Synergy Diet Parameters Parameters Each diet parameter is set in the Synergy Database to aid in meeting the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for adults (males 51 to 70 years of age (average weight 175 lb or 80 kg1); or >70 years of age if available). Although diets may be able to have more or less than the lower and upper limits, the parameters are utilized for menu planning and ensuring that each diet meets the below definitions. Regular Diet This diet is intended to meet the needs of healthy adults (age 51+). It incorporates recommendations from Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating (CFG) (2007), including the following2: Vegetable & fruits group: 7 servings Grain group: 7 servings Milk & alternatives group: 3 servings Meat & alternatives group: 3 servings The Regular diet is set to meet the minimal macronutrient requirements for healthy adults (males 51 to 70 years of age; or >70 years of age if available) including the following macronutrient distributions, which are based on 2,000 kcal consumption. The diet is assessed using Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR), Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), Adequate Intake (AI) or Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) established by the US Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (NAS): Macronutrient AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Ideal Parameters (g/day) Lower Ideal Upper 1800 2000 2400 225 275 325 60 75 100 Calories Carbohydrates3 Proteins3 45-65% 10-35% Fats3 20-35% 50 60 80 Fibre3 21-30 g/day 21 25 30 Sodium*3,4 1200-3400 mg/day 1200 mg 2300 mg 3400 mg Calcium3 1000-2000 mg/day 1000 mg 1200 mg 2000 mg Vitamin D**2,3 400-4000 IU/day 400 IU 800 IU 4000 IU The lower, ideal and upper parameters are used to identify deficiencies, ideal intakes and toxicities based on Estimated Average Requirement (EAR), RDA and Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). *Sodium values have been changed to reflect Health Canada’s Sodium Reduction Strategy for Canada (2010). The lower parameter is based on the EAR, the ideal parameter is set to Health Canada’s average daily sodium intake target by 2016, and the upper parameter is the current Canadian daily intake average as of 2010. Most therapeutic diets will comply with the above regulations however due to the clinical natural of some of the below diets (i.e. HiPro/HiCal) the upper limit may be exceeded. **Vitamin D values are based on daily RDA standards and do not include CFG recommendation for adults over the age of 50 to consume vitamin D supplementation of 400 IU/day (10 µg/day).2 Sysco Canada, Inc. Last revised June 2013 In developing a menu, the CFG is used as a guide, but since the CFG was developed for well/healthy adults and the geriatric population was not the primary target, health issues that have diet considerations are priority. Synergy provides nutritional analysis so every menu type can be analyzed and reported against the appropriate DRI. This allows menu planning to also consider the other 'guidelines' of variety, avoiding repetition, color, costs, therapeutic and texture modification, production and labour, and client acceptance. This diet is used as the basis of all therapeutic and texture modified diets. All Therapeutic diets are to be used as guidelines in the diet planning process. The presentation of diseases will vary between residents, which may lead to modified and individualized care plans. Please ensure the following diets (i.e. renal, diabetic, heart healthy etc.) are tailored if need be, to meet the nutrition care goals of the individual residents. Allergy Diets Lactose Restricted This diet is for people with lactose intolerance or lactase enzyme deficiency. Lactose is restricted by providing substitutions for lactose containing foods and reducing the use of lactose containing ingredients in recipes.5 Gluten Restricted This diet eliminates products containing gluten, which is generally present in wheat, rye, barley and sometimes oats.5 Diabetic Diets6 Diabetic Low Calorie (Diabetic LoCal) This diet is for people with diabetes who require reduced calories. Calories and carbohydrates are modified