cienega high school student agenda 2014/2015





12775 E. Mary Ann Cleveland Way Vail, AZ 85641

Main Office 520-879-2800

Attendance 520-879-2803


Nemer Hassey, Principal

Julia Kaiser, Assistant Principal for Freshman Academy

Kelly Hadden, Assistant Principal for grades 10-12 A-L

Dean Nourse, Assistant Principal for grades 10-12 M-Z


John Tritz, Senior Counselor 879-1843

Eric Boxley, Counselor 879-2854 for Freshman Academy

Dainah Graham, Counselor 879-2819 for grades 10 & 11 A-L

Colette Clendaniel, Counselor 879-2817 for grades 10 & 11 M-Z

Rebecca Carrier, Counselor 879-1825

Intervention Counselor

Cienega High School Vision Statement

Cienega High School partners with parents, staff, and the community to create an educational environment that maximizes the academic potential and involvement of all students.

Cienega High School Mission Statement

C Connection

H High Standards

S Success

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Table of Contents

Title Page/CHS Administrators/Counselors/School Vision & Mission Statement

Table of Contents

District Mission Statement, ACT & REACH statement, Governing Board Members,

District Administration, Guiding Principles, and Non-Discrimination Policy


Bell Schedules


Important Testing Dates

PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, ACT, AP, and AIMS Test Dates, Stanford Ten, PLAN

Code of Conduct

Dress Code (Bobcat Attire)

Raising Expectations

Requirements for Graduation

Course and Other Fees

Academic Considerations

Performance Requirements, Academic Expectations, Homework, Final

Exams, Course Credit for Transfer Students, Schedule Changes, Summer

School, Correspondence Courses and Online Courses, Transcripts,

GPA/Weighted Grades, Grade Reports, Academic Honesty, Resolving


Academic Awards

Graduating with Honors, National Honor Society, Honor

Roll, AP Scholar, AP Scholar with Honors, President’s

Award for Educational Excellence

Student Attendance

Philosophy, Policy, Compulsory Attendance Ages, Attendance Records,

Procedures, Absences, Loss of Graduation Credit, Appeal Process, Tardy

Policy, Leaving Campus, I.D. Cards

General Rules and Regulations

Hazing, Bullying (Student concerns, complaints and grievances), Sexual Harassment,

Campus Visitor Policy, FERPA, GINA, School Day Definition

General Information

Computer Guidelines, Computer-Network Acceptable Use Policy, Cell Phones, Electronic

Equipment, Theft/Vandalism, Vehicle Policy, Vehicle Parking Plan, Messages to Students,

Guest Passes, Campus

Hours, Communication with the School, Health Office, District Wellness Policy, Library,

Lost and Found, Physical Education Uniform, Towel and Lock


AIA/Victory with Honor, Extra-curricular Activities and Code,

Responsibilities of Participants, Classroom Attendance Policy for Extracurricular Activities, Attendance at Practices, Eligibility for Activities

Interscholastic Activities

Athletic Clearance, Physicals, Participation Fees, NCAA Rules, Academic

Eligibility for Activities/Athletics, Suspensions, Doctor’s Release,

Eligibility of Transfer Students, Admission Fees to CHS Athletic Events,

Completion of Sport, Criteria for Lettering in Sports

Criteria for Lettering in Fine Arts

Band, Choir, Drama, NJROTC

School Functions and Clubs

Extra-curricular Functions, Student Clubs, Athletic/AIA Programs, School Dance Policies

6 Traits of Writing

Fight Song

Alma Mater

























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District Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Vail School District to provide parents with safe and nurturing school communities where their children can obtain a quality education.

District ACT Statement

In the Vail Schools We:

A re respectful and trustworthy

C are about each other

T ake responsibility

District REACH Statement

R eteach and Enrich

E nsure every minute counts

A chieve success only when students learn

C ome together as a team

H ave high expectations


Claudia Anderson

Jim Coulter

Randy Kinkade

Margaret Burkholder

Debbie King


Calvin Baker, Superintendent

John Carruth, Assistant Superintendent

Debbie Hedgepeth, Assistant Superintendent

District Guiding Principles:

• Our schools are communities of learners.

We care about students.

• One of our highest priorities is keeping class sizes small.

We are committed to fiscal responsibility.

We are responsible to our local community.

We respect parents and their values.

Small schools are the best places to develop caring communities of learners.

We believe learning extends well beyond the classroom.

We uphold traditional values such as respect, personal and social responsibility, honesty, and hard work.

We are continually improving.

We value our employees.

Non-Discrimination Policy:

The Board is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, and disability. This policy will prevail in all matters concerning staff members, students, the public, educational programs and services, and individuals with whom the Board does business.

Governing Board Policy AC

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Vail School District No. 20


Adopted 12/10/13



















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B/E =


Y =














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Beginning/End of school

Holidays/Vacations (No School for Students)

Inservice for Teachers - 1/2 day for Students

C =


















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Conferences (Parent/Teacher) (1/2 day for Students)

Vail Pride Day






















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G =

F =

Graduation @ 7:00 p.m.

Finals/Teacher Grading Day - 1/2 day for students

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Monday/Thursday/Friday Schedule

No Zero Hour on Friday

Period 0 7:20- 8:20 60 min

Period 1 8:40- 9:45 65 min

Period 2 9:50-10:45 55 min

Period 3 10:50-11:45 55 min

55 min Period 4 11:50-12:45

LUNCH 12:50- 1:20

Period 5 1:25- 2:20

Period 6 2:25- 3:20

30 min

55 min

55 min

Announcements- period 1

Half Day

No Zero on Friday

Zero ALWAYS Mon-Thurs

Period 0

Period 1/2

Period 3/4

Period 5/6





Announcements- period 1/2

60 min

80 min

75 min

75 min

Half Day – Career Fair Schedule

Period 1 8:40- 9:20

Period 2 9:25- 10:00

Period 3 10:05- 10:40

Period 4 10:45- 11:20

Period 5 11:25- 12:00

Period 6 12:05- 12:40

Announcements- 1 st period

40 min

35 min

35 min

35 min

35 min

35 min

Period 0

Perid 1/2

Period 3/4

Period 5/6



Special Event Schedule

7:20- 8:20



11:40- 1:05


60 min

85 min

85 min

85 min

35 min

1:50- 1:55

Special Event 2:00-3:20

5 min

80 min

Announcements – 1/2 period

Block Days-Tuesday and Wednesday

Tues: Periods 0,1,3,5 Wed: Periods 0,2,4,6

Period 0 7:20- 8:20


60 min

Period 1/2 145 min

ECAP/Advisory/Announcements @ 10:20

Period 3/4 11:10-12:50 100 min


Period 5/6

12:55- 1:35

1:40- 3:20

40 min

100 min

Period 1

Period 2

Friday Alternate Schedule

8:40- 9:30

9:35- 10:20

Period 3 10:25- 11:10

Period 4 11:15- 12:50


Period 5

Period 6

With Spirit Assembly @ 12:00

12:55- 1:40

1:45- 2:30


Announcements- 2 nd period

50 min

45 min

45 min

95 min

45 min

45 min

45 min

Final Exam Schedule

DAY 1:

Period 7:20- 8:20 60 min

Period 3 8:40-10:40 120 min

Period 4 10:45-12:40 115 min

Period 2

Period 6

Period 5

DAY 2:

8:40- 10:40 120 min

10:45-12:40 115 min

DAY 3:

Period 1 8:40-10:40 120 min

10:45-12:40 115 min

Announcements @ 8:40 each day


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Bobcat Cafe







Student Union

Bus Bay

Parking Lot

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Important Testing Dates

Listed below are dates for testing this year:

ACT April 28, 2015 – All Juniors

Advanced Placement Tests* May 4 – May 15, 2015

AIMS – Fall - Junior/Senior Retakes ONLY

Writing* October 28, 2014

Reading* October 29, 2014

Math* October 30, 2014

AIMS – Spring




February 23, 2015

February 24, 2015

February 25, 2015

TBA in April Science*


Benchmark Testing


September 2 – September 12, 2014

September 8 – September 19, 2014

December 1 – December 12, 2014

February 16 – February 25, 2015

March 2 – March 6, 2015

Financial Aid Night January 14, 2015

Honors Night May 13, 2015




*Denotes testing at Cienega High School


October 18, 2014

October 11, 2014 and June 6, 2015

**Dates are subject to change

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Code of Conduct

Level I: 1 point

Dress code infractions

Excessive tardiness

Inappropriate behavior

Using profane or vulgar language (1 st offense)

