Information Sheet no. 419/002. Prepaid Card

Information Sheet no. 419/002.
Prepaid Card.
Disposable Expo Flash Card.
Information about the bank.
Banco di Napoli S.p.A.
Registered and administrative offices: Via Toledo, 177 - 80132 Naples.
Tel.: +39 800-303-306 (Individual customers), +39 800-343-034 (Small businesses), +39 800-714-714 (Corporates).
Listed on the National Register of Banks under no. 5555.
Member of the Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group, listed on the National Register of Banking Groups.
Management and Coordination by the Sole Shareholder Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
Member of the National Interbank Deposit Guarantee Fund and of the National Guarantee Fund.
Registration number in the Naples Companies' Register and Tax Code and VAT number 04485191219.
A.B.I. (Italian Banking Association) Code 1010.8.
Information on and status of the party in charge of out-of-branch offering:
Forename and surname/Company name
Offices (Address)
Telephone no. and e-mail address
Enrolment on Register or Lists
Number of the Decision for Enrolment on Register/List
What is a prepaid card?
A prepaid card is a payment instrument which contains a sum corresponding to the value of funds received beforehand
from the issuer; the value of the prepaid card is reduced each time that the card is used to make payments or
withdrawals. The prepaid cards issued by the banks are not generally linked to a current account and the amount which
can be spent is selected by the customer when choosing its value within the limits established for the product. This
amount limit makes these cards often the preferred choice for users making online purchases.
Disposable Expo Flash Card: characteristics.
The Disposable Expo Flash Card is a prepaid card which can be loaded only once during the application
phase, produced for Expo 2015 (the universal exposition of which the Bank is the Official Global Banking Partner).
In addition to enabling its Bearer to conduct transactions through the payment systems indicated on the card itself,
the card can be credited with a ticket for Expo 2015 and access to the other services described on the Bank's
An application for the Disposable Expo Flash Card may be made:
on the Bank's website
at the EXPO Branch set up within the exhibition space
at the Branches enabled from time to time (the list of enabled Branches is available on the Bank’s website)
It will be possible to use the Disposable Expo Flash Card to:
 credit a ticket for Expo 2015 and access other services in accordance with the procedures published from time
to time on the Bank's Website. Access to Expo will be contactless, i.e. simply holding the Card near the readers
set up for this purpose;
 pay for purchases in Italy and abroad, at shops which accept the payment system indicated on the
card, by using the card and entering the PIN or signing the payment receipt provided by the Merchant;
 make contactless payments at Merchants equipped with the necessary devices, by simply holding the
Card near a POS device able to detect data remotely, without actually inserting the Card itself:
payments of an amount equal to or less than €25 can be made without a PIN or signature of a
payment receipt: they are understood to be validated simply by using the Card together with the
recognition of the data by the POS device;
payments of an amount greater than €25 shall be considered validated by entry of the PIN or
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signature of the payment receipt;
 withdraw cash at Branches of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Bank that issued the Card. Consent to the
execution of payment is provided by submitting a specific form signed by the bearer, together with the card and
valid ID;
 top up a mobile phone from one of the major network providers at enabled ATMs (even those of other
Banks) in Italy;
 make payments for online purchases;
 consult the list of transactions and the remaining cash which can be withdrawn using the Card and PIN from
one of the enabled ATMs of the Banks of the Group or any Branch of one of the Banks within the Group.
The Card may be used up to the amount loaded onto it and must be used during the period of validity displayed
In certain cases, consent for Payment Transactions shall be given through the use of the Card and a signature of the
payment receipt prepared by the Merchant; in such cases, the signature of the payment receipt must match that on
the Card and the Contract.
Non-authorised transactions.
payment of motorway tolls;
cash withdrawals from ATMs in Italy and abroad;
purchases by post or telephone, and all other transactions in which the available balance on the card
cannot be verified in real time;
purchases on the websites of MasterCard SecureCode certified Merchants
receipt of credits after preloading the card.
Reimbursement of remaining credit.
Reimbursement of the remaining credit on the Card can be requested at any time at any Branch of the Banks of the
Intesa Sanpaolo Group, by providing the user code (printed on the back of the card) and ID.
In the event of theft or loss, reimbursement may be requested by providing the User Code and ID, together with the
report made to the Law Enforcement Agencies.
Target customers.
The Disposable Expo Flash Card is for all customers who would like a card commemorating the Expo 2015 universal
exposition. The card may be taken out by adults aged over 18, both persons with a valid Tax Code and non-residents
without a Tax Code, subject to submission of a valid ID, such as a passport.
Loading methods and limits.
