SECTION ONE Pages 1 to 12 SECTION ONE Pages 1 to 12 THIS ISSU& THIS ISSUE CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955. VOLUME 50, NUMBER 33. . Cjass City Livestock Club Sweeps Lamb Competitiop Supervisors Hear State Tax Men In Caro Monday jack Perry Tops Detroit Junior Livestock Show A discussion of the tax situaJack Perry of Cass City exhibited the Grand Chamtion in Michigan with two state pion lamb, a Southdown, at the Detroit Junior Livestock experts, Dale Campbell and'Roy Show Vv^ednesday to bring top honors in the show to the Paff, highlighted the December Cass City Livestock Club for the 15th time in 26 years. meeting of the Tuscola County : Mr. Perry's Grand Champion -Board of Supervisors Monday. was one of a galaxy of awards Q^^-fl^. "P|« Tl/f • 9 "P|« The; experts answered quesJJ1% copped in the lamb competition tions of the supervisors and ex-, by Cass City entries. About the plained how they arrived at valuonly honor that escaped the local ( ation figures for tax purposes. entries was the reserve champion On a motion made by Superlamb, won by Mr. Bell of LandThe accident suit of Dr. F. L. visor Howard Slafter of Tuscola ing. Morris of Cass City against Township, the board approved the Mr. Perry received the Fred W. Francis Chaulkin and Mrs. Santa Claus will i make* bis an-~ X-raying of all persons in the Couzens Memorial trophy' for Mildred Cross, Port Hope, was nual trip to ,Cass City, Thursday,,, Tuscola County Hospital and winning the championship. settled out of court Monday, as Dec. 22, members of the county convalescent homes by the EXAMINE FACILITIES—Examining the possibilities of the hart, James MacTavish, Herbert Ludlow, Clifford Croft and M. C. All of the winners listed in trial was slated to begin. City Gavel Club, which sponSaginaw Valley Mobile X-ray Nestles Company plant in Cass City for use as a hospital Sunday McLellan. Front row: Harry Little, Mrs. McEachern, Miss Helen Kelly, this story represented the Cass The case was the result of an sors his arrival-here, • said thfe were these interested persons. Preliminary examinations make it Unit. Mrs. Irene Freeman, Mrs. MacTavish, Mrs. H. T. Donahue, Dr. "ity ivestock Club. Linda Sever- accident on the Bay City-Forest- .week, A request for $300 by the Sag- doubtful if the building can be adapted for a hospital. ance showed the grand champion ville and Cemetery roads inter-" He is scheduled to make Ms? From left to right, back row: Fred McEachern, Leonard Urqu- Donahue and A. J. Stevens. inaw Valley Regional Planning pen of three lambs and Jack section, four miles north of Cass ' appearance at the village CferisfcCommission - was tabled until the Perry, the reserve champion pen City. In the crash Dr. Morris was ;mas tree at the.corner of Mapfe For UsQ-as Hospital next meeting. 62 at County Farm of three lambs. severely injured and Mr. Richard, and Main Streets at 7:30 7p. m. The board authorized Supervi1 In the Southdown class, Jack Montcalm killed. . j Gavel Club spokesmen said sors Evard Rawson, Grover Bureau Meeting Perry had the first individual and Mrs. Cross was named in the his arrival will be a half hour Laurie and Charles Woodcock to pen, Arthur Severance the third suit as the owner of the car ' earlier this year so that it would attend a short course for asSixty-two members of the Tus- individual and pen and Virginia driven by Chaulkin. !not conflict with church' prosessing officers at Ann Arbor ^cola County Farm Bureau at- Perry the 15th individual. grams. Dec. 12-14. | tended the annual kickoff memIt speaks well for the leaders, Linda Severance had the secAs usual, Santa will have cansbership roll call meeting Monclub members and others associond individual and first pen in WSCS Hold^ Annual dy and other treats for all the (day, Dec. 5, at the VFW Hall in the Shropshire class and in the ated with the Cass City Live[youngsters in the community, Caro. . Residents of the Cass City area stock Club that they could sweep all other breeds class, Larry Christmas Party ' At the club meeting Tuesday at j A panel discussion was held so many top honors in the lamb investigated the possibilities of Goodall showed the first indij Parrott's Dairy Bar, Lloyd and several representatives of vidual and third pen. The Chronicle's annual spe- division of the Detroit Junior converting the abandoned Nestles The WSCS of the Methodist j explained the beginning of Farm Bureau addressed the In addition, Arthur Severance cial delivery to the North Pole Livestock Show. Company plant in Cass City to a Church held its annual Christmas '. Christmas decorations in the group. County Farm Bureau containing letters to Santa Congratulations are in order community hospital this week. was the champion showman in| ty Monday, Dec. 5, in the--lage and demonstrated how President Henderson . Graham the sheep division and Jack par Claus will start next week. Discussign was capped by an social rooms of the ' church. jdisplays/ ire made. welcomed the guests. Boys and girls in the area was Grand Champion of the inspection of the building SunPerry, Arthur Severance, Leslie Marge Parker, co-ordinator of Severance and Virginia Perry, Seventy persons attended, who want to get in touch with show. Through our negligence, day. Although the building has Farm Bureau women, presented all of Cass City, showed the eluding several guests and memold Saint Nick this season had we failed to'have a picture of ample room for a 50-bed or more the principal address, "Philo-" champion county group of six bers of the intermediate class of better sit right down and the winning exhibitor and his hospital, qualified observers are the church. 'sophy of Farm Bureau." now doubtful if the building can write today. lamb. Dr. Harry Crandell, nalambs from four exhibitors. An impressive program di• Speakers from the Lansing ofFor, there is just two weeks tionally known sheep expert, be converted at any substantial Arthur received the Detroit rected by Mrs. Albert Gallagher, fice were John Sexson, represent- Stewards Association trophy for left to get your message to tipped us off before the show savings to the community. assisted by Mrs. John McGrath, First payment to growers from ing Farm Bureau service; John winning showmanship honors. Santa so he'll know just what that Cass City might well have a The three-floor buffdiHg is in Miss Addie Gallagher and Mrs. the Caro plant of the Michigan Cjotzer, Farm Bureau fertilizers. you want for Christmas. Send [winner. We were scheduled to good repair, but the installation -"Seventv pens, of lambs for a Tom Dobbs, was presented. Sugar Company was announced and Oscar Hauck, speaking of your letters now and we'll see 'take a picture of the winning of heating and plumbing, costs total of 210 sheep were "exhibited Several musical .selections thatsthey are printed and sent entry, but with the press of for lowering ceilings, building this week to be $9.25 per ton for farmers' petroleum. Concluded on page twelve. were enjoyed. The junior choir^ .Speakers from Tuscola Countv to Santa in time for Christ- Christmas work, the appointment rooms and adding windows is ex- 105,550 tons of beets received, soloist Ruth Hoffman and a The payment will amount to included: Harry Steele, general mas. slipped our mind and we failed pected- to place the cost too high quartet, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mil-" $976,337.50. Deducted from this agent for Tuscola County insur-! to have a picture for this week's for practical purposes. ler, Arlington Hoffman and Mrs. Members of the parish of SL figure will be $385,200 made in ance; Mrs. James Stiner of Caro. However, authorities have conissue. Nancy Hallahan, entertained. Agatha Church in Gagetowre will 9 tacted an architect to look the The program was closed with a attend Mass in the main for the Caro plant. and Clark Montague, memberbuilding over and give an opinion j If things go as planned, resiJ. Jay Black, acting director candlelight circle. Gifts were auditorium Sunday for the Gilbert Smith, plant manager, i dents of the community will have as to its practicality. of the Sanilac County Health De- then presented and gifts of time since May 15, Rev. Fatter Marlie Drew, regional ret>rean opportunity to look over the If the building should prove said that this leaves a cash pay- sentative of Michigan Farm partment, reported this week money received for children in Glenn W. Cronkite announced! new Cass City Manufacturing acceptable, it would need the ap- ment of $501,137.50 to be rethis week. that 1,546 children, from five to Seoul. Korea. Company's facilities sometime proval of the state before any leased by the company Thursday, Bureau, was chairman of the nine years old, received their A business meeting followed Services have been held In Unmeetinsr. after Christmas. R. L. Bassett, action could be taken. Forty per Dec. 15. the program and refreshments church basement for ,the last; first shot of polio vaccine last Ed Golding. Sr., is cantain of The money represents the first manager, said that he planned an cent of funds used for hospital were served by the executive seven months while an extensive ulve inl FIMand Township. week. 4drive Aw ni * Students from rural schools committee open house as soon as production construction are provided by_ the of three payments to the grow- ^ Aer $70,00 improves &nt. -project. -wasp s " ^ ers. In addition, beet growers ?