by utilizing reduced, beverages and condiments, providing substitutions for high fat items and serving smaller portions of carbohydrate containing foods, including desserts. Macronutrient AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Ideal Parameters (g/day) Ideal Upper 1500 1800 205 245 Calories Carbohydrates6 45-60% Lower 1400 190 Proteins6 15-20% 55 65 85 Fats3 20-35% 35 45 60 Fibre6 25-50 g/day 25 30 35 Sodium3,4 1200-3400 mg/day 1200 mg 2300 mg 3400 mg Sysco Canada, Inc. Last revised June 2013 Diabetic Maintenance (Diabetic Maintain) This diet is for people with diabetes who are in a maintenance status. Carbohydrates are modified by reducing concentrated sweets, utilizing reduced calorie items (as necessary) and limiting high fat foods. Macronutrient AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Ideal Parameters (g/day) Lower Ideal Upper 1500 1800 2100 185 245 285 Calories Carbohydrates6 45-60% Proteins6 15-20% 60 75 100 Fats3 20-35% 45 60 70 Fibre6 25-50 g/day 25 30 35 Sodium3,4 1200-3400 mg/day 1200 mg 2300 mg 3400 mg Diabetic High Calorie (Diabetic HiCal) This diet is for people with diabetes who require increased calories. Carbohydrates are modified by reducing concentrated sweets and limiting high fat foods. Larger portions of protein and complex carbohydrate starches are utilized to increase the calories. Macronutrient AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Ideal Parameters (g/day) Ideal Upper 2200 2500 300 340 Calories Carbohydrates6 45-60% Lower 2000 275 Proteins6 15-20% 85 95 120 Fats3 20-35% 60 70 80 Fibre6 25-50 g/day 25 30 35 Sodium3,4 1200-3400 mg/day 1200 mg 2300 mg 3400 mg Sysco Canada, Inc. Last revised June 2013 Diabetic Renal (DiabRe) This diet is a combination of the Diabetic Maintenance and Renal Diet. This diet addresses the needs of residents who are diabetic and require restrictions of nutrients including; protein, (0.6-0.8 g/kg), sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Macronutrient AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Ideal Parameters (g/day) Lower Ideal Upper 2000 2400 2800 250 310 385 45 60 80 Calories Carbohydrates6 Proteins7 23-35 kcal/kg 45-60% 9-12% Fats3 20-35% 60 70 85 Fibre6 25-50 g/day 25 30 35 Sodium3,4 1200-2300 mg/day 1200 mg 2000 mg 2400 mg Phosphorus7 Potassium7 800-1000 mg/day 2000-3000 mg/day 800 mg 2000 mg 900 mg 2400 mg 1000 mg 3000 mg Diabetic Renal Liberalized (DiabReLib) This diet is a combination of the Diabetic Maintenance and Renal Liberalized Diet. This diet addresses the needs of the residents who are diabetic and CKD who can tolerate liberalized amounts of protein (1.2 g/kg), sodium, phosphorus and potassium7,8,9,10,11. Macronutrient AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Lower 2000 250 Ideal Parameters (g/day) Ideal Upper 2300 2800 310 385 Calories Carbohydrates6 23-35 kcal/kg 45-60% Proteins5 16-20% 80 100 120 Fats3 20-35% 60 70 85 Fibre6 25-50 g/day 25 30 35 Sodium5 1200-3000 mg/day 1200 mg 2300 mg 3000 mg Phosphorus7 800-1000 mg/day 800 mg 1000 mg 1200 mg Potassium7 3000-4000 mg/day 3000 mg 3500 mg 4000 mg Sysco Canada, Inc. Last revised June 2013 Renal (Renal) This diet is considered a low protein, electrolyte controlled diet to address the needs of residents with CKD. Protein intake is controlled by serving smaller portions of the entrée and limiting condiments/side items that would contribute extra protein. Phosphorus, sodium and potassium are modified by providing substitutions for high phosphorus, sodium and potassium foods7,8,9,10,11. Macronutrient AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Lower 2000 275 45 Ideal Parameters (g/day) Ideal Upper 2300 2800 310 385 60 80 Calories Carbohydrates3 Proteins5 23-35 kcal/kg 45-65% 9-12% Fats3 20-35% 60 70 85 Fibre3 21-30 g/day 21 25 30 Sodium3,4 1200-2300 mg/day 1200 mg 2000 mg 2400 mg Phosphorus6 800-1000 mg/day 800 mg 1000 mg 1200 mg Potassium6 2000-3000 mg/day 2000 mg 2400 mg 3000 mg Renal Liberalized (Renal Lib) This diet addresses the needs of the CKD residents, which may or may not be receiving dialysis treatments, which are allowed to receive liberalized amounts of nutrients. This diet is designed to provide 23-30 kcal/kg, 1.2 g protein (or 1620% protein), and moderated amounts of sodium, potassium and phosphorus to meet the needs of this population. Macronutrient Calories Carbohydrates3 Proteins6 Fats3 Fibre3 Sodium3,4 23-35 kcal/kg 45-65% 16-20% 20-35% 21-30 g/day 1200-3000 mg/day Ideal Parameters (g/day) Lower Ideal Upper 2000 2300 2800 230 260 290 75 90 100 50 65 75 21 30 35 1200 mg 2300 mg 3000 mg Phosphorus7 800-1200 mg/day 800 mg 1000 mg 1200 mg Potassium7 3000-4000 mg/day 3000 mg 3500 mg 4000 mg Sysco Canada, Inc. AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Last revised June 2013 Reducing Diet (Reduc) This diet is for people who do not have diabetes, but require reduced calories. Calories are modified by utilizing reduced calorie desserts, beverages and condiments, providing substitutions for high fat items and serving smaller portions. Macronutrient Calories Carbohydrates3 Proteins3 Fats3 Fibre3 Sodium3,4 AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) 45-65% 10-35% 20-35% 21-30 g/day 1200-3400 mg/day Ideal Parameters (g/day) Lower Ideal Upper 1400 1500 1800 165 205 245 40 75 130 35 50 60 21 30 35 1200 mg 2300 mg 3400 mg Hi Calorie/Hi Protein Diet (Hi Pro/Hi Cal) This diet is set to provide at least 120% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances for energy and protein in order to improve the nutritional status of malnourished clients. This diet usually exceeds the 30% of total calories from fat, due to the addition of fat to increase the caloric density of foods. Calories and protein are modified by adjusting portion sizes, using fortified recipes, and utilizing high calorie-protein sources including: whole milk and milk products, peanut butter, margarine/butter, mayonnaise, gravy, sugar, etc.5 Macronutrient Calories Carbohydrates3 Proteins3 Fats3 Fibre3 Sodium3,4 Sysco Canada, Inc. AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) 45-65% 10-35% 20-35% 21-30 g/day 1200-3400 mg/day Ideal Parameters (g/day) Lower Ideal Upper 2200 2400 3000 270 330 390 90 120 180 50 80 90 21 30 35 1200 mg 2300 mg 3400 mg Last revised June 2013 Heart Healthy Diet (Heart) This diet modifies the fat, cholesterol, and sodium in the diet by providing substitutions for high fat/cholesterol/sodium foods12 Macronutrient AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Ideal Parameters (g/day) Lower Ideal Upper 1800 2000 2400 225 275 325 65 85 120 Calories Carbohydrates3 Proteins8 45-65% 15-20% Fats8 25-30% 50 60 75 Fibre6 21-30 g/day 21 30 35 Cholesterol12 <200 mg/day 100 mg 200 mg 300 mg Sodium3,4 1200-2300 mg/day 1200 mg 2000 mg 2300 mg Vegetarian Diet (Veggie) This diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry, but does allow eggs and dairy products. Macronutrient AMDR, DRI, AI, RDA (g/day) Ideal Parameters (g/day) Lower Ideal Upper 1800 2000 2400 225 275 325 46 75 120 50 65 90 21 30 35 1200 mg 2300 mg 3400 mg Calories Carbohydrates3 Proteins3 Fats3 Fibre6 Sodium3,4 45-65% 10-35% 20-35% 30 g/day 1200-3400 mg/day Iron12 10-16 mg/day 8 mg 16 mg 45 mg Vitamin B1212 2-2.4 µg/day 2.0 µg 2.4 µg ND DIET ORDERS In Synergy the combination of a diet and texture creates a Diet Order. Please review the Valid/Invalid Diet/Texture Grid for Synergy. Some Diet Orders will be marked as ‘Invalid’ as the addition of thickeners and products to make texture variations will exceed the Diet Parameters as outlined above. Sysco Canada, Inc. Last revised June 2013 References 1. Statistics Canada, Viewed Feb 4 2013 2. Health Canada, Viewed Feb 4 2013 aliment/view_eatwell_vue_bienmang-eng.pdf 3. Health Canada, Viewed Feb 4 2013 4. Health Canada, Viewed Feb 4 2013 5. Manual of Clinical Dietetics (ADA & DC, 2000). 6. Canadian Diabetes Association – Critical Practice Guidelines 2008 7. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Viewed April 2013 8. Cleveland Clinic - Reference for CKD Disease Progression, Viewed March 2013 9. British Dietetic association – Nutrition Therapy for Haemodialysis, Viewed March 2013 nealDialysis.pdf 10. National Kidney Foundation (NKF/DOQI) Guidelines 2000, Viewed March 2013 11. The Renal Association, Viewed March 2013 12. Practice Evidence Based Nutrition (PEN), Viewed Jan 2013 Sysco Canada, Inc. Last revised June 2013