Biotechnology Vocabulary Terms ● Gene c Modifica on - Use of modern biotechnology techniques to change the genes / DNA of an organism. ● Stem Cell - The common, self-regenera ng cells in the marrow of long bones that give rise, by differentiation and division, to red blood cells and all of the different types of white blood cells. ● Cloning - Making an exact gene c replica of a cell or an organism. ● Restric on enzyme - Enzymes that cut DNA molecules at specific places in the ● DNA sequence - A small sequence of DNA. ● Gel Electrophoresis - A process where an electrical current is used to separate a mixture of DNA fragments moving them through an agarose gel. Separation is based on size (# of base pairs) of DNA fragments. ● Gene c Engineering - Process of manipula ng DNA of an organism. ● Recombinant DNA (rDNA) - DNA that has been formed ar ficially by combining fragments of DNA from different organisms. ● Plasmid - A small circular DNA strand in the cytoplasm of a bacterium that can replicate independently of the chromosomes. Plasmids are typically used as vectors in the production of recombinant DNA. ● Gene Therapy - Gene therapy is a treatment that involves replacing defective genes ● Gene cally Modified Organisms- An organism whose DNA has been altered to include gene(s) from another organism. ● Cell Differen a on - The process by which a cell becomes specialized in order to perform a specific function, as in the case of a liver cell, a blood cell, or a neuron. ● Transgenic Organism - An organism that contains genetic material from another ● Genomics - A discipline in gene cs that analyzes the func on and structure of genes that make up a particular organism. ● Restric on Enzymes - Enzymes that cut DNA in a specific place (restric on site) in the sequence. ● DNA Fingerprin ng - A biometric iden fica on obtained by examining a person's unique sequence of DNA base pairs; produced by the process of gel ● Human Genome Project - A project conducted to iden fy and map all of the genes, and interaction of those genes that make up a human being. ● Gene Therapy - The transplanta on of normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones in order to correct genetic disorders ● Biotechnology - The use of organisms to develop or make useful products; can involve manipulation of genes, or using organisms to enhance a process. ● Bacterial Transforma on - Process by which a bacterium will incorporate DNA from a foreign plasmid into its genome and as a result will alter the function of the cell. (may produce a different protein; this is an example of recombinant DNA.)