° f are Mr. and Mjs Clare and other opening problems have state. in progress. were transported to various cenAuthorities have been and are have received, or will receive Center and Ellwood Eastman. ibeen disposed of. Repairs are nearly finishedf ters to receive the vaccine. Mr. concerned over the lack of facil- shortly, a government payment of Visitors, former members and anct First Holy Communion for r* t \ t Black announced that students ities in the community. The 30 S^nKW>| $2.40:8 a ton. About $140,000 of active members of the Cass City ! children will be held at the 8:30 absent on the day the vaccine available beds in the Pleasant Evangelical United Brethren a. m. Mass Sunday. was administered can still reHome Hospital and Cass City $254,164.40 has been dispursed. Church attended the 90th anni-;Jlear DCCr Rev. Cronkite reported that ceive it from the physician who Hosm'tal are full the majority of Mr. Smith said that the averversary celebration of the church complete details of the improveattended the clinic. ArrangeThe Cass City High School age yield per acre in the district Sunday to hear Rev. N. W. The December meeting of the the time. ment project will be revealeci Lack of good hospital facilities handled by the Caro plant this Music Department, under the di- ments should be made through Klump, district superintendent 'Cass City Community Club will ext w e e . the health department, he said. rection of Roger Parrish for year was 15 tons. He said that for the East District, in be held Tuesday at Cass City Mr. Black said that a limited vocal music and Ronald Phillips growers will receive $11.65:8 per morning service ,and attend a High School auditorium. Mr. instrumental, will present its SUT>T>IV of polio vaccine is now ton for their beets this month, for special service in the afternoon. Tubbs, district conservation of- Strike Oil on Land annual winter concert Monday available from doctors in Sanifor a $174.87 per acre gross profFollowing Rev. Klump's ad-' f jcer f rom be the guest evening, Dec. 19, at • 8 p. m. at lac Countv for pregnant women dress in the morning, the group (speaker, Owned by Mdsacks it with two additional payments the The annual Christmas program Cass City High School audi- and children one through 14 due from the Michigan Sugar was served a ham dinner by the j j^r> Tubbs will bring & of the Cass City Woman's Study years old. ! torium. The long fight by Mrs. Heleneladies of the WSWS. During the j "Michigan>Deer Story," to illus- Leaseholders Mr. and Mrs. Joe Companv. Club was held Tuesday at the Striffler for the right to an autoThe concert is open to the Mr. Smith said that the last ! public meal several congratulatorv let- trate h|s address. He is expected Mosack of Gagetown announced home of Mrs. Ed Baker who mobile franchise held in Caro bjr and admission is free. ters were read from former mem- to present the conservation de- this week that land they have beets from this year's harvest Complete details of the program decorated for the program in her late husband, Fred, was" bers and friends of the church partment's stand on the contro- leased to National Drillers of delivered to the plant Tues- will be published in next week's keeping with the holiday season. denied by the Michigan Supreme; and church authorities said that versial "any deer" season. Instead of an 'exchange of Court. Lansing and 0. K. West of De- day. Chronicle. several phone calls were also regifts, members gave money to troit has produced oil at three The decision upheld a previous ceived. be used for Christmas gifts for one narrow spaced levels in Ogemaw issued by the Wayne circnfft Several of the practices of the j needy persons. County, southeast of West court, from where the case was church in its early years Were' A Christmas program was one appealed. Branch, carried out to commemorate the j Saturday, Dec. 10—Leon and of the higrhlisrhts of the meeting. The well has been acidised by The supreme court said that 90 years of the church in the Marion Conway will sell cattle, Dow Chemical Co. with 4.500 galMrs. Keith McConkey read * the "no protection could have asOfficers for the coming year community. Christmas Story and Mrs. Earlsisted Mrs. Striffler in obtainingdairy equipment, feed and ma- lons of acid" and is expected to were