UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Academic Affairs, Provost and Vice Chancellor Office: 910-962-3137 Fax: 910-962-3922 Mail Code: 5900 Sheerer, Marilyn Provost 23389 Barlow, Cathy Interim Vice Provost & Senior Assoc VC 23867 Blanton, Karla Admissions and Financial Aid Coordinator Bullard, Lea Assistant Director 23646 Cameron, Paula Executive Assistant 23137 Cunov, Pamela Faculty Senate Administrative Associate 23137 Curran, Terrence 'Terry ' Assoc Provost 23876 Ellis, Patricia 'Carol ' Asst to Provost 23959 Hicks, Robert Applied Learning Social Research Assistant 22947 Keenan, Lisa Director, Onslow Co Ext Site/CCCC Kelly, Allyson Executive Assistant 23876 Lindgren, Sharon Exec Asst to the Provost 23389 Reece, Linda Enrollment Research Asst 23738 Reid, P Temporary EPA/Faculty 23137 Sullivan, Susan Office Manager (910) 455-2310 Tayloe, Mary Administrative Associate (910) 451-5266 Ulaszek, David Asst VC Resource Management 27380 Webb-Dempsey, Jacqueline Temporary EPA/Faculty 23137 Wyschka, Heinrich 'Henry ' Testing & Technology Tech Zitwer, Maura Administrative Support Specialist Academic Affairs, Resource Management Office: 910-962-4258 Fax: 910-962-2181 (910) 346-8246 (910) 455-8034 (910) 450-5876 23358 Mail Code: 5675 Rackley, Franklin 'Trent ' Business Officer 22438 Batson, Sherri Resource Manager 24283 Bullard, Lea Assistant Director 23646 Gray, Susan Program Specialist- Personnel 23848 Hartmann, Cynthia Senior Business Officer -AARM 27152 Helms, Suzanne Temporary SPA Employee 23681 Lee, Elizabeth Accounting Associate 24258 Martin, Robin Temporary SPA Employee 24258 Reece, Linda Enrollment Research Asst 23738 Sloan, Mary Temporary SPA Employee 23848 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Accountancy Office: Fax: Mautz, R 'David ' Dept Chair 22280 Alling, Wilbur Temporary EPA/Faculty 24104 Andrews, Elaine Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Appleton, Robert 'Bob ' Emeritus Faculty 23509 Barco, Benjamin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Bean, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Betts, Joseph Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Broadwell, James Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Casey, Jackie Temporary EPA/Faculty Casteen, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Chace, Chasity Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Downen, Thomas Asst Professor 24104 Elikai, Faramarz 'Fara ' Assoc Professor 23614 Evans, Allison Asst Professor 22850 Evers, Pamela Assoc Professor 27709 Furner, Zhan Assistant Professor 22798 Gore, Angelon Administrative Support Associate 23509 Hansen, Victoria Assoc Professor 23776 Hanson, Randall Professor 23801 Hermanson, Susan Professor 23969 Hogan, Diane Temporary EPA/ Faculty 23509 Ivancevich, Daniel Professor 27681 Jessen, David Lecturer 27142 Jones, Sarah Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Kearns, Pamela Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Kerler, William Assoc Professor 27632 Lee, Cameron Temporary EPA/Faculty 24104 Lee, Lorraine Assoc Professor 24259 Potter, Samuel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Sawyer, Rebecca Asst Professor 23506 Thurston, Daniel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Ward, David Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Whitley, Laura Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Whitlock, Charles Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Mail Code: 5901 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Accounting / Controller's Office Office: 910-962-3227 Fax: 910-962-2139 Mail Code: 5934 Thorndike, Sara Assoc Vice Chancellor for Finance & Controller 23227 Jenson, Sonda Accountant 23139 Bisselink, Jean Accounting Tech-Billing 27517 Eakins, Lisa Tax and Financial Reporting Accountant 22757 Ferguson, Joanne Associate Controller 23647 Hudson, Leslie Financial Reporting Analyst 22500 Iannucci, Heather Associate Controller 23144 Jernigan, Hollie General Accounting Specialist 23150 Jones, Anita Financial Reporting Manager 27941 Kee, Robin Accounting Specialist 27086 Nalley, Sharon Fixed Assets Administrator 23156 Shook, Julia Project Management Officer 27890 White, Marcia Non Student AR Manager 22190 Woods, Sarah Temporary SPA Employee 22190 Accounting / General Office: 910-962-7423 Fax: 910-962-2139 Mail Code: 5902 Thorndike, Sara Assoc Vice Chancellor for Finance & Controller 23227 Savage, Andrew Staff Accountant 23148 Accounts Payable, Accounting Office: 910-962-3172 Fax: 910-962-7006 Mail Code: 5903 Thorndike, Sara Assoc Vice Chancellor for Finance & Controller 23227 Blizzard, Brittani Temporary SPA Employee 23645 Jackson, Sarah Accounts Payable Coordinator 23092 Morris, Teresa Accounts Payable Specialist 23145 Satterthwaite, Katina Accounts Payable Specialist 23159 Wright, Susan Accounts Payable Specialist 23172 Admissions Office: 910-962-3243 Fax: 910-962-3038 Moreno, Marcio Director Anderson Cook, Missa Administrative Specialist Anga-Lay, Erica Assoc Director - Transfer Admissions 24133 Averett, Connie Administrative Supervisor 23152 Mail Code: 5904 22029 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Admissions Office: 910-962-3243 Fax: 910-962-3038 Bingham, Hannah First Year Admissions Coordinator 22269 Bleier, Tammy Transfer Admissions Coordinator 27127 Brimage, Nadine Administrative Associate 27022 Brown, Hannah Senior Asst Director 23781 Byrnes, Linda Project Coord Intl Admissions 27779 Canady, Ramona Administrative Specialist 27967 Clyne, Linda Administrative Associate 27495 Davis, Delores Administrative Specialist 27365 Griffin, Kelley Transfer Coordinator 27324 Heim, Jessica First Year Admissions Coordinator 22028 Horne, Jessica Transfer Admissions Coordinator 24096 Ivey, Teresa Administrative Associate 27242 Jones, LaTasha Coord First Year Admissions 27053 Kresse, Brenda Assoc Dir/Systems Mgr 23132 Mintz, Stephanie Administrative Associate 27966 Moore, Janay First Year Admissions Coordinator 27367 Murray, Ariel Temporary SPA Employee 23243 Nelson, Lucas Temporary SPA Employee 23243 Padgett, Michelle SPA Temporary Employee Parkstone, Amanda Transfer Coordinator 22550 Putnam, Tamara Administrative Associate 27243 Scott, Cynthia 'Lauren ' Associate Director 27876 Smith, Donovan Freshman Admissions Coordinator 27573 Smith, Wendy Administrative Associate 27231 Tascone, Thomas Transfer Admissioons Coordinator 27038 Waller, Delores Administrative Associate 27991 Young, Taniesha Freshman Admissions Coordinator 23134 Alumni Relations Office: 910-962-2682 Fax: 910-962-2685 Mail Code: 5904 Mail Code: 5906 LeRoy, Lindsay Director of Development & Alumni Relations 22684 Baker, Mandy Development Officer, Alumni Giving 22076 Connor, Dianne Administrative Specialist 22682 Gargiulo, Kimberly 'Kim ' Univ Prog Spec/Asst Dir Alumni Relations 22587 Iacobellis, Megan Asst Director Alumni Relations 22681 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Regional Program & Engagement Anthropology Office: 910-962-7716 Fax: 910-962-3543 Reber, Eleanora 'Nora ' Department Chair 27734 Albert, Arlene 'Midori ' Professor 27078 Alexander, William 'Bill ' Assoc Professor 22227 Bellacero, Cynthia Temporary EPA/Faculty 27716 Benedetti, Ilona Temporary SPA Employee 27716 Brannock, Mary Temporary SPA Employee 27716 Fletcher, Rebecca Lecturer 23705 Howells, Michaela Asst Professor 23431 McGroarty, Jennifer Temporary SPA Employee 23431 Michael, Barbara Temporary EPA/Faculty 23543 Navarra, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23543 Penton, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty (919) 403-8470 Robinson, Carolyn Asst Professor 23532 Roby, John Adjunct Faculty 27716 Simmons, Scott Assoc Professor 23429 Stewart, Kathryn Administrative Associate 27716 Torpey, Melissa Temporary EPA/Faculty 27716 Mail Code: 5907 Graham, Elizabeth Architectural and Construction Services Office: 910-962-7450 Fax: 910-962-7522 Mail Code: 5910 Morgan, Mark Interim Assoc VC for Facilities 23719 Pue-Gilchrist, James 'Jim ' Asst Director 23869 Ross, James University Architect 27455 Seifert, Lisa Facilities Structural Engr Lic 27560 Smith, Charles 'Justin ' Administrative Support Associate 27450 Art and Art History Office: 910-962-3440 Fax: 910-962-7106 Kirschke, Amy Department Chair 23440 Alexander, Christopher Temporary SPA Employee 23440 Bourne, Shannon Temporary EPA/Faculty 23440 Browning, Mary Administrative Associate 23440 Furst, Donald 'Don ' Professor 27962 Handler, Beth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23440 Hudson, Nicholas Assoc Professor 27960 Mail Code: 5911 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Art and Art History Office: 910-962-3440 Fax: 910-962-7106 Irvine, Edward Assoc Professor 23416 Johnson, Courtney Asst Professor 27958 Lawing, Eric Temporary EPA/Faculty 23440 Lindberg, Anne Assistant Professor 23444 McLelland, Heather Temporary EPA/Faculty 23440 Moench, Deirdre Temporary EPA/Faculty 23440 Olson, Vibeke Interim Director of Women's Studies/Assoc Professor 23749 Richter, Sarah Temporary EPA/Faculty 23440 Scharling, Lauren Temporary EPA/Faculty 23440 Smith, Sharon Temporary EPA/Faculty 23440 Steele, Shawn Assoc Professor 23700 Stultz, Melissa Temporary EPA/Faculty 23440 Toll, Pamela Assoc Professor 23967 Wilcox, Aaron Professor 27609 Athletics Office: 910-962-3233 Fax: 910-962-3002 Bass, Jimmy Director of Athletics 24292 Alphin, Grey Athletic Event Manager 24245 Aycock, Robert 'Rob ' Senior Assoc Athl Dir/Exec Dir of Seahawk Club 22129 Baker-Karl, Shauna Academic Coordinator 24179 Bambenek, Amy Head Coach Volleyball 23242 Barkman, Jonathan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23584 Berke, Robert Part Time Coach Track 27439 Bishop, Vilija Asst Athletic Trainer 27265 Bonetti, Anthony 'AJ ' Asst Coach Volleyball 23479 Brickels, Robert 'Rob ' Asst AD Marketing 27297 Brinson, Sheri Athletic Business Operations Associate 27218 Browning, Joseph Assoc AD Sports Information 23236 Bunn, Luther 'Beau ' Asst Coach, Diving 23260 Byrd, William Temporary SPA Employee 22311 Cairney, Paul Head Coach Women's Soccer 23932 Carr, Thomas Asst Coach Men's Basketball 23233 Carradine, Alex Temporary EPA/Faculty 27233 Mail Code: 5911 Mail Code: 5913 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Castille, David Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach Christmas, Philip Temporary SPA Employee 24245 Clark, Katelynn Temporary EPA/Faculty 23584 Clark, Matthew Head Coach Men's Golf 27204 Cotellessa, Danielle Athletic Trainer 22036 Dalton, John 'Greg ' Temporary SPA Employee 22951 Daly, Zachary Temporary SPA Employee 23233 De La Pena, Alexander Assistant Coach, Swim 27945 Delehanty, Shannon Temporary SPA Employee 22311 Denne, Kimberly Temporary SPA Employee 23233 Doty, Shanna Temporary EPA/Faculty 27319 Downar, Stacy Athletic Trainer 27418 DuBois, Benjamin 'Mait ' Head Coach Men's Tennis 23989 Easley, Kevin Director of Men's Basketball Ops 27234 Fearing, Adam Asst Director of Development 22731 Fischer, David Assistant Coach, Volleyball 27767 Francis, Julie Athletic Trainer 23239 Furjanic, Tracy Business Operations Associate 23042 Glaeser, Matthew Asst Coach Women's Soccer Godwin, Casey Director of Facilities and Event Management Hackert, Travis Video Coordinator 23045 Haines, William 'Zach ' Assoc Head Coach Men's Soccer 23044 Hall, Andrew Director of Grounds & Sports Turf 27569 Harris, Adell Head Coach Women's Basketball 22218 Harris, Dana Senior Assoc AD for Internal Operations 23580 Heaney, Aidan Head Coach Men's Soccer 27057 Hill, Thomas 'Scott ' Director of Athletic Training 23584 Ho, Cynthia 'Cindy ' Head Coach Women's Golf 24163 Hood, Randall 'Randy ' Asst Coach Baseball 23793 Keatts, Kevin Head Coach, Men's Basketball 22412 Kim, David Director, Women's Basketball Operations 24086 King, Mary 'Sandy ' Asst Athletic Dir Compliance 27095 Knudson, Garrett Academic Coordinator 22775 Labree, Laura Athletics Business Officer 23587 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Athletics Office: 910-962-3233 Fax: 910-962-3002 Mail Code: 5913 Lea, Jefferson 'Haig ' Asst Athletic Director - Ticket Operations 27536 Legates, Rodney Temporary EPA/Faculty 27297 Lenhardt, Catherine Athletic Trainer 23327 Luther, Richard Temporary EPA/Faculty 23233 McCroskey, Larry 'Glenn ' Horticultural Supervisor 27535 Mears, Kristin Temporary EPA/Faculty 27714 Memont, Jason Head Coach M&W Swim & Dive 23237 Merrill, Caroline Temporary SPA Employee 27297 Merritt, Matthew Temporary EPA/Faculty 27233 Mishoe, Zachary Assistant Athletic Trainer 22497 Moore, Catherine Temporary SPA Employee 23001 Moore, David Temporary SPA Employee Moore, Drew Asst Athletic Trainer 27333 Moore, Kelly Executive Assistant 23571 Moore, Richard Asst Coach-WBB, Director of Player Development 23232 Murphy, Patrick Head Coach Strength 23662 Myhand, Bill Grounds Technician 27535 Norton, Kristy Head Coach, Softball 23984 Novak, Megan Asst Coach, Women's Soccer 23233 Oliver, Brittni Administrative Support Associate 23418 Olsen, Hans Head Coach, Women's Tennis 27714 Pearson, Mary 'Abby ' Asst Coach, Golf 27204 Pease, Shannon Learning Specialist 27530 Peele, Beth Administrative Assistant 23045 Peterson, Robert EPA Non-Instructional 22412 Reid, Maleena Temporary EPA/Faculty 27333 Rhew, Eric Assistant Sports Information Director 23252 Riley, Crystal Asst Coach, Women's Basketball 27732 Riordan, Thomas 'Tom ' Asst Dir Sports Info 24099 Rivera, Adolfo Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach 23233 Scales, William 'Drew ' Academic Advisor 23001 Scalf, Mark Head Coach Baseball 23570 Schlein, Scot Temporary EPA/Faculty 27021 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Athletics Office: 910-962-3233 Fax: 910-962-3002 Schroeder, Lindsey Asst Athletic Trainer 23238 Schwartz, Brent Temporary SPA Employee 23233 Schwier, Henry 'Layne ' Interim Head Coach Track & Field/CC 27624 Siddle, Takayo Asst Coach, Men's Basketball 23569 Smith, Hannah Temporary SPA Employee 27297 Smith, James Asst Coach, Swim and Dive 23237 Spain, Brad Temporary SPA Employee 23233 St Ledger, Gerard Temporary EPA/Faculty 23233 Stanley, Casey Asst Coach, Men's Basketball 27839 Stevens, Rebecca Temporary SPA Employee 23001 Swarthout, Kenneth Temporary SPA Employee 23232 Swinney, Adrianne Deputy Director 23767 Thomas, Donald Asst Coach M&W Track/CC 23889 Thomas, Sadie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23233 Tingley, Kimberly 'Kim ' Asst Coach-WBB, Recruiting Coordinator 23824 Tucker, Kama Associate Head Coach, Softball 23233 Vaccaro, Michael University Program Specialist 27319 Wade, Thomas Coordinator of Athletic Development 22498 Ware, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 27714 Wetherell, Alexander Temporary EPA/Faculty 22752 Williams, Mark Temporary SPA Employee 23662 Williams, Michael Temporary SPA Employee 23237 Williams, Sidney 'Marsellas ' Compliance Assistant 22756 Williams, Timothy 'Matt ' Asst Coach Baseball 27471 Woidt, Elizabeth Assistant Director of Development 27737 Wrotniak, Joseph Temporary SPA Employee 23571 Young, Kayleen Temporary SPA Employee 24245 Auxiliary Services Office: 910-962-3178 Fax: 910-962-3618 Dailey, Brian Director 23711 Allred, Megan Auxiliary Services Marketing Specialist 27145 Archibald, Matthew Temporary SPA Employee 22008 Bailey, Tashombi Temporary SPA Employee 22530 Benton, Edward Temporary SPA Employee 27203 Bradley, Denise Temporary SPA Employee 23178 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM Mail Code: 5913 Mail Code: 5914 UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Bradley, Denise Temporary SPA Employee 23178 Brodman, Andrea Temporary SPA Employee 27222 Cannon, Nicholas Temporary SPA Employee 22764 Collins, Eugene Auxiliary Services Maintenance Supervisor 22456 Colvin, Karen UNCW One Card Admin Assistant 22766 Conto, Corinne Temporary SPA Employee 22008 Cook, David Parking Control Supervisor Day Shift 22530 Cribb, Ashley Administrative Specialist 23257 Defazio, Rachel Temporary SPA Employee 22759 Duane, Alyssa Temporary SPA Employee 22008 Evans, Shayla Temporary SPA Employee 27203 Gore, Charlene Tech Support Analyst 24221 Gorena, Brenda Temporary SPA Employee 23160 Holzberger, Scott Temporary SPA Employee 22530 Jenkins, Richard Administrative Associate 22765 Johnson, Mitchell Property Security Officer 22530 Jones, Celestine Administrative Associate 23060 Jones, Laura Temporary SPA Employee 22759 Judson, Catherine Administrative Associate 27646 Kaiser, Kenneth Parking and Transportation Manager 27062 Lewis, Robert 'Bob ' Temporary SPA Employee 23178 Marshburn, Sandra 'Sandy ' Business Ofcr UNCW One Card 22008 Maynard, Arleta Administrative Associate 23780 Neill, Julie Lynn Auxiliary Services Business Officer 27403 O'Malley, Michael Parking Enforcement Officer 23484 Orrell, Edward Property Security Officer 23484 Reep, Emily Temporary SPA Employee 23178 Robbins, Joan Temporary SPA Employee 23178 Robinson, Belinda Temporary SPA Employee 22530 Robinson, Yvettte Administrative Associate 24070 Truelove, Christopher Temporary SPA Employee 22530 Wright, Wendy Property Security Officer 27585 Binaries Office: 910-962-7500 Fax: 910-962-2486 Mail Code: 5636 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Biology and Marine Biology, Department of Office: 910-962-3487 Fax: 910-962-4066 Mail Code: 5915 Finelli, Christopher Department Chair 23471 Alphin, Traci Temporary SPA Employee 22378 Alphin, Troy Research Associate 22395 Arbogast, Brian Assoc Professor 22644 Arthur, Logan Temporary SPA Employee 27266 Bailey, Jeffrey Assoc Professor 22371 Ballard, Timothy Professor 27263 Banner, Sherry Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Blancarte, Carlos Temporary SPA Employee 27267 Bolen, Eric Adjunct Faculty 23487 Borrett, Stuart Assoc Professor 22411 Boulais, Myrina Temporary EPA/Faculty 22884 Brander, Susanne Assistant Professor 23786 Brasso, Rebecka Adjunct Faculty 23487 Buckel, Jeffrey Adjunct Faculty Budge, Suzanne Adjunct Faculty Burns, Nathan Temporary SPA Employee 23786 Bussman, Eleanor Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Cahoon, Lawrence Professor 23706 Canfield, Melanie Academic Advisor Coord 23480 Chadwick, Tracie Administrative Associate 23536 Coats, Lawrence Temporary SPA Employee 23357 Cole, Jennifer Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Condon, Elizabeth Adjunct Faculty 27153 Condon, Robert Assistant Professor 22904 Costidis, Alexander Adjunct Faculty 22678 Covi, Joseph 'Joe ' Asst Professor 22514 Cowen, Grace Temporary SPA Employee 27267 Cranford, Ted Adjunct Professor 23487 Cronin, Deborah 'Debbie ' Administrative Associate 23707 Culbertson, Jennifer Adjunct Faculty 23487 Cummings, Erin Marine Mammal Observer 27266 Cummings, John Adjunct Faculty 23487 Danner, Raymond Asst Professor 27895 Davila, Alexander Temporary SPA Employee 23046 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Biology and Marine Biology, Department of Office: 910-962-3487 Fax: 910-962-4066 Mail Code: 5915 Davis, Vicki Adjunct Faculty 23487 Dickens, Amanda Lecturer 23472 Dillaman, Richard Adjunct Faculty 27264 Dingeldein, Andrea Temporary EPA/Faculty 23487 Dodd, Diane Asst Professor 23228 Doyle, Melanie Temporary SPA Employee 22828 Dumond, David Adjunct Faculty 23487 Dunn, Carolyn Temporary EPA/Faculty 23487 Durako, Michael 'Mike ' Professor 22373 Emslie, Steven Professor 23357 Erwin, Patrick Asst Professor 22326 Frampton, Arthur Assoc Professor 22643 Gay, D Research Specialist 27565 Gee, Jason Temporary EPA/Faculty 23489 Goodell, Alexandra Temporary EPA/Faculty 23487 Hamilton, Caleb Temporary SPA Employee 23536 Hanby, Sheila Adjunct Faculty 23487 