2013 corporate citizenship report 2013 corporate

2 0 13 C O R P O R A T E C I T I Z E N S H I P R E P O R T
2 0 13 C O R P O R A T E C I T I Z E N S H I P R E P O R T
Why Corporate Citizenship is
Important to AIG
A Message from our President and CEO
Having a positive influence on our customers and in the
communities where we reside is vital to AIG, and one of
the major reasons why our company has always made
corporate citizenship such a significant priority.
Over the past several years, the people of AIG have demonstrated
that we keep our promises – to our customers around the world, to
the communities where we work and live, and to America. When I
joined AIG in 2009, it was clear that the company was too diverse
and not transparent enough. As we identified the insurance businesses
that formed the core of the company, and those that ultimately would
need to be sold to help repay America, we realized we needed to
change in many ways to meet and exceed the expectations of our
customers, our regulators, our investors, and our communities.
We said we would fully repay the $182.3 billion in financial support
that America extended to us – plus a profit. By December 2012, the
Robert H. Benmosche,
AIG President and CEO
people of AIG had made good on that promise, returning more than
$205 billion to America. That’s every penny, plus a profit of more than
$22 billion. Today, I am very proud that the insurance businesses that
we identified in 2009 as core to the new AIG – property casualty,
life and retirement, and mortgage guaranty – continue to thrive as
we have sold off other businesses, and streamlined our operations
and support functions. We have become, truly, one AIG – and
rebranded our core insurance operations under the AIG name with a
new, reinvigorated AIG logo that stands for integrity and excellence.
At AIG today, we are focused on our core mission as a global
insurance company: to help people and businesses around the world
prepare for the future, recover from loss, and retire with confidence.
We believe the nature of our business has great social value. It
gives us the ability to contribute to society’s well-being through
the protection and expertise we provide. And as a conscientious
corporate citizen, we are focused on ensuring that our business
is always conducted in a thoughtful manner, and that our deeds
reflect our company’s core values of respect and giving back.
Our commitment to doing the right thing can be seen in many
areas – from our emphasis on serving customers, to our outreach
to communities in crisis, and through our support of our employees’
personal passions for volunteerism and charitable giving.
Our strong sense of corporate citizenship is also woven into the
fabric of our daily operations. Every day we strive to provide quality,
innovative products and services for our clients and partners, to
uphold human rights everywhere that we do business, and to promote
diversity in our workforce, and among our vendors and partners.
Among our peers, we were pioneers in recognizing the importance
of environmental sustainability, and we have been supporting the
reclamation of polluted properties and green real estate for decades.
Ensuring that our business operations are conducted in a
responsible, sustainable, and respectful way not only makes
good business sense – it makes good sense, period.
As we celebrate 95 years of doing business, AIG looks forward
to continuing our dedication to corporate citizenship, and toward
“We believe
the nature of
our business
has great
social value.”
continuing to help to make the world a better place for all.
Robert H. Benmosche
President and CEO
A Message from Corporate
At AIG, we know that as technology and other advances continue
to draw us closer together as global neighbors, the responsibility of
caring for our planet and each other is becoming more important than
ever before.
Helping to sustain the communities where we live and do business and
maintaining our commitment to our strong corporate social values has
always been a top priority of AIG. While our dedication to these core
principles has been unwavering throughout the years, this commitment
has taken an even greater significance in today’s world.
Christina Pretto,
Senior Vice President
At the heart of our business, putting our customers first is paramount.
We take great pride in knowing that every day, our employees help
protect them by providing the insurance, investment, and income
solutions needed for financial and retirement security – and do so in
an efficient and transparent manner.
Through our philanthropic support, we ensure giving in areas where
it’s needed most – in communities recovering from disasters, and
through initiatives that put individuals and families on the path to good
health and self sufficiency. Our AIG Matching Grants Program allows
us to match – twofold – each dollar provided by our employees to
eligible organizations, up to $5,000 per year.
In a world where at the click of a button we can instantaneously view
Valerie Hendy,
Head of Corporate Citizenship
and share how effectively and empathetically the world responds to a
crisis, it’s especially important that AIG set a good example. Gandhi
said it best: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
As men and women of conscience, we also continue our efforts to
help protect our planet. Whether it’s finding ways to increase our
energy efficiency or developing insurance, investment, and financial
solutions to help our clients mitigate causes of climate change, AIG
has long championed environmental sustainability, and will continue
to do so.
We are proud of our diverse and inclusive workforce conducting
business operations in a responsible and respectful manner in offices
throughout the world. However, we are not complacent about our
achievements. Each day we come to work, determined to do better.
At AIG we remain dedicated to doing our part to support a world
culture that upholds a common interest in the well-being of all global
citizens, and is dedicated to the ongoing preservation of our planet.
Christina Pretto
Senior Vice President
Corporate Communications
Valerie Hendy
Head of Corporate Citizenship
Corporate Communications
“We ensure giving
in areas where it’s
needed the most
– in communities
recovering from
disasters, and
through initiatives
that put individuals
and families on
the path to self
Corporate Governance
AIG has adopted corporate governance measures and established a
corporate governance structure intended to ensure the independent and
effective functioning of AIG’s Board of Directors, foster transparency and clear
communication with stakeholders, and promote high ethical standards and
financial reporting integrity.
