P.O. Box 3209, Houghton, 2041 Block A, Riviera Office Park, 6-10 Riviera Road, Riviera REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ENHANCEMENT OF A PROJECT PIPELINE/PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RFP/JHB/059 APPLICATIONS TO BE SUBMITTED BY NOT LATER THAN 12 NOON ON TUESDAY 05 FEBRUARY 2013 JANUARY 2013 RFP/JHB/059 1. Introduction The Housing Development Agency (HDA) was established in 2008 (became operational in 2009) as a public development agency whose objective is to fast-track the acquisition and release of state, private and communally owned land for human settlement developments. The HDA also provides project management services for the development of human settlements and other housing support services. Pursuant to its mandate the HDA concludes Implementation Protocols (IP) with various provincial departments of Human Settlements and municipalities, to support amongst other things Project Pipeline/portfolio Management System (PPMS). Since December 2011, the HDA team has undertaken site visits with municipalities to gather information on the status of planned projects (in terms of planning, services, geotechnical investigations and environmental approvals etc. The information is available and captured on excel spreadsheet. A service provider is required to improve and redesign project pipeline/portfolio information management system that can be used to manipulate and analyze projects data for decision making purposes. The data and information to be generated from this system will be used to guide the allocation of human settlement grant to housing projects. 2. Scope of Work The Scope of Work of the project is to design an electronic Project Portfolio/Pipeline Management System (PPMS) that will support project planning for integrated sustainable human settlement delivery and key decisions making processes on the allocation of funding to priority human settlement projects to be implemented over the MTEF period and beyond. 3. Discussions Parameters of the Project Portfolio/Pipeline Management System (PPMS) The envisaged system will perform a variety of pipeline management functions and will assist the provincial departments of Human Settlements and accredited municipalities with and/or during the allocation of human settlement subsidy grants. The system should therefore be able to perform, at minimum the following functions and produce reports in the following key areas; RFP/JHB/059 Classification of data (projects) according to various housing programmes, A program that will be able to list all the projects (housing, infrastructure, township establishment and (etc.), A system that will be able to rank/prioritize project readiness bas on agreed criteria A system that will be able to track project planning activities implementation status at high level List of projects which are ready for implementation. A project which is ready for implementation is the one that has services for sanitation, water and electricity and the township is approved, Status of bulk infrastructure and internal services for each proposed project prior to implementation within a respective municipality, Funding requirements for each prioritized project and/or allocation per MTEF period Projects with no bulk infrastructure in place as well as a brief report on recommendations to either the province or the municipality Project specific information (financial and non-financial) Based on project status, the system should be able to indicate the possible timeframes for implementation of each project Reflect financial requirements in fulfilling specific pre-construction requirements such as the installation of services Trend analysis Linkage of the data with maps The system should be easy to update 4. Outputs/Deliverables The HDA requires a system whereby elements such as town planning/establishments, social issues (beneficiary numbers, identification & demand survey), environmental and geotechnical issues are integrated into one solution. The various elements have requirements that overlap and have similar processes at times; they might use the same resources, organisational structure and are sometimes characterised by overlapping data with similar processes and reporting. An example of this is the township establishment process that includes Geotechnical investigations (phase 1), while a phase 2 of the very same Geotechnical investigations is required as the projects reaches implementation prior to construction. In accordance with the relevant standards and procedures for professional practice, and contracted scope of work, the professional service provider will submit and make oral presentation on the following outputs and deliverables: 4.1 Inception Report of the PPMS The inception report must outline the agreed scope of works, process plan, expected outputs, deliverables and milestone/ timeframes, including detailed description of content and characteristics of the envisaged system including system parameters. An oral presentation of the inception report with a demo to client is required. A soft copy and a hard copy report on performance are required. 4.2 Develop, Test and Present the PPMS (Draft) The professional Service Provider (PSP) must present a draft PPMS in line with item (3) above, the agreed scope and deliverables. The presentations shall include all necessary programmes such as Informal Settlements, Rental Housing, internal reticulations. An oral presentation and demo of the draft PPMS to client is required. A soft copy is required for client records. 4.3 Develop, Test and Present the PPMS (Final) This report will incorporate feedback and comments on the draft and contain status quo findings and analysis with preliminary conclusions, proposals and recommendations with respect to the scope of work/ task section 3. Here the PSP must submit a final PPMS having made changes and amendments that arose from the draft PPMS. The presentations will be based on a full system that is tested for client utilisation. An oral presentation and demo of the draft PPMS to client is required. A soft copy is required for client records. 