Hanmer, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23487 Heintz, Melissa Temporary EPA/Faculty 23487 Hohenwarter, Claire Adjunct Professor Jarvis, Jessie Asst Professor 22839 Johnstone, Stephanie Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Jones, George Temporary EPA/Faculty 23487 Kamel, Stephanie Asst Professor 22841 Keenan-Bateman, Tiffany Marine Mammal Observer Keene, Jennifer Adjunct Faculty 23487 Kenworthy, W Adjunct Faculty 23487 Kinsey, Stephen 'Steve ' Professor 27398 Kiser, Kevin Lecturer 22698 Koester, Julie Lecturer 27366 Koopman, Heather Professor 27199 Kosowsky, Sean Temporary SPA Employee 27267 Kucklick, John Adjunct Faculty Landers, Dustin Temporary SPA Employee Lankford, Thomas Assoc Professor 22381 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Biology and Marine Biology, Department of Office: 910-962-3487 Fax: 910-962-4066 Mail Code: 5915 Lawson, Peter Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Leitch, Lori Administrative Associate 23489 Long, Andrew Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Long, Zachary 'Zac ' Asst Professor 22828 Lopez Legentil, Susanna Assistant Professor 22327 Markwith, Anne Temporary EPA/Faculty 23487 Martinez, Marco Temporary SPA Employee McAlarney, Ryan Research Specialist 27266 McCall, Jennifer Lecturer 23171 McCartney, Michael Adjunct Faculty 22391 McFarland, Katherine Temporary SPA Employee 23487 McLellan, William 'Bill ' Research Associate 27266 Melroy, Diane Senior Lecturer 27640 Messer, Jennifer Greenhouse Manager 27852 Meyer, David Adjunct Faculty Michel, Matthew Temporary EPA/Faculty Moeller, Colby Temporary SPA Employee Moore, Leslie Biology Lab Coordinator 27566 Murray, Rachel Temporary SPA Employee 23357 Muzyczek, Louis Temporary EPA/Faculty 23487 Neumeyer, Courtney Temporary SPA Employee Newtoff, Kiersten Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Noah, Lisa Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Nolen, Thomas Adjunct Faculty Nowacek, Douglas Adjunct Faculty Overton, Jeffrey Lecturer 22209 Pabst, D Professor 27266 Pawlik, Joseph Professor 22377 Penneys, Darin Asst Professor 23046 Pitt, Kylie Adjunct Faculty 23487 Plyler, Daniel professor emeritus of biology Polito, Michael Adjunct Faculty 23487 Porter, Anne Temporary EPA Employee 23487 Potts, Linda Senior Lecturer 23352 Potts, Thomas Adjunct Faculty 23487 23487 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Biology and Marine Biology, Department of Office: 910-962-3487 Fax: 910-962-4066 Mail Code: 5915 Priester, Carolina Lecturer 22943 Pyott, Sonja Adjunct Faculty 22323 Rabon, David Adjunct Faculty Ramp, Warren Adjunct Faculty Read, Andrew Adjunct Faculty Rhodes, Ryan Assistant Professor 22208 Roer, Robert 'Bob ' Professor 23884 Rohde, Fred Adjunct Faculty Rommel, Sentiel Temporary EPA/Faculty Ross, Cliff Adjunct Faculty Rossiter, Wayne Adjunct Faculty Rudolf, Megan Temporary SPA Employee 22301 Satterlie, Richard Professor 22552 Sayigh, Laela Adjunct Faculty Scharf, Frederick Professor 27796 Schuettpelz, Eric Adjunct Faculty 23052 Shamblott, Kaitlynn Temporary SPA Employee 22394 Smykla, Jerzy Adjunct Faculty Snoberger, Jessica Temporary EPA/Faculty Song, Bongkeun 'BK ' Adjunct Associate Professor 23487 Stapleton, Ann Assoc Professor 27267 Staudinger, Michelle Adjunct Faculty 23487 Stoker, Heather Temporary EPA/Faculty 23487 Stubler, Amber Post Doc Research Associate 23017 Talley, Stephen Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Tatem, Sharon Temporary SPA Employee 22325 Taylor, Alison Professor 22176 Taylor, Morgan Temporary SPA Employee 23557 Tomas, Carmelo 'Carm ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 22385 Underwood, Ryan Academic Advisor 27484 Van Tuinen, Marcel Adjunct Faculty 22178 Vanderfleet, Jon Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Wells, Randall Adjunct Faculty Westgate, Andrew Research Assistant 27199 White, James 'Will ' Asst Professor 23058 23151 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Biology and Marine Biology, Department of Office: 910-962-3487 Fax: 910-962-4066 Mail Code: 5915 White, Maria Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Wilbur, Ami Assoc Professor 22389 Williams, Paul Adjunct Faculty 23487 Williams, Robin Administrative Specialist 23470 Williard, Amanda Assoc Professor 24064 Woditschka, Stephan Lecturer 23670 Wysor, Rachel Temporary SPA Employee 23487 Yelverton, George Adjunct Faculty Zavalaga, Carlos Adjunct Faculty Zimmerman, Gregory Temporary SPA Employee Bookstore Office: 910-962-3188 Fax: 910-962-4040 Mail Code: 5916 Budget Office Office: 910-962-3914 Fax: 910-962-3763 Mail Code: 5917 Hucks, Cynthia 'Cindy ' Director 27230 King, Christa Budget Analyst 27423 Maitland, Jessica Budget Analyst 23599 Mallory, Heidi Budget Specialist 23914 McBrayer, Maxwell 'Russ ' Budget Analyst 22406 Owen, Herbert Temporary SPA Employee 23914 Business Affairs Office: 910-962-2515 Fax: 910-962-3550 Whitfield, Ricky Vice Chancellor 23383 Flint, Nadine Dir of Student Accounts 27503 Aycock, Lynn Executive Assistant 23067 Bowen, Gina Administrative Associate 27769 Boyd, Sharon Assoc VC - Business Svcs 23772 LaSure, Roberta Foundation Endowment Acct 22515 Smith, Betty Executive Assistant 27780 Spirakis, Nancy Business Project Manager 22773 Business Applications (Business Affairs) Office: 910-962-3716 Fax: 910-962-7381 23536 Mail Code: 5918 Mail Code: 5919 Goodrum, Susan Computer Systems Administrator 23564 Hinnant, Robert 'Bob ' Electronics Specialist 22180 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department 27436 Robinson, Tomashia Technology Support Analyst Cameron School of Business Office: 910-962-3777 Fax: 910-962-3815 Burrus, Robert Dean 23226 Bailey, Jane Business Officer 23501 Bangert, Tammie Administrative Associate 27071 Gibson, Bruce Temporary EPA/Faculty 27452 Glew, David Assoc Dean 23072 Helin, Debra Temporary SPA Employee 27452 Helms, Crystal Executive Assistant 22212 Hollenbaugh, Crystal Academic Advisor 22508 Kesler, Sara Program Administrator 27452 Knebel, Amy Assoc Director Student Services 22189 Kolb, Colleen Director CSB Student Svcs 23502 Kurtz, Donna Executive Assistant 27301 Ninos, Charles Temporary EPA/Faculty 22237 Pious, Robert Temporary EPA/Faculty 23514 Ruiz Mafe, Carla Temporary EPA/Faculty 27216 Schaefer, Charles Temporary EPA/Faculty 27459 Walker, Teresa Director Of Work Practice 22466 Cameron School of Business, Graduate Programs Office Office: 910-962-3544 Fax: 910-962-2184 Mail Code: 5920 Mail Code: 5680 Avondolio, Donna Programs Assistant 23544 Hoppe, Barbara University Program Associate 22185 Stair, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 22466 Wilhelm, Candace Graduate Programs Coordinator Campus Activities and Involvement Center Office: Fax: Mail Code: 5922 Kapell, Jonathan Director of Campus Activities & Involvement 23284 Fedders, Nicole Assistant Director for Campus Activities 27601 Campus Life Office: 910-962-3285 Fax: 910-962-7438 Wray, Larry Exec Director of Campus Life 27433 Baynes, Thomas 'Tom ' Campus Life Technical Coordinator 27599 Bohnsack, Curtis Facilities Specialist 22521 Mail Code: 5988 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Campus Life Office: 910-962-3285 Fax: 910-962-7438 Connolly, Sean Campus Life Office Mgr 23285 Edwards, Justin Reservations Coordinator 22606 Hinton, Alan Assistant Director of Facilities Operations 27119 Ingle, Andrea Ace Program Coordinator 23294 Johnson, Amy Temporary SPA Employee 27119 Miller, Michael Temporary SPA Employee 22098 Mosteller, James Temporary SPA Employee 27119 Murphy, Catherine 'Cathy ' Business Operations Coordinator 23769 Campus Life Arts and Programs Office: Fax: Norris, Stefanie Director of Arts and Programs 27722 Jackson, Sandra Film Program Coordinator 27971 Campus Recreation Office: 910-962-7443 Fax: 910-962-3757 McNeilly, Timothy 'Tim ' Director Campus Recreation 23598 Bartolotta, Thomas Assistant Director of Campus Recreation/Adventure 23007 DeMattei, Gina Adventure Recreation Coordinator/Trips 22629 Eubank, Jacob Asst Dir of Campus Rec/Aquatics 22043 Gilbert, Sarah Asst Director of Campus Recreation/Fitness 24168 Gilbert, Zachary Asst Director-Competitive Sports 24116 Greenwood, Carey Fitness Coordinator 22037 Lewis, Timothy Associate Director 27393 Loso, Drew Asst Director of Facility Operations 23669 O'Leary, Mark Temporary SPA Employee 22070 Parker, David Assoc Dir Campus Recreation 27225 Rampe, Andrew 'Andy ' Coordinator Of Competitive Sports 23318 Riley, Tina Coordinator of Business Operations 22344 Scott, Alexandria Adventure Recreation Coord /Challenge Course 22070 Smith, Susan Office Manager 24110 Sparks, Dudley Maintenance Technician 22623 Stelzer, Brian Coordinator of Competitive Sports 27758 Mail Code: 5988 Mail Code: 5672 Mail Code: 5923 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Wiggins, Amanda Recreation Program Coordinator 23555 CARE (UNCW Collaboration for Assault Response and Education) Office: 910-962-2273 Fax: 910-962-7374 Mail Code: 5924 Career Center Office: 910-962-3174 Fax: 910-962-4257 Mail Code: 5924 Rakes, Thomas 'Thom ' Dir Career Ctr/Asst to VCSA 23174 Christiansen, Rebecca Assoc Director for Employer Development 23174 Crockett, Sarah Career Development Counselor 27026 Navarra, Ashley Administrative Specialist 23755 Reed, Diane Asst Director 23174 Roughton, Heather Jobs & Credentials Coordinator 23174 Wright, Leslie Asst Dir Career Center 27072 Center for Marine Science Office: 910-962-2301 Fax: 910-962-2410 Baden, Daniel Director CMS 22302 Alam, Md Research Assoc Professor 22945 Aten, Daniel 'Dan ' Instrument Maker 22577 Baker, Michael 'Scott ' Sea Grant Fisheries Specialist 22492 Bassett, Wendy Research Associate Professor 22393 Beach, Anne Business Officer 22305 Bourdelais, Andrea Research Assoc Professor 22365 Boynton, Toniece Administrative Associate 22307 Brito, Marlene Temporary SPA Employee 22301 Bullock, Nelson Research Technician 27848 Carroll, Patrick Research Specialist 22942 Childs, Glenn Storeroom Manager 22318 Cortale, Nicholas Temporary SPA Employee 22301 Corum, Macklin Temporary SPA Employee 22309 Dallmer, Peggy Ann Administrative Associate 22309 Deanes, Robert Aquaculture Systems Consultant 22431 Dionesotes, Mellissa Executive Assistant 22408 Dorton, Jennifer University Program Specialist 22777 Eitelman, Stephen Temporary EPA/Faculty 22369 Ellin, Rebecca Adjunct Faculty Elliott, Elizabeth Research Specialist Mail Code: 5928 (910) 838-0880 22113 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Center for Marine Science Office: 910-962-2301 Fax: 910-962-2410 Ells, Kenneth Visiting Research Asst Professor 22331 Farmer, Joshua Temporary SPA Employee 22301 Fear, John Adjunct Faculty 22309 Finelli, Amy Shellfish Hatchery Technician 23530 Freshwater, David 'Wilson ' Research Specialist 22375 Gabel, Jennifer Temporary SPA Employee Golder, William 'Walker ' Adjunct Research Associate 22309 Grosser, Suzanne Procurement Specialist 22306 Hall, Stephen 'Steve ' Research Vessell Captain 22558 Harmsen, Kevin Temporary SPA Employee Hogue, Tanya Research Technician 22113 Horn, Lance Research Operations Mgr 22443 Humphrey, Lisa Administrative Associate 22490 Johns, Kenneth 'Ken ' Research Operations Mgr 22578 Karafas, Sarah Research Specialist 23359 Keeler, Devon Temporary SPA Employee 22325 Kemberling, Adam Temporary SPA Employee Kulcitki, Veaceslav Temporary EPA/Faculty LaClair, Christopher 'Chris ' Research Specialist 22327 Larsen, Abigail Research Technician 27848 Mallin, Michael Research Professor 22358 Marti, Alexis Research Technician Maynard, Jeffrey Adjunct Faculty 22301 McDermott, Kyle Temporary SPA Employee 22301 McIver, Matthew Research Specialist 22357 Merritt, James Temporary EPA/Faculty 22303 Moore, Ronald 'Ron ' Aquaculture Systems Consultant 22312 Mosca, Deborah Adjunct Faculty Nester, Jessica Temporary SPA Employee 22301 Niven, Susan Research Specialist 22113 Peth, Joanna Temporary SPA Employee 22301 Posey, Martin Assoc VC & Director of CMS 22304 Puckett, Brandon Adjunct Faculty Rhode, Michael 'Mike ' Fisheries Research Spec 22805 Roberts, John Adjunct Research Associate 22309 Mail Code: 5928 (910) 509-7457 2 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Center for Marine Science Office: 910-962-2301 Fax: 910-962-2410 Robuck, Anna Temporary SPA Employee 22301 Rogers, Spencer Sea Grant Research Assoc 22491 Rosov, Kimberly Research Specialist 22336 Ross, Steve Temporary EPA/Faculty 22346 Roy, Samian Research Technician 22301 Smith, Melissa Scientific Illustrator 22316 Sokolova, Inna Adjunct Research Associate 22309 Stewart, Allison Research Specialist 22396 Styron, Henry 'Jay ' Asst Dir Marine Operations 22404 Sucic, Katarina Temporary SPA Employee 22309 Sutton, Hope Coastal Reserve Stewardship 22998 Szmant, Alina Temporary EPA/Faculty 22362 Thorpe, Teresa Adjunct Research Associate 22349 Toothman, Byron Research Specialist 22334 Turner, Mary Temporary SPA Employee 22359 Turner, Randall 'Randy ' Instrument/Computer Consultant 22314 Varney, Robin Post Doc Research Associate 22633 Walls, Keith Temporary SPA Employee 22325 Watanabe, Wade Research Professor 22941 Wells, David Computer Consultant and Ocean Instrument Tech 22315 Wells, Heather Research Specialist 22335 White, Jason Operations Field Manager Whitehead, Robert 'Rob ' Research Specialist 22356 Williams, Elizabeth Temporary SPA Employee 22946 Wright, Eve Research Technician 22396 York, Robert Research Specialist 22370 Center for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (CESTEM) Office: 910-962-3168 Fax: 910-962-4000 Mail Code: 5928 (252) 717-3099 Mail Code: 5976 Baker, Lindsey Administrative Support Associate 23168 Bishop, Bryan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23287 Gordon, Christopher Assistant Director 24266 Hosea, Anne-Cameron 'AC ' Administrative Associate 23287 Center for Teaching Excellence and Faculty Leadership Office: 910-962-3034 Fax: 910-962-3427 Mail Code: 5930 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Office: 910-962-3034 Alphabetical Listing by Department Fax: 910-962-3427 Mail Code: 5930 Ashe, Diana Director, CTEFL 23332 Bass, Dianne Administrative Associate 23034 Centro Hispano Office: 910-962-7785 Fax: 910-962-2543 Segovia, Edelmira Director 22551 Aita, Rafael Temporary SPA Employee 27785 Alvarado Chaverra, Anthonnynelson Temporary SPA Employee 22631 Gaborov Freites, Maria Elena Temporary SPA Employee 27785 Chancellor Emeritus Office: 910-962-7662 Fax: 910-962-7663 Dickey, Janice Executive Assistant 27662 Leutze, James chancellor emeritus 27662 Chancellor's Office Office: 910-962-3030 Fax: 910-962-4050 Sartarelli, Jose 'Zito ' Chancellor 23030 Ballou, Bradley Chief of Staff 23030 Freeman, Somonia 'Ann ' Budget Mgr/Asst Sec Trustees 24107 Gavit, Carolyn Executive Asst to the Chancellor 24103 Kawczynski, William 'Bill ' Director of Military Affairs 22760 Lanier, Mark Asst to the Chancellor/Trustees 23030 Pace, Donna Administrative Assistant 23030 Chemistry and Biochemistry Office: 910-962-3450 Fax: 910-962-3013 Seaton, Pamela Department Chair 23279 Almeida, Antje Professor 24231 Almeida, Paulo Professor 27300 Avery, Gene 'Brooks ' Professor 27388 Bingham, Emma Temporary SPA Employee 23450 Cameron, Amy Temporary SPA Employee 22332 Civelli, Jennifer Temporary EPA/Faculty 23450 Coombs, Thomas Asst Professor 27250 Corpus, Heather Organic Lab Coord/Lecturer 27634 El-Behaedi, Essam Adjunct Faculty 23831 Felix, Joseph Temporary EPA/Faculty 23831 Ferguson, Catherine Temporary SPA Employee 22394 Fisher, Kimberly 'Kim ' Support Services Associate 23491 Grove, Nathaniel 'Nathan ' Assoc Professor 23216 Mail Code: 5971 Mail Code: 5634 Mail Code: 5931 Mail Code: 5932 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Chemistry and Biochemistry Office: 910-962-3450 Fax: 910-962-3013 Halkides, Christopher 'Chris ' Professor 27427 Hancock, Robert 'Rob ' Professor 23025 Hutchins, Elizabeth Temporary SPA Employee 23450 Jones, S Professor 23211 Juniku, Rajan Lecturer 23453 Kidd, Jesse Temporary SPA Employee 23450 Kieber, Cecilia Coord Chemistry Lab 23452 Kieber, Robert Professor 23865 Lancaster, Richard Instrument Coord/Lecturer 23455 Lee, Hee-Seung Assoc Professor 22439 Lee, Hyun 'Kelly ' Lecturer 27123 Mead, Ralph Professor 22447 Messina, Michael 'Mike ' Professor 27298 Monteleone, Bonnie Administrative Associate 23450 Morgan, Jeremy Assoc Professor 22429 Otto, Lauren Temporary SPA Employee 23450 Peng, Jiangnan Research Associate 22520 Quin, Louis Adjunct Professor 27123 Reeves, James Professor 23456 Rogers, David Temporary SPA Employee 23450 Sayed, Yousry Adjunct Faculty Schaffer, Elizabeth 'Libbie ' Administrative Specialist 23115 Schwartz, Emily Temporary SPA Employee 23450 Skrabal, Stephen Professor/Asst Chair 27160 Spaller, Brian Temporary SPA Employee 23450 Tyrell, John Lecturer/Coordinator of Distance Ed 27299 Varadarajan, Sridhar Assoc Professor 27350 Walters, Elizabeth Lecturer 27606 Wang, Ying Asst Professor 27721 Webb, Michael 'Mike ' Assoc Professor 27285 Willey, Joan Professor/Assoc Dir Edu CMS 23459 Wright, Jeffrey C Brown Distinguished Prof 22397 College of Arts and Sciences, Dean's Office Office: 910-962-3111 Fax: 910-962-3114 Volety, Aswani Dean Mail Code: 5932 2 Mail Code: 5912 27232 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Lange, Katie Business Services Coordinator 27506 Lawlor, Allison Executive Assistant 23113 Moore, Kemille Assoc Dean/Assoc Professor 23413 Murray, Danielle 'Daniella ' Executive Assistant to the Dean 27232 Ogle, Richard Assoc Dean 27753 Siefert, Linda Director of Assessment 22653 Tatum, Suzanne Executive Assistant 23413 Webster, William Associate Dean 23756 College of Health and Human Services, Dean's Office Office: 910-962-3317 Fax: 910-962-3414 Mail Code: 5685 Hardy, Charles Dean of College of Health & Human Svcs 23460 Auerbach, Ashley Student Success Advisor 27927 Basehore, Molly Temporary EPA/Faculty 27616 Bernardina, Natalie Student Sucess Advisor 27337 Bomba, Diane Temporary SPA Employee 27574 Browder, Kathy Associate Dean 23317 DePompeis, Donna Administrative Associate 23317 Eastup, Danielle Coordinator Academic Affairs Operations 23351 Ferrill, James Application and Systems Developer 27371 Forbes, Mark Temporary EPA/Faculty 22080 Frierson, Leah Student Success Advisor 22582 Gill, Mary Temporary SPA Employee 23392 Gutierrez Soto, Christie Temporary SPA Employee 22735 Hardy, Phillip Student Success Advisor 27269 Hardy, Rebecca 'Becky ' Student Success Advisor 27276 Harrison, Debra Temporary SPA Employee 27579 Jensen, Ashlee Executive Assistant 27798 Kemp, Rachel Temporary EPA/Faculty 27659 Kleckner, Linda Administrative Associate 22610 Lee, Angela Adjunct Faculty 23317 Luce, Erin Temporary EPA/Faculty 27339 Matney, Katelyn Center for Health Communities Coordinator 27735 McLoud, Rachael Student Success Advisor 22610 Meyer, Kristen Student Success Advisor 22288 Michael, Frederick Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department College of Health and Human Services, Dean's Office Office: 910-962-3317 Fax: 910-962-3414 Mail Code: 5685 22262 Miner, Nathaniel Business Officer Nelson, Adam Student Success Advisor Opalka, Colleen Executive Assistant 23460 Owens, Leslie Events Coordinator 22726 Phipps, Lindsay Temporary EPA/Faculty 27666 Picillo, Gail Student Success Advisor 27605 Pino, Anthony Adjunct Faculty 23317 Reel, Justine Assoc Dean for Research & Innovation 27341 Rhinehart, Jakob Temporary SPA Employee 27039 Rhyne, Janelle Adjunct Faculty 23317 Rice, David Adjunct Faculty 23317 Ross, Barbara Temporary SPA Employee 23317 Schulz, Patricia Academic Advisor 24187 Shell, Mark Student Success Advisor Smith, Jonia Business Services Coordinator 