Walmart Closes the Door on Immigrants Supporting Arizona’s Discriminatory Senate Bill 1070 Through its leadership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Walmart and the Walton family have supported an organization that has a history of promoting anti-immigrant model legislation. Arizona’s infamously anti-immigrant SB 1070 was written at an ALEC conference in December 2009. 1 ALEC’s board also pushed for a law that compelled local government to enforce federal immigration laws and pushed for the elimination of birthright citizenship in January 2008, a right established by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. 2 ALEC also opposed federal legislation that would allow undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship, using fear-mongering language about “illegal-alien [sic] gang members, criminals, and terrorists” becoming U.S. citizens. 3 While other corporations have recently withdrawn from ALEC in response to public pressure, Walmart and the Walton Family continue to support the organization. FACT: The largest recipient of contributions from the Walton family, Rep. John Boozman (R-Ark.), had a score of 0%. Walmart and the Waltons Have Disproportionately Funded Anti-Immigrant Elected Officials Walmart and the Walton family have massive public relations machines that project a positive image. But, actions speak louder than spin. Walmart and the Waltons have disproportionately supported politicians who have overwhelmingly anti-immigrant records. 4 The vast majority of recipients of funding voted against the DREAM Act, which would expand the ability of immigrants to become citizens. Many elected officials who received contributions from Walmart PAC and the Waltons also supported E-verify, immigration detention, militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border, and funding local law enforcement agencies to conduct enforcement of federal immigration laws. 5 We compared our database of Walton family and Walmart political contributions to Congressional candidates with the scorecard published in the William C. Velasquez Institute Immigrant Justice March 2010 Interim Report, 6 the most recent available. Of Walton family contributions given to 64% was given to candidates whose Immigrant Justice Report Card score was just 0% to 10%, politicians with WCVI scores, and 85% was given to candidates with scores below 50%. A troubling history of anti-immigrant employment practice... Abusing Undocumented Workers In March 2005, Walmart agreed to pay $11 million to settle federal allegations that it used undocumented immigrants to clean its stores. Investigation by the federal government found at least 250 cases where undocumented workers, employed by Walmart janitorial contractors, were hired to clean the company’s stores. A lawyer for the workers said that many of the janitors worked every day of the week without overtime pay or compensation for injuries, and overnight workers were often locked in stores overnight. 7 Discriminating Against Immigrants FACT: Walmart gives disproportionately to candidates with low Immigrant Justice Report Card scores 44% to candidates with scores between 0% and 72% to candidates with scores below 50%. In February 2010, ten former Walmart associates from West Africa filed complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, stating that they were discriminated against at work and were ultimately fired from Walmart stores in Colorado because managers wanted to hire “local people” instead. According to several of the complaints, in January 2009, a store manager in Avon, CO called a store meeting, and said to a group of mostly West African associates: “I don’t like some of the faces I see here. There are people in Eagle County who need jobs.” The associates, all Muslim, also reported that they were denied brief prayer breaks. 8 Racism Against Mexican Workers In April 2011, Walmart paid $440,000 to settle an EEOC suit claiming harassment of Latinos at a Sam’s Club in Fresno, California. According to the EEOC, at least nine employees of Mexican descent and one who was married to a Mexican endured regular ethnic slurs and derogatory remarks from a fellow co-worker. The victims were told that Mexicans are only good for cleaning homes and were called “f—-n’ wetbacks,” and despite that the victims were in the country legally, their harasser even reported three of them to immigration authorities. 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 “Wal-Mart Mops Up Immigrant Flap,” 8 “Immigrants Claim Wal-Mart Fired Them to Provide Jobs for Local Residents,” Dan Frosch, The New York Times, February 9, 2010. 9 EEOC v. Walmart Stores, Inc. dba Sam’s Club, et al., Case No. 09-CV-00804, filed in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California; “Walmart to Pay $440,000 to Settle EEOC Suit for Harassment of Latinos.” 4-14-11. EEOC Press Release.