Strength and durability of concrete with crushed sand B Balapgol*, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India S A Kulkarni, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India K M Bajoria, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India 27th Conference on OUR WORLD IN CONCRETE & STRUCTURES: 29 - 30 August 2002, Singapore Article Online Id: 100027021 The online version of this article can be found at: This article is brought to you with the support of Singapore Concrete Institute All Rights reserved for CI‐Premier PTE LTD You are not Allowed to re‐distribute or re‐sale the article in any format without written approval of CI‐Premier PTE LTD Visit Our Website for more information 2m Conference on OUR WORLD IN CONCRETE & STRUCTURES: 29 - 30 August 2002, Singapore Strength and durability of concrete with crushed sand B Balapgol*, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India 5 A Kulkarni, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India K M Bajoria, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India Abstract This paper presents the results of an experimental study on strength and durability of concrete with crushed basalt stone fine aggregates as a substitute to diminishing natural sand. The strength and durability properties of concrete viz. compressive strength, flexural strength and permeability of hardened concrete were investigated. An experimental study was performed to observe the performance of concrete incorporating crushed basalt stone fine aggregates replacing the natural sand. The test results indicate that the performance of concrete with crushed basalt stone fine aggregates were excellent. The compressive strength of concrete for different grades increased from 8 % to 26 %, the flexural strength was increased from 1 % to 5 % and coefficient of permeability was decreased significantly. The test results indicated that strength and durability of concrete would be better with crushed sand replacing natural sand . . 1. Introduction The natUral sand is one of the main constituents of the concrete making about 35% of volume of concrete used in building construction industry. It is mainly excavated from the riverbeds . Due to the construction of dams on rivers, these natural resources are erasing fast. In hilly areas and other such places where sand is not abundantly available this becomes a good substitute. Natural sand always contains high percentages of inorganic salts of chlorides, sulphates and other deleterious organic salts and impurities. Chlorides and sulphates adversely affect the strength and durability of concrete and reinforcing steel thereby reducing life of the structure. Due to excessive excavation, silt in natural sand has been found more in volume . The salt percentage further increases in rainy season . Excessive silt causes reduction in strength of concrete affecting durability. Crushed sand is different in shape, grading and content of very fine sand compared with river sand, and it is well known that the material properties of crushed sand concrete are also different from those of river sand concrete [2,6]. It is also responsible for shrinkage cracks in concrete works. Thus the use of crushed sand as a substitute to the diminishing natural sand has become essential keeping in view of technical , commercial and environmental requirements. There is a little available published data on the use of crushed sand as a SUbstitute to natural sand. Ahmed et al in 1989 have studied the performance of concrete with limestone crushed sand as a substitute to the natural sand . The results indicated that the concrete with crushed sand improved the physical properties of concrete [1]. Sangamnerkar in 1999 reported that the dust content upto 10% as a partial replacement of fine aggregates improved the strength properties of concrete [2] . 179 The investigation presented here in evaluates the performance of hardened concrete with crushed basalt stone fine aggregates as a substitute to the natural sand. The experimental work was carried out on four concrete mixtures to study compressive strength, flexural strength and permeability of concrete. 2. Materials properties The constituents of concrete were tested as per Indian Standards [4,5] are summarized as follows. The properties of the materials used in the experimental work are given below. 2.1 Cement The Birla Super ordinary Portland cement of 53 Grade is used. Specific gravity = 3.15, Fineness modulus =3066.3 cm 3 /gm, Consistency = 31.2%, Initial setting time =200 minutes, Final setting time = 600 minutes, Soundness of cement =1 mm, Compressive strength of cement: 3 days= 31.01 N/mm 2 , 7 days = 48.98 N/mm 2 , 28 days= 64.62 N/mm 2 . 