Corporate governance measures adopted by AIG include:
•A Chairman of the Board, separate from the CEO
•Chairman of the Board will be an independent director
•At least two-thirds of the directors will be independent
•Annual election of all directors
•A majority voting bylaw that requires director nominees who receive more
votes “against” than “for” election to tender their resignations
•An executive session of the independent directors held at each regularly
scheduled non-telephonic Board meeting
How to Contact AIG’s
Board of Directors
AIG’s Board of Directors and its Audit
Committee have established procedures for the
receipt, retention, and treatment of complaints.
To contact the non-management members of
AIG’s Board of Directors as a group or the
other members of the Board of Directors with
respect to concerns or other matters you may
do so:
By writing:
c/o Vice President – Corporate Governance
American International Group, Inc.
175 Water Street
New York, NY 10038
Email: boardofdirectors@aig.com
•General limits on the number of Boards on which a director or the CEO
may serve
•Annual evaluations of the Board, each member of the Board and each
standing committee of the Board
•A commitment to the full, fair, and transparent disclosure of
executive compensation
•CEO compensation subject to the approval or ratification of the Board.
How to Report Complaints
To report complaints with respect to AIG’s
accounting, internal accounting controls or
auditing matters you may do so:
By writing:
AIG Board of Directors
Corporate Governance Guidelines
Federal Supervision
The Federal Reserve’s oversight of AIG occurs daily through multiple channels
and interactions. All aspects of oversight are addressed through strict adherence
to our operating framework, supporting processes and use of secure technology.
As a result of being designated by the Financial Stability Oversight Council
(FSOC) as a nonbank systemically important financial institution (SIFI), AIG
became formally regulated by the Fed as a SIFI on July 8, 2013. In addition,
the Financial Stability Board designated AIG as a global systemically important
insurer (G-SII) on July 18, 2013.
The Federal Reserve Regulatory Group is the Fed’s primary point of contact in
AIG and in turn the principal advisor to all parts of the business on interactions
with the Federal Reserve.
Christopher S. Lynch
Chairman of the Audit Committee
c/o Internal Audit Division – Investigations Group
American International Group, Inc.
32 Old Slip
New York, NY 10005
Internet: www.aigcompliancehelpline.com
By calling: The AIG Compliance Help Line at
1-877-244-2210, Menu Item #4
(to access the AIG Compliance Help Line
outside the United States, dial the appropriate
country code, wait for the prompt, then dial
the number)
As a responsible corporate citizen, we strive to comply with the letter
and spirit of the laws and regulations governing all of our business
activities. The AIG Global Compliance Group is the company’s
firm-wide, integrated compliance function.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct serves to reflect best practices and respond
to the needs of our global workforce. The core values and principles
set forth in the Code of Conduct are a reflection of the talents and
expertise, which distinguish AIG and are an integral component of the
value proposition that we bring to our customers, employees and all
of our communities.
AIG also encourages employees to communicate their concerns. The
company prohibits retaliatory actions against anyone who, in good
faith, reports suspected violations of laws, regulations or policies. AIG
employees have various ways to report ethical concerns anonymously
(where permitted by law) to the Compliance Group, including a tollfree global hotline available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in
multiple languages.
AIG Compliance Help Line
The AIG Compliance Help Line (877-244-2210) is an anonymous
reporting service that allows employees, customers, and third
parties to freely voice their concerns – at any time to legal
representatives on such topics as conflicts of interest, gifts and
entertainment, securities laws, theft and fraud, intellectual
property, environmental issues, health and safety violations,
political contributions, workplace violence, data protection, and
privacy. The help line is answered by an independent service
provider that offers translators for more than 75 languages.
The AIG Compliance Help Line is also accessible at www.
aigcompliancehelpline.com. AIG prohibits retaliation against
any employee who in good faith reports suspected or potential
violations of the Code of Conduct or law.
Contacting Corporate
In addition, compliance matters,
complaints and questions may be
reported to Corporate Compliance by
telephone to 646-857-1877, by fax to
646-857-1876, or by sending an email
to CorporateLegalCompliance@aig.com.
2013 Honors
•“Outstanding Legal Departments”
Award – New York Law Journal
•Winner, “Best Legal Department”
competition – Corporate Counsel
What is ESG?
E — Environmental issues include companies’ impact on the physical
environment, such as how they manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, vulnerability to climate change regulations, waste generation
and management, product use impact, and environmental footprint
S — Social issues include workforce diversity, labor issues, health and
safety compliance, supply chain management, product safety, consumer relations, and community involvement.
G — Governance issues include management compensation, transparency, accountability, stakeholder engagement, financial reporting,
and internal controls.
AIG Investments considers ESG factors in our investment process.
This is meant to advance our goal of earning the best risk-adjusted
returns, while responding to emerging risks and opportunities. AIG
has introduced sustainable investment products and is investing in
opportunities driven by changes in ESG factors, such as:
Municipal Bonds
•As of December 31, 2013, AIG held approximately $30.2 billion
in municipal bonds that help improve infrastructure and extend vital
services in communities across the country.
•Major holdings include bonds that help fund education programs,
hospitals, police and fire stations, libraries, and mass transit systems, among others.
Project Finance – AIG Experience in
Renewable Power
•AIG has been a leading investor in renewable energy projects for
over 30 years.
•Nearly $2 billion invested in wind, solar, geothermal,
hydroelectric, and transmission projects worldwide.
•As of December 31, 2013, renewables represented the largest asset
type in AIG Investments’ project finance portfolio with over $1.6
billion invested and comprised of solar (59%), wind (36%), and
geothermal (5%) projects.