23203 Strange, Jennine Student Success Advisor 27270 Trotta, Richard Adjunct Faculty 23317 Wadkins, Michael Temporary SPA Employee 27557 Werbeach, Mark Student Services Coordinator 27211 White, Sarahann 'Sarah ' Business Services Coordinator 23263 White, Vicci Student Success Advisor 27099 Communication Studies Office: 910-962-7744 Fax: 910-962-7061 Olsen, Richard 'Rick ' Department Chair 23710 Becka, Elizabeth 'Beth ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Bolduc, William 'Bill ' Assoc Professor 27012 Bollinger, David Senior Lecturer 27591 Brubaker, Jennifer Assoc Professor 27869 Brunson, Deborah Assoc Professor 23864 Bruschi, Philip Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Bulger, Tammala 'Tammy ' Senior Lecturer 27144 Burleson, Rebecca 'Becca ' Temporary SPA Employee 27744 Cardamone, Deborah Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Catalano, Michael Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Chin, Jennifer Senior Lecturer Mail Code: 5933 27720 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Chin, Jennifer Senior Lecturer 27720 Cronen, Verne Temporary EPA/Faculty 23265 Frye, Lauren Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Gentry, Shannon Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Green, Brooklin Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Hidek, Stacie Temporary EPA/Faculty 22827 Jones, Emily Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Lanier, Susan Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Larson, Meghan Administrative Associate 23448 Lau, Serena Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Lee, Douglas Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 MacLean, Trahern Temporary SPA Employee 22935 McDaniel, Anita Assoc Professor 27932 McKinney, Bruce Professor 27227 McKoy, Dana Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Noor Al-Deen, Hana Professor 23402 Pernell, David Lecturer 27931 Persuit, Jeanne Assoc Professor 22616 Phillips, William 'Bill ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Pullum, Stephen Professor 23039 Roberts, Chadwick Assistant Professor 27931 Scott, Julie Assoc Professor 22541 Trimble, Frank Professor 23441 Weber, David Assoc Professor 23396 Whiting, Debra 'Debbie ' Administrative Associate 27744 Woodrum, Cristina Temporary EPA/Faculty 22827 Wool, Jennifer Temporary EPA/Faculty 27931 Computer Science, Department of Office: 910-962-7182 Fax: 910-962-7457 Patterson, Laurie Department Chair 23906 Adhar, Gur Professor 23820 Barbour, Benjamin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23348 Bradley, Ralph Lecturer 24260 Brown, Bradford Temporary EPA/Faculty 23348 Capezza, Jazmin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23348 Chapman, Richard Temporary EPA/Faculty 23348 Dunn, George 'Eddie ' Techn Support Analyst 23668 Ferner, Clayton Professor 27129 Mail Code: 5935 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Computer Science, Department of Office: 910-962-7182 Fax: 910-962-7457 Ferner, Marni Senior Lecturer 27567 Guinn, Curry Assoc Professor 27937 Kim, HyunBum Assistant Professor 22160 Narayan, Sridhar Professor 23695 Patterson, Eric Assoc Professor 27701 Pence, Toni Asst Professor Rawls, Allen Temporary SPA Employee 27182 Ricanek, Karl Professor 24261 Schmit, Thomas Adjunct Faculty Sethuram, Amrutha Temporary EPA/Faculty 23348 Simmonds, Devon Assoc Professor 23819 Sukhera, Sohail Temporary EPA/Faculty 23348 Tagliarini, Gene Professor 27572 Thornton, Emma Administrative Associate 27182 Tompkins, Jack Lecturer 27013 Mail Code: 5935 Gaweda, Adam Conferences, Events and Reservations Office: 910-962-4150 Fax: Mail Code: 5988 Brogden, Amelie Director of Conferences, Events & Reservations 23811 Maready, Nancy Dir Conference & Event Mgmt 23546 Beyma, Janet Administrative Associate 27520 Hansley, Deloris Administrative Associate 23578 Hollenbaugh, Zachary 'Zach ' Asst Director of Event Mgmt and Technology 23833 Johnson, Amanda Assistant Director of Reservations 27098 Watkins, Jonathan Administrative Associate 23195 Counseling Center Office: 910-962-3746 Fax: 910-962-7124 Reeder, Bonita Dir Counseling/Univ Testing 23746 Brown, Alicia Postdoctoral Psychology Fellow 23330 Cavanaugh, Amy Staff Psychologist 23746 Deinish, Michele Staff Counselor 23919 Grisham, Jamie Post Doc Psychology Fellow 24068 Hartman, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23746 Lewis, Dawn Testing Assistant Mail Code: 5937 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Lewis, Dawn Testing Assistant Lewis, Morgan Staff Counselor 23746 McConn, Rebecca 'Becca ' Staff Psychologist Outreach Coordinator 23281 McCullough-Simpson, Erika Clinical Resources Coordinator 23063 McNamara, Robert Assoc Dir Clinical Serv/Staff Psychologist 23746 Sharp, Phillip Staff Psychologist 23746 Speight, Gina Administrative Associate 23746 Creative Writing Office: 910-962-3070 Fax: 910-962-7461 Mail Code: 5938 Smith, Emily Director Publishing Lab/Senior Lecturer 27401 Bass, Harry 'Tim ' Senior Lecturer & BFA Coordinator 27711 Bender, Karen Temporary EPA/Faculty 27596 Bertini, Lisa Administrative Associate 23070 Boyajian, Michelle 'Mel ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 22542 Brenner, Wendy Assoc Professor 23782 Chai, May-lee Assistant Professor 27305 Cox, Mark Professor 23331 De Gramont, Marina Asst Professor 27593 Edgerton, Clyde Distinguished Professor 23325 Furia, Philip 'Phil ' Professor 23321 Gaskill, Mark Temporary EPA/Faculty 27775 Gerard, Jill Temporary EPA/Faculty 23650 Gerard, Philip Professor 23329 Gessner, David Professor 27489 Holman, Virginia Temporary EPA/Faculty 27841 Hubbard, Megan Administrative Associate 27063 Jones, Laurel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23070 Lee, Rebecca Assoc Professor 23266 Morling, Magdalena Professor 27841 Phillips, Anna Ecotone Editor/Lecturer 27651 Siegel, Robert Assoc Professor 27596 Staples, Beth Lecturer/Asst Director of Publishing Lab 27950 White, Michael Department Chair 23519 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Crossroads Office: 910-962-4136 Fax: 910-962-7374 Adler, Jenny Interim Director 22611 Bain, Natalie Interpersonal Violence Prevention Coordinator 27487 Edwards, Deborah 'Diane ' Student Services Manager 27432 Hall, Adam Assistant Director of Violence Prevention 27004 Hourigan, Aimee Asst Director - Crossroads 27458 Huang, Agnes Administrative Associate 22171 Kearse, Martha Collegiate Recovery Specialist 27330 Reimer, Star Temporary SPA Employee 24136 Rivenbark, Lauren Case Manager 24049 Taj-Eldin, Lama Administrative Associate 22273 Vance, Kathryn 'Katie ' Victim Advocate Cultural Arts Office: 910-962-3218 Fax: 910-962-7008 Brogdon, Kristen Director 23442 Atkinson, Zachary Temporary SPA Employee 27527 Bankowski, Charlotte Temporary SPA Employee 23218 Bayley, Catherine Temporary SPA Employee 23931 Bays, Nina Temporary SPA Employee 22082 Beck, Abigail Box Office & Communications Manager 23931 Black, Ashley Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Booth, Jacqueline 'Jacki ' Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Carlo, Meaghan Temporary SPA Employee 23218 Connington, Kevin Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Cressman, Kenneth Temporary SPA Employee 23931 Diab, Robert Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Distler, Kaitlyn Temporary SPA Employee 27527 Durham, Brian Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Fancy, Benedict Temporary SPA Employee 23218 Fenner, Nickolas Temporary SPA Employee 23218 Fernandez, Manuel Temporary SPA Employee 23218 Foster, Holly Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Funderburke, Hannah Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Gallian, Steven Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Mail Code: 5939 Mail Code: 5966 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Cultural Arts Office: 910-962-3218 Fax: 910-962-7008 Gambony, Gina Temporary SPA Employee 22097 Heckethorn, Jim Temporary SPA Employee 23218 Kranyik, Susan Temporary SPA Employee 27527 Mann, Anna Temporary SPA Employee 27480 McCrummen, Audrey Temporary SPA Employee 22061 McFarland, Katherine Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Noland, Phillip Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Noland, Tara Arts Program Specialist 27480 Pond, David Temporary SPA Employee 27527 Reyes, Fidias Artist Services and Residency Manager 22082 Sorensen, Donald 'Don ' Temporary SPA Employee 23931 Stanley, Melissa Temporary SPA Employee 22082 Stewart, Grant Temporary SPA Employee 22097 Summers, Jeremy Arts Prod Specialist - Kenan 27527 Thompson, Robert Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Verlaque, Grant Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Watson, Susan Temporary SPA Employee Williams, Samantha Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Winans III, William Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Workman, Adrian Temporary SPA Employee 27480 Dean of Students Office: 910-962-3119 Fax: 910-962-4265 Mail Code: 5966 Mail Code: 5941 Auton, Lauren Assistant for Student Conduct and Community Standards 27191 Davis, Bradley Asst Dean of Students 23119 Ganser, Stephanie Assistant Dean 23337 Hector, Amy Case Manager 27578 Johnston, Candice Assoc Dean 23120 McNeilly, Jennie Senior Associate Dean 23119 Pate, Glenda Budget Manager 22233 Phillips, Franklin Assistant Dean of Students 23119 Disability Resource Center Office: 910-962-7555 Fax: 910-962-7556 Stone, Christopher 'Chris ' Interim Director Kilgore, Richard Disability Resource Coordinator Mail Code: 5942 27846 23878 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Kilgore, Richard Disability Resource Coordinator 23878 Terkeltoub, Elizabeth 'Betsy ' University Program Specialist 27555 Distance Education Main Campus Office Office: 910-962-3137 Fax: 910-962-3922 Mail Code: 5900 Distance Education Onslow Extension Office Office: 910-455-2310 Fax: Mail Code: 5900 Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Multicultural Affairs Office: 910-962-4274 Fax: 910-962-3935 Mail Code: 5971 McLaughlin-Smith, Kimberly Multicultural Affairs Prog Coordinator 24274 Montero, Cristobal 'Chris ' Program Advisor, MI CASA 22631 Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Upperman African American Cultural Center Office: 910-962-3832 Fax: 910-962-3935 Mail Code: 5971 Bell, Brandon Program Advisor 23303 Emeka, Tammi Administrative Specialist 27104 Hanson, Michael Temporary SPA Employee 22480 Mitcham, Emmanuel Program Coordinator 22480 Economics and Finance (Cameron School of Business) Office: 910-962-3510 Fax: 910-962-7464 Mail Code: 5945 Richie, Nivine Dept Chair 23606 Beer, Christian Temporary EPA/Faculty 23510 Braman, William Temporary EPA/Faculty 23510 Carter, Denis Assoc Professor 27632 Ciner, Cetin Professor 27497 Compton, William Professor 23468 Copley, Ronald Temporary EPA/Faculty 23510 Dumas, Christopher 'Chris ' Professor 24026 Echevarria, David Temporary EPA/Faculty 22183 Farinella, Joseph 'Joe ' Assoc Professor 23637 Graham, J 'Edward ' Professor 23516 Hadsell, Lester Lecturer 27113 Jones, Adam Cameron School Regional Economist 22539 Lawson, Luther Temporary EPA/Faculty 23524 Moffett, Clay Assoc Professor 23513 Nantz, Derrick Temporary EPA/Faculty 23509 Robinson, Ned 'Steve ' Assoc Professor 23893 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Economics and Finance (Cameron School of Business) Office: 910-962-3510 Fax: 910-962-7464 Mail Code: 5945 Sackley, William Professor 23720 Schuhmann, Peter Professor 23417 Shuster, Harry Temporary EPA/Faculty 23510 Sigler, Kevin Professor 23605 Simpson, Thomas Executive in Residence 23511 Soques, Daniel Asst Professor 23475 Verrone, I 'Dick ' Executive in Residence 27463 Watson, Ethan Asst Professor 23510 Williams, Lolly Administrative Associate 23510 E-Learning, Office of Office: 910-962-2953 Fax: 910-962-2419 Gonzalez, Patricia 'Patsy ' Director 27826 Bullard, Lea Assistant Director 23646 Conklin, Sheri Lyn Faculty Liaison/Instructional Designer 23929 Oyarzun, Susan Program/e-Learning Instructional Designer 22417 Reece, Linda Enrollment Research Asst 23738 English Office: 910-962-3320 Fax: 910-962-7186 Cilano, Cara Dir of University Studies/Professor 27546 Abrams, Hannah Lecturer 23085 Atkins, Anthony Assoc Professor 27682 Atwill, William 'Bill ' Assoc Professor 23679 Boren, Mark Professor 27545 Britt, Michelle Lecturer 23094 Bushman, Donald 'Don ' Assoc Professor 23655 Carlton, Donna Administrative Associate 23320 Clifford, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23327 Cosgrove, Amanda Lecturer 22781 Crawford, Nicholas Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Cummings, Lance Assistant Professor 23334 Doniere, Karen Administrative Specialist 23748 Doran, Alexa Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Edwards, Hannah Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Ellerby, Janet Professor 23764 Mail Code: 5684 Mail Code: 5947 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Gilbert, Tiffany Assoc Professor 27746 Gould, Christopher Professor 23333 Hallenbeck, Sarah Asst Professor 23714 Hannon, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Hemingway, Kimberly 'Kimi ' Lecturer 23143 Hodgson, Margaret 'Megan ' Lecturer 23320 Howell, David Temporary EPA/Faculty 23193 Jacob, Jessica Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 James, Elizabeth 'Beth ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Joyner, Jamie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Kamenish, Paula Assoc Professor 23320 Kapczynski, Alexandria Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Knotts, Brittney Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Kontny, Jennifer Assistant Professor 23324 Laudadio, Nicholas Assoc Professor 27442 Laverty, Roger 'Rory ' Lecturer 23193 Lowe, Breanna Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 MacLennan, Jane Senior Lecturer 27702 MacLennan, Thomas 'Tom ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23327 Maddalena, Sarah Assistant Professor 23528 Malman, Sharon Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Malo-Juvera, Victor Asst Professor 23597 Manning, Ruth 'Michelle ' Senior Lecturer 27426 Mathews, Shirley Senior Lecturer 23525 McCarthy, Jenna Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Mendenhall, Nathan Temporary EPA/Faculty 22211 Montwieler, Katherine Department Chair 23328 Newlin, Keith Professor 23615 Noland, Daniel Assoc Professor 23322 O'Hara, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Parker, Noelle Lecturer 23320 Peel, Katie Assoc Professor 27507 Piner, Barri Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Porco, Alessandro 'Alex ' Asst Professor 22956 Ray, Anirban Asst Professor 23320 Reed, Melina Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Reilly, Colleen Professor 27548 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department English Office: 910-962-3320 Fax: 910-962-7186 Schmidt, Rachel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Schweninger, Lee Professor 23539 Smits Masten, Sally Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Sumerel, Elizabeth 'Ashley ' Senior Lecturer 22960 Swails, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Sweeney, Meghan Assoc Professor 23054 Temple, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Tirrell, Jeremy Assoc Professor 22866 Tooman, Quinn Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Tooman, Zachary Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Walker, John 'Lewis ' Professor 23335 Warfield, Rebecca Lecturer 22751 Watson, Vallie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Weaver, Christa Temporary EPA/Faculty 23320 Wentworth, Michael 'Mike ' Professor 27154 English Second Language Office: Fax: Royal, Kimberly Temporary EPA/Faculty Environmental Health and Safety Office: 910-962-3057 Fax: 910-962-3473 Harts, Stanley 'Stan ' Director 23057 Accattato, George Radiation Bio Safety Officer 27892 Coleman, Lucas Temporary SPA Employee Fulford, Cynthia 'Joy ' Safety Officer 27258 Griffin, Eric Asst Director Environmental Health and Safety/Emergency Mgr 27874 Hendry, Rebecca Temporary SPA Employee 23057 Jolly, Karanda Environmental Health and Safety Tech 27892 Pohlman, Kathryn 'Kat ' Sustainability Coordinator 27258 Ruskin, Jodie Business Continuity Planner 27697 Seigh, James Temporary SPA Employee 23057 Souza, Jason 'Jay ' Environ Hlth & Safety Tech 27258 Stahl, Daniel 'Dan ' Temporary SPA Employee 23057 Sykes, Priscilla Administrative Associate 23057 Tew, Deborah 'Deb ' Asst Director Mail Code: 5947 Mail Code: 5965 27354 Mail Code: 5974 2 27017 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Tew, Deborah 'Deb ' Asst Director 27017 Todd, David Safety & Accessibility Specialist 24287 Environmental Studies Office: 910-962-7675 Fax: 910-962-7634 Hill, Jeffery 'Jeff ' Dept Chair/Professor 23264 Backstrom, Joni Temporary EPA/Faculty 23140 Buerger, Robert 'Bob ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23259 Bullock, William Temporary EPA/Faculty 27675 Cassel, Rachael Asst Professor 27675 Edwards, Angelia 'Angie ' Administrative Associate 27675 Ennes, Megan Temporary EPA/Faculty 27675 Eulie, Devon Assistant Professor 23230 Hall, Jack Professor 23488 Hancock, Thomas 'Tom ' Adjunct Assistant Professor Hatcher, Tia Temporary SPA 27675 Hearty, Paul Research Assistant Professor 27675 Leslie, Michael Temporary EPA/Faculty 27675 Long, Amy Lecturer 23301 Maddalena, Damian Temporary EPA/Faculty Malcolm, Michael Temporary EPA/Faculty Marlin, Jacob Adjunct Faculty Meacham, Samuel Adjunct Faculty Oots, Kenneth Adjunct Faculty Ralston, Shawn Temporary EPA/Faculty 27675 Rotenberg, James Assoc Professor 27549 Snider, Anthony Assoc Professor 22423 Sunderland, Kevan Adjunct Faculty Sunderland, Linda Adjunct Faculty External Programs Office: 910-962-3137 Fax: 910-962-3922 Messinger, Lorraine 'Lori ' Assoc Vice Chancellor 23876 Deese, Katherine Instructional Designer 22202 Killman, Gail Business Services Coordinator 23826 Theriault, Lisa Technician 22737 Facilities Office: 910-962-3101 Fax: 910-962-7188 Baucom, Sharon Director, Facilities Administration Mail Code: 5949 Fuller, Leah 27675 Mail Code: 5900 Mail Code: 5602 23562 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Facilities Administration Office: 910-962-3101 Fax: 910-962-7188 Chi, Donna Business Officer 23010 Blake, Theresa 'Terry ' Utilities & Billing Coordinator 23622 Boyd, Ellen Work Control Manager 27519 Davis, Nicholas Temporary SPA Employee 23743 Flynn, Crystal Procurement Coordinator 23879 Hardison, Allyson Facilities Stores Manager 22046 Hayes, Lester 'Clete ' Systems Operations Manager 23868 Last, Michael 'Mike ' AiM Systems Administrator 23743 McDougald, Marilyn Facilities Store Coordinator 22045 Moulton, Serinda Temporary SPA Employee 23101 Raddatz, Megan Maintenance Operations Coordinator 27799 Savino, Julie Facilities Personnel and Office Manager 23105 Sims, Leslie Work Control Coordinator Facilities, Office of Office: 910-962-7743 Fax: 910-962-7140 Alexander, Janet Executive Assistant 27743 Sharpe, Steven 'Steve ' Energy Manager 27454 Sutton, Cheryl Univ Program Specialist 27597 Facilities, Project Management Office: 910-962-4169 Fax: 910-962-3696 Blume, John Engineering Project Technician 24108 Eakins, Christie CAD/GIS Technician 27157 McCarley, Thomas 'Tom ' Project Engineering Tech 27229 Pickard, Steven Temporary SPA Employee 27122 Williams, Robert Temporary SPA Employee 27229 Woods, Travis CAD/GIS Technician 24106 Film Studies Office: 910-962-7502 Fax: 910-962-7678 Monahan, David 'Dave ' Department Chair 27544 Babson, Lauren Administrative Associate 22057 Berliner, Todd