voIce the May 19, 2013 Volume 51, Number 10 Who’s Playing the Violin? Lunch Enjoy food, family & friends SUNDAY, MAY 19 (Third Sundays) 11:15 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Player Hall $9.00 adults $4.00 children age 2-12 Under age 2 eat free Menu Stuffed Tilapia Chicken Parmesan l Garlic Mashed Potatoes l Asparagus Tip l Penne Pasta l Chopped Romaine l Chicken Fingers l Assorted Desserts l l Reservations: 256-8383, ext. 127 kitchen@shandonumc.org Walk-ins welcome CELEBRATION SUNDAY: CAMPAIGN Our Capital Campaign, Blessed to Serve, results will be announced in all three worship services this Sunday. At 7:51 a.m., on January 12, 2007, a young musician took his position against a wall in a Washington D.C. metro station. He wore jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt and a Washington Nationals baseball cap. He opened a violin case, removed the instrument, threw a few dollars and pocket change into the case as seed money, and began to play. For the next forty-five minutes he performed six classical pieces. During that time 1,097 people passed by. They tossed in money totaling $32.17. Of the 1,097 people, seven—only seven—paused longer than sixty seconds. And of the seven, one—only one—recognized the violinist, Joshua Bell. Three days prior to this metro appearance staged by the Washington Post, Bell filled Boston’s Symphony Hall, where just a fairly good ticket went for $100 a seat. Joshua Bell’s talents can command $1,000 a minute. That day in the subway station, he barely earned enough to buy a cheap pair of shoes. You can’t fault the instrument; he played a Stradivarius worth $3.5 million. You can’t fault the music. Bell successfully played a piece from Johann Sebastian Bach that Bell called “one of the greatest achievements of any man in history.” But scarcely anyone noticed. No one expected majesty in such a context. This was Washington’s work force, government workers mainly, on their way to budget meetings and management sessions. Who had time to notice beauty in the midst of busyness? Most did not. Most of us will someday realize that we didn’t either. From the perspective of heaven, we will look back on these days—these busy, cluttered days and realize that was Jesus playing the violin. That was Jesus wearing ragged clothes. That was Jesus in the orphanage—in the prison—in the cardboard shanty. The person needing my help was none other than Jesus. There are many reasons to help people in need. Benevolence is good for the world. We all float on the same ocean. When the tide rises, it benefits everyone. To release someone from poverty is to unleash that person’s potential. As we reduce poverty and disease, we reduce war and atrocities. Healthy, happy people don’t hurt other people. But for the Christian, none is higher than this: when we love those in need, we are loving Jesus. “Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.” When we love them, we love Him. On Sunday morning we will announce the results of our capital campaign. Twenty-five percent of what we raise will go to the Family Shelter. In that way we are loving Jesus. That is significant. See you Sunday! - In Faith, Michael Guffee, Sr. 3407 Devine Street tel (803) 256-8383 Columbia, SC 29205 fax (803) 256-0433 www.shandon-umc.org e-m You’re Invited Sunday Coming up At Shandon Sunday: 8:45, 11:00 & 11:05 Worship; 9:45 Sunday School May 19 and 26 8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship SERMON 19th: “Those Days,” Rev. Josh McClendon Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 SERMON 26th: Rev. Josh McClendon 19th: John Hays Ushers Ambassadors 19th: Jimmie Mills 26th: Bruce Mallick 26th: Frank/Sallie Manning 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship SERMON 19th: “What is the Gift?,” Dr. Michael Guffee Scripture: Acts 2:1-12 MUSIC: Chancel Choir SERMON 26th: Rev. Josh McClendon Ushers 19th: Bob Burks Ambassadors 19th: Harriet Roof 26th: Richard Beale 26th: Marshall/Caroline Griffin 11:05 a.m. LifeLine Worship SERMON 19th: “What is the Gift?,” Dr. Michael Guffee Scripture: Acts 2:1-12 MUSIC: LifeLine Band SERMON 26th: Rev. Julie Songer Belman 8:45 a.m. worship Nursery Opens at 8:30 a.m. May 19 May 26 Crib Toddler Two-year-olds Robin Heaton