Unisa Programmes in Insurance

(Non-IISA Examination Credits)
Credit (recognition) may be awarded for prior learning, including examinations that you may have already
passed under various qualification routes, whether with Unisa or another Higher Education Institution, by
providing exemption(s) from having to sit the examination for a specific subject(s).
If you sat for and passed examinations with the Insurance Institute of South Africa (IISA) and/or the College of
Insurance (CoI) up to including the March 2006 examinations you should obtain and study the pamphlet ‘IISA
Programmes in Insurance Recording IISA Exam Credits’. A simplified procedure, specific requirements and
arrangements are applicable for credits gained in the discontinued IISA/CoI qualification routes.
Credits for prior learning can be awarded by UNISA if it is satisfied that the syllabus for a UNISA module has
been substantially covered (normally a minimum 70% syllabus match is required) by a specific external
qualification offered by a particular awarding body and has been assessed using a technique (at least 60% of
the assessment must be exam-based) and at a standard comparable with that applied to the Insurance
Programmes by UNISA CBM for the module in question. Consideration can be given to alternative methods of
assessment used in an external qualification, on condition that the level and standard remains acceptable to
If you hold a qualification (or credits obtained by examination) which you think might provide the basis for an
award of credits, you should obtain and complete the „Application for Exemption of Study Units‟ (available on
request or to download from the Insurance Programmes‟ website www.unisa.ac.za/iisa). You can apply for this
at any stage in your studies. It should, however, be done before you apply for admission to the study module
concerned. You should carefully check the syllabus of the module(s) in respect of which you might gain credits.
You should appreciate that most modules have, by their very nature, a strong insurance content and, to avoid
disappointment, you should be realistic as to your credit expectations.
If you hold a non-South African qualification you need to get this evaluated by the South African Qualification
Authority (SAQA). The application to do this is available from the SAQA website at www.saqa.org.za/ or it can
be downloaded from the Insurance Programmes‟ website. It should be noted that there are costs attached to
this evaluation and these may vary if you want to have this evaluation done in a short period of time.
If accreditation has been established for your qualification, your eligibility will be checked and credits granted
accordingly. If you are the first candidate to seek accreditation for a particular qualification you will be sent
details of the information UNISA needs to decide on the credit rating. You should send a note of these
requirements to the awarding body.
NB Irrespective of how many credits your qualification(s) might provide, you must complete at least 50% of the
Programmes in Insurance with UNISA CBM, to be awarded the Certificate by UNISA. Also, Unisa will not
allow any exemptions for any final year modules – in the case of the IISA Programmes in Insurance, this
rule applies to all the elective modules in the IISA Programmes in Advanced Insurance Practice.
Every new accreditation is carefully considered, so there may be a delay while information is being collated by
the external body and appraised by UNISA CBM. You can start studying for the Programme in Insurance, but
you should avoid entering a module in respect of which you consider an award of credits a possibility.
If you fail an exam and subsequently gain an external qualification that would make you eligible for
accreditation in respect of that module, you are entitled to apply for the credits, subject to the above limitation.
If you hold an external qualification which would make you eligible for an exemption in respect of an Insurance
Programme module, but do not apply for the exemption before taking and failing the exam, you may only apply
subsequently if you had obtained a mark within 10% of the pass mark (only the examination mark is
considered, i.e. excluding any year-marks) at the first examination attempt for the module concerned.
Application for new exemptions or dispensations (non-IISA) must be made in writing, using the prescribed form
(see Appendix 1), together with proof of past academic achievements supporting the application. This includes
the application for exemptions based on academic successes achieved with international insurance institutes
and/or other Higher Education institutions. Unless UNISA has an existing accreditation arrangement with such
other institutions, full details need to be supplied of the syllabus followed and, if the institution is an
internationally recognised insurance institute or institution, the credit(s) that are likely to be awarded by the CII,
London should be established and advised.
