PNS 07:2005 ICS 91.100.10 Portland cement – Specification PHILIPPINE NATIONAL STANDARD PNS 07:2005 Foreword This Philippine National Standard Specification for Portland cement PNS 07:2005 was prepared by the Bureau of Product Standards’ Technical Committee on Cement and Lime (BPS/TC 3) and was approved for adoption as Philippine National Standard. This standard was first published in 1968 by the former Philippine Bureau of Standards, amended in 1972 to modify certain sections in the definitions and revised three times, in 1980, 1983, 1992 to incorporate necessary provisions appropriate for the period mentioned. This standard cancels and replaces the one reissued in 2000. This fourth revision of the standard introduced the following changes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Exclusion of minor and trace oxides, titanium dioxide (TiO2) and phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) in reporting alumina (Al2O3). Enhance the marking requirement to add the following: a. Product quality mark for local brands and ICC mark and number for imported Portland cement. b. Batch identification number and manufacturing date for product traceability. c. Shipping information for cement shipped in bulk. Addition of provisions for manufacturer’s statement on the processing additions used and manufacturer’s certification on compliance to this standard. Revision of the reference test methods to align with current version of ASTM. In the preparation of this standard, ASTM C 150-02a (published 2003), American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Specification for Portland cement was considered. ASTM C 150-02a is a prescription specification standard for Portland cement where the products that may be furnished are of restricted nature and proportions and where the products must meet prescriptive requirements as to chemical and physical properties. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL STANDARD Portland cement – Specification 1 PNS 07:2005 Scope This standard specifies the requirements for five types of Portland cement (see NOTE 1). 2 References The titles of the standards publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 3 Definitions For the purpose of this standard the definitions given in PNS ASTM C 219:2005 shall apply. 4 Classification and designation Portland cement shall be classified in accordance with the following types: Type I - For use when the special properties specified for any other type are not required Type II - For general use, more especially when moderate sulfate resistance or moderate heat of hydration is desired Type III - For use when high early strength is desired Type IV - For use when a low heat of hydration is desired Type V - For use when high sulfate resistance is desired NOTE 1 Attention is called to the fact that cements conforming to the requirements for all these types may not be carried in stock in some areas. Before specifying the use of other than type I cement, it should be determined whether the proposed type of cement is or can be made available. 5 Requirements 5.1 Additions The cement covered by this specification shall contain no additions except as provided for below: 5.1.1 Water or calcium sulfate, or both, maybe added in amounts such that the limits shown in table 1 for sulfur trioxide and loss on ignition shall not be exceeded. 5.1.2 At the option of the manufacturer, processing additions maybe used in the manufacture of the cement, provided that such materials in the amounts used shall meet the requirements of PNS ASTM C 465:2005. PNS 07:2005 5.2 Chemical composition Each type of cement shall conform to the chemical requirements specified in Table 1 when tested in accordance with PNS ASTM C 114:2005. In addition, optional chemical requirements are shown in Table 2. Table 1 – Chemical requirements a) Cement type Silicon dioxide (SiO2), %, min. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3), %, max. Ferric oxide (Fe2O3), %, max. Magnesium oxide (MgO), %, max. Sulfur trioxidec) (SO3)b), %, max. when (C3A) is 8% or less when (C3A)c) is more than 8% Loss in ignition, %, max. Insoluble residue, %, max. Tricalcium silicate (C3S)c)c), %, max. Dicalcium silicate (C2S) , %, min. Tricalcium aluminate (C3A)c), %, max. Tetracalciumc) aluminoferrite plus twice the tricalcium aluminate C4AF + 2(C3A) or solid solution (C4AF + C2F), as applicable, %, max. I II III IV V 6.0 20.