AIG Investments Global Project Finance
Electric Power Generations
by Fuel Type
AIG is the lead investor in several
renewable power projects:
•a portfolio of 13 wind projects in six states generating 667 megawatt, enough to power over a quarter of a million homes.
•a 200-megawatt photovoltaic (PV) power project under contract to
sell power to a California utility.
•a 30-megawatt geothermal power plant in Hawaii that supplies
nearly a quarter of the island’s electricity.
Real Estate
•Investments in affordable housing, community development,
and infrastructure projects benefitting low- or moderate-income
• Our investments have helped develop over 1,300 properties in 48 states, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands.
• As of January 1, 2013, AIG was the fourth largest apartment
investor in the U.S., owning more than 135,000 units.
•Leadership in green building around the world including brownfield
remediation, historic preservation, and collaboration with local
stakeholders; exemplified by:
• International Finance Center (IFC) Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
• Atlantic Station, Atlanta, Georgia
• Spruce Peak, Stowe, Vermont
IFC Seoul, a green field development
project, achieved a GOLD LEED rating
from the U.S. Green Building Council and
recognition by the Korean Green Building
Council for energy efficiency and design.
Corporate Social Responsibility Equity Funds offered in Japan
• AIG-SAIKYO Japan Equity CSR Fund
• AIG/Resona Japan CSR Fund
• AIG/Hirogin Japan Equity CSR Fund
• AIG Japan Equity SRI Fund
VALIC, AIG’s group retirement business, offers two socially screened
investment options:
• VALIC Socially Responsible Fund
• VALIC Global Social
Awareness Fund
Spruce Peak, Stowe, VT - Designated as a
“Certified Audubon Sustainable Community.”
Our local teams partner with:
•Microfinance institutions
•Rural banks
•Service companies
•Government-supported programs
Microinsurance in Action
•Local Tata AIG team including:
• 3 engineers
• 6 veterinarians
• 5 management graduates
Customer displaying RSBY Biometric Card.
•Insured 5.75 million individuals (2.3 million families) across 25 districts, partnering with government-subsidized Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY)
program for below poverty line families.
•Insured 50,000 farmers and 58,384 hectares of crops – paddy, maize,
groundnut, cotton, etc. – against excess/deficit rainfall, extreme temperatures, high winds, etc. under Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme.
•Covered 125,000 cattle (livestock) under Cattle Insurance Scheme in
partnership with state livestock development programs, major dairies, micro
finance institutions, NGOs, and co-op banks.
Insured cattle are tagged, and photos
and data are captured on a mobile
device and relayed to a central server.
Partnered with rural banks to provide protection for medical costs besides
accident coverage for micro entrepreneurs.
Working with 47 microfinance institutions, provided over 500,000 customers
with accident protection for families, additional loan protection coverage for
catastrophic losses, and more.
For over six years, have reached out to lower income groups via utility
companies, to provide more than 1.4 million policies.
A customer and an agent discuss a policy.
Climate Change and the Insurance Industry
We recognize that climate change has implications for insurance
industry exposure to natural catastrophe risk. With multiple levels
of risk management processes in place, we are committed to:
•Actively analyzing the latest climate science and policy to anticipate
potential changes to our risk profile, pricing models, and strategic planning.
•Continually considering changes in climate and weather
patterns as an integral part of the underwriting process.
•Providing innovative insurance products and services to help
our clients be proactive against the threat of climate change,
including expanding natural disaster resilience, promoting
adaptation, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
•Adapting and evolving our internal product development,
underwriting, modeling, and sustainability practices with
developing risk exposures attributed to climate change.
Risk Management
AIG has an integrated, multi-disciplinary process for managing risks throughout
our organization in accordance with our firm-wide risk appetite.
•Enterprise Risk Management Department – supervises and integrates the
risk management functions in each of our business units, providing senior
management with a consolidated view of the firm’s major risk positions.
•Environmental Working Group – a cross-functional team that
researches environmental science to anticipate corresponding changes
to AIG’s risk profile and helps the company plan accordingly.
Advocacy and Dialogue
AIG is a member of ClimateWise, the global insurance industry’s leadership
group driving research and analysis initiatives that may indirectly influence policy
on climate change. In 2013, we reported our environmental activities through the
Carbon Disclosure Project, ClimateWise, and the Climate Risk Disclosure Survey.
Product Offerings
AIG offers a suite of various “green” insurance products
and risk engineering services, and continues to assess
opportunities for new offerings. Products include:
•A property endorsement in the U.S. and the UK that provides an
environmentally friendly property reinstatement in the event of a covered loss.
•A Contractor’s Pollution Legal Liability policy that helps protect all
types of service providers and contractors against third-party claims
for bodily injury, property damage, or environmental damage
resulting from pollution conditions caused by covered operations.
•Environmental risk solutions for Carbon Capture and Storage
operations via an endorsement to AIG insurers’ Pollution Legal
Liability Select policy, which includes coverage for claims resulting
from pollution conditions caused by the capture, injection, and
AIG offices in New York City and Houston
held Earth Day fairs to educate employees on
environmentally friendly practices.
storage of carbon dioxide into underground geologic formations.
•A “green” enhancement to the base Pollution Legal Liability
form that may provide coverage for restoring property with
environmentally preferable materials if such property is
damaged during the course of incurring clean-up costs.
Reducing Our Environmental Impact
AIG is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable
business practices across the organization.
Emissions Reduction
•Joined New York City’s
“Mayor’s Carbon Challenge” committed to reducing emissions
by 30% below 2011 levels
by 2023.