2.2 Fine Aggregates Crushed basalt stone passing 4.75 mm sieve is used. Specific gravity =2.70, Fineness modulus =3.26, Free surface water =1.91 %, Water absorption =4.90 %, 3 Bulk density =1.75 gm/cm , Bulking =8.0%. 2.3 Course Aggregates Crushed basalt stone passing through 25 mm and retaining on 4.75 mm sieve is used .. a) 10 mm size aggregates Fineness modulus =2.10, Specific gravity = 3.01 , Water absorption =1.62%, Free surface water =1.40%. Bulk density = 1.42 gm I cm 3 . b) 20 mm size aggregates Fineness modulus =3.55, Specific gravity = 3.01 , Water absorption =1.62%, Free surface water =1.40%. Bulk density = 1.48 gm I cm 3 Super plasticizer = MC-Bauchemic Zentrament FBV. Drinking water is used for preparation of concrete. 3. Testing program and results A total of eight mixes were prepared and studied to investigate the properties of concrete with crushed basalt fine aggregates and natural sand. Four mixes with crushed stone fine aggregates and four mixes with natural sand called control mixes were prepared. The concrete mixes were made with water­ to-cement ratios of 0.38,0.41,0.55 and 0.60. The experimental study was carried out on specimens of four concrete mixes with crushed sand and 10% stone dust as part replacement to crushed sand and the test results were compared with corresponding four control specimens of concrete mixes having same proportions of constituents with natural sand. The mix proportions designed as per Indian Standards [3]. For comparison of behavior of natural sand and crushed sand, natural sand was sieved and used in the same proportions as the percentages of fraction observed in crushed sand. The gradation of aggregates is reported in Table no 1. The course <;3ggregates, crushed sand and natural sand were separated into different size fractions and recombined to a specific gradation as shown in Table no.1 The other constituents of concrete viz. cement, course aggregates, plasticizer, water-to-cement ratios were kept same for each concrete mix and corresponding control mix. The adopted mix proportions for four grades of mixes are summarized in Table no.2. The required slump of concrete was obtained by using super plasticizer FBV Zentrament as percent of weight of cement. The concrete mixes were proportioned to have slump within permissible limits of Indian Standards [3]. The following tests were conducted to study the strength and durability of concrete 180 I . Ta bl e no. 1 G ra da t'Ion 0 fA\g_grega es b)Y sieve analysIs Course Aggregates 12.5 mm passing Sieve Cumulative size % retained 25 mm passing Sieve Cumulative size % retained Natural Sand Crushed Sand Sieve size (mm) Cumulative % retained Sieve size Cumulative % retained 12.5 0.0 25 0.0 4.75 15.20 4.75 040 10 40.6 20 65.04 2.36 32.60 2.36 5.00 6.3 70.2 16 92 .08 1.18 69.10 1.18 59.60 4.75 98 ,8 12.5 98 .52 0,60 86.30 0,60 78.70 Pan 100.0 10 99,86 0,30 96.30 0,30 89.10 -­ -­ 6.3 100 0.15 99 .10 0.15 9340 -­ -­ -­ -­ pan 100 pan 100 Fineness modulus Fineness modulus Fineness modulus Fineness modulus =2 .10 =3.55 =3,26 =3.99 Ta bl e no. 2Adopte d mixture proportions for different grades of concrete Mixture No Cement Crushed Sand M15 1 3.5 M20 1 2.92 M35 1 1.58 M40 1 145 Course Aggregates 10 mm 20 mm 1.75 249 4,24 1,55 WIC Ratio Plasticizer by % wt , of cement 0.60 1,5 0,55 1.5 041 2,7 0.38 2.7 2.22 3.77 0.94 2.14 3,68 2,09 0.89 2.98 3.1 Compressive strength The compressive strength of the concrete was determined in accordance with Indian Standards [4] , To find compressive strength 30 cubes of size 150 x 150 x150 mm for each of eight mixes were casted . The cube specimens were tested under uniaxial compression . The average compressive strength results are reported at the age of 7 days and 28 days in Table no,3, 3.2 Flexural strength The flexural strength of concrete was determined by bending test in accordance with Indian Standards [4]. To find flexural strength three beam specimens of size 700 x 150 x150 mm for each of eight mixes were tested after 7 days and 28 days curing under universal testing machine with two-point loading, The average flexural strengths for concrete with crushed sand and natural sand were reported in Table 4. 181 Table no. 3 Constituents of Concrete for specimens ( per one cu. m) Mixture No. Cement (N) Fine Aggregates (N) Course Aggregates (N) Natural Sand Crushed Sand 20 mm 10 mm ActualW ater Stone Dust (N) (N) Plasticizer (N) M15-N 2550 .6 8932.7 -­ 6352.2 4467.6 182.9 -­ 38.26 M15-C 2550.6 -­ 8040.0 6352.2 4467.6 182.9 892.9 38.26 M20-N 2943 .0 8588.7 -­ 6543.3 4565.7 191.1 -­ 44.15 M20-C 2943.0 -­ 7729.8 6543.3 4565.7 191.1 858 .9 44.15 M35-N 4169 .3 6600.8 -­ 8930.1 3902.8 190.1 -­ 112.60 M35-C 4169 .3 -­ 5940.0 8930.1 3902 .8 190.1 858 .9 112.60 M40-N 4316.4 6295.5 -­ 9003.0 3802 .8 182.0 -­ 116.50 M40-C 4316.4 -­ 5665.9 3802.8 9003.0 182.0 629.6 Where, M15-N represents mixture with natural sand and M15-C, with crushed sand . 