T h e Rev. Dr. M ich ael R . M cQu aid , S r. P astor Non

The Rev. Dr. Michael R. McQuaid, Sr. Pastor
Meheret Y. Caruthers, Pastoral Assistant
300 West Maple Road
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-2434
Non-Profit Rate
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit #89
Glen Burnie, MD
October, 2013
Thanksgiving Eve and Day, Already?
As we begin October, our Staff and
Worship & Music Committee are
already looking ahead to the end of
November when we take time to give
thanks, not only for turkey and
trimmings, but for God and God’s
many blessings.
We will again offer the opportunity to gather on Thanksgiving Day,
Thursday, November 28 at 10:00 a.m. for a wonderful Traditional worship
service. Jane Bowie, Music Director/Organist, will provide musical
leadership, accompanied by a vocal choir. If you are interested in singing
with this Thanksgiving choir, Jane would love to have you participate – so
get in touch with her. Hopefully, we will again have around 100 people
gather for this worship opportunity. Join us before you share your
Thanksgiving meal and the Ravens’ victory over the Steelers. 
In addition to this service, we will offer a new worship opportunity on
Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 27 at 7:00 p.m. Hopefully,
this worship opportunity will draw in people who do not yet attend a
Thanksgiving worship service, as well as people for whom Wednesday night
affords an opportunity to give thanks. While the exact shape of this service
is still forming as of my writing this article in mid-September, we can say
that the music will be of a contemporary nature. Following this new
service, we will enjoy fellowship with new and old friends during a Pie
Social. If you would like to donate a pie, look for the sign-up sheet in the
All-Purpose Room or inform one of our Office Angels at 410-859-0020 or
This year, as has been done in other years in the past, we are seeking to have
people share their personal stories of giving thanks through one or both of
these two avenues:
1. Live sharing – If you have a story to share about why or how you
are giving thanks to God this year, contact me for further
conversation and the possibility of sharing your story at one or both
of these services, Thanksgiving Eve or Day.
2. Recorded sharing – We are considering opportunities in the near
future (Sunday morning, various events at church, asking
homebound members, etc.) to do “man-on-the-street” interviews,
asking people what they are thankful for. These responses would
then be edited into a cohesive sharing of some of these responses,
possibly set to music. We might share this video presentation
during the Wednesday service. On Thursday, we might have this
video playing in the All-Purpose Room before and/or after the
worship service. Keep an eye open for these opportunities to share
your thanks to God.
In addition to these two Thanksgiving worship opportunities at St. John, I
want to share with you a third opportunity in our general area. For the
past few years, a Lutheran, Traditional, Thanksgiving Eve service has been
shared by three Lutheran churches in our area: Peace, Glen, and the
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer. This year, Our Redeemer on
Quarterfield Road will host this service; for more information, contact
Pastor Alan Traher at 410-766-8778.
Give further thanks to God this year by inviting others to join you at one of
these opportunities to pause in the midst of holiday festivities and give
thanks to the One who gives so much to us, especially in His Son, Jesus the
Thank you,
Pastor Mike
Do You Need Words of Comfort from Jesus??? Listen and Hear Jesus’
Words of Comfort!!
In Matthew 11: 28-30, Jesus tells his followers; “Come to
me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give
you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for
I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for
your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
 Do you feel weary?
 Does the yoke of life seem too difficult for you to
carry alone?
 Are your burdens too much to bear?
God has called the members of our Stephen Ministry team to care for those
who are weary and the burdens are heavy. Our Stephen Ministers are
trained and supported in walking with others through difficult times in their
Could you or someone you know, benefit from the care of a Stephen
Minister? If so contact one of our Stephen Leaders: Marjie 410-969-6059,
Bill 410-747-8302, or Sandy 410-456-3019. Please keep our Stephen
Ministers and their care receivers in your prayers.
Over the next few months, the Evangelism/Stewardship team
here at St. John will be running a series of Evangel articles
focused on improving YOUR satisfaction with the church.