•Supported the Carbon
Reduction Commitment in the
UK - committed to reducing
emissions by 20% below the
baseline of 2010 emissions
by 2020.
•Achieved Singapore
Environmental Council Eco
Certification demonstrating
energy efficient, sustainable
office operations.
•Standardized leased car fleets
from 6 cylinder to 4 cylinder in
the U.S.
•Instituted desktop computer
change-outs, including
upgrades to Wyse terminals
and cloud-based remote access
solutions in the US, as well as
upgrades in infrastructure/
management systems.
•Drove Total Operating Model
Initiatives consolidating AIG’s
carbon footprint through more
efficient use of office space.
•Established standards ensuring
use of furniture, fixtures, and
finishes containing 30% - 80%
postconsumer recycled content
where available in new f
acility projects.
•Moved claims and underwriting
process to 81% paperless in 41
countries through our Global
Document Management Solution,
with a goal of going 95% digital
by the end of 2014.
Supplier Management
From document management to
transporting services, we place
significant value on suppliers who
respect environmental stewardship.
AIG participates in the Secure Shredding
Program with Iron Mountain, which transports shredded materials to paper mills
for pulping. By utilizing this service for its
North America offices, AIG realized the
following environmental benefits in 2013:
• Trees Saved - 26,315 trees
• Air Pollution Prevented 92,878 pounds (of air)
• Water Saved - 10,835,763 gallons
• Landfill Reduction - 4,644 cubic yards
• Recycled Paper (office grade paper)
- 3,095,932 pounds
• Electricity Saved 6,346,661 KW-hours
• Paper Material Weight - 1,548 tons
• Oil Saved - 712,064 gallons
Employee Relations
AIG works to cultivate an environment that enhances the productivity, engagement, motivation, and morale of employees through our promotion of the following policies and practices:
•Global Code of Conduct
•Open-door work environment
•Employment Dispute Resolution Program
•Flexible work arrangements (flextime and telecommuting)
•Multi-language employee engagement survey
AIG provides a comprehensive and competitive benefits package that enables
our company to attract and retain the best talent in the markets in which we operate without regard to age, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
Wellness Initiatives
To promote a healthy lifestyle, AIG offers tools, programs, and events to help
employees achieve their health goals. We additionally offer a suite of travel
assistance services through AIG Benefits Travel Assist to help employees simplify
their travel experience and cope with emergencies.
We encourage our employees to enrich their skills and help them prepare for
new opportunities. To sustain career growth, we offer:
•A competency framework – a set of observable and measurable behaviors
tied to performance in a role, job family, or function that help foster success
at AIG.
•Talent Connection – an online career management platform that helps employees take numerous courses to track and take charge of their performance
and careers.
•Tuition Reimbursement – covers individual courses taken at a university and
professional designation exams that are related to our employees’
current jobs.
Human Rights
AIG is committed to working with socially responsible entities that treat their
employees with fairness, dignity, and respect. AIG fully endorses international
conventions on human rights, including the UN Declaration of Human Rights in
all of its spheres of influence.
Community Involvement
AIG employees are passionate about supporting their communities and give
generously of their time, talents, and expertise to important causes worldwide.
2013 Benefit Enhancements:
• Parental leave benefit of eight paid weeks
extended to include employees who adopt,
fathers, and domestic partners of the same
• Addition of Applied Behavioral Analysis
(ABA) Therapy coverage for children with
• Coverage under our medical plan for
transgender procedures for employees and
their dependents.
• Preventive coverage at 100% for women
using in-network care that includes
contraceptive, breast-feeding supplies,
screenings for gestational diabetes
and sexually transmitted diseases, and
screening and counseling for interpersonal
and domestic violence, among other well
woman services.
The company offers several programs to support these efforts throughout the
Volunteer Time Off (VTO) Program
The VTO Program supports activities that enhance and serve communities where
our employees work, live, and serve our customers. Employees have the opportunity to dedicate two paid days per year (16 hours) to volunteer with qualified
charitable organizations and schools. The program currently operates in our
North America, Asia Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean regions, with
plans to expand it to our Europe, Middle East, and Africa offices.
Global Volunteer Weeks
To unite employees under the banner of volunteerism, we held two inaugural
global volunteer weeks - AIG Volunteer Week in April and the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation’s (IICF) Week of Giving in October.
Employees in Action
AIG supports the Miwani Secondary School
through the Federation of Kenya Employers
“Adopt-A-School Programme.”
Global Volunteer Weeks Highlights:
• 380+ company events
• 14,000 volunteer hours
• 5,000 employee participants
• $270,000 value of community impact
Miwani Secondary School, Kenya - Employees in AIG’s Kenya office built and
furnished classrooms for Miwani Secondary School, which faced closure due to
the lack of basic facilities. Located just outside of Nairobi, the refurbished classrooms are now being used by 80 students.
Flood Risk Reduction Education (FRRE), Indonesia - Launched in 2010, FRRE
was developed in partnership with Greeneration Indonesia to support at-risk
communities surrounding Jakarta. In 2013, more than 200 AIG employees
assisted with activities focused on recycling, clean water management, planting
trees, and simulation of flood response.
AIG employees planting 100 fruit trees near the
Ciliwung River.
Watch the video >
American Heart Association, U.S. - Now in our fifth year of participation, in
2013, 2,500 AIG employees came together to support Heart Walks across 15
U.S. locations, raising more than $200,000 for life saving research.