IISA Programmes in Insurance RPL
Page 1
The ultimate decision to award credits towards any module(s) applied for rests with UNISA and
the decision communicated to the student by UNISA CBM is final and binding. Until such time as all the
required documentation, as determined by UNISA at its sole discretion, has been obtained and submitted, and
until such time as UNISA has advised that any, or all, the applied credits have been granted or otherwise, the
student is deemed to be required to comply with all the normal requirements and specifications of the
programme(s) concerned.
As a general set of guidelines, some of the requirements that are taken into consideration by Unisa in its
deliberations when considering allowing exemptions are:
1. The subject should have been examined at the same level, using the same or very similar assessment
2. If the examination was an „Open-book exam‟ there needs to be greater coverage of the syllabus (i.e.
3. The subject and/or qualification should have been examined and awarded within the last five years;
4. If not within the last five years, the applicant will need to prove experience/actively working in the area(s)
covered by the subject matter of the subject, if it is a „practice subject‟, but this requirement may be waived
if it ruled that this is a „theory subject‟;
5. If the subject concerned is not an insurance subject, the decision as to applicability and acceptance will be
made by Unisa CBM
6. Any subject for which credit was originally awarded by exemption/dispensation will not be considered as
part of the application, but will need a separate application based on the original qualification on which the
exemption/dispensation was based.
If you need more information, or would like to discuss the possibility of applying for exemptions, please contact:
IISA Programmes in Insurance
Centre for Business Management
PO Box 392
Intl Fax:
012 352 4228/4377
086 693 7433
+27 12 352 4311
Appendix 1 is the Application form to be used for the application for recognition of prior learning
Appendix 2 gives details of the exemptions that will be considered for the more common insurance and
related studies, offered by the more popular institutions in these fields of study.
IISA Programmes in Insurance RPL
Page 2
This form, duly completed and signed, together with the appropriate documentary proof may be faxed to 086 693 7433, or sent by email to
iisa@unisa.ac.za or mailed to IISA Programmes in Insurance, Centre for Business Management, P O Box 392, UNISA, 0003, South Africa.
You should receive feedback within six weeks of submitting this application, or after a student number has been allocated to you,
1. Personal Details
(Always complete parts 1.1 to 1.4, but parts 1.5 to 1.6 need only be completed if you do not have a Student Number, yet)
1.1 Unisa Student number:
1.2 Qualification code (e.g. 7149-8):
1.3 Surname, Initials, Title (e.g. Smith R J Mr):
1.4 First names:
1.5 Identity number or Passport number:
1.6 Telephone numbers and contact
(e.g. 012-345 6789 x 2345)
(dialling code, number and
extension if applicable)
1.7A Postal address and postal code
1.7B Physical address
I declare that all the particulars furnished by me on this form are true and correct, and I undertake to comply with the rules, regulations and
decisions of the University, and the Centre and any amendments thereto, and have taken note of advice which may be applicable to students in
general and/or to the field of study for which I am registered.
First Names:
Student's signature:
I hereby apply for exemption from having to pass the examination for the subject(s) detailed below based on having passed an examination for
the same or a similar subject and for which I attach appropriate documentary evidence.
NB Carefully study the 2011 Brochure on the IISA Programmes in Insurance for guidelines on the requirements for exemptions and the
documentation required.
3.1 Application for exemption based on examinations passed/qualification(s) obtained with the Insurance Institute of South Africa
(IISA) and/or College of Insurance, or another Insurance Institute (CII, IIZ, ANZII),
Details of Exemption(s) applied for
Subject No and Name
UNISA Qualification
Ref No.
UNISA Subject
Module Code(s)
NB Attach copies of both the actual subject results as well as confirmation of the qualification awarded. UNISA may require a detailed syllabus of
any or all the subjects.
3.3 Application for exemption based on examinations passed/qualification(s) obtained with UNISA (other than the CBM’s
Programmes in Insurance)
Student No
Subject Ref and Name
Details of Exemption(s) applied for
UNISA Qualification
UNISA Qualification
NB If the qualification is incomplete you must state the reason for this.
