, PhD
Roxann Gulke
John Gulon, DDS
Bjorn and Julie Gunnerud
Gustavus Adolphus College
Victoria and Benjamin Guter
Sheldon Haaland
Dr. Erik and Jana Hagen
Dan Haggstrom
Chad Haldeman
Lori and Corky Hall
Hallberg & McClain, P.A.
Richard and Debra Hallmark
Harold and Linda Haluptzok
Blake Hanlon
Jack and Joan Hansen
Laurie J. Hansen, RN, CNP
Charlie and Jennifer Hart
Stephanie Hart
Karen Hase
Michael Haus
John and Carrie Hayden Family Foundation
Heart and Sole
Richard and Leanne Hebl
Chris and Heidi Hedberg
Heimsoth Family Foundation
Dr. Margaret Heisel Kurth and Frank Kurth
Hejny Rental
Lori Helmer
John S. Hendricks and Nancy J. Thomas
John and Barbie Hentges
Lawrence and Emma Hester
Mark Heymans and Donn Burleigh
George and Brooke Hicks
Thomas and Grace Hinnenthal
Dr. David and Gerri Hoff
Earl and Barbara Hoffman
David Hoiriis and Judie Grignon-Hoiriis
J. Matthew and Colleen Holland
Kathleen Holst
Thomas and Kristin Holtz
Cory Huberty and Keely Churchill Huberty
Hudson High School
Dr. Mark Hudson and Susan Swigart
Bruce and Denise Humphrey
Robin E. Huneke Rosenberg and
Gary Rosenberg
Andrew and Carole Hunter, III
IC System, Inc.
George and Mary Iniguez
Dr. Steven and Michelle Inman
Insight North America, Inc.
Iron Mountain
It’s My Heart - Minnesota
Dan Iversen
Kevin Jach
Robert Jackson and Ann Rockler Jackson
Allen Jacobson
Steve Jacobson
Benjamin Jaffray
Kelly Janssen
Rick and Gretchen Jelinek
Joel and Mary Jennings
Paul and Colleen Jensen
Ted and Betsy Jessen
Jimmy’s Conference and Catering
John and Marla Ordway Charitable
Lead Trust
John F. Rooney Family Charitable
Foundation Agency
Dean and Kathryn Johnson
Debra Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Mary and Joel Johnson
we are
truly grateful
for your generosity
Nick and Lori Johnson
William and Ruth Johnson
Terri Johnson
Robert Jones
Timothy and Gretchen Juneau
Amy Kane
John and Carolyn Kanyusik
Martin and Carole Kaplan
Joan Keetley
Kellerhan’s, Inc.
KidsCan of Minnesota
The King Capital Corporation
Kyle and Kelly Kirsch
Victor and Mary Kirsch
KMG Cutters, Inc.
Edna Knudsen
Brian and Renae Knudson
Dr. Paula and David Kocken
Karen Kofoot
Dr. Steven and Debra Koop
Kopp Family Foundation
The Kraft Foundation
Kraus-Anderson Construction
Fred and Alyssa Kreutzfeldt
Michael and Nancy Kronstedt
Craig and Jill Krummen
Meredith Kvalness
La Mettry’s Collision
Jacob and Jennifer LaCroix
Lake Area Bank
Gayle Lange
Bruce and Susan Larson
LarsonAllen Financial, LLP
Thomas and Brenda Laska
Marjean Leary
Richard and Pamela Ledin
Allen and Kathleen Lenzmeier
Cyndi and Dennis Lesher
James and Jill Leste
Charles and Paula Levenberg
Michael and Sarah LeVoir
Liberty Mutual Group, Inc
Scott and Linda Lichty
Life Safety Systems
Life Time Fitness White Bear Lake
Bruce Lilly
Lions Club International Distric 5M-5
Jean Ljungkull
Charles and Hannah Lochner
Perry Lonnes
Duane and Patricia Lorsung
Louise C. Savage Trust of 1949
H. William Lurton
Rudy and Cathy Luther
M & I Marshall and Ilsley Bank
Anna Maakestad
Joseph and Jean Machacek
Harold and Dorothy Madson
Paul and Sharon Madson
Michael and Ruth Magid
Bob and Helen Mairs
Maple Crest Landscape
Maplewood Audi
Bert and Gail Martinez-Suarez
Nancy Martinson
John and Maryanne Mauriel, Jr.
MaxMed, Inc.
Patrick and Cindy Dawson
Barbara McGlynn
McKinley Group, Inc.
Robert and Cynthia McNab
Memorial Blood Centers of Minnesota
Mercedes Foundation
Marcus and Connie Merz
Messerli & Kramer Foundation
Edward and Nancy Metzger
James and Karen Meyer
Jerome and Jan Meyer
Michael & Brittany Reger Family Foundation
MidAmerica Auctions, Inc.
Midway Party Rental
David and Jennifer Miller
Dr. Rachel J. Miller
Dr. Donna and Timothy Milner
Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology, LTD
Minnesota Business Magazine
Minnesota CRS Chapter
Minnesota Gastroenterology, P.A.
Minnesota Twins
Minnesota Vikings
Wanda Miszkiewicz
Mithun Family Foundation
Jeffrey and Karen Moen
Dr. Michael and Jodi Mooney
David and Leni Moore, Jr.
Joseph and Margaret Moreland, Jr.
Lonnie and Cynthia Morris
Suzan Morrissette
Mount Sinai Community Foundation
Jeffrey and Jacqueline Mudge
John and Catherine Muggee
Linda Murrans and Paul Stypulkowski
Myers Foundation, Inc.
Peter and Karla Myers
Anders and Lynn Myhran
Justin and Kimberly Myhre
Diane Nash and David Pons
Nasseff Mechanical Contractors, Inc.
Terri Neby
NEI Electric
Coleen and Randall Nelson
Gregg Nelson
James and Lorna Nelson
Dr. Michael D. Nelson
Bruce and Ann Nerland
Ed and Tracy Neumayr
Newport Clippers, Inc.
The Next Generation Fund of the Hugh J.
Andersen Foundation
Nicholas T Walesch Foundation
Ford and Catherine Nicholson
Nickelodeon Universe
William and Marva Nickson
Jane Nicolo
Rob Niederman and Susan Pihl-Niederman
Patrick and Carla Nolan
Laura Norris
Northview Dental
Northwinds Marketing Group, LLC
Gary and Mary Nussbaum
Ann Nyberg
with your help
we cared for
Briana Oakes
Eric and Debbie Ohlson
Dr. Maura C. O’Leary
Dr. Maren Olson
Michelle Olson
Pamela O’Meara
One Beacon Charitable Trust
Oppidan, Inc.
Optum Health, Inc.
Orchard Dental Group
Natasha and Dave Orrick
Lynn Orton
Michael and Stephanie Ott
Jeffrey and Kari Owens
Timothy Pabst and Dana Lindsay
Dr. M. Christina Pacheco, MD
Richard and Keri Pakonen
Robert Parr
Patrick Hanily & Associations, Inc.
Virginia Paulson
Ken and Dianne Paulus
James and Susanna Pearson
Bruce and Lisa Peilen
People In Business Care
Thomas and Jennifer Peterson
Kyle and Michelle Peterson
Ronald and Maryann Peterson
W. Peyton Company, Inc.
Thomas and Elizabeth Pfeifer, Jr.
Peter and Carolyn Pierce, Jr.
Charles and Holly Pihl
Dr. Mark and Lisabeth Pilot
Joe and Donna Pinotti
Lawrence and Jill Powers
Thomas and Ann Powers, Sr.
Cynthia Prewitt
Principal Financial Group
Professional Billiard Services
Douglas and Kathleen Prohaski
Provo-Petersen & Associates, P.A.
Jeff and Laura Putnam
Donald and Stephanie Putzier
Terry and Kay Quesnel
Quicksilver Express Courier, Inc.
Iser Rabinovitz
Jeffrey and Lynn Radunz
The RAS Corporation
Patty Reardon
Dr. Michael Richards
Michael and Kara Rios
Samuel and Stacey Riter
River Road Foundation
Robbinsdale Youth Baseball Association
Susan Roberts
Norton and Bert Rockler
Rohlfsen Family Foundation of the
Minnesota Community Foundation
Gerald Rohlfsen
John and Sarah Romans
Fred and Diane Rose
Robert and Suzy Rose
Rubols, Inc.
