Control preventivo de avalanchas Vorname Name Preventive Avalanche control is attractive when … • the financial resources are too limited for permanent structural measures • the cost/effectiveness ratio is inadequate for permanent structural measures ($/risk reduction) • the cost/benefit ratio is inadequate for permanent structural measures ($/economic benefit) • big impact in nature needs to be prevented • quick protection is needed long before planning, approval and financing of structural measures may be realized (temporary solution) Vorname Name Preventive Avalanche control has been proven for … • • • • Roads Railways Construction sites Ski resorts whenever the endangered areas can be evacuated and blocked for a short time Vorname Name CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures Review Vorname Name CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures Review Vorname Name HISTORIA • Compañía establecida en 1926 por Jakob Wyssen sen. • Primer sistema de control de avalanchas construido en 1974. • Aspectos como seguridad, confiabilidad, eficiencia, costobeneficio dieron como resultado un nuevo concepto -> Mástil de Desencadenamiento de Avalanchas 2001. • Primer sistema de desencadenamiento de avalanchas controlado remotamente para la protección de caminos estatales en Suiza y Austria. • Líder en el mercado suizo y austriaco desde 2006. Vorname Name HISTORIA Vorname Name Vorname Name Vorname Name Vorname Name Vorname Name Vorname Name Vorname Name Wyssen Avalanche Control is Market Leader in 70% Switzerland 40% Austria 50% Norway Now starting in Chile & Canada. Market Strategy: Focus on a few markets! Vorname Name CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures Review Vorname Name Most important for avalanche control • • • • • Safety for the staff and other people Reliable system Safe and easy to handle Time & weather independent release Big effective range - alcance efectivo Vorname Name Alcance efectivo ➢ Es más fácil desencadenar avalanchas cuando la capa de nieve es fina ¿Por qué es tan importante el alcance efectivo? • Amplio alcance efectivo = mayor probabilidad de desencadenar avalanchas. • Amplio alcance efectivo = se necesitan menos instalaciones. Vorname Name Alcance efectivo ➢ Es más fácil desencadenar avalanchas cuando la capa de nieve es fina • Amplio alcance efectivo = menos riesgos y menos costos. Vorname Name Velocidad de detonación • Las explosiones con gas tienen una velocidad de detonación hasta de 900 m/s. • Las detonaciones con explosivos tienen una velocidad de detonación de 4.000-7.000 m/s. • Las velocidades de detonación sobre 4.000 m/s crean ondas de presión con forma de N que se propagan a gran distancia y penetran la capa de nieve. Vorname Name Velocidad de detonación • Alta velocidad de detonación = alta probabilidad de desencadenamiento de avalancha. • Alta velocidad de detonación = amplio alcance efectivo. • Amplio alcance efectivo = menor riesgo residual y menores costos. Vorname Name Teoría de los puntos calientes Posicionamiento de la carga ? ? ¿Donde están los hot spots? ? Vorname Name ? ? Teoría de los puntos calientes Posicionamiento de la carga Vorname Name Teoría de los puntos calientes Posicionamiento de la carga Vorname Name Teoría de los puntos calientes Posicionamiento de la carga Vorname Name Teoría de los puntos calientes Posicionamiento de la carga ? ? ? ? Vorname Name ? Teoría de los puntos calientes El alcance efectivo del sistema debe abarcar la zona completa de desencadenamiento potencial de avalanchas. Gran alcance efectivo = menos sistemas = menor costos = menor riesgo residual Vorname Name Explosive effect 130m / 5kg Vorname Name Explosive effect 1. velocidad de detonación 2. Volumen de gas 130m / 5kg Vorname Name Field Tests – March/April 2010 & 2011 with Dr. H.U. Gubler, ALPUG Davos Vorname Name Gubler et al (2012): Guidelines for artificial avalanche avalanche release, Wyssen Avalanche Control AG Field Tests – March/April 2010 & 2011 with Dr. H.U. Gubler, ALPUG Davos Vorname Name Gubler et al (2012): Guidelines for artificial avalanche avalanche release, Wyssen Avalanche Control AG Detonación por encima del nivel de nieve • La nieve tiene una gran capacidad de absorción de energía (por ejemplo explosivos). ->Detonaciones en la nieve y en el nivel de la capa de nieve = bajo alcance efectivo. 