SECTION ONE Pages 1 to 12 SECTION ONE Pages 1 to 12 THIS ISSU& THIS ISSUE CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955. VOLUME 50, NUMBER 33. . Cjass City Livestock Club Sweeps Lamb Competitiop Supervisors Hear State Tax Men In Caro Monday jack Perry Tops Detroit Junior Livestock Show A discussion of the tax situaJack Perry of Cass City exhibited the Grand Chamtion in Michigan with two state pion lamb, a Southdown, at the Detroit Junior Livestock experts, Dale Campbell and'Roy Show Vv^ednesday to bring top honors in the show to the Paff, highlighted the December Cass City Livestock Club for the 15th time in 26 years. meeting of the Tuscola County : Mr. Perry's Grand Champion -Board of Supervisors Monday. was one of a galaxy of awards Q^^-fl^. "P|« Tl/f • 9 "P|« The; experts answered quesJJ1% copped in the lamb competition tions of the supervisors and ex-, by Cass City entries. About the plained how they arrived at valuonly honor that escaped the local ( ation figures for tax purposes. entries was the reserve champion On a motion made by Superlamb, won by Mr. Bell of LandThe accident suit of Dr. F. L. visor Howard Slafter of Tuscola ing. Morris of Cass City against Township, the board approved the Mr. Perry received the Fred W. Francis Chaulkin and Mrs. Santa Claus will i make* bis an-~ X-raying of all persons in the Couzens Memorial trophy' for Mildred Cross, Port Hope, was nual trip to ,Cass City, Thursday,,, Tuscola County Hospital and winning the championship. settled out of court Monday, as Dec. 22, members of the county convalescent homes by the EXAMINE FACILITIES—Examining the possibilities of the hart, James MacTavish, Herbert Ludlow, Clifford Croft and M. C. All of the winners listed in trial was slated to begin. City Gavel Club, which sponSaginaw Valley Mobile X-ray Nestles Company plant in Cass City for use as a hospital Sunday McLellan. Front row: Harry Little, Mrs. McEachern, Miss Helen Kelly, this story represented the Cass The case was the result of an sors his arrival-here, • said thfe were these interested persons. Preliminary examinations make it Unit. Mrs. Irene Freeman, Mrs. MacTavish, Mrs. H. T. Donahue, Dr. "ity ivestock Club. Linda Sever- accident on the Bay City-Forest- .week, A request for $300 by the Sag- doubtful if the building can be adapted for a hospital. ance showed the grand champion ville and Cemetery roads inter-" He is scheduled to make Ms? From left to right, back row: Fred McEachern, Leonard Urqu- Donahue and A. J. Stevens. inaw Valley Regional Planning pen of three lambs and Jack section, four miles north of Cass ' appearance at the village CferisfcCommission - was tabled until the Perry, the reserve champion pen City. In the crash Dr. Morris was ;mas tree at the.corner of Mapfe For UsQ-as Hospital next meeting. 62 at County Farm of three lambs. severely injured and Mr. Richard, and Main Streets at 7:30 7p. m. The board authorized Supervi1 In the Southdown class, Jack Montcalm killed. . j Gavel Club spokesmen said sors Evard Rawson, Grover Bureau Meeting Perry had the first individual and Mrs. Cross was named in the his arrival will be a half hour Laurie and Charles Woodcock to pen, Arthur Severance the third suit as the owner of the car ' earlier this year so that it would attend a short course for asSixty-two members of the Tus- individual and pen and Virginia driven by Chaulkin. !not conflict with church' prosessing officers at Ann Arbor ^cola County Farm Bureau at- Perry the 15th individual. grams. Dec. 12-14. | tended the annual kickoff memIt speaks well for the leaders, Linda Severance had the secAs usual, Santa will have cansbership roll call meeting Monclub members and others associond individual and first pen in WSCS Hold^ Annual dy and other treats for all the (day, Dec. 5, at the VFW Hall in the Shropshire class and in the ated with the Cass City Live[youngsters in the community, Caro. . Residents of the Cass City area stock Club that they could sweep all other breeds class, Larry Christmas Party ' At the club meeting Tuesday at j A panel discussion was held so many top honors in the lamb investigated the possibilities of Goodall showed the first indij Parrott's Dairy Bar, Lloyd and several representatives of vidual and third pen. The Chronicle's annual spe- division of the Detroit Junior converting the abandoned Nestles The WSCS of the Methodist j explained the beginning of Farm Bureau addressed the In addition, Arthur Severance cial delivery to the North Pole Livestock Show. Company plant in Cass City to a Church held its annual Christmas '. Christmas decorations in the group. County Farm Bureau containing letters to Santa Congratulations are in order community hospital this week. was the champion showman in| ty Monday, Dec. 5, in the--lage and demonstrated how President Henderson . Graham the sheep division and Jack par Claus will start next week. Discussign was capped by an social rooms of the ' church. jdisplays/ ire made. welcomed the guests. Boys and girls in the area was Grand Champion of the inspection of the building SunPerry, Arthur Severance, Leslie Marge Parker, co-ordinator of Severance and Virginia Perry, Seventy persons attended, who want to get in touch with show. Through our negligence, day. Although the building has Farm Bureau women, presented all of Cass City, showed the eluding several guests and memold Saint Nick this season had we failed to'have a picture of ample room for a 50-bed or more the principal address, "Philo-" champion county group of six bers of the intermediate class of better sit right down and the winning exhibitor and his hospital, qualified observers are the church. 'sophy of Farm Bureau." now doubtful if the building can write today. lamb. Dr. Harry Crandell, nalambs from four exhibitors. An impressive program di• Speakers from the Lansing ofFor, there is just two weeks tionally known sheep expert, be converted at any substantial Arthur received the Detroit rected by Mrs. Albert Gallagher, fice were John Sexson, represent- Stewards Association trophy for left to get your message to tipped us off before the show savings to the community. assisted by Mrs. John McGrath, First payment to growers from ing Farm Bureau service; John winning showmanship honors. Santa so he'll know just what that Cass City might well have a The three-floor buffdiHg is in Miss Addie Gallagher and Mrs. the Caro plant of the Michigan Cjotzer, Farm Bureau fertilizers. you want for Christmas. Send [winner. We were scheduled to good repair, but the installation -"Seventv pens, of lambs for a Tom Dobbs, was presented. Sugar Company was announced and Oscar Hauck, speaking of your letters now and we'll see 'take a picture of the winning of heating and plumbing, costs total of 210 sheep were "exhibited Several musical .selections thatsthey are printed and sent entry, but with the press of for lowering ceilings, building this week to be $9.25 per ton for farmers' petroleum. Concluded on page twelve. were enjoyed. The junior choir^ .Speakers from Tuscola Countv to Santa in time for Christ- Christmas work, the appointment rooms and adding windows is ex- 105,550 tons of beets received, soloist Ruth Hoffman and a The payment will amount to included: Harry Steele, general mas. slipped our mind and we failed pected- to place the cost too high quartet, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mil-" $976,337.50. Deducted from this agent for Tuscola County insur-! to have a picture for this week's for practical purposes. ler, Arlington Hoffman and Mrs. Members of the parish of SL figure will be $385,200 made in ance; Mrs. James Stiner of Caro. However, authorities have conissue. Nancy Hallahan, entertained. Agatha Church in Gagetowre will 9 tacted an architect to look the The program was closed with a attend Mass in the main for the Caro plant. and Clark Montague, memberbuilding over and give an opinion j If things go as planned, resiJ. Jay Black, acting director candlelight circle. Gifts were auditorium Sunday for the Gilbert Smith, plant manager, i dents of the community will have as to its practicality. of the Sanilac County Health De- then presented and gifts of time since May 15, Rev. Fatter Marlie Drew, regional ret>rean opportunity to look over the If the building should prove said that this leaves a cash pay- sentative of Michigan Farm partment, reported this week money received for children in Glenn W. Cronkite announced! new Cass City Manufacturing acceptable, it would need the ap- ment of $501,137.50 to be rethis week. that 1,546 children, from five to Seoul. Korea. Company's facilities sometime proval of the state before any leased by the company Thursday, Bureau, was chairman of the nine years old, received their A business meeting followed Services have been held In Unmeetinsr. after Christmas. R. L. Bassett, action could be taken. Forty per Dec. 15. the program and refreshments church basement for ,the last; first shot of polio vaccine last Ed Golding. Sr., is cantain of The money represents the first manager, said that he planned an cent of funds used for hospital were served by the executive seven months while an extensive ulve inl FIMand Township. week. 4drive Aw ni * Students from rural schools committee open house as soon as production construction are provided by_ the of three payments to the grow- ^ Aer $70,00 improves &nt. -project. -wasp s " ^ ers. In addition, beet growers ?° f are Mr. and Mjs Clare and other opening problems have state. in progress. were transported to various cenAuthorities have been and are have received, or will receive Center and Ellwood Eastman. ibeen disposed of. Repairs are nearly finishedf ters to receive the vaccine. Mr. concerned over the lack of facil- shortly, a government payment of Visitors, former members and anct First Holy Communion for r* t \ t Black announced that students ities in the community. The 30 S^nKW>| $2.40:8 a ton. About $140,000 of active members of the Cass City ! children will be held at the 8:30 absent on the day the vaccine available beds in the Pleasant Evangelical United Brethren a. m. Mass Sunday. was administered can still reHome Hospital and Cass City $254,164.40 has been dispursed. Church attended the 90th anni-;Jlear DCCr Rev. Cronkite reported that ceive it from the physician who Hosm'tal are full the majority of Mr. Smith said that the averversary celebration of the church complete details of the improveattended the clinic. ArrangeThe Cass City High School age yield per acre in the district Sunday to hear Rev. N. W. The December meeting of the the time. ment project will be revealeci Lack of good hospital facilities handled by the Caro plant this Music Department, under the di- ments should be made through Klump, district superintendent 'Cass City Community Club will ext w e e . the health department, he said. rection of Roger Parrish for year was 15 tons. He said that for the East District, in be held Tuesday at Cass City Mr. Black said that a limited vocal music and Ronald Phillips growers will receive $11.65:8 per morning service ,and attend a High School auditorium. Mr. instrumental, will present its SUT>T>IV of polio vaccine is now ton for their beets this month, for special service in the afternoon. Tubbs, district conservation of- Strike Oil on Land annual winter concert Monday available from doctors in Sanifor a $174.87 per acre gross profFollowing Rev. Klump's ad-' f jcer f rom be the guest evening, Dec. 19, at • 8 p. m. at lac Countv for pregnant women dress in the morning, the group (speaker, Owned by Mdsacks it with two additional payments the The annual Christmas program Cass City High School audi- and children one through 14 due from the Michigan Sugar was served a ham dinner by the j j^r> Tubbs will bring & of the Cass City Woman's Study years old. ! torium. The long fight by Mrs. Heleneladies of the WSWS. During the j "Michigan>Deer Story," to illus- Leaseholders Mr. and Mrs. Joe Companv. Club was held Tuesday at the Striffler for the right to an autoThe concert is open to the Mr. Smith said that the last ! public meal several congratulatorv let- trate h|s address. He is expected Mosack of Gagetown announced home of Mrs. Ed Baker who mobile franchise held in Caro bjr and admission is free. ters were read from former mem- to present the conservation de- this week that land they have beets from this year's harvest Complete details of the program decorated for the program in her late husband, Fred, was" bers and friends of the church partment's stand on the contro- leased to National Drillers of delivered to the plant Tues- will be published in next week's keeping with the holiday season. denied by the Michigan Supreme; and church authorities said that versial "any deer" season. Instead of an 'exchange of Court. Lansing and 0. K. West of De- day. Chronicle. several phone calls were also regifts, members gave money to troit has produced oil at three The decision upheld a previous ceived. be used for Christmas gifts for one narrow spaced levels in Ogemaw issued by the Wayne circnfft Several of the practices of the j needy persons. County, southeast of West court, from where the case was church in its early years Were' A Christmas program was one appealed. Branch, carried out to commemorate the j Saturday, Dec. 10—Leon and of the higrhlisrhts of the meeting. The well has been acidised by The supreme court said that 90 years of the church in the Marion Conway will sell cattle, Dow Chemical Co. with 4.500 galMrs. Keith McConkey read * the "no protection could have asOfficers for the coming year community. Christmas Story and Mrs. Earlsisted Mrs. Striffler in obtainingdairy equipment, feed and ma- lons of acid" and is expected to were elected at a meeting of As was the custom until early chinery at the farm, three miles be a commercial well within 30 Douglas reviewed the book, "The for herself or for her company Tyler Lodge No. 317 F & AM 1900, the men sat on one side of south of Akron on the corner of days, Mr. Mosack said. Postmaster Chester Muntz an- Other Wise Man" by Henry Van anv honpfit of a renewal. Any Tuesday evening and will be inthe church and ladies on the North Merry j^nd West"Fairgrove Oil was struck at approxinounced this week that special Dyke. so-caHM renewal wou^ not fee & stalled in an open installation other. The program was opened Roads. A piano solo, "The Trinity rAnpwnl in fflct: it mately 4.000 feet, he' said. Christmas post office hours will Dec. 15 in the Masonic hall. with a selection by the Sunday Chimes," was presented by Miss tical effect be a ' | Stuart Merchant is the newly- start Thursday, Dec. 15. School orchestra, under the dioffice Marilyn McConkev and the group On that day the post Geneva.! Motors terrw'-nntM the Bad Axe School District voters; elected worshipful master. Other rection of George Dillman. The sang "Silent Night." sales agreement Aug. 17, 1948, approved financing f o r a new officers are: senior warden, Gil- will remain open in the afterorchestra also played for the ofContinued OP page 12. j $380,000 addition to the high : bert Albee; junior warden, Hazen noon. On Saturday, Dec. 17, fertory. (school, Thursday, Dec. 1, at a Brown; treasurer, Dorus W. Thursday, Dec. 22, and Saturday, A service in^German was anspecial election. The money will Benkelman; secretary, Arlington Dec. 24, the post office will also other feature of the unusual be spent for a new gymnasium,, Hoffman; senior deacon, Clarence be open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., service. Mrs. Walter Anthes read four large classrooms for Junior'Keating; junior deacon, Clarence Mr. Muntz reported. a passage of Scripture in GerNormal Thursday and SaturHigh, a vocal music room and a Merchant: stewards, Don Koepfman and Rev. S. R. Wurtz gen and Leb Pomeroy; chaplain, day afternoon closing times will (band room. talked briefly in German on the The proposal for a five-mill John Bayley; marshal, Richard be observed after the Christmas passage read. A German song The Cass City Red Hawks holiday, he said. Continued on page 12. ing was more evenly divided as Continued on page 12. was sung by several of the men opened their 1955-56 cage season Bob Martus, Jim Johnson and and women present. After deliberating for seven making arrest in the village of Mrs. Arnold Copeland, presi- Friday evening with a 59-49 de- Dick Hanby joined the scoring hours, a Tuscola County jury Fairgrove Aug. 27. dent of the Ladies Aid, Mrs. B. cision at Bad Axe. Coach Irv parade as Cass City recorded its Max Young pleaded guilty of found Rowland Cone, Cass City, A. Schwegler, president of the Claseman's defending Thumb B best quarter of the game with 24 Dreaking and entering a gas staguilty of indecent liberties Thurs' conference champions started a points, while the Hatchets netted W.SWS, and Miss Frances Diebel. tion in Kingston. Judge Qumre day, Dec. 1, in circuit court at team with only one regular, Jack 15. At the half, Cass City led secretnrv of the Sunday School, Clar ordered a pre-sentence investigaCaro. then briefly compared the activa, back from last season's 39-25. Mr. Cone had been charged tion and sentence will be passed ities of the various societies they ,S(*'4ad... In the final two periods, Bad with indecent liberties and at- Wednesday. 13represent with the'work done by i Claseman used his entire Axe outscored Cass City, posting tempted rape of a 13-year-old Frank Rettelle of Gagetown; squad in the game and ex- a 11-10 margin in the third quarthese organizations in earlier girl. Judge T. C. Quinn ordered asked for an attorney whe» ; j perimented freely with nine boys. " Continued on page 12. ter and a 13-10 margin in the a pre-sentence investigation. charged with unlawfully ' driving jAt one time in the second quar- final period. Sentence will be passed Wednes- away an automobile from the jter, he used a quintet composed Coach Claseman said that he Comment Garage in Gagetown om day, Dec. 14. lot all sophomores and juniors. was satisfied with the performIn another Thursday case, Em- Nov. 14. He returned to court j Gordon Drouillard, a question ance of the squad in the opening ma A. Metro was granted tem- Wednesday and pleaded guilty to i mark at center when the season game, despite a sloppy last'half. porary alimony of $25 a week the charge. Judge Quinn senopened, nailed down a starting Buying priceThe team's strength will be from John Metro. Mr. Metro was tenced him to a year in the counjob Friday with his aggressive 21 given a sterner test tonight (FriA.J ordered to pay $100 attorney's ty jail. However, sentence will •D _ g'gg rebounding and surprising scor- day) when the Hawks play Marbe suspended when he returns to [fees. in unch lette at the Cass City High Dark red kidney beans .Z~ 15.50 £ P , Four Arraigned military service. Mr. Rettelle Cranberries ...L 9.50 As expected the team made School gym. Four persons were arraigned has been in service for a year" Yellow eye beans 19.00 ™ierous mistakes and suffered Marlette was edged in their on criminal charges Monday be- with three more years to serve.Corn, new 1.08 from opening game jitters and opener with Caro, but fisrure to William G. Kern's attorney fore Judge Quinn. P . should improve as the season be much stronger than Bad Axe ram Calvin Conway of Fairgroye entered a motion to quash the inQQ progresses. which lost its opening game to stood mute when charged with formation on a rape charge. The Wheat, No. 2, mixed, bu 2.01 The team took only 45 shots class "C" Harbor Beach. assault and obstructing and re- motion was taken under advlse?during the game, considerablv Claseman said that he will sisting an officer. A plea of not ment. below the average of Hawk guilty was entered for him. He In a civil case heard' Monday, teams in past years, but aver- start Drouillard, Clara, Martus, Buckwheat, cwt. 1.60 iaged around .400 per cent with John Meininger and either Jim allea-edly beat and bruised Depu- Duane C. Bogart was found? Livestock Ellis or Johnson in the second ty Clarence Schroeder, who was mnlty of contempt of court for the 18 shots they converted. Cows, pound .08 .10 I In the opening period, Clara conference game of the season. failure to t»av alimony. Sentence Cattle, pound 12 .16 and Drouillard carried the H>wks OPENS MONDAY—«R. L. Bassett, manager of knocked down and the addition is made an integral Clara led the scoring for Cass Notice was suspended on his promise^ tto> Calves, pound . 15 .25 into a 15-10 lead. Clara picked City with 13 points, followed by f the Cass City Manufacturing Company, stands part of the building. I will be at the Cass Citv Stat* t>av $125 now and weekly Production of the plant was originally slated the first two pieces of machinery erected Hogs, pound — Saturday, Dec. 10 and Dec. ments of $25 until money owedTfia (up three field goals and a charity Drouillard with 10 and Martus j betweennew mo( ern to start Nov. 1. However, delays in shipping of Bank in southwest Cass City. ^ Produce Continued on page 12: 'heave and Drouillard counted a with nine* Mr. Bassett said that the company will start heating equipment and other necessary tools set 17, to collect taxes for Greenleaf Townshin. -I will also take taxes Eggs, large, doz 52 pair of shots from under the The Hawk reserve squad lost iimited production Monday of auto parts and as- the schedule about one month behind. Soecial Notice Eggs, medium, doz. bucket and converted four of six the preliminary contest, 50-38. semblies. The new building is built so additions The concern is expected to hire about 25 or 30 at my home on Wednesdays and Eggs, small, doz. .. .32 .free throws. Lopez was high for the Hawks can be made in any direction without interrupting persons, mostly men, at this time, Mr. Bassett Fridays. Jane Fuester, treasurer. No chickens this Friday. €%ri Reed.