Monica McCutcheon Chappell Wilson/ Linda Suber Staff Three-year-olds Jenny Triplett Pamela Adams Jennifer/Jonathan Hethcox Staff 11:00 a.m. and 11:05 a.m. worship Crib Toddler Two-year-olds Three-year-olds Emily Brannen Emily/Joe Davis Lauren Smith Staff Stephanie Bridgers Allison/Jeff Crane Jason/Karen Snyder Staff SUNDAY, MAY 19 – PENTECOST SUNDAY John 14:8-17, 25-27 9:45 Safe Sanctuary Training - Parlor 9:50 New Member/Inquirer Session - Conference Room 11:15 Fellowship Lunch - Player Hall 12:15 Green Team Lunch- Knox 209 2:00 Scavenger Hunt - Gym 3:00 Dominican Republic Mission Team - Conference Room 4:00 Final Pack Meeting - Wesley Hall 6:30 Parables From the Back Side - Knox 204 MONDAY, MAY 20 John 14:25-31 5:30 Finance Committee - Bruner 216 6:00 Assimilation & Discipleship Team - Conference Room 6:30 P&K Board Meeting - Knox 201 7:00 Tricia Meadors Recital - Wesley Hall TUESDAY, MAY 21 Matthew 13:1-17 12:30 Lunch Bunch - Player Hall (Pre-Lunch Fun: 10:00 PH) 5:30 New Worship Initiative Group - Bruner 223 6:00 Staff Parish Relations Committee - Conference Room 6:30 Children’s Council Sub Committe - Library 7:00 Tricia Meadors Recital - Wesley Hall 7:00 Music and Arts Council - Bruner 223 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 Matthew 13:18-23 6:30 Men’s Open Gym - Gym 6:45 GAP Walking Devotion Group (Young Adult) - Outside Dunn-Smith 12:00 Parables From the Back Side - Knox 209 6:00 Celebration Choir Rehearsal - Bruner 206 6:00 Parables From the Back Side - Knox 209 7:00 Boy Scout Commissioners - Bruner 223 7:00 Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Bruner 206 THURSDAY, MAY 23 Matthew 13:24-30 6:00 Youth Mission Project Parent/Adult Meeting - Wesley Hall FRIDAY, MAY 24 SATURDAY, MAY 25 Matthew 13:31-35 John 1:29-34 SUNDAY, MAY 26 John 16:12-15 9:50 New Member/Inquirer Session - Conference Room 6:30 Parables From the Back Side - Knox 204 9:45 Popcorn & Movie Sunday - Player Hall Adult Sunday School Join us at 9:45 a.m. Acts 2:21 (Bruner221): Fearless by Max Lucado Chapel Bible Study-Not a Sunday School Class (Chapel): May 19: No Study, May 26: Completion of Josephus’ History Commitment (Knox205): Meet with 10th Grade on Parenting Questions Foundation (Knox208) Genesis (Knox214) George Huggins (Knox209): May 19: Homiletics, May 26: Sharing Your Faith, Joy Stone Growing Disciples (Knox201): Time Starved Marriage JOY (Bruner220): Harvey Allen New Beginnings (Knox204) New Generation (Bruner224) Wesley Fellowship (WH): Hope Through Stewardship, Dan Pruitt The Voice is produced twice a month to keep you connected to Shandon. Shandon United Methodist, 3407 Devine Street, Columbia, SC 29205 803-256-8383, www.shandon-umc.org. Office hours: Mon-Thurs, 8:30 am-5:00 pm; Fri, 8:00 a.m.-1:30 pm page 2 the Voice MONDAY, MAY 27 Church Office Closed for Memorial Day Holiday Matthew 13:36-43 TUESDAY, MAY 28 9:30 Pre-Lunch Fun - Gym 12:20 Lunch & Learn - Player Hall Matthew 13:44-52 WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 Matthew 13:53-58 6:45 GAP Walking Devotion Group (Young Adult) - Outside Dunn-Smith 12:00 Parables From the Back Side - Knox 209 6:00 Faith & Freedom Singers Rehearsal - Bruner 206 6:00 Parables From the Back Side - Knox 209 7:00 Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Bruner 206 THURSDAY, MAY 30 FRIDAY, MAY 31 SATURDAY, JUNE 1 Matthew 14:1-12 Matthew 14:13-21 Matthew 14:22-36 Celebrating our High School Graduates On Sunday, May 12, we recognized and celebrated the upcoming graduation of our high school seniors. This was a special day in the lives of these youth and in the life of our church family. As these students look toward new opportunities, we will continue to support them in their journeys of Christian faith and discipleship. We encourage them to broaden their minds and experiences, and yet, to remain faithful to their path of Christian discipleship. Don’t miss the graduate insert inside this issue. SHANDON’S DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY “GRADUATES” On May 19 in the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, the church will recognize 29 faithful disciples who have met weekly since September and explored the scriptures together. Deep friendships have grown with God and with each