Inappropriate use of technology/electronics (1 st offense)

Excessive PDA- Public Display of Affection

Ditching – 1 st offense

Possession of matches/lighter

Unsafe driving

Unauthorized fundraising

Leaving class without permission

Level II: 2 points

Disrupting the educational environment

False reporting (1 st offense)

Inappropriate use of technology/electronics (Documented/Repeated)

Possessing obscene materials


Intimidation toward students



Defiance/uncooperative behavior

Offensive language with reference to race or religion (1 st

Ditching - repeated


Minimum Consequences

At administrative discretion


1 day of ACE

3 days of ACE

Level III: 3 points


False Reporting (Documented/Repeated)

Leaving school without permission

Sexual harassment (1 st offense)

Sexual Misconduct

Inappropriate or vulgar language directed at a staff member

Creating a physically hazardous condition

Destruction of property

Level IV: 4 points

Cyber Bullying and Computer Misuse

Criminal Intent


5 days of ACE

5 days out-of-school suspension

Law Enforcement may be notified

Gang activity/Gang affiliation (Gang unit may be notified)


Bullying (Documented /Repeated)

Sexual harassment (Documented/Repeated)

Fighting or provoking a fight

Selling, using, possessing or distributing tobacco or nicotine (e-cigarettes, hookah, patches, smoking or chewing of any kind) and any mimicking substitutions

Offensive language with reference to race or religion (documented and repeated)

Sexting (Inappropriate words or pictures sent electronically)

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Code of Conduct, continued

Level V: 5 points

Selling, using, possessing, or distributing alcohol, drugs, prescription drugs, other controlled substances or any

10 day out-of-school suspension pending long-term hearing

Law Enforcement will be mimicking substitutions or paraphernalia

Threats/Intimidation toward staff members

Selling, using, or possessing weapons, simulated weapons, fireworks, or other dangerous instruments notified.

Committing a crime

Creating a danger to the educational environment

Each infraction will result in a point value based upon the category. If a student accumulates more than a total of 6 points during any one school year the student may be suspended for 10 days pending a hearing, the administration may recommend a long-term suspension.

Unsafe driving may result in loss of parking privileges at the discretion of the administration .


2 st nd

3 rd

offense- 3 days loss of parking privileges

offense- 5 days loss of parking privileges & referral to sheriff’s Department

offense- Parking revoked for remainder of school year

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Dress Code (Bobcat Attire)

We all share the responsibility of assuring that the atmosphere is conducive to learning and fostering an environment of respect. Appropriate dress is a topic consistent with meaningful instruction and relevant to student learning.

Students are expected to dress appropriately for school. To avoid being sent home, students may be asked to change into gym clothes provided by CRT if their clothing is deemed inappropriate by staff. Please adhere to the following:


Bra straps should not be visible and cleavage should be covered.


Underwear/boxer shorts should not be visible.


Shoes must be worn at all times.


Sunglasses may be worn outdoors.


Accessories deemed as dangerous will be questioned for appropriateness.


Pajamas and/or slippers are limited to school spirit days.


Strapless and one-shoulder tops do not fit into our dress code standards.


Excessively short shorts or skirts do not fit into our dress code standards.


Clothing should not expose areas of stomach, side, back, or full shoulder.


Spaghetti straps, bike shorts, spandex, leggings and other types of excessively formfitting clothing should not be worn.


Clothing and personal belongings worn must not depict inappropriate or negative pictures, messages, symbols, or lettering. There can be no depictions of sex, alcohol, drugs, or weapons.

12. Gang-affiliated clothing and personal belongings, deemed such by local law enforcement officials, may not be worn. Examples include, but are not limited to, bandanas, do-rags, hairnets, and studded apparel.

Staff discretion will determine appropriateness. Decisions will include, but are not limited to the requirements listed above. Three dress code violations in one school year will result in a disciplinary referral.

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Requirements for Graduation

Selection of a graduation plan, the monitoring of course choices, and checking the number of credits accumulated toward graduation are the responsibility of the student and parent.











Social Studies


4 credits

4 credits*

3 credits**

3.5 credits***

.5 credit

4 credits

4 credits

3 credits

2 credits

No Requirement

Fine Arts or Career &



Foreign Language

Senior Project


1 credit

No Requirement

.5 credit

5.5 credits

22 credits

1 credit in a Fine Art

2 years in the same language

No Requirement

No Requirement

Total 16 core credits

* Requirements include 1 credit of Algebra, 1 credit of Geometry, and 2 credits of an upperdivision math.

** Requirements include 1 credit in each area: physical science, life science, and an upper division science.

***Requirements include 1 credit World History, 1 credit US History, 1 credit American

Government, and .5 credit of Economics



Agriscience I and Agriscience II are each counted as only 1/2 credit by the state universities. Therefore, university-bound students who want to use one of these classes as their science credit must have BOTH classes in addition to 2 other science credits.

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Course and Other Fees for 2014/2015 School Year


ATHLETICSAthletic Fee (per sport)


Band ( Band Fee Per Student Cap $100)

Color Guard

Concert Band

Jazz Band

Marching Band


Symphonic Band


Advanced Choir(s)


Advanced Drama

Intermediate Drama

Stage Craft

Visual Arts

Beginning Art

AP Art

Computer Art

Studio Art II, III



Spanish 1, 2

Pre-AP Spanish 3

French 1

French 2

Pre-AP French 3

AP French 4



PE Shirt

PE Shorts

PE Lock


AP Biology


Honors Human Anatomy/Physiology



Flash Drive

I.D. Replacement

Parking Permits

Parking Permit Replacements

Parking Boot Removal

Student Activity Fee

Senior Processing Fee







































Activity Fee

Activity Fee/Lab Fee

Activity Fee/Lab Fee

Activity Fee/Lab Fee

Activity Fee/Lab Fee

Lab Fee

Activity Fee/Lab Fee

Activity Fee

Activity Fee/Class Fee

Activity Fee /Class Fee

Class Fee

Materials Fee

Materials Fee

Materials Fee

Materials Fee

Materials Fee

Online Workbook Fee

Online Workbook Fee

Online Workbook Fee

Online Workbook Fee

Online Workbook Fee

Online Workbook Fee

Class Fee

Materials Fee

Materials Fee

Materials Fee

Activity Fee/Class Fee

Optional Purchase

Assessed for no parking permit or illegal parking

All Students

All Seniors

Activity/Athletic Fees

Per Activity Fee $120

Per Student Cap $300

Per Family Cap $500

Refunds must be requested within 3 weeks of dropping a class. Activity fees are non-refundable.

All fees subject to change

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Academic Considerations

Performance Requirements

Each teacher will establish minimum performance requirements in each of his/her courses. These may be based in part on participation and attendance. Any student who does not meet the minimum performance requirement will not pass that course.

70/30 Grading Practice

Grades are intended to communicate a student's understanding of the standards and mastery of the concepts and skills in each class. In order to have an accurate “picture” of a student's learning, Cienega High School has implemented the 70/30 grading practice. This practice requires that all grades in all classes to be made up of 70% assessments and 30% assignments. Assessments (tests, quizzes, formatives, benchmarks) measure the learning and retention of what was taught and should carry a heavier weight. Practice work

(in-class assignments, homework, extra credit) needs to be completed and turned in so that teachers can check for understanding before testing students for mastery of the required content to be best prepared for the State and National tests (AIMS, PARCC, ACT, SAT, SAT10).


Students should expect regularly assigned homework for each class. Students should expect an increase in homework as the classes they take become more advanced. For students enrolled in Honors or Advanced

Placement (AP) courses, the expectation for homework increases substantially.

In all classes (regular, Honors), homework will not be assigned during fall and spring breaks, with the exception of AP courses.

Final Exams

Students are expected to take final exams the last three (3) days of each semester as a culminating activity.

No final exams will be administered early.

