Corporate Business Plan 2011-15

Corporate Business Plan 2011-15 - Areas of Focus
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
1 - Keeping Gravesham Safe (GBC)
This Year to Date
Progress to Date (2013/Q1)
The Licensing Team have been working closely with partners in Kent Police, Transport Police and
KCC Trading Standards in preparation for the new licensing regime under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act
2013. This important work will contribute to tackling the problem of metal theft as it will make it much
harder for thieves to dispose of stolen metal. Dealers, including itinerant dealers, will no longer be
allowed to buy metal with cash, they will also have to record personal ID details of all sellers. The new
regime comes in as from October 2013 and will require all applicants to complete an enhanced
application process to demonstrate that they are a suitable person. Gravesham, as a licensing
authority, will have to the power to refuse and revoke licences.
The Gravesham Safety Advisory Group (SAG) , where with partners, we are able to scrutinise plans
for events to be held in the borough so as to ensure public safety, is now well established. Those
holding events have to submit detailed event management plans in advance, and where necessary
they are asked to attend a SAG meeting for further questionning. Debrief meetings are also held
where appropriate so that learning points may be taken forward to the next similar event. This
approach has proved useful in respect of planning for Vaisakhi, Kabbadi, Party on the Prom, Northfleet
Carnival, Gatka and numerous other smaller events.
Corporate Business Plan 2011-15 - Areas of Focus
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
3 - Working towards a healthy Gravesham (GBC)
This Year to Date
Progress to Date (2013/Q1)
The council has been involved in a number of sport and recreational activities as detailed under IO
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
IO 5 - Swimming Usage (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner - Director (Communities)
Swimming usage at the leisure centres within the borough
Period Table
Actual Previous Year
Commentary (2013/Q1)
Swimming continues to perform well across both sites. The swim increase at Cygnet can be
apportioned to the concentration GCLL has placed on its Swim Academy (swim lessons) and the
School Swim Programme – both of which are growing, therefore giving a high percentage of junior
Total Swim attendance at Cascades = 39,503
Total Swim Attendance at Cygnet = 39,933
Cascades Breakdown:
21,134 = 53.5% of Total Swims
15,801 = 40% of Total Swims
1,382 = 3.5% of Total Swims
988 = 2.5% of Total Swims
198 = 0.5% of Total Swims
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
Cygnet Breakdown:
10,263 = 25.7% of Total Swims
25,158 = 63% of Total Swims
4,392 = 11% of Total Swims
40 = 0.1% of Total Swims
80 = 0.2% of Total Swims
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
IO 6 - Gym Usage (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner - Director (Communities)
Gym usage at the leisure centres within the borough.
Period Table
Actual Previous Year
Commentary (2013/Q1)
The performance on the Gym attendance is pleasing noting the local competition of NRG and how
GCLL has adapted it processes to deal with this local competition. It is true to say that the centre's
health and fitness membership cancellations have increased over the past three to four months but
this has been addressed by restructuring the approach on the Gym floors through their Fitness Service
Plan – and what is offered is now a unique package of fitness related programmes. GCLL has also
increased its Sales approach with a positive effect of increased sales through a massive awareness
campaign to their existing Members of the 'Refer a Friend' promotion which can reduce the Members
DD if they refer a friend. GCLL is also aware that some Members who left to go to NRG have returned
to either Cascades and Cygnet. 8% of usage of the Gyms is by Juniors, which again is pleasing as
GCLL has concentrated on the element of the market in terms of Fit Kids and Teen membership
categories being established as well as extending casual use to Junior Active Leisure members.
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
IO 19 - Active Gravesham Participants (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner - Director (Communities)
The number of people involved in the Active Gravesham, summer holiday programme and Go
Gravesham activities.
Period Table
Actual Previous Year
Commentary (2013/Q1)
A Back to Netball project started in April at the Mayfield Grammar Netball Courts, culminating in a
tournament at the end of June. 183 participants took part over the 10 week period, with an average
attendance of 18 per week. Four attendees have now gone on to join Storm Netball Club with othere
wishing to continue after the Summer with an informal coaching session in the autumn/Winter. Plans
are in place to look at accessing Cygnet Leisure Centre(indoor hall) in partnership with GCLL.
