Leadership and Peer Support - GPP30 Culminating Activity: Designing a Lesson and Future Careers Assignment Lesson Plan You are to prepare a lesson plan as though you are going to teach it to your peer tutoring class. You are not required to teach it, just design it. STEPS: 1. Discuss your ideas for the activity with your host teacher and/or Mr. Greer. 2. Plan your activity (you may want to discuss it with your host teacher or have your host teacher check it over). 3. Hand in the assignment to Mr. Greer. As a guide, a two page report should be your goal. Use the following headings in your written assignment. You may use point form in the assignment. Aim for a 2 page assignment. 1. Learning Goals - List the learning goals of the lesson in terms that a student would understand. 2. Prior Knowledge - What prior knowledge do the students need to prepare them for the lesson and task? For example, do they need to understand how to write a news report? Or perhaps add integers? 3. Activities - What activities will the students be doing during this lesson? Will they need to listen to instructions? Will they be writing? Will there be group work? Will students work with their hands? Will students work independently? Break the lesson down into parts and estimate how much time each part will take. 4. Materials - List any materials needed by the teacher or the students to complete the lesson. 5. Support for Learning Styles - Describe how students with each of the four learning styles will be supported in the lesson. For example, how would a student who is an auditory learner be supported. 6. Support for Students With Barriers to Learning - Describe how students with barriers to learning might be supported. For example, how would a student with Fear of Criticism be supported. 7. Dealing With Conflict - Describe steps that might be necessary to reduce conflict in the class or deal with conflicts that might arise during the lesson. 8. Evaluation - How will you know if the students have achieved the learning goals? In particular, how will you assess students in the different learning styles? While often a test is used, does this allow students with different learning styles to be properly evaluated? Will students have a choice in what they submit (for example, a PowerPoint instead of an essay)? Summative Career Reflection You are expected to write your reflection using proper paragraphs and grammar. Ensure that you use spell check. This needs to be handed in. Month 2 Summative Reflection It is time to think about your future life and career, in terms of your new skills from this course. These skills will be valuable in your future. You should write a well structured paragraph for each of these with a topic sentence, explanation and concluding sentence. Part 1 Choose two possible careers. Explain how the skills you have gained in this course can be used in each of these careers. Part 2 Explain how your new leadership skills will help you to be a leader in your community after you graduate. Complete your assignment using any word processor and save it. Then submit the assignment to your teacher. Assignments can be emailed to greerg@limestone.on.ca