Every church is unique and attracts dedicated members for
different reasons. However, we also believe that there are
steps that each of us can take to become more involved and
more satisfied. Satisfied members equal a unified church.
Throughout this series (entitled “5 ways to be UNSATISFIED with your
church”) we’ll highlight some common flaws that are hidden within each of
us. These character traits are handcuffs that keep us from getting the most
out of St John and limit our ability to be truly happy as congregants. Each
of us should be looking inward…making sure that we’re not falling into
these traps. Here are 5 ways to be UNSATISFIED with your church…
1- Don’t participate, just consume
2- Criticize
3- Don’t spend time with your church outside of the building
4- Believe that everything should be about you AND for you, all the time
5- Be unhappy with the fact that the church isn’t perfect
This month, we’ll focus on the first way to be UNSATISFIED with the
church….”Don’t participate, just consume.” One thing that is holding back
the American church today is our consumer culture. We’ve come to expect
that entertainment and the latest technology comes standard in our cars,
our phones, our computers, and our homes. Unfortunately, we think
church should be no different. Church, to us, should be just like the
movies. We come in when it starts, sit in our favorite seats, are
entertained, and think we should leave satisfied when it’s over.
Studies have shown that the congregants who are least satisfied in their
church are those who just show up on Sundays. It’s difficult to get the full
church experience if you’re not participating in small groups, service
projects, teaching, or generally serving the church. Obviously there are
those of us who are seekers or young in the faith that just need to be taken
care of…but that should be a temporary state.
Have you ever felt “unsatisfied” with St John? If so, ask yourself, have I
taken full advantage of all the opportunities that St John has to offer? If
you don’t know what St John has to offer, have you actively gone by the
church office to ask what opportunities are available? St John relies on the
time and talents of its members…have you told anyone what those are?
Maybe the spark that you need is in a new hobby or group that already
exists at St John. On any given day of the week (not just Sundays), the
church is full of activities. Maybe there’s a side of St John that you haven’t
explored yet. Don’t miss out on a chance to see all the great things that are
happening here. More to follow next month as we continue our series…
Prayer: 101 1
The followers of Jesus approached him with a simple request,
"Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." (Luke 11:1)
Obviously, the followers were confused and wanted their
teacher to help them in their prayer life. They knew John the
Baptist was teaching prayer to his disciples, so what might Jesus
teach them? Most probably, these followers had witnessed
Jesus praying in many places. Perhaps they had observed how prayer informed
and impacted his life. Jesus embodied love and lived with a deep connection to
God. How might they experience the presence of God in their life? These
questions remain helpful today. Let us continue to learn from Jesus.
Prayer: A Conversation with a Loving Parent
Jesus shocked his disciples request for a lesson about prayer by beginning
with the following words, "When you pray, say, 'Abba'. . ." In a single word,
Jesus changed our human understanding of prayer and our approach to
God. This word 'Abba' can be translated by a familiar slang of 'daddy' or
'papa'. Abba reflects much more of a loving, doting parent who wants to
hear the thoughts and feelings of a child. No longer does God need to be
seen as a distant, inapproachable judge waiting to condemn.
Instead, we are invited to approach God in prayer like a child who speaks to
a loving parent. We offer to God our joys, hurts, wonderment, confusion,
disappointment and all that we experience in this life. We extend our
thanksgiving to God who listens to every word - the ranting and raving as
well as the praise and joy. Like young children, our words of prayer to God
might be blurted in phrases, ramblings, or single words. Some of our
prayers might flow in complete, complex sentences or perhaps like poetry.
Other times, there are no words. The pain is too deep. Like children, we
cry, point to our wounds and sigh in silence, because there simply are no
words to express the depth of our pain. (Romans 8:26-27) Like a loving
parent who listens to a child, God hears. Yes, God listens to our prayers!