Professor 23336 Bose, Nandana Assoc Professor 22455 Buttino, Louis 'Lou ' Professor 27776 Cavazos, Aaron Broadcast Media Specialist 27369 Mail Code: 5602 Mail Code: 5910 Mail Code: 5620 Mail Code: 5950 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Film Studies Office: 910-962-7502 Fax: 910-962-7678 DaSilva, Alex Temporary SPA Employee 27502 Davis, William 'Will ' Temporary SPA Employee 27369 Dryden, Kimberly Temporary EPA/Faculty 27502 Dunton, Erica Temporary EPA/Faculty Franklin, Jay Temporary EPA/Faculty 27502 Hackler, Frederick 'Chip ' Assoc Professor 27389 Humphrey, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 22057 Johnson, Mariana Assoc Professor 22228 Kase, Juan Asst Professor 22507 Kramer, Mariah Temporary EPA/Faculty 27502 Kreutzer, David Temporary EPA/Faculty 27502 Linehan, Terry Lecturer 22231 Lund, Andrew Adjunct Faculty Markowski, Alexander Temporary EPA/Faculty 27502 McNamara, Lucinda Temporary EPA/Faculty 27502 Olenina, Ana Adjunct Faculty 22440 Pack, Glenn Senior Lecturer 27882 Palmer, Liza Temporary EPA/Faculty 27475 Palmer, Timothy 'Tim ' Professor 27475 Pustay, Steven Temporary EPA/Faculty 27502 Rawitsch, Elizabeth 'Besse ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 22440 Richardson, Granetta 'Sue ' Sr Lecturer/Academic Coord 23326 Silva, Andre Asst Professor 22229 Silva, Shannon Assoc Professor 22232 Financial Systems (Business Affairs) Office: 910-962-7206 Fax: 910-962-7189 Mail Code: 5950 Mail Code: 5953 Cooper, John Tech Support Analyst 22512 Retchin, Cynthia 'Cindy ' Business Systems Analyst 27206 Rivenbark, Diana Tech Support Specialist 27384 Suits, Susan Business Systems Analyst 23400 Wilson, Carole Systems Accountant 27315 Fixed Assets (Business Affairs) Office: 910-962-3156 Fax: 910-962-2134 Mail Code: 5615 General Counsel, Office of 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Office: 910-962-2130 Fax: 910-962-2076 Mail Code: 5662 Koebel, James 'Jim ' Assistant General Counsel 27886 Miller, Steven Assistant General Counsel 27238 Scherer, John General Counsel 24027 Geography and Geology Office: 910-962-3490 Fax: 910-962-7077 Leonard, Lynn Department Chair/Professor 22338 Abrams, Lewis Adjunct Faculty 22350 Barket, Kaylee Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Benedetti, Michael Professor 27650 Blake, David 'Dave ' Assoc Professor 23387 Dietl, Gregory 'Greg ' Adjunct Faculty Farrell, Kathleen Adjunct Faculty Franklin, Steven Adjunct Faculty Gamble, Douglas 'Doug ' Professor 23778 Ghoneim, Eman Assoc Professor 22795 Grindlay, Nancy Adjunct Faculty 22352 Halls, Joanne Assoc Professor 27614 Hawkes, Andrea Asst Professor 22350 Heathcock, Lorenda Administrative Associate Hines, Mary 'Elizabeth ' Assoc Professor 23012 Hoffmann, Sharon Asst Professor 23490 Kelley, Patricia 'Tricia ' Professor 27406 Korpanty, Chelsea Temporary SPA Employee 23490 Kranz, Robert Adjunct Faculty LaMaskin, Todd Asst Professor 22655 Lane, Chad Assistant Professor 23466 Laws, Richard Professor 24125 Loh, Ai Ning Associate Professor 23490 Mason, Patricia Lecturer 23155 Moulton, Alex Temporary SPA Employee Nooner, Scott Assoc Professor 22352 Patrick, Jessica Temporary SPA Employee 23490 Pricope, Narcisa Asst Professor 23499 Shew, Roger Lecturer 27676 Smith, Michael Professor 23496 Stoddard, Edward Adjunct Professor 23736 Mail Code: 5944 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Geography and Geology Office: 910-962-3490 Fax: 910-962-7077 Wagner, Amy Adjunct Faculty Gerontology Office: 910-962-7901 Fax: 910-962-7906 Ashton-Forrester, Candace Professor 27794 Catalano, Hannah Asst Professor 27768 Crowe, Brandi Asst Professor 27570 Forrester, Daniel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Fugate-Whitlock, Elizabeth Lecturer 27816 Glass, Anne Professor 27509 Gray, Cara Asst Professor 23733 Johnson, Danny 'Dan ' Assoc Professor 23659 Miller, Sara Lecturer 27901 Salevan, Caroline Temporary EPA/Faculty 27794 Zeldin, Andrew Lecturer 27820 Graduate Liberal Studies Office: 910-962-3299 Fax: 910-962-3542 Turrisi, Patricia Director/Assoc Professor 23299 Brewster, James Temporary EPA/Faculty 23299 Burke, James Temporary EPA/Faculty 23299 Campbell, Perry Temporary SPA Employee 23590 Hagley, Rodney Temporary EPA/Faculty 23299 Hudson, Ashley Asst Director 22427 Lichtman, Johannes Temporary EPA/Faculty 23299 Mackenzie, Jennifer Temporary EPA/Faculty 23590 McKinley, Mary Temporary EPA/Faculty 23299 Sroka, Erin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23299 Graduate School Office: 910-962-7303 Fax: 910-962-3787 Childers, David Administrative Specialist 27397 Harris, Kimberly Administrative Specialist 27449 Holland, Nancy Executive Assistant 24117 Savage, Debra Admin Support Specialist 27303 Underwood, Wanda Graduate School Administrator 23866 Vetter, Ronald 'Ron ' Assoc Provost of Research & Dean, Graduate School 23224 Mail Code: 5944 23490 Mail Code: 5625 Mail Code: 5673 Mail Code: 5955 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Wicker, Ralena Temporary SPA Employee Health and Applied Human Sciences, School of (College of Health and Human Services) Office: 910-962-3250 Fax: 910-962-7073 23135 Mail Code: 5956 Lantz, Christopher Director 22364 Arabian, Rachael Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Ashton-Forrester, Candace Professor 27794 Barnes, Christian Lecturer 27288 Baynard, Elisabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Bell, Jennifer Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Bender, Andrea 'Andi ' Lecturer/Clinical Coord 27537 Bennett, John Professor 23740 Betton, Anna Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Boyce, Robert Assoc Professor 27824 Brown, Kirk Assoc Professor 27184 Campbell, Annette Temporary SPA Employee 24268 Campbell, Harold Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Campbell, Richard Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Catalano, Hannah Asst Professor 27768 Chapman, Frank Temporary EPA/Faculty 23531 Chen-Edinboro, Lenis Asst Professor 27718 Colburn, Johanna Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Combs, Clarice Professor 23262 Cottrell, Karen Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Cottrell, Randall Professor 22446 Crowe, Brandi Asst Professor 27570 DeVido, Robin Temporary EPA/FAculty 23250 Dowd, Deborah Assoc Professor 23255 Ellington, Richard 'Mark ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Elliott, Steven 'Steve ' Assoc Director/Professor 22115 Figueroa, Jorge Lecturer 22450 Forrester, Daniel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Frank, Jess Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Franzidis, Alexia Asst Professor 22268 Fugate-Whitlock, Elizabeth Lecturer 27816 Glass, Anne Professor 27509 Graham, Tiffany Administrative Associate 24268 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Health and Applied Human Sciences, School of (College of Health and Human Services) Office: 910-962-3250 Fax: 910-962-7073 Mail Code: 5956 Gray, Cara Asst Professor 23733 Hartmann, Jessica Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Henry, Kyria Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Herstine, James 'Jim ' Professor 23283 Honeycutt, Larry Temporary EPA/Faculty 23253 Huelskamp, Amelia Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Jetton, Adam Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Johnson, Danny 'Dan ' Assoc Professor 23659 Kensinger, Kari Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Kurtz, Lisa Temporary EPA/Faculty 27794 McCall, Leah Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 McDaniel, Alexander Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Miller, Sara Lecturer 27901 Mooneyham, Donna Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Myers, Michele 'Shelly ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Nanney, Lindsey Lecturer 23508 Nix, Jeffrey 'Jeff ' Lecturer 23251 Noland, Sarah Temporary EPA/Faculty 24268 Rich, Megan Temporary SPA Employee 23283 Salevan, Caroline Temporary EPA/Faculty 27794 Shields, Ann 'Tamlyn ' Lecturer 27964 Sidman, Cara Assoc Professor 22452 Simmons, Courtney Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Smith, Renee Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Smith, William 'Jeff ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Spahr, Gregory Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Spivey, Laura Lecturer 22451 Sprod, Lisa Asst Professor 22583 Tharenos, Christine Adjunct Faculty 23250 Todd, Marsha Lecturer 27815 Tseh, Wayland Assoc Professor 22484 Way, Carol Administrative Associate 22620 Weber, Jordan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23250 Whipple, Kerry Assoc Professor 27453 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Health and Applied Human Sciences, School of (College of Health and Human Services) Office: 910-962-3250 Fax: 910-962-7073 Mail Code: 5956 27820 Zeldin, Andrew Lecturer Health Promotion Office: 910-962-4135 Fax: 910-962-7510 Morse, Brenda Administrative Assistant 24135 Smart, Chelsea Campus Dietician 27621 Tinney, Trisha Assistant Director 27513 History Department Office: 910-962-3307 Fax: 910-962-7011 Townend, Paul Department Chair 23308 Amponsah, Nana-Akua Asst Professor 23692 Bredbenner, Candice Assoc Professor 22656 Chapman, Ryan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23316 Chen, Yixin Assoc Professor 23310 Chiriboga, Ericka Administrative Associate 23307 Crowe, Nathan Assistant Professor 22449 Dhulipala, Venkat Assoc Professor 22531 Fain, William Assoc Professor 23305 Fonvielle, Chris Assoc Professor 23449 Gisolfi, Monica Assoc Professor 23874 Gouverneur, Joseph Temporary EPA/Faculty 23316 Grady, Tammie Administrative Associate 23656 Guertin, Bethany Temporary EPA/Faculty 24244 Harris, Glen Assoc Professor 27894 Hart, Thomas 'Rob ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23316 Hassett, Matthew Temporary EPA/Faculty 22688 Johnson, Donald Temporary EPA/Faculty 23316 La Vere, David Professor 23315 Lamberton, Christine Temporary EPA/Faculty 23316 Maguire, Peter Temporary EPA/Faculty 23316 McCaffray, Susan Professor 27542 McCarthy, William Assoc Professor 23313 McFarland, Stephen Professor 22896 McLaurin, Melton professor emeritus of history Mehl, Eva Asst Professor Mail Code: 5992 Mail Code: 5957 27482 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Mollenauer, Lynn Assoc Professor 23311 Pollard, Clarissa 'Lisa ' Professor 23309 Seidman, Michael Professor 23319 Shefsiek, Kenneth Asst Professor 23861 Sherman, Kimberly Temporary EPA/Faculty 27498 Spaulding, Robert 'Mark ' Professor 23934 Tanny, Jarrod Assoc Professor 27580 Usilton, Larry Professor 23312 Watson, Alan Professor 23314 Honors College Office: 910-962-3408 Fax: 910-962-7020 Bruce, Katherine 'Kate ' Dir Honors Pgm/Prof Psychology 23374 Alexander, Morgan Office Manager 22523 Dorsey, Suzanne Temporary EPA/Faculty 24181 Graham, Nan Temporary EPA/Faculty 24181 Horan, Jennifer Associate Director 27929 Myers, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 24181 Richardson, Stephanie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23832 Sachs, Dana Temporary EPA/Faculty 23525 Styes, Peggy Program Support Specialist 24181 Housing and Residence Life Office: 910-962-3241 Fax: 910-962-7032 Groenendyk, Peter Director 23728 Abeles, Christopher Temporary SPA Employee 24231 Autieri, Sarah Asst Director 22457 Baird, Leona Administrative Associate Receptionist 24190 Bright, Alfred Assistant Director of Facility Operations 24225 Coston, James Facilities Maintenance Coordinator 27066 Gavit, Joseph Temporary SPA Employee 23241 Grosser, Mark Housing Maintenance Mechanic 27149 Hall, Daniel Residence Coordinator 23976 Hammer, Carrie Asst Director of Tech and Communications 22833 Hayden, Whitford 'Whit ' Housing Maintenance Mechanic 23100 Heltzel, Lesia Administrative Associate 23613 Herrington, Matthew Associate Director of Business Services 22797 Mail Code: 5958 Mail Code: 5959 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Housing and Residence Life Office: 910-962-3241 Fax: 910-962-7032 Hopkins, Samuel Temporary SPA Employee 23241 Idol, Tiffani Residence Coordinator 22862 Jenkins, Cassandra Residence Coordinator Kight, Robert 'Rob ' Maintenance Mechanic 23897 Maloney, Michael Temporary SPA Employee 23241 Murdock, Colby Temporary SPA Employee 23241 Opanasenko, Brennan Residence Coordinator Pearce, David Temporary SPA Employee Pickett, April Temporary SPA Employee Pierce, John Maintenance Mechanic 23897 Rose, Benjamin Temporary SPA Employee 23241 Smith, Gideon Temporary SPA Employee 23241 Swanson, Andrea Administrative Associate 23897 Thompson, Karen Public Communications Specialist 22858 Todd, Randall Maintenance Mechanic 23241 Troutman, Nicholas 'Nic ' Assoc Director of Housing Operations 23405 Vaughn, Meredith Residence Coordinator Wefing, Ronald Warehouse & Inventory Manager Whitfield, Jamar Residence Coordinator Wilkins, Rileigh Housing Business Services and Transition Coordinator 22532 Williams, Clifton Residence Coordinator 28874 Human Resources Office: 910-962-3160 Fax: 910-962-3840 Martin, Rosalynn Assoc Vice Chancellor for HR 23712 Branciforte, Janet Executive Assistant 23854 Caulk, Pamela 'Pam ' SPA Salary Admin Coordinator 27713 Coburn, Haven Employee Relations Consultant 27773 Coombs, Jennifer Director of Employment and Compensation 23196 Cox, Melissa Onboarding Specialist 22274 Cunningham, Olivia Employee Relations & Staff Dev Specialist 22496 Dikkers, Ivor Employment Services Assistant 22103 Griffith, Valerie Employment and Compensation Consultant 27031 Mail Code: 5959 23241 22047 Mail Code: 5960 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Grimes, Elizabeth 'Liz ' Director Employee Relations and Staff Development 23274 Hale, Patricia 'Patti ' Director of Salary Admin & Benefits 22033 Hardin, Toni Temporary SPA Employee 23160 Holbrook, Kimberly Onboarding Specialist 22628 Kennedy, Kelly Benefits Counselor 23006 Kenney, Nicole Employment Services Coordinator 23161 Matroni, Denise Classification/Comp Analyst 23698 Nece, Molly Training Specialist 23339 Rabon, Morgan Employment Services Associate 23160 Roughton, Kimberley 'Kim ' EPA Salary Admin Coordinator 27110 Tirrell, Deanna Human Resources Consultant 27355 Waser, Diana Benefits Counselor 23345 Information Systems and Operations Management (Cameron School of Business) Office: 910-962-3678 Fax: 910-962-3068 Mail Code: 5611 Canel, Cem Dept Chair/Professor 23816 Abate, Michael Temporary EPA/Faculty 23678 Aktas, Feray Temporary EPA/Faculty 23518 Baker, Elizabeth Asst Professor 23895 Biehner, Barbara 'Barb ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23071 Chlebnik, David Temporary EPA/Faculty 23678 Clark, Ulku Assoc Professor 23901 Cummings, Jeffrey Asst Professor 23032 Fetterman, Charlotte Temporary EPA/Faculty 27190 Gardner, Timothy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23678 Gebauer, Judith Assoc Professor 27884 Gullette, Kendra Temporary EPA/Faculty 23032 Hill, Stephen Asst Professor 23739 Janicki, Thomas 'Tom ' Professor 24077 Kline, Douglas 'Doug ' Professor 27552 Lagoy, Jessica Temporary EPA/Faculty 23678 Lakshmanan, Aruna Temporary EPA/Faculty 23777 Madden, Lisa Administrative Assistant 23678 Matthews, Kevin Temporary EPA/Faculty 22163 Mautz, Richard Temporary EPA/Faculty 23678 Nezlek, George Temporary EPA/Faculty 23678 Powell, Karen Temporary SPA Employee 23678 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Information Systems and Operations Management (Cameron School of Business) Office: 910-962-3678 Fax: 910-962-3068 Mail Code: 5611 Rosen, L Professor 23677 Schell, George Professor 23675 Scott, Rebecca Asst Professor 27533 Servicky, Leslie Temprary EPA/Faculty 23678 Watson, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23678 Wray, Barry Assoc Professor 23515 Yilmaz, Serkan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23678 Institutional Research and Assessment, Office of Office: 910-962-3520 Fax: 910-962-7387 Mail Code: 5963 Rincones Gomez, Rigoberto 'Rigo ' Asst Provost, Institutional Research & Assessment 27638 Cohen, Steffaney Associate Director 22260 Drew, James 'Steve ' Data Management Analyst 23527 Guy, Yoshiko Student Data Analyst 23521 Jackson, Carlene Research Associate 22700 Jones, Marvin Social Research Assistant 22689 Lawson, Whitney Social Research Specialist 22690 Phillips, Melinda Executive Assistant 23520 Wilcox, Robert Business & Technology Analyst 27900 Institutional Risk Management Office: Fax: Mail Code: 5974 Burnette, Kristy Institutional Risk Management Coordinator 22220 Howell, Kimberly Administrative Associate 27481 Internal Audit Office: 910-962-3088 Fax: 910-962-3483 Mintern, Kelly Internal Auditor 23088 Morris, Shelley Internal Auditor 23835 Nickerson, Cynthia Internal Auditor 23857 Powell, Stefanie Chief Auditor 23457 International Programs Office: 910-962-3685 Fax: 910-962-4053 Inman, Kara Director of Education Abroad 27667 Beardmore, Justin Business Officer 24051 Mail Code: 5964 Mail Code: 5965 27354 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Biba, Barbara Temporary EPA/Faculty Bland, Julia ESL Program Coordinator 27344 Campbell, Tiffany Temporary SPA Employee 23685 Eades, Susan Temporary SPA Employee 23685 Fernandez-Villa, Jennifer Dir International Student & Scholar Services 27009 Henderson, Katrena Asst Director of Education Abroad 22780 Honaker, Linsey Temporary EPA/Faculty 27354 Hromiak, Amy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23685 Kay, Erika Temporary EPA/Faculty 23685 Krutz, Ashley Education Abroad Advisor 24122 LaMarsh, Rhonda Administrative Manager 23256 Lawrence, Judd Temporary SPA Employee 23685 Mabery, Amy Assistant Director of International Student & Scholar Services 23522 McDaniel, Kathryn 'Kathy ' Program/Study Abroad Coordinator 23699 Momeyer, Adrienne Front Office Coordinator 23689 Moody, Rachel Temporary SPA Employee 23685 Nelson, Kahla Temporary EPA/Faculty 22542 Payne, Hannah Temporary SPA Employee 23685 Russell, Mackenzie Temporary SPA Employee 23685 Stewart, Taylor Temporary EPA/Faculty 27354 Walbrecht, Maike ESL Director 27354 Wilhelm, Michael Associate Vice Chancellor 22736 International Studies Office: 910-962-3701 Fax: Berg, Herbert Director/Professor 23701 Andreescu, Florentina Asst Professor 22657 Daspit, Lesley Lecturer 23109 Gao, Bei Asst Professor 22188 Jackson, Theresa Temporary EPA/Faculty 23701 King, Laureen Temporary EPA/Faculty 23701 Kuz, Anastasia Temporary EPA/Faculty 23701 ITS, Chief Information Officer's Office Office: 910-962-3888 Fax: 910-962-2486 Lewis, Vanda 'April ' Executive Assistant Miller, Sharyne Chief Information Officer Polino, James Temporary SPA Employee Mail Code: 5629 Mail Code: 5961 23888 27496 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department ITS, Consulting Services Support-CCTS Office: Fax: 910-962-2486 Mail Code: 5636 Battiste, Nicholas 'Nick ' Compuer Consultant 27351 Bennett, Stephen Temporary SPA 23565 Blaylock, Richard Classroom Operations Technician 27345 Buddy, Edward 'Ned ' Computer Consultant 23766 Burgon, Kendra Temporary SPA Employee 23565 Clark, Adam Temporary SPA 23805 Easterlin, Jonathan Temporary SPA Employee 23557 Eck, Kevin Computer Consultant 22729 Farver, Kevin Computer Consultant 22200 Frusha, Michael Special Events Engineer 27332 Harrell, Bryan Temporary SPA Employee 27332 Hervey, Daniel 'Ev ' Classroom Operations Technician 27334 Kennedy, Kyle Temporary SPA Employee 23565 Lopez, Ruben Computer Consultant 27491 Mabe, Caitlin Computer Consultant 22084 Mann, Robert 'Robb ' Manager - Classroom Op & Events 23565 Mansur, Tamara 'Tami ' IT Manager-Tech Support 23805 Miller, Fredrika 'Fred ' Computer Consultant 