Students who are unable to take the exam at this time must make-up the exam within the first ten days of the following semester. Students will receive an F on any untaken finals. Teachers will submit a grade change request to the registrar once the student has taken the exam. If a parent or student does not agree with a final grade an appeal must be filed with Administration within 10 days of the end of that semester. Final Exams are comprehensive over the semester content and may be weighted from 10%-20% of the semester grade.

Course Credit for Transfer Students

When a student enrolls at Cienega High School without transfer grades three weeks after a semester begins, the student may not receive credit for classes during that semester unless the student participates in a transfer grade restoration opportunity.

• An incoming student may be required to attend intersession to receive transfer grades for up to two classes upon completion of the intercession week at the current intercession cost established by the District.

A student may enroll in a credit recovery course at the enrollment cost of $85 per course.

• A student may take an on-line course through U of A or BYU absorbing the course cost.

Schedule Changes

Schedule changes are limited to the first 5 days of each semester and are approved for the following reasons:


You need to change the level of class you are currently registered in


You already have that particular course credit (ex. You took the course previously during another school year, by correspondence, through Pima Community College, or through summer school)


You do not have the prerequisite for the class

4. Your special education classification has changed.

All other requests may or may not be granted. After 5 days, if a student must withdraw from a class, a grade of W/F (Withdrawal/Failing) will be posted to the official transcripts and may result in athletic/activities ineligibility for the remainder of the semester. If a schedule change occurs at this time, the transfer grade and attendance record transfers to the “new”/added course. The parents/guardians may

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Academic Considerations

Schedule Changes, continued appeal to administration in the case of extenuating circumstances . Schedule changes are not always granted so students should register for classes carefully.

Summer School

Vail School District’s Summer School Program is offered and provides an opportunity for students to “retake” a course he/she has failed. Summer School information is available in the Counseling Office. Course offerings are dependent on enrollment.

Correspondence Courses and Online Courses

A student may not exceed one (1) credit hour for correspondence classes in any core subject (English, math, science, and social studies) and may not earn more than four (4) credits (8 semester classes) from correspondence courses. Students must get approval from their counselor prior to registering for the course.

Failure to do so may result in refusal of credit for the course.


All transcript requests will be done electronically. Go to

or the counselor’s link on the Cienega website to process your request. Under extenuating circumstances, paper copies from the office will be $2 and will take 2 days to process.

GPA/Weighted Grades

For the purpose of determining the grade point average of students attending Cienega High School, the following scale will be issued: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, and F=0.

Cienega High School recognizes that some courses are designed to be more challenging. Students enrolled in Honors and AP courses will have their GPA’s calculated as all students’ grades are done. However, students who are enrolled in these courses will be given ‘Distinction Points’ if they earned an A, B, or C in the class. The ‘Distinction Points’ are as follows:

Honors/College Courses

Advanced Placement



Students who transfer from another school to Cienega will have their GPA determined using CHS guidelines. The sending school also must list on the transcript, in the course name, designations such as

Advanced Placement or Honors to receive consideration for distinction points. Distinction points will only be added to a transfer students GPA if Cienega offers a comparable course.

All requests for class rankings will be determined using distinction points unless a college specifically asks for an un-weighted ranking. Official transcripts will display both un-weighted and added value GPA’s, as well as both un-weighted and added value class rankings.

Grade Reports

Cienega will issue progress reports every nine weeks (after 1 semester , and will be mailed out at the end of the 2 nd and 4 th st

and 3 rd


quarters). These reports are instruments for communicating student progress in each class. Final grades are credited at the end of each

If you would like to receive your student’s progress report via email on a regular basis, you may access

PowerSchool and configure the system to automatically email you daily, weekly, or monthly. Get online and go to - log in with your guardian username and password. If you do not know your username and password, contact the technology office at 879-2807. Once you are logged on, click on email notification, fill in your specific request, and hit submit.

A student who is seriously ill, or has a family emergency, may not be able to complete all work by the end of a grading period. The teacher may grant an extension for work and finals to be completed. The grades for these assignments will be recorded as a 0 (zero) until the assignments are completed by the student and

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Academic Considerations

Grade Reports, continued graded by the teacher. The student must complete all work during the first two weeks following the grading period, unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher and approved by the site administrator. The official grade record will be changed within ten days.

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty occurs when students obtain or assist others in obtaining credit for work that is not their own. Common examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following:


Using hidden notes, copying from another student, or helping another student during a test.


Receiving or giving test questions or answers to a member of another class.


Submitting another student’s work as one’s own.


Copying or stealing another student’s work and submitting it as one’s own or permitting another student to copy one’s work.


Stealing or accepting stolen copies of tests or answers.


Changing answers and seeking credit on a test after the test has been graded and returned.


Changing the results on performance examinations, e.g. a physical fitness test.


Falsifying information for applications, e.g. college, scholarships, National Honor Society, etc.


Using computers and programmable calculators in violation of guidelines established by the teacher.


Using help such as notes, books, experts or purchased services in violation of guidelines that are established by the teacher.


Resubmitting the same or a similar research paper, project, essay or assignment in two or more different courses without the permission of the teacher.


Soliciting answers.


PLAGIARIZING: Presenting material taken from another source without adequate documentation:

• Presenting another person’s creative work or ideas as one’s own in essays, poems, music, art, computer programs, or other projects.

• Failing to cite with quotation marks the written words or symbols of a source or author.

Copying or paraphrasing words with ideas from any source, including literary criticism or study aids, without acknowledgment.

Failing to cite the source of words, ideas, etc., which is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized in a student’s oral or written work.

The following acts are considered Academic Dishonesty:


CHEATING – Cheating includes the actual giving or receiving of an unauthorized aid or assistance or the actual giving or receiving of unfair advantage on any form of academic work.


PLAGIARISM – Plagiarism includes the copying of the language, structure, idea and/or thought of another and representing it as one’s own original work.


FALSIFICATION – Falsification includes the verbal or written statement of any untruth.

(Violations in this category may result in additional disciplinary action.)


STEALING – Stealing includes acquiring another’s possessions without right or permission.

(Violations in this category may result in additional disciplinary action.)


FORGERY – Forgery includes the illegal copying of another’s name or signature. (Violations in this category may result in additional disciplinary action.)


ATTEMPTS – Attempts toward completion of any act described above would constitute a violation and may be punishable to the same extent as if the attempted act has been completed.

Note: Studying with other students to prepare for class assignments or examinations is not academic dishonesty unless such actions are prohibited or limited by the teacher.

* A test is any examination, ranging from a quiz to a final.

** Work is defined as a homework assignment, paper, project, report, take-home test, or any other work that the teacher has intended the student to complete independently.

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Academic Considerations

Resolving Discrepancies

Resolving issues respectfully and quickly is very important to the CHS staff and administration.


If a student or parent has a concern about a class or a teacher, one or both should contact the teacher.


If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, the student and/or parent should contact the counselor, who will act as an arbitrator or mediator if necessary. The counselor will set up a parent/teacher/student conference at which the issue will be discussed.


If the issue remains unresolved, the counselor, parent, or student should contact the student’s designated assistant principal.


Discrepancies should be resolved within 3 weeks following the end of the semester.

Academic Awards

Graduating with Honors



1 st

2 nd

in Graduating Class

in Graduating Class

High Honors


4.0 + GPA weighted

3.500 to 3.999 GPA weighted

Distinction Points will be used to determine the Valedictorian and Salutatorian, as well as the determination of the High Honors and Honors distinction. The Valedictorian and/or Salutatorian will be determined at the end of the eighth semester and all other awards will be determined at the end of the seventh semester.

Students must have completed at least 6 semesters of their high school career within the Vail School

District, and he/she must attend Cienega full-time his/her junior and senior years to be considered for

Valedictorian and/or Salutatorian. If more than one student qualifies for Valedictorian and/or Salutatorian, a tie-breaker will be determined by academics and/or test scores.

National Honor Society

This organization is founded on four precepts: scholarship, leadership, character, and service. These precepts serve as the basis for membership. Seniors, juniors and sophomores are eligible for membership.

Candidates must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 (un-weighted) or better during the previous semester, be active in school and community affairs, and have demonstrated leadership. Conduct and behavior may prevent a student from being considered for the National Honor Society. Induction ceremonies are held in the fall. Students meeting the criteria will be invited to submit the appropriate paperwork.