Bill and Mary Rudnicki
Thomas and Erin Rue
Frank and Elizabeth Russomanno
Larry and Denise Rutkowski
Joe Ryan
John Ryan
Kevin Ryan
Mary and Philip Sachs
Daniel and Sheila Saklad Family Foundation
Salem Foundation, Inc.
Sanger Family Foundation
Steve and Sarah Schacht
Dolores Schaefer
Troy and Tanya Schellenger
Delbert and Rhonda Schoeberl
Carolyn and Clinton Schroeder
Timothy and Darla Schroeder
Nancy and James Schult
Bob and Barb Schultz
Jonathan and Jess Schultz
Rob and Barbara Schultz
Mark Schumann
Gerald Schwartz
Michael and Emily Scribner-O’Pray
Susan Selz
Dr. Susan Sencer and David Mura
David and Martha Sewall
SFM Mutual Insurance Company
Michael and Pam Sime
Siri Benrud Photography
Dr. Rolf and Ching Skogerboe
Jeffrey and Helene Slocum
Slumberland Furniture
Cassandra Smart
The Smead Manufacturing Co.
Smile Train, Inc.
Jeffrey Smith
Jane Snider
SOAR Foundation
Dr. Joseph and Jane Sockalosky
Dr. Linda and Fred Soucie
Anne Sovik
Sally Spector and Alexander Makovetsky
Edson and Valerie Spencer
St. Paul Police Federation
Pamela and Glenn Stading
Joseph and Claudia Stahl
Simon Stanaway
Brent and Nicole Staples
Michael and Jennifer Stattelman
Dr. Thomas and Debra Stealey
Steele Fitness
Melissa Steger
Jason and Micaela Stenner
Stericycle - SSWS
Stevens Unlimited of St. Paul
Gregory Stevens
Joseph and Carol Stoebner
Jody Strakosch and Bill Umscheid
Veronica Strand
Stratford Advisory Group, Inc.
Dr. Klaus and Sally Suehler
Suiter Automotive
John Sullivan
Summit Orthopedics
Sun Country Airlines
Thomas and Jeanne Sween
Sweet Dreams For Kids
Swett & Crawford
Clifford and Jane Taney
Thomas and Betty Tapani
Target Commercial Interiors
Target Foundation
Drs. Rod and Sonya Tarrago
Scott and Katey Taylor
Tealwood Asset Management, Inc.
Thomas and Julie Tefft
TEGRA Group, Inc.
Dick and Mary Jo Tein
The Cedar Cultural Center, Inc.
The Cizio Family Charitable Fund
The Gold Guys
The Mauriel Family Foundation
Thermo King Corporation
Thermotech, Inc.
Steven and Kayla Thimjon
Douglas and Christine Thorson
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Megan Titcomb
TLC Toys
Tom & Mary Gerry Lee Family Foundation
of The Saint Paul Fund
Jim and Vicky Torborg
The Toro Company
Toronto Blue Jays
Michael Townley and
Melissa Omafray Townley
Tree of Hope
Triple Tree, LLC
Cheryl Trocke-Fowler and Tim Fowler
Margaret Trondson
Ultra Creative, Inc.
United Street Ministries
Universal Musical Group
University of Minnesota
David and Stephanie Upin
US Bancorp Foundation
Dr. David and Victoria Vandersteen
Venture Photography
Jeffry and Janet von Gillern
Dr. William and Emily Wagner
Gary Walen and Janie Reid-Walen
Paul Walthour
Linda Ward
Waterbury Family Giving Account of
Fidelity Charitable Gift
Annie Waters
Andrew and Emily Webb
Weingartner Family Fund of The Catholic Community Foundation
Jonathan and Nicki Weinhagen
William E. Weisman
R. Louis and Cynthia Welch
Wells Fargo Bank
Michael and Wendy Welsch
Erlin and Jean Weness
Jeffrey and Maria Weness
Dr. Deborah Wexler and Michael Mann
Rob and Susan White
Dr. David Wiechmann
Adam and Heather Wilford
Jim and Leslie Williams
Dr. Karen Wills
Drs. Mark Wilson and Kirstin Erickson Wilson
Windjammers Corp.
Bruce E. Wojack
Perry and Barb Wood
Sheldon and Monique Wood, Jr.
Curtis and Melanie Wright
Dr. Gregory and Linda Wright
Rebecca Wright
William and Tricia Wright
Kevin and Vicki Yaggie
Michael and Mary Yaggie
Rita Yaggie
Shelby and Sybil Yastrow
Jeff and Erin Young
Ellen Zacharias
Dr. David Zaleske
Dr. Brian Zelickson and Mary McCarthy
John and Linda Zimmerman
Frank Zink and Katie Resch
Phillip and Anne Zink
Rob and Gwen Zupancich
Shining Star
$500 - $999
Thomas Aamot
ABATE of Minnesota
Nancy Alley
Alliant Techsystems Matching Gift Program
Almar Sales Company
Linda and Barry Altman
Alvin E. and Mildred H. Miller
Philanthropic Fund
Thomas Amatruda and Lynne Morishita
Dr. Glen and Kathryn Anderson
Leslie Anderson
Peggy and Richard Anderson
Ruth Anderson
Gregory and Janice Aplin
George and Constance Aram
John and Karen Arnold
Dr. Marilyn Aschoff Mellor
Megan Astry
Ilene A. Atarian
Richard and Denise Auge
AXA Advisors
Theodore and Jacquelyn Baas
Tracy Babler
Bailey Nursery Foundation
Mary and Jason Ballsrud
Jenna Barke
Steven Barrick
Jane Barry
Greg and Jennifer Bastian
Bath and Body Works
Thor and Jane Becken
Jometa Bell
Mark and Karen Beltz
Kim Bennett
Robert and Rebecca Bennett
Medhi Benyebka
Larry and Linda Berger
Robert and Nona Bergh
Bergmark Foundation
Dr. R. Edward Bergmark
Joshua and Jennifer Bergstrom
Mara Berkland
Dr. Sheldon Berkowitz and Carolyn Levy
Blanton and Bonnie Bessinger, Jr.
Daniel and Sarah Best
Dennis and Grace Bierschbach
Bin Wine Bar
Bites For Comfort
Erik and Brooks Bjerke
Blake Middle School
Robert and Christin Blake
Robert and Trisha Blake
Chandra Bloodgood Kavati and Kiran Kavati
Robert and Paula Blumke
BMI Fundraising
Matt Bockley
Tom and Deirdre Bombeck
Jandeen Boone
Gregory and Sally Booth
Josh and Kelly Bowe
Christopher S. Bowron and
Katina M. Kaalberg
Zach Boxrud
Boyd Masonry
William and Margaret Boyd
Jason and Vineeta Branby
Dr. David Brasel and Andrew Haukebo
John Brekken
Judith and William Britt
Brad Bruette and Nancy Jacobson
Kent and Kimberly Brunner
Dr. Roy Bryan and Dr. Ann Ludwig
Mimi and Corey Bulman
William Bunzli
Burger Moe’s
Casey and Stephanie Burns
Paul and Pamela Bushman
C & M Commodities, Inc.
C.H. Robinson Worldwide Foundation
CA Clips, Inc.
Daniel and Julia Caesar
Robert Calhoun
Kent Camrud
Dr. Patrick and Marianne Carolan
Virgil and Cathy Carroll
John and Patricia Case
Paul and Kathryn Cassidy
Catersource, LLC
Bradley and Phyllis Catton
Caycor, Inc.
Champlin Park Senior High School
Dr. Pamela G. Chawla and
Dr. Michael P. McCue
Douglas and Therese Chenevert
Children’s Discovery Academy of
Early Learning
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics Professional Staff
Chippewa Graphics, Inc.
Melissa and David Christensen
George and Linda Chryssomallis
Dr. Julie Chu
Christopher Clasen
Cobb, Strecker, Dunphy, &
Zimmermann, Inc.
Dr. Kimberly Cochran
Jeanne Collins
Vicki and Andrew Connell
Connexus Energy
Kathryn and James Cook
Catherine Cowley
Creative License
Todd Cronin
Bradley and Cathleen Curtis
Cyben, Inc.
Ken and Pamela Cychosz
Greg and Terry Dahl
Dale Studios
Chip and Debbie Daniels
Kamalini Das
Babe Davis
Jodi Davis
Phillip L. Davis
Michael Davy
Brian and Cari Dawood
Margo Dempsey
Dent Wizard International
John Diekman
Scott and Kara Dillon
Wilrose Ditter and Joanne Goldsmith
Dog Days Hip Hounds, Inc.