23894 Norris, Daniel Temporary SPA Employee 23805 Piner, Scott Computer Consultant 27353 Powell, Andrea IT Project Manager 27343 Rathier, Rebecca Temporary SPA Employee 27332 Riendeau, Christopher 'Chris ' Special Events Coordinator 27524 Ronca, Charles 'Tony ' Computer Consultant 23505 Shelton, Ronald 'Brent ' Computing Consultant 22089 Stanfield, Jeffrey 'Jeff ' Technology Support Specialist-SON 27282 Swart, Stephen Systems Specialist 23077 Sweeney, Daniel Temporary SPA Employee 23565 Vagnerini, Beverly Consulting Services Support Director 27422 Waller, Austin Temporary SPA Employee 22007 Ward, Dana Enhanced Learning Specialist 23803 Wilson, Derek Computing Consultant 22007 Yetter-Bowman, Elijah Temporary SPA Employee 27332 Zimmerman, Richard Temporary SPA Employee 23565 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department ITS, Consulting Services Support-TACS Office: 910-962-4357 Fax: 910-962-2486 Mail Code: 5616 Beasley, David Technology Support Technician 20101 Diakogiannis, John TAC Support Technician 22148 Douglass, Abigail Temporary SPA Employee 23830 Gabardine, Michael Temporary SPA Employee 24357 Hiltebeitel, Adalia 'Dali ' TAC Support Specialist 23830 Lee, Courtney TAC Support Technician 22235 Trick, Nathaniel 'Nate ' TAC Support Technician 22407 Tseh, Alison 'Phoebe ' Technical Svcs Coordinator 20101 West, Samuel TAC Support Technician 22470 ITS, Enterprise Systems Support Office: Fax: 910-962-2486 Dickens, Michelle Director Enterprise Systems Support 23717 Anderson, Daniel Applications Analyst 27674 Bowen, Holly Asst Director of Enterprise Systems Support 23725 Chapman, Colin Bus & Tech Applications Analyst 27356 Cole, Jeanne Bus & Tech Applications Analyst 23631 Cook, Terri Reporting Services Manager 27468 Davis, Amy Bus & Tech Applications Analyst 23852 Dorgan, Thomas Bus & Tech Appl Analyst 23568 Ferrell, Danielle Web Support Technician 22899 Goodwin, Sandra 'Sandie ' Temporary SPA Employee Graves, Jonathan Bus & Tech Applications Analyst 22495 Hunsaker, Emily Course Mgmt Systems Admin 22040 Martin, Phillip 'Jerry ' Banner Support Manager 27309 McIntosh, Elizabeth 'Betsy ' Bus & Tech Applications Analyst 27239 O'Connell, Kelly Bus & Tech App Analyst 24071 Piner, Jarrett IT Project Manager 23141 Schwandt-Arbogast, Andrea Manager- Web Development 27205 Sloan, Donald Bus & Tech Applications Specialist 23800 Tenney, Walter Application Development Manager 27446 ITS, Infrastructure Operations Services-IT Security Office: Fax: 910-962-2486 Mail Code: 5619 2 Mail Code: 5908 Mitcham, Zachery IT Security Officer 23047 Farmer, Kara ITSM Coordinator 23892 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department ITS, Infrastructure Operations Services-IT Security Office: Fax: 910-962-2486 Wetherill, William IT Security Specialist ITS, Infrastructure Operations Services-Netcom Office: Fax: 910-962-3486 Mail Code: 5908 22660 Mail Code: 5987 Andrison, Mary Louise 'Mary ' Temporary SPA Employee 27777 Barrett, Brian Network Specialist 27331 Barrett, Nicholas Temporary SPA Employee 27725 Beckwith, Russell Network Technician 23911 Bozeman, Deborah Temporary SPA Employee 23000 Brignoli, Stefano Temporary SPA Employee 23077 Brown, Wesley Temporary SPA Employee 23928 Brown, Yvonne Telecom Svc Coordinator 24019 Brunell, Lauren Network Analyst 22003 Caesar, Darrin Network Analyst 22900 Chance, Samuel Network Analyst 22600 Haley, Vernon Network Analyst 23041 Harvey, Chet Tech Support Analyst 24152 Hunnicutt, C 'Jeff ' Manager IOS Network Services 23808 McCaffray, Mara Temporary SPA Employee 24019 McQuery, Michael Networking Analyst 24013 Noonan, Daniel Network Analyst 23928 Padgett, Wesley Networking Specialist 27725 Schaus, Lakara Temporary SPA Employee 24019 Tarrants, Tiffany Temporary SPA Employee 24019 Wilson, Lonice Administrative Associate 23000 Yelverton, Michael Network Analyst 24089 ITS, Infrastructure Operations Services-OS Office: Fax: 910-962-2042 Mail Code: 5619 Gibson, Carey Director Of Infrastructure Operations Services 23009 Ashley, Grady 'Leroy ' Database Administrator 27465 Ballantine, Robert 'Rob ' Business and Technology Applications Specialist 23632 Bartlett, Todd Systems Specialist 22068 Berryment, Wayne Systems Analyst 23099 Gurganious, Ellen Systems Analyst 24227 Hammonds, Laketa 'Key ' Systems Specialist 27483 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Hammonds, Laketa 'Key ' Systems Specialist 27483 Moran, Michael 'Parker ' Manager IOS Infrastructure 27382 Murphy, Shawn Systems Anayst 22910 Perry, Steven 'Steve ' IT Compliance Officer 23103 Rocker, Daniel 'Dan ' Systems Analyst 27680 Speakman, Lori Business and Technoloogy Applications Specialist 24184 Violette, Kevin Systems Specialist 27336 ITS, Resource Management Office: Fax: 910-962-2486 Thompson, Patricia 'Patty ' Director ITS Resource Management 27943 Bradley, Grelynn Administrative Specialist 27421 Easley, Sandy Administrative Specialist 27412 Kaiser, Cynthia Administrative Specialist 27935 Library, W. M. Randall Office: 910-962-3270 Fax: 910-962-3078 Watstein, Sarah University Librarian 23271 Ammons, Adam Library Technician 27469 Andrews, Carolyn Library Technician 27692 Batten, Kathryn Coord Library Curr Materials Ctr/Lecturer 27291 Baugnon, Rebecca Library Specialist 27462 Benedetti, Susannah Assoc Dir Lib/Tech & Collection Mngmt/Lecturer 24243 Bombeld, Madeleine Assoc Director Library Access/Lecturer 23278 Brown, Melissa 'Dawn ' Circulation Supervisor/Library Specialist 23690 Chatfield, Victoria Executive Assistant 23270 Coats, Lisa First Yr Engagement Librarian/Lect 23702 Connelly, Sharon Tech Support Analyst 23624 Costley, Janet 'Jan ' Library Technician 22063 Crawford, John Digital and Visual Media Coordinator 22078 Cross, Jeanne Coordinator of Collection Development 22271 Crowe, Stephanie Temporary EPA/Faculty 22557 Flax, Norma Library Technician 27473 Fleming, Jason Information Technology Librarian 22675 Franklin, Mark Library Technician 27854 Mail Code: 5908 Mail Code: 5616 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Library, W. M. Randall Office: 910-962-3270 Fax: 910-962-3078 Fritzler, Peter Science Librarian/Lecturer 27807 Garner, Elisabeth Library Specialist 24272 Howland, Elizabeth Library Technician 27005 Humphrey, Robert Library Web & App Developer 23540 Ivins, Tamara Transfer Student Srvcs Librarian 22557 Kaylor, Joyce 'Beth ' Coord of Business, Entrepreneurship & Government 24232 Lem, Sue Library Technician 27907 Leon, Ruth 'Rudy ' Assoc Director, Library Research & Learning Serv 27021 Long, Holley Digital Initiatives Librarian 27592 Malpass, Christopher Library Specialist 27312 Matson, Sherrill Budget Manager 23199 McKoy, Tonia Library Specialist 27524 Moore, Gary Coord Library Cataloging/Lecturer 24252 Osinski, John Health & Human Svcs Librarian/Lecturer 24271 Packer, Deborah Library Specialist 23275 Parnell, Gerald Coordinator Library Special Collections/Lecturer 23276 Pemberton, Anne Associate Director Library Instructional Services 27810 Peterson, Mark University Library Technician 27499 Ray, Anna Circulation Supervisor/Library Specialist 27025 Raymer, Melissa Distance Learning Librarian 24234 Rhodes, Christopher University Program Associate 27474 Riggins, Adina Archivist Spec Coll/Cat Lib & Lect 24233 Sandin, Sheila Library Technician 27391 Shay, Lynn Coord of Serials & Electronic Res/Lecturer 27220 Spencer-Francis, June-Marie Library Specialist 24286 Thompson, Beth Digital Data & Metadata Librarian 23691 Wiegand, Laura Coord of Discovery Services/Lecturer 23680 Yeager, Vonzell University Studies Librarian 22778 Management (Cameron School of Business) Office: 910-962-2157 Fax: 910-962-2116 Mail Code: 5616 Mail Code: 5664 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Andrews, Martha Dept Chair/Professor 23745 Galbraith, Craig Professor 23775 Guidice, Rebecca Assoc Professor 22006 Harper, Stephen Professor 23517 Hunt, Tammy Professor 23684 Hyde, Rebecca Temporary EPA/Faculty 23791 Janz, Stephen 'Steve ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 22153 Jarrell, Brenda Administrative Specialist 22157 Keating, Robert Assoc Professor 23069 Kehaya, Robert Temporary EPA/Faculty 22153 Magnus, Jessica Professor 27193 Olsen, Rachel Temporary EPA/Faculty 22157 Rodriguez, Carlos Assoc Professor 27196 Russell, Shawn Temporary EPA/Faculty 23791 Stiles, Curt Assoc Professor 23880 Vestal, Donald 'Alex ' Asst Professor 23225 Voss, Anthony Temporary EPA/Faculty 22157 Whitman, Douglas 'Doug ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 27802 Marketing (Cameron School of Business) Office: 910-962-3424 Fax: 910-962-7983 Mail Code: 5969 Meyer, Tracy Dept Chair 27202 Anderson, Caitlin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23777 Barnes, Donald Asst Professor 23966 Baron, Robert Temporary EPA/Faculty 23424 Chakrabarty, Subhra Assoc Professor 27248 Conicelli, Angela Temporary EPA/Faculty 23424 Dieppa, Susanne Administrative Associate 23424 Howe, Lee 'Vince ' Assoc Professor/MBA Director 23882 Hunt, James Professor 23896 Jones, Victoria Temporary EPA/Faculty Kinard, Brian Assoc Professor 22420 Moran, Candace Temporary EPA/Faculty 23424 Morrison, Richard Temporary EPA/Faculty 23031 Patrick, Richard Temporary EPA/Faculty 23424 Pucurs, Lisa Temporary EPA/Faculty 23424 Root, Linda Temporary EPA/Faculty 22211 Scribner, Lisa Assoc Professor 23814 (910) 341-5122 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Marketing (Cameron School of Business) Office: 910-962-3424 Fax: 910-962-7983 Mail Code: 5969 Slowinski, James Temporary EPA/Faculty 23424 Spencer, Fredrika Asst Professor 22119 Voli, Patricia 'Pat ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 22183 Mathematics and Statistics Office: 910-962-3290 Fax: 910-962-7107 Simmons, Susan Department Chair 23296 Bageant, Kimberly Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Blum, James Professor 27635 Boul, Stephen 'Steve ' Lecturer 27654 Brown, Jeffrey Professor 27639 Byrd, James Lecturer 22934 Carlin, Kevin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Casper, Beth Administrative Associate 23290 Chang, Yaw Assoc Professor 23248 Chen, Cuixian 'Tracy ' Assoc Professor 23686 Creath, Elizabeth Lecturer 23823 Duggins, Jonathan Adjunct Faculty 27757 Ewald, Hanns Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Feng, Wei Professor 23291 Fleck, Terry Senior Lecturer 23304 Freeze, Michael Professor 27653 Ghosh, Indranil Asst Professor 27644 Guo, Daniel Assoc Professor 23671 Gurganus, Kenneth 'Ken ' Asst Professor 23297 Gurganus, Linda Lecturer 23290 Hall, Bailey Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Hartsock, Leopold Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Herman, Russell 'Russ ' Professor 23722 Hou, Xiaojie Assoc Professor 27757 Jakelic, Dijana Professor 27658 Jaramillo, Daniel Temporary EPA/Faculty Jones, Brandy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Karlof, John Professor/Grad Coordinator 23384 Kasala, Subramanyam Professor 23079 Lammers, Mark Professor 23958 Mail Code: 5970 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Lu, Xin Professor 23673 Lugo, Gabriel Assoc Professor 23246 McGhan, Daniel Lecturer 23290 Newman, Emily Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Olivolo, Katherine 'Kate ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Parker, Sonia Senior Lecturer 27770 Peters, Elisabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Rhodes, Ginger Assoc Professor 27756 Slaten, Kelli Assoc Professor 23294 Sperry, Shana Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Stein, Emily Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Story, Ryan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Sulzen, Jann Administrative Support Associate 23217 TenHuisen, Matthew 'Matt ' Assoc Professor 23694 Toney, Allison Assoc Professor 23290 Wang, Yishi Professor 23292 Multicultural Programs Office: Fax: Yarbrough, Shirley Temporary SPA Employee Music Department Office: 910-962-3390 Fax: 910-962-7106 Bongiorno, Frank Department Chair 23390 Boeyink, Natalie Lecturer 27440 Creasy, Catherine Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 Curtis, Bettsy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 D'Angelo, Michael Temporary EPA/Faculty 22390 Errante, C 'Steven ' Professor 23399 Foureman, Jason Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 Fox-Peck, Elijah Temporary SPA Employee 23390 Furr, Barbara Temporary EPA/Faculty 27957 Hickman, Joe Professor/Director of Choral Activities 23588 Hoke, Justin Temporary EPA Employee 22901 Holtsclaw, Nathan Administrative Associate 23390 Johnson, Daniel 'Daniel C ' Professor/Asst Chair 27559 Kane, Karen Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 King, Nancy Assoc Professor 23398 LaCognata, John Assoc Professor 23391 Mail Code: 5948 27498 Mail Code: 5975 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Music Department Office: 910-962-3390 Fax: 910-962-7106 Loparits, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 27957 Meade, Sean Temporary SPA Employee 23390 Miller, Jessica Temporary EPA/Faculty 27373 Nathanson, Robert Professor 23445 Paolantonio, Constance Temporary EPA/Faculty 27957 Pappas, Thomas Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 Rack, John Assoc Professor 23729 Ringel, Evan Temporary SPA Employee 23390 Ringel, Lowell Temporary SPA Employee 23390 Salwen, Barry Assoc Professor 23890 Schaivone, Nicholas Temporary SPA Employee 23390 Sekeres, Jessica Temporary SPA Employee 23390 Seymour, Ann Administrative Associate 23415 Shynett, Jerald Assoc Professor 27728 Skillman, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 27373 Spencer, Clark Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 Spencer, Helena Assistant Professor 23394 Sutton, Jazzmone Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 Ulisnik, Kenneth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 Waddell, Michael Temporary EPA/Faculty 27373 Watts, Kennith Temporary SPA Employee 23390 Wenger, Jacob Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 White, Mary Assoc Professor 27727 Whitfield, John Temporary SPA Employee 23390 Whittington, Andrew 'Andy ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 27957 Williams, Alex Temporary EPA/Faculty 23390 Zezelj-Gualdi, Danijela Temporary EPA/Faculty 27373 Nursing, School of (College of Health and Human Services) Office: 910-962-3784 Fax: 910-962-3723 Mail Code: 5975 Mail Code: 5995 Badzek, Laurie Director 27410 Ahern, Nancy Associate Professor 22627 Allred, Roberta Temporary SPA Employee 27410 Anderson, Jane Lecturer 27608 Arms, Tamatha Asst Professor 27192 Askew-Jackson, Teri Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Averette, Mitzi Lecturer 27041 Barber, Melissa Lecturer 27693 Barugel, Michael 'Mike ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 Bice, April Assistant Professor 27534 Bolan, Blaise Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 Bramlett, Traci Asst Professor 23773 Bryant, Lolita Lecturer 23015 Caldwell, Heather Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Campese, Claudia Adjunct Faculty 23784 Connett, Virginia Temporary SPA Employee 23784 Covington, Deborah Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Cox, Janis Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 Crawford, Rebecca Assistant Professor 22594 Cunningham, Robin Simulation Lab Coordinator 23201 Deaton, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 Deweese-Gatt, Daisy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 Diehl, Sandra Temporary EPA/Faculty (910) 262-6743 Ellington, Kelly Assistant Professor 22005 Falsafi, Nasrintaj Asst Professor 27296 Fox, Jane Professor 23206 Garnett, Jerre Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 Gazza, Elizabeth Assoc Professor 27097 Gell, Susan Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Goff, Anne-Marie Asst Professor 27657 Grant, Nancy Lecturer 23204 Griggs, Kellie Assistant Professor 27628 Harvey, Juli Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Heinrich, Carol Assoc Professor 27590 Hepler, Martha Lecturer 27112 Highsmith, Carol Lecturer 22039 Jeffries, Amanda Lecturer Jones, Carolyn Lecturer 23207 Kanoy, Karen 'Kay ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Keith, Barbara Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Kemppainen, Jeanne Professor 23202 Kerr, Jared Assistant Professor 27404 Kerr, Lisa Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Nursing, School of (College of Health and Human Services) Office: 910-962-3784 Fax: 910-962-3723 Mail Code: 5995 Kim-Godwin, Yeoun Soo 'Soo ' Professor 23926 Kuiper, Ruthanne Professor 23343 Laham, Kelly Lecturer 22386 Lawson, Sarah Assoc Professor 24284 Lutz, Barbara McNeill Distinguished Professor 22921 Lyon, James Lecturer 22936 Marcus, Gail Adjunct Faculty Marshall, Susan Temporary EPA/FAculty 27410 Matthias, April Assistant Professor 23481 McEwen-Campbell, Michelle Lecturer 22038 Mechling, Brandy Asst Professor 27292 Miller, Melinda Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Molden, Kathleen Lecturer Mountford, William Temporary EPA/Faculty 23106 Murdock, Nancy Lecturer 23862 O'Donnell, Sandra Lecturer 22487 Olexa, Raina Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 Orinko, Meri Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Parker, Diane Lecturer 27148 Pastor, Diane Associate Professor 23482 Payne, Sandra Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Pennington, Barbara Lecturer 23640 Pennington, Rand Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Pugh, Kay Temporary SPA Employee 23200 Quinlan-Colwell, Ann Adjunct Faculty 23784 Reedy, Melissa Lecturer 27068 Reid, Paula Assoc Professor 22340 Sauer, Penny Asst Professor 23784 Shostak, Linda Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Simmerman, Christy Lecturer 27588 Simpson, Debra Executive Assistant 23784 Sinclair, Susan Assoc Professor 23802 Smith, Stephanie Lecturer 24222 Snyder, Barbara Simulation Lab Assistant 23784 Summerfield, David Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Nursing, School of (College of Health and Human Services) Office: 910-962-3784 Fax: 910-962-3723 Mail Code: 5995 Taylor, Julie Adjunct Faculty 23784 Thompson, Charlotte Lecturer 27428 Turrise, Stephanie Assistant Professor 23210 Ventura, Aprel Lecturer 27215 Verzella, Margaret 'Marge ' Lecturer 24220 Waddill, Colette Temporary EPA/Faculty 27410 Wertman, Suzanne Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 White, Patricia 'Patty ' Lecturer 22645 Williams, Anita Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 Williams, Nina Temporary EPA/Faculty 23784 Winslow, Heidi Lecturer 27740 Zabriskie, Anne Temporary EPA/Faculty 23201 Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Office: 910-962-4274 Fax: 910-962-3935 Mail Code: 5674 Andrews, Brittany Executive Assistant 22691 Farr, April Temporary SPA Employee 22691 Guion, Willie 'Kent ' Chief Diversity Officer 24084 Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Office: 910-962-3177 Fax: 910-962-3851 Mail Code: 5951 Holding, Frederick Interim Director 21123 Brewer, Andrea Financial Aid Counselor 23177 Cheatham, Kimberley Student Services Specialist 23478 Collins, Essence Financial Aid Counselor 23177 Correro, Victor Financial Aid Functional Analyst 21115 Faison, Lydia Financial Aid Counselor 23177 Gattison, Denise Financial Aid Counselor 23177 Goudarzi, G 'George ' Scholarship Counselor 23177 Johnson, Alton Financial Aid Counselor 23177 Keith, Jenna Financial Aid Processor 23177 MacKinnon, Stephen Temporary SPA Employee 21124 McKibbin, Emily Financial Aid Processor 21120 Miles, Shannon Asst Dir Financial Aid 23177 Sanchez, Daniel 'Dan ' Financial Aid