Matching Grants Program
AIG Heart Walk Participants, New York
City (photo credit: Michael Pollio)
Through our Matching Grants Program, employees are eligible to receive a 2:1
match for donations made to qualified charitable organizations and accredited
educational institutions, up to $5,000 per calendar year. In 2013, AIG matched
$7 million in employee contributions.
Pro Bono Program
AIG’s Pro Bono Program provides free legal services to nonprofit organizations
and persons of limited means by licensed attorneys and other professionals
throughout the company. In 2013, 65 volunteers provided more than 1,400
hours of service to 21 organizations worldwide, in addition to corporate contributions totaling $150,000 to organizations supported by the program.
Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project
Nine AIG volunteer teams worked with the
Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project to help resettle
Afghan refugees displaced by war and sectarian
violence in the U.S.
Guiding Principles
AIG is committed to preparing leaders to lead a diverse workforce,
improving the diversity and cultural competence of our employees,
and building an inclusive, respectful, and productive workplace.
Our Focus
Our ERGs are invaluable vehicles for
driving employee engagement and
cross-cultural awareness throughout the
• The disAbilities & Allies group was instrumental in working with our corporate
facilities and real estate teams to facilitate
the installation of a handicapped access
elevator in our headquarters building.
• The LGBT & Allies ERG worked with our legal, and compensation and benefits teams
to secure benefits for same-sex couples.
2013 Honors:
• DiversityInc Magazine Top 25 Noteworthy
• Corporate Diversity Award (presented by
Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of
Program Offerings
Nomination Programs
Training Programs
• Regional Women’s
• MicroInequities
• Annual Global
Women’s Summit
• Passport to Success
• Identify, Track,
Advance & Promote
• Generational
• D&I Essentials
• GlobeSmart
• Unconscious Bias
Employee Resource
Groups (ERGs)
• Asian Leadership
• Black Professionals@AIG
• disAbilities & Allies
• Latino Network
• LGBT & Allies
• Seasoned Professionals
• Veterans Leadership
• Women & Allies
• Working Families
• Young Professionals
• “Best of the Best” Insurance Companies
(presented by Professional Women’s Magazine for strides in diversity initiatives)
• “Best of the Best” Insurance Companies
(presented by Black EOE Journal for efforts
in diversity and inclusion)
• “Best of the Best” Insurance Companies
(presented by Hispanic Network Magazine for efforts in diversity and inclusion)
• Received 100% score on the Corporate
Equality Index – 2013 (as measured by
the Human Rights Campaign for issues on
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
equality in the workplace)
Nomination Programs
Our tailored professional development training includes components
on branding, developing networks, sponsorship and mentorship,
effective negotiating, and balancing diverse leadership styles.
Training Programs
AIG provides a range of opportunities to educate employees on how
to address diversity in the workplace from how to communicate across
businesses, borders and cultures to business issues associated with a
four-generation workforce.
Employee Resource Groups
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) support and encourage all AIG
employees, while providing ideas to better connect our employees to
existing and future customers, suppliers, and strategic partners through
networking and cultural awareness. Reflecting AIG’s global presence,
our ERG chapters operate in several countries throughout the world.
•Number of ERG chapters: 36
•Employee members: 4,765
•Membership growth over last 15 months: 515%
Supplier Diversity
As a strategic business initiative, AIG is committed to providing opportunities for
diverse suppliers to compete for and win corporate contracts.
In 2013, supplier diversity was targeted as a compensation-tied goal to
be backed by solid baseline metrics and consistent tracking—a first for our
organization. By increasing internal support, AIG spent $180 million with
diverse suppliers, representing a 400% increase in just three years.
AIG has started placing a stronger emphasis on spending by its prime vendors
with diverse vendors. As a result, prime vendors are encouraged in the
competitive sourcing and contracting processes to use diverse-owned businesses
where possible. In 2013, we relaunched our Tier 2 Program that increased
results reported by 98%.
To learn more, go to www.aig.com/supplierdiversity.
Jay Wintrob, President and CEO, AIG Life
and Retirement, meets members of the Young
Professionals ERG recruiting at a Diversity Fair
in Houston, Texas.
AIG partnered with Diversant, a staffing
company that launched a veteran recruiting
program through a pilot with our consumer
insurance business. Through the program,
nine military veterans were trained in
information technology, transitioned into
civilian life, and given a new, previously
unattainable career field. Since then,
Diversant has been able to expand this
program to four other customers, setting the
stage for additional veteran employment.
To make a more united impact on communities, AIG aligns its
charitable giving around three philanthropic themes:
Safety - including auto safety, disease prevention, health
programs, and initiatives that drive prevention of improper use of
prescription drugs.
•Johns Hopkins University - AIG awarded a $585,000 grant to
the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health to fund a
Prescription Opioid Addiction Research Study.
•Find a Better Way - AIG provided a $250,000 grant to
support research by leading scientists and engineers to develop
technology to accelerate the detection and safe removal of
landmines globally.
Colleen Barry, Johns Hopkins faculty member
(photo credit: homewoodphoto.jhu.edu)
Security - including financial education and other programs that
drive community stability.
•Enactus - In the UK and South Africa, we help bring students,
academic, and business leaders together to build a better, more
sustainable world through student community empowerment
•Junior Achievement of Northern New England - Our Boston
office sponsors and teaches the “Skills to Achieve” program,
which provides basic life and business skills to high school
Junior Achievement classroom instruction
Disaster Relief - including support of disaster preparedness and
rebuilding of infrastructure in the wake of a catastrophe.