The annual Kwik Cricket Festival for primary schools organised by Gravesham Borough Council took
place on Thursday 11 June 2013 at the Bat and Ball Ground. 13 schools took part in the event with the
Bronte School winning a close final against Holy Trinity. Trophies were awarded to the winning teams
by the Mayor of Gravesham, Councillor Derek Sales.
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
10 swimmers from the disability swim lesson programme supported by the council took part in the
Seahorse gala at Cygnet. This was a inclusive 'Learn to Swim' gala with the aim of introducing
swimming lesson level participants into competitive swimming.
A Summer Fun Guide is being produced publicising a range of activities for young people from tots to
teens across the borough. This includes a series of park activities, sports courses, and play schemes
organised by the council, partner organisations and local sports clubs. The booklet will be distributed
to schools in mid-July just before the end of term and will also be distributed to Towncentric, leisure
centres, youth centres, libraries, nurseries, doctor surgeries and other prominent locations, as well as
being available on-line through the council’s website.
Corporate Business Plan 2011-15 - Areas of Focus
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
4 - Engaging and empowering communities within the borough (GBC)
This Year to Date
Progress to Date (2013/Q1)
The Community Safety Unit (CSU) works closely with Probation's Community Payback to tackle
environmental issues and improve local neighbourhoods. This work often includes community
volunteers who support the work that the Payback Teams carry out. In Qtr 1, the following work has
been completed:
April – assisting Housing with clean-up work in and around the Medhurst Gardens area (Westcourt)
that has included clearing of alleyways and communal areas, litter-picking and the removal of rubbish
from wasteland. Litter-picking also took place at St. Gregory’s Court and at Freeman Road; May –
CSU spotted that Beresford Road Scout Hut had been vandalised (graffiti) from a newspaper article.
Scout leaders were contacted and Community Payback repainted the hut together with Scout
volunteers. Judson Recreation Ground was also cleared for rubbish and litter with the Team being
supported by KCC Wardens and residents; June – Payback Teams carried out litter-picking, removal
of waste and rubble and cut back overgrown vegetation at Cruden Road (in conjunction with
Housing’s Tenant Participation Team).
Gravesham Communities and Neighbourhoods (CAN) funding
The Gravesham CAN Grant Scheme was launched in May 2013 to support the council’s aspiration of
promoting community development, both for the new and long-established communities. thi will be
by providing grant funding through the Gravesham CAN Grant Scheme for projects and initiatives
that make a positive difference to the communities and residents of Gravesham and which add
value to community work and deliver clear beneficial outcomes.
There will be a fund of £500k over three years with £200k for 2013/14 split as follows:
• Each Member will have an allocation of £1,500 for small grants to community groups in their wards.
There will be a minimum grant of £250.
• There will be an allocation of £14k to fund the creation of representative and support networks in the
new communities in the borough.
• There will be an allocation of £120k to fund larger grants to community organisations where
applications meet the criteria. There will be a minimum grant amount of £2500. Funding will be
available for capital and revenue items.
• To ensure the allocation is used equitably across the borough it is intended to secure a distribution of
approximately 80% to the urban areas and 20% to the rural areas, to mirror the population of the
borough and Neighbourhood Forum funding.
The first round of the scheme has now closed and we have received 26 applications totalling £170k
and the panel will meet in September to start deliberations over the applications. It is hoped there will
be sufficient funding remaining to have a second round of the scheme in late September.
Corporate Business Plan - Measures of
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
CBP 9 - GBC Consultation (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner - Director (Communities)
To ensure that the number of people involved in GBC consultation groups increases in line with the
borough’s population (a minimum 1% proportion of the population continually involved).
Year-end target for 2013-14 - 1,100 people
Period Table
Actual Target Previous Year
1,248 1,150
1,265 1,150
978 1,150
938 1,150
1,047 1,100
Commentary (2013/Q1)
Generally the level of activity that the council takes to engage with local residents and business is
reliant on their being a reasonable "issue" on which to consult: much of the work for this quarter
therefore has focussed on keeping the momentum of the existing groups and various forums at a high
Neighbourhood Forums: Northfleet and Gravesend West looked at changes in the provision of health,
30 attended. The Gravesham East Forum will take place in quarter 2 and will be a Joint Forum with
Rural and will look at the proposals for a thrird Thames crossing.