4.4 Implementation of the PPMS The PSP is responsible for ensuring that all the key staff members to be utilised for the system are well trained (4hrs) on the usage and implementation of the system. Included in the final deliverable is 2 months system maintenance and fault findings as they occur during operations. The system should be designed in such a way so as to be compatible with the current computer packages and software’s in use by the client. 5. Timeframes The assessment will commence in February 2013 with development report and end with implementation of the PPMS in March 2013. RFP/JHB/059 It is estimated that the consultant shall complete the assigned works as per the following schedule: 6. Inception Report: within 1 week starting from the date of signing of contract. Developing, Testing & Presenting PPMS (draft): within 2 weeks after submission and discussion of the Development Report. Developing, Testing & Presenting PPMS (final): within 2 weeks after discussion of draft PPMS. Implementation of the PPMS: within 1 working days after discussion and presentation of final PPMS. System maintenance – 2 months Required Skills The professional service provider is required to provide a minimum of the following skills and expertise considered necessary for effectively implementing the assignment: 1. Project Leader; a registered project manager with demonstrable skills and a proven experience in PMBOK and/or PRINCE 2 and a minimum 5 years of experience in: project/programme information management system design and maintenance, software development; programme implementation within IT sector especially related to Housing sector; understanding of housing programmes, reporting and presentation. 2. Microsoft Certified Excel Professional/Equivalent; with relevant minimum 5 years of experience in developing spread sheets for business and investment analysis, presenting data using charts and optimising worksheets and tables. 7. Evaluation Process In order to facilitate a transparent selection process that allows equal opportunity to all production companies, the HDA has a policy for the appointment of consultants that will be adhered to. Proposals will be evaluated in terms of the prevailing supply chain policy applicable to the HDA and it should be noted that: The benchmark of minimum 70 points out of 100 points on technical capability will be the cut off to qualify for further evaluation Those that qualify will be assessed using the 80:20 formula for Price and B-BBEE as per the PPPFA. The following criteria will be used for points allocation for price and B-BBEE compliance on a 80/20 point system. Table 1 - Functionality CRITERIA Capacity and Experience of the proposed team RFP/JHB/059 SUB-CRITERIA Relevant minimum qualifications/ relevant Professional Registration in IT/Microsoft/related fields and of proposed team (15 Points) Demonstrable Skills and Capacity, Level of Relevant Knowledge and Experience attach CV’s of the proposed team (15 Points) WEIGHTING/ POINTS 30 Company Profile and Resources Approach & Methodology , Work Plan and Process Demonstrable Staff compliment / Human resources to execute the project Organogram of the company (15 Points) Proposed team structure for the project (15 Points) Project proposal and plan linked to deliverables and outputs. Demonstrable conceptual and project understanding and subject matter command in the proposed approach, process, deliverables and outputs (20 Points) Proposed methodology detailing proposed process, description of tasks in relation to process, outputs and deliverables, reporting and presentation (20 Points) TOTAL 30 40 100 The following criteria will be used for points allocation for price and B-BBEE compliance on a 80/20 point system: Table 1 – Price and BEE CRITERIA SUB-CRITERIA WEIGHTING/ POINTS Price Detailed budget breakdown 80 B-BBEE (Status Level Verification Certificate) B-BBEE Level Contributor 20 TOTAL 100 8. General 8.1. Below are compulsory requirements for this service 8.1.1. It is important to note that the successful person will work under the supervision of a HDA representative, abide by HDA’s Code of Conduct, and other organisational guidelines. 8.1.2. Kindly submit the following documents: RFP/JHB/059 Valid original tax clearance certificate. SBD Forms (SBD4, SBD6.1, SBD8 and SBD9) obtainable from HDA Website: www.thehda.co.za/procurement. Under compliance checklist. Valid and Original or Certified B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificates issued by the following agencies SANAS, IRBA or CCA. 8.2. Further information regarding technical matters Simon.Malepeng@thehda.co.za or at tel: 011 544 1000, and can be sent an email to: 8.3. Further information regarding supply chain matter and queries can be send via email to: Mpho.Mmethi@thehda.co.za or at tel: 011 5441000 9. Terms and Conditions. 9.1. HDA undertakes to pay in full within thirty (30) days, all valid claims for work done to its satisfaction upon presentation of a substantiated claim/invoice. 9.2. No payment will be made where there is an outstanding information/work by the service provider/s. 10. Submission of Quotation 10.1. Quotations should be submitted on or before the 05 February 2013 by no later than 12h00 to: Attention: Supply Chain Management Block A, Riviera Office Park 6-10 Riviera Road, Killarney Johannesburg 10.2. The selection of the qualifying proposal will be at the HDA’s sole discretion. The HDA does not bind itself to accept any particular bid/proposal, and the HDA reserves the right not to appoint the service provider. RFP/JHB/059