•Habitat for Humanity Philippines - AIG pledged $200,000*
to rebuild housing in areas devastated by Typhoon Haiyan.
In addition, we matched employee donations on a 2:1 basis,
resulting in a combined donation of more than $200,000.
•China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation - In the aftermath of
the Ya’an Sichuan Earthquake, AIG pledged $300,000* to
assist with long-term recovery initiatives.
*Contributions committed in 2013, but paid in 2014.
Typhoon Haiyan destruction
Leadership Commitment
2013 Charitable Giving by Theme
AIG executives are committed to playing a leading role in our
communities by serving on nonprofit boards, accepting honorary
awards, and helping raise funds for important causes. More than
$1.35 million was raised by AIG to support the Japan Society, The
Jewish Museum, and Disabled Sports USA (DSUSA).
Disabled Sports USA
Watch the video >
Warfighter Sports, a program of Disabled
Sports USA, offers rehabilitation programs
in military hospitals and communities
across the U.S. AIG supports this program
through fundraising efforts associated with
its annual Winter Summit, an event held
in Stowe, Vermont, that brings together
more than 500 attendees from across the
insurance industry. In 2013, $665,000
was raised to support this cause, with AIG
making an additional $75,000 gift to its
Boston Marathon survivor programs.
Peter Hancock, President and CEO, AIG
Property Casualty, addresses attendees
at the 2013 AIG Winter Summit,
benefitting Disabled Sports USA.
Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Play Rugby USA
Corporate Museum Membership Program
This year, we reinstituted our support of several cultural institutions in
places where we live and conduct business. Through our partnerships
with participating museums, employees receive complimentary entry
and additional membership benefits.
As the largest rugby based youth
development organization in the U.S.,
Play Rugby USA partnered with AIG
to provide after school programming
to 24 New York City elementary and
middle schools. Students reported
that the program helped improve their
academic performance, physical
fitness, and friendship base.
Rugby Philanthropic Partnerships
As Official Insurance Partner of the All Blacks and the other New
Zealand national rugby teams and a sponsor of USA Rugby, we are
proud to be advocates for the communities and charities that they
support. In addition to making a $100,000 investment in community
initiatives in New Zealand, AIG is also dedicated to supporting
projects around the world to introduce the sport of rugby to diverse
populations, including special needs and low-income youth, among
Watch the video >
Global Security
AIG has worked to significantly improve our security systems designed
to ensure that employees have access to high level crisis response
services no matter where they are located. Important developments
•Tracking and managing high threat travel through our New Yorkbased Global Security Operations Center, giving us the ability to
quickly react during any crisis affecting AIG personnel
and property.
•Introducing our first-ever client facing emergency operations
center, which deals directly with AIG policy holders and brokers
in order to provide security related products (Travel Accident and
Kidnap and Ransom policies) and services (evacuating clients from
dangerous locations).
•Making major strides towards upgrading and standardizing our IP
video and visitor management systems around the world.
•Creating a standard investigative tool, Team Connect, to realize
efficiencies in information sharing and compliance to help reduce
investigation timelines globally.
Global Business Continuity
Improving resiliency worldwide is a major goal for AIG and significant
steps were taken in order to enhance our ability to anticipate threats
and communicate as a unified entity during events affecting
our business.
•MIR3, a worldwide emergency communications platform,
was rolled out globally throughout 2013 and is being
utilized to assist in managing events on a daily basis.
•A steady stream of Denial of Access drills were held,
testing our ability to continue business as usual when
a facility experiences a sustained interruption.
•Great strides were made to build and aggregate worldwide
Business Continuity Plans, and provide senior level leadership
with more clarity in terms of recovery solutions.
The Global Security Operations Center in
Houston, housed within the Travel Guard
Assistance Center, provides 24/7 global
travel assistance, including security services, to
customers worldwide.
Storm Sandy
Storm Sandy hit the U.S. Northeast Coast
in November 2012 causing significant devastation across the region. After conducting
an in-depth analysis through AIG Property
Casualty’s Claims Group to determine which
organizations would most benefit from a
contribution, in 2013, AIG donated more
than $1 million to support rebuilding efforts
in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and
Pennsylvania. Benefitting groups included a
school, public libraries, and other community
Brooklyn Public Library, Coney Island Branch
Post Storm Sandy
Disaster Relief
AIG is committed to supporting disaster relief efforts around the globe,
particularly in areas where we have a business presence.
After Restoration
(photo credit: Emily Andrews)
Global Assistance
AIG Travel, a worldwide leader in travel insurance solutions and
assistance, markets a portfolio of travel insurance solutions and travelrelated services, including assistance and security services, to both
leisure and business travelers, under the Travel Guard name. Services
are provided through a network of wholly owned service centers
located in Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
Claims Support
Preparing for and insuring against natural disasters can be the
difference between minor damage and catastrophic loss – it is
essential. Advanced, effective coverage and AIG’s exceptional claim
support helps to mitigate damages and facilitate recovery.
Bernburg Flooding
Our German operations worked to ensure that payment for extensive flood damage to the Am Rosenhag Home for Senior Citizens in Bernburg was accelerated
through the claims process so that urgent reconstruction work could begin immediately. Swift action allowed approximately 130 displaced elderly residents to
quickly move back into the home.
AIG ensures prompt claims payout
following nursing home flooding.