elected at a meeting of As was the custom until early chinery at the farm, three miles be a commercial well within 30 Douglas reviewed the book, "The for herself or for her company Tyler Lodge No. 317 F & AM 1900, the men sat on one side of south of Akron on the corner of days, Mr. Mosack said. Postmaster Chester Muntz an- Other Wise Man" by Henry Van anv honpfit of a renewal. Any Tuesday evening and will be inthe church and ladies on the North Merry j^nd West"Fairgrove Oil was struck at approxinounced this week that special Dyke. so-caHM renewal wou^ not fee & stalled in an open installation other. The program was opened Roads. A piano solo, "The Trinity rAnpwnl in fflct: it mately 4.000 feet, he' said. Christmas post office hours will Dec. 15 in the Masonic hall. with a selection by the Sunday Chimes," was presented by Miss tical effect be a ' | Stuart Merchant is the newly- start Thursday, Dec. 15. School orchestra, under the dioffice Marilyn McConkev and the group On that day the post Geneva.! Motors terrw'-nntM the Bad Axe School District voters; elected worshipful master. Other rection of George Dillman. The sang "Silent Night." sales agreement Aug. 17, 1948, approved financing f o r a new officers are: senior warden, Gil- will remain open in the afterorchestra also played for the ofContinued OP page 12. j $380,000 addition to the high : bert Albee; junior warden, Hazen noon. On Saturday, Dec. 17, fertory. (school, Thursday, Dec. 1, at a Brown; treasurer, Dorus W. Thursday, Dec. 22, and Saturday, A service in^German was anspecial election. The money will Benkelman; secretary, Arlington Dec. 24, the post office will also other feature of the unusual be spent for a new gymnasium,, Hoffman; senior deacon, Clarence be open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., service. Mrs. Walter Anthes read four large classrooms for Junior'Keating; junior deacon, Clarence Mr. Muntz reported. a passage of Scripture in GerNormal Thursday and SaturHigh, a vocal music room and a Merchant: stewards, Don Koepfman and Rev. S. R. Wurtz gen and Leb Pomeroy; chaplain, day afternoon closing times will (band room. talked briefly in German on the The proposal for a five-mill John Bayley; marshal, Richard be observed after the Christmas passage read. A German song The Cass City Red Hawks holiday, he said. Continued on page 12. ing was more evenly divided as Continued on page 12. was sung by several of the men opened their 1955-56 cage season Bob Martus, Jim Johnson and and women present. After deliberating for seven making arrest in the village of Mrs. Arnold Copeland, presi- Friday evening with a 59-49 de- Dick Hanby joined the scoring hours, a Tuscola County jury Fairgrove Aug. 27. dent of the Ladies Aid, Mrs. B. cision at Bad Axe. Coach Irv parade as Cass City recorded its Max Young pleaded guilty of found Rowland Cone, Cass City, A. Schwegler, president of the Claseman's defending Thumb B best quarter of the game with 24 Dreaking and entering a gas staguilty of indecent liberties Thurs' conference champions started a points, while the Hatchets netted W.SWS, and Miss Frances Diebel. tion in Kingston. Judge Qumre day, Dec. 1, in circuit court at team with only one regular, Jack 15. At the half, Cass City led secretnrv of the Sunday School, Clar ordered a pre-sentence investigaCaro. then briefly compared the activa, back from last season's 39-25. Mr. Cone had been charged tion and sentence will be passed ities of the various societies they ,S(*'4ad... In the final two periods, Bad with indecent liberties and at- Wednesday. 13represent with the'work done by i Claseman used his entire Axe outscored Cass City, posting tempted rape of a 13-year-old Frank Rettelle of Gagetown; squad in the game and ex- a 11-10 margin in the third quarthese organizations in earlier girl. Judge T. C. Quinn ordered asked for an attorney whe» ; j perimented freely with nine boys. " Continued on page 12. ter and a 13-10 margin in the a pre-sentence investigation. charged with unlawfully ' driving jAt one time in the second quar- final period. Sentence will be passed Wednes- away an automobile from the jter, he used a quintet composed Coach Claseman said that he Comment Garage in Gagetown om day, Dec. 14. lot all sophomores and juniors. was satisfied with the performIn another Thursday case, Em- Nov. 14. He returned to court j Gordon Drouillard, a question ance of the squad in the opening ma A. Metro was granted tem- Wednesday and pleaded guilty to i mark at center when the season game, despite a sloppy last'half. porary alimony of $25 a