3.4 Application for exemption based on examinations passed/qualification(s) obtained with a higher education institution other than
Student No
Subject Ref and Name
Details of Exemption(s) applied for
UNISA Qualification
UNISA Qualification
NB Attach copies of full actual subject results as well as proof of completion of the qualification. UNISA may require further details and/or detailed
syllabi information. If the qualification is incomplete you must state the reason for this.
If you need more space to provide the necessary information, please use the space below.
Additional Information/Comments to supplement the section(s) above
In general, exemptions will only be allowed for a specific qualification/programme, i.e. IISA Introductory
Programme in Short Term Insurance, IISA Programme in Short Term Insurance, etc. The student will,
therefore, normally need to re-apply for exemptions on completion of a qualification or whilst doing the last
module of a qualification.
Exemptions will only be recorded against the student‟s academic record on registration/examination entry.
The number of exemptions allowed is limited and normally not more than 50% of any programme\qualification
will be allowed. No exemptions are allowed for specialised technical insurance modules.
A certificate will not be issued unless at least two modules in the qualification have been passed by
examination. NQF credits (and consequently FAIS compliance) may not be claimed for an individual module for
which an exemption has been allowed, i.e. an examination has not been passed.
Should a candidate have attempted an examination and failed, exemption will only be considered under very
specific conditions and requirements (see IISA Programmes in Insurance – RPL).
Exemptions are only considered on written application and require documentary evidence, such as an
academic transcript, course outline and any other relevant motivation.
Although an exemption may be available, it is not necessarily recommended that this be taken up in all
instances, e.g. if a student studied the subject matter in another language it is often better to study and write
the examination for a module than to apply for an exemption. The student may find that he/she does not
progress because the basic knowledge base is lacking. Similarly, although the student has obtained other
qualifications in an allied field (e.g. BCom, or MBA), but not specifically studied insurance, it may be better to do
all the modules, even if he/she believes that this is a retrogressive step.
Exemptions allowed per IISA Programme in Insurance
2.1 IISA Programmes in Short Term Insurance/Life Insurance/Retirement
Management - 120 Credits NQF5 – 2 x 60 credits - 12 credits per module
The most common exemptions in the Unisa Progs in Ins would be for the legal modules based on a
National Diploma in Tax or a law degree covering ≥70% of the „legal‟ modules. A BCom with law should
include Commercial Law I and II as well as Mercantile Law I and II. If a tertiary qualification only includes
Mercantile Law it must be proven that the syllabus covered at least ≥70% of the Unisa syllabus. If it
covered general aspects, law of contract and law of delict it would cover approximately 66% which may be
NB Unisa may decide to allow an exemption for „Legal Framework of Insurance‟ only and not the „legal‟
module in the qualifying programme „Legal Framework of Short Term/Life Insurance/Retirement Funds.
Exemptions for other modules may be granted based on relevant post-Matric, tertiary qualifications and
other completed qualifications of recognised professional institutions such as FPI (ILPA) or international
insurance institutes.
Special and specific arrangements are in place for those who hold a BCom in Insurance and Risk
Management from Wits University and NUST in Bulawayo.
Refer 3 Exemptions Allowed for Tertiary Qualifications
2.2 IISA Programmes in Advanced Insurance Practice - 120 Credits NQF6 – 2 x 60 credits
- 12 credits per module
Unisa does not allow any exemptions for any final year modules – in the case of the IISA Programmes in
Insurance, this applies to all the elective modules in the Programmes in Advanced Insurance Practice.
NB Some limitations apply to certain modules and if exemptions were awarded in the NQF5 Programmes
in Insurance, these will rank equally as if the module(s) were examined e.g.:
 Retirement and Related Benefits may NOT be awarded to those who had exemptions in Prog in
Retirement Fund Management
 Life Insurance Practice may NOT be awarded to those who had exemptions in Prog in Life
 Property Insurance II” may ONLY be awarded if “Property I” has been passed.
