ECE 140: Linear Circuits (Whmis Test) Lab Instructors: Nizar Messaoudi & Mike Foulger Outline Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training (1 hour) CourseBook Account Check and Group Set-up For Lab and CDT Submissions 2 Lab & CDT Groups Students should choose one partner for CDTs and Labs for the entire term. CDTs and Labs are to be performed in the same group of 2. Groups for Labs and CDTs can be created on Course Book (which will be used for lab reports submission). A tutorial on how to use Course Book to set up a group can be found at Absent partners must be reported to the teaching team. 3 Lab & CDT Groups Connect to and click "Course Book Online“ Login using your quest id and password. UW id (used for quest) Student id number (8 digit number) 4 Lab & CDT Groups You will be prompted to change your password. Your new password must be a minimum of 8 characters long and contain at least one number. 5 Lab & CDT Groups Select “Groups", then “Create Group” 6 Lab & CDT Groups Enter your partner’s user ID (Quest ID), then select “Add Member”.You are done now. Remember to logout. 7 Important Note Please be aware that each group of two students needs to do the Lab1 prelab A and prelab B and submit them to your Course Book group account before 8:00am on the day of your Lab1 experiment. Refer to the lab web page ( for the prelab submission template and procedures. 8 Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Training WHMIS All students taking courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering must have appropriate instruction on safety issues. The Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) training satisfies this requirement. This requirement MUST be satisfied by obtaining a credit for WHMIS training before the student can be allowed to engage in lab work. (In ECE 140, lab 1 on week 2) 10 WHMIS Credit for WHMIS training will be awarded on completion of the WHMIS course on UW-ACE, and will be registered in Quest and in your transcript. The WHMIS training must be conducted individually by each student. (no groups) The WHMIS training in UW-ACE requires each student to complete a number of sections with a quiz on each section. You have to get at least 80% on any one section to be able to proceed to the next section. Unlimited number of trials. 11 WHMIS Login to UW-ACE, and select “Find Course” 12 WHMIS Type “WHMIS” in the “Keyword Search”, then select “Search”. 13 WHMIS Select “enroll” 14 WHMIS Select the WHMIS course, click on the WHMIS quiz tab. At the bottom, there is a link called "start WHMIS". The rest guides you through a sequence of resource pages 15 WHMIS The resources in each section contains all the necessary information to complete the WHMIS training. Select “Begin Quiz” 16 WHMIS After you finish answering the questions, select “submit”. A window showing your answer and score will be displayed. To proceed, select “continue” at the bottom of the page 17 WHMIS If you got less than 80%, click on the provided link to re-take the same quiz again. 18 WHMIS If you got at least 80%, select “next” to proceed. 19 WHMIS After you finish all the quizzes, a certificate will be displayed on the final window. Leave the certificate on the computer screen until one of the teaching team verifies it. Otherwise, we cannot verify that you passed the WHMIS training. 20 WHMIS Inform me when you are done so that I can mark your name for completing the WHMIS training. If you cannot make it today, you have to do it yourself and forward the obtained certificate to or bring it with you in Lab 1. You will not be allowed to do lab 1 (week 2) if you did not provide the WHMIS certificate. 21 Useful Links Lab homepage (Prelab due date 8:00 am on the day of your Lab1) Course Book Course Book tutorial urse_book/ Maple T. A. Forward WHMIS certificate to 22