Tim Doherty
John Donaldson
Robert and Elizabeth Donley
Jerome and Joan Downes
Becca Driesch
Benjamin and Elizabeth Duffey
Delma Ebert
Eden Glen Company
Keith and Laurel Edinburgh
Ms. Lynn Eidahl
John and Helen Eidem
John and Ludmila Eklund
Elk River Dance Team
Richard and Jennifer Emmerich
Charles and Jean Engasser Foundation
Dr. Mark and Nancy Engasser
Mark and Michele Engdahl
Tracy and Jamie Engels and Family
Barbara Erickson
Peter J. Erickson
Patrick and Laurie Erlandson
L. Craig and Theresa Estrem
Dr. David and Linda Estrin
Steve Euller and Nancy Roehr
Sandra Evenson
Alana and John Fabian
Steven and Darla Fall
Fallon Group, Inc.
John and Mary Fee
Nels and Rosemary Femrite
Kathleen Fernbach and Bruce Larson
The Roy Fielder Family Fund of
The St. Paul Foundation
Fine Line Hair, Inc.
Fred Fink and Mary Foarde
Stephen and Regina Finkelstein
Anthony and Lisa Fischer
Terry Gahan
Reginald Gehrke
Steve Geiger
General Electric Co.
Generate Consulting, Inc.
Paul E. Gerbec and Kelly Brenna
Kimberly Gertner
Mike Gessner
Paul and Joan Gibson
Jim Gilbertson
Jeremy and Lindsay Ginter
Girl Scout Troop #13270
Give It and Divot Tournament
Dr. Michael and Cindy Gleysteen
Marshall and Nancy Golden
Dr. Mace and Audrey Goldfarb
John and Denise Graves
Great Clips
Clifford and Kim Greene
Max and Mary Grefig
Bretta Grinsteinner
Jody Gueningsman and Linda Gueningsman
Thomas and Stephanie Gunderson
Tracy Gunelson
Caroline Gunther
Dr. David H. Gustafson
a year of
hope and
thanks to you
Richard and Alice Flaherty
Michael Fleetham
Flex Compensation, Inc.
Elizabeth Flores
Freddy Flores
Donald and Marlene Fondrick
Paul and Patricia Forsman
Richard and Denise Frame
David and Lynn Franey
Dr. Richard and Julie Fraser
Freelance Professionals, Inc.
Jack and Melinda Fribley
Sonya and Urban Friesz
John Fuoss
G.E.L., Inc.
Guthrie Theater
Wendi Haase
Hairclub for Men and Women
Duke Hale
Hammer Made
Hands of Compassion
Dr. Barbara Hansen
Mark and Janet Hanson
Frank and Carolyn Hanzlik
Nicole Hart
Robert Hauer
Kari Hawkins
Hazy Moon
Andrew and Karen Heddle
Charles and Marlene Hedenstom Fund
of Fidelity Charitable Fund
Jennifer and Joshua Heimkes
Phillip and Martha Heisner
Debra Henderson
Michael and Jennifer Herman
Erika Hernandez
Thomas Herr
Joe Herriage
Dr. Thomas M. Hetzel
Larry Hill and Linda Mohr
Dr. Christine and Randal Hills
Donald Himsl
James and Betsy Hiniker, III
Chad and Lori Hinkel
HLB Tautges Redpath, LTD
Jeffrey and Christine Hohn
Matt Holmstrom
Home Depot
Thalia Hooker
Hudmond, Inc.
George and Barbara Hudson
John and Shirley Johnson
Martha and Richard Johnson
Shalin and Paula Johnson
Tamara and Brad Johnson
Joy Johnson-Lind and Bob Lind
Michael Juelich
Just Kidding Clothing
Michael and Roxanne Kane
Pamela Kane
Jason and Teresa Karsten
Kathleen Interiors
Katie Welch Peterson Family Fund of
Schwab Charitable Fund
Christopher and Penny Kauffman
Robert Keith and Marisa Bueno
Joseph Keller
Erik Kelly
Michael and Gretchen Kelly, Jr.
Greg Kenton
Joseph and Cheryll Kerzman
KidCapers Portraits
Gervase and Laurie Kieffer
Killian & Milnar DDS, P.A.
Roger and Kathryn Kingsbury
thank you
for helping
to care for
Terri Hyduke
IBM Corporation Employee Services Center
Imation Corporation
In Balance Pilates Studio
Ingersoll Rand Company
J.W. Hulme
Iris Jackson
Suzanne Jackson
Jeffery and Kendra Jantzen
Erik and Elizabeth Jensen
Johnson Screens
Blake and Laura Johnson
Dale and Janice Johnson
Emilie Johnson
Joel and Lori Johnson
Dr. Martin and Corinne Klatzko
Jeff Klegon
Jeffrey Kline
Kevin and Stacie Klitz
Thomas and Laura Knobel-Piehl
Jeffrey and Lois Knutson
Larry and Becky Koenigs
Kyle and Jenny Kray
Craig and Lindy Kreibich
Karhik and Dora Kripapuri
James Krizak and Christina Palme-Krizak
L & B Theis Farms
Ben Labathe
Craig and Nancy Larrivee
Lasting Imprints
Ted Lauer
Laura Lawrence
Uyen Le
Catherine Lee
Jennifer Lee
Richard and Elizabeth Leighton
Timothy and Laura Leonhardt
Arthur Levine-Ferrante
Dennis Lider
Thomas and Erin Lisle
Bruce and Cheryl Little
Benjamin and Helen Liu
Dr. Bruce and Allison Lomax
Lorton Data
Colin and Wendy Lundgren
Lutheran Community Foundation
Dr. Lee and Barbara Lutterman
Kirsten Lynch
Dr. Walid and Nada Maalouli
Robert and Barbara MacIntyre
David MacLean
MacPhail Center for Music
Brett Madden
Robert and Jorie Malk
Mall of America
Dr. Barbara and Paul Malone
Manhattan Toy Co.
Daniel and Heidi Mans
John and Nicole Marinac
Carmen Martinez Suarez
Wendy Marty
Virginia Mason
Mathias Die Company
Mary Catherine Mauer
Dr. Leland and Anna Mayer
Chapman and J. Lohin Mayo
Sean and Stephanie McCauley
Dr. James and Joan McCord
Mildred McDonald
Michael and Mary McFadden
Andrew and Ann McGinn
Robert and Danelle McLeod
The Medtronic Foundation
Anton Medved
Tony and Patrice Meger
Brian Mensink
Gary and Becky Messer
Metropolitan Pediatric Specialists, P.A.
Chad Meyer
Richard and Joan Migliori, MD
Gene Miller
Greg and Molly Miller
Jason and Patricia Miller
Michael Miller
Mildred Miller
Minnesota Atheists
Minnesota Lynx
Minnesota Natural Medicine
Shari Mohabir
Paul and Linda Mohring
Mike Moliterno
Terry and Karen Moody
Michael and Lisa Moore
Dave Mooty
Darren Moquist
Sidney Morice
Mark and Katie Mortenson
Kerry Moser and Sam Bohrod
Mounds Park Academy
Andrea Mueller
Joel Muller
Bill and Gail Munsell
D. Joseph and Sarah Murphy
Margaret Murphy
National Truck and Heavy Equipment
Claims Council
Bonnie Navratil
Greg and Victoria Neis
Craig and Carla Nelson
Dr. Stephen Nelson and Peter Vitale
Steven and Marcia Nelson
Charles P. Nestor and Rose E. Hammes-Nestor
New Brighton Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association
Stanley and Joan Nickells
April Norell
North Star Morgan Horse Show
Dr. Juliana O’Laughlin
Nancy Olsen
Daniel and Kristin Olson
Randall and Rosemary Olson
Jessica D. Olstad
Luke O’Neill
Michael Oquendo
Keely Orchard
David and Suanne Orenstein
Alison Orton
Rick and Sherry Osterhaus
Cheryl Otting
Dr. Andrew and Laura Ozolins
Packaging Distribution Services, Inc.