Corporate Business Plan - Measures of
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
Residents Panel - 569
People Bank - not currently being used
Housing Services Consultation - 0
Area Housing Services Forum - 4
Housing Conference - 0
Sheltered Housing Forum - 16
Youth Forum - 42 - the young people decided who would represent them at the Cabinet
Committees 50+ Forum - 96 people participated (next forum to take place in July - 130 attendees
booked so far) Voluntary and Community Sector Forum - 0 (the next forum is scheduled for 4
Gateway Roadshow - 0
Northfleet and Gravesend West Grant Event - 0
Gravesham East Grant Event - 0
Rural Grant Event - 0
Living and Learning - 142
RA Meetings - 117
Leaseholders Meeting - 0
Corporate Business Plan 2011-15 - Areas of Focus
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
5 - Embracing and celebrating the diverse cultures within the borough (GBC)
This Year to Date
Progress to Date (2013/Q1)
A number of events have taken place throughout June to bring together the diverse cultures in our
borough and to bring together the young and old.
The St George's Day Parade seems to have become a popular event for Gravesham with many of the
local schools participating. This year more than 1000 young people made costumes and took part in a
parade through the town ending with a gathering on the Community Square.
2 June – The Coronation Flag Raising Event – a community celebration to mark the 60th anniversary
of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. The event was held on the community square and open to all
members of the community. The event was followed by a reception hosted by the Mayor of
Gravesham in The Woodville.
15 June - In the Mood Tonight - an event held by Higham Parish Council and funded by GBC to
celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth's Coronation - featuring the Peninsula Big Band
playing the sounds from the 30s and 40s, with a spectacular firework finale. The weather wasn't great
but there was still a good turn-out with around 500 people in attendance.
24 June – Armed Forces Day Flag Raising Event – in support of the National Armed Forces Day,
veterans and cadets raised 6 Armed Forces Flags on the community square. The event was again
open to all members of the community and was followed by a reception hosted by the Mayor in The
29 June - The first Fusion Event was held on the Community Square to celebrate food and music from
across the world. Held in conjunction with the Kent Equality Cohesion Council. The event brought
together many of the new communities and was a big success. The weather was hot which
encouraged the crowds and there was on average 150 people at any one time.
29 June - Cycling Festival - An event held by Cyclopark but funded by GBC and included Cycloskate,
Cycloterrian, Cyclocircuit, Cycloplay, cycle powered smoothies, cycle powered cinema, strider
sessions, free style BMX display, street ball tricks, skateboard/scooters display, health treatments, Dr
Bike Fix It, exercise classes, free bike hire and the brand new Eliptego bikes - a fun day for all ages
and a great opportunity to try something new and to see the variety of activities available - there were
around 630 visitors during the day, helped by the glorious weather.
Activity is planned to further the council's understanding of the impact of migration to the borough:
Officers are participating in various discussions exploring how information about the new accession
countries (Romania / Bulgaria) might be gathered to explore the potential impact on local services.
Officers are working on plans to gather information from those already settled in Gravesham and a
report of the findings will be pulled together at the end of the year, probably Q4.
Corporate Business Plan 2011-15 - Areas of Focus
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
Pride in Gravesham Awards
At Annual Council in May the Mayor presented a number of awards through the Pride in Gravesham
Awards scheme to celebrate the achievements of volunteers within Gravesham who make a huge
difference to the lives of those who live in the borough. Awards went to:
1. Robin Friday -someone who has made a special contribution to the lives of young people
2. Barbara West - someone who has made a special contribution to the lives of older people
3. Janet Jones - someone who has made a special contribution to the community
4. Keith Wyncoll - someone who has made a special contribution to cultural diversity and
5. Sisters of Mercy - a group that has made a special contribution to the community
The Mayor also presented two civic awards to:
1. Gravesent Street Pastors - in Recognition of exceptional services to making the night-time economy
in Gravesham a safer environment
2. Melanie Norris - for exceptional work during the 2012 Olympics
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
IO 7a - KECC Events (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner: Director (Communities)
Level of involvement at events delivered in partnership with the Kent Equality Cohesion Council - total
number of events
Period Table
Actual Previous Year
Commentary (2013/Q1)
In Q1 three events were organised in partnershhip with KECC:
St George's Day
Guru Nanek Sports Festival
Fusion Festival
For St Georges day 1400 young people from local schools joined together in a St George's Day
The Fusion Festival which took place on the community Square attracted local people over several
hours. It was estimated that over the five hours it took place around 150 people an hour were present.
