Ch. 6 (Volcanoes) Study guide

Ch. 6 (Volcanoes) Study guide The world’s most active volcano/ how many active volcanoes
How Hawaii was formed
Factors that determines whether a volcanic eruption will be quiet or explosive
Difference between the following
a. dike
c. sill
b. batholith
d. volcanic neck
Difference between the following:
a. caldera
c. crater
b. vent
d. magma chamber
Difference and characteristics of the following lavas: basaltic, andesitic and lava
Silica-rich magma vs silica poor magma
Difference between the following, their characteristics and how they are formed.
a. shield volcanoes
b. cinder cone volcanoes
c. composite volcanoes
d. flood basalts
Lava vs magma
Types of boundaries their description and what forms at certain types of boundaries
How acid rain forms
3 areas where volcanoes form
Know the difference between
a. aa lava flows
b. pillow lava
c. Pahoehoe lava flows
Ring of fire, pyroclastic flow
What type of material makes up different types of volcanoes
Eruptions of certain types of volcanoes quiet or explosive? Explain?