BLACKBOARD COURSE BASICS LOGIN TO BLACKBOARD access Blackboard you can go to: 1 To 1 HIDE/SHOW COURSE MENU To Hide the Course Menu inside a course you can click on the arrow head pointing to the left. Your username consists of the first letter of your first name, the first letter of your last name and your seven-digit UTB and TSC identification number. Your password is the same PIN you use for Scorpion Online. You can contact the Help Desk at (956) 882-4357 to verify your password or to synchronize your login credentials. NAVIGATE AND MANAGE COURSE CONTENT tabs lead you to different main content blocks. The MY 1 Blackboard COURSES tab will display the modules for the courses and organizations you are enrolled among other relevant modules. 2 To Show the Course Menu inside a course you can click on the arrow head pointing to the right. To Manage the list of courses displayed in My Courses Module click on the personalized icon. This small gear icon will open a page to manage the list of the courses to be displayed in this module. 2 After clicking the gear icon in the Personalize: My COURSES page, you can uncheck the Course Name for the courses you don’t want to be listed in the My Courses module and finally click Submit. ITS ONLINE LEARNING EDITING CONTENT 1 To start editing the content in the course be sure the Edit Mode is always ON. The Edit Mode option works like a toggle. You can turn it ON to start editing the content or you can turn it OFF to see all the available content as students or other users will see it. SETB 2.320 (956)882-6696 1-866-654-4555 BLACKBOARD COURSE BASICS CREATE CONTENT AREA 1 CONTROL PANEL To Create a new Content Area point the cursor to the Plus sign above the Course Menu and select Create Content Area. The Control Panel contains some options to access the Virtual Content for the course, the available Course Tools, the Grade Center and other selections for Course Management. The Virtual Content will display all the files and information stored in the content collection for the course. In the Name field textbox enter the name for the new content area. The full Grade Center and its different views can be accessed by expanding this Grade Center Be sure you check the option to make it Available to Users. To change the appearance, the color and the format for the course, you can select Style from Customization Finally, click the Submit button to complete the process. ARRANGE MENU ITEMS FORMAT COURSE MENU To arrange the order of the items in the Course Menu you can use the double head arrows on the left next to each option to drag the item up or down to move them in the Course Menu. 1 1 Click on the reordering button to reorder the menu items. 2 Select a menu item and then click on the up or down arrows to move the item to the desire location. 3 Click Submit when done arranging your items. You can click on the double arrows pointing to the right to expand the view or click on the double arrow pointing up or down to expand or collapse To format the Course Menu, under Customization select Style. or 1 Use the double head arrows on the left to move the menu items up or down. Mouse over the arrows, click and drag the item to the desire location. ADD CONTENT To add content into a regular Content Area select and click the content area name from the Course Menu and then point to the first tab Build Content. To upload a file you can select the Item option to attach the document and use the Text box window to enter information or select the File option to simple attach the file. ITS ONLINE LEARNING You can select the options under Style to select the colors for the text and the background or buttons type from the Button Library included. ENTRY POINT OF THE COURSE 1 To change the entry point of the course under Customization select Style. In the scroll down menu you can select the item from the Course Menu to be used as the Entry Point or first page of the course. Also, you can attach the file to include a course banner. SETB 2.320 (956)882-6696 1-866-654-4555