Prayer: An Intentional Act
Luke in his gospel account of Jesus is very intentional of noting the
relationship between prayer and key decisions of Jesus. Jesus prayed at his
baptism (Luke 3:21), before he called the disciples (Luke 6:12) and certainly
before he faced his own death (Luke 23:46) Not only that, Jesus prayed
often (Luke 9:18). Sometimes he would withdraw to deserted places for
prayer (Luke 5:16) or even hike up a mountain (9:28).
Thus we learn from the example of Jesus not just the words of prayer, but
the attitude of prayer. Our lives are interwoven with prayer and prayer is
interwoven in our lives. In addition, we are to be intentional about setting
aside time and places for prayer, particularly before decisions.
C'mon everybody-we're going to have some fun and relive
the days when the records played and Elvis was number
one! The Fifties will be our theme at the October luncheon
of Senior Fellowship. Dig out those blue suede shoes and
poodle skirts! Lunch will be served at noon on
Wednesday, October 2 in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a
friend and enjoy the music as The 1940's Band
entertains us after the meal. It should be a special day!
The Bereavement Group will meet at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 20th
for lunch at Snyder’s Willow Grove Restaurant. This group meets monthly
on the 3rd Sunday.
Several people are needed to help as lay assistants for both the traditional
and contemporary worship services. Typically, a lay assistant reads the
Bible lessons, Creed, Peace, Prayers of Intercession (which are provided,
but lay assistants are welcome to write the prayers) and help to administer
communion. Please consider helping in this way. Contact Maryann in the
church office, 410-859-0020. No experience is necessary, and it’s very easy
to learn “the ropes.” Communion assistants and acolytes are also needed.
The Performing Arts Association of Linthicum (PAAL)
began it's 32nd season of concerts on Saturday,
September 28 at the Chesapeake Arts Center, 194
Hammonds Lane, Brooklyn Park. The season will
continue with: "An American Portrait with Mac
Frampton"-a pianist presenting Broadway tunes and
classics; "Stef and Sue Christmas Show"-a unique
concert of carols and pops favorites; "AACC Symphony Orchestra and AACC
Chamber Singers Salute to the POPS"; "Brooks Tegler's Salute to Artie Shaw
and Cole Porter" and the "U.S. Navy Band of Wash. D.C." Parking is free
and Chesapeake Arts Center is handicapped accessible. Call 410-691-9725
or paalconcerts.org for more information.
October Coat Drive!
It won’t be long until the blustery cold winds will
be at our door steps. Once again this year we will
be collecting coats, jackets, hoodies/sweat-shirts
and snow suits for men, women, teens, boys, girls and
infants! The donations will be distributed to the women
and children’s shelter and the Lutheran Mission Society. Donations may be
left on the coat rack located in the Adult Sunday School Room.
NCEON Needs Our Help! The number of families NCEON helps has been
steadily rising over the past several months. As you do your shopping
please keep NCEON in mind. During the month of October we will be
collecting, peanut butter and jelly, breakfast cereals, canned or bottled
fruit juice, canned soups and crackers. Donations may be left in the large
box on the lower level near the canopy entrance marked NCEON.
Monetary donations may be made by using your pew envelope and
marking it NCEON.
Back to School
Backpacks filled until they were overflowing, paper, pencils, notebooks and
more were delivered to two local schools for the beginning of their school
year. The donations were greatly appreciated and needed. Thanks to all
for your support of this ministry!
Did you know on any given night there are 2,943 individuals seeking shelter
in Baltimore City, according to the Baltimore City Office of Homeless
Services. Women and children comprise 43 percent of the homeless
population in Baltimore City.
Won’t you join us Saturday October 26th as we serve at the women and
children’s shelter located at Christ Lutheran Church? We will be meeting
at 4:15 in the Church parking lot and car pooling to the shelter returning
around 7:15. Donations of laundry detergent, ethnic hair care products,
hand/body lotions and women and children’s underwear (boys and girls)
are being collected. Donations may be left in the Outreach closet located in
the All-Purpose Room. Monetary donations may be made by using your
pew envelope. All donations are greatly appreciated and greatly needed.