When an exchange student had a
traumatic mountain bike accident
while living in Costa Rica, her
family in New Zealand reached out
to AIG Travel for assistance. The
team immediately began to serve
as the liaison to the student’s family
and arranged for her mother to
fly to San Jose, where the student
was being treated. Through every
step of the process, AIG Travel was
there to help coordinate the best
course of action for her medical
care and provide the necessary
transport and support services,
which eventually led to her
recovering well enough to make
the journey home for further care.
Asia Pacific Region
AIG’s roots date back to Shanghai, China in 1919. Today, AIG has
grown to become the leading general insurer throughout Asia Pacific. In
addition, we are the number one foreign property and casualty insurance
organization in Japan. Our country and regional operations have more
than 20,000 employees (including 2,500 employee agents) serving
approximately 8.5 million customers in the region. We are committed to
helping and supporting our diverse communities through volunteerism,
charitable giving initiatives, and disaster relief programs.
Diversity and Inclusion
Promoting a diverse working environment is a fundamental element of
our growth strategy in Asia Pacific. Key diversity initiatives include:
•Developing a Mothers’ Room facility in Singapore, Indonesia,
and Taiwan designed to offer a private, relaxing environment for
breastfeeding mothers returning from maternity leave.
•Hosting the second annual Women in Leadership Forum in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia - an event that attracted more than 250 delegates,
including dignitaries and business leaders.
•Working with a specialist recruitment vendor in Australia that focuses
on offering employment for Paralympians, and launching a project to
actively recruit people with disabilities in Indonesia.
•Recognizing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
throughout the region with a variety of activities such as
training for managers regarding recruiting and hiring people
with disabilities, training employees on disability-related legal
issues, and raising funds to support autism awareness.
AIG employees across the region regularly come together to
‘give back’ to their local communities throughout the year.
•Coldstream Animal Shelter, Australia - AIG Melbourne
volunteers provided companionship and grooming for the
shelter animals, in addition to cleaning the facilities.
•Habitat for Humanity’s Youth BUILD 2013, Philippines As part of an ongoing partnership, employees built three
houses for poor families in Tanza, Navotas City.
•Seoul City Volunteer Centre and Godo Art, Korea - Partnering
with two local organizations, volunteers decorated walls in the
village of Joongrim-dong, Seoul to bring cheer to residents.
•Recovery of Hamaguri-Beach, Japan - Volunteers built
camp sites in Ishinomaki, Miyagi prefecture, an area
devastated by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake.
•Catholic Kuang Jen Social Welfare, Taiwan - Staff
raised more than NT$35,000 and donated clothing
and goods for a charity bazaar benefitting children
with physical and mental development issues.
Charitable Giving
•Mission Possible, Hong Kong - As part of AIG’s 2013
Hong Kong Sevens corporate project, HK$500,000
(US$65,000) was donated to Mission Possible, a charity
that addresses the city’s most pressing social issues (our
donation specifically supported four local charities).
•Mind the Head Campaign, Thailand - With more than
three quarters of road accidents in Thailand involving
motorcyclists or their passengers, AIG Thailand launched
Mind the Head, the first helmet safety campaign in the country
promoting the use of helmets for younger passengers.
•DriveSafe Challenge, Asia Pacific - AIG combined its auto and
travel products, and social responsibility efforts by hosting several
events in the region to encourage road safety.
“We are committed to
helping and
supporting our diverse
communities through
charitable giving
initiatives, and disaster
relief programs.”
Latin America and the
Caribbean Region
Customers in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have relied on AIG
since 1937, when the company first established operations in the region.
Today, with its regional headquarters based in Miami, Florida, AIG
Property Casualty Latin America and the Caribbean has operations in 15
countries. Every day, more than 3,000 team members come ready to
serve clients by offering a well-balanced and extensive product portfolio.
We are also committed to helping the communities where we live and
work through a variety of channels, including volunteerism and
protecting the environment.
Charitable Giving
Brazil - Through its “Blue Days” initiative, employees wore denim to
work in exchange for making a donation to Casa do Zezinho, a nonprofit organization that provides learning activities for children and adolescents from low-income families.
Colombia - Working with Un Techo para mi País (A Roof For My Coun-
try), 50 employees and their family members dedicated a weekend to
constructing four emergency housing units in Bella Flor, one of the poorest neighborhoods on the outskirts of Bogota.
Mexico - AIG Seguros Mexico employees helped victims of Tropical
Storm Ingrid and Hurricane Manuel by coordinating a food drive and
delivering the items to the DIF National Collection Center for distribution to communities most in need.
Our employees commit to helping the communities where we live and
work by making meaningful investments of their time and resources.
•Fundación San José para la Adopción, Chile - Employees
created safe and secure play spaces for children served by
the organization, which supports pregnant vulnerable mothers,
adoption services, and abandoned children.
•United Way, Guatemala - Nearly half of all employees in
Guatemala volunteer monthly to support educational programs for
less fortunate children.
•Niños con Futuro Foundation, Ecuador - In Guayaquil, volunteers
helped children facing difficulties in the Guayas region by
providing donations for the beginning of the school year.
•El Instituto Psicopedagógico de Puerto Rico - Employees took part
in a painting project to refurbish the building and patient rooms that
serve youth and adults with intellectual disabilities.
AIG Volunteer Week
AIG’s first annual volunteer week yielded 100% participation across
the Latin America and Caribbean Region. Project highlights include:
•South Florida United Way, U.S. - Helped staff the 2013 Mercedes
- Benz Corporate Run in Miami, which benefits United Way
programming in the area of education, financial stability, and
•Casa San Martín de Porres, Uruguay - Donated food and cleaning
materials to help offset the expenses for a lodge that houses
families who bring their children to Montevideo’s Public
Children’s Hospital.