130m 5kg 65m Capa de nieve 35m 5kg 5kg Vorname Name Gubler et al (2012): Guidelines for artificial avalanche avalanche release, Wyssen Avalanche Control AG Torre de desencadenamiento de avalanchas Wyssen Selection of type of explosive/gas Explosive above snow Gas mixture above snow equals 3m3 at 80 m ● Max. of air pressure reached after 3ms ● Max. of air pressure reached after 11ms Vorname Name Gubler et al (2012): Guidelines for artificial avalanche avalanche release, Wyssen Avalanche Control AG Effective Range of different types of explosives Vorname Name Gubler et al (2012): Guidelines for artificial avalanche avalanche release, Wyssen Avalanche Control AG Timing of preventive release Avalanche protection work should be carried out: • Following heavy snowfalls, snow drifting events • If avalanche size is critical, protection work should be done at regular intervals during the snow fall to limit avalanche size. • Blasting too early can give negative results • Blasting too late may result in too much snow being released -> remote controlled, reliable system is needed Vorname Name Gubler et al (2012): Guidelines for artificial avalanche avalanche release, Wyssen Avalanche Control AG Wet snow avalanches Important: • Release during snow fall (in cold winter situation) to prevent big amounts of snow which will be a problem in spring • Studies have shown that also for wet snow avalanches explosives have best effect Vorname Name Oberhammer Martin (2014): Studies on artificial release of wet snow avalanches CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures Review Vorname Name CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures 4.1 Overview 4.2 Torre control avalanchas Wyssen 4.3 Avalanche detection 4.4 Meteorologial stations 4.5 Wyssen Risk Solutions Vorname Name MEDIDAS DE MITIGACIÓN Tipo de intervención Permanente Temporal Período efectivo Activa Vorname Name Estructural Pasiva Planificación - Puentes de nieve - Represas - Galerías - Túneles - Mapeo de la zona de peligro So called temporary - Planificación del measures because the uso del terreno effect is temporary even though the Control de avalanchasOrganizacional installations are permanent - Desencadenamiento - Predicción de preventivo de avalanchas - Detección de avalanchas avalanchas - Cierres de caminos estacionales - Evacuaciones MEDIDAS DE MITIGACIÓN WAC WAC • recursos financieros restringidos para el empleo de medidas estructurales • un gran impacto en ambientes naturales es menos aceptado • presión política y económica para mantener abiertas las rutas de transporte • el control preventivo de avalanchas puede ser una alternativa económica y ecológica Vorname Name Desencadenamiento preventivo de avalanchas WAC Vorname Name "Controlado remotamente mediante instalación fija" “Operaciones manuales" Métodos para el control de avalanchas Método Efecto Seguridad del personal Independenci a del clima y tiempo Demora Confiabilida d Cargas manuales -- -- - -- ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ Cable aéreo detonante ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ - - ✓ - Detonaciones mediante helicópteros - ✓✓ -- - - ✓✓ ✓✓ Cañones - ✓✓ -- -- ✓ -- ✓ Detonantes a gas - ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ - - -- ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ - ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ --- --- Torre de desencadena miento de Avalanchas Medidas estructurales Vorname Name ✓✓✓ Costos de funcionamient Inversión o Criterios en el control de avalanchas • Seguridad del personal • Eficiencia • Independencia del clima • Independencia del tiempo • Demora • Bajos costos de funcionamiento • Baja inversión Vorname Name CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures 4.1 Overview 4.2 Torre control avalanchas Wyssen 4.3 Avalanche detection 4.4 Meteorologial stations 4.5 Wyssen Risk Solutions Vorname Name TORRE CONTROL AVALANCHAS WYSSEN Vorname Name Vorname Name TORRE CONTROL AVALANCHAS WYSSEN • Controlada por control remoto (Remote controlled) • Explosión suspendida sobre el manto nivoso (Detonation above the snow cover) • Alimentada por paneles solares (Powered by solar pannels) • Magazin extraible Vorname deployment Name (Removable box) TORRE CONTROL AVALANCHAS WYSSEN • Construcción peqeña y sencilla (Little construction work) • Sin lineas de alimentación (No supply lines) • Magazine retirado en verano (Deployment box off during summer) Vorname Name TORRE CONTROL AVALANCHAS WYSSEN Fácil instalación y extracción con helicóptero (Easy installation and removal by helicopter) Vorname Name TORRE CONTROL AVALANCHAS WYSSEN • Fácil montaje de cargas explosivas. (It is easy for technicians to assemble the charges themselves. If needed Wyssen is very happy to offer additional service for preparing and loading of charges during the season.) • El magazine se monta en helicóptero sin personal apoyando en terreno (The loaded deployment boxes are transported by helicopter to the tower in the terrain (no staff is needed at the mast).) • Al final del invierno se retiran los magazin en helicóptero (At the end of the season all you need is take down the deployment boxes from the tower by helicopter.) • Durante el verano los magazin se almacenan en un sitio cubierto y seco (During the summer the deployment boxes should be stored in a dry and covered place.) Vorname Name Review on Avalanche Tower • The most used system in Switzerland and Austria • 290 towers protect ski areas, roads, railways, powerplants and other infrastructure • The most cost-effective system for preventive avalanche release • 100% manufactured and assembled in our own factory in Switzerland Vorname Name CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures 4.1 Overview 4.2 Torre control avalanchas Wyssen 4.3 Avalanche detection 4.4 Meteorologial stations 4.5 Wyssen Risk Solutions Vorname Name Avalanche Detection Vorname Name Avalanche Detection • Verification of preventive avalanche control • Detection of natural avalanches • Information source for forecasting • Historical data for models Vorname Name LARA 2.0 (Long Range Avalanche Radar) ➢ Automatic road closure ➢ Verification of preventive avalanche control ➢ 1,5-2 km range ➢ 90˚ opening angle ➢ Possible to monitor mulitple avalanche paths with one radar Vorname Name LARA 2.0 Zermatt Vorname Name Vorname Name SARA (Short Range Avalanche Radar) ➢ For automatic verification of avalanche control ➢ Weather independent ➢ Range: 300 – 500 m ➢ Makes it possible to perform avalanche control work even Vorname Name during night and very poor visibility Vorname Name People Detection Radar Vorname Name IDA® INFRASOUND • frequency is below human hearing • propagates very big distances • produced by many sources • used to detect earthqueakes and vulcanos Vorname Name IDA® INFRASOUND Vorname Name IDA® INFRASOUND • IDA® Infrasound Detection of Avalanches Vorname Name Plattform for detection systems • PIA Platform for integrated avalanche detection systems Vorname Name CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures 4.1 Overview 4.2 Torre control avalanchas Wyssen 4.3 Avalanche detection 4.4 Meteorologial stations 4.5 Wyssen Risk Solutions Vorname Name METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS Vorname Name CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures 4.1 Overview 4.2 Torre control avalanchas Wyssen 4.3 Avalanche detection 4.4 Meteorologial stations 4.5 Wyssen Risk Solutions Vorname Name Wyssen Risk Solutions: Service Proposition g in g) c n tin a n rac i F nt o c ( Dismanteling and renaturation Operation of avalanche control Operation of equipment Maintenance and service Construction, delivery, installation and start-up Vorname Name Analysis and planning of temporary measures Preventive Avalanche Control consists of: 1. Samle data 1. Collect data 2. Decide 3. Blast 3. Sprenge Vorname Name 4. Verification Preventive Avalanche Control consists of: 1. Samle data 1. Collect data 3. 3.Blast Blast 2. Decide 3. Sprenge Vorname Name 4. Verifacation Verification 1. Collect data Relevant data Automatic modelling SNOWPACK New snow Wind slab Surface Hoar Wind Slab Depth Hoar Vorname Name 2. Decide Automatic alarm: Wind + snow + temperature Vorname Name Automatic alarm: Liquid Water Index Preventive Avalanche Control consists of: 1. Samle data 1. Collect Collect 1. data data 2. 2. Decide Decice 3. Sprenge Vorname Name 3. 