 Special and specific arrangements are in place for those who hold a BCom in Insurance and
Risk Management from Wits University and NUST in Bulawayo.
Refer 3 Exemptions Allowed for Tertiary Qualifications
Exemptions allowed for tertiary qualifications
3.1 Recognised Educational Institutions
All registered, South African, tertiary institutions; universities, college and educational institutions, quality
assured by either CHE or accredited by any of the SETAs are accepted as duly authorised certifying
3.2 General Principles for Exemptions for Specialist Modules
Exemptions are not normally allowed for specialised technical insurance modules. Exemptions will only be
considered for any of the “specialist insurance modules” where the candidate has the equivalent credit
from another institution where the module syllabus covered at least 80% of the IISA Prog in Ins syllabus
and a symbol of at least 50% has been achieved in the examination and the other institution did not award
the credit based on an exemption/dispensation.
3.3 Recognised Degrees, National Diplomas and Certificates
Exemption cannot be granted for more than 50% of the Unisa qualification, therefore in a qualification with
five modules, exemptions are usually limited to two modules.
Unisa does not allow any exemptions for any final year modules – in the case of the IISA Programmes in
Insurance, this applies to all the elective modules in the Programmes in Advanced Insurance Practice.
The qualifications below by no means represent a complete list and additions or adjustments are made
from time to time. The listed qualifications are, however, the more popular qualifications on which
insurance student base applications and/or enquiries for exemptions.
BCom (Wits, NUST or Unisa)
with Insurance & Risk Management II A & II B as credits, or Associates & Fellows of the
Institute of Actuaries or the Faculty of Actuaries.
Exemptions that may be awarded:
Programmes in Insurance
 IPST01E/IPLI01B and PSTI01D/PRLI014/PRRF01L - Legal Framework of
Insurance AND ...Short Term Ins/Life Ins/Retirement Funds
 IPST05K and PSTI06J - Introduction to Risk Management
Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice
IPAI01R and PAIP01G – Risk and Insurance
IPAI02S and PAIP02H - Principles of Short Term Insurance, or
IPAI03T and PAIP03J - Principles of Life Insurance
BCom (from any recognised University)
Possible exemptions, based on degree credit, e.g. IPAI01R and PAIP01G – Risk and
Insurance. In most instances there may not be any module credits, but the prior learning
admission requirements to the IISA Programmes in Insurance at NQF5 are usually waived.
Graduate of Law in a South African or Zimbabwean University
(Must have done both Commercial and Mercantile Law)
IPST01E/IPLI01B and, possibly, PSTI01D/PRLI014/PRRF01L - Legal Framework
of Insurance AND Short Term Ins/Life Ins/Retirement Funds (NB: Only if Income
Tax / Commercial Law are credits)
Post-Graduate Diploma \ Advanced Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning from
the University of the Free State
CFP (Certified Financial Planner) membership of the fpi is by invitation and other criteria, one
of which is the Post-graduate Diploma in Financial Planning, a 1 year qualification
obtained through the University of the Free State. This is a NQF7 qualification, consisting of
four modules, each giving 40 credits.
The entrance requirements for the Post-graduate Diploma are an appropriate first degree or
equivalent qualification, OR relevant experience confirmed by a prior learning assessment
evaluation. An NQF6 qualification, such as Unisa‟s Programme in Advanced Insurance
Practice is accepted.
Usually, but not necessarily, the person would have done the RFP and AFP fpi board
assessments before attempting the Post-graduate Diploma. If the applicant obtained the UOFS Diploma, by passing the four modules:
 Module 1 - The Financial Planning Environment (FBR 711)
 Module 2 - Personal Financial Planning (FBR 712)
 Module 3 - Corporate Financial Planning (FBR 713)
 Module 4 - Practical Case Study (FBR 714)
the following exemptions may be granted for two of the four elective subjects
modules in the Life or Retirement Funds Programmes – the applicant must pass the
legal subject, either Legal Framework of Life Insurance or Legal Framework of
Retirement Funds.