In order to use the Card, a monetary amount in Euro shall be loaded on to the Card up to the maximum value specified
in the agreement. The Card may be loaded only once, according to the following methods:
At the Expo Branch (only for Cards issued there) and at
enabled Branches
with a payment card, even if not issued by the Bank
itself, through a transaction at a POS device
in cash
by debiting a current account (only if the account is
held at an Intesa Sanpaolo Branch)
on the Bank's Website during the Card application
process By means of a transfer through an appropriate
SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) procedure
By indicating the IBAN of the Card sent to the bearer
by e-mail during the Card application phase.
Irrespective of the method chosen, no attempt to load the card with an amount greater than that owed and indicated
during the acquisition process will be processed.
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Usage limits.
The card may be loaded with the following, predefined amounts: € 5, € 20, € 50, € 70, € 100, € 150, € 200 and
€ 250.
Maximum sum which can be credited to the card
€ 250 or based on the
Daily payment limit
Within the framework of
the amount loaded into
the card
EXPO Branch cash loading limit
€ 250 for cards sold at the
Expo branch
EXPO Branch account transfer loading limit
€ 250 for cards sold at the
Expo branch
Risks of the Disposable Expo Flash Card.
The risks linked to the Expo Flash Card consist in:
 the possibility of fluctuations in the exchange rate, should the card be used in a currency other than the Euro;
 in the case of loss or theft of the Card and PIN, fraudulent use by third parties of the Card and PIN; therefore
the greatest care must be taken in keeping the Card and PIN safe and when entering the PIN itself. In the event
of loss or theft, customers must immediately have the Card blocked, in accordance with the contractually
stipulated procedures;
 in the event of loss or theft of the card alone, it could be used for transactions which do not require the entry
of a PIN. In the event of loss or theft, customers must immediately have the Card blocked, in accordance with
the contractually stipulated procedures;
 suspension by the Bank of use of the Card and the related codes (such as the PIN, User Code and Password), in
accordance with the indications set forth in the contract, under the section "Suspension of the Card".
Guarantee Funds: The credit relative to the amounts loaded on to the Card is not covered by guarantee funds.
Additional services which may be activated upon request by the customer.
Card Personalisation Service when acquired from the Bank's website.
During the application process for the Disposable Expo Flash Card on the Bank's website, the Bearer may ask for the
Card to be personalised with one of the images provided on the Bank's website or one of his/her own choosing, in
accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Card contract.
Applicants may access the Personalisation instrument on the Bank's website during the card application process and
complete the appropriate field with either their own e-mail address or one which they are authorised to access.
Both the card acquisition cost and the card image personalisation cost must be paid when applying for the Card.
Bearers may make three Personalisation attempts. The Personalisation process must be completed successfully within
thirty days from the date the process is initiated. Should the Personalisation process not be completed properly, it will be
Following such an interruption, the Applicant may visit the branch of the Bank - indicated in the e-mail responding to
the request for the issuing of the Card sent by the Bank itself to the Applicant - to select from among the following
a. request that the Card Personalisation process be recommenced; in this case, subject to payment of the card
image personalisation cost, a new Personalisation process will be initiated
b. request that the Card be issued in the standard format;
c. cancel the request for the Card; in this case, the Card will no longer be issued and the Bank will refund the
Card purchase cost to the Applicant.
If the Applicant does not exercise any of the three choices within thirty days from interruption of the process, the Card
contract will be automatically terminated, with no requirement for notification from the Bank to the Applicant, and the
Bank will refund the Card purchase cost to the Applicant.
In any case, any Card Personalisation cost that has already been paid will not be refunded.
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Card Personalisation Service in case of purchase at the EXPO Branch and at the other enabled Branches.
1. Before the Card is issued, the Applicant may:
a) send the Bank an image in his/her possession via e-mail, according to the instructions provided verbally in
the branch;
b) with the assistance of a branch operator and using a personal computer provided by the Bank, upload an
image in his/her possession to the Personalisation website, subject to entry of his/her forename and
surname onto the site;
c) select an image taken in the branch with the Bank's tablet by a Bank employee;
d) with the assistance of a branch operator and using a personal computer provided by the Bank, select an
image from those provided by the Bank on the Personalisation website, subject to entry of his/her name
forename and surname onto the site.
2. If the image is not one of those in point (d), the branch operator shall check that it complies with the
requirements laid down in the Card contract:
if the image complies with the Requirements, the Applicant will be notified verbally of the positive outcome
of the operation;
if the image does not comply with the Requirements, the Applicant will be notified verbally of the refusal of
the image and the reasons for this; in such a scenario, the Personalisation process will be interrupted and
the Applicant may:
request a new Personalisation in accordance with the procedures laid down in point 1;
request that the Card be issued in the standard format;
decide not to request a Card.