Thanksgiving Baskets
Pass Along Your Blessings! This year St. John is
sponsoring 15 families for Thanksgiving. Sign-up sheets
are located on the back wall in the All-Purpose room.
Non-perishable items maybe left on the back table in the
Adult Sunday School room. Perishable items maybe left in
the downstairs refrigerator – be sure to clearly mark them ‘Thanksgiving
Families’. Donations need to be to the church by Sunday, November 24th.
Monetary donations may be made by using your pew envelope and
marking it ‘Thanksgiving Families’.
The families we will be sponsoring for Thanksgiving will be picking up the
Thanksgiving baskets on November 24th- There will be pre-sorting on
Saturday, November 23rd starting at 9:00am.
Christmas Baskets
The families will be picking up Christmas baskets Sunday, December 15th.
Gift wrapping and sorting will take place, Wednesday, December 11th,
starting at 5:00pm, Thursday, December 12th, starting at 5:00pm, Friday,
December 13th, starting at 5:00pm and if needed, Saturday, December
14th- starting at 9:00am.
LMS Seeks a Truck Driver
Due to increasing workload, the Mission Society is seeking a part-time truck
driver with a clean driving record. Driver must have or be willing to obtain a
Department of Transportation medical card and must have experience
driving a 24’ truck with a lift gate. Please contact Bruce Cameron, Director
of Transportation & Facilities, at 410-636-0123, Ext. 15, or email
During the month of October, we are
collecting coffee, sugar, and canned
milk. Any food gifts can be left in
the NCEON box in the downstairs
hallway….and God bless all who give!
Dear Pastor Mike,
We wish to “thank you!” for the wonderful
service you gave in helping us to lay our dad
to rest. Thank you also for the time you spent
getting to know us all and the comforting words to help ease our sorrow.
Love, The Garrison Family
Special thanks to Pastor Mike and our St. John friends for your thoughtful
expressions of LOVE and support at this sad time of our son-in-law, Bob’s,
passing. It meant so much to us! We love you, and God bless you.
Muriel and John Hartge
Dear Maryann,
I wish to express again my appreciation for the prayers, visits from Pastor,
and Len Martin, the flowers and the Portals of Prayer that I received from
my dear Christian friends at St. John. I feel truly blessed to be so fortunate.
Thanks for everything, and God bless, Bill Winn
Dear Pastor and fellowship of St. John,
I am overwhelmed with the caring and outreach you have demonstrated,
especially for my accident. It meant so much to me to receive visits,
prayers, food and hope for healing! I await the second surgery on my leg
to repair the fractures (this note was written 9/2/13). Please keep John in
your prayers also; he has been so focused on caring for me, losing sight of
the need for renewal and Sabbath rest. Blessings, light and love, B.J. Pilkins
Salutations, Pastor Mike,
I have no idea how many viewings, wakes and funerals I have attended
over the years as an individual, a Scouter….and other organizations, but
there have been enough that keeping count is not a possibility. So, when I
say your efforts on Ruth’s behalf (and not only because she was my
“bride”), was one of the finest services I have had the opportunity to
attend, I speak with some knowledge.
I have had many fine comments about the manner, choice of words and
scripture, and the pace you provided. Yes, it is true, much of the words can
be heard at the closing of any life, but the difference is how and who
ministers to the flock. You, sir, are and have a very special gift, and I am so
thankful we turned to you at that moment in our family’s life.
My “two cents worth,” is that St. John is quite fortunate to have you in the
pulpit, the office, and the Linthicum community. I thank you from the
bottom of my heart, for a job well done. Wishing you and yours the very
best! Ken Hesterberg
Dear Staff and Congregation,
We want to thank you for your kindness and
generosity in supplying our needy students
with school supplies. Every year we have
students who begin the year without the tools
they need. The supplies you have given us will not only mean a great deal
to our students, but also to many of our families, and to the teachers, who
need their students to be prepared. Thank you again, Ivy Sheffler-Oidick,
LCSW, and the staff of NCHS
Our retreat is planned for Wednesday, October 16, at
Augsburg Lutheran Village. We will leave the church at 8
a.m. The retreat begins at 9 a.m. and will end at 3 p.m.