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
IO 7b - KECC Events (people) (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner: Director (Communities)
Level of involvement at events delivered in partnership with the Kent Equality Cohesion Council - total
number of people benefiting from the events
Period Table
Actual Previous Year
Commentary (2013/Q1)
The number of people estimated to have attended the two events held on the Community Square was
in the region of 2,500.
The estimates for those attending and participating in the Guru Nanek Sports Festival is also in the
region of 2,500
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
IO 7c - KECC Events (organisations) (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner: Director (Communities)
Level of involvement at events delivered in partnership with the Kent Equality Cohesion Council - total
number of organisations worked with.
Period Table
Actual Previous Year
Commentary (2013/Q1)
To deliver the three events in this quarter KECC worked with 12 groups from the BME community.
In addition to the events work KECC worked with Police, KCC, Benefits Agency and CAB on 18 cases.
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
IO 8 - Event Income (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner: Director (Communities)
Level of income brought in from outside sources to support the events held with the Kent Equality
Cohesion Council.
Period Table
Previous Year
Commentary (2013/Q1)
KECC generated funds to deliver two of the three events:
£7,500 was raised for St George's Day events
£6,000 covering the cost of the Fusion Festival.
Corporate Business Plan 2011-15 - Areas of Focus
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
12. Engaging and empowering young people in the delivery of services (GBC)
This Year to Date
Progress to Date (2013/Q1)
The Youth council is now starting to get back into its "stride": details of the activities undertaken during
the last quarter are listed in IO15.
Working in collaboration with KCC Integrated Youth Services GBC is benefitting from the contract
which Gravesham Network Development CIC secured from KCC Integrated Youth Services which
came "one stream" in April 2013.
As a result, although the CIC is being paid to deliver the outcomes as set out in that contract GBC is
benefitting by additional engagement with young people in three areas of the borough: the town centre,
east Gravesend and the rural area.
The Lead Worker for the young person's team, who is line-managed by the Service Manager
(Communities) is aware of GBC's priorities and therefore endeavours to ensure that both these as well
as the parameters of the contract are met.
This has led to engagement with young people highlighted in specific areas of the town (such as St.
George's Gardens) as well as other issues (such as those that have surfaced recently with regard to
the skate park).
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
IO 15 - Youth Council (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner: Director (Communities)
Number of people involved in the Gravesham Youth Council.
Period Table
Actual Previous Year
Commentary (2013/Q1)
To further strengthen links with local schools, GYC members plan on visiting at least one meeting of
each school council every year. In the last quarter, members visited both Thamesview and Northfleet
Girls’ School Councils.
The GYC continues to try and attract new members and will be attending events across the year to
promote themselves. So far this summer, they will be helping out at both the Cascades Fun Day and
the Grand’s Pirate Walk & Treasure Hunt.
Members have attended Committee meetings in the past, but we have now been asked to regularly
attend two Cabinet Committees - Community Services and Business & the Community. Two of our
members will attend two sessions of each of the meetings over the year. The first meeting will be in
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
GYC members were also asked to attend the Youth Advisory Group. Four attended the first meeting,
two of who successfully ran for the Chair and joint Vice Chair positions. They will act as a liaison
between the two groups, reporting to each group what the other is doing.
In May, two members of the Youth Council, along with their school class, took a group of senior
residents from Age UK on a day trip to Ramsgate as part of the ‘We’re not scary’ campaign that had
taken place a year before. The day was part funded by the GBC Community Safety team, with the
class themselves raising the remaining funds needed. After having previously visiting Age UK to meet
the residents before the trip, the class spent the day visiting the Spitfire and Hurricane Museum at
Manston, followed by an afternoon on the beach front at Ramsgate.