Financial conditions.
Details of the Financial Conditions
Fixed fees.
Card purchase fee
€ 9.90
Card image personalisation cost
Variable fees.
Loading fees.
€ 10,00
Fee for recharging Transport Tickets using
enabled ATMs
Liquidity management.
Branch withdrawal fee
€ 0,00
Fee for repayment upon extinguishment
Other payment services.
Fee for payments to merchants
€ 0,00
Fee for recharging mobile phones using
enabled ATMs
Payment of Milan Congestion Charge
(Area C) on enabled ATMs
Other items.
€ 0,00
Currency conversion fees for transactions
not conducted in Euro
Cost for consulting transactions
1,0000% (1)
€ 3,00
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
Card blocking fee in the event of loss or
€ 0,00
Fee for sending the Card by registered mail
€ 3,60 (2)
(1) Transactions in foreign currencies are subject to the conversion fee applied by the international payment system through which the
transaction is executed, in addition to the cost indicated above. In the case of MasterCard, the fee ranges from 0.29% to 0.58% of
the amount, depending on the country in which the transaction is undertaken. Transactions are converted into Euro at the
exchange rate applied by the international payment system through which the transaction is executed.
(2) Where the customer chooses this delivery method.
The “Card image personalisation cost” refers to Cards purchased from the Bank's website. In the event of
purchase of the Card from the EXPO Branch, the “Card image personalisation cost” will be € 5.
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Acquiring a Card from the Bank's website.
Information concerning distance marketing.
Execution of the contract
The contract is executed as follows:
The Applicant sends the Bank a request for issuance of the Card from the Bank’s website; the Bank confirms receipt of
the request by sending a message indicating the Card’s IBAN to the e-mail address provided by the applicant within the
application. The Applicant must make a wire transfer to the Card IBAN in order to allow the Bank to identify him/her;
the wire transfer must be made from the first business day following receipt of the abovementioned e-mail and it must
be received by the Bank within 30 days. If the wire transfer is not received within this time period, the application for
the card will be automatically cancelled.
After receiving the wire transfer and verifying the Applicant, the Bank will send a confirmation message to the e-mail
address indicated by the Applicant at the time the request for issuance of the Card was made. The contract shall be
considered to have been executed when the Applicant receives this message. Concurrently, the Bank will send a copy of
the contract to the aforementioned e-mail address.
Performance of the contract
The Bank will perform the contract by sending the Card within 5 business days from the execution of the contract or, if
the Applicant has opted for 'Card Personalisation', within 10 business days from the date when the personalisation
process confirmation e-mail was sent.
The performance of the contract therefore begins before the time set for exercising the right of withdrawal has elapsed,
as explained under the point below.
Applicant Right of Withdrawal - Period in which the right can be exercised
Pursuant to article 67 duodecies of Legislative Decree 206/2005, the Applicant is entitled to withdraw from the contract,
without incurring any penalties or having to indicate a reason, within 14 business days from the date the contract was
executed (pursuant to the indications under 'Execution of the Contract' above).
Terms and conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal
Withdrawal must be exercised by the Applicant within 14 business days, as indicated above, and announced in a
registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, sent to the following address:
Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
Servizio Filiale Virtuale
Via Lamaro 25
00173 Rome
or by delivering the letter to any branch of the Bank or any Bank of the Group.
Consequences of withdrawal
If the Applicant communicates the wish to withdraw from the contract, the Card will be blocked from the date the
Bank receives this communication. In order to receive reimbursement for any residual amount loaded onto the Card
and of the Card purchase fee, plus any amount paid for personalisation, the Applicant must visit a branch of the Bank
or any Bank of the Group.
The Applicant must pay the costs of any transactions carried out before the entry into effect of the right to withdraw,
as indicated in the financial terms and conditions set forth in this Information Sheet.
Specific costs and expenses connected to the means of communication employed
The marketing of the Card and the execution of the contract shall take place via the Internet. No costs or expenses are
applicable other than those due by the Applicant to third parties in relation to connecting to the Internet.
Bank fast contact details
Applicants can communicate with the Bank as follows:
Toll free number of the Bank Internet Services Assistance published on the home page of the website
Dedicated toll free number from a landline 800 898 014
From a mobile phone or from abroad via the number 0039 02 87109081, at the rates charged by the
Telecommunications Operator.
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For the financial conditions pertaining to the 'Documentation Copying' service, refer to the 'Miscellaneous Services'
document available at the Expo Branch and on the Bank's website.