High Honor Roll, Honor Roll and Principal’s Recognition

A letter of distinction will be awarded each semester to students who attain a semester weighted GPA of:

4.0 + = High Honor Roll

3.500-3.999 = Honor Roll

3.000-3.499 = Principal’s Recognition

AP Scholar

Granted to students who receive grades of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams.

AP Scholar with Honors

Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.

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Academic Awards

President’s Award for Educational Excellence

Any senior who maintains a GPA above a 3.5 and exceeds any two of the three AIMS tests (Math, Reading or Writing) will be awarded a certificate of excellence from the President of the United States.

Student Attendance


Students, parents, and educators recognize the importance of attendance and punctuality at school.


Law charges the parent or guardian with responsibility for the student’s consistent school attendance. The

Superintendent will enforce the laws regarding attendance, with consideration for the variables that affect children and families. The Superintendent will place emphasis on prevention and correction of the causes of absenteeism.

Compulsory Attendance Ages

It is unlawful for any child who is at least six but not yet sixteen years of age to fail to attend school during the hours that school is in session, unless such child is excused pursuant to:

A.R.S. 15-802 verifiable records are kept of the reasons for excuse from the duties prescribed.

• A.R.S. 15-901 for children with disabilities.

The student being provided instruction at home.

• The student is excused by his/her parent/guardian.

Attendance Records

Each time a class meets, the teacher shall check and formally record the attendance of all students assigned to the class. The name of any absent student shall be entered on the prescribed attendance/absence report and be submitted to the office.

A master list of student absences will be prepared daily from attendance reports received in the office. The school administrators are accountable for assuring that accurate and timely daily records of student membership and attendance are maintained.



Students shall be in physical attendance in the classrooms in which they have been assigned. Students will be counted absent on a period-by-period basis whenever they are not physically in attendance.


Students may not leave during the school day without first checking out through the attendance office with ID. Students may not leave campus once they arrive for the day, until their scheduled classes are complete. This includes the time between zero hour and the next class of the day. Leaving campus without permission is 5 days of In-School Suspension (ACE). It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to give permission by note or phone call, prior to a student leaving campus.


If a student is present in class for more than half the period and leaves, a “V” (reverse tardy) will be recorded for attendance. For this to be removed a dental/doctor’s excuse must be submitted to the attendance office. Students will be considered absent if they are not in attendance for more than half of the period.


Parents/guardians need to contact the school attendance secretary to excuse the student’s absence or tardy. Students coming into school/class late will be marked with a “T” (unexcused tardy) or an “L”

(excused tardy). Tardies are excused only in the event that a parent has called and alerted the attendance office or the student brings in an excused note from a dental/doctor’s office.


Students who are 18 years of age or older may legally sign themselves out of school. Once a student leaves campus, they may not return that day unless they have a doctor’s note indicating that they left for an appointment. Regular attendance is an important element for success and is the responsibility of the parents/guardians and the students. Adult students (18 years of age and older) must follow the same attendance rules as other students.

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Student Attendance


Attendance is essential in order to earn credit in a class. Students are responsible to see teachers for work missed during any absence. Students may be in danger of losing credit if they do not make up missed work. If work is not turned in by the time the assignment is due, and the student fails to provide an acceptable explanation of the extenuating circumstances that would merit an extension, the teacher may reduce the grade on the assignment or withhold credit on this assignment. When a student has been absent for illness, ample time will be given for make up work once the student returns to school. Students and parents should read each teacher’s syllabus for his/her make-up work policy. Student absences must be reported to the attendance office by a parent. If a phone is not available, a note from a parent will be accepted. Parents may e-mail the attendance office via the attendance link on the Cienega webpage. The attendance office number is 879-2803. The email address is


With the exception of extenuating circumstances, a student must be present in a minimum of two-thirds of his/her scheduled classes in order to participate in or attend extracurricular games, meets, events, or practices that day. A student who has any unexcused absences on the day of an extracurricular activity cannot participate in any extracurricular activities that day.

Loss of Graduation Credit

Students who reach seven non-school-related absences in any one course, per semester, will lose credit in that class. Absence appeals can be made to administration. Refer to Raising Expectations document on page 11.

The high school administration and staff encourage students to be active in various activities, sports, and clubs associated with the school. Because of this emphasis, it would be contradictory to have a student’s grade status lowered based on his/her excused absences due to school-related activities. Students will not be denied points, nor be denied make-up work, for absences due to athletics and activities. (Students who miss 1 day will be allowed 1 day to turn in make-up work. Students who miss 2 days will be allowed 2 days to turn in make-up work, etc.)

The Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S. 15-803B) states that absences may be considered excessive when the number of absent days exceeds ten percent of the number of required attendance days prescribed in A.R.S.


Credit does not need to be granted to students who have exceeded ten percent of the number of required attendance days.

Appeal Process

Students may appeal loss of credit. If there are extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student, an Appeals Committee will consider the appeal. Documentation will contain an explanation of the circumstances. Appeals should be made in person to administration. Additional work may be required of the student to gain credit if the appeal is granted .


Appeals may be scheduled after December 1 st for the fall semester and after May 1 for the spring semester.


The appeals process must be completed within 10 days of the start of the following semester. st

Tardy Policy

Promptness is a quality that is absolutely necessary for success in school, at work, and with people.

Tardiness to school and to classes is not acceptable. It is a disruption to the classroom. In order to support promptness to class, tardy sweeps may be conducted without prior notice. Three (3) tardies equal an after school detention assigned by the teacher.

Note to students : If you have been detained in the office or by a teacher, ask for a pass from the person who detained you before going to your next class.

Excessive tardies and/or absences may result in a referral to the Pima County Attorney’s Office: Act Now

Truancy Program .

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Student Attendance

Leaving Campus

Cienega High School is legally responsible for its students during the school day and cannot allow students to leave campus without parental permission. Students will have to have their ID with them to leave. The following are ways to leave campus:

1.A signed parental statement, including phone number, authorizing a student to leave campus for an appointment during the school day shall be submitted to the Attendance Office.

2.Students are to sign out in the Nurse’s Office for illness. The nurse will call home to inform parents that the student is leaving at that time. The student must be signed out in the front office before leaving.

3.Students are to sign out in Attendance for doctor, dental, or other appointments.

4.Students with a “No Class” ID.

5.Students who are 18 years of age or older may sign themselves out of school. (Policy JI) Once a student leaves campus, they may not return for that day unless they have a doctor’s note indicating that they left for an appointment. Regular attendance is an important element for success and is the responsibility of parents/guardians and the students.

I.D. Cards

Students are required to carry their I.D. Card at all times while on campus.

I.D. cards are used for identification purposes, passes and to check out library books. Students are required to show I.D. before boarding the school bus. Cienega will provide students with one free I.D. card. All replacement I.D. pictures will be taken for a $5.00 fee. Students cannot leave campus early without an I.D


General Rules and Regulations

Governing Board Policies

Public access:


Board Policy JICFA

There shall be no hazing, solicitation to engage in hazing, or aiding and abetting another who is engaged in hazing of any person enrolled, accepted for or promoted to enrollment, or intending to enroll or be promoted to District schools within twelve (12) calendar months. For purposes of this policy, a person as specified above shall be considered a “student” until graduation, transfer, promotion, or withdrawal from the District school.

“Hazing” means any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a student, whether individually or in concert with other persons, against another student, and in which both of the following apply:

The act was committed in connection with an initiation into, an affiliation with, or the maintenance of membership in any organization that is affiliated with an educational institution.

The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential physical injury, mental harm or degradation, or causes physical injury, mental harm, or personal degradation.

“Organization” means an athletic team, association, order, society, corps, cooperative, club, or similar group that is affiliated with an educational institution and whose membership consists primarily of students enrolled at that educational institution.

It is no defense to a violation of this policy if the victim consented or acquiesced to hazing.

In accord with statute, violations of this policy do not include either of the following:

• Customary athletic events, contests, or competitions that are sponsored by an educational institution.

• Any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legitimate educational curriculum, a legitimate extracurricular program, or a legitimate military training program.