No further exemptions are allowed for the Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice.
If the applicant obtained the UOFS Post-graduate Diploma and now wishes to study
with Unisa, but now wishes to diversify into Short Term, they must do
 PSTI01D Legal Framework of Short Term, only
 Unless a previous qualification (the one that provided admission) was in
Insurance or the Financial Services field of study, no further exemptions are
If the applicant followed up the UOFS Post-graduate Diploma in Financial Planning
with UOFS Advanced Post-graduate Diploma in Financial Planning, then, in
addition to the above,
 exemptions may be given in the Prog in Adv Ins Pract for the three electives.
 They must do the two compulsory modules, Risk and Insurance and Principles
of Short Term Insurance. The exemptions will not apply if the Prog in Adv Ins
Pract is done in the short term stream.
Section A
BCom (Wits or Unisa)
- With Insurance & Risk Management II A & II B as credits, or Associates & Fellows of the Institute of
Actuaries or the Faculty of Actuaries.
Exemptions that may be awarded
Programme in Insurance
IPST01E and PSTI01D - Legal Framework of Short Term Ins
IPST05K and PSTI06J - Introduction to Risk Management
Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice
 IPAI01R and PAIP01G – Risk and Insurance
 IPAI02S and PAIP02H - Principles of Short Term Insurance, or
 IPAI03T and PAIP03J - Principles of Life Insurance
Section B
Bachelor of Commerce Degree (B.Com)
Possible (but highly unlikely) exemptions, only if appropriate credits were obtained in the studies for
the degree and these may be limited to one of the „Introductory‟ modules, only. See para 3.2 above.
Also, exemptions may be considered for modules in the IISA Introductory Programme in Advanced
Insurance Practice, excluding the elective modules.
Section C
Graduate of Law in a South African or Zimbabwean University
IPST01E and PSTI01D - Legal Framework of Short Term Ins, or
IPLI01B and PRLI014 - Legal Framework of Life Ins*, or
IPST01E and PRRF01L - Legal Framework of Retirement Fund*
NB: * Only if Income Tax / Commercial Law are credits)
Section D
Fellows of the Institute of Life & Pensions Advisors may be granted two of the following exemptions:
Dispensation Credit
ILPA Credit
 IPLI06G + PRLI06A - Retirement Planning
Retirement Planning
 IPLI07H + PRLI07B - Business (Life) Insurance
Business Assurance
 ICRF02L + PRRF02M - Fund Administration
Financial Planning
 ICRF03M + PRRF03N - Benefit Design
Benefit Structures
 ICRF04N + PRRF04P - Fund Financing
Fund Financing
Section E
The Financial Planning Institute (FPI) (Current Discipline)
The following dispensation may be awarded:
Dispensation Credit
 IPLI05F + PRLI059 - Estate Planning
 IPLI06G + PRLI06A - Retirement Planning
 IPLI08J + PRLI08C - Investment Management
 IPLI07H + PRLI07B - Business (Life) Insurance
ILPA Credit
Estate Planning
Retirement Planning
Investment Planning
Corporate Financial Planning
In both the previous (ILPA) and current (FPI) programs, the student will need to pass a legal module to be
awarded the Programme in Life Insurance/Retirement Funds:
 IPST01E and PRRF01L - Legal Framework of Retirement Funds, or
 IPLI01B and PRLI014 - Legal Framework of Life Insurance.
Section F
The Joint Initiative of the IISA and FPI
The IISA and FPI (Financial Planning Institute) agreed on a joint programme to enable applicants to
qualify as;
(RFP) Registered Financial Planner, and
II. (AFP) Associate of the Financial Planning Institute.
The applicant will then be allowed entry into the Diploma in Financial Planning offered by the University of
the Free State (UFS).
(RFP) Registered Financial Planner
The student is required to complete the NQF4 qualification and the First Board Assessment examination
which will qualify him/her academically for the RFP.
