Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes Study Guide Answers

Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes
Study Guide Answers
Chapter 7, 9 Study Guide
1. lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core,
inner core
2. mantle
3. crust
4. lithosphere
5. iron
6. outer core
7. asthenosphere
8. asthenosphere
9. seismic waves
10. mountains
11. continental drift
12. The same fossils have been found on continents
separated by ocean.
13. Pangaea
14. magnetic reversal
15. sea floor spreading
16. the hanging wall moves down
17. the hanging wall moves up
18. volcanic mountains
19. ash can block the sun and
lower the temperature
20. It would lower the
21. crater
22. lava plateau
23. caldera
24. where tectonic plates collide
25. from tectonic plates moving
26. hot spots
27. compression
28. tension
29. uplift
30. subsidence
31. A. the bubble solution
B. the diameter of the bubbles
C. group of regular bubble soap
D. same amount of water