All students, teachers, and staff shall take reasonable measures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent violations of this policy.

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General Rules and Regulations

Hazing, continued

Students and others may report hazing to any professional staff member. Professional staff members must report the incident to the school administrator or next higher administrative supervisor, in writing, with such details as may have been provided. A failure by a staff member to inform the school in a timely matter an administrator or next higher administrative supervisor of a hazing allegation or their observation of an incident of hazing may subject the staff member to disciplinary action in accord with District policies.

The staff member shall preserve the confidentiality of those involved, disclosing the incident only to the appropriate school administrator or next higher administrative supervisor or as otherwise required by law.

Any instance of reported or observed hazing, which includes possible child abuse, or violations of statutes known to the staff member shall be treated in accord with statutory requirements and be reported to a law enforcement agency. To assure that students and staff are aware of its content and intent, a notice of this policy and procedure shall be posted conspicuously in each school building and shall be made a part of the rights and responsibilities section of the student handbook. Forms for submitting complaints are to be available to students and staff in school offices.

Disposition of all reports/complaints shall be reported to the Superintendent. The Superintendent will determine if the policies of the District have been appropriately implemented and will make such reports and/or referrals to the Board as may be necessary.

All violations of this policy shall be treated in accord with the appropriate procedures and penalties provided for in District policies related to the conduct and discipline of students, staff, and others.


Board Policy

Student concerns, complaints, and grievances


Students may present a complaint or grievance regarding one (1) or more of the following:

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Complaints and grievances related to allegations of student violence, harassment, intimidation or bullying are to be filed in accordance with Board Policy JICK.

Provided that:





The guidelines to be followed are:

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- 21 -

General Rules and Regulations

Bullying, continued

Any question concerning whether the complaint or grievance falls within this policy shall be determined by the Superintendent.

A student or student's parent or guardian may initiate the complaint process by completing Exhibit JII-EA.

A complaint or grievance may be withdrawn at any time. Once withdrawn, the process cannot be reopened if the resubmission is longer than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the occurrence of the alleged incident. False or unproven complaint documentation shall not be maintained.

Retaliatory or intimidating acts against any student who has made a complaint under the District policy and its corresponding regulations, or against a student who has testified, assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation relating to a complaint or grievance, are specifically prohibited and constitute grounds for a separate complaint.

Knowingly submitting a false report under this policy shall subject the student to discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion. Where disciplinary action is necessary pursuant to any part of this policy, relevant District policies shall be followed.

When District officials have a reasonable belief or an investigation reveals that a reported incident may constitute an unlawful act, law enforcement authorities will be informed.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unwanted, unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is any act or comment (of a sexual nature) that makes another person feel uncomfortable. Schools are required by law to maintain an environment free from sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment takes many forms. Here are a few examples:

• Displaying gender-offensive items, photos, posters, etc.

Inappropriate gestures, touching, or groping.

• Sexual remarks, suggestions, or spreading rumors.

Pressure for unwanted activities or encounters.

• Offensive jokes, language, teasing, whistles, or catcalls .

Visitors to Schools

Board Policy K-2461

Parents are encouraged to visit the schools.


All visitors to any school must report to the school office upon arrival.

For those who wish to visit a classroom during the school day, it is preferred that the teacher and the principal be contacted in advance to arrange a day and time for such visits so as to avoid any conflicts with the school schedule.

In visiting a classroom, parents must realize that the teacher’s first responsibility is to the class as a whole, and the teacher will be unable to converse at any length with the visitor. If a conference is desired, arrangements will be made by the teacher for an appointment with the parent either before or after school hours.

No person may enter onto school premises, including visits or audits to a classroom or other school activity, without approval by a school administrator. Neither will any person be allowed to conduct or attempt to conduct any activity on school premises that has not had prior approval by the principal.

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General Rules and Regulations

Anyone who is not a student or staff member of the District schools, and is in violation of this policy, may be asked to leave the property of the District. Failure to comply with the lawful directions of District officials or of District security officers or any other law enforcement officers acting on performance of their duties, and failure to identify oneself to such officials or officers when lawfully requested to do so will be against District regulations. Failure to obey such instructions may subject the person to criminal proceedings applicable under law.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Board Policy

Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) Home



The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.

Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."

*Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.

*Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing.

After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.

*Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):

School officials with legitimate educational interest;

Other schools to which a student is transferring;

Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;

Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;

Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;

Accrediting organizations;

To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;

Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and

State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

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General Rules and Regulations

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

Vail Unified School District #20 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, genetic information, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its educational programs or activities. Inquiries concerning Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section 504, and

Americans With Disabilities Act may be referred to the Superintendent, Calvin Baker, or Assistant

Superintendent, John Carruth at 13801 E. Benson Hwy. Vail, AZ 8564, 520-879-2000.

Vail School District


Class Enrollment Limit

The “school day” in Vail is defined as 6 class periods. (These class periods may occur at any time and there may be time gaps between the classes.) Students may not enroll in classes beyond the school day

(6 periods) unless:


The additional class(es) is a JTED class.


The additional class(es) is provided by Pima Community College or another educational institution (the student is responsible for any tuition or fees charged by that institution)

Other Options

Schools may offer non-credit, self-supporting, fee-based activities. These activities may be scheduled for a class period during school hours. Fees for these non-credit activities may vary. Students will be responsible for any and all fees associated with the non-credit activities. Tax credits may be used to pay the fees.

Explanation for the Limit

Arizona funds high school students for 4 hours (4 classes) each year. With the exception of JTED classes, schools do not receive any additional funding for students who attend school beyond the 4 hours (4 classes).

Students have the right to a free high school education. A student in Vail is required to accumulate 22 credits (pass 22 specified classes) to graduate from high school. A student will be able to graduate in 4 years if he or she takes 6 regular classes in each year.

If students take more than 6 classes per year, additional teachers must be hired for those classes or existing class sizes must increase further.

Schools are only able to hire a limited number of teachers with funding received from the State. Due to reductions in funding, class sizes are already larger than optimal. The limitation for the number of classes a student may enroll in is required to prevent the class sizes in critically important core classes from getting even larger.

General Information

Computer Guidelines

Computer resources are provided to students for the purpose of performing assigned class work. Students using computer resources are expected to act in a manner consistent with the education mission of Cienega

High School and follow all school policies regarding computer resource usage. Students will sign an

“Acceptable Use Policy” (AUP).

Computer-Network Acceptable Use Policy

Use of technology in the Vail School District is governed by an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) the full text of which can be found at:

A few key points are:

* The primary purpose of the District network (including but not limited to the Internet, printers, computers, etc.) is to allow users to conduct school business. Use of district printers will be limited to school related activities.

* Do not waste school resources by printing excessively. Students will be allowed to print up to

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General Information

Computer-Network Acceptable Use Policy, continued forty copies a year on CHS printers for free. After that they buy additional copies in the library or tech office. Printing is monitored by software.

* You agree to act responsibly and with good behavior on any computer or communications system using Vail School District’s wired or wireless network services. The user agrees to follow all School and

District rules for behavior and communications. Access is a privilege - not a right.

* The Vail School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the supervision and service it is providing. The Vail School District assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss of data. Student must abide by the full AUP linked above. Use of any information obtained via the

Internet is at your own risk. The Vail School District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. YOU are ultimately responsible for backing up your files. Remember, all technological devices brought onto a Vail School District campus are subject to search and seizure.

* Keep nothing on your machine that is so private that you wouldn’t share it with a teacher, the principal, the tech department, or your parents. Assume that your computer can keep no secrets, because it can’t. Your computer will be treated like a school backpack – it can be searched. Files stored on your computer will not be private. You also agree to allow authorized Vail School District personnel the ability to review any and all files, data, messages, and email at any time with or without notice. You understand and agree that your own personal electronic hardware (such as a different computer, laptop or other network device) used on district property falls under this AUP. You also understand and agree that you assume all risks and responsibilities when using your own personal computer-network equipment, and that you will not connect any network-capable devices without prior written permission of the Site Technology

Coordinator. This connection privilege can be revoked without reason or notice.

*Students will be provided a district sponsored gmail account. It is very important that you keep your password secret! Someone else logging into your email and sending inappropriate messages will get you into trouble. You will be expected to use your school email for communicating with teachers and other staff.