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.0 6.0 3.0 2.3 d) 2.3 d) 2.5 0.75 35e) 40e)e) 7 3.0 0.75 3.0 3.5 3.0 0.75 - 3.0 0.75 8 3.5 4.5 3.0 0.75 15 - - - d) 5f) 25f) a) See NOTE 1. b) There are cases where optimum SO3 (using PNS ASTM C 563:2005) for a particular cement is close to or exceeds the limit in this specification. In such cases where properties of a cement can be improved by exceeding the SO3 limits stated in this table, it is permissible to exceed the values in the table, provided that when tested in accordance with PNS ASTM C 1038:2005 the cement with the increased SO3 will not develop expansion in water exceeding 0.020% at 14 days. When the manufacturer supplies cement under this provision, he shall, upon request, supply supporting data to the purchaser. c) Expressing the chemical limitations by means of calculated assumed compounds does not necessarily mean that the oxides are actually or entirely present as such compounds. When expressing compounds, C = CaO, S = SiO2, A = Al2O3, F = Fe2O3. For example: C3A = 3CaO.Al2O3 Titanium dioxide and phosphorous pentoxide (TiO2 and P2O5) shall not be included with the Al2O3 content. See NOTE 2 When the ratio of percentages of aluminum oxide to ferric oxide is 0.64 or more, the percentages of tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, and tetracalcium aluminoferrite shall be calculated from the chemical analysis as follows: Tricalcium silicate = (4.071 x % CaO) - (7.600 x % SiO2) - (6.718 x % Al2O3) - (1.430 x % Fe2O3) - (2.852 x % SO3) Dicalcium silicate = (2.867 x % SiO2) - (0.7544 x % C3S) Tricalcium aluminate = (2.650 x % Al2O3) - (1.692 x % Fe2O3) Tetracalcium aluminoferrite = 3.043 x % Fe2O3 When the alumina-ferric oxide ratio is less than 0.64, a calcium aluminoferrite solid solution [expressed as ss(C4AF + C2F)] is formed. Contents of this solid solution and of tricalcium silicate shall be calculated by the following formulas: ss(C4AF + C2F) = (2.100 x % Al2O3) + (1.702 x % Fe2O3) Tricalcium silicate = (4.071 x % CaO) - (7.600 x % SiO2) - (4.479 x % Al2O3) - (2.859 x % Fe2O3) - (2.852 x % SO3). No tricalcium aluminate will be present in cements of this composition. Dicalcium silicate shall be calculated as previously shown. In the calculation of all compounds the oxides determined to the nearest 0.1% shall be used. All values calculated as described above shall be reported to the nearest 1%. d) Not applicable e) Does not apply when the heat of hydration limit in Table 4 is specified. f) Does not apply when the sulfate expansion limit in Table 4 is specified. 2 PNS 07:2005 NOTE 2 When comparing oxide analyses and calculated compounds from different sources or from different historic times, be aware that they may not have been reported on exactly the same basis. Chemical data obtained by Reference and Alternative Test Methods, PNS ASTM C 114:2005 (wet chemistry) may include titania and phosphorus as alumina unless proper correction has been made (see PNS ASTM C 114:2005) while data obtained by rapid instrumental methods usually do not. This can result in small differences in the calculated compounds. Such differences are usually within the precision of the analytical methods, even when the methods are properly qualified under the requirements of PNS ASTM C 114:2005. Table 2 – Optional chemical requirementsa) Cement type I II III IV V Remarks Tricalcium aluminate (C3A)b), %, max. - - 8 - - for moderate sulfate resistance Tricalcium aluminate (C3A), b) %, max. - - 5 - - Sum of tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate, %, b) max. - Alkalis (Na2O +0.658K2O) %, max. for high sulfate resistance 58c) - - for moderate heat of hydration 0.60d) 0.60d) 0.60d) 0.60d) 0.60d) low-alkali cement a) These optional requirements apply only if specifically requested. Availability should be verified. See NOTE 1 b) Expressing the chemical limitations by means of calculated assumed compounds does not necessarily mean that the oxides are actually or entirely present