Counselor 23177 Sidberry, Charlene Scholarship Coordinator 23177 Urbinati, Tania Financial Aid Counselor 23177 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Vereen, Janice Client Svcs Representative 23177 Voorhees, Chadwick 'Chad ' Financial Aid Counselor 23177 Walton, Racheal Financial Aid Processor 21134 Office of Student Leadership and Engagement Office: 910-962-3877 Fax: 910-962-4265 Mail Code: 5967 Russell, Jaime Director 23797 Edens, Rebecca Administrative Associate 23925 Loso, Hilary Temporary SPA Employee 27295 Williamson, Erin Asst Director 23043 Office of University Relations Office: 910-962-2088 Fax: 910-962-3847 Weaver, Andrea Deputy Director 27631 Baker, Kelly Project Specialist 22088 Bianchi, Marybeth Creative Director 24164 Bradley, Jesse TV Producer/Director 27001 Cone, Thomas Graphic Designer 23737 Cropp, Caroline Internal Communications Specialist 27109 Glatt, Jennifer Editorial Director 22840 Iamunno, Janine Executive Director 22445 Janowski, Jeff Photographic Services Manager 23601 Jenkins, Venita Public Communications Specialist 27358 McKeown, Molly Manager of Web Communications 22050 McKinney, Krista Broadcast and Emerging Media Specialist 27224 Moore, Betty Administrative Associate 22092 New, Shirl Graphic Designer 22441 Page, William Temporary EPA/Faculty 22092 Prey, Kyle Graphic Designer 22444 Vance, Patricia Temporary SPA Employee 23616 Osher Lifelong Learning Office: Fax: 910-962-2770 Morse, Shelley Director of OLLI 23644 Keith, Amy Program Coordinator 24034 Seawell-Formalarie, Melody University Program Associate 22258 Waxman, Barbara Temporary EPA/Faculty 22258 Williams, Susan Program Associate 22792 Mail Code: 5993 Mail Code: 5614 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Payroll Office, Accounting Office: 910-962-3163 Fax: 910-962-7126 Mail Code: 5998 Thorndike, Sara Assoc Vice Chancellor for Finance & Controller 23227 Ducker, Charlie Payroll Manager 27255 Knoll, Helen Payroll Specialist 23752 Tackett, Terri Payroll Specialist 22011 Wood, Marilyn Payroll Specialist 22276 Philosophy and Religion Office: 910-962-3406 Fax: 910-962-7070 Pasulka, Diana Department Chair 27750 Altrichter, Ferenc Assoc Professor 23397 Brummitt, Jamie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23406 Burgh, Theodore Assoc Professor 27660 Conser, Walter Professor 23412 Eshleman, Matthew Assoc Professor 22418 Felis, George Lecturer 23730 Gauthier, Candace Professor 23558 Habibi, Don Professor 23836 Jacobs, Philip Temporary EPA/Faculty 23406 James, Scott Assoc Professor 27284 McGuire, Beverley Assoc Professor 22879 Murrell, Nathaniel 'Samuel ' Professor 23411 Oakley, Jeffrey Temporary EPA/Faculty 23406 Sayball, Mathew Lecturer 22952 Schmid, Walter 'Tom ' Professor 23409 Sutton, Robert Temporary EPA/Faculty 23406 Waldschlagel, Matthew Lecturer 27392 Webster, Ellen Administrative Associate 23406 White, William Assoc Professor 24002 Yates, Jenny Temporary EPA/Faculty 23406 Young, Henry Temporary EPA/Faculty 23406 Zervos, George Assoc Professor 27383 Physical Plant - Administration Office: 910-962-3101 Fax: 910-962-4185 Attles, Marcus Assistant Athletic Director of Facilities 22951 Goodmurphy, Jason Facilities Assistant 23465 Mail Code: 5601 Mail Code: 5602 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Physical Plant - Administration Office: 910-962-3101 Fax: 910-962-4185 Olson, David Asst Director Physical Plant 23102 Pope, Sondra Administrative Associate 23582 Reinmann, Paul Facility Engineer Specialist 22360 Physical Plant - Housekeeping Office: 910-962-3629 Fax: 910-962-7411 Ademodi, Lola Temporary SPA Employee 22122 Allocco, Allen Housekeeper 22168 Anderson, Regina Housekeeper 22169 Anderson, Terrance Housekeeper 23629 Beatty, Doris 'Dina ' Housekeeper 22169 Bell, Ernest Housekeeper 22168 Bennett, Shirleylene Housekeeper 22048 Blandshaw, Valerie 'Val ' Housekeeper 23629 Blanks, Karen Housekeeper 23629 Bradford, Mary Housekeeper 23629 Bradley, Stephen 'Aaron ' Housekeeper 23629 Brand, James 'Jim ' Housekeeper Brown, Billy Housekeeper 23629 Brown, Melvin Floor Maintenance Technician 22048 Bryant, Adriana 'Larneice ' Housekeeper 22169 Carter, Ramel Housekeeper Cosley, Elma Housekeeper 22168 Davis, Florine Housekeeper 23629 Dingle, Freddie Housekeeper 22169 Ellison, Benjamin Housekeeper 23629 Fletcher, Marquita Lead Housekeeper 23629 Ford, Billy Housekeeper 23629 Galloway, Betty Housekeeper 22169 Green, Janice Housekeeper 23629 Green, Michael Housekeeper 23629 Green, Rodney General Utility Worker 23629 Greene, Gregory 'Greg ' Housekeeper 22048 Guillen Padilla, Marta Housekeeper Hansley, Jeremy Floor Maintenance Technician Heinrich, William Zone Manager Mail Code: 5602 Mail Code: 5603 22168 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Hemingway, Shelia Housekeeper 22048 Hemmingway, James Housekeeper 22168 Hines, Ebony Housekeeper Hylton, James Housekeeper 22169 Jackowski, Michael 'Mike ' Housekeeper 22168 Jackson, James Floor Maint Technician 23629 Jackson, Wilbert General Utility Worker 22168 Johnson, Lawrence Housekeeper 22168 Jones, Queen 'Queenie ' Housekeeper 22168 Kelly, Hollie Housekeeper 22048 King, Edith Housekeeper 22168 King, Gwendolyn Temporary SPA Employee 22122 Knox, DeAndre Housekeeper Latouche, Nicole Housekeeper 23629 Leach, Pandora Housekeeper 22169 Lee, Nena Housekeeper 22168 Leonard, Wayne Floor Maint Technician 23629 Lewis, Jane Housekeeper 22168 Loftin, Brenda Housekeeper 22048 McClammy, Anna 'Renee ' Housekeeping Administrator 27368 McDuffie, Juanita Housekeeper 22169 McIntosh, Neive General Utility Worker 22048 McKoy, Victoria 'Vicky ' Housekeeper 22168 Melton, Robert Floor Maintenance Technician 23629 Miller, Camisha Housekeeper 22169 Miller, Chervonne Housekeeper - Night Shift 22169 Moore, Kathryn Housekeeper - Night Shift 22169 Morris, Robert Housekeeper 22169 Murphy, April Housekeeper 22048 Nixon, Willie Zone Manager 23629 Palangi, Dominic Housekeeper 22169 Parker, LeDaniel 'Tony ' Housekeeper 22168 Pearson, Teresa Housekeeper 22048 Phillips, Joe Zone Manager 23629 Pittman, Dorian Floor Maint Technician 23629 Platt, Amy Housekeeper 23629 Pridgen, Tonya Housekeeper 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Physical Plant - Housekeeping Office: 910-962-3629 Fax: 910-962-7411 Rector, Angela 'angie ' Housekeeper - Night Shift 22169 Rivenbark, Archie Housekeeper 22169 Robinson, Atria Housekeeper-Night Shift 22168 Robinson, Stephanie Housekeeper - Night Shift 22168 Rowell, Sandra Housekeeper 23629 Sadler, Linda Lead Housekeeper 22048 Sanchez Saucedo, Imelda Housekeeper 22168 Schmader, Heidi Housekeeper 23629 Shaw, Debra Housekeeper 22169 Simmons, Linda Zone Manager 23629 Smith, Bradley 'Brad ' Housekeeper 22048 Smith, Tammy Housekeeper 22169 Stanfield, Rayliene Housekeeper 22048 Suell, Erica Housekeeper 22048 Thomas, Dalisha 'Dee ' Housekeeper 22168 Thomas, Gaile Housekeeper Tootoo, Melvin 'Mel ' Zone Manager 22048 Vaught, Cynthia Housekeeper 22048 Vaught, Kendall Housekeeper 22169 Watkins, Edward Housekeeper 22048 Wells, Robert Housekeeper 22168 Wesley, Mylandia Housekeeper 22048 Wheeler, Gloria Housekeeper - Night Shift 22048 White, Jeleesa Housekeeper White, June Housekeeper Wilkins, Charles Floor Maintenance Technician Williams, Andrew 'Drew ' Floor Maint Technician 23629 Williams, Tysean Housekeeper 22169 Physical Plant - Landscaping Office: 910-962-3107 Fax: 910-962-4185 Borton, David 'Michael ' Grounds Supervisor 24158 Brown, Freddie Landscape Crew Leader 24158 Bryant, Norman Landscaper 24159 Clemmons, Derrick Landscape Crew Leader 24158 Daniels, Charles 'Charlie ' Plant Healthcare Specialist 24158 Mail Code: 5603 22168 Mail Code: 5604 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Eason, Harry General Utility Worker 23742 Gaines, Seth Groundsworker 27519 Garrison, Daniel Mechanic Greer, Thomas 'Andy ' Grounds Worker 24159 Groves, Mathew Grounds Worker 24159 Hall, James 'Stanley ' Mechanic Supervisor 22827 Hutchison, George Landscape Crew Leader 24158 Jacobs, Eddie Grounds Worker 24159 Kawczynski, Thomas Temporary SPA Employee 24159 King, James Mechanic Kuetemeyer, Robert 'Rob ' Grounds Supervisor Kuhn, Jason Landscaper Lageman, Mark Landscaper 24158 Marshburn, Joshua Grounds Laborer 24158 Minton, Edmon 'Eddie ' Mechanic 23742 Morgan, Timothy Landscape Crew Leader 24158 Peele, Thurman Grounds Laborer 23107 Randall, Christopher 'Chris ' Landscape Superintendent 23107 Rusher, Miles Grounds Laborer 24158 Russo, Joshua 'Josh ' Landscape Installation Crew Leader 27519 Schonning, Gunnar Grounds Worker 24158 Shaw, Darrius Grounds Laborer 24158 Smith, Ronald Grounds Worker 24158 Smith, Steven Landscape Crew Leader 24158 Stutson, Darrell Grounds Technician 24159 Tobiassen, Karen Natural Science Curator 24191 Truscott, Duane Tree and Shrub Specialist 24158 Physical Plant - Maintenance and Operations Office: 910-962-3101 Fax: 910-962-4185 24159 Mail Code: 5605 Andrews, Anthony Facility MaintenanceTechnician-Bldg Trades 23741 Annis, Ron HVAC Technician 23100 Blanchard, Samuel 'Blake ' HVAC Technician (910) 713-1920 Bullock, Peter 'Pete ' HVAC Mechanic 22414 Chenault, Michael Locksmith II 23101 Clark, Robert Electric Service Supervisor 23100 Clarkson, Joshua Temporary SPA Employee 23100 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Physical Plant - Maintenance and Operations Office: 910-962-3101 Fax: 910-962-4185 Mail Code: 5605 Collins, Julius Electronics Specialist 23100 Crews, William 'Bill ' Carpenter 23101 Duskie, Andrew HVAC Mechanic 22414 Fiedler, Philip Plumber Flowe, Raymond Painter 23741 Foreman, Henry HVAC Supervisor 23100 Garner, Leo Electrician 23100 Glover, Carl Temporary SPA Employee 22066 Griffin, Joseph HVAC Mechanic 23101 Guinn, Tommy Temporary SPA Employee 27229 Guthrie, Joseph Electrician 23100 Hall, Bobby 'Buddy ' Painter 23747 Hall, Bryan Electrician 23101 Harvey, Jon Facility Maintenance Tech-Mech Trade 27445 Hill, John Electrician 23100 Kazolias, Melanie HVAC Mechanic Lanier, Dariean HVAC Technician 23100 London, Samuel Temporary SPA Employee 23741 Longley, Jared Carpenter II 23101 Marton, Kalman Plumber Supervisor 27445 McCoy, Thomas Locksmith 23101 Mead, Lane Temporary SPA Employee 23741 Medlin, Jeffrey 'Lynn ' Locksmith Supervisor 23100 Mills, Charles HVAC Technician 23100 Morgan, Dustan Fire Alarm and Security Technician 23101 Murphy, Jeffrey 'Jeff ' HVAC Controls Technician 23101 Nicholson, James HVAC Supervisor 22066 Phillips, Christopher Plumber 23100 Piver, James Plumber 23101 Powell, William 'Bill ' Electrician 23100 Rhodes, Michial 'Mike ' HVAC Assistant Supervisor I 23100 Rumbold, John HVAC Technician 23100 Shelton, Lonnie 'Chuck ' Facility Maint Tech-Bldg Trade Shue, Nathaniel 'Nate ' Plumber 23101 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Physical Plant - Maintenance and Operations Office: 910-962-3101 Fax: 910-962-4185 Mail Code: 5605 Singley, David Electrician 23101 Small, Jimmie HVAC Technician 23100 Spencer, Clifton HVAC Technician 23100 Steinbach, Joseph 'Joe ' HVAC Mechanic Suits, Daniel Electronics Specialist Thigpen, Eric HVAC Mechanic Tribou, Ashley 'Tanner ' Painter 23100 Turkington, Robert 'Turk ' HVAC Mechanic 23100 Vick, Darrell Temporary SPA Employee 23741 Villa, Jesus Facility Maint Tech-Mech Trade Waddell, Gregory 'greg ' HVAC Mechanic 23101 Wareham, Jeffrey 'Jeff ' Locksmith 23110 West, Timothy Electrician Williams, David HVAC Mechanic Physics and Physical Oceanography Office: 910-962-3462 Fax: 910-962-7014 23100 23101 Mail Code: 5606 Alexanian, Moorad Professor 23463 Bingham, Frederick Professor 22383 Black, Timothy Assoc Professor 27607 Davis, Brian Professor 23469 Gan, Liping Professor 23583 Lee, Alexis Adminstrative Associate 23462 Marsan, Yvonne Laboratory Mgr/Research Tech 22108 McNamara, Dylan Assoc Professor 22588 Morrison, John Professor 22333 Moyer, Curt Professor 27587 Olszewski, Edward Professor 23464 Scott-Pollock, Evan Lecturer 23142 Sumerel, Andrew Temporary EPA/Faculty 23462 Postal Services (Seahawk Mail) Office: 910-962-3750 Fax: 910-962-3693 Lloyd, Michael 'Mike ' Business Officer 23182 Brown, Charles 'Gary ' Postal Clerk 23750 Brunamonti, Karen Postal Window Clerk 23750 Buecker, Stephen Postal Associate 23734 Mail Code: 5608 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department 23750 Cooper, Lawrence Postal Window Associate Doell, Lindsay Administrative Support Associate Gagum, Ernest 'Charles ' Postal Window Associate 23750 Golka, Patricia 'Patti ' Administrative Associate 22432 Nevarez, Samuel Postal Svcs Supervisor 23734 Nowling, Barbara 'B. Michelle ' Postal Window Clerk 23750 Tootoo, Jill Postal Associate 23734 Pre-Engineering Program Office: 910-962-4079 Fax: 910-962-4193 Diehl, Kenneth Temporary EPA/Faculty 24075 Ganley, Thomas Temporary EPA/Faculty (910) 819-3133 Giuffre, Jill Administrative Associate 24079 Jones, William Temporary EPA/Faculty 24075 Kenya, Daniel Temporary EPA/Faculty 24075 League, Christopher Temporary EPA/Faculty 24075 Reamer, Amy Adjunct Faculty 24075 Printing Services - iPrint Office: 910-962-3083 Fax: 910-962-3936 Dixon, Cristine 'Cris ' Tech Support Technician 23697 Thompson, Ricky Artist/Illustrator 23083 Printing Services - Print Shop Office: 910-962-3183 Fax: 910-962-7118 Barrett, Steven Asst Mgr Printing Services 23423 Daniel, Evonne Artist/Illustrator 22112 Ferguson, Charles 'Charley ' Press/Bindery Operator 23084 Johnson, Brandon Temporary SPA Employee 23183 Reid, Lola Equipment Operator 23084 Spear, Eugene 'Gene ' Digital Press Technician 23289 Spence, Cordelia Administrative Associate Psychology Office: 910-962-3370 Fax: 910-962-7010 Keith, Julian Department Chair Albada, Nicole Adjunct Professor Bachmeyer, Melanie Asst Professor 22948 Barker, Phil Temporary SPA Employee 23813 Baumgarner, Katherine Temporary SPA Employee 23494 Bradley, Michael Temporary EPA/Faculty 23372 Mail Code: 5609 Mail Code: 5936 Mail Code: 5610 Mail Code: 5612 23378 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Psychology Office: 910-962-3370 Fax: 910-962-7010 Brown, Barry Adjunct Faculty Buss, Connor Temporary SPA Employee 22019 Carlin, Christopher Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Clements, Caroline 'Carrie ' Professor 27988 Cohen, Dale Professor 23917 Croteau-Johnson, Nicole Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 Crouse, Rachel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23372 Daniels, Karen Assoc Professor 27178 Dark-Freudeman, Alissa Assoc Professor 27378 Ebrahimzadeh, Kevin Laboratory Animal Technician 27843 Espinosa-Hernandez, Maria Asst Professor 24057 Ferguson, Tara Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 Freeman, Paul Temporary SPA Employee 23494 Galizio, Joseph 'Mark ' Professor 23813 Gobenciong, Katrina Arlene Temporary SPA Employee 23813 Gordon, Cameron Assoc Professor 22454 Hakan, Robert Assoc Professor 23375 Hardy, Christina Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 Hogan, Wanda 'Elaine ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23372 Hook, Christine Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Hughes, Christine Assoc Professor 27795 Hungerford, Anne Assoc Professor 27586 Hurst, Ruth Adjunct Faculty 24057 Ingram, Lynn Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 Iselin, Anne-Marie Asst Professor 22883 Jackson, Lee 'Andy ' Professor 23376 Jordan, Jesse Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 Kelly, Sonya Administrative Specialist 24298 Kent, Tracy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Kishton, Joseph Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 Kohman, Rachel Asst Professor 23494 Lackey, Erin Temporary SPA Employee 23370 Laughon, Kristin Temporary SPA Employee 23498 Lecci, Len Professor 27262 Lee, Sun A Temporary EP/Faculty 23370 Mail Code: 5612 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Psychology Office: 910-962-3370 Fax: 910-962-7010 Lido, Catherine Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Lothes, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 Luo, Shanhong Professor 27904 MacKain, Sally Professor 23732 Mallard, Anna Temporary SPA Employee 23373 Mathew, Rano Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Mathis, Michele Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 McEwan, Sara Temporary SPA Employee 23494 Melikyan, Zarui Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Myers, Bryan Professor 23636 Myers, Jennifer Lecturer 23393 Nguyen, Simone Professor 27731 Noel, Nora Professor 24044 Noles, Erica Lecturer 27130 Nooner, Kate Assoc Professor 22140 Norr, Jan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Norr, Kevin Temporary EPA 23370 Overman, William 'Bill ' Professor 23379 Panoz-Brown, Danielle Temporary SPA Employee 23813 Pena, Tracy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 Pilgrim, Carol Professor 23288 Pitts, Raymond 'Ray ' Professor 27293 Pond, Richard Assistant Professor 23372 Puente, Antonio Professor 23812 Rayburn-Reeves, Rebecca Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Sawrey, Damon Assoc Professor 23091 Schimberg, Patricia 'Pat ' Administrative Associate 23370 Schmitt, Rosemary Administrative Associate 27467 Shatz, Marilyn Adjunct Professor Skoblar, Ashton Adjunct Faculty 23370 Skoblar, Barry Adjunct Faculty 23370 Smith, Daniel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Streeter, Melissa Temporary EPA/Faculty 23380 Sutton, Griffin Temporary EPA/ Faculty 23370 Toth, Jeffrey Assoc Professor 23213 Mail Code: 5612 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Psychology Office: 910-962-3370 Fax: 910-962-7010 Van Camp, Carole Assoc Professor 23377 Vaught, Donna Temporary EPA/Faculty 23370 Washington, Wendy Assoc Professor 22453 Whitney, Jessica Temporary EPA/Faculty 23308 Public and International Affairs Office: 910-962-3220 Fax: 910-962-3286 Masters, Daniel 'Dan ' Department Chair 27583 Sheridan, Earl Department Chair 23222 Barth, Thomas 'Tom ' Professor Beaulieu, Nelson Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Biddle, Jennifer Assistant Professor 22187 Brennan, John Assoc Professor 27930 Brudney, Jeffrey Distinguished Professor of Innovation 23920 Christian, Karen Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 David, Benjamin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Garriga, Ana Temporary EPA/Faculty 27930 Gray, David Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Griffin, Mary 'Cam ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Grigg, Amanda Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Heim, Lynn Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Imperial, Mark Assoc Professor 27928 Johnson, Catherine Temporary SPA Employee 23220 Kimsey, William Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 King, Aaron Asst Professor 22287 King, Derek Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Kinzer, Kirsten Asst Professor 22809 Kleinberg, Howard Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Kleinberg, Raymonde 'Remonda ' Professor 24254 Lamb, Lukas Temporary SPA Employee 23220 Margolis, Gabriel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 McGimsey, Autumn Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 McKinney, Jessica Temporary SPA Employee 23220 Meinhold, Stephen Professor 23223 Miller, Joshua Temporary EPA/Faculty 23628 Murphy, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Mail Code: 5612 Mail Code: 5607 (910) 465-0239 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Nafte, Keren Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Prentice, Christopher Assistant Professor 22135 Roberson, Lindsey Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Treolo, Donna Administrative Associate 23220 