Using Noun Phrase Centrality to Identify Topics for Extraction based Summaries Zhuli Xie, Peter C. Nelson Weimin Xiao, Thomas M. Tirpak Department of Computer Science Physical Realization Research Center University of Illinois at Chicago Motorola Labs Chicago IL 60607, U.S.A. Schaumburg IL 60196, U.S.A. {zxie, nelson} {awx003, T.Tirpak} the automatic text summarization literature [2][3][4][5][6] ABSTRACT [7]. Superficial features, such as term frequency, sentence In this paper, we use a Social Network Analysis method location, length of the sentence, etc., have been widely and decision tree analysis to study the distribution and studied, and can easily be obtained and processed statis- relationship of Noun Phrases in documents and their tically. Using these conventional features, our prototype corresponding abstracts. Initial results have shown sig- system generated fairly good summaries. However, those nificant improvement in extraction based text summari- features did not capture contextual information from the zation by applying systematic predictions of the Noun text. Thus, one should not expect that the system will Phrases that appear in both the documents and in their always produce a summary covering the essential topics corresponding abstracts. of a document. KEY WORDS For certain types of summaries, a topic list may indicate Text Mining, Information Retrieval, and Text Summari- the content of a document [5][8]. Topics are usually zation characterized in the form of noun phrases. Thus, for a given text document, if we can find some generic rules to 1. Introduction identify the topics (noun phrases) that appear in the Vast amount of new text documents appear every day in document that are the most likely to appear in its sum- almost every scientific field. Researchers often depend mary, the quality of the extractive summarization can be on Information Retrieval (IR) techniques to obtain rele- improved. This paper presents this approach and dis- vant documents for their needs. However, collection of cusses a new text feature - Noun Phrase Centrality tens, hundreds, or even thousands of documents returned which our experiments have shown to be quite useful. from an IR tool may pose an insurmountable obstacle to 2. Noun Phrase Centrality finding the right information in timely manner. Automatic text summarization plays an important role in re- The study of organizational communication by [9] intro- ducing the workload of digesting the content in the re- duced centrality, a technique that was originally used in turned documents. Social Network Analysis (SNA), i.e., the study of certain In our previous study of text summarization, we estab- social relationships among a group of actors. An actor lished a framework that uses machine learning to dis- can be an individual or an organization in social net- cover the underlying summarization mechanism [1]. We works. Each actor has an important property - central- developed a prototype system based on this framework to ity indicating the degree to which the other actors in the produce extractive summaries, i.e., selecting a certain network revolve around him/her. Actors with high cen- number of sentences from a given text document to form trality are more prominent or important in the network. the summary. We have noticed that in a text document, a topic or con- 430-087 Text features are typically the focus in 89 cept is often introduced in the form of noun phrase (NP). Not all noun phrases refer to some topics or concepts. A Centering this topic or concept, the subsequent sentences noun phrase may specifically refer to a person, an or- or paragraphs further develop it, indicating the reasons ganization, an object, an attribute, a state, or a number, that the author brings up the topic. For example, in the etc. In our experiments, a text document can contain introduction part of one of our sample documents (Figure hundreds of noun phrases. Determining which noun 1), a concept - synchronous tree-adjoining grammars phrases are actually important topics in a given text will (TAG)-is introduced in the first sentence. In the second be meaningful in many research areas in natural language sentence, the meaning of this concept is explained. Fol- processing, such as document retrieval, classification, lowing that, in the second paragraph, the author ex- and automatic text summarization. Inspired by the work plained the intension of introducing synchronous TAGs, of [9], we have established a network for all noun and in the third paragraph the author further introduced phrases in a given text with each noun phrase represented his work with this technique. by a node. It is assumed that important topics presented Such phenomena were also studied by [10], proposing a in the text are the prominent nodes within the network, Centering Theory that models the “coherence of utter- and then, the idea of Centrality from SNA can be used to ances within a discourse segment”. measure the prominence of the noun phrases in the text. 3. Formation of a noun phrase network Introduction The formalism of synchronous tree-adjoining gram- We process a text document in four steps. First, the text mars, a variant of standard tree-adjoining grammars is tokenized and stored into an internal representation (TAG), was intended to allow the use of TAGs for with structural information. Second, the tokenized text is language transduction in addition to language speci- tagged through a Brill tagging algorithm [11] POS tag- fication. Synchronous TAGs specify relations be- ger11. Third, the noun phrases in each sentence are parsed tween language pairs; each language is specified according to 35 parsing rules as shown in Figure 2. If a with a standard TAG, and the pairing between new noun phrase is found in the sentence, a new node is strings in the separate languages is specified by formed