as such compounds. When expressing compounds, C = CaO, S = SiO2, A = Al2O3, F = Fe2O3. For example, C3A = 3CaO.Al2O3. Titanium dioxide and phosphorous pentoxide (TiO2 and P2O5) shall not be included with the Al2O3 content. See NOTE 2. When the ratio of percentages of aluminum oxide to ferric oxide is 0.64 or more, the percentages of tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, and tetracalcium aluminoferrite shall be calculated from the chemical analysis as follows: Tricalcium silicate = (4.071 x % CaO)-(7.600 x % SiO2)-(6.718 x % Al2O3) - (1.430 x % Fe2O3) - (2.852 x % SO3) Dicalcium silicate = (2.867 x % SiO2) - (0.7544 x % C3S) Tricalcium aluminate = (2.650 x % Al2O3) - (1.692 x % Fe2O3) Tetracalcium aluminoferrite = 3.043 x % Fe2O3 When the alumina-ferric oxide ratio is less than 0.64, a calcium aluminoferrite solid solution [expressed as ss(C4AF + C2F)] is formed. Contents of this solid solution and of tricalcium silicate shall be calculated by the following formulas: ss(C4AF + C2F) = (2.100 x % Al2O3) + (1.702 x % Fe2O3) Tricalcium silicate = (4.071 x % CaO) - (7.600 x % SiO2) - (4.479 x % Al2O3) - (2.859 x % Fe2O3) - (2.852 x % SO3). No tricalcium aluminate will be present in cements of this composition. Dicalcium silicate shall be calculated as previously shown. In the calculation of all compounds the oxides determined to the nearest 0.1% shall be used. All values calculated as described above shall be reported to the nearest 1%. c) The optional limit for heat of hydration in Table 4 shall not be requested when this optional limit is requested. d) This limit may be specified when the cement is to be used in concrete with aggregates that may be deleteriously reactive. Reference should be made to PNS ASTM C 33:2005 for suitable criteria of deleterious reactivity. 3 PNS 07:2005 5.3 Physical properties Each type of portland cement shall conform to the physical requirements specified in Table 3. In addition, optional physical requirements are shown in Table 4. Table 3 – Physical requirements Cement typea) I II III IV V Test method Air content of mortar,b) volume %, max. Fineness, c) specific surface, m2/kg (alternative methods): Turbidimeter test, min. Air permeability test, min. Autoclave expansion, %, max. Time of setting (alternative methods)d) Gillmore test: Initial set, minutes, min. Final set, hours, max. Vicat test: Initial set, minutes, min. Final set, hours, max. Strength, minimum values shown for the ages indicated below:e) Compressive strength, MPa, (kg/cm²)f) 1 day 12 12 12 12 12 PNS ASTM C 185:2005 160 280 0.80 160 280 0.80 0.80 160 280 0.80 160 280 0.80 PNS ASTM C 115:2005 PNS ASTM C 204:2005 PNS ASTM C 151:2005 60 10 60 10 60 10 60 10 60 10 45 8 45 8 45 8 45 8 45 8 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) - - 3 days 12.4 (127) 7 days 19.3 (197) 28 days 27.6 (281) 10.3 (105) 6.9g) (70)g) 17.2 (176) 11.7g) (120)g) 27.6 (281) 22.1h) (225)h) 12.4 (127) 24.1 (246) - - - 8.3 (84) - 6.9 (70) 15.2 (155) - 17.2 (176) 20.7 (211) PNS ASTM C 266:2005 PNS ASTM C 191:2005 PNS ASTM C 109/C109M:2005 See NOTE 1. Conformity to the requirements of this specification does not necessarily ensure that the desired air content will be obtained in concrete. Either of the two alternative fineness methods may be used at the option of the testing laboratory. However, when the sample fails to meet the requirements of the air permeability test, the turbidimeter test shall be used, and the requirements in this table for turbidimetric method shall govern. The purchaser shall specify the type of setting-time test required. In case of disputes, the requirement on Vicat test shall govern. The strength at any specified test age shall not be less than that attained at any previous specified test age, (1 kgf/cm² = 0.0980665 MPa). For the preparation of test samples for compressive strength, the fixed water-cement ratio of 0.485 shall be used. When the optional heat of hydration or the chemical limit on the sum of the tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate is specified. The optional limit for the sum of the tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate in Table 2 shall not be required when this limit is requested. The strength requirements apply when either heat of hydration or the sum of tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate requirements are requested. 