other. They have learned how the Bible mirrors our own struggles and offers the life of Jesus as our guide. DISCIPLE 2 on Wednesday Mornings (Genesis, Exodus, Luke & Acts) – Jennie Lambe (leader), Ruthie Taylor (leader), Kathy Duggan (leader), Carolyn Talbert (leader), Becky Bishop, Mary Collins, Mary Ruth Cribbs, Shirley Dahmer, Julian Dew, Cynthia Dew, Sally Garris, Martha Holbrook, Stephanie Hughes, Lou Ann Jones, Anne Kissam, Tracy Oliver, Julie Peel, Debra Rountree, Rosi Swan, Elizabeth Walker DISCIPLE 2 on Sunday Afternoons – John Meyers (leader), Jerry Mitchell (leader), Pam Speas (Leader), Travis Belman, Heather Hayes, Karen Meyers, Casey Peele, Mike Penland, Julie Songer Belman Is 2013 Your 50th Year as a Shandon Member? If you or your relative joined Shandon in the year 1963, please contact Anne Cox with the name at 256-8383 ext. 115 or e-mail acox@shandon-umc.org. As plans are made to recognize those who have been Shandon members for 50 years, the Connections Council wants to make sure our list is complete. JOIN OUR ANNUAL CELEBRATION... of our FAITH and the FREEDOM we have to share and express it! Sunday, June 30 NEW FORMAT. WATCH FOR MORE INFORMATION. IIIII You’re Invited to Join the Faith and Freedom Singers in a Tribute to our Nation Rehearsals begin May 29 at 6:00 p.m. For more information, contact Ann Philbeck at alphilbeck@bellsouth.net or 917-3888. the Voice page 3 Building the Body of Christ through God’s creative gifts. MUSIC & ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS WEEK July 8-12, 1:00-4:00 p.m. For rising 1st through 6th graders. Sessions on Singing, Choir Chimes, Orff Instruments and Visual Arts Registration is $25 per person, and the registration deadline is June 27. MANY THANKS Many thanks to our Wesley Ringers Handbell Choir for their participation this year in worship: Pam Speas, Diane Bruner, Levi Walker, Cynthia Dew, Joanna Walkup, Winnie Guffie, Carolyn Talbert, Amy Coward, Joyce Nobles, Rosi Swan, and David Coward. Our September rehearsals will begin on Monday, September 9 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. If you would like to ring handbells starting in September, contact Eddie Huss at the church office: 256-8383, ext. 104. WORSHIP ARTS WEEKS AT LAKE JUNALUSKA June 23-28 Members of our Youth Choir, Chancel Choir and adult chaperones will be attending. If you have not signed up to go and would like to register, let Eddie Huss know by Friday, May 24. We will be staying at “Trinity House,” on the Lake Junaluska grounds. Departure will be at 12:30 p.m. on June 23, and we’ll arrive back in Columbia by 4:00 p.m. on June 28. CELEBRATE LIFE PRESENTED BY YOUTH CHOIR “Celebrate Life,” was presented by our Youth Choir on Sunday, May 12 at both our traditional services. Many thanks to our Youth singers: Daniel Addison, Fletcher Biggs, Emma Birchmore, James Clay Ellis, Susan Ellis, Elizabeth Haas, Copeland Hanshaw, Wesley Huss, Richard Kneece, Mary Kate Knudsen, Kitty Janvrin, Kennedy Lambe, Perry Meadors, Kasey Meyers, Matie Meyers, Caroline Phelps, Elizabeth Taylor, Katharyn Taylor, Annie Watkins Tyson, Ruth Emmon Tyson, Levi Walker, Jay Watson and Matthew Wright. Also, thanks to Irene Tyson, our pianist and rehearsal assistant, and those in the instrumental ensemble: Barbara Reardon, Andy Jurik and Hannah Edmonds. Youth Choir rehearsals will begin on Sunday, September 8. Children’s Choirs will begin weekly rehearsals on Wednesday, September 4 following Wednesday Night Manna. [SoT] is the new men’s ministry at Shandon. Together, men of all ages are challenged to be in fellowship, to share hefty meals, to play and be active, to dig into study, to serve, and more. [SoT] BLOG – Visit http://shandonthunder.wordpress.com for news and updates. NEW SMALL GROUP The men’s 6-week small group study of “Parables from the Backside” starts in just a few weeks. Sign-up now at one of the “Man Boxes” by the [SoT] bulletin boards, or by emailing Josh directly. Help spread the word and be sure to invite other men. THIRD THURSDAY - MAY 16 - “EARN YOUR WINGS” For our fellowship night this month, we’re combining attic clean-up with a meal at Buffalo Wild Wings (Garners Ferry). Attic clean-up is open from 3:00-7:00 p.m. on Thursday, so come out for