and added to the network. If the noun phrase al- synchronizing the two TAGs through linking pairs of ready exists in the network, the node containing it will be elementary trees. identified, and a link will be added between two nodes if This paper concerns the formal definitions underlying the nodes are parsed out sequentially in the same sen- synchronous tree- adjoining grammars. In previous tence. Finally, after all sentences have been processed, work, the definition of the transduction relation de- the centrality of each node in the network is updated. The fined by a synchronous TAG…First, the processes of forming a noun phrase network are shown in weak-generative expressivity of TAGs is increased... Figure 3. Second, the lack of a simple recursive characteriza- 4. Abstract Noun Phrase Distribution Analysis tion of the derivation … makes the design of parsing algorithms difficult if not impossible. In this paper, we describe how synchronous TAG We refer to the noun phrases that appear in the abstract of derivation can be redefined so as to eliminate these a document as “abstract noun phrases”. The “body text” problems. The redefinition relies … Furthermore,… refers to the text of a document excluding the abstract. As However,…, some linguistic analyses may no longer our goal is to predict which noun phrases from the body be statable. We comment on some possible negative text will most likely appear in the abstract, a natural step ramifications of this fact. is to find relations between all abstract noun phrases and Figure 1. An example of topics/concepts 1 introduced by a noun phrase The POS tagger we used can be obtained from 90 noun phrases from the body text. If this part of NPs is too small, it may not significantly affect the abstraction, Raw text since the abstract may contain many topics or concepts. Tokenization Fortunately, as we will show in Section 4.2., the NPs Internal representation from body text play a significant role in the abstract NPs. POS Tagging Tagged structured text 4.1. CMP-LG Corpus Updating In our experiment, a corpus of 183 documents was used. Initial NP network The documents are from the Computation and Language NP Tagging collection and have been marked in XML with tags pro- Final NP network viding basic information about the document such as title, Figure 3. NP network formulation chart author, abstract, body, sections, etc. This corpus is a part of the TIPSTER Text Summarization Evaluation Con- these relationships to predict the abstract NPs. ference (SUMMAC) effort acting as a general resource to the information retrieval, extraction and summarization 5. Predicting Abstract Noun Phrases communities. We excluded the five documents from this 5.1. Using the Noun Phrase Centrality Heuristic corpus which did not have abstracts. As we discussed in Section 2, if a noun phrase (denoted 4.2. Experiment Results as NP1 here) refers to a topic addressed in an article, it is We analyzed how many abstract NPs can be found in the very likely that the NP1 will appear in the article repeat- body text for the 178 documents. On average, 68% of edly. In the procedure of forming the NP network for the noun phrases in the abstract can be found in other sec- article, the node containing the NP1 will establish many tions of the article. In Figure 4, we can see that almost links to other nodes. Thus, its centrality will be relatively 90% of the documents had over 50% of the abstract NPs higher than other peripheral nodes in which the NPs refer coming from the body text. In the next section, we will to less important topics or just specific objects. Given discuss how we try to find relationships between the ab- this heuristic, we performed an experiment, in which the stract noun phrases and body text noun phrases and use nodes with highest centralities are retrieved, and the NPs contained in them are compared with the actual abstract NX --> NNS NX --> CD NNS NX --> PRP NX --> NN NX --> WP$ NNS NX --> NN NN NX --> WDT NX --> NN NNS NX --> EX NX --> NN NNS NN NX --> WP NX --> NNP NX --> DT JJ NN NX --> NNP CD NX --> DT CD NNS NX --> NNP NNP NX --> DT VBG NN NX --> NNP NNPS NX --> DT NNS NX --> NNP NN NX --> DT NN NX --> NNP NNP NNP NX --> DT NN NN NX --> JJ NN NX --> DT NNP NX --> JJ NNS NX --> DT NNP NN NX --> JJ NN NNS NX --> DT NNP NNP NX --> PRP$ NNS NX --> DT NNP NNP NNP NX -->DT NNP NNP NN NN NX --> PRP$ NN NX --> PRP$ NN NN NPs, on the CMP-LG corpus. To evaluate this method, we intended to use Precision, which measures the Fraction of the documents NX --> CD 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.8876 0.7022 0.4270 0.2303 0.1124 0-50 0.0955 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 Accumulated P (P:T he percentage of the abstract NPs from the body text in all the abstract NPs) Figure 4. Abstract NPs from body text analysis result Figure 2. NP Parsing Rules 91 fraction of correctly predicted abstract NPs of all the pre- both Precision and Recall3, which means none of the re- dicted NPs, and Recall, which measures the fraction of trieved nodes contained a common NP. 2 correctly predicted abstract NPs in all Common NPs . 