Andrew Palileo
Richard and Sharon Pallarino
Park Dental Group
Park Tavern Lounge & Lanes
Matthew and Kristin Parrish
Leslie E. Partin
Dr. Nathaniel and Shauna Payne
Kyle and Kristen Pecha
Andrew and Kathleen Penson
Dr. Joanna and Ronald Perkins
Seth and Katie Petersen
Gregory and Carol Peterson
Jeff and Chris Peterson
Phillips Distilling Company
Kim Pickens and Michelle Wiese
Pier 1 Imports
Sheryl and Paul Plate
Dr. Robert and Roxanna Plouff
Polsinelli Shughart, PC
Jennifer Ponce De Leon
Kelly Portmann
K. Scott and Mary Ann Portnoy
Thomas Powers, Jr.
Kelly Preimesberger and Eric Snyder
Premier Investments, Inc.
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Paul and Molly Prew
Sheffield and Athena Priest
Priority Integrated Marketing
Prior-Ties, Inc.
Protitle, Co.
Michelle Pundy
Radisson Hotel Bloomington
Jeffrey Radunz
Pete Rainey
Mark and Jeanne Rancone
Connie Randolph
Eric and Maureen Rangen
Gary and Susan Rappaport
RBC Dain Rauscher Gift Matching Program
RC Styles, Inc.
Cavan and Scott Reagan Reichmann
Benjamin Reed
Kelly Reich
Dr. Samuel and Mrs. Krin Reid
James and Eileen Reinardy
Clarence and Debora Rezac
John and Brenda Rich
Philip Rickey and Mary Sullivan Rickey
Charles and Debra Rios, Sr.
Charles and Melony Rios
Dr. M. Chris and Elizabeth Robison
Ralph and Kathleen Rolling
Terry Romundstad and Diane Bengston
Michael Roos and Cynthia Goplen
Dr. David and Patricia Rustad
Kevin and Georgette Ruth
S&S Tree Specialists
Dr. Sandra K. Sackett
Jim and Cheryl Samples
L. Paul and Patricia Samson
Sanctuary Salonspa
James and Van Sanders
Robert and Kim Sannerud
James and Linda Sawyer
Judith Sawyer
Kimberley G. Schaeppi-Krebs and Alan Krebs
Mr. Chris Schellenberg and
Dr. Melissa Schellenberg
Kurt & Jane Schellhas
Eugene and Martha Schermer
Theresa and Robert Schiller
Fredrick Schilling and Debra Hamilton
William and Sharon Schmidt
Eugene and Marlene Schneider
Robert Schoberg
Dr. Kris Ann and Chris Schultz
Jon and Julz Schwingler
Drs. Robert Segal and Lucinda Cummings
Christopher and Sonya Seidl
Bruce and Rebecca Shay
Sharash Shetty
Sieben, Grose, Von Holtum & Carey, LTD
Thomas and Jessica Sipkins
Douglas and Carol Skanse
Alison Smith
Brian and Patti Smith
Mike and Jean Soucy
Southview Design
Spectacle Shoppe
Douglas Spiczka
Kent and Cathy Stadum
Stages Theatre Company
Alan and Linda Staples
Lisa Stay
Guardian Circle
Luminous and lasting
Members of the Guardian Circle have ensured a legacy of outstanding pediatric care in our community by including
Children’s in their estate as a future gift or by establishing an endowed fund to further our mission today. With much
gratitude, Children’s recognizes the vision and generosity exemplified by our Guardian Circle donors.
Christa Steene-Lyons and Brian Lyons
Nancy and Dan Steffen
Dr. Tierza and Mark Stephan
Stevens Community Association, LTD
Randy and Patricia Stinchfield
Lawrence & Beverly Stirtz
Patti Stowers
Jesse and Sarah Stremcha
Studio of Stars
Paige Stuedemann
Mary Sullivan
Robert and Janice Sulter
David and Cathryn Sussman
Dr. Lyle J. Swenson
Syngenta Seeds, Inc.
Target Corporation
Whitney Teel
Thomas and Anne Tegen
Tennis on Selby
The Murakami Family Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Dr. Jill and Erik Therien
Tim and Patricia Thoele
Dr. Andrew Thomas
Jessica Thon
Darryl and Dana Thorvilson
Harlan and Patricia Tietz
Timothy I. and Linda M. Martin
Charitable Fund
Travelers Express Company, Inc.
(Matching Gift Program)
Mike and Stephanie Trill
Dr. Michael F. Troy, PhD, LP and
Dr. Cynthia Koehler Troy
Margaret Ungerman
Unum Group
USTA Northern
Valero Renewables
Nicholas and M. Jane Van Brunt
Christopher and Deborah Van den Honert
John and Donna Van Dreser
Mark and Pamala VanHazinga
Joseph and Valerie Varno
Verizon Foundation Matching
Gift Incentive Program
Vincent A Restaurant
Vital Images, Inc.
Vujovich Design
Peter Vujovich
Cole Wagner
Sean and Gloria Wagstaff
Dolores Wallace
Melissa Wambold
Bradley and Heather Ward
David Warden and Linda Burns
Ambrose and Meridith Wardle, IV
Dr. Walter and Mary Warpeha
Frederick and Liz Weiner
Randolph and Jill Welshinger
Max Welton
Katie Werner
Kevin and Brenda Werwie
West Seventh Street Partners, LLC
Mark and Muriel Wexler Foundation
Muriel Wexler
Pamela Wheelock
Robert and Julie White
Dr. Anne and Desmond Whitney
Steven and Karen Wick
Robert Wicklund
Alyce Widner
Maureen Wiegner
Richard and Gisell Wien
Dr. Don Wiese
Ben and Janelle Wikstrom
Wilson Racquet Sports
Chad Winter
Rufus and Elizabeth Winton
Kenneth and Karen Wojcik
Lisa Wolfe
Dr. David and Nancy Wolff
David and Mary Wood
Ellen Worlund-Voorhaar
and Richard Voorhaar
Sonia Wright
Wyley Family Fund of the Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Xcel Energy Foundation - Matching Gifts
Michael and Lori Yates
Steven Ylvisaker and
Cheryl Hochmuth-Ylvisaker
Bruce Younggren
Drs. Paul and Bernarda Zenker
Thomas & Beth Zimmerman
Donna Zimmerman-Tremmel
Anonymous (40)
Jean W. Ambler
Raymond and Karen Ames
Nancy B. Anderly*
Dr. Arnold S. and Rusk D. Anderson
Irma L. Anderson
Katherine B. Anderson*
Alice L. Andrews*
Peter and Sally Anson
Robert* and Marjorie* Ashbach
Daniel and Laurie Ashbach
Edward W.* and Eleanor R. Asplin
Dr. Reno and Elizabeth Backus
Walt and Ginger Bailey
Webster Barsness
Mary and Alex Batinich
Gay and Ron Baukol
George* and Virginia* Bauman, Jr.
Eunice E. Bauman*
Russell M.* and Elizabeth M. Bennett
George and Karen Benz
Christina Berenberg
Robert* and Dorothy* Berg
Marc and Julie Berris
Cynthia S. Besemann
Dr. Blanton and Bonnie Bessinger, Jr.
Peter and Lizabeth Birkeland
Dorothy M. Blomquist*
Dr. Stephen J.* and Karen S. Boros
Eleanor Bourquin
Dr. Mary Braddock and Kevin Schaffer
David and Anne Braun
Conley Brooks, Sr.
Robert Brooks, Jr.*
Rutherford D.* and Ann Brosious
Joseph* and Marjorie F.* Brula
Mark and Linda Brunsvold
Robert and Geraldine Bullard
Isabel Campbell*
Otillia R. Cardinal*
* In remembrance
Terry Chick
Tague C.* and Johanna L.* Chisholm
Dexter* and Elizabeth O.* Clarke
Raymond Clausen*
Hiram and Mary Cochran, Jr.
Dr. Gage N. and Virginia M. Colby
Norbert and Mary Ellen Conzemius
Stephen W. Cook
John A. Cooley*
Donald Coy, Jr.