Withdrawal and complaints.
Duration and Termination.
The contract shall last until the expiry date shown on the Card. Nevertheless, since the Card is sold as part of the Expo
2015 initiatives, it will no longer be issued by the Bank after 31/10/2015.
If the customer still requires a prepaid card, he/she may purchase another from the Bank's catalogue.
Without prejudice to the stipulations in the 'Information concerning distance marketing' section, the Bearer may
withdraw from the contract at any time with immediate effect by submitting a written notification at a branch of the
Bank or one of the Banks of the Group and surrendering the card. The Bank may withdraw from the contract without
prior notice in the event of violation of the contractual regulations by the Bearer or if the declarations provided at the
time of the application for the Card are found by the Bank to be untrue, or whenever there is a justified reason
pursuant to Legislative Decree 206/2005, immediately communicating this to the Bearer via the Bank's Website. Due to
the “bearer” nature of the Card, the Bank’s withdrawal is communicated via the Website and it is therefore the duty of
the Bearer to periodically consult the said Website. The Bank shall block the operation of the Card on the date of
termination of the contract.
Reimbursement of any remaining monetary credit loaded onto the Card must be requested by the Bearer from the Bank
within the ordinary prescription period stipulated by the law.
Maximum time frames for terminating the contractual relationship.
Before the working day on which the customer notifies the Branch of his/her wish to terminate the contractual
relationship, except in the event of technical impediments.
If a notice period has been stipulated, the relationship shall be deemed terminated at the end of such a period.
Complaints and procedures for out-of-court settlement of disputes.
The Customer may submit a complaint to the Company by letter sent by ordinary mail to Ufficio Reclami Banco
Napoli - c/o the Parent Company Intesa Sanpaolo - Piazza San Carlo 156 – 10121 TURIN, or via e-mail to or by certified e-mail to, or by
fax to +39 011/0937350, or letter delivered directly to the branch where the relationship was initiated.
The Bank is obliged to reply within 30 days from receipt of the complaint.
If the Customer is not satisfied with the reply received or has not received a reply within 30 days, before resorting to the
courts, the Customer may contact the Banking and Finance Arbitrator (ABF). For information on how to contact the
Arbitrator and the scope of its responsibility, see the website, ask at a Branch of the
Bank of Italy, or ask your Bank.
To avail themselves of the mediation procedure, pursuant to the terms and conditions provided by current law, the
Customer and the Bank may, even if no prior complaint has been submitted, apply to:
 the Banking Conciliation Board (Conciliatore Bancario Finanziario – Associazione per la soluzione delle
controversie bancarie, finanziarie e societarie – ADR). The regulations of the Conciliation Board are available on
the website or may be requested from the Bank;
 or another body enrolled in the specific register kept by the Ministry of Justice, specialising in banking and
financial matters.
The list of mediation bodies is available on the website The Practical Guide to the ABF, the Regulations
of the Conciliation Board and a Summary of the Permanent Conciliation Regulations can be consulted by Customers at
each Branch or on the Bank's website, in the Complaints-Claims-Conciliation section.
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Banks of the Group
Payment system
POS (Point of Sale)
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Intesa Sanpaolo, Banco di Napoli, Banca dell’Adriatico, Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto, Cassa di Risparmio
in Bologna, Cassa di Risparmio del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì e della Romagna, Banca
di Trento e Bolzano, Cassa di Risparmio di Civitavecchia, Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e della Lucchesia,
Banca CR Firenze, Cassa di Risparmio della Provincia di Viterbo, Cassa di Risparmio di Rieti, Banca Monte
Parma, Casse di Risparmio dell’Umbria.
Network comprised of points that accept the cards, which display the related trademarks.
User Code assigned to the card for use online.
Licensed merchant establishments where the card can be used.
Branch of the Bank where the contract is signed.
A symbol that indicates the system in which the card can be used..
Withdrawals or payments made using the Card.
Personal Identification Number: the secret code to be used for the card functions that require it.
Automatic device which enables payment to a supplier for goods and/or services by using the credit
or debit card. The device enables the transfer of the information necessary for authorising and
registering a payment in real time or after a lag.
SEPA is the acronym for Single Euro Payments Area, i.e. the area where the users of the payment
instruments - citizens, businesses, public authorities and other economic operators - irrespective of
their residence, may make receive non-cash Euro payments, both within national borders and
between different countries, in accordance with the same conditions and the same rights and
obligations. SEPA covers 34 countries (all the European Union countries plus Iceland, Norway,
Liechtenstein, Switzerland, the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of San Marino).
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