40 ranking the nodes according to their centralities, we must 35 Num of Common NP After establishing the NP network for the article and decide how many nodes should be retrieved. This number should not be too big; otherwise the Precision value will be very low, although the Recall will be higher. If this number is very small, the Recall will decrease cor- (a) 30 25 20 15 10 respondingly. We adopted a compound metric - 5 F-measure, to balance the node selection: 0 0 10 F-measure=2*Precision*Recall/(Precision+Recall) 40 corpus, we tried to find whether the best number of nodes 35 Num of Common NP Based on our study of 178 documents in the CMP-LG to be retrieved has any relation to the number of NPs in the body text, or the number of abstract NPs. From Figure 5(a), we can see that the number of common NPs is roughly proportional to the number of NPs in the 20 30 40 50 Num of NP in Abstract 60 70 (b) 30 25 20 15 10 5 abstract. We then obtained a linear regression model for 0 the data shown in Figure 5(a) and used this model to 0 calculate the number of nodes we should retrieve from the NP network, given the number of abstract NPs in a 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Num of NP in Body Text 3000 Figure 5. Scatter plots of Common NPs document is known a priori: Number of Common NPs = 0.555 * Number of Abstract NPs + 2.435 5.2. Randomly Picking Noun Phrases One could argue that the number of abstract NPs is un- One way to study the relationship between common NPs known a priori and thus the proposed method is of lim- and the NPs in the body text is to regard it as a stochastic ited use. However, the user can provide an estimate based process, i.e., the author just picks the NPs from the body on the desired number of words in the summary. Here we text at random. We simulated such a process. The results can adopt the same way of asking the user to provide a in Figure 6 show that although the Centrality Heuristic limit for the NPs in the summary. We used the actual performs not so well in predicting the abstract NPs, it number of NPs the author used in his/her abstract in our does much better than random selection. experiment. 5.3. C4.5 Decision Tree with Rule Induction It should be noted that there are no readily observable Our experiments with the Centrality heuristic have relations between the number of common NPs and the shown that it has a certain effect on determining the rela- number of NPs in the body text in Figure 5(b). Our ex- tionship between the abstract NPs and NPs in the body periment result shown in Figure 6 suggests that simply text. Nevertheless, our results indicate that the relation- using the regression formula is not satisfactory. The av- ship is not solely determined by the centrality, since the erage F-measure value is only 0.22. Among the 178 values of Precision, Recall, and F-measure are more than documents, seven of them received a score of zero (0) for 0.2. Other factors, such as position, may participate in 2 Common NPs refers to the NPs which appear in the body text 3 and the abstract. 92 In this case, the F-measure is defined to be 0. cords, respectively. 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 are increased to 40,109, 42,210, and 38,499. The three Centrality Heuristic cross-validation. We performed two experiments: one data sets were then run through C4.5 with 10-fold with the feature Centrality, and one without it, in order to C4.5 without Centrality C4.5 with Centrality Precision Recall After class balancing, the records Random Picking see how Centrality affects the predictions. The results are shown in Table 1, where the numbers for Set 1, 2, and 3 are average values for the 10 tests in the cross-validations. F-measure The mean values of the metrics are also shown in the Figure 6. Performances of the Four Prediction Methods Figure 6 in comparison with the Centrality Heuristic and Random Selection. We observed that the Precision, Re- determining the relationship. In order to further study this call, and F-measure achieved by C4.5 greatly outperform relationship, we employed C4.5 decision trees with rule the heuristic and random methods. Meanwhile, using induction, trying to find other important factors. For the C4.5 with Centrality greatly outperforms using it without NPs in the body text, we selected eight attributes: Centrality: for the mean values, the Precision is increased by 7%; the Recall of the former is more than twice as the Position: The order of a NP appearing in the text, nor- latter, and the F-measure of the former is improved to malized by the total number of NPs. 160% of the latter! We also studied the rules generated Pronoun type: If the NP contains a pronoun, it is marked by C4.5. For rules which covered 100 or more instances, as one of four classes: NOMInative, ACCUsative, POS- we found that 98% of them contain attributes Position Sessive, and AMBIguous (you, her, and it). All other NPs and Centrality while the attribute Pronoun type does belong to class NONE [12]. not appear even once. A typical rule for predicting that a Article: Three classes are defined for this attribute: IN- noun phrase should be an abstract noun phrase is: DEfinite (contains a or an), DEFInite (contains the), and IF NONE (all others). Article = NONE and Number = False and Centrality > 0.017403 and Position <= 0.354412 THEN NPinAbstract = True Head noun POS tag: A head noun is the last word in the NP. Its POS tag is used here. Proper name: Whether the NP is a proper name, by looking at the POS tags of all words in the NP. 6. Conclusion and Future work Centrality: Obtained from the NP network. We have presented a new approach to predict summary Number: Whether the NP is just one number. topics by introducing an important text feature and treat- In abstract: Whether the NP appears in the au- ing the problem as a classification task. In comparison thor-provided abstract. This attribute is the target for the with the Centrality Heuristic and Random Selection, the C4.5 to classify. approach achieves very promising results for the The 178 documents have generated more than 100,000 CMP-LG corpus. The rules induced by C4.5 identified training records. Among them only a very small portion that Position and Centrality are crucial factors in deter- (2.6%) belongs to the positive class. When using decision tree C4.5 on such imbalanced attribute, it is very C4.5 without Centrality C4.5 with Centrality common that the class with absolute advantages will be Precision Recall F-measure Precision Recall F-measure favored [13][14]. 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