The role of modeling in troubleshooting: An example from electronics 1 2 2 1,3 Dimitri R. Dounas-Frazer , Kevin L. Van De Bogart , MacKenzie R. Stetzer , and Heather J. Lewandowski 1 Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maine, 3JILA, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, USA Transcript Modeling Framework Abstract Troubleshooting systems is integral to experimental physics in both research and instructional laboratory settings. The recently adopted AAPT Lab Guidelines identify troubleshooting as an important learning outcome of the undergraduate laboratory curriculum. We investigate students’ model-based reasoning on a troubleshooting task using data collected in think-aloud interviews during which pairs of students attempted to diagnose and repair a malfunctioning circuit. Our analysis scheme is informed by the Experimental Modeling Framework, which describes physicists’ use of mathematical and conceptual models when reasoning about experimental systems. We show that this framework is a useful lens through which to characterize the troubleshooting process. Measurement system apparatus Measurement S1: Physical system apparatus Abstraction S2: S1: Abstraction Model construction Model construction Interpretation Prediction Comparison S2: S1: S2: Proposal Revision: Msmt. Revision: Msmt. system model system app. Revision: Phys. system app. S1: S2: Revision: Phys. system model S1: S2: Troubleshooting Task Theoretical Perspectives Model: Abstract representation; both explanatory and predictive Explains aspects of the real world Predicts scientific phenomena Embedded in known principles and concepts Simplifying assumptions yield tractable representations Stage 1: Noninverting Amp. Gain = 2 VIN Stage 2: Inverting Amp. Gain = –10 1k Troubleshooting: Process of repairing malfunctioning apparatus 2,3 Iterative process that involves cycles of modeling Typically focuses on idealized model of a functional physical system Typically involves revision of the physical system apparatus Split-Half Strategy: Test midpoint to localize fault in one subsystem 4 Interaction Analysis: Investigation of students' interactions Modeling Framework treated as an a priori analysis scheme Students interact with each other and the apparatus Models and model-based reasoning belong to interactional space S2: S1: 10 k VOUT 1 Modeling: Process of developing and refining models Model Construction: Developing models of systems Prediction: Using models to form expectations about measurements Comparison: Comparing measurements to predictions Proposal: Proposing explanations and/or solutions to discrepancies Revision: Resolving discrepancies by changing apparatus or models S1: S2: S1: S2: S1: S2: 460 460 Fault 1: 100 resistor Setup Fault 2: Broken chip So it's doubled V-in, but it's not inverted it. And it shouldn't be inver-- should be-Is that an inverting amplifier? No, it's not. An inverting amplifier is connected to the-V-in is connected to the negative terminal, right? Yeah, yeah. So it shouldn't be inverted. So this one-- (Points to schematic) Well, neither of them are inverting. Oh, yes. (Points to schematic) This one is inverting. The second one is inverting. But our V-out right now isn't inverting. (Points to oscilloscope) So that probably means that there positive-- plus and minus terminals in the second one are just mixed up. (Points to schematic) Why? Because it's not inverting. So this is an inverting amplifier so they just mixed up the plus and minus. (Points to schematic) But this one's not doing anything at all. (Points to schematic) The way this is drawn here is inverting. Yeah. But on here-- (Leans over circuit) On here it's not-- (Leans over circuit) There's not output at all. I mean there's this tiny-- (Points to oscilloscope) What do you mean? (Points to oscilloscope) Yeah, there's-I guess, but that's like-How much-- Well, how big is it? It's tiny. It's like ten millivolts. Oh. Well, okay. We have a good output for the first op-amp, so we are going to have-the problem is in the second one. Model Construction facilitates Comparison and Prediction. (Stage 1) Model Construction facilitates Comparison. (Stage 2) Proposal. Negotiation: Students decide not to enact proposal. Comparison concludes Split-Half Strategy. Conclusions Function generator Students engaged in model-based reasoning throughout a cycle of troubleshooting in which they employed the Split-Half Strategy. DC power supply A complementary metacognitive framework is needed to fully describe students' decisions about how to navigate between modeling phases; we consider such a framework elsewhere5. Future work will focus on instruction and assessment of troubleshooting skills in electronics courses. 1 Activity design: Repairing a malfunctioning apparatus Presence of two distinct faults gives rise to iterative modeling cycles Functioning and malfunctioning stages allow for Split-Half Strategy Pairing students reproduces laboratory course enviroonment B.M. Zwickl, N. Finkelstein, and H.J. Lewandowski, Am. J. of Phys. 82, 876 (2014). 2 D.H. Jonassen and W. Hung, Educ. Psychol. Rev. 18, 77 (2006). 3 A. Schaafstal, J.M. Schraagen, and M. van Berl, Hum. Factors 42, 75 (2000). 4 B. Jordan and A. Henderson, J. Learn Sci. 4, 39 (1995). 5 K. van De Bogart, D. Dounas-Frazer, H. Lewandowski, and M. Stetzer, Submitted to 2015 PERC Proc. Oscilloscope Malfunctioning circuit This work was supported by NSF grants DUE-1323101, DUE-1323426, DUE-1245313, and DUE-0962805.