Warren, Maria Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Weinkle, Jessica Asst Professor 23514 Purchasing Services Office: 910-962-3158 Fax: 910-962-3829 Forsythe, Mary Director of Purchasing 23154 Antrican, Frieda Purchasing Specialist 23850 Bisanar, Robert Purchasing Specialist 24069 Cartwright, Dolores Purchasing Specialist 27058 McGowan, Delmar 'Starkey ' Associate Director 23157 Page, Carol Assistant Director 23190 Reardon, Kimberley Purchasing Specialist 23849 Rose, Amanda Purchasing Specialist 24249 Smith, Dian Purchasing Specialist 23153 QENO Office: Fax: Davis, Natasha Director 22878 Abraham, Munazza Temporary SPA Employee 22650 Keith, Angela QENO Program Associate 23844 Recycling Office: 910-962-2549 Fax: 910-962-7405 Miller, Kathleen Recycling Supervisor Registrar's Office Office: 910-962-3125 Fax: 910-962-3887 Reece, Jonathan 'Jon ' University Registrar 23122 Baptista, Shane Asst Registrar for Catalog & Registration 22001 Barfoot, Paula Transfer Credit Manager 23130 Collins, Jaron Report Developer 23957 Doucette, Ruth Front Office Liaison Records Specialist 27198 Drew, Sandra 'Sandy ' Student Records Coordinator 23128 Friddle, Melissa Online Student Specialist 27359 Greene, Paula Graduation Specialist 23129 Mail Code: 5615 Mail Code: 5614 Mail Code: 5604 22549 Mail Code: 5618 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Registrar's Office Office: 910-962-3125 Fax: 910-962-3887 Hewett, Frances Transcript Specialist 23127 Kempton, Benjamin 'Ben ' NCAA Eligibility Specialist 22143 Lange, Frederick 'Albie ' Systems Specialist 22230 Moore, Allison Student Records Clerk 23036 Noble, Naamah Student Records Coordinator 27978 Parson, Jill Transfer Articulation Admin 23124 St. Ledger, Erin Executive Assistant 23126 Stewart, Matthew Online Student Specialist 22077 Thornhill, Susan Re-Enrollment Specialist 22145 White, Teresa Asst Registrar for Records 24176 Whitney, John Associate Registrar 23123 Woodward, Rosalie Front Office Liaison & Records Specialist 27121 Wrede, Christopher 'Chris ' Asst Registrar for Systems 23682 Small Business Technology Development Center Office: 910-962-3744 Fax: 910-962-3014 Mail Code: 5618 Mail Code: 5977 Scarlett, Frances 'Fran ' Regional Director SBTDC 24248 Bailey Reed, Roxanne Small Business & Technology Development Specialist 27307 Bennett, Robin Assistant Counselor 23744 Mueller, Janis SBTDC Development Specialist 22869 Social Work, School of (College of Health and Human Services) Office: 910-962-3872 Fax: 910-962-7283 Mail Code: 5979 Kolomer, Stacey Interim Director 22853 Ballis, Thomas Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Blundo, Robert 'Bob ' Professor/BSW Program Coord 23438 Bolton, Kristin Asst Professor 22308 Brisson, Daniel Adjunct Faculty 23872 Brooks, Lisa Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Cole, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Dugan, Loraine Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Frankel, Arthur Professor 24115 Gardner, Vonda Temporary EPA/Faculty (910) 455-2310 Gosline, Yvette Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Guarino, Michelle Temporary EPA Faculty 23872 Hall, Jon 'Chris ' Assoc Professor 22534 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department 22534 Hall, Jon 'Chris ' Assoc Professor Jackson, Debra Temporary EPA/Faculty Jones, Andrea Asst Professor 22501 Lang, Heather Lecturer 23872 Lee, Jacquelyn Asst Professor 22826 McNeill, Tina Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Miller, Catherine Administrative Associate 23872 Nguyen, Peter Professor 27642 Ozier, Julie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Rowan, Noell Assoc Professor/BSW Program Coord 22652 Royals, Holly Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Sandell, Karen Assoc Professor 22584 Savage, Tamara Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Strong, Jessica Asst Professor Swinson, Ashley Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Vandenberg, Angelena 'Angie ' Field Education Coord/Lecturer 22585 West, Teoletta Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Williams, Lauren Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Williamson, Brian Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 Wilson, Melissa Temporary EPA/Faculty 23872 York, Reginald Professor 23092 Sociology and Criminology Office: 910-962-3420 Fax: 910-962-7385 Maume, Michael 'Mike ' Department Chair 27749 Adams, Mike Professor 23425 Askew, LaQuana Temporary SPA Employee 23420 Boyd, Babette Lecturer 23049 Bruno, Helene Temporary EPA/Faculty 23420 Buffington, Daniel Assoc Professor 23434 Buist, Carrie Asst Professor 22422 Bullers, Susan Professor 27150 Chamberlain, Kate Temporary EPA/Faculty 23420 Cook, Kimberly Professor 23785 Daniels, Sarah Program Director 27723 Davis, Richard Temporary EPA/Faculty 23432 Day, Jacob Asst Professor 27024 DeVall, Kristen Assoc Professor 22636 Faulkner, Gary Temporary EPA/Faculty 23420 (910) 455-1700 (910) 355-2311 Mail Code: 5978 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Sociology and Criminology Office: 910-962-3420 Fax: 910-962-7385 Godwin, Kristin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23420 Jones, Roderick Assistant Professor 27420 King, Donna Professor 23574 LaGrange, Randy Professor 23433 Lanier, Christina Assoc Professor 27691 Latterner, Lacey Temporary EPA/Faculty 23420 Laughter, Stephanie Administrative Support Associate 23420 Levy, Diane Professor 23430 McNamee, Stephen Professor 27413 Mentor, Kenneth Lecturer 23432 Murray, Chardon Temporary EPA/Faculty 23290 Parish, Kathryn 'Kathy ' Administrative Support Associate 23432 Reiter, Abigail Temporary EPA/Faculty 23420 Rice, John Assoc Professor 27313 Rogan, Melissa Temporary SPA Employee 23420 Rotchford, Ann Lecturer 23420 Rousey, Molly Program Director 23420 Santana, Shannon Assoc Professor 22426 Smith, Amanda Temporary EPA/Faculty 23420 Snowden, Lynne Assoc Professor 23838 Steigerwald, Jane Temporary SPA Employee 27105 Sutherland, Jean-Anne Assoc Professor 24170 Vanderminden, Jennifer Assistant Professor 27260 Wadsworth, Angela 'Dr. Angela L. ' Senior Lecturer 27424 Waity, Julia Asst Professor 23660 Willis, Cecil Professor 23548 Space Planning and Management Office: 910-962-3672 Fax: 910-962-3922 Vaughn, Anthony Director 23672 Strickland, Tina Facilities Use Mgr 23011 Sutton, Cecil 'Woody ' Space Planner 22059 Sponsored Programs and Research Compliance Office: 910-962-3810 Fax: 910-962-4011 Powell, Panda Director- Research Svcs & Sponsored Programs Mail Code: 5978 Mail Code: 5900 Mail Code: 5973 23167 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Adams, Ashley Grant Specialist 27361 Brawley, William Temporary EPA/Faculty 23810 Brogdon, Laura Manager of Programs and Operations 23611 Brown, Kassandra Temporary SPA Employee 23194 Evans, Amy Research Compliance Specialist 23194 Finn, John Business Officer 27562 Fontana, Steven Sr Tech Development Officer 22014 Fox, Patricia 'Patty ' Grants Officer 22131 Jones, Nathan Grant Development Associate King, Ashton Temporary SPA Employee 23809 LeMaire, Karin Business Development Manager 22330 Maus, Marc Univ Program Specialist 23649 McKoy, Kimberly Univ Program Specialist 27853 Page, James Temporary SPA Employee 23810 Prete, Leanne Research Compliance Manager 27774 Starks, Michelle Administrative Associate 23810 West, Mary Jeann 'M.J. ' Grant Development Specialist 23809 Student Accounts & Cashier's Office Office: 910-962-4281 Fax: 910-962-7402 Mail Code: 5926 Hinnant, Matt Student Accounts Manager 23794 Buecker, Svetlana Cashier 27492 Evans, Constance Student Accounts Assoc 27419 Greene, Diana Accounting Tech/Specialist 23035 Hendricks, Laree 'Sissy ' Third Party Billing Coordinator 23147 Hilliard, Megan Cashier Lundy, Kimberly Accountant 23146 Miller, Mindi Cashier 23165 Padezanin, Linda Admin Assoc - Collections 21089 Pollack, Stefanie Accounting Tech 23164 Student Affairs, Associate Vice Chancellor's Office Office: 910-962-7771 Fax: 910-962-7124 Mail Code: 5985 Victor, Brian Assoc Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs 27771 Resetar, Amber Director of Title IX & Clery Compliance 22937 Knight, Abby Business Manager 27771 Mauk, Andrew 'Andy ' Director of Assessment, Research & Planning 27512 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Student Affairs, Associate Vice Chancellor's Office Office: 910-962-7771 Fax: 910-962-7124 Smith, Allison Assessment & Research Coordinator Student Affairs, Vice Chancellor's Office Office: 910-962-3117 Fax: 910-962-3905 Mail Code: 5985 23065 Mail Code: 5982 Leonard, Patricia Vice Chancellor 23117 Resetar, Amber Director of Title IX & Clery Compliance 22937 Chase, Monica Executive Assistant 23117 Glossl, Ann Asst Vice Chancellor 23735 Johnson, Susanne Executive Assistant 24166 Walker, Michael Assoc VC/Dean of Students 23117 Student Health Center (Abrons) Office: 910-962-3280 Fax: 910-962-4130 Mail Code: 5985 Wesner, Katrin Dir Student Health Ctr/Interim Dir of Crossroads 24126 Baldwin, Rachel Staff Physician 23280 Barker, Cassie Medical Records Associate Blanchard, Lynn Certified Pharmacy Technician 23016 Bledsoe, Wendy Lead Registered Nurse 24091 Buckley, Rebecca Registered Nurse 23280 Canel, Mary Adult Nurse Practitioner 23280 Elmore, William Temporary SPA Employee 23016 Farriss, Tamitha Temporary SPA Employee 23280 Garris, Leslie Temporary SPA Employee 23016 Gerken, June Temporary SPA Employee 23280 Gierie, Francoise 'Heidi ' Pharmacy Manager 23873 Goodnight, Kaitlyn Medical Records Assistant 23280 Haraga, Tammy Medical Records Associate 23746 Hodge, Kathy Registered Nurse 23280 Ismert, Joanne 'Terry ' Adult Nurse Practitioner 23280 Keatts, Georgette Physician Assistant/Nurse Ptractitioner 23280 Lane, Leigh Associate Director 23280 Laughlin, Walter 'Walt ' Medical Director 27847 Myer, Joanna Temporary SPA Employee 23280 Nelms, Tarita Medical Records Associate 23280 Norris, Brenda Temporary SPA Employee 23280 (961) 096-2328 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Patz, Nancy Physician Assistant 23280 Rice, Donna Temporary SPA Employee 23016 Roots, Ranae Licensed Practical Nurse 23280 Seufert, Shaun Temporary SPA Employee 23873 Summerlin, Tabitha Medical Records Associate 23280 Ulstad, Melissa Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner 27871 Vita, Allison Temporary SPA Employee 24135 Ward, Pamela Medical Records Associate 23280 Student Media Office: 910-962-7138 Fax: 910-962-7131 DiNome, William 'Bill ' Student Media Coordinator Summer School Office: 910-962-7209 Fax: 910-962-2181 Barnhill, Karen Business Officer 27181 Bullard, Lea Assistant Director 23646 Deanes, Patricia Temporary SPA Employee 27181 Lobdell, Laura Temporary SPA Employee 23855 Reece, Linda Enrollment Research Asst 23738 Reed, Christine Business Services Coordinator 27209 Swain Center Continuing Education Office: Fax: Mail Code: 5624 27138 Mail Code: 5623 Mail Code: 5678 Badakhsh, Diane Director of Organizational Development 22762 Bagnell, Jerome 'Jerry ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23220 Driscoll, Benjamin Temporary SPA Employee 22237 Miller, Douglas Temporary EPA/Faculty 22237 Porter, Thomas Assoc Dean 27466 Schacher, Jennifer Business Services Coordinator 22237 Shannon, Christy Temporary EPA/Faculty 22237 Strickland, Melinda Temporary SPA Employee 22237 Theatre, Department of Office: 910-962-2061 Fax: 910-962-2110 Salzman, Thomas Department Chair 27364 Agnir, Mirla Temporary EPA/Faculty 22061 Basta, Nicholas Temporary EPA/Faculty 22061 Bengivengo, Michelle Temporary SPA Employee 23585 Berkeley, Anne Assoc Professor 23586 Mail Code: 5671 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Theatre, Department of Office: 910-962-2061 Fax: 910-962-2110 Botvinick, Marshall Lecturer 27896 Carson, Nancy Temporary EPA/Faculty 22061 Castagno, Paul Professor 23446 Enlow, Randall Assistant Professor 27961 Gaffney, Jessica Temporary EPA/Faculty 23585 Grimes, Charles Temporary EPA/Faculty 22061 Helton, Joseph Temporary SPA Employee 22061 Holmes, Michael 'Myke ' Lecturer 27751 Jurasik, Peter Temporary EPA/Faculty 22061 Lydy, Max Assoc Professor 23551 Marino, Christopher Asst Professor 22415 Root, Robin Asst Professor 27690 Russell, Taylor Temporary SPA Employee 22061 Savage, Peter Temporary EPA/Faculty 22061 Smith, Natalie Temporary SPA Employee 22061 Sorensen, Mark Assoc Professor 23585 Thompson, Joel Temporary SPA 22268 Wagenseller, Edwin Asst Professor 27959 Wilder, Susan Administrative Associate 22061 Transition Programs Office: 910-962-3089 Fax: 910-962-4265 Logan, Jacquelin 'Christina ' Director 27505 Cowan, Barbara 'Barbie ' Coordinator 22196 McKay, Lindsay Temporary SPA Employee 23089 Prentice, Shauna Temporary SPA Employee 22865 Reeder, Candace Receptionist 23089 Tempio, Samantha Operations Manager 23596 Travel, Accounting Office: 910-962-7504 Fax: 910-962-2139 Mail Code: 5671 Mail Code: 5997 Mail Code: 5660 Thorndike, Sara Assoc Vice Chancellor for Finance & Controller 23227 Gladden, Sandra Travel Specialist 24217 Gore, Laura Disbursements Manager 23076 Limpert, Jan Travel Specialist 23149 McCachren, Lora Disbursements Specialist 23858 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department 27504 Twine, Eric Travel Coordinator Undergraduate Studies Office: 910-962-3610 Fax: Bennett-Smith, Keisha Isaac Bear Early College Coordinator 22095 Morgan, Zachary IDEA Specialist 27584 University Advancement, Advancement Services Office: 910-962-3751 Fax: 910-962-7159 Mail Code: 5900 Mail Code: 5905 Pierce, Diane Director Advanc Svcs & Prospect Mgmt and Research 27363 Bennett, Edna Tech Sup Analyst/Asst Dir Data Proc 23937 Chopelas, Betsy University Program Specialist 22803 Craven, Karl Administrative Officer/Asst Dir PM&R 22651 Crunkleton, Tammi Temporary SPA Employee 23593 Manes, Mary 'Diane ' Admin Associate/Data Processor 24186 Peterson, Audrey Admin Associate/Gifts Processor 23924 Sullivan, Diane Admin Specialist/PM&R Researcher 23704 Vincent, Jennifer Admin Specialist/PM&R Researcher 22107 University Advancement, Annual Giving Office: 910-962-3751 Fax: 910-962-7159 Mail Code: 5628 Kennedy, Melissa Director of Annual Giving 22049 Fraser, Keith Annual Giving Assistant Director 23075 King, Lauren Univ Prog Spec/Asst Dir Annual Giving 22661 University Advancement, Donor Relations Office: 910-962-3751 Fax: 910-962-7159 Mail Code: 5631 Stanley, Claire Asst Vice Chancellor for Development Operations 23169 Cole, Meredith University Program Associate 23759 Cummings, Michelle Events and Boards Manager 23170 Hinkley, Jordan Special Events Coordinator 22686 Overton, Elizabeth Special Events Coordinator 27717 Queen, Kelli Stewardship and Engagement Manager 22219 Wilkins, Jordan Special Events Coordinator 22144 University Advancement, Major Gifts Office: 910-962-3751 Fax: 910-962-7159 Knight, James Director of Development, Planned Giving Mail Code: 5925 23214 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department University Advancement, Major Gifts Office: 910-962-3751 Fax: 910-962-7159 Mail Code: 5925 Armour, Tanya Dir of Develop for Major Gifts 22424 Cummings, Beau Dev Director Major Gifts 22152 Johnson, Aron Dev Director, Major Gifts 23792 Thompson, Kevin Development Director/Major Gifts 22525 University Advancement, Vice Chancellor's Office Office: 910-962-3751 Fax: 910-962-7159 Mail Code: 5990 Stuart, Edwin 'Eddie ' Vice Chancellor 27665 George, Crystal Communications Coordinator 22683 Gorham, Megan Director of Corporate and Foundation Engagement 24278 Hilton, Geraldine Data Processor 23593 Quarticelli, Marina Development Assistant 27862 Rich, Jennifer Executive Assistant 23626 Roberts, Mary 'Beth ' Business Officer 23355 Smith, Forrest Tech Support Analyst 22285 Walker, Deanna Executive Assistant 22259 Ward, Christian 'Christy ' Associate Vice Chancellor 27055 Williamson, Paul 'Kevin ' Asst Vice Chancellor for Strategic Development 27212 Wood, Heidi Admin Associate/Gifts Processor 22009 University College Office: 910-962-3245 Fax: 910-962-4290 Anderson, Melinda Director 27902 Adams, Jennifer 'Jenny ' Coordinator of Special Programs 23821 Arminana, Patricia Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Bannon, Maggie Academic Advisor 27200 Barnes, Dorian Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Best, Kristi Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Boldizar, Nanciann Temporary EPA/Faculty 22117 Bowman, Rebecca Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Cherry Millis, Amy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Cummings, Lindy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Davis, Jemilia Academic Advisor 23845 Dunn, Kevin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Garera, Gina Academic Advisor 23921 Guerry, Virginia 'Ginny ' Academic Advisor 27081 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM Mail Code: 5981 UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Guerry, Virginia 'Ginny ' Academic Advisor 27081 Guimaraes, Marcia Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Hanson, Erika Academic Advisor 23166 Hathcock, Amy Academic Advisor 27742 Hennessey, Christine Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Jones, Kathleen Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Kleitches, Kevin Temporary EPA/Faculty 24294 Kriegsman, Abby Administrative Associate 27977 Kuttner, Frederick Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Lewis, Charles Temporary EPA/Faculty Marty, Micah Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 McCall, Anne Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 McClammy, Sandra Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Miller, Andrew 'Andy ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Nice, Kristen Business Manager 23822 Rasmussen, Myra Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Russell, Robert 'Bob ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23005 Samuels, Walter Temporary EPA/Faculty 27977 Stewart, Lydia Administrative Associate 23245 Stultz, Rebecca Coordinator - Curriculum & Learning Comm 27970 Timberlake Helmus, Aimee Temporary EPA/Faculty 23878 Underwood, Zackary Academic Advisor 27908 Van Duzor, Alison Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Vickers, Keryn Academic Advisor 22117 Vliem, Michelle Coordinator of Advising Practices 27955 Whitney, Jenny Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Williams, Karsan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23245 Wilson, Carly Academic Advisor 23987 Zuckerman, Geoffrey Academic Advisor 23018 University Learning Center Office: 910-962-7857 Fax: 910-962-3727 Wilkinson, William 'Will ' Director/Writing Services Coordinator 27156 Anderson, Stefanie Math Services Coordinator 22127 Hogan, Gail Officer Manager 23978 Kunz, Thomas 'Tom ' Supplemental Instruction Coord 22142 Martin, Eric Administrative Associate 27857 Porter, Carol Office Administrator 27623 Mail Code: 5968 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department University Learning Center Office: 910-962-7857 Fax: 910-962-3727 Ruwe, Michael Learning Services Coord University Planning Office: 910-962-7341 Fax: 910-962-2181 Mail Code: 5975 University Police Office: 910-962-2222 Fax: 910-962-4228 Mail Code: 5989 Donaldson, David Chief of Police 24018 Bennett, Ariel Budget Manager and Assistant to the Chief 27217 Bennett, Charles Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Bertram, Chris Assistant Police Chief / Major 23136 Blanton, Henry 'H. P. ' Temporary SPA Employee 22270 Boling, Joann Records Officer 27494 Bost, Charles Crime Analyst 22222 Bray, Erin Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Brown, Michele Telecommunicator 27792 Busard, John Public Safety