II (AFP) Associate of the Financial Planning Institute
The student is required to have completed the Programme in Life Insurance and the Advanced Board
Assessment examination to academically qualify for the AFP.
Syllabus for AFP Qualification
 1 x Legal module - compulsory module
 4 x Elective modules
The student may apply for exemption from the legal / elective modules based on RPL and module to the
standard and content being acceptable by the examinations committee.
An advanced Board Assessment must also be completed.
Section G
NUST (National University of Science and Technology)
Students that have completed their studies through NUST and wish to study through Unisa may be awarded
exemptions subject the following criteria:
If the student majored in Short Term Insurance, exemptions must be applied for, for Short Term related
modules, including IPST01E/PSTI01D Legal Framework of Short Term Insurance.
The Life Insurance / Retirement Funds modules will in turn apply to the Life Insurance students.
NB: The student may elect the module for exemption in the appropriate elective discipline at NQF5
1. Programmes in Insurance (NQF5)
IPST01E and PSTI01D - Legal Framework of Short Term Ins, or
IPLI01B and PRLI014 - Legal Framework of Life Ins, or
IPST01E and PRRF01L - Legal Framework of Retirement Fund
Awarded according to module transcript.
In the Elective Modules, the student may be awarded:
1x General module (Students Choice), but subject to appropriate credits obtained by examination in
the degree at NUST.
Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice
IPAI01R and PAIP01G – Risk and Insurance, and
IPAI02S and PAIP02H - Principles of Short Term Insurance, or
IPAI03T and PAIP03J - Principles of Life Insurance
Section H
(IIZ and CII) Certificate of Insurance Practice (CIP)
The CIP exam structure is categorised into two distinctive fields, being:
I. Short Term Insurance (Non Life)
II. Long Term Insurance (Life & EB)
Each field has a three tier criteria consisting of:
 Foundation Modules
 Branch Modules
 Specialist Modules
Exemptions that MAY be awarded (Short Term)
Unisa Credit
Foundation Module
IPST01E and PSTI01D - Legal Framework of Short Term Ins
Branch Module
IPST03G and PSTI03F - Commercial Insurance Practice
Exemptions that MAY be awarded (Long Term)
UNISA Credit
Foundation Module
IPLI01B and PRLI014 - Legal Framework of Life Ins
Branch Module
IPLI07H + PRLI07B - Business (Life) Insurance
CIP Credit
Legal Aspects of Insurance
CIP Credit
Legal Aspects of Insurance
Introduction to Long Term Business
Section J
CII Evaluation
MITC - The Mediterranean Insurance Training Centre
Supporting course outline, duration and examination (if any) must be evaluated on its merits before
dispensation can be awarded. An example of the “Applied Insurance Studies Certificate” and the credits
awarded by Unisa.
E.g.: The “Applied Insurance Studies Certificate”
The course duration dates are usually reflected on the certificate and the courses covered (e.g. 06 October
to 19 December 2006).
Possible exemptions based on the course credits
Dispensation Credit
IPLI07H + PRLI07B - Business (Life) Insurance
IPAI05V and PAIP05L - Liability Insurance
IPAI07X and PAIP07N - Property Insurance I
Course Credits
The Business Environment
Liability Insurance
{Property Insurance (basic property)
{Pecuniary Insurance
IPAI03T and PAIP03J - Principles of Life Insurance
Insurance of the Person
IPST04H and PSTI04G - Intro to Marine & Aviation Insurance Marine & Aviation Insurance
It is not always possible to offer a one-for-one credit for modules that are either not examined by the Unisa
or for the legal module which, in this case will need to be examined on South African Law.
CII - Chartered Insurance Institute (via IISA)
In 1991 discussions took place between the CII and the IISA to domesticate the Associateship and Fellowship
qualifying examinations. This was as a result of the syllabus being largely inappropriate for local conditions and
requirements. The syllabus was then devised based on the former ACII/FCII examinations, but modified to
allow a number of changes and new modules.
