CPD Activities Tentative Schedule for the Year 2015 PEB Name: Mohammad Ali Jinnah University PEB Reg. #: PEB-F-MAJUIS-09 Name of PEB Coordinator: Dr. Amir Qayyum Sr. # CPD Title (with contents and objectives as enclosures) CPD Category/ Type (as per CPD Byelaws2008) Location Month Collaboration Resource Person PD Credit Points CoReNeT Dr. Amir Qayyum / Mr. Tariq Siraj 1 1 Deployment Challenges of IPV6, Transition Mechanism for Communication along with DNS support MAJU Feb, 27 2 Floods Environmental Impacts and Mitigation in Local Context MAJU March Dr. AtiqurRehman 1 3 Machine Health Monitoring using Vibration Analysis MAJU April Dr. RanaIqtidar 1 4 SDR Prototyping Workshop MAJU April, 2015 Dr. SajjadHussain 1 5 Wireless Sensor Networks MAJU May, 2015 Dr. Noor M. Khan Name & Signature of PEB Coordinator Dr. Amir Qayyum Status /Fee