Officer 22222 Calder, Emily Police Telecommunicator 22222 Collins, Ollie Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Curry, Todd Patrol Captain 23185 Deacon, Cynthia Captain 22222 Deacon, Stephen 'Steve ' Lieutenant 24007 DeNoia, Louis Lieutenant 22222 Fagan-Owen, Jennifer Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Gaither, Daniel Police Sergeant 22222 Galan, Travis Public Safety Officer 22222 Gootee, Jeremy Sergeant 24007 Grindle, Dawn Security Officer 22222 Harper, Joshua Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Haste, Susan Police Officer Haste, William Lieutenant 23186 Hayes, Brenda Police Officer 22222 Heath, Lawrence Equipment Technician 22270 Herring, Stephanie Telecommunicator 22222 Hill, Jonathan Police Officer 22222 Mail Code: 5968 24194 23381 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Hobbs, Debora Administrative Associate Hodge, Nathaniel Investigator 22222 King, Wilbert Investigator 22794 Kotler, Keli Detective Sergeant 24042 Levitz, David Detective Training and Recruitment 22632 Lindsey, Charles Lieutenant 24007 Mangum, Krista Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Mariotti, Kara Public Safety Officer 22222 McLamb, Milton Police Officer 22222 Merrick, Mears Temporary SPA Employee 22499 Miller, Jeanne Police Telecommunicator 22222 Newcomb, Barry Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Ozbek, John Sergeant 23090 Page, Robert Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Pain, Frank Public Safety Officer 22222 Paluck, Andrew Lieutenant 27490 Paluck, Jennifer 'Jenny ' Sergeant 23090 Patton, Selena Police Telecommunicator 22222 Peterson, Kelly Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Pummell, David Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Raynor, Bobby Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Roberts, Dana Public Safety Officer 22222 Santaniello, Amato Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Seay, John Police Officer 22222 Sidberry, Yvonne Security Guard 22222 Valdrighi, Beth Assistant Accreditation Manager 23933 Walton, John Security Guard 22222 Watkins, James Lieutenant 23090 Wells, Warren Temporary SPA Employee 22222 Yesilyurt, Ethan Ali 'Ethan ' Security Officer 22222 University Testing Services Office: 910-962-7444 Fax: 910-962-7617 Mattis, Bonnie Temporary SPA Employee 27444 McFadden, Catherine Testing Services Coordinator 24093 Warehouse Services Office: 910-962-3620 Fax: 910-962-7405 Bloodworth, Theodore 'Pete ' Warehouse Services Manager Mail Code: 5650 Mail Code: 5648 23620 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Warehouse Services Office: 910-962-3620 Fax: 910-962-7405 Gregory, Vinnie Recycling Technician 23620 Houser, Donald Warehouse Technician 23183 Knowles, Jeremy Warehouse Technician 23181 McMillan, Marcus Recycling Technician 23097 Queen, Anthony Warehouse Technician Simmons, Edwin Temporary SPA Employee 23620 Thomas, Rayquan Temporary SPA Employee 23181 Woodcock, Margaret Warehouse Support Lead 23097 Watson College of Education, Advising and Recruitment Office: 910-962-4142 Fax: 910-962-4081 Mail Code: 5648 Mail Code: 5991 Rottmann, Amy Director of Student Engagement and Recruitment 23087 Glowa, Stephanie Field Experience Coordinator 23086 Malacinski, Tanya WCE Academic Advising Coordinator 27357 Rankin, Allison Academic Advisor 22291 Smith, LeAnne Academic Advisor 27348 Watson College of Education, Dean's Office Office: 910-962-3350 Fax: 910-962-4081 Mail Code: 5991 Dempsey, Van Dean 23354 Beguhl, Daniel Technology Support Analyst 27052 Blanke, Candace Administrative Associate 24173 Bowen, Glenda Executive Assistant 27101 Brinkley, Brian Dir Education Lab 23633 Childs, Joy Business Services Coordinator 22740 Clark, Tammy Instructional Designer 27938 Duckworth, Maxine Temporary SPA Employee 23876 Ertzberger, Jeffrey 'Jeff ' Director of Technology 27670 Evans, Dianne Executive Assistant 24142 Finley, Susan Temporary SPA Employee 22672 Geczi, Nicole Administrative Associate 23192 Giammaria, Mary 'MJ ' Administrative Associate 24296 Johnson, Brenna Academic Advisor McCoy, Lesley Administrative Associate 24172 Newcity, Melissa 'Mel ' Advising and Recruitment Admin Assoc 23912 Phillips, Deborah Temporary EPA/Faculty (910) 355-2311 23633 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Phillips, Deborah Temporary EPA/Faculty 23633 Rabidoux, Salena Lecturer/Technology Liasion 27615 Rivenbark, Jessica Assessment Technology Support Analyst 27115 Sidbury, Logan Internship & Licensure Coord 22796 Siko, Janice 'Jan ' Executive Assistant 23354 Webb, Trisha Temporary EPA/Faculty 23633 Wetherill, Kristine Tech Support Analyst 23363 Wiseman, Cynthia 'Cindy ' Dir Professional Experiences 23360 Watson College of Education, Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle, Literacy and Special Education Office: 910-962-4171 Fax: 910-962-3988 Mail Code: 5940 Fox, Kathy Dept Chair 23240 McNulty, Carol Associate Dean 23361 Aldemir, Jale Asst Professor 22919 Applefield, James 'Jim ' Associate Professor 23356 Bevins, Ava Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Bramley, Georgene Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Brophy, Alicia Asst Professor 23365 Brunson, Linda Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Buchanan, Lisa Asst Professor 22890 Burke, Sara Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Catapano, Susan Professor 27554 Collins, Terri Asst Professor 22918 Corbett, Tammy Temporary EPA/Faculty 22740 Crace, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Crawford, Elizabeth Asst Professor 22916 Driskill, Daphne Lecturer 22519 Gates, Leigh Temporary EPA/Faculty 27541 Gruber, Connie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Guggenheimer, Margaret Lecturer 22416 Hargrove, Tracy Assoc Professor 27395 Higgins, Heidi Assoc Professor 22674 Hilburn, Jeremy Asst Professor 22897 Honchell, Barbara Assoc Professor 23382 Howell, Laurie Admin Associate 24171 Humphrey, Susan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Jones, Allison Asst Professor 22194 Jurich, Charles 'Chuck ' Assistant Professor 27201 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Watson College of Education, Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle, Literacy and Special Education Office: 910-962-4171 Fax: 910-962-3988 Mail Code: 5940 Kermani, Hengameh Assoc Professor 24182 Konrady, Holly Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Kozloff, Martin Watson Professor of Education 27286 Kyriacopoulos, Konstantine Asst Professor 22851 Lanunziata, Louis Assoc Professor 23368 Larue, Karen Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Liao, Christine Asst Professor 23556 McLam, Katherine Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Mechling, Linda Professor 27736 Miller, Louise Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Mintz, Diana Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Moody, Amelia Assoc Professor/Director of Tech 22580 Morge, Shelby Assoc Professor 27501 Nordin, Brenda Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Paetzold-Garcia, Jennifer Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Pierce, Phyllis Admin Support Associate 24001 Potts, Ann Assoc Dean 24174 Powell, Deborah Assoc Professor 23175 Richardson, Daniel Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Rogers, Janet Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Roney, Kathleen Professor 27195 Rosenmeier, Bonnie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Schlichting, Kathleen Assoc Professor 27786 Schnorr Goodnight, Crystalyn Asst Professor 22658 Shaw, Joan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23633 Sikma, Lynn Assistant Professor 27287 Steele, Marcee Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Swafford, Doris Assoc Professor 27790 Tayloe, Kate Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Taylor, Amy Assoc Professor 22673 Trujillo, Jorge Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Vardell, Rosemarie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Wait, Dan Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Walker, Bradford 'Brad ' Assoc Professor 23718 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Watson College of Education, Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle, Literacy and Special Education Office: 910-962-4171 Fax: 910-962-3988 Mail Code: 5940 Lecturer 23633 Wasserberg, Martin Asst Professor 22917 Webb, Joseph Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Weppler, Ronnie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Wilcher, Holly Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Zinner, Gerald Temporary EPA/Faculty 23366 Walker, Rebecca 'Becky ' Ward, Cara Watson College of Education, Education Leadership Office: 910-962-3369 Fax: 910-962-3609 Mail Code: 5980 Faircloth, Susan Department Chair 22290 Barber, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Batts, Kelly Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Berry, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Brown, Anita Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Carr, Marsha Asst Professor 22913 Courter, Caroline Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Curry, Karla Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Deets, Jennifer Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 DeGennaro, Donna Asst Professor 23369 DeVita, James Asst Professor 23953 Garrett Dikkers, Amy Assoc Professor 22915 Gross, Helen Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Harmon, Jeanne Temporary SPA Employee 23369 Herridge, Robin Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Holmes, William Assistant Professor 27577 Hunt, Lisa Administrative Associate 23040 Irizarry, Eric Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Mabe, Larry Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Markley, Timothy Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 McClure, Kevin Assistant Professor 27819 Metcalf, Elizabeth Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Nottingham, Joanne Lecturer 23439 Parker, Michele Associate Professor 22292 Rinko, Andrew Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 27318 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Ryder, Andrew Asst Professor Skipper, Edith 'Edie ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Sterrett, William Assoc Professor 27995 Teitelbaum, Kenneth Professor 27806 Torrence, Debra Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Tripp, Robert Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Tyndall, Robert Professor 24084 Walser, Tamara Assoc Professor 24175 Wetherill, Karen Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Watson College of Education, Instruction Technology, Foundations and Secondary Education Office: 910-962-7314 Fax: 910-962-3609 Mail Code: 5980 Roseboro, Donyell Dept Chair/Assoc Professor 22289 Kubasko, Dennis Director of CESTEM/Assoc Professor 23639 Aldrich, Kathryn 'Trina ' Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Barreto, Daisyane Assistant Professor 27600 Caropreso, Edward 'Eddie ' Assoc Professor 27830 Chen, Sue-Jen Assoc Professor 27920 Dempsey, Dorothy Temporary EPA/Faculty 22416 Denny, Jeanne Adjunct Faculty 23369 Dungan, Miranda Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Durrington, Vance Assoc Professor 22741 Furr, Dewey Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Gill, David Assoc Professor 24293 Hall, Denise Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Hicks, Beth Project Coordinator, ELMS Grant 27335 Housand, Angela Assoc Professor 22649 Lawless, Donna Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Lewis, Somer Lecturer, Director of PDS 27244 Lynn, Charles Asst Professor 22483 Moallem, Mahnaz Professor 24183 Nye, Allison Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Ousley-Exum, Denise Assoc Professor 27175 Pappamihiel, N. 'Eleni ' Professor 22746 Pastore, Raymond 'Ray ' Asst Professor 22912 Rabidoux, William Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Register, Linda Administrative Associate 27539 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Watson College of Education, Instruction Technology, Foundations and Secondary Education Office: 910-962-7314 Fax: 910-962-3609 Mail Code: 5980 Reid-Griffin, Angelia Assoc Professor 27176 Rinka, John Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Robertson, Janet Professor 24036 Sanchez, Marta Assistant Professor 27174 Smith, Robert Professor 24076 Snyder, Katie Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Thompson, Candace Interim Director, Upperman Center/Assoc Professor 22648 Whitfield, Kimberly Temporary EPA/Faculty 27314 Wilkes, Deborah Temporary EPA/Faculty 23369 Watson College of Education, Youth Programs Office: 910-962-2640 Fax: 910-962-4000 Mail Code: 5630 Kezios, Sue Director of Youth Programs 22118 Albotra, Samantha Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Alphin, Kathryn Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Bisesi, Rachel Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Brady, Tyler Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Branson, Adam Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Burnett, Erin Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Burnett, Jeremy Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Candio, Samuel Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Capezza, Skieler Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Carvalho, Jessica Temporary SPA Employee 22640 Case, Caitlin Administrative Associate 22939 Cockrell, Kimberly Program Assistant 23971 Copeland, Sarah Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Cuzmenco, Steven Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Decampli, Megan Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Frank, Danielle Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Gilbert, Clara Temporary SPA Employee (911) 040-9748 Gordon, Maxwell Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Gourley, Ruth Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Greene, Waletta Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Handy, Pamela Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Hansley, Desiree Temporary SPA Employee 23971 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Hedgemond, Yolanda Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Henry, Lauren Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Hill, David Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Horton, Ashley Temporary SPA Employee 22640 Horton, Chloe Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Ibbotson, Katherine Coordinator for K-1 Engineering 27137 Johnson, Richard Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Johnson, Sarah Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Kome, Miriam Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Lee, Courtney Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Loweth, Katharyn Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Maeda, James Temporary SPA Employee 23971 McCracken, Megan Temporary SPA Employee McKibbin, William Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Miller, Douglas Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Moran, Erin MarineQuest Summer Camp Coordinator 22992 Morgan, Elijah Temporary SPA Employee Muhlstein, Harris MarineQuest Program Associate 22640 Murphy, Marie Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Musten, Sarah Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Philip, Melanie Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Pinkston, Jared Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Posey, Lauren Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Posey, Rachel Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Pruitt, Melissa Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Quaratella, Nina Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Reeves, Kyle Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Rosul, Lauren Temporary SPA Employee 22640 Sanchez-O'Neill, Zoe Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Singleton, Emily Temporary EPA/Faculty 23971 Sito, Cole Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Sleeper, Meghan Temporary SPA Employee 22640 Spaulding, Sarah Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Stephenson, Megan Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Styers, Amanda Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Teague, Alexandra 'Alex ' Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Thames, Darrell Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Hansley, Desiree 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Watson College of Education, Youth Programs Office: 910-962-2640 Fax: 910-962-4000 Mail Code: 5630 Tucker, Kyla Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Vandermeys, Alexandra Temporary SPA 23971 Walker, Morgan Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Walsh, Ryan Temporary SPA Employee 22640 Whitman, Zachary Temporary SPA Employee 23971 Yaeger, Matthew Temporary SPA Employee 23971 York, Brittany Temporary SPA Employee 23971 World Languages and Cultures Office: 910-962-3340 Fax: 910-962-7712 Scatton-Tessier, Michelle Department Chair 24095 Adams, George Temporary EPA/Faculty 23340 Asua, Ana Lecturer 23340 Balena, Ashlee Senior Lecturer 22175 Barthe, Pascale Assoc Professor 23595 Belanger, Ksenia Temporary EPA/Faculty 22887 Benitez-Galbraith, Jacqueline Senior Lecturer 22536 Bliss, Greta Asst Professor 23344 Boersma, Jess Assoc Professor, Dir of E-TEAL 22322 Boomershine, Amanda Assoc Professor 27922 Brignole, Francisco Asst Professor 23461 Burt, Raymond Professor 23346 Cami-Vela, Maria Professor 23342 Causby, Olivia Administrative Associate 23340 Chandler, Brian Assoc Professor 22299 Chandler, Keri Lecturer 27214 Crites, Paula Temporary EPA/Faculty 23340 Das, Amrita Assoc Professor 22430 Deagon, Andrea Assoc Professor 23870 Deibel, Deanna Temporary EPA/Faculty 23340 Dennis, Christopher Assoc Professor 23048 Dobkin, Leslie Temporary EPA/Faculty 23340 Felix, Regina Assoc Professor 27310 Ferreyra, Vivian Lecturer 23340 Gordon, Michael Assistant Professor 23340 Graber, David Lecturer 23451 Mail Code: 5954 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM UNCW Telephone Directory Alphabetical Listing by Department Hanna, Kelley Temporary EPA/Faculty 23837 Harris, Emmanuel Professor 23341 Hays, Bradley Temporary SPA Employee 27850 Hoot, David Lecturer 22121 Hyman, Mercedes Temporary EPA/Faculty 22537 Jara, Marianella Senior Lecturer 22485 Joachim, Olga Temporary EPA/Faculty 22887 Juall, Scott Assoc Professor 27923 Kano, Yoko Senior Lecturer 27575 Kelley, Gina Administrative Associate 27684 Kerl, Carmen Temporary EPA/Faculty 23451 Lapaire, Pierre 'Pj ' Professor 23825 Mahmoud, Rania Assistant Professor 23837 McQueen, Donna Temporary EPA/Faculty 22537 Mesa Munoz, Francisco Temporary EPA/Faculty 22322 Miller, Derrick Assoc Professor 22538 Mrak, Norma 'Ariana ' Assoc Professor 22310 Orvieto, Giulia Temporary EPA/Faculty 23340 Parker, Tanesha Temporary EPA/Faculty 23885 Randolph, Linwood 'L. J. ' Asst Professor 23349 Rider, Valerie Senior Lecturer 22173 Rosenbloom, Lew Senior Lecturer 27155 Santaballa, Sylvia Temporary EPA/Faculty 22173 Schultz, David Temporary EPA/Faculty 27311 Schultz, Joy Temporary EPA/Faculty 27311 Shin, Yuna Temporary EPA/Faculty 23340 Spieser, David Assistant Professor Starodubtseva, Roza Temporary EPA/Faculty 22173 Stevens, John Assoc Professor 27595 Tatum, Lee Temporary EPA/Faculty 23340 Tessier, Eric Temporary EPA/Faculty 23885 Trokhimenko, Olga Professor 27379 Tucker, Stephanie Lecturer 23340 Zhang, Xuhua Temporary EPA/Faculty 22537 3/4/2016 9:00:11 PM