Ross and Sandra Dahlin
James and Jennifer Davenport
Babe S. Davis
Edwin* and Catherine* Davis
Jodi Davis
Mark and Joan Davy
Joan Dayton
Doris J. Dean*
Eugene* and LuElla M. DeMenge
Dr. Neil Derechin
Dr. Thomas P. and Judith A. Dimich
Arline B. Dimond*
J. Donald and M. Cathy Donahue
Albert P. Dreves*
Joseph* and Lillian A.* Duke
Gary S. and Barbara Edelston
Jerry and Trisha Egge
Edna B. Ellingson
Edwin S.* and Ellen J.* Elwell, Jr.*
David and Lynn Evinger
John A. Fitchette*
Donna Fiterman, in memory of Carl and Helen Young
Alex and Susan Fjelstad
Charles* and Tanya Foster
Clarence Frame*
Joan L. Gardner
Janet and David Gause
Dr. Richard and Elaine Gehrz
David F. Genung*
Gerald J. Godwin*
James and Dee Gruning
Michael and Stacie Hafner
Fern Hansen*
Eric and Catherine Hansen
Fay A. Harrison
Richard and Nancy Haskin
Daniel and Anne Heilman
Dr. Margaret Heisel Kurth and Frank Kurth
Phyllis Hensley*
Jory Herman
J. Stanley* & Doris* Hill
Dr. Lucille Hoilund*
John* and Dolores* Holl
John C. and Marna Holman
Scott Hugdahl and Leslie Martens
Albert* and Mary* Hulings
Charles* and Dorothy* Jarvis
John and Linda Jenneke
Kathryn V. Johnson*
Klara Johnson*
Ruth M. Johnson*
Kenneth* and Margery* Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
William and Susan Jolitz
Carol Jordan
Dr. Arthur W. Kaemmer
Martha H. Kaemmer
William G. Kahlert*
Jennifer and Larry Kahlow
Kenneth and Marion Kamstra
Genevieve S. Katkov, in memory
of Dr. Harold Katkov
Debra K. Kellerman and Tony Wandersee
Peter and Ruth Kenefick
Terry Kerber
Kathryn Kingsbury
Steven F. and Susan K.* Kingsbury
Horace D.* and Caroline L.* Klein
Lorri Hoff
Dr. Robert C. and Eleanor G.* Knutson
Gloria Koester*
Isabelle Korman*
Ramon J. Kral*
Craig and Lindy Kreibich
Betty and William* Kuechle
Theodora H. Lang*
Mary G. Lebedoff*
Christina A. Ledin
Todd and Beth Leonard
Charles and Paula Levenberg
Lynn Levinson
Stephen Libby
Paul J. Libby*
Nan P. and Drake J.* Lightner
Mary P. Lindeke*
Ann* and Cedric* Lindholm
Nick and Linda Linsmayer
Margaret Lipinski
Sidney Lippman*
Stella K. Lloyd*
Peter and Sonja Lopez, Jr.
Bruce K. Lowell
Eudene Lupino
Martha MacMillan
George* and Florence* Mairs
Dr. Mark and Nancy Mammel
Catherine A. Mason
H.G. McNeely, Jr.
Kenneth and Virginia Merrill
Dr. Blaine Miller
Keith Minge*
Jeanne Mithun
Dr. Ronald A. and Marilyn Mitsch
Henry A.* and Marjorie C. Montillon
Steven T. Moravec
Wilbur Morgan*
Wendy L. Morris
Virginia Moyer
Terrence J. and Kathie Mulligan
Elizabeth Myhre
Brock D. and Martha A. Nelson
Joan N. and Stanley B. Nickells
George* and Alma* Nye
Jack J. O’Connell
Clarence* and Erna Naused* O’Gordon
Karen L. Osterman
Mary Ostling
Lynn Otterlei
Jack and Ginger Overbye
Mary Patterson
Margaret Pavlik
Cora Peffer
Janna Peterson
David and April Peterson
Ronald E. Pfleiderer*
Catherine Pfleiderer*
Karoline Pierson
Frederick* and Ruth A. Grayston* Plane
Jody and Octavio Portu
The Family of Lee Prewitt
Tybie Proman*
Dr. Reeve* and Melissa* Ramsey
Dr. Philip and Rebecca Rapport
Lawrence Record and
Ginnie Weyerhaeuser Record
Darwin and Geri Reedy
Eleanor S.* and Robert S* Reid
Georgiana S. Reny*
Mary H. Rice
Dr. R. Hampton Rich
Suzanne K.* and Marvin D. Richards
Heather Riddle
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Roback
Robert and Jennifer Roback
Kevin and Cindy Roberg
Susan E. Rolle
T. Eileen and John* Russell
Dr. Sandra Sackett
Sandra and Dr. Ivan* Schloff
Craig and Leah Schmalz
Joe and Laura Schmit
Paul Schmitt
Sandra Schrick, in honor of
Andrew Michael Schrick
Carolyn and Clinton Schroeder
Carl and Mary Schroeder
Elizabeth A. Schutt*
Grace M. Seed*
Roger and Janet Seim
Jeffrey and Renee Seltzer
Doris L. Setterholm*
Delia M. and Dr. Hobart J.* Setzer
Stephanie and David Shapiro
Traci M. Singher
Marie E.* and Mitchell* Smilanich
Brian and Patti Smith
Alvis H.* and Doris* Snipes
Dr. Joseph J. and Jane M. Sockalosky
Dr. H. J.* and Audrey* Solberg
Dennis and Patricia Solfest
Dr. Bernard J. and Carol D. Spencer
Elva Walker Spillane* and John Spillane
Keith and DeNyce Steadland
Dr. Charles* and Helen* Steinberg
Martha B. Stimpson
Dr. Frederic and Rita Stone
Myrna Rose Strand
Geraldine Strand
Mabel I. Strehlow*
Dr. John* and Barbara* Tobin
Joe* and Kathy Trubachik
Robert and Valerie Trudeau
Ruth B. Usem
Joseph Van Sloun and Benita Bjorgo
Mary Lightner Vernon*
Gary and Nancy Wagner
James and Betsy Watkins
Barbara* and Bernard* Webber
Karen Wehner
William E. Weisman
John B. Wenger
Bruce and Lucia Wheeler
Joann H. Wildman
Alice E. Williams*
Floyd* and June* Williams
Norbert F. Winter, Jr.*
Benno F. Wolff*
Lillian Wright*
Lorraine Penny Wuerth
Jeanne Wyatt
Endowed funds
Burning brightly for generations
Children’s is proud to acknowledge the commitment, foresight and passion of the many individuals and organizations
who have established endowed funds that will permanently support an array of programs and services at Children’s.
Thank you for helping to care for children in the generations to come.
The Amber and Andrea Eichmann Memorial Endowment
To support medical research at Children’s of Minnesota.
Dr. Charles L. and Helen R. Steinberg Endowment
To provide support for the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
Anders Edward Hoff Family Endowment
To provide support for the special needs of oncology patient families
at Children’s of Minnesota.
The Dr. Charles W. Jarvis Endowment
To support new laboratory technologies and techniques or to
provide education opportunities to lab personnel.
The Anne Elizabeth Davy Pediatric Oncology
Nursing Education Endowment
To support pediatric oncology nursing education.
Children’s Hospital and Clinics General Endowment
To support the urgent needs of Children’s of Minnesota.
Anne Reznick Memorial Endowment
To provide charity care support at Children’s of Minnesota.
Arlene Sommer and Betty Mammel Endowment
To provide support for research in neonatal and perinatal medicine
at Children’s of Minnesota.
Children’s Hospital Medical Education & Research Endowment
To support medical research and education at Children’s of Minnesota.
Christian, Viggo and Marie Hendrickson Memorial Endowment
To provide charity care at Children’s of Minnesota.
Clarence and Erna O’Gordon Research and Education Endowment
To support medical education and research at Children’s of Minnesota.
The Arline B. Dimond Endowment
To provide support for the child life program at Children’s
of Minnesota.
Clarence G. Frame Endowment
To provide services to children in the east metro area. Audrey M. Solberg Memorial Endowment
To provide support for the Midwest Children’s Resource Center with
an emphasis on supporting child abuse prevention endeavors.
Clayton L. Robinson Endowment
To provide non-operational support for the PICU at the St. Paul
campus of Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
The Bean Family Endowment
To support unique and innovative programs that benefit parents
and children and strengthen families by fostering good health and
understanding of child development. The Colvin Family Endowment
To provide funds for child life specialists staffing for
hematology/oncology programs.
Benno F. and Gertrude B. Wolff Endowment
To provide support for the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
The Blake Robert Jones Memorial Endowment
To support pediatric cardiology research at Children’s of Minnesota.
Dr. Bruce Fehr Endowment
To provide support for an annual Dr. Bruce Fehr Lectureship in
emergency medicine.