Pastor Mike will be our leader. The cost is $10.00. Please
sign up on the WELCA bulletin board in the All Purpose
Room if you plan to attend.
It is not too early to prepare shoebox Christmas gifts for the Seafarers who
dock at Baltimore during the holidays. Please use normal size shoe boxes,
as the larger ones are too heavy for the volunteers to carry up the
gangplanks of the ships. The deadline for receiving them is November 24.
There are still several seats available for
our bus trip to American Music Theater on
November 22. A sign up sheet is posted on
the WELCA board.
Augsburg Lutheran Home is collecting new
or gently used clothing for their Thrift Shop.
They are also collecting new or used greeting
cards. If you have items to donate, bring them to the All Purpose Room,
marked “Augsburg” and place them on the WELCA table.
Remember, all women of St. John are members of WELCA. Please join us
for our next meeting on Saturday, October 12 in the Friendship Room at
10 a.m.
Trunk or Treat is a
Halloween event where
people gather and park their
cars in a parking lot. They open their trunks, or the backs of their vehicles,
and decorate them. Then they pass out candy from their trunks. The event
provides a safe family environment for trick or treaters. Instead of going
house to house the children go trunk to trunk! When it comes to
decorating your vehicle there are the obvious choices, like decorating for
Halloween, using pumpkins, spider webbing, spiders, brooms, bats,
cauldrons, scary stuff, the options are endless! If you would like to decorate
your car or truck the sign -up sheet is located on the back wall of the Allpurpose room. Join in the fun on Halloween, Thursday, October 31st. Setup begins at 4:30 pm and the fun begins at 6:00 pm. Bring your friends.
Gifts to the Pastoral Reserve Fund
In loving memory of our Poppy, Charles Hann, by Patti,
Rick, Ricky and David Fink
In memory of Carol McQuaid’s father, Richard, on the
1st anniversary of his death by Maryann and Ron Gapsis
In loving memory of my sister, Catherine Riley, by Dolores Peterson
Gifts to the General Fund
In loving memory of George Wagner, Sr. and George Wagner, Jr., by their
loving wife and mother, Helen Wagner
In loving memory of Minetta Stevens by Helen Wagner
In honor of Eleanor Chaney’s 100th birthday by Helen Wagner
A Gift to the Music Fund
In honor of Sarah and Tom Totushek on their 50th anniversary by Loretta
Gifts to the Church & Community Fund (for school supplies)
To the glory of God by Ann and Hal Cramer
To the glory of God by Linda and Rich Filkins
Our pastor needs the prayers of the people of his congregation.
The following is an example of how you might pray:
Lord, we lift up the hands of our pastor, leaders and their
families. We place them in the shelter of the Most High,
to rest in Your shadow. We will say of the Lord, You are
their refuge and fortress. You will preserve their family time. Your
faithfulness will meet their financial needs in Christ. (Philippians 4:19)
Release your promise of abundant life according to John 10:10. Release
Your angels to guard them and keep them steadfast for You. You have said
“I will be with them in trouble; I will deliver them and honor them. With
long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation.” (Psalm 91:15,16)
In Jesus’ name we cancel all the assignments of the enemy against our
pastor’s life and family. (Mathew 6 :10) Amen.
Join our small prayer group the 2nd and 4th Tuesday every month. We meet
at 6:00 p.m. in the youth room (October 8th and 22nd.)
This is the focus of the Women’s Retreat in
Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania
From November 1-3rd
Registration is $40 (make checks payable to St. John) and you can find a
registration form in the All Purpose Room.
Got questions? See Cindy Jones or Lori Hamilton