any or all of that to help do the work. Then we’ll break at 7:00 p.m. to go eat. Attic clean-up continues on Friday from 3:00-7:00 p.m. again. We could especially use some guys with trucks/trailers who are willing to help haul some loads; let Josh know if you can do this. page 4 the Voice . Discover God...Share with others...Have fun in faith... and Live-out being a Christian everyday–at home, school and play. Don’t miss the adventure. SUNDAY SCHOOL: May 19 & 26. See you on Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Twos: The Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:12-14) Threes-5th Grade: “The community of believers was one in heart and mind.” Acts 4:32. May 19: Pentecost (Acts 2:1-41) Threes-Fours: May 26: First Called Christians (Acts 11:19-26) 5K-5th Grade: May 26: Popcorn and Movie Sunday: The Parables of Jesus 6th Grade: May 19: Witnessing (Paul and Barnabas) May 26: Living As A Christian Community (The Church Spreads) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN! June 10-14 VBS is for ages 3-year PreK (4 by 9/1/13) to 2nd Grade. Register online at http://www.shandon-umc.org/children.asp. Friends are always welcome. Please register by the end of May. For information to volunteer, contact the education office at 256-8383, ext. 109 or sapple@shandon-umc.org. “THE GREATEST CHAMPION” SUMMER BASKETBALL CAMP August 5-8 Basketball Camps will be hosted for boys and girls (rising 1st- rising 6th graders). Cost $95. Girls: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Boys: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Register online at http://thegreatestchampion.org/camps/ Contact Lesli Wood at lwood@shandon-umc.org or 256-8383 ext. 108 for more information. Space is limited and this event is open to the community. Please register early. Friends are welcome! THE OUTSIDERS Shandon’s fellowship community for young adults. NEW EVENT: THE SHANDON CUP This Summer, anyone 18 and up is invited to participate in the Shandon Cup. It will be a 6-week, co-ed intramural sports league that meets on Wednesday nights, from 6:15-7:45 p.m., July 10 through August 14. We’ll play a rotation of flag football, kickball, and volleyball. Games played on Dreher Field, and FREE CHILDCARE is provided. Visit the Outsiders blog (shandonoutsiders.wordpress.com <http://shandonoutsiders.wordpress.com> ) for details and online registration, or contact Josh McClendon at jmcclendon@shandon-umc.org or 256-8383, ext 111. If you’re a 7th-12th grader – You’ll make REAL friends and have REAL fun, be able to ask REAL questions and get REAL answers, have a REAL voice and share REAL ideas, discover REAL faith and make a REAL difference. FOLLOW US: New Youth Blog – http://www.shandonumyf.wordpress.com/ UMYF [United Methodist Youth Fellowship]: We will meet on Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:30 p.m. the Voice page 5 For Rising 5th & 6th Graders Firefly Walk: Congaree National Park Led by Ranger Fran Rametta – Sunday Night, June 2 This year, the Green Team invites Shandon’s rising 5th & 6th graders to join them for our annual expedition into the Congaree National Park to see the awesome fireflies. In early June, our blinky friends put on a spectacular show of their synchronous kind of Morse Code that is only seen in certain parts of the world, including Congaree National Park. Learning from Ranger Fran is always fascinating and fun! REGISTER by May 26 (20 children max – 1st come-1st served). No fee. A permission form for each child must be completed and returned to the Education Office or Anne Cox’s hall box. Children Invited: Only Shandon’s rising 5th & 6th graders & their friends. Children will ride on buses. Adults Invited: Only Green Team members, bus drivers, and staff. All must be Safe Sanctuary approved. Parents, we’ll take good care of your children! Times & Transportation: Depart from the lot by Exxon right at 8:00 p.m. Expected return is 10:45 p.m. SHANDON’S LUNCH & LEARN Jim Gandy, Chief Meteorologist, WLTX-TV Tuesday, May 28 in Player Hall Topic: “Climate Matters: How climate change will affect us in Columbia, SC.” Jim Gandy’s Climate Matters series has generated a lot of national attention. In January, he received the Award for Excellence in Science Reporting by a Broadcast Meteorologist from the American Meteorological Society. In February he was featured on NPR’s Morning Edition. 