•Geriátrico “Doña Margo,” Venezuela - Spent time with elderly
residents at a local nursing home.
•Jardin 905 La Plata, Argentina - Supported a school in La Plata,
the capital of Buenos Aires that was devastated by floods and
donated books and movies for their library, along with providing
entertainment for the children.
“We are committed
to helping the
communities where we
live and work through
a variety of channels,
including volunteerism
and protecting the
•Escuela Belisario Porras, Panama - Cleaned and refurbished the
gymnasium at a public primary school used for physical education
activities including classes for special needs and
underprivileged students.
Diversity and Inclusion
Within the region, the need to build a diverse workforce to promote
innovative thinking to help us connect with the rapidly changing face of
our customers is critical.
In Bogota, Colombia, we hosted a Women’s Forum with approximately
50 women across the region – the first held exclusively for our
colleagues in Latin America and the Caribbean. These types of initiatives
are important to ensure AIG’s female employees are being provided
with professional development opportunities to help them reach their
maximum potential.
Europe, Middle East, and
Africa Region
AIG’s presence in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Region
dates back nearly 70 years, when the company first expanded its
footprint across Western Europe. Today, the region has its headquarters
in London and employs over 7,400 people in 47 countries. Our teams
are committed to putting the customer at the heart of our business by
offering innovative solutions that position AIG as the most valued
insurance partner in our chosen markets. We are equally committed to
giving back to the communities where we live and work, through
volunteering and fundraising initiatives, which utilize the skills,
experience, knowledge and enthusiasm of our teams.
Investing in Our People
•Jump Out of Your Country - A program that offers employees shortterm assignments at alternative AIG offices in the European Union and
Switzerland to broaden their cultural and career experiences.
•Apprenticeship Program - In partnership with the National Apprentice
Service (UK), provides an opportunity for young people to gain
valuable work experience, while creating a pipeline of future talent
for AIG.
Environmental Responsibility
AIG is committed to reducing its waste and carbon footprint through
work practices that have a minimal effect on the environment.
Through our new Electronic Content Management system instituted in
14 countries, we are working toward a paperless claims environment
across Europe.
Promoting a Diversity Agenda
•Launched four Employee Resource Groups: Women & Allies Network, disAbilities & Allies, African & Caribbean Inclusion Group
and STEP-LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) & Allies.
•Formalized our commitment in France to promote inclusion and
equal opportunity in the workplace by signing the French Diversity
Charter in April 2013.
•Committed to advancing opportunities for women in Turkey, a
country where women constitute only 29% of its labour force, by
employing 50% women.
Volunteerism and Fundraising
Employee teams unite throughout the year to support important causes
in their local communities.
•United Service Organization, Germany - Visited wounded soldiers
at the Landstuhl Warrior Centre.
•Dar-ul-Sukun (Home of Peace and Love), Pakistan - Supported
a home for the physically and mentally challenged by joining the
residents for face painting, singing, and dancing.
•Németh László Primary School, Hungary - Spent a week repairing
and beautifying a dilapidated playground in Budapest, creating a
safe environment for students.
•Dubai Autism Centre, United Arab Emirates - Climbing 730 stairs,
employees took part in the Hilton Dubai Tower Race and collected
more than AED15,000 (€3,185) for the charity.
•Breast Cancer Care, UK - AIG’s London office held a “Wear it
Pink” day to promote breast cancer awareness, raising nearly
£2,000 to support the cause.
“We are equally
committed to giving
back to the
communities where we
live and work, through
volunteering and
fundraising initiatives,
which utilize the skills,
knowledge and
enthusiasm of
our teams.”
Charitable Giving
AIG provides financial contributions to organizations throughout EMEA,
including the following:
•Stine Sofie Foundation, Norway - Protects children
who are victims of physical or mental abuse.
•Sport Club Jedlickuv Ustav, Czech Republic - Supports athletes
with disabilities.
•AMIDEAST, Lebanon - Provides training and development activities in
the Middle East and North Africa to low-income students who wish to
pursue undergraduate study at an American college or university.
Responding to Crisis
Following the Westgate Mall Crisis in Nairobi, Kenya, the AIG Travel
team moved swiftly to respond to an injured 12-year-old client,
whose father lost his life in the attack. The team worked tirelessly to
secure documentation and travel arrangements to get the client safely
home to the U.S., where she could receive additional medical care.
American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a leading international insurance organization serving customers in more than
130 countries and jurisdictions. AIG companies serve commercial, institutional, and individual customers through one of the
most extensive worldwide property-casualty networks of any insurer. In addition, AIG companies are leading providers of life
insurance and retirement services in the United States. AIG common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the
Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Additional information about AIG can be found at www.aig.com | YouTube: www.youtube.com/aig |Twitter: @AIGInsurance|
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/aig |
AIG is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty, life and retirement, and general insurance operations of
American International Group, Inc. For additional information, please visit our website at www.aig.com. All products and
services are written or provided by subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. Products or services may not
be available in all countries, and coverage is subject to actual policy language. Non-insurance products and services may be
provided by independent third parties. Certain property-casualty coverages may be provided by a surplus lines insurer. Surplus
lines insurers do not generally participate in state guaranty funds, and insureds are therefore not protected by such funds.