3.Blast Sprenge 4. Verification Verifisere W of ysse us n e e n a e of ds t re a pr o e ble ev n en su to o tiv re ff e the er av t ala mo he nc st hie he eff rar co ect chy nt i v ro e l. Hierarchy of needs for preventive avalanche control Avalanche Towers, radars, Infrasound, etc. Infrastructure to collect and interprent weather data, cooperation with workers on the road etc. Proffesional experts to do local hazard assesments and decide when to perform avalanche control Vorname Name CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction The Wyssen Story Theorie of Avalanche Release Mitigation Measures Review Vorname Name REFERENCE PROJECTS • Protection of Construction site for Hydropowerplant Illwerke, Austria • Railway and Road Protection Gonda • Road & Skiresort Protection in Ischgl/Galtür • Road, Railway & Skiresort Protection Zermatt Vorname Name REFERENCE PROJECTS Protection of Construction Site for Hydropower Plant Illwerke, Austria Vorname Name 19/05/2015 Symposium 2013 76 REFERENCE PROJECTS Zermatt, Switzerland Road, Railways & Ski Slopes Protection • 13 towers for access route Vorname Name • 37 towers in ski resort REFERENCE PROJECTS Jungfraujoch, 3600 müM Vorname Name • REFERENCE PROJECTS Samnaun – Ischgl – Galtür Ski Slopes, Roads & Railways Protection more than 100 towers Vorname Name Picture: Silvretta Seilbahn AG • • • REFERENCE PROJECTS Jungfrau-Region, Switzerland 11 towers for ski slopes 5 towers for railways 1 tower: Vorname Name Top of Europe public access Picture: M. Wiedemaier 80 REFERENCE PROJECTS Davos, Switzerland Roads & Ski Slopes Protection • 11 towers for access routes in ski resort • 1 towers Vorname Name REFERENCE PROJECTS Kitzsteinhorn Kaprun, Austria Ski Slopes Protection Vorname Name REFERENCE PROJECTS St. Moritz, Switzerland Road, Railways & Ski Slopes Protection • 28 towers for access routes • 4 towers in ski resort Vorname Name Review • Muy alta fiabilidad comparada con competidores (Our sytems are appreciated by our customers due to a very high reliability compared to our competitors.) • Alta efectividad y fiablilidad son aseguradas con el contrato de servicio y mantenimiento (The residual risk depends on the effectiveness and reliability. That's why we offer a service & maintenance contract for all our towers to make sure they are in perfect shape before the season and Codelco does not have to take care about technical aspects of our systems.) • Esto asegura disponibilidad y bajo riesgo residual para su compañia (This leads to higher availability and smaller residual risk for your company.) Vorname Name Preventive Avalanche control is attractive when … • the financial resources are too limited for permanent structural measures • the cost/effectiveness ratio is inadequate for permanent structural measures ($/risk reduction) • the cost/benefit ratio is inadequate for permanent structural measures ($/economic benefit) • big impact in nature needs to be prevented • quick protection is needed long before planning, approval and financing of structural measures may be realized (temporary solution) Vorname Name Preventive Avalanche control has been proven for … • • • • Roads Railways Construction sites Ski resorts whenever the endangered areas can be evacuated and blocked for a short time Vorname Name END Questions? Vicita nuestras instalaciones en los Alpes para comprobar in situ la efectividad de nuestro sistema Vorname Name REFERENCE PROJECTS Jungfraujoch, 3600 müM Vorname Name TORRE CONTROL AVALANCHAS WYSSEN • Movie Link #1 Avalanche release in Ryggfon (Norway) • Movie Link #2 Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) showing the helicopter transportation and of the deployment installation box • Movie Link #3 Vorname Name Avalanche Control work done for the safety of a state road and railway. TORRE CONTROL AVALANCHAS WYSSEN Link to mast mounting movie The movie shows the mounting of a mast close to Kandersteg (Switzerland). Vorname Name REFERENCE PROJECTS Ischgl, Austria Access Road Protection to Galtür Vorname Name Lugar de prueba de NGI: Ryggfonn • Uno de los dos sitios de pruebas de avalanchas a gran escala que existen en el mundo. • Uso de explosivos ubicados anteriormente. • • • • • Cargas muy grandes (500kg) Impacto inaceptable en la naturaleza Alto riesgo No es posible ejecutar durante malas condiciones climáticas Decisión de comprar un sistema para el desencadenamiento Cabaña de NGI en Ryggfonn (imagen: Store Norske Leksikon) remoto de avalanchas. Vorname Name Evaluación de NGI para Ryggfonn 10 años de costos de funcionamiento Mástil Wyssen: 4 Gazex: 3 Mantenimiento Mástil Wyssen: Gazex: Efecto del sistema Mástil Wyssen: 3,2 Gazex: 2,4 3,2 2,4 Capacidad de adaptación al terreno Mástil Wyssen: 4 Gazex: 2 Puntuación general Mástil Wyssen: 34,2 Gazex: 31,1 Vorname Name Krister Kristensen, ingeniero jefe, peligros naturales, avalanchas y deslizamiento de rocas, Instituto Geotécnico Noruego (NGI, por sus siglas en inglés). Lugar de prueba de NGI: Ryggfonn Vorname Name