EZAccess User Guide: UiTM Library Access

EZAccess User Guide
What is EZAccess ?
• EZAccess is a web proxy server that allows
authorized users to access IP-restricted
electronic resources subscribed by UiTM library
such as databases, e-journals and e-books. As
the e-resources are licensed to UiTM only, users
are required to use a login ID and password for
authentication for off campus/remote access.
Step by Step on How to Access Online
Databases/eBooks via EZAcess
1. Log on to the library’s website www.library.uitm.edu.my
2. Click on Online Databases or eBooks
3. Click on Off Campus Access (red button)
4. Key-in ID and Password to log in into EZAcess
EZAcess ID : Student Number or
Staff Number
Password : I/C Number without hypen (-)
or Passport Number
5. After being successfully logged in into EZAccess , the online
databases/ebooks page will appear
6. Click on Subscribed Databases or eBooks to view the list
7. Click on “more info” to view additional information about a database
8. Choose a database or an ebook provider to enter and start a search
is a web proxy server
used by libraries to
For assistance
or technical
give access from outside the library's computer
please contact:
to restricted-access
websites that
authenticate users by IP address.
• This allows library patrons at home or elsewhere to
in through
server and gain
• log
(PTAR EZAccess
access to online databases which UiTM subscribes.
03-5544 3714
• Academic Services Division (PTAR 1)
03-5544 3712 / 3713
Updated : July 2012