week the charge. Judge Quinn senopened, nailed down a starting Buying priceThe team's strength will be from John Metro. Mr. Metro was tenced him to a year in the counjob Friday with his aggressive 21 given a sterner test tonight (FriA.J ordered to pay $100 attorney's ty jail. However, sentence will •D _ g'gg rebounding and surprising scor- day) when the Hawks play Marbe suspended when he returns to [fees. in unch lette at the Cass City High Dark red kidney beans .Z~ 15.50 £ P , Four Arraigned military service. Mr. Rettelle Cranberries ...L 9.50 As expected the team made School gym. Four persons were arraigned has been in service for a year" Yellow eye beans 19.00 ™ierous mistakes and suffered Marlette was edged in their on criminal charges Monday be- with three more years to serve.Corn, new 1.08 from opening game jitters and opener with Caro, but fisrure to William G. Kern's attorney fore Judge Quinn. P . should improve as the season be much stronger than Bad Axe ram Calvin Conway of Fairgroye entered a motion to quash the inQQ progresses. which lost its opening game to stood mute when charged with formation on a rape charge. The Wheat, No. 2, mixed, bu 2.01 The team took only 45 shots class "C" Harbor Beach. assault and obstructing and re- motion was taken under advlse?during the game, considerablv Claseman said that he will sisting an officer. A plea of not ment. below the average of Hawk guilty was entered for him. He In a civil case heard' Monday, teams in past years, but aver- start Drouillard, Clara, Martus, Buckwheat, cwt. 1.60 iaged around .400 per cent with John Meininger and either Jim allea-edly beat and bruised Depu- Duane C. Bogart was found? Livestock Ellis or Johnson in the second ty Clarence Schroeder, who was mnlty of contempt of court for the 18 shots they converted. Cows, pound .08 .10 I In the opening period, Clara conference game of the season. failure to t»av alimony. Sentence Cattle, pound 12 .16 and Drouillard carried the H>wks OPENS MONDAY—«R. L. Bassett, manager of knocked down and the addition is made an integral Clara led the scoring for Cass Notice was suspended on his promise^ tto> Calves, pound . 15 .25 into a 15-10 lead. Clara picked City with 13 points, followed by f the Cass City Manufacturing Company, stands part of the building. I will be at the Cass Citv Stat* t>av $125 now and weekly Production of the plant was originally slated the first two pieces of machinery erected Hogs, pound — Saturday, Dec. 10 and Dec. ments of $25 until money owedTfia (up three field goals and a charity Drouillard with 10 and Martus j betweennew mo( ern to start Nov. 1. However, delays in shipping of Bank in southwest Cass City. ^ Produce Continued on page 12: 'heave and Drouillard counted a with nine* Mr. Bassett said that the company will start heating equipment and other necessary tools set 17, to collect taxes for Greenleaf Townshin. -I will also take taxes Eggs, large, doz 52 pair of shots from under the The Hawk reserve squad lost iimited production Monday of auto parts and as- the schedule about one month behind. Soecial Notice Eggs, medium, doz. bucket and converted four of six the preliminary contest, 50-38. semblies. The new building is built so additions The concern is expected to hire about 25 or 30 at my home on Wednesdays and Eggs, small, doz. .. .32 .free throws. Lopez was high for the Hawks can be made in any direction without interrupting persons, mostly men, at this time, Mr. Bassett Fridays. Jane Fuester, treasurer. No chickens this Friday. €%ri Reed.~-Adv. 1£ {Work. When finished, the present wall can be has reported. Butterfat 86i In the second period,, the*scor- with 13 points. Santa Scheduled In Cass City Thursday, Dec. 22 From the Editor's Corner Group Investigates Nestles Plant Here Write to Santa Announce First Payment to Area Beet Growers •f-Tiy* «1i rt/vv\ /-IiTTi c<i ,rvT'\ r5T-»,rI To/>lr * _. _ *_1 _. . f* i^ >! t i I J.! ~.«1 « -»«, .•&, ,..„. — ,3,-. ^atha's to Hold Service in Remodeled Churcl Polio Vaccine for 1 546 in Sanilac Co* EUB Anniversary Program Well Attended Sunday WSG Holds Annual Yule Party Tuesday Club to Coming Auction Fleet New Officers Tuesday Voters Approve School Addition In Bad Axe Mrs. Striffler Appeal in Court Muntz Announces Holiday Schedule For Post Office Pll/Marlette TonigMfci Hawks Open Season With Easy Victory (3^V-JL \^\>fl-J- V VJL. V4.iV^ J^- WiJ-iVAli*^ Cone Found Guilty of Indecent Liberties .w^-..*^ v - 7 Local Markets |i|M. . —« * • « , AM.* * .fc-^t*** K* V - V V 0C*AV*. VAA4*V VJXVs %xV/*i*|s/**i* J V» JLAJL *9V***. v ' •*