~-Adv. 1£ {Work. When finished, the present wall can be has reported. Butterfat 86i In the second period,, the*scor- with 13 points. Santa Scheduled In Cass City Thursday, Dec. 22 From the Editor's Corner Group Investigates Nestles Plant Here Write to Santa Announce First Payment to Area Beet Growers •f-Tiy* «1i rt/vv\ /-IiTTi c<i ,rvT'\ r5T-»,rI To/>lr * _. _ *_1 _. . f* i^ >! t i I J.! ~.«1 « -»«, .•&, ,..„. — ,3,-. ^atha's to Hold Service in Remodeled Churcl Polio Vaccine for 1 546 in Sanilac Co* EUB Anniversary Program Well Attended Sunday WSG Holds Annual Yule Party Tuesday Club to Coming Auction Fleet New Officers Tuesday Voters Approve School Addition In Bad Axe Mrs. Striffler Appeal in Court Muntz Announces Holiday Schedule For Post Office Pll/Marlette TonigMfci Hawks Open Season With Easy Victory (3^V-JL \^\>fl-J- V VJL. V4.iV^ J^- WiJ-iVAli*^ Cone Found Guilty of Indecent Liberties .w^-..*^ v - 7 Local Markets |i|M. . —« * • « , AM.* * .fc-^t*** K* V - V V 0C*AV*. VAA4*V VJXVs %xV/*i*|s/**i* J V» JLAJL *9V***. v ' •* CASS CITS". MICHIGAN, CMS CITY CHRONICLE— FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9,1955. PJUSE TWO. Local Area Church News Items in Brief Paneratras Catholic First Presbyterian Church— St. Melvin E. Vender, minister. Church: Rev. John Bozek, pastor. Universal Bible Sunday, Decem- Masses at 8:30 a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Sunday. ber 11: 10:15 a. m. The church school. On Holydays of Obligation at Classes for all ages: primary 6:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. m. department through adults. (Pro- Novena Devotions Friday at • vision for smaller children ages 7:80 p. m. Confessions on Saturday 3:30 3-5 years.) 11:00 a. m. Nursery class for to 4:30 p. m. and 7:30 and 8:30 * 3-year-olds; kindergarten for jp. m. ages 4-5 years; primary departNew Greenleaf United Misment, (continued program). sionary Church—Gordon C. Guil11:00 a. m. Divine worship. liat, pastor. Phone 8070-W. Selection by choir. Sermon, "AdSunday School 10 a. m. vent and the Bible." Morning worship 11 a. m. 7:00 p. m. Westminster Fellow- Evening service 8 p. m. ship. Leader, Judy Coykendall. Evangelistic hour 8:30 p. m. Topic, "The New Look in Foreign Midweek prayer service Missions." Wednesday night 8 p. m. 7:15 p, m. Session meeting You are cordially invited to with young people of the com- worship with us in this rural municant class. community church. 8:15 p. m. Session meeting Fraser Presbyterian Church— with adults re: membership. Calendar: Dec. 16, Christmas Eev. George Gillette, pastor. party for cradle roll, nursery 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. class and kindergarten children 11:00 a. m. Church Services. * and mothers at 3:00 p. m. Gagetewn Church of the NazaDec. 18, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and reception of rene—F.Holbrook, pastor. members. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Dec. 19, Young Women's Guild. Lawrence Summers, superinDec. 21, Primary and Junior tendent. Morning worship, 11:00 Departments' Christmas party at N. Y. P. S. 7:15. Evangelistic ser4f0fl p. m. vice, 8:00 p. m. Midweek service, Dec. 24, Christmas Eve musi- Wednesday at 8 p. m. Welcome to cale. all our services. * Dec. 25, Christmas Sunday Grace Community Church, at service. the corner of Highways M-53 St. Michael Church, Wilmot— and M-81. Eugene H. Nelson, Rev. Sigmnnd J. Haremski, pas- pastor. tor, Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Masses: Sunday and Holydays, Morning worship 11:00 a. m. 7:30 and 11:30. Weekdays, 8 a. m. Evening evangelistic service at Confessions Friday evening af- 7:30 p. m. Thursday, prayer meeting and ter services. Saturday 3-4, 8-9. services Fridav fit 8. * Bible study, 8:00 p. m. * wrwiw 100 KM* MINOtABLETS2»i»i**S« Cass City Church of The Naza-1 Nursery for babies and chil- Family Bible Hour—At the rene—6538 Third St. Phone 124J. j dren in arms open at all services, Hillside School, one-half mile Earl M. Crane, minister. I warm, germ controlled complete west, one-half mile north of Elmwith cribs, glassed wall so moth- wood Store, Hurd Comers Road. Sunday, December 11— Every Sunday afternoon at irs can see service. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Gospel hour at 8 p. m. Instru- 8:30 a fundamental message 11:00 a. m. Worship service. * 3:00 p. m. ,Service at Stevens mental special music. Pastor from the Bible. Weckle speaking on theme, "The Nursing Home. 6>:45 p. m. Youth Prayer Group! Holy Spirit And The .Scriptures," Cass City Assembly of God— dealing with facts: (1) How we Corner Leach and Sixth St. Rev. 7:15 p. m. NYPS. know the Bible is the Word of Earl Olseiujpastor. Monday, December 12—8:00 p. God! (2) How we understand Sunday School 10:00 a. m. m. Sunday School Workers' Con- the Word of God! (3) How we Morning worship 11:00 a. m. ference. see the future ahead of us in the Evening evangelistic service at Wednesday, December 14—8:00 Word of God! 8:00. p. m. Prayer and praise MeetMonday evening the Senior Hi Thursday evening prayer meeting. Youthtimers meet in church ins a* 8:00. 9:00 p. m. Choir practice. youth rooms with team number You are cordially invited to atThursday, December 15—2:00 4 in charge. This team, with tend these services. * p. m. NFMS meeting at the Cross Arthur O'Dell as captain assisted home, 6644 Third Street. by Ron Ferguson, Lester O^De!! Novesta Baptist Church—LeCOMING: Annual Sunday and Eugene Cook, is presenting vene O. Shattuck, pastor. School Christmas program, De- the program, "Gold - Frankin- Sunday school 10t00. cember 26 at 8:00 p. m. scense - Myrrh." Morning worship service 11:00. Tuesday morning prayer time Yeung people's service 7:15 St. Joseph Church, Mayville— at 6:15 a. m. Fifteen minutes on Evening service 8:00. Rev. Sigmund J. Haremski, pas- your knees in God's house before Prayer meeting Wednesdav you go to work. 8:00. * ter. Radio broadcast from 11 to Masses Sunday and Helydays, 11:30 a. m. over WMPC Lapeer. Gagetown Methodist Church9:30. Fred Werth, pastor: Confessions Sunday at 9:00- How Christ is seen in book of 9:SO. * Hebrews. Worship service 9:80 a. m. Wednesday, the midweek serv- Sunday school for all ages at First Baptist Church—Rev, R. ice and prayer with Communion 10:30 a. m. * at 8 o'clock. Attendance last week G. Weckle, pastor. Bible School hour at 10 a. m. was 81. Study from Psalm 24. United Missionary Churches: Each pupil thru the Intermediate Also reception of following into Lewis L. Surbrook, minister. Department will receive his membership: Mr. Clyde Wells, Phone 99F13. part for the Christmas program Rev. and Mrs. Milton Gillet, Mizpah: to be presented Thursday eve- Carol and Phyllis Gillet. 10:30 a. m. Sunday School. ning, Dec. 22nd, at 8 p. m. At11:30 a. m. Morning worship. tendance last Sunday was 150 Laraotte United Missionary 8 p. m. Youth fellowship. scholars with 126 Bibles. Goal for Church, 8 miles north of ..Mar- Wednesday evening prayer month of December is at least lette. service. 150 scholars each week. Any one Morning worship, 10:00. Sun- Thursday evening, Dec. 10, needing transportation for Sun- day School, 11:00. Sunday eve- Rev. Ivan Carroll of World Gosday School and church please call ning, 8:00. You are cordially in- pel Missions, will speak and^show missionary pictures of India. church office, phone 203. Free vited to attend. transportation is another of the Rev. Dellis Hudson, pastor. * Riverside: 10 a. m. Morning worship. church's facilities. Deford Methodist Church — Worship hour at 11 a. m. Pas11 a. m. Sunday School. 8 p. m. Evangelistic service. tor Weckle speaking on message, Sunday services: "The House In Which God Church, 10 a. m. Rev. Edith Cass City Methodist Church— Dwells," exposition of I Cor., Smith. Sunday School, 11 a. m. Floyd Wilfred Porter, pastor. chapter 6, verses 12 to 20- Adult Main floor, Edwin Rayl, supt. 10 a. m. Sunday School in all choir under leadership of Mr. Youth meeting Sunday evedepartments, including adults. Clyde Wells, graduate of Baptist nings. 11 a. m. Worship. Sermon, Bible Seminary, Grand Rapids Prayer and Bible study, Michigan, will sing the anthem, "Wednesday, 8 p. m., in the "Take-Read." Anthems by Chancel and Intermediate choirs. Nur'The Captain Is Calling." church. Galilean church for children Family fellowship, fourth Fri- sery for little folk. Wednesday: 4 p. m. Cherub through age of 12 years meets in day night of each month. basement auditorium for a WSCS, second Tuesday of each choir at Miller's. Junior choir at church. Intermediate choir at church service geared for them. month. Mrs. Weckle and Mrs. Bearss in Primary department, Fin? Tf^- parsonage. 7:30 p. m. Chancel charge. ley, supt. * choir. keeps a secret...beautifully The Church School Christmas service will be Sunday night, De~ :ember 18. The Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Holy Communion will be December 24. Sunday, December 11, 1955. Jehovah's Witnesses— Kingdom Hall 1659 Deckerville Road, Caro, Mich. Public lecture, "Does God Take .Sides?" 3 p. m. Watchtower subject study. "Ordination of the Qualified Ministers." Meetings Friday 8 p, m. The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd—Otto Nuechterlein, pastor. Divine worship at 9:00. Sunday School at 10:00. Tuesday—Church choir at 7:30. Novesta Church of Christ— HowaM Woodard, minister. Keith Little, Bible School supt. Bible School 10 a. m. Classes for all ages. Morning worship 11. Evening service 8. Young People's Choir practice Thursday 7:45 p. m. Young People's Bible study Thursday 8:00 p. m. Adult Bible study and prayer meeting Thursday 8:00 p. m. You are cordially invited to attend these services. The Surprise Tractor Of The Year RABIDEAU Motor Sales Cass City Reduced in time for Christmas DRESSER . . series ... the lowest priced series for ?56. But you'd never know it to look at that speedline chrome There's so much fresh new styling in the "OneFifty" it's hard to believe the car costs so little. It has new chrome—including both windshield and back window reveals—and its own distinctive two-toning. It stretches long and clean from grille to taillights (the left one hides the gas cap). It offers new power, V8 or 6, steering and handling ease few cars can match, plus all DYNAMIC Bed and Chest of all the high-priced-looking Chevrolet treatment or to feel that new power CASE "300" ^To be free, white and 21 does- The Shabbona Home Demonn't mean a thing to the young stration group met Nov. 30 at man who doesn't look where he's Evergreen Township Unit School. going. Nineteen members answered roll call by guessing how many Down through the ages it has straws it took to make a Chrisbeen more blessed to give than mas angel. Mrs. Loyd Bader rereceive—but never half as popu- ceived the angel for guessing lar. the right number of straws. The lesson for the evening, A man seldom appreciates hap- "Christmas Work Shop," was enpiness until he reaches the age joyed by the group. Mrs. Robert where he has to look back on Burns, Mrs. Frank Pelton and it. Mrs. Elwin McNaughton gave the group quite a few nice ideas Facing the truths which we on how to make tree decorations, least want to hear are often the table center pieces and new ways ones that would be to our advant- to wrap Christmas presents. i age to know. The next lesson on "Hard Sur- ' face Floor Coverings" will be It may be true that confession held December 28. i is good for the soul, but too few A lovely lunch was served at ; care to try the experiment. the close of the meeting. The "One-Fifty" 2-door sedan—one of 4 models in Chevrolet's smart and sprightly "One-Fifty" series. It's one of Chevrolet's New Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stevens and stay there a few days longer. daughter spent Monday night Mr. Larry and Kenneth Ferguand Tuesday with her parents, teon of Pontiac called at the home Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heck. of Mrs. Bessie McQueen SaturArt Meredith 'called at the Rex day. Nichols home -Thursday after- Mrs. Fred Stayhue and daughnoon. ters of Dryden spent Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Clare Auslander afternoon at the Rex Nichols and family spent Sunday at Bay home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson City. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheeler spent the week end* at the home and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hirsch of Mr. and Mrs. Jud Ferguson at attended a 25th wedding anni- Pontiac. versary party at Marlette Saturday evening.* Mrs. Margaret Dunlap, Lillian There's An Altogether and Evelyn spent Sunday evening at the Ron Warren home. The Shabbona Senior Zion's New Tractor Coming . . League met Sunday, Dec. 4, at the home of Howard Gregg. They are having a movie in January and the leader will be Nellie Gregcr. There is going to be a district Junior and" Senior Zion's League roller skating party at the Bad Axe roller rink Dec. 20 at 8:00 p. m. The LDS ladies will hold their meeting this month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Seres. 3-PLOW DESIGN Friends are glad to hear that Mrs. Frank Chippi is home from the hospital but her baby will ranging up to 205 H.P. of Chevrolet's great performance and safety features. Directional signals and safety door locks are standard equipment. Seat belts, with or without shoulder harnesses, and instrument panel padding are available at extra cost. Truly, the "One-Fifty" represents more quality than before. Come in soon and let us tell you its big secret—its low price tag! BULEN MOTORS Beautiful blond mahogany finish. Large 20x32 mirror. Large double dresser. Roomy chest. An outstanding savings at this special sale price. JUST 2 LEFT STAR-LITE 3-PIECE MAHOGANY By Bassett, Pittsburg plate glass tilting mirrors* Dust proof. Center guided. All hardwood construction. reg. $259 value $ LITTLE'S SILVER FOX 3 - Piece Bedroom Reg. $189.50 $149 50 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. CASS CITY OHRONIGLE—FKIDAY, DECEMBER 9,1955. Busy Holiday Season Ahead PAGE THREE. Personal News and Notes from Greenleaf PEOM THE FILES OP THE CHRONICLE The Greenleaf Extension Club Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Battel en- Rienstra of Worthington, Min- Morris will go on to Los Angeles, met Thursday, Dec. 1, with Mrs. tertained at a family dinner nesota, came to visit his brother California, for a few days. Mr. Henry McLellan. Thirteen mem- Sunday in honor of Mrs. John and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete and Mrs. Earl Harris drove the bers and five members of the 'Battel and Mrs. Lawrence Neaves Rienstra. Sunday, another broth- two ladies to Bay City. •Sheridan Home Demonstration whose birthdays are the same er, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Rienstra Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sowden group were present. Roll call was day. Those present were Mr. and of Hillman, who are on their way have moved from 413 Goodrich, answered by giving the member's Mrs. John Battel, Mr. and Mrs. to California, came as visitors Vassar, to 212 Goodrich. SaturTen Years Ago. favorite Christmas carol and Lawrence Neaves and family of till Monday at the Pete Rienstra day, a group of relatives went to - Bob Foy has received many later the group sang them with North Branch, Mr. and Mrs. home. Vassar to help them move househonors for his football prowess Mrs. Elmer Fuester at the piano. Morley Neaves of Bay City, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Neaves hold goods. Those helping were for the past season. Bob was After a short business meeting, and Mrs. Morris Sowden of Vas- of North Branch were Thursday Mrs. John Battel, Arthur Battel elected captain of the 1945 foot- the bazaar was the center of sar and Dan Battel. dinner guests of her mother and and Johnnie, Mr. and Mrs. Clifball squad. Then he was s'activity with Mrs. Fuester acting Mrs. Doris Mudge and Mrs, f aj;her, Mr. and Mrs. John Battel. ford Sowden of Bad Axe, Mr. and selected unanimously as center as auctioneer. .Tea and cookies Eleanor Morris had supper Wednesday night callers at the Mrs. Rayford Thorpe and Mr. of the Upper Thumb All Star were served from a table deco- Thursday night with Mr. and Battel home were Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Pete Rienstra. team and was placed on the rated with red candles and pine. Mrs. Henry McLellan. Clifford Sowden of Bad Axe. Northeastern Michigan All Star (Mrs. Doris Mudge poured. NO JUSTICE Mrs. Charles Bond, Sr., was a Mrs. Eleanor Morris left early When you and your family are wrapped up with Christsquad. . The Ladies Aid of Fraser Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday morning with Mrs. Ivan Taxation without representaFour village treasurers of Tus- Church met Wednesday at the Joseph Crawford. Hamilton for Bay City to take a tion was unjust—but taxation mas is no time to be left with a cold house because your cola County reported all taxes church for dinner .and quilting. Thursday of last week, Nick plane to Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs. with it is plenty expensive. collected in their municipalities Dinner was served at 12:15 to fuel tank is empty. when they made their returns to about thirty-five. One quilt was County Treasurer Arthur Willits. finished and another started. The Th§ four village treasurers are next meeting will be Dec. 14. Standard Furnace Oil Has Ernest Croft of Cass City, Eliza- Those in charge of the dinner beth Barcolow of Fairgrove, are Mrs. John Battel, Mrs. Edith E. Miller of Gagetown, and Archie McLachlan - and Mrs. Evans J. Kitchen of Mayville. Glen Profit. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Thom- Mrs. Ethel Allard of Pontiac "^RDTSR FOR^UBUCATION-Notice as and little son, David Alan, left came last week to spend some Guarantees against rust and other burner troubles. of Hearing-Appointment of Adminis- Sunday for Lansing where they time with her niece and family, !„ the'Matter of ****?*.«*!£?* will make their home. Mr. Thom- Mr. and Mrs. Merl Winters. trator and Deter as is an instructor in Michigan State of Michijra Fraser Church choir met ; For the County of --State College^ at East Lansing. Friday night for practice with Protect Them With A Call To Jennie Hunt, Deceased. A delegation of 35 Tuscola Mr. and Mrs. George Gillette at Choose from our outstanding- name brands of ' At a session of said Court, held on Famous Brands NovernbGr 17t>EU l9oo» -^ TM*src&. County boys and girls will go to the manse in Ubly. Detroit to compete in the 16th major and small appliances. Kenneth MacRae was called to annual Junior Livestock show on Rodney last week by the death of Dec. 11, 12 and 13, it was announced by Wm. Newland, as- bis sister, Mrs. Jennie McLean. sistant county agricultural agent. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Karr and ] children of Grosse Pointe Woods i Phone 562 Cass City were visitors Saturday night at! Twenty-five Years Ago. Considerable excitement the home of her parents, Mr. and; "You Expect More Front! Standard—And Get It!" I reigned in Deford Wednesday Mrs. Kenneth MacRae. morning about 4 o'-clock when the school building was discovered on fire. The loss is estimated at In all models and price ranges $150. Repairing started Wednesday morning and it is expected 3 everything will be in readiness for school next week. A barking dog aroused the Springer family Berm Besiste* of Probate. residing a_ block from the school • ••••»•! • »iMint»^»iiiiiiiiiriniiririiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiirirfirirmMtiiiiiiiiiiilKiliilliniiiiiiliiiiiMnTTin MAKE IT A 11-25-8 and they quickly spread the alarm. Largest and Finest Stock Monday, Thomas Colwell, livin This Territory at Caro, ing one and one half miles west Michigan of Cass City, took 125 pounds of honey from the gable end of the on display at our store Ranges Ironers upright at the north side of his! home. Three-fourths of it is good Electric Dryers Dish Washers prime honey. Automatic Washers Hot Water Heaters Thirty-two new books have* Use our convenient Layibeen added to the Woman's Study Away Plan Club library since March 5. Benjamin Buchowski, former cashier of the Argyle Bank of W. Reinault and Co., who was arrested recently on an embezzlement charge, has been given ten Stanley Asher, Manager days to reimburse the bank of PHONE 458 Station Phone 25 Appliance Store Phone 440 funds embezzled. The loss is said to be about $10,000. Liquidation CARO, MICHIGAN of the assets of the Argyle bank has been under way since the bank closed, after Buchowski's disappearance Aug. <6. Why Not Standard Fuel Oil Now STA - CLEAN Ed. Golding, Jr. Five Years Ago. One hundred twenty-seven acres of sugar beets are still in the ground in the area immediately surrounding Cass City, according to Leslie Muntz, Michigan Sugar Company field man in this territory. Muddy grounds caused by heavy rains have delayed harvesting. Irma Magel was the recipient of a grand award of a mix\naster and pop-up toaster set Wednesday afternoon in the second distribution of gifts during the Cass City Christmas Jubilee. | The Cass City Gun Club has 'received its charter from the National Rifle Association which makes members eligible to Deceive M-l rifles and ammunition from the government. Eicher'js Cleaners have installed a series of new machines that will not only help production considerably, but will also do a better job for the customer. Officers chosen by tne_ City Community Choir at the recent election were: president, Maurice Joos; vice-president, Alex Lindsay, and secretarytreasurer, Miss Joyce Fry. At Cass City Oil and Gas — Always The Best : ^&=5£* TELEVISION ROASTERS COFFEE MAKERS IRONS TABLE RADIOS IERY MEMORIALS It's "Good Sense" to Rck Up "Extra Cents Buy, Rent, Sell With a Chronicle Want Ad. GIFTS As I have been called back to shop work and unable to obtain €ffieienthelp,Iam forced to cut down on farm operations and will sell at public auction all my dairy cattle, together with a complete line of farm equipment, at the farm 1% miles east of Fairgrove, or 3 iftiles south of Akron, on the corner of N, Merry and WT Fairgrove Roads, on Saturday, December 10 Commencing at 12:30 sharp. CATTLE Good Grade Holstein Cattle Cows and Heifers 2 to 5 yrs. old are all from artificial breeding No. 1, Holstein cow, 7 years old, pasture bred, due soon . No. 2, Holstein cow, 7 years old, drying up, due in February No. 3, Holstein cow, 7 years old, milking, bred Nov. 9 No. 4, Holstein cow, 5 years old, milking, bred Sept. 8 No. 5, Holstein cow, 4 years old, milking, bred Aug. 16 No. 6, Holstein cow, 4 years old, milking, pasture bred No. 7, Holstein cow, 4 years old, milking, bred Aug. 15 No. 8, Holstein cow, 4 years old, milking, pasture bred No. 9, Holstein cow, 4 years old, milking, October 19 No. 10, Holstein cow, 3' years old, fresh Oct. 17, open No. 11, Holstein cow, 3 years old, milking, bred Aug. 10 No. 12, Holstein cow, 3 years old, milking, bred June 29 No. 13, Holstein heifer, 2 years old, fresh Nov. 10, calf by side No. 14, Holstein heifer, 2 years old, fresh Nov. 7, calf by side No. 15, Holstein heifer, 2 years old, fresh Nov. 23, calf by side No. 16, Holstein heifer, 2 years old, springing No. 17, Holstein heifer, 2 years, springing No. 18, Holstein heifer, 2 years old, due now No. 19, Guernsey heifer, 2 years old, bred Oct. 10 No. 20, Holstein heifer calf, 8 months old No. 21, Holstein heifer calf, 8 months old No. 22, Holstein heifer calf, 8 months old No. 23, Holstein heifef calf, 8 months old DAIRY EQUIPMENT Farm Master milkers, 2 units 4 can water tyDe milk cooler 12 10-gallon milk cans Strainer, pails, stirrw and pads FEED 100 bales bean pods 100 bales straw « MACHINERY 1949-50 Oliver 77 Row-Crop tractor, starter and lights, power lift, live power take-off, overhauled last spring 1950 Ford tractor, starter and lights, overhauled last spring Ford 6 ft. cut power mowing machine Ford lift type 3-sec. drag Ford 2-bot. 14 in. plow Allis Chalmers No. 60 combine, good working order, power take-off Allis Chalmers Koto baler, like new Scott Viner stub bar beet harvester Beet loader with motor 1940 Chevrolet iy% ton truck, no box Case elevator with unloading hopper and accessories, good shape John Deere beet and bean drill, good shape Van Brunt grain drill, 13-hose, with 4 double discs and press wheels and markers for drilling beans or beets New Idea 4-bar rake, like new McCormick corn shredder^ 8 rolls, in good working order, with drive belt John Deere corn binder, good working order John Deere 6 ft. cut mowing machine, enclosed clutch John Deere rubber tired 2 14 in. plow Clod buster High wheel field cultivator Tower 8 ft. double discs Roderick Lean 7 ft. double discs 2 sets 3-sec. drags Spikes Weeder, needs repairing Scott side dump beet box with axle and wheel 2 row John Deere beet lifter Mall 2-man 7 hp chain saw with chiseltype chain, good shape Truck running gear Doodle Bug running gear, with good 10x20 tires and tubes Model A motor and 4-speed transmission Rubber tired wagon and flat rack Assortment used tires, wheels and rims Jewelry wagon Many items too numerous to list EXTRA! EXTRA! Will have a load of choice selected Christmas trees from my property in Ogemaw County. Choice of 5 to 8 ft. trees, $2.00 to $3.00. A few church trees on order. Will have trees at farm Dec. 4 through day of sale, Saturday, Dec. 10. Come early and take your pick. TERMS: All sum£ of $10.00 and raider, cash; over that amount, time will be giyen on approved notes. Leon'R. Conway & Marion G. Conway Peoples State Bank, Clerk GassllCity Oil & GaslCo. earnings Memorials Thirty-five Years Ago. L. O. Hoxie, superintendent of the Cass City Public Schools has tendered his resignation as superintendent to the board of education to become effective Jan. 1. The average tax rate for I school purposes in the Thumb was $16t85 ' per $1000. Tuition charged non-resident pupils was $19.82 in the grades and $42 in high school. C. J. Striffler was elected president, and Harry Crandell secretary of the Cass City Fair Association, at the meeting held Thursday afternoon. A. A. Ricker has sold 40 acres in Ellington Township to Nicholas Thane and L. H. Wood has sold his residence on Garfield Ave. to W. O. Stafford of Owendale. Roy Severance has accepted a position with the Shabbona Bank. It has been rumored for the past few weeks that the loea! condensary would probably close soon. According to W. L. Mann, superintendent of the local plant, there is no truth in the rumor. He said that the Cass City plant is a modern one and has a good milk supply so would be the last to close. Michigan Bottle Gas COOKING'S LP-6AS WHITE CHRISTMAS , you actually get The Thunderbird Y8 engine '56 Ford And this Thunwerbird Y-8 is the standard eight in all Ford Fairlane and Station Wagon models, at no extra cost I Now you can have the power you've always dreamed about... and in a familysize Ford! When you order an eightcylinder Ford Fairlane or Station Wagon model you get the big Thunderbird Y-8— the very same engine that made Ford's Thunderbird famous. feel like downhill. .. distances disappear. You can pass in instants when instants count. And when you-want swift, sure, take-off power you get i t . . . and now! $ You get a 4-barrel carburetor and dual exhausts. As in all Ford engines for '56, you get a 12-volt ignition system for fast all-weather starts . . . low-friction, high- compression design for more miles from less gas. And, above all, the new Thunderbird eight is a Y-8 engine with deep-block build for quieter, smoother performance .. . longer engine life. In addition to Thunderbird lightning, Ford offers you the Thunderbird look! You can see it's a blood brother of the fabulous Thunderbird! What's more, you get Ford's exclusive Lifeguard Design. Come in and Test Drive th© fin* car at half the fine-car pdo&» Cltftn, ^tnek, CMMMB* Scoooaucai, to*. Ctot . . . the iBodwa'fewI for he>m«» fe>«yond tfr« gas - - -~~-s— ; ""^-.^iig .00 per 100 Ibs. Cash and Carry $9.00 Delivered Try the Thunderbird Y- 8 in the fine car at half the fine-car price! AUTEN MOTOR SALES Phone 111 Q«iAT W, P0t» THIATRI, Cass City WNEM. &W p. m. Ttmwday— . - . • u '.nun . , , T — CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. CASS CITY eHKOHICLE— FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9,1955. Michigan Mirror News Briefs One figures Williams is picking up the fringe support around Estes Kefauver and Averill Harrimaix, of New York. Both have made the charges against 'Stevenson, If the theory is sound, WilSchools of thought vary with liams could Center the Democratic National Convention as an atthe political winds. tractive darkhorse for (1) those ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. who do not want to go with a General, (2) State of Michigan, me Probate Court previous loser, Stevenson, those split over Harriman and for the County of .Tuscola. In the Matter of the Estate ef Michal Kefauver and (3) those who wa*ht Dudinski, Deceued, At a session of said Court, held on a fighting campaign. * * * November 26th. 1956. „ „, Present, Honorable Ahnon C. Pierce, The other side of the coin Judge of Probate. Notice is Hereby Given. That th« depicts Williams as a full-time petition of Antoinette JanfcowsM. administratrix of said .estate wraviner that Democrat who has never ducked said Court adjudicate and determine who a fight. He would rather go down were the lesral heirs at the time of his swinging than win a half-victory death and entitled *o inherit his real estate 'will be heard at the Probate Court without striking a blow. on December 21st. 1955. at ten a. na. Williams said Stevenson was It is Ordered, that notice thereof be given by publication of a copy hereof for suggesting a "national coffee three weeks consecutively previous to said day of hearing, in the Cass City break" in his Denver speech and Chronicle, and that 'the petitioner cause repudiated the "breather" a copy of this notice to be served upon philosophy for the Democrats. each known party in interest at his last * * * known address by registered mail, return receipt demanded, at least fourteen {14) Williams denied it was his first days prior to such hearing, or by personal service at least five (5) days prior move to move in as a candidate to such hearing. for the nomination for president ALMON C. PIERCE, Judge of Probate, next summer. A true copy He fell back on his earlier Beatrice P. Berry, Register of Probate. statement that "any American 12-2-3 Politicians are trying to assess the attack by GOT. Williams OH the "moderation" stand of Adlai Stevenson in the light of the 1956 conventions and presidential election. would fee pro.ud" to be a candidate, but ignored previous statements that Stevenson appeared to be the most likely Democrat in1956. •* * * Republicans around the state still are convinced that Williams will try to make history again by going for a fifth term as the state's chief executive. They feel he will wait until later when President Eisenhowerhas left the scene. This, Williams might consider a more opportune time to appear on the campaign trail. Republicans, however, are still far apart on their choice for governor in 1956. Rep. Bentley, of Owosso, and Mayor Cobo, of Detroit, both have.said they preferred their present jobs but would take the GOP nomination for governor if they could avoid a primary fight. Rep. Ford, of Grand Rapids is still a possibility and friends said that Donald S. Leonard, former state and Detroit police commissioner, will try again after his defeat by Williams in 1954. * # * THIS CHRISTMAS BE DIFFERENT! Give Convenience, Privacy, Protection A gift-wrapped EXTENSION TELEPHONE . . No more thoughtful gift ... or more welcome. Remembered, used and appreciated long after run-of-the-mill presents are forgotten. State Treasurer Sanford A. Brown, nicknamed "Farmer Brown" by Democrats, is working on ideas to build.up the dairy industry. He has asked farm and dairy organizations to give their views on sales of milk in gallon jugs. Brown already has a report from Ohio that the use of the jugs has increased the per capita consumption of milk by 167 pounds and has created a savings to the householder an average of six cents a quart. * * .* Only fear, he said, was that the farmer might lose in the switch—getting less for his raw milk. "But if we can work it out and increase the use of milk, while at the same time cutting the price without hurting the farmer, we will advocate it," Brown said. * * * Grass Roots Organization of ^ Michigan's 8S counties to parti- » cipate in Michigan Week next May 20-26 is underway. Durward B. Varner, vice-president of Michigan State University, has been apwinted director of counties and Michigan's 600 communities for the observance. Varner will work with local officials to set up on-the-scene committees which will start work before Jan. 1. He was appointed by Russel A. Swaney, the general chairman. "The county committee will be depended upon to see that Michigan Week is observed everywhere in its county," said Swaney. "There are 497 incorporated towns in our state and at least 100 unincorporated communities, We expect them all to •participate. It's theirs." * * * Swaney said the state organization would provide help and coordination to all other groups. "We want to prepare a significant statewide program in which al^ Michigan people will be working together and to promote in connection with Michigan Week all the recognition we can for Michigan outside the state," he said. Working with Varner will be leading representatives of education, labor, industry and civic groups. Just call our Business Office. Now ! GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF M I C H I G A N s/^^^ Christmas is now* heralded at the state capitol. Workmen have erected a giant Christmas tree at the entrance, have strung lights and have finished decorating the traditional tree, visible for several miles on the nights before Christmas. Later, each of the major state offices will conduct Christmas receptions for their staffs, topped by the four-hour reception by Gov. Williams in the executive NEED TO SHOP MOUND.. . Each week tne Food Locker brings you the big- PORK STEAK gest specials in town and every day they feature Iow? low prices. Come in, shop and see! BEEP OR 39C PORK LIVER Ib. Pan Ready Stewing Hens . . . ERLA'S HOME MADE Ib. SLICED Choice Cut Shoulder Veal Steak BOLOGNA Ib. Hickory Smoked Pre-Cooked Ib. Hams BACK FAT Rib Steak mmnKS^^- Ib. BACON SQUARES Ib. as. '_s 47c ALL FOOD LOCKER MEATS ARE HEALTH INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION Velvet Devil's - Yellow - White Bulk Fresh PEANUT BUTTER 2- 47c Dates 2-lb. jar for Ripe Yellow WITH {\ lbs Bananas ^ Cypress Gardens Robin Hood ORANGE JUICE Juicy Tangerines seedless Seedless *"• j Grapefruit 4 46-oz. cans for Ass't. Flavors .fioiS i>« JL Id V WJ. 9 ALL BRANDS COFFEE 1-lb. tin Take a good look at real good looks! No place but in OHsmobile for '56 could you find going-places glamor like this! For here is styling inspired by Oldsmobile's exclusive Starfire — with the same sleek, low-cut lines — a bold new airfoil grille — fleet new beauty from every point of view! And when it comes to action, this car more than lives up to its looks! Powered by Oldsmobile's blazing new Rocket T-350 Engine, paired with new Jetaway Hydra-Matic* for powerfully smoothperformance! Make a date with Oldsmobile's Super 88 for 1956! *Standard on Ninety-Eight models; optional at extra cost on Super 88 models. Only Olds has all these "Features of the Future" if Delta-Inspired Airfoil if Rocket T-350 Action! Grille! if Jetaway Hydra-Matic* •£• Trend-Setter Instrument Smoothness! Panel!' if Stunning New Starfire if Flairaway Fender Design! Styling! if New Safety-Ride Chassis! if Fashion-First Interiors! ... plus every advanced Power Feature^ to complement that Power Personality! 89C HART BRAND VISIT THE "ROCKET ROOM". . . AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S! BULEN MOTORS- * REPEAT PERFORMANCE! OlDSMOBILE PRESENTS "BABES IN TQYLAND", WITH DAVE GARROWAY AND D|NNI$ DAYI CHRISTMAS IVI ON NBC-TV I' Jell-o3 l Great Lakes /2 gal. ^^^^^^ Ice Cream 77 Vanilla or 3-Layer SUGAR 303 cans fOptionai at extra cos.t; Safety Power Steering standard on Ninety-Eight models. S IV/I O ^^«^^ 59c We Reserve Right To Limit Quantities Cass SLAUGHTERHOUSE 306 Locker 1 45c CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. €ASS CITY CHRONICLED- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9,1956. PAGE FIVE. NEWS Merchants' League. G. Bartle 496, B. Ryland 469, L. Week of Nov. 30. Retherford Selby (sub.) 457, B. Dewey 452. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpkins were Thursday dinner guests of Lee Hendrick's. ning visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Individual high single game: and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jackson Mr. and Mrs., Jim Walker. had a very nice 3-game this week Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis for 621. He had 210, 225, 186. W. G. Bartle 204, L. Bigham 194, B spent Friday at Steve Decker's. Mr. and Mrs. Art Booms, Jane spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Eliza- Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cieslinski Ryland 193, M. Pawlowski 185 Guinther tied Parsch for high Mrs. Charlie Brown fell and and Violet of Helena spent Sun- beth Andrews at Owendale. and family of Peck spent Sunday M. Guild 184. game of the year of 247, , broke her ankle Monday. Mr. and day afternoon and evening visit- Don Smith of Cass City spent i afternoon and evening visiting Five high average: G. Bartle Mrs. Jerry Marchand of Pontiac ing Mr. and Mrs. Allen Depcin200 games rolled were W. Sunday night with Arlan Hen-j Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sweeney. Guinther 247, Retherford 210, 160, M. Guild 150, L. Bigham 148, came Saturday evening and took ski. ! "ft/T-« „« J . TIT—. 1~\r_1TT JI- • drick. Mr. and Mrs.-Dick Hendrick 225, Golab 219, Wallace, C. 212, B. Dewey 147, V. LaPeer 139. Mrs. Brown home with them for Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hendrick and Ronnie spent Saturday night Mrs. Cliff Silver, Mrs. Gerald R. Guinther 211, Hampshire 205, some time. \ and Ronnie spent .Sunday evening Wills and Mrs. Eli Martin spent visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack ZelWomen's City League. Asher 202, Wallace, J. 201, A. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Depcinski visiting Mr. and Mrs^ Gaylord Wednesday in Saginaw. lar at Ellington. Team Pts. and family spent Thursday eve- Lapeer. Hartwick, Strickland 200. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sweeney 33% ning visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Retherford leads this week B. Andrus Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jackson and entertained 14 guests at a going HUMANITY 32 with 621. Others with 500 were: M. Alward Depcinski. Bob visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parents would be very wise if away party for Mr. and Mrs. 27% Wallace 588, W. Guinther 573, L. Jacoby Mrs. Neil Mclntyre and son, Fuester Thursday evening. Lynn Fuester on Sunday evening. .'they could learn as much as their 27 Asher 549, R7 Johnson 548, Kil- B. Hildinger Don, of Bad Axe were Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Steve Decker Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith of i teen-age children think they 23 bourn 544, Morrell 543, Strick- A. McComb New Minneapolis-Moline night supper guests of Mr. and spent Thursday visiting at Cass City spent Thursday eve-' could teach them. 22 and 539, Parsch, Hubbard, Jr. B. Dewey Mrs. Dave .Sweeney. harlie Brown's. 20 531, Knoblet, L. Wallace 527, A. L. Selby Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Spar• 19 Hartwick 523, Kolb 522, Vargo I. Hildinger 3ob and Mr. and Mrs. Charles 521, Musall 521, Hampshire 519, Team high three games: B. 3ond and girls spent Saturday in ing of Bay City spent Monday at ;he home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dewey 2013, B. Andrus 1922, L. H. Copeland 508, Rienstra 507, Caro. Sweeney. eiger 506, Gremel, R. Guinther Jacoby 1876. Mr. and Mrs. Don Loomis of Team high singles: B. Dewey agetown, Mr. and Mrs. Joe The many friends and patients 505, Ulrey 504. 700-689, B. Andrus 691, L. Selby High team game: Strohs 924, Mcher, George Copeland and of Dr. J. D. Herron of Mt. PleasFuelgas 902, Oliver 896. 670. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hendrick and ant (formerly of Caro) will be By fl. M. Balen High 3-game teams: Strohs Individual high three games: lonnie and Etta Auten were Sun- sorry to hear he died Monday at Model ZEE ;585, Rusch 2549, Fuelgas 2519. B. Ryland (sub.) 494, B. Hildin- lay dinner guests of Mr. and Bay City hospital. Build a better mousetrap, they say, and the For Just er 489, L. Selby 466. ' Team Standings: Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hendrick Mrs. Lee Hendrick. world will . . . well you know how it goes. Individual singles: B. Ryland Team Won and Ronnie and Mrs. Lee HenMr. and Mrs. Lynn Spencer Besides mousetraps, people have been trytaff Fuelgas 3 (sub.) 185-173, I. Hildinger 173, attended the fish supper in Ubly drick left Monday morning to go to build better motor cars since the day they were Selby 173. Strohs 3 ;o Battle Creek where Dick will iViday evening. Equipped with wide front end, live power take-off and] Alwards ....". Individual high averages: S. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Thornton et a plane to go to California 3 invented. Better accessories too, and some of hydraulic equipment. Shellane 2 Nye 150, B. Dewey 143, L. Selby and Mary McHugh were Monday and from there to Japan. them have been used and-some have been pretty Hartwick 2 38, A. McComb 136. vening supper guests of Mr. George Copeland of Cass City weird. Beginners. Brinkers 2 nd Mrs. Steve Decker. s spending some time at Lee New Minneapolis-Moline High three games: L. Sugden Rusch 2 I've saved the stories of a few over the years. In 1952, for Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brown and lendrick's. Anrods 2 374, W. May 370. aniily spent Wednesday evening Mrs. Cliff Silver spent Friday instance, a man in Miami, Florida, got a patent on a dandy idea for High singles: A. Kilbourn 135, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jack- at Dave Sweeney's. Olivers 2 a windshield wiper. His windshield (on paper) rolled back and forth W. May 134-131. Bowling Alley on. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jackson into the top of the car, cleaning itself by its own motion. Forts Mary Louise Sweeney of Sagi- spent Friday evening visiting Bankers Inventions to cut down skidding have been another favorite of raw spent from Thursday till If r. and Mrs. Arnold LaPeer. Feed Prices20% lunday with her parents, Mr. and Oscar Hendrick of Bad Axe the amateur engineers, the most common idea being to sprinkle Jack and Jill League. Angus Sweeney. Less in 1955 was a Thursday night supper sand in front of the rear wheels. I November 27 Standing. Jerald Auten spent Saturday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee HenThe first invention of this kind was put on paper well before drick. Team W Feed grain prices in Michigan visiting Hay Hendrick. Mrs. .Gaylord LaPeer and Char191&, and well before snow tires and other special treads wer* deDil-Dew-Havt 16 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cleland are about 20 per cent below a ene spent Friday evening visit- entertained at a belated birthday veloped. 'Hie latest device like this was patented in March of 1954. Hu-Ba-Se-Ga 16 year ago. M6del4TSD ng Mr. and Mrs. Newt Barker in party for Jesse Wilson Sunday At least they keep on trying (and they don't seem to mind how ma«h Bry-Ash-Go 14 Alfred Ballweg, county agri- Sad Axe. Schr-Joe-Bin 10 evening. For Only all that sand would weigh). cultural agent, says these lower Mrs. Lynn Spencer won a tur- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hendrick Ny-Go-Kil 9 15 ^7 prices mean that chances for a <ey on a turkey shoot quiz FriRye-Tra-Bra 7 and Ronnie spent Friday evening Another patent was issued for a mechanism that would spring Team high three games: Dil- margin above feed costs are bet- ay afternoon on WLEW. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Max Brad- between the windshield and the driver as soon as he had a collision. With belt pulley and live power take-off. ter for some farmers than they Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bond and ey at Caro. Dew-Havt. 2713. (A safety belt would be a lot simpler and safer). Team high one game: Schr- were a year ago. Dairy and »fr. and Mrs. Steve Decker spent Mrs. Dave Sweeney and Ruth poultry farmers seem to be in Wednesday at Cliff Jackson's. Joe-Bin 935. Out of a host of inventions, some of them sound and some o*f Ann called at the Henry McLelDEMONSTRATOR Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sweeney an home on Sunday. Jack high three games: Tom the best position to buy feed them zany, have come today's improved cars, accessories and optionsince their prices have not deDewey 548. Mr. arid Mrs. Clifford Jackson al equipment. The thing that surprises so many peoople is that a lot Jack high one game: Alvin clined like those of the hog and Bob were Sunday dinner I of thig and equipment is on cars a few years old, cars raiser, he Indicates. DIRECTORY Guild 202. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord that won't break your budget to buy. A quality used car, serviced Jill high three games: Betty Michigan produced 12 per cent l»aPeer and family. .}_ by us all its life, is certainly a good buy these days. more feed grains (corn, oats and Dewey 481. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wil JAMES BALLARD, M. D. barley) this year than 1954. BeJill high one game: Betty iamson of Sandusky and Mr. and Office at Cass City Hospital Example: Clinton Law's 1952 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan. One of cause of last summer's drought, Dewey 212. 'hone415M Hours, 9-5, 7-9 tfrs. Leonard Copeland and the nicest cars we have had. Painted red with a black top. Equipped however, feed grain supplies are Jack high three average: Eler glide automatic transmission, air flow heater and deden Asher 181, Carl Nye 161, Joe not evenly distributed over the DENTISTRY state, according to farm '. Very low mileage. Kilbourn 159. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sweeney £. C. FRITZ Jill high three average: Jennie economists at Michigan State and family of Caro scent SaturOffice over Mac & Scotty Drug We wish we had half a dozen more as nice. If you want a really Bartle 153, Lizzie Bingham 146, University. Some areas in the Store. We Solicit your patronage day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Angus nice car for not too much money, you should see this one. It won't northern and western part of the Pauline Johnson 144. Sweeney. (state are in short supply, while when in need of work. Model 4TS Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Halev of cost you a cent to try it. We know you'll like it* others have a rather large HL T. Donahue, A. B, M. D. Owendale were Sundav dinner Merchanettes League. 9 For Just Team Pts. amount. eruests of Mr. and Mrs. Rege Physician and Surgeon Because of this uneveness of X-Ray C. C. Oil & Gas 31 Eyes Examined Davis. Drewrys 27 production, there's more than the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballaerh. Phones: Copelands 26 usual difference in prices over and family were Saturday nisrht Office, 96 — Res, 69 Leesons 26 the state. Locally farmers who snrroer sruests of Mr. and .Mrs. K. I. MacRae, D. 0. Rabideaus 25 need to buy grain can make some Cliff Silver. money-spying purchases. Corn 'Team No. 10 ~ :..-.'.... 21 Osteopathic Physician and Paul O'Harris of Cass Citv Alwards 20 prices in summer of 1956 will Surgeon spent Saturday night with Bob Walbro Chokes 15 likelv be about $1.25 to $1.35 a Half block east of Chronicle Corner M-53 and M-81 Jackson. Walbro Throttles 15 bushel. Office, 226W Res. 226M Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Decker and Although hay production in ; Walbro Valves 14 girls spent Saturday evening at DR. D. E. RAWSON j Team high three games: Team Michigan was 9 per cent below a DR. G. C. CARRICK No. 10 2127, Rabideaus 2048, year ago, there seems to be enough rouerhage in most areas. Drewrys 2044. DENTISTS Team high single game: C. C. Oon!=dr!era.ble corn silage made in Phone §5 Osss City Oil Gas 767, Team No. 10 742- several areas will offset the DR. W. S. SELBY smaller amount of hay, said Ball730, Drewrys 734. Optometrist Individual high three game;: weg. Hours 9-5, except Thursday Evenings by appointment. Over Ben Franklin Store Phone 389 CLEARANCE SALE 3 - Plow Tractor 00 4 PLOW Diesel Tractor oo $ 4 Plow SALES SERVICE Bartnik's It's "Good Sense" to Pick Up "Extra Cents" Buy, Rent, Sell With a Chronicle Want Ad. pecial!! F. L. MORRIS, M. D. Office 4415 South Seeger St. Office hours, 1-4 and 7-9 p. ra. Phone 415W Harry Crandell, Jr., D. V. M. Office 4438 South Seeger St. Phone 27 FAMOUS HAMILTON DRYER WITH ALL THE FEATURES WOMEN WANT MOST Model 362-6 automatic Model clothes drying—has a 17-year "head 7552G start" which brings you many more Gas or advanced features. Electric Hamilton originated FRITZ NEITZEL, P. A. of A. Portraits - Commercial - Candida Film • Finishing & Equipmea* Phone 245 Caw City STEVENS' NURSING HOME Cass City Specializing in the core of the chronically HI. Under the supervision of Helen S. Stevens, R. N. apeedy, so different it's actually protected by U.S. Patents! a 5ttn-c«0ey S.ansp—Your clothes will have th« sweet, fresh smell of summer sunshine all year long, thanks to Harailton'g own Sim>K>Day Q Control-No high medium-low guesswork! There's a special setting for each fabric type, right on your Pahri-Dmll Q Unt Centre! No lint problems with your Hamilton! Lint control screens exhaust twice— fc extra large, easy-to-dean! Fuelgas Co. of Cass City Intersection Of M-81 and M-53 Phone 395 Monday, Dec. 5, to Dec. 9 '55 THE FOLLOWING DESCRffi ED VALUES Legislative Accomplishments ^Three per cent sales tax exemption on CHIROPRACTOR farm supplies $4,500,000 annual savHon. - Fri. 9-12, 1-5, 6-16-9 ing- to Michigan farmers since 1935 Tues. - Wed. - Sat. 9-12, 1-5 Reduction in school and property taxes Closed Thursdfc/s and removal of property taxes from House calls made roads Phoae 870 233 S. State St. Caro Led on protecting rural representation in the Reapportionment of the Legislature N. C. MANKE Established guaranteed seed program in Steam Baths and Swedish Michigan Massage Help to secure reduction of license fees for Special Foot Treatments farm trucks and trailers in Michigan Mrs. Maake in Attendance Reduction in fertilizer prices, seed prices, Church & Oak Streets, Cass City open formula feeds, etc. Phone 242 Member benefits Vehicle and tractor insurance cost Expert Watch Repairing Hospital, Medical and Surgical protection PROMPT SERVICE service REASONABLE CHARGES Community betterment Satisfaction Guaranteed No job too big - No job too email Promotes rural-urban understanding WM. MANASSE Legislative information An active program for women and youth JEWELER DR. B. V. CLARK 180 N. State St. Drying-* Hamilton's own air circuH Carrier-Current lation system—so gentle, so The Farmer Must Organize or— Be Run by Those Who Are Organized. Due to the fact we as farmers want to preserve our rights and hold our strength in the Legislature, we are offering for sale a membership located in SANILAC COUNTY, Beginning at 12:00 NOON on A voice in farm policy A program in your home community Freedom in farm operation Over the years the American Farm Bureau has fought consistently for . the welfare of agriculture by seeking: 1. Sound over-all policies which lead a high , level of production, employment, income and trade 2. An expanding educational program for both youth and adults 3. High standards with respect to health, housing ,electrical service and other aids to better living 4. Conservation of our soil, water and forest resources 5. Coordinated administration of agricultural programs without centralized control 6. Fair price supports for agricultural commodities 7. A farm credit system fully cooperative farmer-controlled and farmer-owned Caro, Mich. JOHN W. BAYLEY AGENCY Bookkeeping Income Tax Insurance Office Hours: 9-5 except Thursday and Saturday Telephone 573 DR. J. H. GEISSESTGER Chiropractor Mornings: 9-12 Daily Afternoons: 1:80-5, except Throw. Evenings: 7-9, Toes, and Friday Tit-fin*. B«sid* P#st Ofrk« O cash for 365 days of sound farm representation. AH sums over that amount cannot be accepted. Sanilac County Farm Bureau Phone, Sandusky 456 Your Neighbor, Auctioneer CABS CITY CHRONICLE—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955' i?AGESIX. CASS C3TY. CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City Area Social and Personal Items PUBLISHED BVEBY FRIDAY AT GASS CITY. MICHIGAN The Cass City Cbroxucie established in *899 br Frederick Kluzap and the CMS City Enterprise founded in 1881. eosoaoildated muter the name of the Csss City Chronicle on April 20, 1906. Entered «a second class mail matter at the post office at Cass City, Mich., under Act of Mar. 8, 1879. Subscription Price—To post offices in Tuscola, Huron and Saailac Counties. 12.60 a year, $1.50 for six months. IB other parts of the United States, 88.00 a year, 26 /cents extra charge for part y«as order. Payable in advance. For information regarding; newspaper advertising; and commercial and jot printing, telephone No. 18. John Haire and E. J. LaPorte, Publishers. National Advertising Representatives t Michigan Press Service, Inc., East Lansing, Mich., and Weekljr Newspaper Representatives. Inc., 92t Broadway, New York 10. N. Y. Mrs. Kenneth Bentley spent The correct address of Daniel Mr, and Mrs. John McCormick, , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anker were I Mrs« Grant Hutchinson entertained, eight ladies at a coffee Toner is Daniel J. Toner S R 48- the past three weeks caring for Jr., are the proud parents of a guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. 68351, Co. 664 Batt 123 Reg. 12 her two grandsons at Milford six-pound, 13-ounce baby daugh- Gillies at Port Huron, Sunday. , Thursday afternoon. their parents were deer ter, born Monday, Dec. 5, at HubLeonard and Blanch Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Earl DouglasBarrack No. 1301, USNTC Great while hunting at Seney, Michigan. bard Memorial Hospital in Bad and Carol Sue visited last Friday Lakes, 111. entertained 28 guests at a dinevening at Lee Hendrick's of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Damm Axe. Mrs. John Hulburt and Mrs. ner party in their home SaturDwight Buschlen and children, and daughter, Mrs. Wm. JohnMr. and Mrs. Grant Hutchinson Wickware. day evening. ston, visited Mrs. Damm's sissons visited Mr. and Mrs. _Mrs. Robert Pearson and sons Mr* and Mrs. George E. Lapeer Nancy and Jon, of Snover called ter, Mrs. George Miller^ in Sagi- and Lewis McGrath and family .Sun- of Pontiac are spending some :at the Ken Bentley home Tuesand son, Garry, of Royal naw Friday evening. day evening. The McGraths have time with Mrs. Pearson's mother, --»• dinner at the Ken * Bentley day, Nov. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cox Mr. and Mrs. Luke Tuckey had recently moved to Gagetown Mrs. Ella Vance. fltoxne Sunday. and family, who have been living with them last week their little from Romeo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sweet in the Paul schoolhouse, have' The No vesta Farmers', Club of East Detroit were Sunday din&as.& son, Jimmie, of Lapeermoved to the first floor in the grandson, Chas. Mantey of Fairvisited Mrs. Sweet's mother, home of Mrs. Jennie Bentley on grove, while Mr. and Mrs. Carl will have their December meet- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. STEVENS NURSING HOME " Mantey were in Chicago. ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson. In the afterGeorge Seeger, Sunday. South Seeger. noon they called on Mr. and Mrs Patients as of December 7. Keith Little, Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. DeGrant Mrs. Melvin Whittaker was Joseph Zawilinski, Benj. Mrs. Lee Hartel, who was in- and Betty Jane of Bad Axe vis-Dec. 15. There wi|l be an ex- Douglas VanAllen, erred Thursday, Dec. 1,'to the of Vonderake, Mrs. Catherine Mrs'. Walter Thompson and SagMaw General Hospital and i Mrs. Wm. Eberline Friday eve- ited Mrs. DeGrant's sister and change of gifts. Thompson, Mrs. Delia Lauderunderwent surgery Saturday ping, found that the gathering family, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Clair Tuckey are the Misses Georgia Thompson bach and Mrs. Matilda Thiel of and Catherine Baker went to AlHutchinson and sons, Sunday. staying for a month in the Alvah HONORED—^Specialist Third Class Roger L. Little (left) of 'was in her honor and some 13 ma Monday to attend the Wom- Cass City, receives congratulations from Major General Phillip Cass City; Mrs. Nellie Bird and Mrs. Chester Graham enterHillman home while Mr. and Mrs. Tffrs. Alton Mark and Mrs. rifts** . trip to. en's Missionary Council of the Gallagher, commanding general of the U. S. Army's Communica- Mrs. Ruth Gray of Detroit; Mrs. her with glfts « tamed ten^corsetiers from the Hillman are on a month's Ifack Little visited Mrs. Ellen pink and blue. tions Zone in Europe, after being selected Honor Soldier at a review Mary Johnson, Mrs. Matilda LudNorthern district of Michigan at | California to visit their daughter Assembly of God Church. Paul at the Jackson Rest Home recently held in the general's honor at Verdun, France. Specialist wig and Clarence Reddicliffe of American Legion Auxil- a Christmas party at her home (Helen) and her husband, Mr. Out-of-town guests at the aft Vassar Sunday and also Mrs. will meet Monday evening, Monday. A potluck dinner, ex- and Mrs. Weldon Howard. 90th anniversary of the EUB Little was chosen for his soldierly appearance, knowledge of duties Croswell; A. B. Chase of Argyle; Patterson at Ellington. 12> Levi Kritzman and Wm. Rowley Mrs. James Staple- change of gifts and social time Church in Cass City were: Mrs. and military courtesy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hutchinson Veda Montgomery, Pontiac; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Douglas ton in Caro> of Snover; Mrs. Vida Turner of Christmas party were enjoyed. are leaving next week for Biloxi, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robertwin be combined with the regular Akron; Edgar Vorhes and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Don RobertsMiss., where they expect to stay and Mrs. Ray Spencer, Port Martha Osburn of.Deford; Mrs. BoHglas and daughter at Homer meeting and there will be an ex- (Lois Little) of Center Line anHuron; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley until January and" then will go to. Striffler, Mrs. W. Leonard, and Sunday and John Douglas of Ann change of «secret pal" gifts. Maud Cassidy of Clifford; Mrs. the birth of a seven- Florida. Mr. Hutchinson's mothArlbor joined his parents there ) Four-month-old ^ . „.«, ^ Jeffrey T^-P™,,. •Wm. nounce Clara Joss of Deckerville; Wm. pound, three-ounce daughter, er, Mrs. Eliza Hutchinson, will Mrs. Lucien King, all of Detroit; for, the day. Brownie Scouts, who meet Lee and Mrs. Emily Pangbbrn of/ Simmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brenda Kay, on Dec. 1 in Pleas- spend the winter with relatives Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Haist, SagiDecker; Mrs. Anne Parrish of John Simmons (Alberta Weisen- ant Home Hospital. Mrs. Roberts naw; Mr. and Mrs. Harley Dean under the direction of Mrs, RonMr. and Mrs. Clifton Heller baugh) of Owosso, former resi- and baby went to the home of in Flint. and son, Fred, and Mrs. Roy ald Phillips and Mrs. Earney of Howell this week have issued Sandusky; Mrs. Iva Funk, Anna Mr. and Mrs. Luke Tuckey and Graham, Caro; Mrs. Ida Law, Seeley, entertained the mothers Montgomery and Mrs. Maggie dents here, died suddenly and the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur an invitation to friends for a 'body was brought to Cass City Little, Sunday. Out-of-town call- sons had as 'Sunday dinner Capac; Mr. and Mrs. Theron of the Brownies Tuesday after- Christmas open house to' an- Bopp of Marlette, and Mrs. for burial in Elkland Cemetery ers at the Little home Sunday guests, her sister and family, Mr. Bush and family, Unionville; Mr. noon at a tea and the Brownies nounce his purchase of full Gertrude Clark, John Eifert and presented with their Mrs. Lenora Hill of Bad Axe. Nov. 28. Besides the parents, the included Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Wm. Shue and three and Mrs. Carl Ritter and Mrs. were ownership of a flower shop in the baby is survived by two sisters Henry of Detroit and Mr. and daughters of Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Barton Beecher and daughter, Brownie pins. Three members of Howell community. PLEASANT HOME HOSPITAL J. D. Tuckey and little son and Bad Axe; Mrs. Qrton Klinkman the troop, Kathy Holm, Barbara and a brother. Mrs. Paul Craig of Caro. Mr. Heller is the son of the Births: Bliss and Linda Gruber, were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tuckey and| ii Decker; and Mrs Owen Dar ng) The new address of James Mrs. Laura Reagh is happy late Earl Heller, -a Cass City Nov. 30 to Mr. and Mrs. James infant son. Mr. and Mrs. George Southworth, not present but will receive their businessman, and grew up in the Ewald of Unionville, an eightReagh is Pvt. James L. Reagh, pins at a later date. Made ofMr. and Mrs. Leonard CopeElkton; Mr. and Mrs. Keith TJS55531202, 5th Ordnance Co. and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Shelficial Brownies were: Diane Cass City community. He was a pound, five-ounce daughter, Joan (DS) APO 358 Det. "A" San don Ettling, who have been liv- land and Carol Sue plan to spend Haley, Bach, and Arthur Wurtz, Yedinak, Susan Schuckert, Diane 1929 graduate of Cass City High Elizabeth. Francisco, Calif. Pvt. Reagh is ing in Honolulu, Hawaii,'will be this week at George Schneider's Saginaw. Nov. 30 to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Dembowske, Cathy Ryland, Betty School. stationed in Korea and has writ- with her for Christmas. They ex- in Detroit and sittend the mar- j Mr. Heller had been co-owner Dillon of Colwood, an eightand Kathy Hughes, Linda and riage vows of Mrs. Gladys ten his mother, Mrs. Laurapect to arrive in California Carole Ann Seeley, Nancy of the Howell concern since 1940. pound, eight-ounce son, Steven Reagh, that he likes it there, es- Wednesday, Dec. 7, and will come Wheelar. Mrs. Schneider, Mrs. Wright, Barbara Starmann, He and his wife are graduates of Paul. pecially the clubs and the PX the rest of the way by car. Mr. Wheelar and Mrs. Copeland are Nov. 