One of the areas the group has chosen to focus on is crime and the community. They have
approached Kent Police Commissioner Ann Barnes, and asked her if she would visit and talk with our
members, she has agreed and the meeting will take place later this year
We are keen to invite visitors to meetings, and are approached regularly by people asking for the
Council’s views. One of those this year was Sarah Gow from KIASS. The group had lots of good
ideas, and also asked why there wasn’t a CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) in
Gravesend any more. From this, KIASS organised CAMHS sessions in Gravesend at the Gr@nd.
One of the members has created a new Facebook page which posts information for young people.
The page currently has 61 likes, hopefully through promotion, that will rise into the hundreds.
Corporate Business Plan 2011-15 - Areas of Focus
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
14 - Sustainable environment and safeguarding our cultural heritage (GBC)
This Year to Date
Progress to Date (2013/Q1)
The council's pontoon Manager, London River Moorings Ltd, continues to manage and carry out day
to day maintenance of the pontoon. The Gravesend Tilbury ferry service has operated from the
pontoon since 4 March 2013. It is understood that many ferry passengers have expressed their
pleasure with their arrival at and departure from the pontoon instead of the ferry's former landing
In addition to the ferry, other vessels have used the pontoon and many more have booked to use it
throughout the summer. It is particularly popular with Thames Barges whose skippers report their
delight at the new facilities. Many of these are charter vessels which pick up and put down
passengers at Town Pier and there are many regular users, including Topsail, SB Cambria and the
Edith May. The pontoon and mooring buoys will also be used by barges participating in the various
barge matches throughout the summer, which attract many visitors to the riverside and the town in
Paddle Steamer Waverley will again be mooring at the pontoon for its annual visit to the Thames and
Medway, this year between 27 September and 14 October. The Waverley Trust reports its delight at
the pontoon facilities, which are a significant improvement on its previous moorings at Tilbury.
Unfortunately the Trust will not be able to run the Balmoral this year due to financial constraints.
Towncentric markets all trips from the pontoon and provides information on the ferry services, these
services being used by many residents and visitors.
Corporate Business Plan - Information Only
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
IO 9 - Heritage Events (GBC)
This Year to Date (Last Value)
Owner: Director (Communities)
The number of visitors attending organised events held at each heritage site in the borough
Period Table
Actual Previous Year
Commentary (2013/Q1)
Summer opening times are now in place during the 1st quarter of 2013, with the Chantry and New
Tavern Fort at the Riverside Leisure Area open at weekends and the Bunker at Woodlands Park open
on the last Friday of every month for guided tours.
Thames Defence Heritage are busily putting plans together for a one off event at the end of
September titled 'Fort in the Forties' which will include; military and vintage vehicles, living history
groups, Gravesham at War displays, NAAFI wagon, vintage stalls and tours of the magazines to name
a few.
Corporate Business Plan 2011-15 - Areas of Focus
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
16 - Ensuring a strong customer focus and delivering quality frontline services (GBC)
This Year to Date
Progress to Date (2013/Q1)
The Woodville
The Woodville extended its volunteer programme by three members during this period. The volunteer
programme enables members of the community to be part of the Woodville Team, gaining valuable
work experience and achieving social benefits, whilst delivering a quality meet & greet and support
service to customers of the venue.
Corporate Business Plan 2011-15 - Areas of Focus
Appendix Two - Quarterly Update
18 - Providing value for money & efficient services (GBC)
This Year to Date
Progress to Date (2013/Q1)
Whilst there have been no specific contracts awarded in the first quarter of 2012-13, there has been
significant time spent in providing research, information and guidance for specific projects such as the
Waste Collection project and the provision of procurement arrangements within Housing Contracts. In
preparation for the Christmas project, the South East Portal was utilised enabling a competitive price
for resources for the project.
Joint-working Arrangements
In May 2013 the Gravesham Locality Board presented its annual review of the work of the board
during the 2012-13 financial year.
Despite changes to the partnership architecture across the county, it was agreed at the May meeting
that the Board would continue to operate under amended terms of reference and with the revised title
of the Gravesham Area Board.
The council continues to develop its use of a web-based data benchmarking and analysis tool to
enable it to more effectively monitor and measure its performance against other local authorities
across a wide range of financial and performance measures, making use of the tool to inform specific