116.50 T a bl e no. 4C ompresslve s reng th , flexura I s treng th an d coe ff' IClen t 0 f J)ermea blt I/!l' Mixture no . Compressive Strength Flexural Strength Permeability (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (m/sec) (x 10-8 7 Days 28 Days 7 Days 28 Days M15-N 13.84 20.91 2.83 4.22 -­ M15-C 1653 22.63 2.87 4.26 1.76 M20-N 21.94 32.76 2.98 4 .96 -­ M20-C 27.00 37.04 3.06 5.12 1.48 M35-N 23.30 34.74 2.89 4.22 -­ M35-C 30.48 41.85 2.98 4.26 1.26 M40-N 25 .53 38.00 3.76 5.41 -­ M40-C 35 .84 47.84 3.86 5.71 1.19 ) T a b Ie no. 5Variation 0 f compressive strenRt h an d flexura strenRth Mixture No. Percent increase in compressive strenf th Percent increase in flexural strength 7 Days 28 Days 7 Days 28 Days M15-C 19.44 8.23 1.41 0.95 M20-C 23 .06 13.07 2.68 3.23 M35-C 30 .82 20.47 3.11 3.32 M40-C 40.38 25.90 3.48 5.55 182 3.3 Permeability The permeability of concrete is related to durability of concrete in terms of its resistance against progressive determination under exposure to sever climatic conditions and leaching due to prolonged seepage of water. The permeability is measured in terms of coefficient of permeability, by permeability test apparatus in accordance with Indian Standards [5]. To find coefficient of permeability of hardened concrete a cube specimen of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm for each of eight mixes were casted. The specimens were subjected to a known hydraulic pressure from one side in a permeability test apparatus after 28 days of curing. Measuring the quantity of water percolated through it in 100 hours , the coefficient of permeability were calculated and reported in Table 4. 60 _ 50 "' 0.. ~ 40 .c .... en c 30 ....... a> • (f) ci. 20 E 0 u 10 • -+-7 Day-N 1 ......... 7 Day- C - . . - 28 Day-N 1 28 Day-C I 1--- 0 M15 M35 M20 M40 Grade of Concrete 4. Discussions 1. There was significant increase in compressive strength of concrete with crushed sand (refer Table 4 and Fig . 1) 2. The compressive strength was increased by 19.44% to 40 .38% at 7-day age and increased by 8.33 % to 25.9 % at 28-day age as the grade of concrete mixes were increased (refer Table 5) 3. There was significant gain in compressive strength at early age (Fig . 1) 4. The concrete mixes with crushed sand experienced marginal increase in the flexural strength (refer Table noA). 5. The flexural strength was increased by 1.41 % to 3.48% at 7 day age and increased by 0.95% 5.55% at 28 day age as the grade of concrete mix increased (refer Table no. 5). 8 8 6. The coefficient of permeability of concrete was gradually decreased from 1.76 x 10. m/s to 1.19 x10m/s as the grade of concrete mix increased (refer Table no. 4 and fig . 2) . 5. Conclusions 183 An experimental study was performed to examine the strength and durability of concrete with crushed sand as replacement to the natural sand . The data assembled during the course of investigation lead to the following conclusions; • The performance of concrete with crushed sand was excellent. There was an increase in compressive strength about 8 to 26 % and flexural strength about 1 to 5 % with as the grade of concrete mix increased . • The concrete with crushed sand performed better than concrete with natural sand as the grade of concrete mix increased . • The flexural strength of concrete with crushed sand was marginally increased on the strength of concrete with natural sand . • The permeability of concrete decreased as the grade of concrete mix increased . The concrete with crushed sand was found to be stronger and durable . The crushed sand may be used as a substitute to natural sand . References 1. Ahmed , A. E., and EI. Kourd A. A. , 1989. Properties of concrete incorporating natural sand and crushed stone very fine sand . American Concrete Journal, , 86(4),417-424 . 2. Celik T. and Marar K. 1996. Effect of crushed stone dust on some properties of concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 26(7), 1121-1130. 3. Indian Standard code of practice for Recommended Guidelines for concrete mix-design I. S 10262-1982, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. 4. Indian Standard code of practice for Methods of Test for Strength of Concrete. I. S. 516-1959 , Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. 5. Indian Standard code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete. I. S: 456-2000, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. 6. Kim J. K. , Lee C. S., Park C. K. and Eo S. H., 1997. The fracture characteristics of crushed lime stone sand concrete. Cement and Concrete Research , 27( 11), 1719-1729 184