Team Yellow's : EZ

Systems Development
Team Yellow’s :
EZ-access database
Hands that see – Swedish Therapeutic Massage
Kim Holdbrook
Spa St-James
2190 Crscent St, Montreal Qc H3G 2B8
(514) 844-4590
Annie(1026469), Jesse(1020134, Denis,(0841867)
Mathieu(1062513),Jonah(1020403), Leonardo(0982682)
Systems Development
Table of Contents
Project Overviews……………………………….3
Team work management.......................................4
Areas of Responsibility.........................................5
Contact Information..............................................7
Gantt Chart ...........................................................8
Systems Development
Denis has taken the role of team leader, he has also taken the initiative and spoken to the client
and made meetings and a rough idea of what is expected. In total his work accounts for 20% of
the work on the deliverable. Jesse formatted the opening pages of the deliverable including this
executive overview his part accounts for 15%. Jonah was in charge of getting and organizing the
teams contact information so we could communicate with each other and reach each other
outside of meetings, his part covers 15% of the deliverable. Leonardo is in charge of arranging
the meetings and finding methods for us to share documents and work efficiently both at home
and in meetings. His part amounts to 10%. Finally Mathieu and Tziazan designed a rough project
outline displaying tasks and assigning who may be best to do which tasks. Their part accounts
for 40% (20 each) of the deliverable.
Brief client overview
Our client is Kim Holdbrook, a massage therapist that works at SPA Saint-James on the weekends and
from home during a part of the week. The system being developed will be used by a single user, has to be
protected and available only to the client. Because there will be only one user, the program has to be
adapted only for her needs regarding her incapacity to see. She is comfortable using a computer keyboard
and short cuts, and has a program that reads out loud any text displayed. Even pictures, when coded
appropriately are described to the client with the JAWS Speech program.
Systems Development
Team Yellow will have most of their meetings in class, and the rest outside of course.
Specifically we will have verbal meetings in class to discuss our individual progress and see
where changes need to be make to make the project successful. The meetings outside of class
will take place Friday after school since we all finish early and don’t have anything afterwards.
They will involve comparison of work to see where our work is going on the table and how it’s
coming together. If there is a day where one or more of us can’t make it that day, we will simply
reschedule on another day where we are all available.
Online Repositories
For storing our information, we decided on three different places to keep our work online:
Google Code, Facebook, and our personal emails. With three different places, each group
member will have access to the first two places so we can all be on the same page. the third one;
being our emails, so that in case the other two are compromised, we will at least have our
individual parts to back up so we don’t have to start from scratch.
Communications Strategy
The strategy is simple but effective, we are using the first two online storage locations, and they
can also be used as a means of communication. The email can be used to communicate if the
members are not in a hurry, but if they are in a hurry and is not available right away, then there is
always the good old fashion telephone, a device used to communicate live while actually hearing
each other’s voices.
Systems Development
Lab work vs. Homework
During the lab, we will discuss the details of our individual parts of the project, with the
information gathered from each other we can properly plan out our future goals to reach the
ultimate big one. The home work will be the aftermath of what we discuss in class, for example,
if it turns out someone’s part needs more detail, they will go home and fix the problem. Then
Friday after school when we all fixed our respective problems if any, we can show the corrected
versions and put together the next step of the project.
Team leader for each deliverable:
1st Denis Coglianese
2nd Denis Coglianese
3rd Jonah Xu
4th Jesse Desmarais
5th Mathieu Bouffard
6th Leonardo Alfieri
7th Tziazan Annie Bakalian
8th Jesse Desmarais
Systems Development
Client Contact
Denis will take care of contacting the client on a need to basis. The client also has his e-mail and phone
number if any questions or additional inquires are needed.
Tasks regarding the deliverable have been split up between the six team members. Jesse has
taken care of the cover, introduction part and the executive overview. Denis has made first
contact with the client and phoned her to obtain a basic overview of her needs regarding the
project, as well as writing up the parts in the deliverable concerning the client and the areas of
responsibility. Lastly, he took care of putting the whole paper together and over viewing the
gantt chart made for the project.
Leonardo worked on the way the team should be organized, regarding the online repositories, the
meetings that should take place outside of class and how the options we have for communicating
with each other outside of school. Jonah arranged all of the team member’s information, from emails to phone numbers.
Mathieu and Tziazan worked on the plan, writing out the tasks and the approximate time it
would take to complete each part. They've assigned the resources as accurately as possible,
fitting each of the team members set of skills in regards to our strengths in different areas.
Systems Development
Contacts Information
Denis Coglianese
Jessie Desmarais
Mathieu Bouffard
Jonah Xu
Tziazan Annie Bakalian
Leonardo Alfieri
Phone Number
438 868 6825
450 523 6600
438 402 4452
514 618 9212
514 632 2467
514 582 8354