4 PNS 07:2005 Table 4 – Optional physical requirementsa) Cement type False set, final penetration, min., % I II III IV V Test Method 50 50 50 50 50 PNS ASTM C 451:2005 Heat of hydration: PNS ASTM C 186:2005 7 days, kJ/kg (cal/g), max. - 290b) (70) - 250c) (60) - 28 days, kJ/kg (cal/g), max. - - - 290c) (70) - - - - - 0.04 Sulfate expansion,d) 14 days, %, max. PNS ASTM C 452:2005 a) These optional requirements apply only if specifically requested. Availability should be verified. See NOTE 1. b) The optional limit for the sum of the tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate in table 2 shall not be requested when this optional limit is requested. These strength requirements apply when either heat of hydration or the sum of tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate requirements are requested. c) When the heat of hydration limit is specified, it shall be instead of the limits of C3S, C2S, and C3A listed in Table 1. d) When the sulfate expansion is specified, it shall be instead of the limits of C3A and C4AF + 2C3A listed in Table 1. 6 Sampling Sampling shall be done in accordance with PNS ASTM C 183:2005. 7 Test methods Portland cement shall be tested in accordance with the test methods specified in 5.2 and in Tables 1 and 3. 8 Packaging Each type of portland cement whether for export or for domestic trade may be shipped in bags or in bulk. If bags are used, it shall be packed in net quantities of 40 kilograms for domestic trade and 50 kilograms for export trade. Paper bags/sacks used to contain the cement shall conform to the requirements specified in PNS 270:1991 or any applicable cement packaging standards. 5 PNS 07:2005 9 Marking 9.1 Each bag of Portland cement locally manufactured shall be permanently marked directly in at least one face with the following: 9.1.1 The name and address of manufacturer; 9.1.2 Type of Portland cement 9.1.3 Trade name or brand name 9.1.4 Trademark of the manufacturer 9.1.5 Net mass of cement in kg 9.1.6 The words “Product of the Philippines” 9.1.7 Product quality mark 9.1.8 Batch identification number and manufacturing date intelligible to the consumers 9.1.9 Red color band with dimensions as shown below. 8 cm 8 cm 8 Red color band Figure 1 6 8 cm PNS 07:2005 9.2 Each bag of imported Portland cement shall be permanently marked directly in at least one face with the following: 9.2.1 The name, address of manufacturer and importer 9.2.2 Type of Portland cement 9.2.3 Trade name or brand name 9.2.4 Trademark of the manufacturer 9.2.5 Net mass of cement in kg 9.2.6 The country of manufacture 9.2.7 ICC mark and Import Commodity Clearance number of the particular shipment 9.2.8 Batch identification number and Manufacturing date intelligible to the consumers 9.2.9 Red color band with dimensions shown in Figure 1. 9.3 Each shipment in bulk shall be accompanied by a shipping document containing the following information: 9.3.1 The name and address of manufacturer and/or importer 9.3.2 Bulk carrier 9.3.3 Type of Portland cement 9.3.4 Trade name or brand name 9.3.5 Trademark of the manufacturer 9.3.6 Net mass of cement in kg. or ton 9.3.7 The words “Product of the Philippines” or country of manufacture if imported 9.3.8 Manufacturing date 10 Storage The cement shall be stored in such a manner as to permit easy access for the proper inspection and identification of each shipment, and in a suitable container that will protect the cement from dampness and minimize warehouse set. The same precautions should be applied for cement in bulk. 7 PNS 07:2005 11 Rejection 11.1 The cement shall be rejected if it fails to meet any of the requirements of this standard. 11.2 Cement remaining in bulk storage at the plant/storage silo, prior to shipment for more than six months, or cement in bags in local storage in the hands of a vendor for more than three months, after completion of tests, shall be retested before use and shall be rejected, if it fails to conform to any of the requirements of this standard. 