Callie Collette Brattain Memorial Endowment for Nursing Education
To support nursing education and medical lectureship.
Cancer Kids Fund Endowment
To provide support for hematology/oncology patients and their
families at Children’s of Minnesota.
Carl D. Bates Endowment
To provide support for the urgent needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
Carol Larsen Memorial Endowment
To provide support for the pain and palliative program at
Children’s of Minnesota.
Daryl Kahlert Memorial Endowment
To support the hematology/oncology program at Children’s
of Minnesota.
The Deva House Hospice and Palliative Care Endowment
To provide funds for hospice and palliative care services at
Children’s of Minnesota.
Diabetes Center Endowment
To support the salary and benefit expenses of the diabetes
center medical director.
Edward H. Schonbohm Development and Rehabilitation Endowment
To provide support for pediatric developmental and rehabilitation
services at Children’s of Minnesota.
Eleanor Gray Knutson Memorial Endowment
To provide charity care support at Children’s of Minnesota.
Eleanor R. Bourquin Endowment
To support the urgent needs at St. Paul campus of Children’s
Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Elinor D. Brodie Memorial Endowment
To provide support for the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
For the Love of Children Endowment
To fund programs supported by the Children’s Association - Minneapolis.
The Fore Angels Endowment
To fund the purchase of medical equipment for the PICU or for
special capital needs for the family center apartments at the St. Paul
campus of Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Kohl’s Child Life Endowment
To provide funds for the child life program at
Children’s of Minnesota.
The Olivia, Jack and Gracie Becker Endowment
To provide support for the general needs of the NICU program at the
St. Paul campus of Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Jack J. O’Connell & Madaline O’Connell Walli Research Endowment
To support medical research at Children’s of Minnesota. Krishna M. Saxena, M.D. Medical Education Endowment
To support the annual Dr. Krishna Saxena Endocrine Lectureship and
residents recognition dinner at the St. Paul campus of Children’s
Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
The Ordway Family Endowment
To support the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
Jackson Wollo Endowment
To provide support for the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
Lauren Taylor Ehele Endowment
To provide support for the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
The Gay Gollan Baukol Endowment
To provide support for children who are sick, injured or abused.
Jeanne Mithun Pediatric Hospice Endowment
To provide funds for hospice care provided at or by
Children’s of Minnesota.
Genevieve E. Stelberg Memorial Endowment
To support pediatric oncology programs at Children’s of Minnesota.
Jill Davis Intensive Care Nursing Endowment
To support pediatric intensive care (cardiac care) nursing education.
Glen and Harold Bend Endowment
A charitable perpetual trust set-up to fund the community health
needs of the St. Paul campus of Children’s Hospitals and
Clinics of Minnesota.
The Jim and Colleen Ryan Cancer Care Endowment
To provide support for the hematology/oncology program.
Lee H. Prewitt Memorial Lecture Endowment
To provide support to the annual Lee. H. Prewitt Memorial Lecture at
Children’s of Minnesota.
John and Dolores Holl Endowment
To support the general needs of the St. Paul campus of Children’s
Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Lillian May Wilcockson Endowment
To provide charity care support at Children’s of Minnesota.
Grandparents Club Endowment
To provide small grants for human ecology needs at the Minneapolis
campus of Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Great Clips Endowment for Child Life
To provide support for Children’s of Minnesota’s child life school
re-entry program.
Harry B. Sutton Research Endowment
To support medical research at the St. Paul campus of Children’s
Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Heart of Gabriel Endowment
To provide support for the benefit of patients, families of patients,
professional staff, programs, or any need associated with the
cardiovascular program at Children’s of Minnesota.
Helen C. Henn, R.N. Endowment
To provide support for patient family accommodations at the
family center at the St. Paul campus of Children’s Hospitals and
Clinics of Minnesota.
The Helping Hand Club Endowment
To provide grants to farm families to supplement uninsured
and non-reimbursed medical costs. Dr. Hugh and Alison Westgate Endowment
To provide support for education, research and clinical initiatives to
enrich ethical discussion.
I.C. System, Inc./Ruth M. Johnson/Erickson Family Endowment
To support the special health needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
Irma E. Dahlberg Memorial Endowment
To support the neonatal intensive care unit at the St. Paul campus of
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Irma L. Anderson Endowment for Pediatric Cancer Treatment
To provide support for the benefit of any and all aspects of its cancer
treatment program and its successors.
The Dr. Ivan and Sandra Schloff Fund for Children Endowment
To support the family resource center at the St. Paul campus of
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
John C. Holman Endowment
To provide support for the PICU program at the St. Paul campus of
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
John J. Fangman Neonatology Lectureship Endowment
To provide funds for an annual grand rounds neonatology lecture and
related visits by the guest speaker to all neonatal intensive care units
at Children’s of Minnesota.
John Peter Hoffman Endowment
To support research in the area of childhood disease.
The John R. Ellingson Endowment
To provide support for the hematology/oncology program.
The Jonathan Andrew Johnson and
Johnna Louise Johnson Endowment
To provide support for the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
The Jones Luhmann Ranck Family Endowment
To provide support for bereavement services at Children’s of Minnesota.
Jorgen Rodgers Hoff Research Endowment
To support newborn intensive care research.
Joseph and Lillian Duke Endowment
To support the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
Joseph Lloyd Jackson Endowment
To provide support for the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
Justin Heltemes Endowment
To provide funds for hematology/oncology program
at Children’s of Minnesota.
Kathryn V. Johnson Memorial Endowment
To support the cancer care program at Children’s of Minnesota.
Dr. Lawrence J. Singher Memorial Endowment
To support the annual lectureship and other pediatric hematology/
oncology endeavors.
Pine Tree Apple Tennis Classic Endowment
To support research needs of the hematology/oncology program at
Children’s of Minnesota.
The Professional Staff Research and Education Endowment
To support research and education projects at Children’s of Minnesota.
Research Endowment
To provide support for research projects at Children’s of Minnesota. The Richard, Pamela, Katherine and Christina Ledin
Family Endowment
To provide support for the patients and families of the
hematology/oncology program.
The Lindsay Ann Ashbach Memorial Endowment
To support NICU research at Children’s of Minnesota.
Dr. Robert Rosenthal Memorial Endowment
To support the non-operating, general needs at Children’s of
The Lindsay Endowment
To provide clinical support for the hematology/oncology program to
supplement uninsured, non-reimbursed costs.
Rutherford D. Brosious and Family Education Endowment
To provide support for nursing education at the St. Paul campus of
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Lorraine Wuerth Endowment for Charity Care/Community Benefit
To provide support to the charity care program
at Children’s of Minnesota.
The Samantha Lynn Evinger Endowment
To support the Cancer Kids Fund.
The Louis and Matthew Schroeder Memorial Endowment
To support hematology/oncology medical research at
Children’s of Minnesota.
Mary Andersen Hulings Endowment
To support urgent needs at the St. Paul campus of Children’s
Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Max R. Berris Endowment
To provide support for the general needs at Children’s of Minnesota.
Minnesota Pro Paintball Endowment
To provide support to Children’s of Minnesota, especially the
cardiology program.
Mulligan Family Endowment
To provide support for the epilepsy program on the St. Paul
campus of Children’s of Minnesota.
thanks for helping get
kids back to
their rightful place
of happy
The Samuel Billington Sewall Endowment
To provide funding for child life specialist staffing for Children’s of
Minnesota hematology/oncology programs.
Saundra Powers and Casaundra Hinkel Endowment
To provide funds for the Minnesota Sudden Infant Death Center and
the cardiology program at Children’s of Minnesota.
The Sibling Play Area Staffing Endowment
To support extended child life staffing in the sibling play room.
Dr. Stacy and Donna Roback Honorary Endowment
To provide support to Children’s of Minnesota.
Stephen J. Boros, M.D. Fellowship Endowment
To support a graduate research fellowship in neonatology.
Susan and Bill Jolitz Endowment
To provide support for the chaplaincy program at
Children’s of Minnesota.
Tague C. Chisholm Endowment
To support pediatric surgical and pediatric urologic education
endeavors at Children’s of Minnesota.
The Thomas M. McGill Memorial Endowment
To provide charity care support at Children’s of Minnesota.
Benefit events sponsors
Bright stars on the horizon
Proceeds from Children’s benefit events provide significant funding to support a variety of programs and services
that help patients and families throughout their health journey. Thank you to the many sponsors who help ensure the
success of these events through their generous financial support.