Parents, your child may have schoolwork that will be published on the Internet, most likely on the Cienega

High website or the website. Such publishing requires that the Vail School District have your permission to publish that work. By agreeing to this AUP, you agree to allow the Vail School

District to publish your child’s schoolwork or image where appropriate. No personal information will ever be shared.

Cell Phones

Cienega prohibits the use of cell phones during instructional time. Cienega encourages respectful and responsible technology and cell phone usage. Filming or photographing someone without permission is strictly prohibited. Cell phone violations may result in confiscation and may require pick up by the student's parent/guardian.

Electronic Equipment

Electronic devices are not allowed to be used in the classrooms. These include, but are not limited to, pagers, Ipods, CD/tape players, radios, T.V.’s, games, etc. It is advised for students to leave these devices at home as they are easily lost or stolen. Administration will not conduct investigations for these prohibited items if stolen. Cienega High School is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items of this nature.


The Vail School District is not responsible for the loss or theft of any property belonging to a student or any other person when such property is brought onto or left on Cienega campus or other school premises. Theft and vandalism should be reported immediately to a staff member.

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General Information

Vehicle Policy

It is essential for all of us to exercise extreme caution when driving vehicles to and from school. Loud music, loud mufflers, imprudent and careless driving, or endangering life and property may result in denial of student’s privileges of driving and use of parking facilities. Automobiles must be parked in marked parking spaces in assigned parking lots. Parking violations may be subject to booting or towing at the driver’s expense.

Vehicle Parking Plan

Due to limited parking spaces on Cienega's campus , students are encouraged to carpool, as there are only 363 student parking spaces. Parking permits are limited to current juniors and seniors by availability only. Parking permits are available in the bookstore for $25.00. Each student who drives a vehicle to campus must have that vehicle registered in the bookstore. A parking fee of $25.00 will be charged to park their vehicle in the student parking areas. Proof of current Arizona automobile insurance and a valid Arizona driver’s license are required prior to receiving a parking permit. Numbered parking permits will be issued and are to hang from the rearview mirror. A $15.00 replacement fee may be imposed.

Messages to Students

Only messages concerning emergencies will be accepted for delivery to students. Staff will not deliver the following messages: special greeting messages from boy friends, girl friends, or family members, etc. In an effort to limit classroom interruptions, students will only be called to the telephone in EXTREME

EMERGENCY situations.

Guest Passes

Student should not plan to have a guest attend the school day. Under extenuating circumstances,

Administration may grant permission prior to a visit. Cienega High School welcomes parents, but we request that all parents provide notice in advance of visitation and sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass from the Front Office.

Campus Hours

Front Office: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Campus Hours: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (extended hours to accommodate zero hour and after school practices)

There is no zero hour on Fridays. Students should not arrive on campus before 8:15 am.

Communication with the School

In order to meet the needs of our students as fully as possible, it is essential that the home and the school make every effort to communicate openly and frequently. At the school, we shall endeavor to meet this need through our reporting procedures and formal parent-teacher communication. It is of equal importance that parents keep teachers informed of any developments, which might influence the student’s performance at school. If, as parents, you are uncertain of anything, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone at

879-2800 or e-mail staff through the Cienega website at

Health Office

Health services not requiring immediate emergency care should be handled during lunchtime. Students feeling ill or requiring immediate care may be sent during class time with a pass from the teacher. A student will be released from school only with approval of a parent/guardian or authorized adult.

According to Vail School District Board policy, the health office may not administer any medications, including over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, Advil, cold medication, etc.) unless there is a written consent form from a parent/guardian. The medication needs to be supplied by the parent for their child and is required to be in the original sealed packaging when delivered to the health office. Prescription medications must include a written prescription from the medical provider with the following information: student’s name, doctor’s name, name of medication, reason for administration and dose and time to be given. A parent or guardian must also sign a consent form. When an accident occurs on campus or a student becomes ill, they should report to the health office with permission from their teacher. For the student’s protection and safety, he or she is not to leave campus because of illness or an accident without

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General Information

Health Office, continued reporting to the health office. The nurse or health assistant is responsible for contacting a parent or guardian.

District Wellness Policy

Cienega High School Cienega High School adheres to the Arizona Department of Education Nutrition

Standards. For more information go online to:

Education Center

The library hours are as follows:

Monday-Thursday 7:30am – 5:45pm; Friday - 7:30am – 4:00pm

During regular classroom hours, the library is open for teacher reservations. If classes are not scheduled, students are free to ask their teachers to call ahead to see if the library is being used. If not, they are welcome to come in. Students who have Freedom with Responsibility may be allowed to utilize the library during that time.

Open hours are before school, lunch (M-TH) and after school until 5:45pm. ID’s are required for computer use and book check-out. Students with outstanding overdue books and/or fines lose library privileges. As a part of the Department of Education literacy program efforts and the mission of the school, Internet usage for educational purposes is available at Cienega High School. Students using the Internet must have a parent/guardian approval and must be properly trained in the ethical use of the Internet. Students wanting to use the Internet must show their school ID.

Lost and Found

The Receptionist will maintain a lost and found in the front office. Students may inquire there for lost items. Items found by a student should be turned in to the front desk. Lost and found will be taken to

Goodwill each quarter.

Physical Education Uniform, Towel and Lock

Students participating in physical education classes are to be dressed in an appropriate uniform. The uniform consists of a gray T-shirt (plain or with a Cienega school logo), black or navy shorts, tennis shoes and socks. You may purchase PE t-shirts for $7.00 and shorts for $10.00 in the bookstore. Students are expected to bring their own towel. Students must purchase a PE lock at the bookstore for a $7.00 fee.


AIA/Victory with Honor

All Cienega students are expected to model the six pillars of character: Trustworthiness, Respect,

Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. It is expected that the Cienega faculty, staff, students, and their parents will demonstrate the six pillars as part of their daily lives. This will create an environment conducive to the development of upstanding citizenship. Students and parents are asked to support and endorse these pillars in a school-wide effort to improve and promote good character traits.

Extra-curricular Activities

School activities are an integral part of the total educational program. They provide the individual participant with experiences, which may broaden the perspective that regular classroom instruction may not adequately address. It is important to understand that any participation in these activities is considered a privilege and may be withheld by the school. Co-curricular, extracurricular, and related activities are defined as those endeavors, which are organized, planned, sponsored, and/or recognized by the school.

This includes activities that are an extension of the classroom, sanctioned school clubs that compete, performing groups, and all AIA sanctioned activities.

Extra-curricular Activities Code

1. Students involved in extracurricular activities are reminded that they represent Cienega High

School and the Vail community. It is their responsibility to maintain appropriate conduct at all

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Extra-curricular Activities Code , continued

times and to demonstrate behavior that will bring credit to themselves, to Cienega and the Vail community.

2. Sportsmanship and ethics are to be exemplified at all times in relation to other schools and with officials.

3. Insubordination will not be tolerated at any time. A participant shall be responsible for his/her actions in competition and performance, in practice session, in school and in the community.

4. Substance abuse in any form while participating in school activities may result in forfeiting a student’s eligibility.

Responsibilities of Participants

Students are to:

1.Respect the rules of the school, the teachers, sponsors, coaches, and administrators.

2.Respect and follow all school rules.

3.Follow all training rules, Vail eligibility regulations and AIA rules for eligibility.

4. Strive to perform to their best ability in the classroom, and understand the importance of an education.

5. Support all school activities and teams to the best of their ability.

6. Be part of the team and perform for the betterment of the team or organization.

7. Exemplify good behavior, appearance and conduct at all times.

8. Respect others and their property. Theft and destruction of any school or individual’s equipment or property will not be tolerated.

9. Dress neatly on trips, and remain together with the group and ride the bus to and from the site of the contest or performance unless prior arrangements have been made and approved.

10. Abide by and respect the official’s decision.

11. Attend a minimum of two thirds of all classes the day of and the day following any contests or performances.

12. Condition themselves properly so that they can safely and adequately meet the physical and mental demands of the activity.

13. Obtain an Eligibility Clearance Slip prior to participating in any tryouts, or practices or contests, or before receiving any equipment or awards.