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gayle Rabideau, Peggy McCon- I the Michigan State University sisters. where cigarettes are only about Sheldon, who is in the armed | floriculture school. They have Shagena of Deckerville, a sevennell. Linda Taylor, Linda Guilds, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Falken$1 a carton. service, has a 30-day leave after children, Nancy, Sharon pound, seven-ounce son, Brian Miss Nancy Jean Snider, Linda Lebioda, Linda Mark, • three Leonard and Earl. Lee. Dec. 14 is the date for the reg- which he will be stationed at Vickie Measell, Beverly Guinther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Striffler, left Thursday for ular monthly meeting of Echo Fort Chicago in California. Dec. 1 to "Mr. and Mrs. Warner Linda and Bonnie Butler. Snider of Vassar, became the CASS CITY HOSPITAL chapter OES.. Members of DeckIn honor of Mrs. R. A. Gravatt Florida/They will visit their sis- bride of Mr. Theodore Ashmore, Pickering of Bad Axe, a fiveThe group has chosen Mrs. ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Births: er chapter have been invited to pound, twelve-ounce son, Wm. son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. John Haley, a shut-in, as their Dec. 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Bruno. attend the meeting. A religious Texas, who is visiting with rela- David Bulware, at Eustis, Fla., Ashmore, Sr., of Rescue, in a troop grandmother. Christmas program is being plan- tives in Cass City, Miss Adeline (and go on to spend the winter at double ring candlelight Dec. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Carl The troop recently visited the Hutchinson of Cass City, a fourcerened by the worthy matron, Mrs. \ Gallagher entertained at a ten Bradenton. Reinelt of Argyle, a seven-pound, Veterinary hospital and were pound, eleven-ounce son. Janice Louise James. mony. Nuptials were read in the Dec. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward five-ounce son, Carl Frederick A. N. Bigelow. Mrs. Harold o'clock breakfast Friday morn- j Callers at the Arthur Little there to ice cream bars Mr. and Mrs. Paul James of Murphy will head the refresh- ing. Those present besides the home Wednesday afternoon ^to Dayton Center Church, Mayville, treated Jr. Lawson of Caro, a girl. and fudge. Saturday evening, November Cagetown announce the engage- ment committee and will be asthe boof°<5<? i see Mrs. Donald Roberts and inDec. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dec. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald At the same time Tuesday, ment of their daughter, Janice sisted by Mrs. Arthur Little, i were Mrs. Frank . Hutchinson, |f ant daughter were Mrs. Little's 26. Rev. Oluf C. Jenson offici- Brownies were meeting with Sefton of Kingston, a girl. Roberts of Center Line, a sevenated. I*raise, to Mr. Milton Irish of Miss Laura Bigelow, Mrs. Ros-'Mrs. Joseph A. Benkelman and'. sister, Mrs. Alva McNeil, and the Mrs. Lawson and baby, Mrs. Pound, three-ounce daughter, Cliff Ryan and Mrs. Harold Traverse City, son of Mr. and well Avery, Mrs. Albert Whit- Mrs. H. F. Lenzner. The five latter's daughter, Mrs. John The bride, given in marriage Mrs. Sefton and baby and the follow- Brenda Kay. Asher. This group was busy makMrs.- Clifford Irish. ing other patients were recently field, Mrs. Mason Wilson, Mrs. women are all members of theHomakie, and children, Karen, by her father, chose a street iner .Santa Clauses. Dec. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert gown of champagne beige The couple will be married Robert Keating and Mrs. Harold class of 1908 of the Cass City [ Janet and Johnnie, all of Caro. length Next week, both groups will discharged: Earnest Rudy of Rust of Kingston, a six-pound, th hat she (7Mr. and Mrs^Earl Harris took ™ ™****8 - < carried a be making Christmas gifts for Decker; Garnet Robinson, Mrs. Hulburt. Dee,.-25. iHigh School. three-ounce daughter, Diana her sister-in-law, Mrs. ivan | Bouquet of red roses and whitetheir mothers and the following Tom Vargo, Mrs. "Curly' Calka Lynn. mums and wore a rhinestone Hamilton, and Mrs. Eleanor MorThe above mothers and babies week will have their Christmas and baby of Cass City; Stanley Mizgorski of Detroit; Mrs. and the following other patients ris to Tri-City airport Tuesday^ necklace and matching earrings parties. to her by the groom, Robert Bedford and baby of Elk- were recently discharged: Betty Mrs.Hamilton to return home to given Anna; Trepanier, friend of ton. Lou Loomis of Cass City, Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Mudge theMrs.bride, was matron of honor. Mrs. Anna Kehoe of Gagetown Stephen Sabo of Deford, Mrs. to fly to California. Mrs. Mudge was released and entered Ford Calvin Rich of Decker, Mrs. and Mrs. Hamilton expect to re- She wore a street length dress of gray with matching headHospital, Tuesday. Thomas Williams^ of Freeland, turn to Cass City by automobile: silvery piece. Her corsage was,, yellow Mrs. Melvin Whittaker. , was Mrs. Richard Jacoby of Fairbefore Christmas. ,,-. Army Pfc. Keith F. Rocheleau, and white mums. • son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank transferred to Saginaw General grove,_Carol Roberts of UnionCass Valley Farm Bureau The bridesmaids were Mrs. Hospital last Thursday. viiie, JbSaby Lona Puterbaugh of group will meet Monday evening, Cleo Zoellnar and Miss Emily Rocheleau, Gagetown, is particPatients in the hospital Dec. 12, at the Keith Little home. Mae Basse of Burt, nieces of the ipating in the largest joint Wednesday forenoon included: Snover, Mrs. Alvin Lockwood of Caro and Mrs. George Sylvester Discussion topic for the meeting bride. They chose street-length Army-Air Force maneuver since Matilda Sherman, Mrs. of Wilmot. ARE YOU CONFINED TO ONE ROOM? will be "Agriculture is Every- dresses of rose and blue with World War II, Exercise Sage Mrs. Bertha Kilbourn, Joseph Koepf, Patients in the hospital ARE YOUR FLOORS ICY COLD? body's Political Football." There matching head pieces and wore Brush, in Louisiana. John Seeger, George Cope- Wednesday forenoon included: ARE YOUR CEILINGS OVERHEATED? Private First Class Rocheleau, Mrs. will be a 25-cent Christmas gift corsages of yellow and white ARE YOU WASTING FUEL ON SOOT AND SMOKI? a truck driver in Battery B of the land and the Vargo baby, all of George Caister of Decker, Mrs. exchange, adults to bring a gift mums. Cass City, and Mrs. Lois Holder Mary McDonald of Caro; Mrs, O*3 T«^« — 4-~ T\i_-'~* _ „ ?„ oryi.1 * •« IS YOUR HEAT GOING UP THE CHIMNEY? <j<_i jLiULaiitiy xyj.vj.siOA s orftri TI* Jbieia for an adult and children to Garfield Leishman of Cass City Andrew Kozan of Cass City, 'Artillery Battalion, is regularly of Kingston. ARE YOUR FUEL BILLS TOO HIGH? bring a child's gift. Refreshments and Mrs. Fred Mathews of Maybrother-in-law of the groom, was j stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. are to be sandwiches, ice cream Advertise it in the Chronicle. ville. best man. His nephews, Louis I He entered the Army last Januand cake. Kozan of Cass City and Carl The delivery by Dr. H. T. Don- Ruso of Caro were groomsmen. ary. The 19-year-old soldier is . a ahue of six babies in a 22-hour Ushers were Alfred Snider of period in Pleasant Home Hospi- Silverwood, brother of the bride, 1954 graduate of Owendale High tal Nov. 30 and before 9 a. m. Walter Broom of Bay City, School and a former employee at WHY WAIT UNTIl NEXT YEAR Dec. 1 is recorded. The arrivals ^cousin of the bride, William Ash- Gagetown Elevator Company. were a son to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. jmore, Jr., Gagetown, brother of Dillon of Colwood; a daughter the groom, and Samuel Ashmore, to Mr. and Mrs. James Ewald of Jr., of Detroit, nephew of the Unionville; a son to Mr. and Mrs. groom. One marriage application was Jacob Shagena of Decker; a son Mrs. Plain was organist and received in Tuscola County this PATENTED^, AUTOMATIC to Mr. and Mrs. Warner Picker- Miss Anna May Kilmar sang week: ing of Bad Axe; a son to Mr. and "Because" and Glen Franklin Hedley, 32, of "The Lord's ; Mrs. Carl Reinelt of Argyle and Prayer." Unionville and Evelyn Marie a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Don J' The mother of the bride, chose Hack, 23, of Caro. Roberts of Center Line. Marriage licenses granted a green plaid dress and the The remains of Miss Chrystal groom's mother, wore a navy and were: Read of Detroit, formerly of Cass white dress. Both wore corsages David William Putnam, 20, of City, were brought to the chapel of yellow and white mums. Caro and Maralyn Kay Noble, 18, in Elkland Cemetery Saturday A reception was held at the of Fairgrove. from the Mann Funeral Home in Dom Polski Hall for 250 guests Leonard Jacob Ruso, 23, of Detroit for brief services after from Saginaw. Burt, Bay City, Caro and Bette Alexis Kovac, 20, which interment was made in Gagetown, Elkton, Kinde, De- of Vassar. Elkland Cemetery. Miss Read ill troit. Wyandotte, Caro, Lum, John Frederick Gall, 22, of for some time, died in her home Pontiac, Kingsley, Ublv, Wil- Sebewaing and Jeanette Rose "Henry, what we're paying for electricity would buy a Thursday morning. Daughter of liamsburg, East Tawas. Bad Axe, Rockstroh, 17, of Unionville. the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cass Citv, Deford, Silverwood, Roger James Frank, 20, of car that starts at Auten Motor Sales." Read, she was born near here and Vassar, Owendale, Fulton, New Fairgrove and Nadine Catherine was graduated from high school York, Millington, Pigeon and Conley, 18, of Caro. here with the class of 1906. She Tawas Citv. Delbert McKnight, Jr., 43, of <<: \^3> v4 was a life member of Echo chap~The wedding cake was made by Millington and Ida Ruth Wells, ter No. 337 OES. She is survived Mrs. William Severn of Rescue, 35, of Millington. Cass City by a sister, Miss Marian Read, a friend of the groom. with whom she lived in Detroit, After a brief honeymoon in The want ads are newsy too. and a brother, Charles Read in northern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. California, and two nieces, the Ashmore are now living a quarMisses Annabelle and Maxine ter of a mile south of the Rescue Read of Bay City. store. ' Award 23 Brownies Scout Pins Tuesday Hellers Now Sole Owners of Flower Shop in Howell Pair Speaks Vows In Candlelight Rites Keith Rocheleau in Army Maneuver DID YOU EXPECT A WARM HOME WHEN YOU BOUGHT YOUR HEATER? is your heater foolin' and freezin' you SWITCH NOW-I01 Marriage Licenses iu^rilll;c^^N;l ATIll Auten Motor Sales m f HI B01 r& For the price ©f a heater—Siegter gives you \«*** F U R N A C E HEAT No costly pipes or registers to install or dean! 2-1N-1 H EATMAKER slops chimney waste-saves up to 5®% is& fweil SIE6URMATIC DRAFT ends soot, smoke* chimney troublesi CASf IRON CONSTRUCTION for a Siffetime of service! PORCELAIN ENAMEIi for a lifeiime of beavty! 60 LEONARD-GO MOB*!Y BACK-GUARANTEE! The Famous Name in Chain Saws SEE THEM AT Prove It-make the SISGUR 'MATCH TEST' YOUR CAR STARTS... OR WE PAY THE BILL WOTTON TIMBER PRODUCT PHONE 521 CASSGHT A U T H O R I Z E D DEALER ,V.*r.*.*•. .TV F.iendlv Store . * ^ * 5&50M-53 Cass City . Phone 194J (Evenings) Se« os for details about Leonard's guaranteed starting Mac and Leo Service Cass City CITY, MICHIGAN. GASS CITY CHRONICLE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9,1955. For You WANT AD RATES Wast ad of 28 words or leas, 40 cent* each insertion; additional words, 2 cents each. Order* by mail should be accompanied by cash or postage stamps. Bates for display want ad on application. HELP WANTED— Experienced FREE—Your initials in gold die setter for light to medium when you buy your billfold from presses. Cass City Manufactur- the Shoe Hospital, Cass City, at ing Co. 12-9-1 special sale prices. Regular $3.50 to $5 billfolds for $2.50. ReWANTED—To locate old style gular $7.50 billfolds for $5. One Victor cylinder phonograph. Call group genuine calfskin billfold phone 152. 12-9-1* regular $5 value for just $4. 11-18-tf. POULTRY WANTED, phone Cass City 7531K or drop a card LOST—Small tan and white feto Joe Molnar, Deford, Mich. male dog with red collar. Joseph 3-25-tf Malace, 2 miles east of Deford, 6911 E. Deckerville Rd. 40 ACRE FARM for sale by' 12-9-1* owner with all good buildings.; Reasonable. 5 south, 1 east of j FOR FREE PICK UP and Cass City. Phone 8098R. 12-2-4 prompt removal of dead stock call Darling & Company Collect EXPERIENCED auctioneer Com- Cass Citv 207. 4-30-tf plete auctioneering service Handle anywhere. Ira Osentoski, AT ORCHARD HILLS—Apples 6219 Pringle Rd. Phone 7217J for cooking, eating and canning. Cass City. 9-30-tf R. L. Hill, 7 miles southwest of Caro on M-81. Open daily till 6 FARMERS — We do custom -. m, 9-9-tf slaughtering. Hogs $2.50; Beef $1.50. We buy your beef hide. FOR SALE—Dachshund, female Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday— —15 months old, good house no appointment necessary. We dog, black and tan, registered also cut and wrap meat for deep with AKC. Rudy Forster, % 12-9-1* freezer Ic for cutting, Ic wrap- mile east of Elkton. ping. Gross & Maier, phone 16. POULTRY WANTED — Drop 3-4-tf postal card to Stephen Dodge, FOR SALE—Christmas wreaths Cass City. Will call for any and northern grown spruce and amount at any time. Phone 8-15-tf balsam Christmas trees, $1.00 to 7098W or 559. $2.25. Rex Harris, 4 east, 3 south, 1% east of Cass City. 12-9-2 SAVE DOLLARS on your FREE ESTIMATES on blown permanent anti-freeze this .win- rock wool insulation work. Save ter. IH Tri-Pro for guaranteed j 20 to 40 per cent on fuel. Call protection. Manufactured by j Brinberry Insulation Co. Phone Dow Chemical. Regular $3.25 , 42 Elkton. Equipped and exvalue, special at $2.21 per gal- i perienced to do your job. lon. H. 0. Paul Company, Cass i 10-21-tf City. 10-28-tf 'FOR SALE—Arc welder, good shape, 180 amp, reasonable. Lewis McGrath, 6655 Gage St., Gagetowp phone 28. 12-9^2* 40 ACRES on M-53; 4 room home; plastered walls; full basement; picture window; own water system; asbestos siding on hand ready to be put on; valued at $5500. due to other business interests will sell for $4500. terms. DOWNS CHICKS hatching FOR SALE—$325 Frigidaire POTATOES AND APPLES for weekly. U. S. Certified White electric range, 6 years old, in sale. Bernard Clark, 4 miles Leghorns, U. S. Approved New extra good condition, just $125. east of Cass City, 3rd place Hampshires, Barred Rocks and Joe Riley at Shoe Hospital. south. 9-16-tf White Rocks for egg production, f; 12-2-2 IFOR SALE—Warm Morning 5Broiler strains of New HamD- i FOR SALE—Men's shoe roller room heater with jacket. Also shires, Wkite Rocks and White | LOST—Registered Holstein heif- skates, size 11. Also girl's shoe small wood stove. 1 west, first Americans. All chicks U. S. Pul- 1 er number 3630 from Ralph ice skates, size 9, both in good place south of Cass City. 12-9-1* lorum clean. Phone your orders Loney's pasture. Notify Jack condition. William Zemke, De.JOIN YOUR County Farm to Mrs. Fred Emigh, Cass City O'Connell, 3% miles east and % ford. 12-9-1 Bureau now. Your membership 154F2! 4-9-tf south of Owendale. 12-9-1* makes you and your family RCA, Motorola, FOR SALE—Birch fireplace HUMPTY DUMPTY sat on the ADMIRAL, eligible for the following i servPhilco radio and TV. One of ices, car, fire, farm liability, wood, $7 per cord. Wesley wall. This was a rather queer finest selections in the Thumb. Frederick, 3. east, 2 north and thing for him to do because he Factory supervised service on Blue Cross hospitalization and % east of Cass City. RFD 1. . group life insurance. 12-2-2 sure enough couldn't get any- all makes. Easy terms. TV Cen12-9-2* thing done that way. Neither ter, 837 South State, Caro. WANTED—Woman or girl to can farmers get anything done Phone 1323. 6-25-tf live in, do light housework and FOR SALE—Bulls with the best by sitting on the wall or on the care for small children while of breeding from a few days to fence. Join your County Farm FOR SALE—Christmas trees mother works. Good wages. Mrs. a year old. Vernon and Clare Bureau now. 12-2-2 $1.50. Cut while you wait. A. 120 ACRES close in—65 clear; Charlotte Cox, phone 34F1'3, Carpenter, 4 north, % west Cass Nugent, % mile south of Declarge home with new roof; sidClifford, Mich. 12-9-1* City. 11-25-3* CAMERAS make fine Christmas kerville Road on M-53. 12-9-3* ing; chimney; lavatory and toigifts. Use our lay-away plan. let; furnace; own water system; LIMITED SUPPLY—Apartment Stop in and see our gift sets. FOR A NEW taste thrill try barn in need of repair; price reNeitzel Studio. 9-30-tf Sommers' rye size gas range with oven pumpernickel. duced for immediate sale, only thermometer for only $49.95 at FOR SALE—White Rock pullets Just enough sour to give it a $5500. terms. Fuelgas Co., Cass City. 12-9-1 starting to lay. Ernest Cook, 1 tinglin~ flavor, Sommers Bak1 ACRE—% mile off black top 8-12-tf west and 2^ north of Cass City. ery. BLOCKS road; near bus route; 2 room re12-9-1* Cement - -Cinder - Waylite FOR SALE—One 24-inch Timken modeled home; knotty pine rotor fuel oil conversion burner walls; well; 17 large shade GRAVEL with large fan. Also one 275trees; immediate , possession— gallon oil tank. Novesta Church Screened and Pit Run full price $1400. ROOFS - EAVESTROUGHS INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, can of Christ. Contact Rev. Howard 3 BEDROOM HOME; 8 years 12-9-1 Fibre glass permanent awnings. move in and go to work, good Woodard, minister. old; this is a solid home; well FOR SALE—Popcorn. Otto Neu, location, priced to sell. PHONE MAREETTE 4791 1 east, 1 south and Va east of NOTICE—We repair zipoers and US BEFORE YOU BUILD insulated; extra lot; lots of 12-9-2 3-11-tf 160 ACRES, ideal dairy farm, replace them in jackets, etc. The closet and storage space: 1% Deford. 11-12-tf buildings A-l. This is one of the Shoe Hospital. bathrooms; new furnace; full SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools ALL MAKES of chain saws re- better buys in Huron County basement; large garage; FREE—Your initials in gold FRIGIDAIRE weatherseal storms and screens; cleaned. Also ready built ce- paired and serviced. Cass City priced to sell on very easy AUTHORIZED when you buy your billfold from ment septic tanks or can pour Auto Parts. 12-9-1 terms. Yours for a Merry Service—Also service on any carpeting in dining room, livthe .Shoe Hospital, Cass City, at make of refrisreration equip2 south, % west ^Cass City ing room and hallway; many them at your home. Phone Caro "YOU'LL BE SORRY" if you Christmas. special sale prices. Regular $3.ment. Home Service. Frigidaire 92913. Lloyd Trisch, 5 miles fine features; beautiful landPHONE 160 50 to $5 billfolds for $2.50. Renortheast of Caro on Colwood wait too long. Call 245 for ap- NICE LOT, business location and Speed Queen Appliances. scaping; owner moving ,to DeSee us for quick efficient re9-16-tf gular $7.50 billfolds for $5. One 9-18-tf pointment to have your person- Ideal for driv^-m restaurant. 108 E. Sherman St., Phone 117, price $14,500. Road. alized portrait taken by Neitzel Price only $1000. group genuine calfskin billfold pairs to your house or barn by troit: full Caro. Frank Altizer, owner. WANTED fey the Village of Cass regular $5 value for just $4. TERMS. expert roofer. Estimates given. WANTED—Will do weekly or Studio. 9-30-tf. 7-23-tf City, man about 35 years of cleaning, Monday WE HAVE a business in this 11-18-tf. 120 ACRES—7 room brick home; holiday age for steady employment on Also complete new roofs in- bathroom and furnace; new through Friday. Pay by the FOR SALE—Lovely Christmas town that is OK and priced the maintenance of pubjic FOR SALE— Northern grown stalled. FHA terms available. Mrs. R. Proper, 1396 and all occasion cards, wrap- right, good building-, modern, _barn 18 stanchions; drinking hour. works, and willing to take relief Christmas trees, spruce and Spencer, Deford. 12-9-1* pings, stationery, gift items. living rooms. If. interested in cups; new milk house; new South of Elkton, % mile off Representative for Styleco extra income, inquire. police protection work one night balsam, $1.00 to $2.25. Also large poultry house; silo; a good blacktop, good 160-acre farm. fleeceback plastic tablecloths. a week. May apply at village wreaths. Rex Harris, 4 east, 3 producer; out of town owner Mrs. Cecil Brown, phone 128W. 93 ACRES near Clifford, good Only $5000 down, balance like clerk's office between 9:00 a. m. south, 1^4 east of Cass City. wants quick disposal; offered to Fire - Automobile - l£fe - Ffcnn 12-9-1 * LUMBER DIVISION house with furnace, bam, tool rent. and 4:00 p. m. Cass City Village 12-9-2 you for $22,500. terms. shed, price $12,500, $5,000 down. Council, 12-9-1 Phone Cass City 136 PHOTO FINISHING—Fast ser- GOOD 80 ACRES with stock, South of Elkton, % mile off YOU, TOO, Mr. Farmer, should 40 ACRES—beautiful home and vice, M-gloss finish. Service, tools, feed. Move in now, only blacktop, good 160-acre stock or LOST—Elgin gold wrist watch, join with the other farm fam- 12-2-2 landscaping; two car garage; FARM AND GENERAL dairy farm, including stock, quality and fair price. Enlarge- $16,000. expansion gold band. Lost in or ilies in Farm Bureau to help large poultry house; this is good machinery, feed. Excellent set ments made from your negaaround Cass City. 