Baby Steps 3K
James and Jennifer Davenport
Ella’s Halo
Minnesota Neonatal Physicians, P.A.
Children’s Hospitals
Golf Benefit
Timothy Ivan Moreland Memorial Endowment
To purchase equipment for the NICU or to fund NICU projects which
the budget will not cover.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Pediatric Research Endowment
To support research at Children’s of Minnesota.
Walter Reeve Ramsey and Ruth Lusk Ramsey Fellowship Endowment
A charitable perpetual trust set up by Dr. Walter Ramsey to fund
fellows at Children’s of Minnesota.
Webb Publishing Company Endowment for Medical Research
To support medical research at Children’s of Minnesota.
Wilbur Morgan Medical Research Endowment
To support pediatric research at Children’s of Minnesota.
William J. & Stella K. Lloyd Endowment
To provide charity care support at Children’s of Minnesota.
The Winifred Wollaeger Bean Endowment
To support family centered care programs - child life, social work,
chaplaincy and child family services.
Dr. Woodard L. Colby Memorial Endowment
To support the annual Dr. Woodard Colby Lectureship and
general needs at the St. Paul campus of Children’s Hospitals and
Clinics of Minnesota.
Associates in Newborn Medicine
Carousel Audi
Data Recognition Corporation
Doody Mechanical Inc.
Enterprise Holding Foundation
Hallberg & McClain, P.A.
Hank and Ellen Hanten
La Mettry’s Collision
Maplewood Audi
Mercedes Foundation
NEI Electric
Northwinds Marketing Group, LLC
Pediatric Surgical Associates, LTD
Riverbridge Partners, LLC
Slumberland Furniture
Tealwood Asset Management, Inc.
Treasure Island Resort & Casino
Paul Walthour
Wells Fargo Bank
Cocktails for a Cause
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Lawson’s Legacy
Golf Benefit
Jim Bergan
Linda Bergan
Shane Bergan
Todd Bergan
Steve Geiger
Luke and Alisha Gordy
Dale Kemp
Kevin and Stacie Klitz
Maple Crest Landscape
Jeffrey and Karen Moen
Bill and Gail Munsell
Optum Health, Inc.
Jeff and Laura Putnam
Michael and Kara Rios
Kevin and Georgette Ruth
Joseph and Claudia Stahl
HeartBeat 5000
5K Run/Walk
Best Buy Company, Inc.
Boston Scientific Foundation, Inc.
The Children’s Heart Clinic, P.A.
Cities 97
Edelweiss Home Health Care, Inc.
Granite City Food & Brewery Ltd.
Kare 11
Medtronic, Inc.
Memorial Blood Centers of Minnesota
Navarre Distribution Services, Inc.
New Horizon Enterprises, Inc.
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Pine Tree Apple
Tennis Classic
Allan Mechanical, Inc.
Jonathan Anderson
William and Christine Anderson
Peter and Sally Anson
Arthur and Constance Goodman Foundation
B & G Products Company
Elizabeth Baker
Mary Baker
Ronald and Gay Baukol
Belair Company, LLC
Kim Bennett
Karen Berg and Dan Shannon
Bin Wine Bar
Birch Lake Dental
Mary Birkeland
Tom and Deirdre Bombeck
Gregory and Sally Booth
John and Deb Bowenkamp
Boyd Masonry
Dr. Timothy and Chris Bray
Paul and Barbara Brehm
John Brekken
Buerkle Hyundai
Children’s Discovery Academy
of Early Learning
Dr. John and Barbara Cionca
David and Carol Cole
Michael and Pamela Crandall
Wynn and Jean Cronje
Gregory Daigle
Chip and Debbie Daniels
Merle and Carol Danielson
Kamalini Das
Paul Delaney
Dentistry for the Entire Family
Dog Days Hip Hounds, Inc.
Timothy and Valerie Doherty
Robert and Elizabeth Donley
James Dorsey and Dee Gaeddert
James and Mary Du Bois
E. A. Anderlik & M. L. Sorvala
James and Sarah Ecker
Jennifer Eckert
Bryan Eichenwald and Jane Helsing
Jeffrey and Michelle Eikmeier
Kenneth and Linda Eikmeier
Erickson-Aamodt Orthodontics, P.A.
Finley Bros., Inc.
Elizabeth Flavin
Christopher and Janet Foley
Michael and Peggy Gaard
Carole Gallagher
Dr. James Gannon
David and Sharon Garber
Alice Goetz
Nicole Goldammer
Darlene Gorrill
John and Denise Graves
Mike and Sara Greenbaum
Hammer Made
Kevin and Polly Hart
John and Diane Hartinger
Hejny Rental
Henke Studio
Christopher and Kristin Hill
HLB Tautges Redpath, LTD
Dick and Dottie Hoel
Thor and Denise Holmgren
Thalia Hooker
Michael Horn and Pamela Klinger-Horn
Imation Corp
Iron Mountain
John and Twinks Irvine
Ronald and Carol James
Arthur Johnson
Dale and Janice Johnson
Helen J. Kahl
Dr. William and Cameron Kane
The King Capital Corporation
Jeffrey Kline
James and Ann Kochsiek
Larry and Linda Kraus
Walter Krebsbach and Andrina Hougham
Fred and Laura Krueger
Paul and Ursula Kuhrmeyer
Kathleen Kundel
Lake Area Bank
Chad Larson
Gregg and Mary Larson
Dr. Robert and Barbara Lefsrud
Steven and Tracey Libby
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Lindsay
Benjamin and Helen Liu
Perry Lonnes
Mairs and Power, Inc.
George Mairs, Jr.
Sam and JoAnn Mairs
Jim Marolt
Phillip Martin and Erika Zetty
Sandy Martin
Curt and Lynette McLeod
McNamara Company
Harry McNeely, Jr.
Medtronic, Inc.
David and Jennifer Melin
Gerald and Joan Mellgren
Sheila Merzer
Lyle and Gloria Meschke
Dr. Yoav H. Messinger
and Dr. Julia Steinberger
Michael and Sara Meyer
Marilyn Meyers
Marc and Anne Miller
Scott and Dede Montgomery
Spence and Catherine Morley
D. Joseph and Sarah Murphy
Bradly and Terry Narr
Thomas and Susan Nelson
Nickelodeon Universe
Gary and Mary Nussbaum
Bob and Mickey Paine
Marlene Parkin
Mary-Josie Patterson
PCG Agencies
Leon and Diane Pearson
Jeff and Chris Peterson
Pine Tree Orchards, Inc.
Frank Plourde and Ann Putnam-Plourde
Mary Porter
Kelly Portmann
K. Scott and Mary Ann Portnoy
Professional Billing Management, Inc.
Quicksilver Express Courier, Inc.
Jimmy and Tiffany Rathmanner
Nancy Reid
Thomas and Mary Ricker
Alberto and Martha Roca
Bob and Mary Rolston
Terry Romundstad and Diane Bengston
Larry and Denise Rutkowski
Bob and Barb Schultz
Dr. Kris Ann and Chris Schultz
Richard and Carol Seaberg
Shallow Shaft Restaurant
Russell and Vicki Sheaffer
Dr. Rolf and Ching Skogerboe
Drew Smith and Ann Cooper
Kent and Cathy Stadum
Paul and Meryl Steinhauser
Donna Stenberg
Mary Sweeney
Dick and Mary Jo Tein
Tennis on Selby
The Toro Company
Boy and Betty Toy
Mike and Stephanie Trill
Triple Tree, LLC
Margaret Trondson
Lisa van de Werken
Stephen Warch & Alexandra Klass
Ronald Ward
David Warden and Linda Burns
Dora Washington
Randolph and Jill Welshinger
Dr. James Werwie and Charlene Grimes
Marcus and Barb Weyandt
Steven and Karen Wick
Randy and Lisa Wilcox
Dr. David and Nancy Wolff
Richard and Susan Wolsfeld, Jr.
The Wright Group
Curtis and Melanie Wright
Michael and Lori Yates
Zimmerman Reed, P.L.L.P.
Frank Zink and Katie Resch
John Zink
Lori Zink
Twin Cities
Thursday Happy Hour
DDL, Inc.
Patrick and Carla Nolan
Priority Integrated Marketing
Children’s Star Gala,
Thank God For Kids
AJ Indoor Advertising, Inc.
APi Group, Inc.