14. Pay a participation fee if applicable.

15. Refrain from use or possession of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.

16. Return all clothing and equipment to their coach/sponsor immediately after completion of any sport or after dropping out of that sport. Students will pay for all items not turned in. The money charged for any item not returned may be refunded when the item is returned with the cash receipt.

Classroom Attendance Policy for Extra-curricular Activities

Extracurricular activity participation requires that students attend classes daily in order to maintain eligibility. The following guidelines shall be enforced:


Classroom attendance on the day of a performance, contest or game is required except in the case of a valid excuse and at the discretion of the school administrator. This will be interpreted to mean a student will attend all classes unless excused by an administrator (illness, staying home to rest or “sleeping in” are examples of UNEXCUSED absences). Excused medical appointments

DO NOT excuse students for interscholastic activities. Prior approval through the Athletics

Office and written verification are required.


As soon as the participant has been determined to be in violation of this rule, the participant will be declared ineligible for the next performance, contest, or game.


Students not attending class on Friday prior to a Saturday activity or a holiday period are ineligible to participate in the next performance, contest, or game.


Students are expected to attend classes the day following an activity.

Attendance at Practices


Unless there is a satisfactory reason, all participants shall report for practice the day the first call is made for that activity.

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Attendance at Practices, continued


Being excused from practice will be granted by the coach/sponsor of the team.


A student who is not in attendance for a minimum of 2/3 of the school day may not practice that day.

Eligibility for Activities

1. If a student becomes 19 years of age after September 1, he/she is eligible to compete for the remainder of that school year. If he/she becomes 19 years of age on or before September 1, he/she is not eligible for any part of that school year.

2. A student is privileged with eligibility for only four seasons in each sport and/or activity, and for no more than eight semesters after he/she first enrolls in the ninth grade. The 7 th and 8 th semesters must be consecutive. The other semesters need not be consecutive.


Students cannot compete or practice on an outside athletic team during their school team’s competition season. A student may compete as an individual in an individual sport or event (not team or relay) in his/her name but shall not be coached by, transported by, financed by, or chaperoned by the school or school personnel.

4. Students are to use District provided transportation to and from the site of all away contests.

Exception: Parents may transport only their son/daughter by signing a Transportation Waiver

Form. Waiver forms are in the Athletic Office and must be received one day prior to the contest.

Interscholastic Activities

Athletic Clearance

Cienega’s Interscholastic Activities Program is a competitive program for all boys and girls. Students interested in participating in an interscholastic activity must receive an “Athletic Clearance” from the

Bobcat Athletics Office. The Athletic Clearance is to be turned into the coach or sponsor. To receive

Athletic Clearance, the student must submit to the Cienega Athletic Office, prior to the student’s first practice, and must compete the following items:

A current physical examination form, dated on or after 03/01/2014, which is good for one school year.

Emergency form completed and signed by a parent/guardian.

• Parent/guardian permission card completed and signed by a parent/guardian.

Brainbook Certification:

• Birth Certificate or photocopy of the original birth certificate.

Activity fee paid to the bookstore after the final roster is made and prior to the first competition.

WF ineligible for current semester

MTBI Concussion Form


All athletes must have a new physical each year dated AFTER March 1 st turned in to the Athletic Office.

Participation Fees (Activity/Athletic Fees will be posted in the Bookstore and will include the following)

Per Activity Fee $120

Per Student Cap $300

Per Family Cap $500

For any other information please contact the athletic office at 879-2892

Important NCAA Rules

NCAA initial-eligibility Clearinghouse: All high school students who plan to participate in college at a

Division I or Division II school must be certified by the NCAA Clearinghouse.

The forms needed are available in the Guidance office and should be mailed early in the fall of the student’s senior year. Answers to questions pertaining to the NCAA Clearinghouse can be found on the following

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Interscholastic Activities

Important NCAA Rules, continued websites:


. Be sure the classes you are choosing at Cienega are approved courses by the NCAA before registering for the class.

Academic Eligibility for Activities/Athletics

Students who represent Cienega High School must display the highest type of citizenship. Certain academic standards must be maintained in order to be eligible to participate in AIA competition. To be eligible for AIA competition, students must be passing all of their classes and have a minimum of 2.0 GPA.

Grades will be checked every three weeks. If a student is eligible, he/she will remain eligible for three weeks and the student’s grades will not be checked during the interim. If a student is not eligible, he/she will be ineligible for a minimum of one week. All grade checks will be done on Fridays. In the case of

Power School issues, grade checks may be done on Monday mornings. If a student has improved his/her grades, the student will be eligible as of Monday. If the student has not improved his/her grades, the student will remain ineligible for at least one more week, and grades will be rechecked the following

Friday. (ECAP grade will effect eligibility).

Grades posted at the end of each semester are the grades to be used in determining eligibility at the end of the semester.

Students who are ineligible for competition remain eligible for practice at the discretion of the coach.

Students may continue to practice as usual.

• Students may attend games, but will not be permitted to wear a uniform.

• Students will not be excused from academic time to travel with the team .

4A Conference rules state that students must attend school two-thirds of the scheduled school day that they practice or have competition. Extenuating exceptions to this rule must be cleared with Administration .


For students who have in-school suspension, participation and/or attendance at activities will be at the discretion of administration.

For students who have out-of-school suspension or who have an “Alternative to Suspension Program” the following will apply:


They are not allowed to participate or attend any practices during the term of the disciplinary



They are not allowed to participate in or attend any performance, contest, game or school function during the term of the disciplinary action. The length of time of disciplinary action shall be measured from the time a student is discharged from school until the morning of the day the student is permitted to return to the classroom.

Doctor’s Release

When a physician treats a participant, a written release from that doctor must be received by the school’s athletic trainer prior to participation in any practices or games .

Eligibility of Transfer Students

All transfers must be processed and approved through the Cienega Athletic office.

Note: If a student transfers to our school without moving they are not eligible to participate in an athletic activity in which they participated at their previous school for one calendar year. A 530 Form must be filled out by every student who has not changed their domicile and who is transferring into Cienega. A 520 form must be filled out by all transfers that have changed their domicile.

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Interscholastic Activities

Admission Fees to Cienega Athletic Events

A $4.00 admission fee will be charged for all Cienega athletic events. Students with ID’s shall pay $1.00.

The cost to students without an ID will be $2.00. Students in the fifth (5 th ) grade or lower will be admitted free. Admission fees to invitationals, classics, regionals, state tournaments, etc. are determined by individual schools and AIA .

Completion of Sport

Successful completion of a sport season, with the exception of an injury, which limits participation, is required to be eligible for a letter or other team awards. A student who has quit, been dismissed, or dropped from a team, may transfer to another sport only with the permission of both coaches and the

Assistant principal for Activities. Students who are members of a squad are committed to remain in that sport until the end of the season unless they quit for legitimate reason, i.e., health, disciplinary action, etc.

Criteria for Lettering in an Individual Sport



No unexcused absences from practices or games.

• Excused absences from practice consist of an excused absence from the school day, doctor appointments, family or personal illness, and family emergencies.

• Athletes must call/inform their coach to be excused. Informing teammates is not acceptable.


Participation in coach assigned events. For example, if a coach wants an athlete to compete in a an event/match/game, the athlete must do so unless there is an emergency, injury, or illness. In track, if a coach assigns an event for an athlete, the athlete must do that event. Athletes must participate in various ways that the coach assigns.


Participate in all scheduled games/matches/meets unless there is illness, injury, or emergency.

All athletes must participate in the contests regardless of the reason. Athletes must complete the season.


Athletes must compete in divisionals/playoffs. Athletes must complete the season.


Athletes must be “available” to compete on the varsity level on a regular basis.




• An athlete must be in their third consecutive year in that particular sport, or

An athlete must advance to state competition, or

• An athlete must earn a specific number of points for their team in meets/matches throughout the season. The Head Coach will determine these points.

(All coaches must submit in writing their specific requirements for their sport for part

#6 section C). *In order for a freshman to earn their numbers, a JV athlete to earn their bobcat head, and managers to earn any awards, they must satisfy #1, 2, and 3 of the above criteria.

Criteria for Lettering in a Team Sport

1. Attendance:

No unexcused absences from practices or games.