11.3 Packages varying more than 2% below the mass marked thereon shall be rejected; and if the average mass of packages in any shipment, as shown by weighing 50 packages taken at random, is less than that marked on the packages, the entire shipment shall be rejected. 12 Manufacturer’s statement At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall state in writing the nature, amount, and identity of any processing addition used, and if requested, shall supply test data showing compliance of such processing addition with specification of PNS ASTM C 465:2005. 13 Manufacturer’s certification Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order, a manufacturer’s report shall be furnished at the time of shipment stating the results of tests made on samples of the material taken during production or transfer and certifying that the cement conforms to applicable requirements of this specification. 8 References PNS 07:2005 The following Philippine National Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text form part of this national standard. At the time of publication of this PNS, the editions indicated were valid. PNS ASTM C 33:2005 – Standard specification for concrete aggregates PNS ASTM C 109/C109M:2005 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2 in. or 50 mm cube specimens) PNS ASTM C 114:2005 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement PNS ASTM C 115:2005 - Standard Test Method for Fineness of Portland Cement by the Turbidimeter PNS ASTM C 151:2005 - Standard Test Method for Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement PNS ASTM C 183:2005 - Standard Practice for Sampling and the Amount of Testing of Hydraulic Cement PNS ASTM C 185:2005 - Standard Test Method for Air Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar PNS ASTM C 186:2005 - Standard Test Methods for Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cement PNS ASTM C 191:2005 - Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle PNS ASTM C 204:2005 - Standard Test Method for Fineness of Portland Cement by Air Permeability Apparatus PNS ASTM C 219:2005 – Standard Terminology relating to Cement PNS ASTM C 266:2005 - Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement Paste by Gillmore Needle PNS ASTM C 451:2005 - Standard Test Method for Early Stiffening of Hydraulic Cement (Paste Method) PNS ASTM C 452:2005 - Standard Test Method for Potential Expansion of Portland Cement Mortars Exposed to Sulfate PNS ASTM C 465:2005 – Standard for Processing Additions for Use in the Manufacture of Hydraulic Cements PNS ASTM C 563:2005 - Standard Test Method for Optimum SO3 in Portland Cement PNS ASTM 1038:2005 - Standard Test Method for Expansion of Hydraulic Cement Mortar Bar Stored in Water PNS 270:1991 - Multiwall kraft paper sacks for cement - Specification BUREAU OF PRODUCT STANDARDS Department of Trade and Industry Technical Committee 3 - Cement and Lime Chairman 1 Nathaniel B. Diola Building Research Service University of the Philippines Vice-chairman 2 Francis C. Felizardo Cement Manufacturers’ Association of the Philippines, Inc. Members Government Agencies: Consumers: 3 9 4 Leilani D.L. Del Prado Miguelito M. Meniano* Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines Simplicio Dela Cruz Mines and Geo Sciences Bureau Research: 5 6 Cecilia F. Reynales Industry Technology Development Institute – Department of Science and Technology Iluminda V. De Guzman Bureau of Research and Standards Department of Public Works and Highways Angel B. Ong Association of Concrete and Asphalt Producers of the Philippines 10 Alexander Flores* Philippine Constructors Association 11 Timothy A. Schroeder Romeo Ocon* Philippine Concrete Industry Association Professional Associations: 12 Miriam Tamayo Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines/Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Testing: 13 Amado E. Tandoc, Jr. United Architects of the Philippines 7 Trade/Industry Association: Noel G. Dela Cruz Cement Testing Center 8 Justina Villaviray Philippine Geoanalytics 9 Alex Wakenshaw Bonifacio Stanger Materials Testing Corp. Project Officer 15 Myra F. Magabilin Bureau of Product Standards * Alternate 14 Cirilo M. Pestaño II Cement Manufacturers’ Association of the Philippines, Inc.