12:20 – Lunch begins in Player Hall. Pay in the lobby hall ($5). 12:50 – Guest Speaker 1:15-1:30 – Talk-Back REGISTER by noon on Thursday May 23 with Debbie Rountree at drountree@shandon-umc.org or 256-8383 ext. 113. Pay at the door ($5). GROWING THROUGH DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP To assist people who are approaching divorce or who have divorced, Shandon United Methodist Church offers a support group that begins on June 11 and continues for eight consecutive Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The sessions allow people to begin letting go of painful feelings and to affirm a new sense of self worth. Friendships are developed in a supportive environment. Topics for discussion come from Jim Smoke’s book, Growing Through Divorce. Group facilitators are caring individuals who have been divorced a good while and moved on to positive directions. A $14 fee is payable to SUMC at the first session. Open to anyone, pre-registration is necessary and on a first come, first served basis until the group is filled. Contact Anne Cox by June 3: 256-8383 ext. 115 or acox@shandon-umc.org CHAPEL BIBLE STUDY – Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Expand your Bible knowledge, without the commitments expected in a Sunday school class. Come as often or sporadically as you like. In a relaxed lecture format, Dr. David Shields examines Biblical chapters, from historical, theological, and spiritual perspectives. He is the McClintock Professor of Southern Letters in the English & History Departments at USC. In the summer, teaching may be irregular due to David’s teaching fellowship. May 19: No Study, May 26: Completion of Josephus’ History, June 2: No Study, June 9: The Story of the Christians After the Fall of Jerusalem. page 6 the Voice MISSIONS POSSIBLE GARAGE SALE MARK YOUR CALENDAR: AUGUST 16-17 Start cleaning out those closets, attics, drawers, and any other cubby-holes. There will be a drive through drop-off on Sunday, August 11 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. You may also bring any donated items to the gym all day Monday and Tuesday, August 12 and 13. Jewelry: May be given to Gladys Dunn, Pat Goodwin, Jennifer Davis or Mary Hellams for early pricing. Electronics: Please put any wires, cables, remotes, etc. in a ziploc or plastic bag and tape bag to the donated piece or attach in another way. This is a tremendous help! Bake Sale: Always a hit. Plan to bake something for our sale. Items may be packaged whole or for individual sale. Clothing: It always helps to have clothing on hangers when donated, preferably plastic hangers, if possible. Also, please size any men’s suits prior to drop off. We will take pretty much anything EXCEPT large appliances and children’s car seats. Plastic grocery bags and any good clear bags are always needed for the sale. For questions, contact Mary Hellams, Maelws@bellsouth.net, 782-5428, Jennifer Davis, davisjon123@bellsouth.net, 920-6527. Save Rewards Points Off of Coke Products Found in the caps of the bottles, and inside the cardboard packages of the 12, 18, and 24 packs. And on the big package of bottles of Desani water. Ann Gibbes is using the points to get magazines for The Family Shelter and the Women’s Shelter. Contact Ann Gibbes. THE FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR ON MAY 19 are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of James Cornwell Hearn by Jane and Jim Hearn. THE FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR ON MAY 26 are given to the glory of God and in honor of Heath Mustin Carll, Jr. and in memory of Harper Frances Carll by their parents, Leah and Heath Mustin Carll, Sr. MEMORIALS IN MEMORY Harper Frances Carll by Jan Carll Rue Helms by Barbar Cobb, Bonnie Mullis Myrtis Heath Jolley by Jan Carll Dick Pregnall by Dottie Nidiffer Bessie Watkins by Leona Calcutt Marjorie Woods by Libba & Angelo Perri Kemper Zeigler by Jane Andrews, Henry & Scottie Asbill, William & Rhett Barker, Janice, Harry & Kyle Brown, Bob & Nancy Buchanan, Wade & Susan Collins, Jerry Burton, Culver & Mardy Choate, Bethany, Lynn, Savannah & Elise