The new South African syllabus (1993) was an interim measure with transitional arrangements which were due
to expire at the end of 1995 (after the September 1995 examinations). Having made numerous
changes/additions to the syllabus, the IISA “unbundled” the Associateship program of nine (9) modules into two
qualifications namely the Higher Certificate in Insurance (HCiI) and Diploma in Insurance (DiI) and by so-doing,
increasing the nine (9) module requirement to ten (10). Five modules required for each qualification. A one-forone conversion was exercised, where applicable, and general credits introduced where no match was
available, or where the module was due to be discontinued. The conversion came into effect in 1996 and all
students then still had until the end of 1999 to complete the qualification, or forfeit the “general credits” and the
legal module if passed prior to 1996.
However, for various reasons the phasing-out period was extended to the end of 2000, whereafter the general
credit forfeiture applied.
NB: The following is only applicable to the Associateship / Fellowship conversion pre-1996 syllabus.
Compulsory Modules (Three)
011 - Intro to Insurance
511 - Risk and Insurance
521 - Law and Insurance
IISA Credit
*3000 - General Credit
4010 - Risk and Insurance
*3110 - Legal Aspects of Insurance
Elective Modules (Three)
031 - Economics
042 - Principles & Practice of Ins
052 - Insurance of the Person
074 - Insurance of Liability
*3001 - General Credit
3120 - Principles & Practice of Ins
4020 - Principles of Life Ins
4141 - Liability Insurance
Stream Modules (Three)
There were eight (8) streams with two or more modules in each one. A minimum of two modules must be
elected in one stream and one from any other.
1) Life Insurance
IISA Credit
065 - Life Insurance Practice
4330 - Life Insurance Practice
075 - Life Insurance Law & Tax
3310/3410 - Legal Framework of Life Ins
085 - Financial Aspects of Life Business
4310 - Financial Aspects of Life Business
556 - Life & Disability Underwriting
4320 - Life & Disability Underwriting
2) Motor Insurance
084 - Motor Insurance
231 - Motor Ins Underwriting & Claims
*3150 - Motor Insurance I
*4170 - Motor Insurance II
3) Pension Schemes (Employee Benefits)
066 - Pension Scheme Design & Admin
076 - pensions Law & Taxation
086 - Financial Aspects of Pensions Bus
556 - Life & Disability Underwriting
3220 - Fund Administration
*3210 - Legal Framework of Ret Funds
4210 - Financial Aspects of Life Business
4320 - Life & Disability Underwriting
4) Property Insurance
064 - Property & Pecuniary Insurance
241 - Property Ins Risk Assessment
252 - Property Ins Underwriting & Claims
253 - Engineering Insurance
261 - Interruption Insurance
*4000 - General Credit
4190 - Property Insurance II
4180 - Property Insurance I
4110 - Engineering & Construction Ins
4120 - Interruption Insurance
5) Marine Insurance
706 - Marine Risk & Their Assessment
711 - Marine Ins, Legal & Doc Framework
716 - Marine Acc‟s Management & Reins
721 - Marine Claims
IISA Credit
4160 - Marine Insurance II
6) Reinsurance
271 - Principle of Reinsurance
281 - Practice of Reinsurance
291 - Reinsurance Market
4410 - Reinsurance I
4420 - Reinsurance II
*4001 - General Credit
7) Liability Insurance
211 - Legal Liabilities
221 - Liability Insurance
4130 - Liability Insurance I
4140 - Liability Insurance II
8) Aviation Insurance
726 - Aviation Underwriting
4150 - Marine Insurance I
731 - Aviation Law & Claims
(CII Examination)
NB: (*) Indicates modules that were general credits, merged modules or discontinued by the IISA
The Fellowship program consisted of five (5) modules. Three (3) Compulsory and two (2) Elective. One
advantage with the elective modules was that the student could elect modules from the “stream” modules at the
associate level, if he/she had not taken them in the Associate examinations. The IISA maintained the phasingout date for the Fellowship examinations (end 1999) an all credits that were from the associate level or general
credits were forfeited (NB: Applicable to incomplete qualifications only).