'Reward, work out the problems of agriland and well drained; on hard tives. Pictures copied if no 120 ACRES, brick house, good of buildings, modern house. binder call Luke Tuckey 7093R. culture. The Farm Bureau is on i FOR SALE—Apples: Northern surface road; come and look it negative. Neitzel Studio, Cass barn, near Cass City. $12,500, $13,000 down, balance EZ terms. the job to see that agriculture Spy, Red and Canadian Spies, over; full price is $14,000. 12-9-1 Jonathan, Delicious, City. 10-20-tf $4000 down. has a sound program and brings Kings, TD3YB! Any kind at Bulen savings and services to its Sweet apples and other varie- TERMS. SIX ROOM house full basement, Phone 390 6293 W. Main St. Motors. Cass_City, Mich, 1-8-tf members. 12-2-2 ties. Also sweet Filtered cider. 80 ACRES—9-room home, bathFOR SALE—1951 Plymouth, furnace, barn, chicken coop, Geo. E. Pringle, 1 east, 2% room, furnace; 26 stanchions in Cass City Salesman for Colbert Realty four-door, white sidewalls, brooder house 37 acres land 10-6-tf barn, drinking cups, silo; Cass WANTED— Scrap metal, bat- south of Shabbona. radio, in good condition. Call 164 close to town Priced to Sell 4544 Brooker St. Phone 135J junk ears. Pickup on 12-9-1* quick, terms. Marietta Livestock teries, BUREAU did not gain a River flowing through pasture, FOR SALE—Pine Christmas between 8-6. 12-9-tf quantities. Call 173. Southside FARM good land, well drained and lotrees, cut your own $1.50. Clark million and a half memberships SAVE DOLLARS -on your Sales Co. Auto Parts, Cass City. 11-30-tf by ACRES good buildings full twiddling its fingers. It's cated. Full price is $13,500. 1/3 Zinnecker, Ys mile west of De- permanent anti-freeze this win- 75 line of machinery, Seven cows, HOUSE FOR SALE—4 rooms down. 80 acres joining available ford. 12-9-3* aggressive program in behalf FOR SALE—Christmas wreaths Market Report Monday, ter. IH Tri-Pro for guaranteed Priced right, only $5,000 down. with sun porch, running water, and northern grown spruce and of agriculture and good citizen- to rent—no buildings, also 60 protection. Manufactured by chicken coop, barn on one acre acres of pasture. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING — December 5, 1955. balsam Christmas trees, $1.00 to ship has been the foundation on FIVE-ROOM home, modern in Dow Chemical. Regular $3.25 $2.25. Rex Harris, 4 east, 3 which this membership has been TURKEY FARM—38 acres on We do custom slaughtering value, special at $2.21 per gal- every way, oil furnace, alumi- of land. All buildings in excelTop butcher south, 1% east of Cass City. built. Join your County Farm highway; near county seat; will Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdav. lon. H. O. Paul Company, Cass num storm doors. Well insu- lent shape, paved highway, near town. A steal at $3500—$2100 cattle -L~~—- 20.00-21.50 12-9-2 Bureau now. 12-2-2 accommodate 3000 turkeys—ful- No appointment necessary. We City, 10-28-tf lated, two lots. Priced to sell uOwii, uaiance oiuy $25 per a»E>u ^14*. mm Wraj» liietw, xOr Good commercial 18.00-20.00 WANTED—Real estate listings: quick. Anyone looking for * nice ly equipped. More information deep freeze. Smoking and curmonth. Wm. Zemke phone 8560J, FOR SALE—New 2-bedroom home should see this. Common „_„._.... 15.00-18.00 business opportunities, homes at office. ing meat Friday is chicken day. home with garage on nice full Deford. , 12-9-1 Utility „--. 10.00-14.00 and farms of all sizes. Any loCarl Reed, lYs miles south of sized lot. Small down payment, 20 ACRES good land, very nice GROCERY STORE, beer and Top butcher FOR SALE— Christmas trees ANB cation in Thumb area. We will wine take out, gas—Grossing Cass City, phone 7109K. 4-16-tf balance easy terms. L. E. Town- house, 4 rooms and bath. Close will be at plantation (formerly 14.50-15.75 help finance sale if buyer lacks bulls -._„.to town. Priced for quick sale. over $35,000. Modern living FOR RENT—Six-room house. send. 12-2-tf Kercher's) 1 mile south, % east 12.00-14.00 cash. John V. McCormick, SalesMedium quarters with 3 bedrooms; new Henry Roth, 8 miles south and 40 ACRES near town; good two- of Cass City, every day during man for Colbert Realty, 4544 HOUSE FOR SALE—7 rooms Light butcher style to suit your home and furnace: very neat stock; guar- %, mile east of Cass City. < with bath, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, bedroom house, good hip-roof December. Your choice at $2.00 . 9.00-12.00 Brooker St., phone 135J ll-18tf Any bulls pocketbook. Efficient and quick anteed inventory of $5,OOOrFull 12-2-1* each; also wreaths $1 to $1.75. oil heat, garage, A-l shape at barn, only $2000 dowa. price is $17,500. TERMS. Best butcher IKE'S TV SERVICE. Phone repair service. Easy terms. Order early. Edward Hahn, $7500 with reasonable payment FOR SALE—1953 Ford four11.50-12.75 285R5. Cass City, Mich. 9-23-tf cows phone 8231R. 12-2-2* 160 ACRES—Mint and potato door sedan, low mileage, perfect down. Located in Cass City, im10.00-11.00 Medium farm, income runs from $18,000 mediate possession. Wm. Zemke, Cass City, Mich. condition. L. E. Townsend. FOR SALE—Two used low mileFOR SALE—Baled June clover Cutter to Cass City to $25,000 yearly. All modern 12-2-tf phone 8560J, Deford. 12-9-1 age tires (7.60 x 15) good con- West Main St. hay, also baled oat straw and JAKE RICHTER ... 7.50-9.50 dition, buildings; modern brick ranchCanners 1 9-23-2 priced right. G. W. Lanabout 1000 bushel oats. Roy SADDLERY—Wholesale and reJOHN McCORMICK type home with 14x20 ft. garage FOR SALE—14-ft Coldspot deep 17.50-19.00 don. Top lambs 12-9-1* Brown, 4 east and 4% south of Salesmen tail. We guarantee to sell chea^attached; new peppermint pro- freeze, 2 years old. Norge oil ... 4.00-8.50 Ewes TEI-GAS COMPANY: New cessing Cass City on 53. 12-9-1 Cass City er. We buy, sell, repair and building; 40 acres in burner. Sears broiler and grill. INSURANCE, Barney Hoffman, Top veal ... 30.00-32.75 modem bulk gas plant, 20 Ib. peppermint; this farm should trade used saddles. The Shoe 6-25-tf All in good shape. 4 east, 1% Cass City. 10-28-tf THE FUELGAS CO. of Cass cylinders to 1,000 gallon tanks pay for itself in approximately Fair to good ...... 24.00-28.00 of Deford. Frank Shaver. Hospital, Cass City, Mich. City announces the opening of LOST—A black yearling heifer. 17.00-23.00 SOIL TESTING—Bring your sail and up. We have regular routes, 2% years. Owner retiring to north Seconds S-28-tf 12-9-1* the newest and most modern Reward. Earl Grigg, phone special rates for heating, etc. 12.00-16.00 samples in now for testing and Common Florida. Full price is $55,000. LOCAL AND LONG distance 7056K. 4 miles south, % mile bulk plant in Michigan! We Division of Earl Long Furniture Deacon >...... 1.00-18.50 avoid the spring rush. Every and TERMS. • i FOR SALE—Good used tires in moving. Call Curtis Sinclair, west of Cass City. 12-9-1 have tanks of all sizes, from Appliance, Marlette, Phone .tenth sample free for the rest almost all truck and passenger 14.00-15.24 Top hogs 20 pounds to 1000 gallons. Rates 357. 12-10-tf 80 ACRES—Not too far from| car sizes. Good assortment of Caro'449 Collect. 1069 E, Caro of this year. Leave samples at DRAPERIES — Custom made, as low as 4c per pound. If it's No. 2 ..... •_ 13.00-14.00 County Farm Bureau office. Road (M-81) also agent for Hemans, 4-room home in need of j 600x16*6. O'Brien's Tire Shop, FOR SALE—Chrome dinette set, . 8.50-11.00 12-2-2 Roughs some repair; 30 acres cleared! 620 E. Huron Ave., Bad Ax«, Stevens Van Lines, for out-of- ready made. Kirsch curtain rods gas, we sell and service it four yellow plastic upholstered 11-4-tf and hooks. Traverse rods, all Corner M-81 and M-53. Phone •fgtt'J* *J* iy *jHjfr*SF ****** V *** V *** V V *** V ****¥* *•* 5-7-tf state moving. chairs, $35. Al Krueger. Phone and seeded; balance pasture;! Mich. sizes. Cafe curtain rings, Cafe Cass City 395 for free esfull price is $3500. TERMS. i ORDER FOR PUBLICATION—Notice 376 or 388. 12-9-1 9-80-tf FOR SALE—Homemade aprons, FOR SALE— Muscovy ducks snap on rings, extender plates, timates. of Hearing—Probate of Will—Determi280 ACRES Dairy Farm—8-room different styles, make nice $1.00 apiece until Christmas or pleater tape. Leeson Wallpaper nation of Heirs. NOTICE—the following stores : WISH TO THANK Dr. DonaState of Michigan, The Probate Court modern; 30 stanchions in Christmas gifts. Wanted—All as long as they last. 114 south and Paint, Cass City. 10-22-tf for the County of Tuscola. will be open every Thursday home, hue and the nurses, who gave of Shabbona, Alex Lindsay, Jr. In the Matter of the Estate of Sadie afternoon until Christmas start- barn; drinking cups; large bam kinds of altering and plain sew- 12-9-2 FOR SALE—Christmas trees, me such excellent care, and the Walrod, Deceased. with full basement; silos; 200 ing. Mrs. Clark Zinnecker, phone ing Thursday, Dec. 1. Hulien's $1.00 each. Michael Pisarek, friends and neighbors, At a session of said Court, held on who December ' - ' 1965 H. J. Smith, Federated and under cultivation; well drained; 8531W, % mile west of Deford. DON'T WAIT till Christmas, get phone 43F3 Gagetown. 12-9-3* came to see me while I was at Present, Honorable Almon C. Pierce, choice land; near highway; full 12-2-tf Asher's Men's Wear. 11-18-5 your camera now and know Judge of Probate. the hospital, also those who price Is $45,000. Down payment Notice is Hereby Given, That the FURNITURE recovered have sent me cards and letters. See us for quick efficient reFOR SALE—Shanty for ice fish- how to use it to capture those YOUR oetitio^ of Ervin Walrod nravine that only $8,000 or will accept trade FOR SALE—70 White Rock pulsmart new fabric in just the Mrs. Twilton J. Heron. 12-9-1 the instrument he filed in said Court be pairs to your house or barn by ing for less than cost of ma- never to fee forgotten shots of in lets starting to lay. Robt. Nei- of smaller farm. admitted to nrobate as the Last Will and expert roofer. Estimates give a. your children when they open type and color you want. Reterial. John Donahue, phone 69. Testament of said deceased, that adminman, 2% west of Cass City. finished to factory—new ap- WE, THE FAMILY of the late their gifts. Neitzel Studio. 8-ROOM HOME in need of re- 12-9-1* istration of said estate be granted to 12-9-1* pearance at Hutchinson's Uphol- Ralph Loney, wish to thank our 9-30-tf Frederick H, Pinnev or some other suitpair, offered to you for $4200, Also complete new roofs inable t>erson. and that the heirs of said stering Shop, phone 333, Cass relatives, friends and neighbors "DO IT YOURSELF" tools. located in Cass City. deceased be determined, will be heard at stalled. FHA terms available. 11-26-tf for their acts of kindness during Makes nice Christmas gifts. FOR SALE— Twenty-six Hol- City. the Probate Court on December 29th. 1955. at ten a. m. Cut the fuel bill in half. Have 2-BEDROOM home; completely Good assortment to pick from. stein cows, several fresh. All FOR SALE—Sturdy 2-wheel our recent bereavement. We alIt is Ordered, That notice thereof be Bangs remodeled; new furnace and Cass City Auto Parts. your attic insulated. 12-2-2 artificially bred and given by publication of a copy hereof trailer with 4 x 6-foot box, good so thank Rev. Wurtz, Mr. and tested. Take one or all. Elmer for three weeks consecutively previous WE HANDLE ANY TYPE OF water heater; sliding doors in Mrs. Douglas, the pallbearers tires. Cass City Auto Parts. to said day of hearing, in the Cass City LUMBER DIVISION closets; bath with shower; not FARM BUREAU doesn't cost, it Simmons, 3 west and 3 north of SIDING and the Masonic Lodge. 12-9-1* Chronicle, and that the petitioner ca-ise 12-9-1* 12-9-1 a copy of this notice to be served upon Cut out the draft with all alumi- too far from Main St. and S. pays. Not in just one, but sever- Cass City. Phone Cass City 136 each known party in interest at his last MRS. MELVIN Whittaker wishes Seeger. Immediate possession, al ways. Join your County Farm num storm windows and doors. corn stalks known address by registered mail, return BORG BATHROOM scales in HAVE YOUR to thank her friends for cards, Bureau now. 1956 membership only $9500. TERMS. receipt demanded, at least fourteen (14) Nothing down, 36 months to pay. 12-2-2 colors, $7.95 to $15.00. Use out- chopped after the picker is letters and flowers; the United days prior to such hearing, or by perdrive starts December 5th. All work guaranteed and insured. through. We chop by the acre. sonal service at least five (5) days prior A BEAUTIFUL residence on 12-2-2 lay away plan. We gift wrap Missionary Sunday School for to such hearing. FOR SALE— Northern grown Main Street in Cass City; busifree. Bigelow Hardware. 12-2-2 Cliff Ryan, John Deere Store. the lovely plants, Dr. Ballard ALMON C. PIERCE. 10-21-tf Judge of Probate. Christmas trees, spruce and Cass City 390 ness location; 2 lots facing HERR'S RADIATOR SERVICE: and Mrs. Hildinger and staff of A true copy WANTED—Standing timber and Main St.; 4 bedrooms, 2 down Cleaning, repairL-g, recoreing. nurses for their kindness and Beatrice P. Berry, Register of Probate. balsam, $1.00 to $2.25. Also wreaths. Rex Harris, 4 east, 3 WANTED—Ear or shelled corn. and 2 up; all carpeting and 3 miles east of Cass City on logs. Contact Michigan Lumber WHOLE WHEAT . bread with wonderful care during her stay 12-9-3 whole wheat flavor. Try SomWe have a high capacity ear drapes; natural fireplace with M-81, phone 355F11. south, 1% east of Cass City. 3-11-tf Fabricators, Inc. Elkton, Michi- mers' whole wheat toasted. in the hospital. 12-^9-1 ORDER FOR PUBLICATION—Notice corn dump pit and sheller. No gas logs and irons; well landgan. Phone 32. 12-2-tf 12-9-2 of Hearing—Probate of Will—DetermiSommers Baker. 8-12-tf MY THANKS to Dr. Donahue? shoveling and long line UT>S. Use scaped; large gafage and porch; FOR SALE—6-volt battery quick nation of Heirs. State of Michigan, The Probate Court MAKE THAT APPOINTMENT our corn drying service. For the FOR RENT—2-bedroom apartfor the County of Tuscola. lots of cupboard, closet and stor- charger. Rabideau Motor Sales, ment. Cliff Ferguson, phone FREE—Short course in photog- Mrs. Freeman and the staff at photograph will top corn price, sell at the Sebe- age space*; two bathrooms; full Cass City. 12-2-2 In the Matter of the Estate of Nelson now! Your Pleasant Home Hospital for Walrod, Deceased. 99F6. 12-9-1 raphy with every camera sold their excellent care, to the make a cherished Christmas waing Elevator Co. 12-9-1 basement; just everything that by Neitzel. 9-30-tf At a session of said Court, held on LOST—Tire and wheel for Intergift to someone you love. Neitzel December 1st. 1955. you want, for a lot less than reRaymond FOR SALE—Scotch, pine Christ- LIFETIME GUARANTEE on Evangelical U. B. Church, to Present, Honorable Almon C. Pierce, Studio. 9-80-tf PRE-CHRISTMAS Toy Sale— production costs. Reduced for a national pickup. Judge of Probate. Roberts, Gagetown. Reward of- mas trees, 4 to 7 feet $3 each. the burners of the modern Dixie relatives and friends for flow25 to 50 per cent off on all tovs. Notice is Hereby Given, That the 12-9-1 Ellis RusMo, 2 miles south of full size gas range at only $99.- ers and gifts sent during my 12-2-2 quick sale. Shown by appoint- fered. netition of Ervin Walrod t>ravrri«r that FOR SALE—Geese and Muscovy Bigelow Hardware. hospital stay. Mrs. Donald ment. Caro on M81. 12-9-2 the instrument- he filed in said Court ^be and Peking ducks, alive or 50 at Fuelgas Co. of Cass City. Roberts. 12-9-1* FOR SALE—Fireplace wood admitf-pd to iv-ob-** *« +*o T.*"+ ^' ™ NOTICE—the following stores dressed. Mrs. Lillian Otulakowand Testament of said deceased, tnat NEW MIRACLE LEATHER for Complete with all these feawill be open every Thursday mixed chunk and slab, mostly ski, 2 south, 1% east of Cass administration of said estate %e granted thermostat, WE SINCERELY THANK all dry hardwood, $10 for 2-cord work shoes is tough native pig- tures: automatic ho Frederick H. Pinnev or some _ other City. Phone 8193K. 12-2-2 afternoon until Christmas startwindow oven, flourescent lights, our relatives, friends and neighOn farms, homes and businesses, suitable tier son. and that the heirs of skin tanned as only Wolverine ing Thursday, Dec. 1. Hulien's load delivered. Also 2-wheel said deceased be determined, wi'1 be we advertise locally and nationoven light. See it today. 12-9-1 bors for the many acts of kindknows how to tan it—into soft, coaster brake bicycle for 5 or keard ?»t the Probate Court on December FOR SALE—Two Jersey cows, H. J. Smith, Federated and ness shown us at the death of FOR SALE—One electric French ally. No charge for listing. Buy11-18-5 6-year-old boy. Roy Anthes, supple, lightweight leather that rre thereof be one four years old to freshen Asher's Men's Wear. our husband and father. We exfryer and waffle iron like new. ers waiting. even dries soft after soaking, phone Cass City 7414M. 12-9-1 rfven by publication of a copy hereof for three weeks consecutively previous to Dec. 3, one two years old to HERE'S VALUE—20-gallon size yet retains all of pigskin's na- $15. Also wardrobe with two full tend a special thanks to the said day of hearing, in the Cass City freshen in March. Cows and gas hot water heater. Cheaper to See, call or write to: POTATOES FOR SALE—Also tural sj. wear-defying toughness. length mirrors, $35. Gerald ladies who helped with the Chronicle, and that the petitioner cause from artificial run. Hot water always. Just custom chain saw work. 2 south, Now you can get it only in Stilson, 4545 Downing, Cass lunch. Also Rev. Woodard for a copy of this notice to be served upon calves both each known party in interest at^his last breeding. Russell Deneen, 1 mile $69.95 at Fueleras Co. of Cass 4 east of Deford. William Zim- Wolverine Pierskin Work .Shoes City. 12-9-1 his comforting words, the Little known address by registered mail, retnrn Funeral Home and the pallsouth and % east of Cass City. Citv. intersection of M-81 and ba. 12-9-2* at Hulien's, Home of Fine Shoes receipt demanded, at least fourteen (14) NOTICE—the following stores bearers. Your kindness will M-53. Phone 395. 12-9Says prior to such *<**™ °.r ** *?£ 12-2-2* and Clothing. 12-9-1 sona! service at least five (5) days prior HOUSE FOR RENT, 7 rooms, will be open every Thursday never be forgotten. Mrs. John to «« HOUSE FOR .SALE—4380 FOR SALE—1955 Ford Mainline running water, basement, 6 FOR SALE—Upright piano, afternoon until Christmas start- McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 6487 Main St., Cass City, Mich. Judge of Probate. Woodland St., Cass City. Inquire in very good condition. 4 east, miles east, 1 south and 1M east formerly owned by Ethel Mc- ing Thursday, Dec. 1. Hulien's Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs, 540 North Silver St., Bad Axe,% north Cass City. Alfred Cookof Cass City. Howard Hill, Jr. Coy, $25.00. Keith Murphy, H. 3;. Smith, Federated and Arnold Fischer and family. Telephone 365 , or phone 1117 Bad Axe. 12-9-3* Jin. 12-9-1* Phone 7235K. 12-9-1* Asher's Men's Wear. 11-18-5 12-9-1* :^ 12-9-3 Ready-Mix Concrete Free Estimates Sehwaderer Block Co. REAL ESTATE WE BUY POULTRY See us before you sell. Phone Day or Night 145 CARO POULTRY PLANT Caro, Mich. Marlette Roofing & Sheet MeM Co. REAL ESTATE ROOF REPAIRS Asphalt - Steel Aluminum Prutchey Bean Co. General Insurance Auctioneering Arnold Copeland John V. McCormick ^ZZ£ZjM»iH|HiHN5"^^ lr.^1 **-«t4- MW««3 v**r-**~*-~. rT r - * ^(?~ Stromberg Carlson Emerson TV Colbert Real Estate D. A. Krug ROOF REPAIRS Asphalt - Steel Aluminum Stop the Draft. - Prutchey Bean Co. Call State Roofers Listings Wanted B. A. Calka United Farm Agency i«j. 12-9-1* CABS crnr CHRONICLE— FRIDAY, DECEMBER 0,1955. PAGE EIGHT. Name Committees to Help With County Extension Work News from Rescue Area CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. John W. McLean Dies Suddenly Mr. John W. McLean died sud- daughters, Mrs. Lawrence i denly Wednesday afternoon, Nov. (Hazel) Wilson of Ellington Mrs. George Parker, who is \ Mrs. Jack Leitch, and children, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore of 20, at his home on Third Street. Township and Mrs. Arnold (Geremployed in Saginaw, spent the j Richard and Twila Lou, of De- southeast Grant were making He had been in poor health for aldine) Fischer of Cass City; two County several months. last week end at their farm home troit have been spending several calls Sunday afternoon. They Forty-six Tuscola sisters, Mrs. Margaret DeLong days with her parents and help- called on Mr. and Mrs. Twilton folks, composed of farmers, here. of Flint and Mrs. Ethel Anthes Mr. McLean was born in RodJ. Heron, Mrs. DeEtte J. Mellenbomemakers and businessmen, ing to care for her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ashof Novesta Township, and four ney, Ontario, July 24, 1877, the dorf and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur have been invited to serve on more were Sunday guests of Mrs. Mr. Levi J. Helwig and daughgrandsons. One sister, Mrs. John son of the late Mr. and Mrs. program planning committees to Hellie Mathews, Deford. They ter, Joyce, were Tuesday callers Cooley.' McLean. When a child, he Paul, preceded him in death. also called on his sister and hus- of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Helwig. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ash- help identify county problems John moved with Ms parents to No- Funeral services were held at and situations, said Alfred Ballband, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ko- They were all callers in Cass City more spent Friday evening and Little's Funeral Home Saturday and supper guests of Mr. and Saturday at the home of Mrs. weg, county agricultural agent. vesta Township. ssan of Cass City. afternoon, Dec. 3, at 2 o'clock The committees will meet at the Ashmore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; On Dec. 14, 1914, he married Mrs. Veron Gingrich. Mr.-and Mrs. James Gimmell with the Rev. Howard Woodard courthouse on Thursday, DecemFrankSnider at Vassar. Miss Sophia Elizabeth Spiern in officiating. Burial was in the Novisited last Sunday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruso of Mr. and Mrs. Norris E. Mel- ber 15, at 1:30 p. m. Caro and following their marof their niece and husband, Mr. Caro were Sunday visitors of Cooperative Extension Work is riage they lived on the home- vesta Township Cemetery. and children, Arlene and and Mrs. William Ashmore, Jr., their uncle and aunt, Mr. and lendorf Milton, of Rescue and Mr. and an educational program which igtead southeast of Cass City. In Mrs. Theodore Ashmore. in "Gagetown* HARD TO CONVINCE Mrs. Dale Mellendorf and son local people plan, by first search- 1952, he retired and moved moved to Mr. and Mrs. James McComb Ten members answered roll Tommy, were supper guests ing out the problems to deter- Cass City where he lived until Just do as you please and then and son, James, of Elkton visited Wednesday evening at the home mine which can be dealt with his death. try to assure your conscience their daughter and husband, Mr. Center Home Extension Club met of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinn, through extension education, j Surviving are his wife; two that everything you do is right. and Mrs. Donald Arnott, last at the home of Mrs. Donald Four committees, consisting of | Glanh. The lesson, "Accessories Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parker, dairy, crops, soil and water) Mr. and Mrs. William Ash-for the Home," was given by Mrs. Viola Parker, Mrs. Ervinmanagement and farm and home First Annual Riotary more, Sr., were business callers Mrs. Oscar Nixon and Mrs. Mel- Andrews and Mrs. Iva Arnott management will work toward i at the home of their daughter vin McFarland. The members were some of those from Grant setting attainable short and long anS husband, Mr. and Mrs. An- plan to go to a convalescent who attended the open house for time goals. home to sing and take a treat for Mr. and Mrs. William Pobanz, Each committee will plan drew Kozan of Cass City. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haist of the patients. Refreshments were who celebrated their golden wed- specific activities to make best Boyal Oak were recent week-end served by the hostess, Mrs. ding in Sebewaing last Sunday. use of Extension staff time, proguests of her • parents, Mr. and Glann. The January meeting will Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ash- vide for local leader participabe held at the home of Mrs. Oscar more were Sunday evening tion, and to bring about changes Mrs. Neil McPhail. Mrs. Arthur Cooley, Jr., Nixon. callers at his parental home in practices and ideas, said Ballentered Pleasant Home Hospital Word was received Saturday of They also called on Mrs. DeEtte weg. last /Tuesday to undergo an the sudden death of Mrs. Daniel J. Mellendorf. Folks invited to serve on each O'Rourke of Gagetown. She was William Ingalsbe spent several committee are as follows: Dairy, operation. well-known here, as they lived days recently in Mercy Hospital John Horst, Akron; Bruce RugMr. and Mrs. William Ashmore, Sr., and grandson, David here a long time before they sold in Bay City with blood poisoning gles, Kingston; George Foster, Ashmore, were supper guests their farm to John Webb and in his hand. Mayville; Grover Laurie, Cass Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. moved to Gagetown, seven years The Woman's Society of Chris- City; Roy Brown, Fostoria; Rob- j ago. A number from here were tian Service of the Grant Metho- ert Osborne, Gagetown; Edward 1 Theodore Ashmore. Mrs. Twilton J. Heron con-callers at the O'Rourke home in dist Church met with Mrs. Man- G. Golding, Cass City; Carlyle AT tinues to be ill. Her daughter, Gagetown Sunday. ley Endersbe, Sr., last Thursday Everett, Kingston; Carl D_aenzer, for dinner, program and business 'Vassar; Carl C. Keinath, Vassar; Dayton Davis, Vassar; Clayton meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sweitzer George, Vassar; Franklin Stoll, spent Monday in Detroit to see Unionville; Edwin Link, Unionher father who was seriously ill. ville, and Henderson Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mellendorf Caro. Crops, J. C. Kirk, FairFrom 5:30 to 7 p. m. and son, Tommy, were supper grove; Cecil Baker, Reese; Milguests of their uncle and aunt, con Bedore, Unionville; Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Norris E. Mellen- Keinath, Caro; John Bradley, dorf, Friday evening. They all Fairgrove; Carl Mantey, Fairwent to Bad Axe in the-evening, grove; Vern Houghtaling, Reese; accompanied by Mrs. Stanley B. Glyde Rohlfs, Akron; Harry Mellendorf and daughter, June. Rohlfs, Akron; George Aldrich, 100% Pure Maple Syrup - All the Pancakes You Can Mervin and Harold W. Parker Fairgrove; Harold Humm, FairCARO, MICH. of Detroit spent the week end grove; Demont Roller, UnionEat - Sausage - Coffee - Milk at their home here visiting rela- ville; Le© Seurynck, Gagetown, and Gilbert Smith, Caro. tives. DECEMBER IS JOY MONTH ENJOY A GOOD The annual Christmas program Soil and Water Conservation Adults $1 Children 75c MOVIE AT THE} STRAND is being prepared at the Grant and Management, Mike Hill, FBI, SAT. DEC. 9-10 Methodist Church and the Christ- Caro; Ted Keinath, Vassar; Reid Sponsored in Community Interest by Matinee Saturday at 2:30 p. m. mas tree and program will be Kirk, Fairgrove; Alton DeGrow, held on Saturday evening, Dec. Silverwood; Lynn Gray, Vassar; Alan Kirk, Fairgrove; Clinton 24. All are welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ash- Law, Cass City; Albert Bauer, more, Sr., spent Sunday visiting Reese; Walter Goodall, Cass ity; Frank Nagy. Caroo; Neil in Caro. A number from around here at- Bennett, Caro; Herbert Tait, tended the funeral services of Caro, and Dean Crawford, MarMrs. Daniel O'Rourke in Gage- lette. Farm and Home ManageRICHARD CONTE ment, Loren Brady, Unionville; town Tuesday forenoon. VICTOR McLAGUN The Grant Farm Bureau held a Jesse Treiber, Unionville; RayRICHARD CARLSON card party Saturday evening at mond Hart, Vassar; Lavern MALA POWERS Ensrlehard, Unionville; Frank the Williamson scheolhouse. AN KO HARtO «UA$5 Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Abbe and Satchell. Caro; Win. A. Stone, son, Glen, of Elkton were recent Caro; Walter Jackson, Caro; also dinner guests of their daughter Garrison Stine, Cass City ; Lawand husband, Mr. and Mrs. El- rence Malik, Caro: Walter Pouliot, Caro; Ray Putnam, Jr., ( mer Andrews in Grant. Caro; Max Cooper, Kingston; Mrs. Wm. Tonkin, Fairgrove, and HEAVY TOLL WAYNE MORRIS The person who burns the can- Mrs. Charles Witkovsky, Caro. JOHN AGAR dle at both ends to make ends MfiRGIA The secret of success is in domeet turns into an awful drip. ing what you can do well. Color Cartoon Added NO SECONDS PERSONAL FAULT Since there are so many misAlways remember that bad takes to make no man should alSATURDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW himself to make the same politicians are elected by good DEC. 11-12 jlow SUN., MON. people who don't bother to vote. one twice. Pancake Supper Cass City High School Thursday, Dec. 15 Cass City State Bank THEY'LL NEVER DREAM YOU PAID SO DOLORES. A little charmer. Has 17 jewel movement. *2595 LITTLE! WADSWORTH WATCHES PRODUCT OF CODY. Masculine round waterproof* case and luminous dial. ®1 ELGIN 19 FROM JUST • PRODUCT OF EWIN • S T Y L E D BY EWiN BARBARA. A most entrancing style. Has 17 jewel movement. • ELGIN UNBREAKABLE DURAPOWER MAINSPRING 4l ftevidtd COM it wrvtcwJ |NK*«di«iy and »»alfeHtond offer opening for any reason. Or Select Famous HAMILTON OR BULOVA See our shock proof and water proof watchesIdeal For Christmas McConkey JEWELRY AND GIFT SHOP Phone 278-W Cass City WANT HELP FINDING WHAT YOU WANT? TRY THE WANT ADS TODAY! ^"K"i"M"K'*^:^*^^^ TRAIL Continuous Sunday from 3:00 p. m. I A ONE MAN AIR FORCE AND A ONE WOMAN MAN CASS Theater Cass City On Our Tremendous Cinemascope Screen ilUNE DEC. 9-10 FRL, SAT. /"YOU KNOW WHAT <ohrbir JAMES WHITMORE ^sro ctoessr fl&o ths-sll - with. ^ Pitch, WARNERCOLOR Bugs Bunny Cartoon "Rabbit Rampage SATURDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW "QUENTON DURW0OD" TUES., WED., THURS. DEC. 13-14-15 A good horse laugh is good for you ... See this Hilarious Picture SUN., MON. DEC. 11-12 Continuous Sunday from 3 p. m. SIR WALTER SCOTTS THE ADVENTURES Of OUENTIN OURWARD starring Robert TAYLOR Kay Robert KENDALL-MORLEY Color Cartoon "Kukunuts" and News TUES., WED., THURS. DEC. 13-14-15 RICHARD ERDNiAN JIM BACKUS • MYRNA HANSEN and Also three selected short subjects and Color Cartoon •„„ Technicolor and Cinemascope overlook this fact: Gas mileage in the '56 Buicks takes a big step upward. One reason, of course, is the new power plant itself. Every new Buick cradles an advanced 322-cubic-inch V8 engine with the highest horsepowers, Series for Series, in all Buick history. Yet -every engine delivers more efficiency, and more usable power to the rear wheels—because each one has a new double "Y" manifolding, and a new high in compression ratio. liut the major reason for the happy news in gas mileage —and for the new step-up in safety and thrills— is Buick's latest version of Variable Pitch Dynaflow. So now, you merely nudge the pedal to part throttle and get new breakaway getaway. And since you get this quicker, safer response in your normal cruising-range —where you don't use full power—you get plenty more miles from every tankful of gas. But when you do need sudden safety-surge for emergencies, you just floor the pedal to switch the pitch. Instantly, you're at full-power acceleration—and it's the most thrilling safety measure in the land. How about coming in to try the most modern transmission yet? The absolute smoothness of this new Dynaflow is worth a visit in itself. So you can be sure you're in for a wealth of wonderful surprises—for that's just the start of the best Buick yet. Can you make it this week? *New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow w the only D'linaiiow Buick builds today. It is standard on Road-master, Super and Century—optional at modest extra cost on the Special. In this airplane-principled transmission, you always had a gas-saving cruising range— and, at a switch of the pitch, a full-power getaway range. Now Buick engineers have brought to this cruising range what they call "double regeneration." It simply means a new way to make flowing oil add to its own velocity to build up driving force. Get 4-Season Comfort in your new Buick with FRIGIDAIRE CONDITIONING —now at a new low price COMING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddard "UNCONQUERED" ALL the big excitement of Buick's 1956 styling WITH and power and ride and handling— it's easy to \%£>) ' *SEE JACKIE GLEASO'KI* *• \^/ ON TV> *• ,^ Every Saturday Evening % * -WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUIIT BUICK Will BUIIO THEM 20 minute short "The King's Secret'* Cartoon "Square Shootin Square' and News D. L. i STRIFFLER PHONE 421 GASS Orr, MICHIGAN. CASS CITY CHBONICLE—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955. w PAGE JftVJL Check This Page For Just 14 Shopping SHOP TODAY Special Values - Outstanding Selections You'll Find Them All On This Page »••>•»*"•»•»*«••»*"•"< GIFTS for the HOME A gift for the home goes on giving for many years to come. Never have we had such a complete selection. Come in and choose yours today. All brands you know and trust. GIVE HER A LET BIGELOW'S "BARBIZON" SLIP Complete Your List just "Barbizon's" smooth acetate and rayon with nylon lace trim. "Body Contour* dress sizes 10-20, 38-44, 9-15, MEN'S NYLON Ranges Oil Burners Clothes Dryers Television STRETCH SOX by Interwoven Wide selection of novelty patterns. One size fits 10-12. $1.00 Ideal For Christmas Bigelow's is chuck full of famous brand Christmas gifts. Check this list and make your purchase today. FOR HIM FOR HER S K socket sets S K open stock Electric drill kits Electric hand saws Hand saws, squares Hammers, planes Tool boxes Sunbeam clipmasters Westclox watches Sunbeam mixmasters Sunbeam mixettes G E steam irons Electric irons Toastmasters Revere Ware Ironing tables Borg bath scales Electric clocks Sunbeam fry pans BIGELOW HARDWARE Cass City Oil and Gas Co. Cass City Stanley Asher, Mgr. Phone 28 25 to 50 per cent off on toys. Box of 32 Artistic assortment of the new tall-size "Lankies" in gaj colors. With Envelopes. I"«pp1 Economy box assortment .... 29c Family box assortment 59« GIFT WRAPPING PAPERS - LIGHTS - " DECORATIONS AND RIBBONS BEN FRANKLIN Cass City Cass City Gamble's For Thrifty $1.00 ! No Gift Problem Here WITH t» Come in and see the array of fine gifts we've got I waiting for your selection. Here's just a few sug- f gestions from the many items on display. 12-Piece Starter You'll find the complete line of famous Mall power tools at Brinker's. Come in and make your selection today. 1000 & I DRILL KIT ORBIT SANDER BELT SANDER SIX, SEVEN AND 8%-IN. SAWS Home Furnishing Gifts, Tools and Toys See Our Selection Start Your Workshop Now We Give Holden's Red Stamps Hardware and Furniture Phone 566 Cass City Brinker Lumber Co. Cass City Phone 175 Special In Time For Christmas <g -| QO J—^iJLli.JWJL TV M-A 1b< }^%5l» -**• ® Beautiful pink. Four cups, 4 saucers and 4 plates. Lotana Plastic Dish Pan . I98 ! 12-qt. size. Your choice of yellow, red or white. GAMBLES Tex Tan Belts Values to $3.50 $1.49 $ ^ 1 Your choice of solid brass or bronze buckles. ! !! A variety of styles and colors. All sizes in every !! price range and style group. Shoe Hospital HULIEN'S Cass City Homie of Fine Shoes and Clothing FREE FREE $65 TRAIN SET FUR LINED FELT MANY OTHERS ^f Free your name in gold I MAC & SCOm DRUG STORE Cass City McConkey's — The Home of Pine Gifts I vj) CANDY GIFT WRAPPINGS - TAGS - SEALS CHRISTMAS CARDS IMPRINTED WITH YOUR NAME - ORDER EARLY Cass City Genuine Leather Group of values to $5 Schaef fer Pen and Penctt Sets The perpetual motion clock—No winding ever. Runs 'silently, accurately, powered alone by temperature changes. Because the Atmos runs with very little friction, no oil is ever needed. With proper care, it is made to last a lifetime. Come in and see it operating now at McConkey's. McConkey Jewelry AND GIFT SHOP Phone 278-W Cass City When You Purchase Matching Gas or Electric DRYER AND AUTOMATIC WASHER SET Your Choice Kelvinator or Speed Queen. D. A. KRUG Offer Good 'Til Christmas Phone 205W Cass City YOU'LL FIND HUNDREDS OF OTHER A Wonderful Gift JUNGERS OIL BURNING HEATEE& PHILGAS RANGES WOMEN'S FRIEND WASHERS ELETRO-COPPER PLATED We Have The Mirror You Want! Round Mirrors Rectangular Mirrors Square Mirrors SUGGESTIONS Pyrex or Revere Ware Dinnerware SUNBEAM APPLIANCES, All Sizes, Large and Small, In a Variety of Designs In All Price Ranges. See Them At Cass City Furniture Store Leading Cass City Stores Boag and Churchill Cass City PAGE TON. CASS CITY CHRONICLE— FRIDAY,?DECEMBER 9,1955. -CHRISTMAS PILLSBURY ALL PURPOSE bag Christmas time means baking time..... and what family doesn't love delicious home-made treats. At IGA you'll find ail the ingredients that spell taste enjoyment for everyone. Come in today .. . Shop and Save the IGA Way! 17-oz. can World Wide Cut Green POWDERED SUGAR Beans Carnation Evap. Vytl/JL JLfcC* Vi W J.S, JU* T **J^r» ,^|Bfc Milk 4 "Kitchon Tested" Sweetheart TOILET SOAP 1-lb. box reg. bars FROZEN FOODS Sweetheart With purchase of one pound at reg. 13c price. BATH SOAP 2 '• 23c Muller's Miuee Meat SHORTENING Sno-Kreem Vegetable We have asked our IGA Table-Rite Meat Buyers to pick the choicest of Baby Spring Lambs . . . only 3 out of ten will pass this inspection for quality. Every cut is priced for its true value by scientific cutting test made daily. This means that many of the budget cuts represent wonderful values, Ahe choice cuts are never over priced. FOR A CHANGE SERVE LAMB! Buy Table-Rite mieats ... all the cuts of meat are properly trimmed and ready for the pan or broiler—excess fat and bone are removed so you actually save money—because you get more edible meat for your meat dollar! "THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!" IGA TABLE-RITE U. S. GOVERNMENT GRADED CHOICE 3-lb, can 69 CHOPS Snow Crop PEAS 1 A ftfw j.v-vii. . . Snow Crop PORK ROAST Lemonade lb. Pork Loin End Cut Up Free—Whole Roast Pork Loin 39c lb. 39c PUMPKIN IGA TABLE-RITE M I C APPLES Bakers Cello Tomatoes Florida Oranges or BLUE WHITE 10 t 59c 19c 39c 14-oz. plastic tube 5-lb. bag Parkay Margarine lb. With Coupon IGA SUPER MARKET cans Northern Spys — Baking and Cooking 59c Such Flavor — Such Tenderness — As You Have Always Wanted In ^W 3 35« Pork Chops lb. 21c 21c IGA Fancy Golden 19C lb. 6-oz. can Grape Juice Idaho KIB END pkg. IGA 2 LAMB SHOULDER Sin. size IGA SUPE MARKET THESE PRICES GOOD AT BOTH IGA MARKETS IN CASS CITY CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. PersonallNewslfrom Gagetown Area News from Deford Area who have been in service, were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Babish and '4-H Club Meets— reports were read and approved. Jand their son and wife, Mr. and signed by the members as & given to the group by Mrs.children, Mr. and Mrs. Glen The winter 4-H club of the It was suggested and voted on to Mrs. George Wilson, were Sun-pledge to promote a safe driving^ Mrs. Daniel O'Rourke, 77, died Tousley, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Thomas so that we may send Vandemark, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald suddenly of a heart attack at her Gagetown Public School elected purchase a TV set for the nuns' day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. campaign as a part of the year's Christmas or birthday cards to Hicks, George Vandemark, and home in Gagetown, Saturday, officers for the year recently. home. The Christmas party will Arthur VanAllen in Flint. The work. A report was given by The new officers are: president,be held Tuesday, Dec. 20, with an occasion was the birthdays of Mrs. Dennis Rocheleau on the reDec. 3. them. These are for those who Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rock and Donna Wildman; vice-president, exchange of gifts. Division No. Mrs. Robert Wilson and Mr. cent visit by the club members Mrs. O'Rourke, the former are not remembered by relatives. sons, accompanied by Mrs. Walt- Mary Quinn, was born in Strat- Donnie Orban; treasurer, Jerry 5, co-captains, Mrs. LawrenceVan Allen. to the Tuscola County Infirmary secretary, Marilyn Salgat and Mrs. Vincent Wald, At the^close of the meeting, er Reynolds and daughter, Shir- ford, Ontario, Aug. 16, 1878, and Mayer; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene White at Caro. Mrs. Sherwood Rice, Jr.,, ley, of Kingston, attended the Morrell, and reporter, William served refreshments. Mrs. Blanche Kelley presented wedding of Eugene Vandemark came to Gagetown in 1888 when and family of Fair Haven wei'e gave a paper on "Meeting the Finkbeiner. The leaders are Mrs. A dessert bridge party was Sunday visitors at the home of Educational Need of the Future.'5' the article, "The Black Madon- and Miss Nellie Barden at the she was ten years old. held Friday afternoon at the John Weiler, Sr., and were sup- Plans were made for the Christna," from the Union Signal, and Methodist Church in Otisville On June 27, 1900, she married Preston Karr and Mrs. Grover a meditation from tEe same Saturday evening. Mr. Daniel O'Rourke who died Laurie; handicraft, Elmore Hurd, home of Mrs. Alvin Freeman.per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mas party to be held at the home paper. After the Aaronic beneAug. 30, 1951. Mrs. O'Rourke Preston Karr and Roy Wildman; Three tables were at play. Miss liam King of Owendale. of the club president, Mrs. Alvin and Mrs. Kenneth was diction, a gift exchange was en- Mr. a member of St. Agatha knitting, Mrs. Preston Karr; elec- Rosalie Mall held high score and Freeman, Monday evening, Dec. The Woman's Study Club met tricity, Floyd Wiles; personal ac- Miss Cathryn Freeman drew the joyed while all sang "Merry Weatherhead and children of Church and Altar Society. Monday evening at the home of 19. Tea and dessert were served! Vassar were /Sunday dinner counts, Mrs. Preston Karr. Ashouse prize. Christmas to You" as gifts were Surviving her are five daughMrs. Harry Hool. A scroll was by the hostess. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman ters. Sister Patricia Marie of sistant leaders in sewing are opened. Mr. and Mrs. Martin BartholoKritzman. Mrs. Frank Orban, Mrs. Thomas Tea and coffee were served by Mrs. Joe Babish, Jr., of Man- Adrian, Mrs. Paul A. Hunter Taylor, Mrs. Vincent Wald. Mrs. my and family of North Branch the hostess while the many kinds ton was a visitor at the Louis (Eleanor) of Kinde, Mrs. Doug- Lynn Spencer and Mrs. Jamesspent the week end with his parlas Comment (Vernita) of Gageents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bartholoof cookies were sampled. Babish home from Tuesday until town, Mary and Nellie at home; Milligan. my. Mrs. Ruth Kelley is the Thursday of last week. Eight pupils are enrolled in Mrs. J. L. Purdy celebrated her scheduled* hostess Jan. 5 and the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelley en- two sons, Rev. Joseph O'Rourke, knitting, seven in electricity, of Helena and James O'Rourke club anticipates having county joyed dinner on Sunday with Mr.!of Gagetown; one sister, Mrs.twenty-two in handicraft, three birthday Dec. 1 with the followpresident, Mrs. Lucile Leckenby and Mrs. Warren Kelley and Mary McKinnon of Winnipeg,in personal accounts and twenty- ing relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Wilson and sons, of Elkton, at this meeting. For Dad - - - And Brother, Too children. Manitoba, *and 11 grandchildren. four in clothing making, a total George and Scottie, Mr. and Retherford reMrs. Carrie _! A son, John, preceded her inenrollment of 54. Mrs. Geoi-ge W. Purdy, Mr. and turned to her home Wednesday death. Mrs. Richard Burdon, Mr. and after attending the funeral of i Funeral services were held ^ young adult class of the Mrs. Edward Kehoe, Mr. and her uncle, Oliver Valentine, in .Tuesday morning, Dec. 6, at St. Methodist Church held their Mrs. Leslie Munro and daughters, Flint on Monday. monthly meeting at the home of Margie and Linda, and Miss Agatha's | Church. A solemn Mrs. Joe Babish, Sr., left by requiem high mass was offered Mrs. Thomas Taylor last Thurs- Edith Miller. Dinner was served CUSHION CREPI SOU* bus Friday for Orlando, Florida, by her son, Rev. Father Joseph day. The day was also the birth- for the group at Fritz's Inn. The ««4 »• Origiattno WING SWtAT-PROOP INSOlli where she expects to spend the O'Rourke, with Rev. Glenn Cron- day of their teacher, Mrs. Earl guests then went to the home of KODAK winter months with her husband. kite as deacon and Rev. Cornelius Hurd, and the occasion turned Mrs. Purdy where her daughter, Mrs. Effie Warner, Harriet McEachin of Croswell as sub- out to be a surprise party to Mrs. Carolyn Wilson, showed RED WING SHOE CO, DUAFLEX «wl Wins, Minis. and Mrs. Duane Warner and son, deacon. Rev. Father Cronkitehonor her. She was presented pictures taken on her vacation FLASH Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. .preached the sermon. Burial was with a gift. trip to California. Mrs. Purdy David Johnson of Royal Oak> in St. Agatha Cemetery. Harry McGinn of Montrose received several gifts and will OUTFIT Sunday. Among those who came to at- called on friends here Monday. soon leave to spend a few months tend the funeral were 55 priests Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter, with her daughter, Mrs. Florence SEE T H E M . . . TRY THEM ON A T . . . EASY FOR SOME and 20 nuns. John and Paul visited her mother, Moore, in California. The world is divided into two Mrs. Charles Laughlin, in Bad Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson classes—'people who work and Axe Sunday and called on her and sons, George and Scotty, and Features Kodak's popular KINGSTON those who work them. uncle, Joseph Laughlin, who is their guest, George Moore, were reflex-type camera and in* ill in the infirmary. dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and dudes Fiasholder with guard READY TO HELP Trudy Montie of- Caro visited Cass City and Mrs. William McHenry Mrs. Grebauer of Eikton. and batteries, eight flash bulbs, A friend is a person who is Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Montie Sun- of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson West Branch were week-end two roils of film, plus a 45-cent never in your way—except when day. guests of his sister and family, picture-taking booklet. you are on the way down. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Alma Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston. spent Sunday with her parents, Mrs. William Stanton and Mrs. GOOD TEACHER Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ruggles. Sherwood Rice, Jr., entertained The worth of experience deMr. and Mrs. Leo Barrett spent 28 guests at a linen shower Satpends wholly upon the amount of j the week end with friends in De- urday afternoon at the Roy La} troit. good it does for you. F"ave home honoring Mrs. Benson Mrs. Blenda Fulford of Roches- 3obart, a recent bride. Mrs. ter spent several days the first Harlan Hobart, Mrs. May of Reof the week with friends here. mus, mother of the bride, and I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs. Ben Hobart received the jCassie at Caro hospital Nov. 30, guests. Mrs. ,Stanton poured. a seven-pound son. Mrs. Hobart received many nice j Mrs. L. A. Heineman was a gifts. A holiday theme was carj Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. ied out with a centerpiece of [E. J. Black in Caro. lolly and lighted red tapers on CAIRO'S BIGGEST LITTLE NITE SPOT j Rev. and Mrs. W, Trayer vis|- the table and buffet. jted Kev. and . Mrs. Kenneth St. Agatha Altar Society met AT 'Boileau in Lapeer Thursday. for their regular monthly meetMr. and Mrs. Carmon Camp- ng Wednesday evening with 60 PRESENT FOR Y0UR LISTENING PLEASURE bell of Flint visited in the Al- members present. Presiding was bert Peter home last week. ;he president, Mrs. Norman Pine. The Literary Club had their The secretary and treasurer's annual Christmas party with Mrs. Eldon Denhoff Tuesday eve- ORDER FOR PUBLICATION—Notice of Hearing—Appointment of Adminisning. trator and Determination of Heirs. The White Creek Floral Club Stat« of Michigan, The Probate Court for the Coaaty of Tasccla.. met with Mrs. George Hampshire the Matter of the Estate of Erwin for their Christmas ..meeting. W.InKercher, Deceased. At a session of said Court, held on Secret pals were revealed with a Presented By November 25th. 1956. 50-cent gift. Present, Honorable Almoii C. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Schwaderer Judge of Probate. : Notice is Hereby Given. That the netiand family of St. Marys, Oh o, ion of Charles R. Kercher tn-ayinsr that spent their Thanksgiving vaca- he administration of said estate be Kranted to The Pinner State Bank or to tion with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. ome other suitable t>erson: and that the Schwaderer. icirs of said deceased be determined, LITTLE Mr. and Mrs. Ward Stark and will be heard at the Probate Court on 29th. 1955. at ten a. m. JOE DANN I son of Detroit spent the week end December It is Ordered, that notice thereof be i with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. riven by publication of a copy hereof or three weeks consecutively previous C. L. Stark. o said day of hearing:, in the Cass City Chronicle, and that the petitioner cause First Game Starts at 7 p. m« I The Home Extension Class met copy of this notice to be served upon ' in the home economics room of ajach known party in interest at his last Kingston High School for a pot- mown address fey registered mail, reurn demanded, at least fourteen ,luck supper and exchange of 14) receipt days prior to such hearing, or by gifts. icrsonal service at least five (5) days FOR ONLY Mr. and Mrs. John Richter and irior to such hearing. ALMON C. PIERCE, girls spent Sunday with his parJudge of Probate, A true copy: ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Richter, Beatrice P. Berry, Register of Probate. in Cass City. 12-2-3 Christmas Party— Nine members of the Deford Women's Christian Temperance Union gathered at the home of Mrs. Harriet Rayl Dec. 1. The president, Mrs. Edna Warner, presided. The invocation was given by Mrs. Harriet Rayl, and Mrs. Phyllis Churchill presented the scripture from Luke 2 and prayer for the devotions. Mrs. Fern Thomas, the county director of Armed Forces department, reported 20 sunshine and bed bags ready to be sent to the V. A. Hospital at Grand Rapids. Twenty-seven dozen home-made cookies were also brought to this meeting to be sent to the V. A. hospital in Saginaw. A veteran of the Deford community, who is ill, will also be remembered at this season. Addresses of veterans, mothers and wives of veterans, as well as ladies hospitalized, It's The Gilt SHOE HOSPITAL **r BASKETBALL GAME Wood Rexall Drug THE PUB Old-Time Cass City vs. Marlette per week AT You Can Have A Complete Service For 8 In Your Choice Silverplate — Famous 1847 Rogers Bros. The car that's going places with the Young in Heart I BUY IT NOW FOR CHRISTMAS PAY FOR IT WHILE YOU ENJOY IT! McCONKEY Hurry over! Thrills await you in Plymouth.5 great Hy-Fire engines, miracle products of Plymouth's new $50,000,000 engine plant. With up to 200 hp and new 90-90 Turbo-Torque, these new power giants of the low-price 3 give you jet-like take-off and blazing "safety- Aerodynamic sprint" acceleration, plus economy. You'll also discover Plymouth's .magical new Push-Button Driving . . . new Aerodynamic Styling . . . smoother new ride . . . and many new safety features. Drive the jet-age Plymouth '56 at your dealer's today! — Plymouth's the first low-price car to ©f ? you Push-Botton Driving. Try it! THERE'S GOOD NEWS at your Plymouth dealer's f Youll see tomorrow's styling; today in the breath-taking; new Plymouth, and you'll fin& a modern financing plan that" will fit Plymouth's low price into almost any budget. Better See your Plymouth dealer.. o. as soon as you can! Best buy new—better tratfe-iir,, 200 V-8 hp available with PowerPak in all 4 lines-Belvedere, Savoy, Plaza and Suburban. Or choose 187 hp in Belvedere and Suburban lines. In Savoy and Plaza fines you get 180 V-8 hp. If you prefer the super-economy of Plymouth's PowerFlow 6-also available in all 4 lines-you get 125 hp, or 131 hp with PowerPak. JEWELRY AND GIFT SHOP £hoii*278-W , OiesCity cty Rabideau Motor Sales (*«» CITY, MICHIGAN. CASS CITY CHRONICLE— PEIDAY, DECEMBER 9,1955. PAGE TWELVE, HOSPITAL SITE Continued from page one. Distribute State Aid song Money to Schools Holiness Group to Meet at Def ord swered roll call by expressing a. Christmas thought. Following the meeting, Christmas cake, nuts and tea were served by the reception committee. , The next meeting, Jan. 10, will j fce at the home of Mrs. Harold Perry. WSC MEETS Continued from page one. Nine Pay Taxes in Novesta Township A council meeting and Gifford Chapter OES 369 will may keep other qualified physiand praise service will be held at hold its Christmas party and Mrs. Arlington Hoffman enter1 p. m., followed by an address A totoal of $177,385 has been regular meeting Dec. 20 with an cians from starting practice in Announcment was made of the from Rev. Ivan Carrol, mission- distributed to schools in Tuscola exchange of gifts. On Jan. 4, Cass City, they say. first nine persons to pay taxes in tained the group with two vocal County Hospital? selections, "Star of the East" and ary to India. Novesta Township. County in the third apportion- Gifford chapter and Echo chapter The building has also been They are: Jerome Root, Sr., "Good Christian Men Rejoice." Miss Thum will conclude the ment of State Aid to schools, it of Cass City will hold a joint looked over by Irl Baguley, TusEach of the 26 members anmeeting as the speaker in the was announced this week by Fred school of instruction at Cass City. cola County Welfare Director, Harry Parker, Clare Root, Jaak Dickinson, Charles Spencer, afternoon service starting at 2:30 Mathews, Tuscola County clerk. for use as a county infirmary. Dewey Bremmer, Steve Chuno, | Of this amount, C'ass City p. m. LIVESTOCK SHOW Mr. Baguley said that he has Alex Seres and Nora Goodell. j Schools received $26,830. Other Continued Irpm page one. no comment on the advisability of The -want ads are newsy too. Elkland Township districts rebuilding. Any decisions received the following amounts: in the show. The pens were the BAD AXE SCHOOL garding practicality will rest number one, $250; number two,divided as follows: 27 pens of with the its Continued from page one. welfare board, he said. $130; number three, $200; num- Southdowns, 21 Shropshires, 10 ber four, $350, and number six, I Oxfords and 12 crossbreeds. tax levy carried by a slender COURT CASES 1 $230. margin of 43 votes. The proposal The Cass City Club placed well Continued from page one. The Deford Community in the steer division of the show, for the bond issue of $350,000 .School's share of the fund was although none of the exhibitors carried by a 358-310 margin. $3,960. Novesta district number were able to take championship arrears is paid. School authorities say that the Wednesday Cases five received $160. debt is expected tojbe liquidated honors. Bert E. Foster charged Gagetown Public School rein 12 years, but the bonds were Leslie Severance showed the ceived $4,830. Other Elmwood fourth lightweight Shorthorn and garet M. Harvey with failure to issued for 20 years to insure a Here's one really nice place to come Township districts received the David Mathews, the fifth light- comply with terms of a land con- lower interest rate. when your feet feel like having a following amounts: number one, weight Angus. Eddie Profit won tract. The case was taken under The district has some $32,000 good fit. There's no pressure from $180; number two, $200; number 12th place for his medium weight i advisement. in a sinking fund for the addiTheodore Robinson, now of tion. A two-mill sinking fund our staff, and less pressure for tired and weary feet. In four, $160, and number six, $85. Angus, while Hugh Milligan's Genesee County was charged d d with approvai of Ellington Township school dis- lightweight .Shorthorn placed 16. Foot-So-Port Shoes you get firm and friendly support with nonsupport. The informationjthe ^five-mill *,.,_^m levy. IQWT tricts' shares were: number one, Lightweight Shorthorns ex- was read and Mr. Robinson rethat keeps feet straight and comfortable—for a long, $460; number two, $400; number hibited by Arthur Randall placed long time. three, $430, and number four, 17th and 23rd, while Gary Ran- , quested an attorney. The case NEW OFFICERS was continued. $360. Concluded from page one. dall's pen of three lightweight : We carry sizes In stock to size 15. Case Settled Shorthorn steers was 18th. A $50,000 damage suit against It's a mistake to think that the In group showing of steers, County Sheriff Merritt Bayley, and tyler, Grant Hutchman who works all the time will Tuscola County placed ninth and Huron R. McBride and Dr. H. T. Dona- inson. win the race. Foot-So-Port Shoe Store Others are: sick committee, Hugh Milligan's group of three hue of Cass City was dismissed Boughton and Chester Shorthorn steers shown by a . this week by Judge Quinn. Cass City, Michigan Phone 167 single exhibitor was fourth.Attorneys for the defendants untz; finance, John West fand^CharSsI^GoFrrPorti11^014 ^cGraS; ^ff1 Austin agreed to settle the case ™ttee> ?.?* ^acLac,WaM • 'out of court iEdw. Golding, Sr., and Masonic > The suit was based on an.h°™[ <*Ti*teJ',. autopsy allegedly performed OT ! eha^ Gilbert Albee Stewart Goff, 23, who died in an ! Brown. ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. automobile accident in Dec. 1953, Final Account. without the , permission of the State of Michigan. I he Probate Court Top ^r«*n cowhide billfold with embossed design father. for the County of Tuscola. In the Matter of the Estate of Josem»two-tone colors; also smooth black and brown. phine McCIorey, Deceased. The monthly meeting of the Huron-Tuscola Holiness Association is scheduled at the Deford Methodist Church, Rev. E. W. McDonald) secretary, announced this week. » The meeting will open at , 11 a. m. when Miss Nellie Thum, missionary to Honduras, will be the speaker. A co-operative luncheon will be served at noon. MONARCH by A Fit Lately ? Mar- JLV. RILEY Freiburger's Save you money on your holiday food bill CLIP THIS COUPON 2 FREE ovenready 1 Table King lUJfflMM? I Popcorn ... 1st prize 18 Ibs. or oyer f 2nd prize Hnatiuk, Route 3, CaSS City, re- , residue of said estate assigned to the ,, , , j » ,1 oersons entitled thereto, and that he be Cently was graduated irom the aiiowea &n extraordinary fee for extrasupply records course at the ordinary services performed as adminof the above named estate will Quartermaster School, Fort Lee, istrator be heard at the Probate Court on December 15th. 1955. at ten a. m. Va. 46-oz. can Tomato Juice 33e box * 12 Ibs. or over | Hekmjan Saltine DRAWING DEC. 21, 6 P. NAME PHONE NO. M. I 5[ 400 Ct. Tissue I Kleenex <*» f Bring Coupon to Store—Need not be present to win. * ^ Visit Our Store Often—With Each Visit Receive a f Quaker £ Coupon for Free Drawing Dec. 21. f « „ 4-oz. * 1-lb., Oats . . . . *T«AA*A»^AAA»Ji^jMj4A*j4»**+jHj«^^^^ Minute 9 Rice.. Choc. Drink Pillsbury All Vegetable Carnation Instant 25-lb. bag 3-Ib. can Macaroni Or None Such Mincemeat, 9-oz. pkg. Fels Naptha O bars Soap ...*. < O Keyko Oleo 7-Min. Fluffy Frosting, pkg. Del Monte Seedless Raisins, 15-oz. box ... .......... Franco-American cans Spaghetti_______,. 27c 25e 2for43c 27c NORTHERN CUT RITE Paper LIBBY'S Pumpkin 2 Tissue rolls 2'/2 cans 35 rolls Grapefruit 5 bag We reserve right to limit quantities—none sold to dealers. ;er Phone 468 Specials in'effect Dec. 9 thru 15 The eight-week course included administrative procedures, study 1 of the Army supply system, unit supply, station supply, commissary operations, depot operations and storage operations. Private Hnatiuk, a graduate of Cass City High School, entered ,the Army in July 1955 and completed basic training at Camp Carson, Colo. EUB ANNIVERSARY Concluded from page one. years. Two selections by the Men's Chorus of the church were heard and Mrs. C. J. Striffler read letters from Roy Striffler, Russell Striffler and Wilbur Silvernail, three men who left the Cass City church to serve other pastorates. Mrs. Walter Anthes read a letter from Mrs. Laura Butzbach. Mr. and Mrs. Butzbach were charge of the church in 1920. There are four ministers liv• ing who have served the church. They are: Rev. Fred Pohly of jCarroIlton, Rev. H. I. Voelker of •Detroit, Rev. George Sm'tler of (Ann Arbor and Rev. S. P. Kirn, Sr., of Mt. Pleasant. Letters were received from Rev. Pohly and Rev. Kirn. Mrs. A. J. Knapp recited the alphabet in German to close the program. A thank offering w«s taken, followed bv the benediction by Rev. S. R. Wnrtz and e"roup sinerI'ncr of "Blest Be The Tie That Binds." I Cm^^g . . ^ RFB At a 'session of said Court, held on November 16th. 195B. Present, Honorable Almon C. Pierce, fudge of Probate. Notice is Hereby Given. That the oetition of Albia J. Stevens, the adArmy Pvt. Milton Hnatiuk, ministrator of said estate, oravinff that son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Sam his final account be allowed and the CAKE MIXWhite - Yellow - Chocolate ^»^HjH5Hj«^»jHj^^^^H.Jf^^(J*^H5^^H Hnatiuk Graduate Of Army School Cass. City It is Ordered, That notice thereof be ?iven by publication of a copy hereof for ,hree weeks consecutively previous to iaid day of hearing, in the Cass City Chronicle, and that the petitioner cause i copy of this notice to be served upon each known party in interest at his. last known address by registered mail, return receipt demanded, at least fourteen (14) days prior to such hearing, or by personal service at least five (6) days prior to such hearing. * ALMON C. PIERCE, Judge of Probate. A true copy , Beatrice P. Berry, Register of Probate. 11-25-8 Features removable pass case, spare key holder, secret bill divider. Plus Fed. Tax * See Our Special Values In The Gift Shoppers Page In This Issue Shoe Hospital Cass City His, Hers, or Theirs g«Wt (Rfo-M County Girl Scouts for National Roundup The .Selections Committee of the Tuscola County Girl Scout Council, Mrs. Don MacLachlan of Cass City, Mrs. George Henry Atkins of Vassar and Mrs. Linal Montei of Fairgrove, have met and announce the names of the j Senior Girl Scouts chosen to go I to the National Roundup June 29 j$° July 1Q at Hartland Recreation Area. The selections are: Janice Salisbury and Susan Vassar: Mary Dickson, Akron; Mary Oseauera, Unionville. and Sue Dickerson, Alice PhipDs, i Maryann Chamberlain and Janice jGibbs. all of Caro. The alternates (are: Brynn Procter and Janice iDeCou, Vassar: Alice Garner, jPat Watson, Ruth Thomas and ! Barbara Biebel, Caro, and Janet [Baker, and Joan Schack, Vassar. j Mrs. Alfred Dickson of Akron and Miss Esther Lou Pitzstenhens of Caro are the adult leaders who will accompany the girls. Both patrols will take the required training and will start right after Christmas with their first camp out. Give an AUTOMATIC BLANKET Whether for a twin bed or a big double bed, there's an automatic blanket for anyone on your Christmas gift list. It's the gift that keeps on giving from the moment it's plugged in. All night long, all winter long you get luxurious warmth without muscle cramping weight. Automatic blankets make wonderful gifts for every member of the family. see or »»M«..»..»,.a..«.. »»Mg..«,.»..»..g. Now is the time to start that Christmas Club account for 1956. Come in and see us about it. THE PINNEY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System & P. D. L a