• Excused absences from practice consist of an excused absence from the school day, doctor appointments, family or personal illness, and family emergencies.

Athletes must call/inform their coach to be excused. Informing teammates is not acceptable.

2. Participation in coach assigned positions.

3. All athletes must be “available” (dressed and ready to play) in all scheduled games unless there is illness, injury, or emergency. All athletes must be “available” for the games regardless of the reason. If an athlete is on a varsity team prior to an injury, they must continue to attend practices and games in order to be eligible for a letter. Athletes must complete the season.

4. Athletes must compete in the playoffs if applicable. Athletes must complete the season.

5. Athletes must compete on the varsity level.

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Interscholastic Activities

Criteria for Lettering in a Team Sport, continued

*In order for a freshman to earn their numbers, a JV athlete to earn their cathead, and a manager to earn any awards, they must satisfy #1, 2, and 3 of the above criteria.

Criteria for Lettering in Fine Arts

Band and Choir

1. No unexcused absences or excessive tardies from rehearsals or performances.

2. Excused absences from rehearsals include:

• An excused absence from the school day

Doctor’s appointments

• Family or personal illness

3. Participated in regional tryouts


Be a member in good standing. This requires that a student have good rehearsal and performance habits, positive attitude and behavior.

5. 1

2 st nd

year- Year Patch (2011, etc)

year- Bobcat Head Patch


4 rd th

year- Letter (this will be a Varsity Letter)

year- Specialty Pin



No unexcused absences or excessive tardies from rehearsals or performances.


Excused absences from rehearsals include:


An absence from the school day


Doctor appointments


Family or personal illness


Have participated in drama productions.


Be an inducted member of the International Thespian Society.


Be a member in good standing. This requires that a student have good rehearsal and performance habits and be a positive member of the drama department in both attitude and behavior.


Freshmen will receive their numbers.


Bobcat head will be given to juniors/seniors who complete requirements.


Bars will be given for extra achievements such as:


Thespian conference


AIA competitions


Out of school performances


Letter given when student has earned 60 Thespian points.


Varsity letter requirements are for Rifle Marksmanship, Drill Team, Orienteering Team and

Color Guard Team.


Participate in !

of the practices and meets during the year.


Maintain a passing GPA during the entire season.


Recommendation of the NSI or SNSI.

Rifle Marksmanship Additional Requirements


Shoot a score of 235 or higher in any shoulder to shoulder meet or official postal competition.

The 235 is the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) score needed for basic rifle qualification.

Orienteering Team Additional Requirements


Male cadets must finish in the top 20% of teams at an official JROTC orienteering meet.


Female cadets must finish in the top 25% of teams at an official JROTC orienteering meet.

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School Functions and Clubs

Extra-Curricular Functions

School activities are an integral part of the total educational program. They provide the individual participant with experiences, which broaden the perspective that regular classroom instruction may not adequately address .

Co-Curricular, extra-curricular, and related activities are defined as those endeavors, which are organized, planned, sponsored, and/or recognized by the school. This includes activities that are an extension of the classroom, sanctioned school clubs that compete, performing groups, and all AIA sanctioned activities. All references in this handbook include the following activities.




Ms. K. Conrad

African American Culture Club

Art Club

Astronomy Club

Be Kind

Bobcat Boys Basketball

Bobcat Football

Bobcat Girls Soccer

Bobcat TV

C2B – Commitment to Buckle

Choir Council

Cienega Baseball Club

Cienega Boys Soccer Club

Cienega Career Launch Club

Cienega Cross Country

Cienega Girls Soccer

Cienega Photography Club

Cienega Spiritline

Cienega Swim Team

Cienega Truth Seekers Club

Color Guard


Deutsch Club (German Club)

FCS (Fellowship of Christian Students)

Fashion Club



Foreign Culture Club

Girls Golf

Grapplers Wrestling Club

Football Passing and Conditioning

Green Team

GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)

In Balance

Job Club

Key Club

Landscape Club

Link Crew

Marching Band

Model United Nations Club

Mu Alpha Theta

National Honor Society



Renaissance Club

Ms. C. Hernandez

Ms. R. Latona

Mr. J. Erickson

Ms. M. McKinney; Ms. C. Shroder

Mr. M. Johnson

Mr. N. Hassey

Ms. M. McKinney

Mr. J. Miller

Mr. E. Boxley

Mr. J. Vega

Mr. R. Gabusi

Mr. J. Sasnett

Ms. K. Franzen

Mr. S. Burhman; Mr. J. Farr

Ms. M. McKinney

Mr. T. Nichols

Ms. M. Jackson

Ms. K. Farr; Ms. J. Porter

Mr. C. Rice

Ms. T. Rowley

Mr. J. Vega

Ms. S. Olberding

Mr. J. Erickson

Ms. M. Saurer

Mr. M. Gaspar

Ms. E. Rivera

Mr. J. Johnson

Ms. K. Conrad; Ms. B. Levinson; Ms. D. Webb

Mr. J. Nunes

Mr. M. Niblo

Mr. J. Farr; Ms. K. Farr

Ms. R. Carrier

Mr. E. Boxley

Ms. J. Wilson

Mr. J. Erickson; Ms. J. Morse

Mr. M. Aubrey

Ms. C. Shroder; Ms. M. Smith; Ms. J. Morse

Mr. J. Matsushino

Ms. B. Levinson; Ms. D. Webb

Ms. L. Hines; Ms. G. Wood

Mr. N. Gala; Mr. J. Stull

Lt. Cmdr. Murga; Gny. Sgt. Lara

Ms. A. Giardino; Mr. J. Vold

Ms. S. Mitzel

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School Functions and Clubs continued

Skills USA-Construction

Skills USA-Media Club

Skills USA-Public Safety Club

Student Council

Thespian Club

World War II/Holocaust Film Club


YES ( Youth Empowered for Success)

Mr. M. Keck

Mr. J. Miller

Mr. D. Brown

Mrs. B. Matshushino; Ms. V. Romeo

Mr. J. Garmon

Mr. M. Johnson

Mr. E. Tatham

Mr. B. Mañas

Students should check with club sponsor(s) for specific club fees. Club sponsor(s) subject to change.

Athletics/AIA Sponsored Events






International Thespian Society




Cross Country






Sponsors can be contacted through the Cienega webpage.

School Dance Policies

School dances are generally held at our school Dining Auditorium or gym. Students planning to attend a school dance should be aware of the school dance policies:

1. School dances are limited to CHS students and their guests. Guest must be enrolled in high school and/or not be over 20 years of age.

2. CHS students may not bring more than one non-CHS student. The host student shall be responsible for the behavior of their guest

3. Every CHS student must have a valid CHS ID card to attend the dance. Students without a valid school ID will NOT be allowed into the dance.

4. A guest must have his/her own school ID, or a state ID if the guest has already graduated.

5. Backpacks will not be allowed into the dance and students should not bring backpacks to the dance.

6. Students choosing to ignore any rules shall be asked to leave the dance.

7. Students leaving early for any reason may not re-enter the dance.

8. Administration has the right to remove students for inappropriate behavior or dancing.

9. Students serving an in-school or out-of-school suspension or who are in an alternative placement may not attend.

10. Administration has the right to refuse any student and/or guest admission to any extracurricular activity or dance.

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6 + 1 Traits of Writing


-Grammar (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, consistent verbs, proper indentation)


-Clear beginning, middle and end


-Structured paragraphs

-Proper placement of thesis and topic sentence

-Logical order

Word choice

-Do not over use words (make them unique)

-Be specific (do not use “thing” or “stuff”)

-Be appropriate


-Required format (MLA, business letter, narrative)

-Neat and legible writing

-Correct spacing

-Crisp and clean paper

-Developed work

-Stay on topic

-Use supporting facts

-Acknowledge all sources (i.e. quotes)


-Write to appropriate audience

-Maintain tone (i.e. professional, reflective, comedic, formal*)

Sentence Fluency

-Should be smooth and flowing

-Use varied sentence structure

-Use transitions

-Should not be a string of facts

Formal Essay Voice:

-No contractions

-Point of view must be 3 rd

-No slang

-Do not ask questions

person (no 1 st or 2 nd person point of view)

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