Compulsory Modules
531 - The Business Environment
936 - Principles & Practice of Mngt in Ins
941 - Accounting & Finance for Mangers in Ins
IISA Credits
5030 - The Business Environment
5010 - Fundamentals of Management
5020 - Finance & Management Accounts
Elective Modules
931 - Insurance Broking
*5120 - Insurance Broking
Two other modules may be elected under the stream modules in the Associateship if not examined as part of
the ACII.
NB: (*) Indicates module either discontinued, merged or now at6 a lower level.
Conversions from Other Insurance Institutes
CII - London:
- Pre 1993. Full conversion. No cross over module requirement
- Post 1993. Must do a Legal module plus One other.
CII - The Chartered Insurance Institute (UK)
The Certificate of Insurance Practice (CIP) is a Technician-level qualification. It was designed to fill the “gaps”
that existed in the CII range qualifications between the COP and their graduate-level Associateship.
The entry requirements for this program are:
 Must have passed 4 GCSE’s at grade C level (equivalent of SA Matric) or
 Be over the age of 21, or
 Have passed the Certificate of Proficiency, or
 Have passed the Financial Planning Certificate.
Unisa will award exemptions for the credits obtained by students that have completed the CIP qualification or
part thereof. Dispensation credits offered by the Unisa will range from the COP to the Diploma in Insurance
Unisa Dispensation
CII Credit
The CIP program now filters into Three tier discipline being:
Compulsory modules
(Three out of Four required)
Elective modules
(One out of Four required)
Stream modules
(One out of Four required)
Compulsory Modules
P01 - Insurance Practice, or
P02 - Long Term Insurance Practice
Programme in Insurance
IPST01E and PSTI01D - Legal Framework of Short Term Ins
IPLI07H + PRLI07B - Business (Life) Insurance
Programme in Insurance
A) IPST03G and PSTI03F - Commercial Ins Practice, or
B) IPST02F and PSTI02E - Personal Ins Practice, or
C) (No Modules Equivalent)
D) IPST04H and PSTI04G - Into to Marine & Aviation Ins
Diploma in Insurance
IPAI07X + PAIP07N - Property Insurance I, or
IPAI04U + PAIP04K - Interruption Insurance, or
IPAI06W + PAIP06M - Motor Insurance, or
IPAI05V + PAIP05L - Liability Insurance, or
IPAI13V + PAIP13L – Reinsurance
(No Module Equivalent)
Compulsory Modules
P03 - Legal Aspects of Insurance, and
P04 - Modern Business Practice
Elective Modules
P10 - An Intro to Commercial General Ins, or
P11 - An Intro to Personal General Ins, or
P12 - An Intro to Long Term Business, or
P13 - An Into to Marine & Aviation Ins
Stream Modules
P25 - Property Insurance, or
P30 - Business Interruption Insurance, or
P35 - Motor Insurance, or
P40 - Liability Insurance, or
P65 - Reinsurance
IPAI06W + PAIP06M - Motor Insurance
underwriting and Claims, or
P35 - Motor Insurance
IPAI093 + PAIP09Q - Life Insurance Practice
(No Module level Equivalent)
P45 - Life Insurance, or
P50 - Pensions
(No Module level Equivalent)
(No Module level Equivalent)
IPAI13V + PAIP13L - Reinsurance
P55 - Marine Insurance, or
P60 - Aviation Insurance, or
P65 - Reinsurance
 (No Module level Equivalent) Modules have either been removed from the IISA/Unisa syllabus or
merged with other modules at different discipline levels
Other Insurance Institutes:
Legal module plus one other
New Zealand
Legal module plus two other
Legal module plus three other
Legal module plus three other
By discussion, but minimum would be legal module plus 4 Diploma modules.