George and Constance Aram
Arthur Murray School of Dance
Arthur’s Jewelers
Russell and Trish Becker
Best Buy Company, Inc.
David and Maureen Brumbaugh
Kate Bryant and Jonathan Lindfors
Daniel and Nancy Burkes
C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.
Cerner Corporation
Children’s Respiratory & Critical Care
Specialists P.A.
Chippewa Graphics, Inc.
Maria Christu and Kevin Staunton
Cobb, Strecker, Dunphy, &
Zimmermann, Inc.
Joe and Molly Culligan
James and Jennifer Davenport
Dedicated Logistics, Inc.
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
edgProductions, Inc.
Edward and Leslye Phillips
Family Foundation
Michael and Linda Fiterman
Dean and Lynn Freeman
David and Sharon Garber
General Security Services Corporation
Dr. Alan and Lynn Goldbloom
Great Clips, Inc.
Great Northern Corporation
Harold and Linda Haluptzok
Harris Companies
HDR Architecture, Inc.
Brad Hoyt and Dori Schlampp
Hunt Electric Corporation
Joan Wellman and Associates, Inc.
Robert and Geri Jorgenson
Drs. Phillip and Mary Beth Kibort
Andrea Kmetz-Sheehy and Robert J. Sheehy
Knutson Construction Company, Inc.
LarsonAllen Financial, LLP
Leonard, Street & Deinard Foundation
Liberty Diversified International
Thomas and Erin Lisle
M & I Marshall and Ilsley Bank
McGough Foundation
Scott and Susan McLeod
David and Jennifer Miller
Minnesota Neonatal Physicians, P.A.
Minnesota Timberwolves
Frank and Marilyn Nogai
Craig and Maureen Norman
David and Lee Ann Overman
Park Dental Group
Pediatric Home Service, Inc.
Pediatric Surgical Associates, LTD
Theresa A. Pesch
Peterson Milla Hooks, Inc.
The Phileona Foundation
Principal Financial Group
Provo-Petersen & Associates, P.A.
Quicksilver Express Courier, Inc.
RBC Tile & Stone
Samuel and Stacey Riter
RJF Agencies, Inc.
Ronald McDonald House
Ryan Companies US, Inc.
John and Janet Ryan
Patrick and Ann Ryan
Dori Schlampp and Brad Hoyt
Dr. Susan Sencer and David Mura
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Dr. Clark and Natasha Smith, II
Dr. Linda and Fred Soucie
Spyder Trap Online Marketing
Christa Steene-Lyons and Brian Lyons
Stericycle - SSWS
Stratford Advisory Group, Inc.
Clifford and Jane Taney
Target Commercial Interiors
Target Foundation
Steven and Kayla Thimjon
Ultra Creative, Inc.
UnitedHealth Group
US Bank
Weber Shandwick Worldwide
Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Western National Mutual
Insurance Company
Whitebox Advisors, LLC
Willis of Minnesota
Jeff and Erin Young
The Children’s
Association — Minneapolis
Children’s Hospital
Association (CHA)
Continuing on its vision of providing well-funded
programs in the community to support the health care
needs of children and their families, Children’s Hospital
Association (CHA) contributed $700,000 to Children’s
in 2011. This included a $200,000 payment on CHA’s
$1 million capital campaign pledge to the hospital. CHA
also announced a capital campaign pledge of $500,000
for the rooftop healing garden in St. Paul that will begin
construction in 2012.
Through the dedicated work of its members, The
Children’s Association – Minneapolis gifted $345,704
to Children’s in 2011. Included in this donation figure
is the first of a $50,000-per-year, 10-year pledge to the
Star Studio. In August 2011, Children’s dedicated Star
Studio in honor of the Association. The Association also
allocated funds to the family resource center, child life
services, family needs funds, pain and palliative care and
the pediatric clinic.
“We are so proud of the hard work our members do
for the hospital and for the children and families it
serves,” says Carol Evans, president of the Association,
a fundraising and service organization to help support
projects and programs at Children’s of Minnesota. (The
Association’s 200 members are organized into
eight chapters.)
The Association sponsors a variety of fundraising events
including golf tournaments, luncheons, dinners, silent
auctions, plant sales, garage sales and more. Donations
are often made to the Association in honor or memory
of families and friends. All proceeds from the Storybook
Gift Shop, a volunteer staffed and operated shop located
at Children’s – Minneapolis, are donated to Children’s
through the Association.
In addition to its fundraising efforts, Association members
give of their time and talents to create many items for
Children’s patients and families including special sleepers
for the NICU, hats, booties, Wee Welcome kits, holiday
stockings, lactation bags, baptismal napkins and crossstitch kits. The Association also sponsors the Clothes
Closet that gives hospital staff access to new clothing
for patients in need and many chapters make and serve
meals at the Ronald McDonald House.
“We are continually driven by the
courage we see in these families when
their child is sick and we are dedicated
to doing what we can to help them
receive the very best care possible.”
“All of our members have a passion for helping children,”
says Sharyn Duce, president of CHA. “When we hear the
stories of hope and encouragement that our donations
make possible, we are energized to do more.”
In its 79-year history, CHA, which is comprised of 45
board members and 375 members in 16 guilds, has
pledged more than $18 million, making it the largest
cumulative donor to Children’s Hospitals and Clinics
of Minnesota.
CHA’s dedicated volunteers give generously of their
time and talent to ensure the success of its events
and initiatives. Its signature annual fundraisers are
the Storyland Ball, held the last Saturday in October,
and Table Talk, held the first Wednesday of August. In
addition, each guild hosts various fundraisers throughout
the year, and, proceeds from the volunteer-run Peter
Pan Gift Shop also benefit the hospital.
1. Members of the Ladybug Chapter serving dinner at
the Ronald McDonald House. 2. Active members and
alumni of the Children’s Association – Minneapolis with
Dr. Arne Anderson. 3. Members of the Little Boy Blue
Chapter preparing for the Swing for Kids golf event.
4. Past Association Presidents Ellen Schmidt and Kim
Sannerud visiting Star Studio, which is supported in part
by the Children’s Association – Minneapolis.
“CHA is grateful for the support of the
hospital. Through our partnership,
we are ensuring the children in our
community are receiving the best care
possible. We are truly changing lives.”
Sharyn Duce
President, Children’s
Hospital Association
1. North Oaks 2 Guild Rummage Sale. 2. Table Talk —
Debra Thompson’s table. (L-R): Kathy Tipler, Carol Ernst, Linda
Haluptzok, Debra Thompson, Beth Martinson, Sharyn Duce,
Janet Niska. 3. Mahtomedi Guild’s Lobster by the Lake.
(L-R): Ann Helgeson and Marcia Altstaat. 4. Storyland Ball.
(L-R): Roberta Keller, Sue Slocum, Dennis Keller, Joan Gardner.
Carol Evans
President, The Children’s
Association – Minneapolis
Children’s – Minneapolis
Hospital and Specialty Clinics
2525 Chicago Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55404
(612) 813-6000
Children’s – St. Paul
Children’s Clinics –
Children’s – Maple Grove
Rehabilitation Clinic
Specialty and Rehabilitation Clinics
7767 Elm Creek Boulevard
Suite 300
Maple Grove, MN 55369
(763) 416-8700
Woodwinds Oak Center
1825 Woodwinds Drive
Suite 400
Woodbury, MN 55125
(651) 232-6800
Hospital and Specialty Clinics
Children’s – Minnetonka
345 N. Smith Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55102
(651) 220-6000
Outpatient Surgery and
Diagnostic Center
Children’s – Roseville
Rehabilitation Clinic
1835 W. County Rd. C
Roseville, MN 55113
(651) 638-1670
6050 Clearwater Drive
Minnetonka, MN 55343
(952) 930-8600
Rehabilitation Clinic
General Pediatric Clinics
Children’s – Minneapolis
Children’s – St. Paul
Pediatric and Adolescent Care (PACE)
Northeast Pediatric Clinic
Metropolitan Pediatric Specialists, P.A.
Your ongoing generosity
will continue to bring
hope and healing to thousands
of children every year.
Children’s Foundation
2910 Centre Pointe Drive
Roseville, MN 55113
5950 Clearwater Drive
Suite 500
Minnetonka, MN 55343
(952) 930-8630
McNeeley Pediatric Diabetes Center
6060 Clearwater Drive
Suite 204
Minnetonka, MN 55343
(952) 930-8123