Davis, Frank & Gladys Dunn, Martha & John Durst, Gardner Associates, Inc., Tommy Gregory, John & Margaret Hays, Jim Herlong, Honda of Columbia, Rose Ann Johnson, Dr. & Mrs. M. Tucker Laffitte, Jr., Katherine & Tommy Lawson, Diane Lipscomb, Harry & Betsy Marshburn, Cam & Sandra McLain, Ralph & Jerre Moore, Bill & Kay Ogburn, Fran & Beth Rametta, Joe Reynolds, Louis & Anne Runge, Jenny & Kirby Shealy, Patti Shelley, Perry & Rosemary Shuping, Mr. & Mrs. George E. Simmons, South Carolina Bankers Asso, John & Peg Stover, Carroll Thomas, Dorothy Wardrip, Pam & Raymond Wells, Donna Windham, David & Betsy Wolfe, Rhett & Glenda Wolfe, Buster & Lori Yandle IN HONOR Mary Grace Boyce by Mary Hellams Heath Mustin Carll, Jr. by Jan Carll The Celebration Choir by The Family of Kemper Zeigler Bea & Gary Daves by James Zeigler Cay Gregory by Jennifer & David Amrol Barrett Smith by The Family of Kemper Zeigler SYMPATHY Doug and Joyce Mest on the death of her sister Faye Hill on April 6 in Henrico, VA. Treasurer’s Update MAY 12, 2013 HOSPITALS ATTENDANCE No members in hospitals. Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797 OPERATING BUDGET May 5 Revenues $40,107 May 12 Revenues $41,060 Year-to-Date Revenues $716,210 In Memoriam May 5 Expenses $34,057 May 12 Expenses $5,934 Year-to-Date Expenses $731,710 Cartha Eargle Lee December 25, 2012 FROM CHURCH FINANCE OFFICE: Please identify where funds are to be applied in the check memo section on all checks written to Shandon. Church notified on 5/13/13 Our ministers are on call for weekend emergencies. Contact the minister by calling our emergency beeper at 654-8973 and then entering your phone number. the Voice page 7 Congratulations... to our 2013 High School Graduates William Parker Andrews, III Grace Hanna Blackstone Aline Elizabeth Bradley Hannah Rebecca Daniel A.C. Flora High School Heathwood Hall Dreher High School Hammond School Anne Elise Goudelock Hannah Elizabeth Goudelock Hunter Lee Griffin, Jr. Sarah Elizabeth Hance Hammond School Hammond School A.C. Flora High School Hammond School Forrest Anderson Hemphill James Hagood Hemphill Grant Thomas Hensley Charles Benjamin Holbrook A.C. Flora High School A.C. Flora High School Hammond School Cardinal Newman High School Milledge Jefferies Holstein, III Stella Harris Huffman Kittridge Lee Janvrin Katherine Grace Lee Wilson Hall A.C. Flora High School Richland Northeast High A.C. Flora High School William Barton Love Ashleigh Adelaide McMaster Selby Hall Mitchell Lauren Blanks Nelson Hammond School Cardinal Newman High School A.C. Flora High School Hammond School David Hunter Nobles Caroline Lansing Penland Russell Richardson Pruitt Dylan Willcox Salley Dreher High School Hammond School A.C. Flora High School A.C. Flora High School More Graduates Sallie Walker Cherry Heathwood Hall William Keller Kissam, Jr. Wilson Hall James McMillan Stevenson John Blalock Stone Lainey Elizabeth Wood A.C. Flora High School Dreher High School A.C. Flora High School Senior Minister Michael Guffee, Sr. Minister of Evangelism and Outreach Ministries Julie Songer Belman Minister of Assimilation and Discipleship Josh McClendon Church Business Administrator Michael Hart Minister of Music and Arts Ministries Eddie Huss Director of Christian Education and Adult Ministries Anne Cox Director of Student Ministries Travis Pearson Director of Children’s Ministries Lesli Wood Director of Preschool/Kindergarten Bea Daves Director of Kitchen Ministries Timothy Scott Director of Communications Melanie Owen Finance Administrative Assistant/Organist Nancy Kelley Administrative Assistant to the Senior Minister Winifred Rodgers Education Administrative Assistant Samantha Apple Administrative Assistant to Associate Ministers and Music Debbie Rountree Child Care Coordinator Heather Corley Sound Technician Cindi Reid Maintenance Supervisor Bobby Douglas Custodial Staff Thomas Brunson, Eladio Cruz, John Whetstone Security Wade Carlisle Lay Leader Jonathan Roquemore Church Council Chair Jan Bilton Good food, warm fellowship & activities for everyone. Parish Nurse Nancy Reynolds Mission Statement Shandon United Methodist Church gathers to worship God, nurture Christian faith, and go out into the world in mission. ON SPRING/SUMMER BREAK