ROLE OF FISH QUARANTINE Presented for Meeting on the Trade of Cheillinus undulatus & Cites Impl Impleementation Legal Aspect • Law of Republic of Indonesia No.16 of 1992 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine • The Gov. Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.15 No 15 of 2002 • Decree of Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries about 18 decree of MMAF • International Convention ;OIE • SPS - WTO Definition of Fish “Fish” includes: a. Fin fish (Pisces); b. Shrimp, crab and the like (Crustacean); c. Shell Shell-fish, cuttlefish, octopus, snails and the like (Mollusk); d. Jelly Jelly-fish and the like (Coelenterate); e. SeaSea-cucumber, sea urchin, and the like (Echinoderm); f. Frog and the like (Amphibian); g. Crocodile, turtle, tortoise, lizard, water snake and the like (Reptile); h. Whale, dolphin, sea sea-cow, and the like (Mammalian); i. SeaSea-weed and other aquatic plants (Algae); j. Other aquatic biota related to the above – mentioned species and protected fish. Exportation of The Carrier Media Every exportation of carrier media shall be : a. Through the designated exit point; b. Reported p and submitted to the quarantine q officer at the exit points (Sea port, Airport, Crossing Port, Post Office) for quarantine action; c. Accompanied by a Health Certificate for fish products by the authority at the exit points. Tasks of Fish Quarantine “Preventing the introduction and spread of fish pests and diseases into the dissemination between areas within and the exportation from the territory of Republic of Indonesia according to prevailed regulations”. Quarantine action are : Inspection, Isolation, Observation, Treatment, Detention, Refusal, Destruction and Releasement. Inspections are : 1.Visual (document, kind of fish, volume and size) 2.Laboratories (diseases of fish) IV. QUARAN NTINE ACTIONS I. GENERAL L INFORMATION Fish Quarantine Regional Office of Ngurah Rai 2010 Inspections on documents and quarantine requirements Inspection on the presence, authenticity, and correctness of the user‘s enterpriseenterprise-related documents; Inspection on the presence, authenticity, and correctness of the transportations documents of consignment; Inspection I ti on th the quarantine ti requirements: i t : a. FHC from country or area of origin and transit, except for consignments that categorized as other objects; b. Certificate of origin (COO) for consignment that categorized as other objects; c. Transportation shall be made through the designated points of entry or exit; d. Applications letter for planned transportation of fish commodities; e. Notified and submitted the consignments to Quarantine Inspectors for subjected to quarantine actions; f. Additional conditions accomplishment (Cites Permit) 1 Map of distribution of Fish Quarantine Services Offices Figure of Fish Quarantine Actions FQ Major Regional Offices FQ Regional Offices, Class I FQ Stations and Class II FQ Stations Continuing... FISH QUARANTINE ACTION PROCEDURES FOR PDF/QPDF-CARRYING ORGANISMS EXPORTATION (DECREE OF HEAD OF CENTRE FOR FISH QUARANTINE NO : KEP. 146/PKRI/2005) OWNER DISEASE-CARRYING MEDIA (D-CM) Report and Submit The D-CM to The Quarantine Officer INSPECTION - Quarantine & Other Documents Requirements - Disease-Carrying Media ( Its Kind & Health ) The Unmatched Other Documents Requirements or The Unmatched Kind, Quantity or Size of the D-CM Fulfill / Match CLINIC & LABORATORY INSPECTION ISOLATION & OBSERVATION The Disease-Carrying Media has been infected by Class I QPDF, decomposed, damaged, not processed The Disease-Carrying Media has been infected by Class II QPDF / other Required PDF he Disease-Carrying Media has not been infected by Required QPDF /PDF, the designation country TREATMENT The Disease-Carrying Media has been infected by Class II QPDF / other Required PDF can be cured The Disease-Carrying Media has been infected by Class II QPDF / other Required PDF can not be cured RELEASE REJECTION The Disease-Carrying Media is not been processed, decomposed, damaged within 3 days DESTRUCTION HEALTH CERTIFICATE Copyright @ Bidang TP Pusat Karantina Ikan QPDF : Quarantine Pests & Diseases of Fish 2 Johanes Felix Law Basis INDONESIAN CUSTOMS 1. Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor :145/PMK.04/2007 2. Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor : 213/PMK.04/2008 o Export o Disk System Tatalaksana Kepabeanan di Bidang Ekspor; Ekspor; Tata Cara Pembayaran Dan Penyetoran Penerimaan Negara Dalam Rangka Impor, Penerimaan Negara Dalam Rangka Ekspor, Penerimaan Negara Atas Barang Kena Cukai Cukai, Dan Penerimaan Negara Yang Berasal Dari Pengenaan Denda Administrasi Atas Pengangkutan Barang Tertentu. 3. Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor : 214/PMK.04/2008 o Pemungutan Bea Keluar; 4. Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor : 118/KMK.04/2004 o Tata Laksana Pembayaran dan Penyetoran Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) Yang Berlaku Pada Direktorat Jenderal Bea Dan Cukai Cont…. SKP EKSPOR (Disk System ) PEB = Export Notification PKBE = Notification of Export Goods Consolidation 5. Kepdirjend BC Nomor : KEP-27/BC/2004 o 6. PEB Prohibited/ Yes Delimitation Goods No Analyzing Point Channel Application Bank Module Green Channel Red Channel Exporter PPB Bank Tata Laksana Kepabeanan Di Bidang Ekspor Physical Examination Perdirjend BC Nomor : P-41/BC/2008 yang telah diubah dengan P07/BC/2009 o Validation / Check Data Exporter Tatalaksana Pembayaran dan Penyetoran Penerimaan Negara Dalam Rangka Impor, Penerimaan Negara Dalam Rangka Ekspor, Penerimaan Negara atas Barang Kena Cukai, dan Denda Administrasi atas Pengangkutan Barang Tertentu. Perdirjend BC Nomor : P-40/BC/2008 yang telah diubah dengan P06/BC/2009, P-30/BC/2009, P 30/BC/2009, P-34/BC/2009 P 34/BC/2009 o 8. Computer System KPPBC PEB Module Perdirjend BC Nomor : P-39/BC/2008 yang telah diubah dengan P05/BC/2009 o 7. Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pembayaran Dan Penatausahaan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai. Document Check PKBE Module Pemberitahuan Pabean Ekspor. Kons NPE Another Gov. Agencies For complete requirements KPPBC / Local Customs Services Office PKBE NPE Gate-In System Elektronik (by Network System) * Application For Export Data Manual / Hardcopy Have obligation to pay duty for export NPE Nota Persetujuan Ekspor / export approval note Enter to Customs Area Loading proces PPB Pembrthn.Pemeriks.Barang / Physical Examination Note Analyzing Point Inspection for detail goods description in export declaration (PEB) for : Exporter CUSTOMS PEB Result : Consolidator/ C lid t / Exporter PKBE ¾ Prohibited / Delimitation goods (include Æ Export goods that have obligation to have Surveyor Report / LS) ¾ Goods that must be pay the Export Duty SKP Export ¾ If the Exporter have permit letter Æ Process is continue ¾ If didn’t have permit letter Æ Response must be check manual / physical examination by Customs officer ¾ If including in category the prohibited / delimitation goods Æ Process is continue as long can fulfill the requirements for export Bank SSPCP 1 4. Channel Application ( Automatic decide by computer system) : Process Channel Application : 1. 1. Profile Exporter Æ Market forces that have special facilities (KITE). Exporter Æ have obligation to pay export duty. 2. Commodity Æ Goods that include in category that must be pay export duty, Re--import goods, Re Re--Export goods. Re 2. 3. Regulation / Information : Export Goods that must be check manually by officer if, o Re Re--Import goods o Re Re--Export goods o Fas KITE (Special Import Facilities for Export) – restitution o Fas KITE – Free of Duty o Must be pay export duty o NHI (Nota Hasil Intelijen) Æ monitoring division in customs o NHI (Nota Hasil Intelijen) Æ information from Tax Agency Goods that didn’t get manual inspection by Customs If not including in category. Direktur Jenderal Bea Cukai / Customs Agency Direktur Jenderal Pajak / Tax Agency Cont…. Expectation : To reduce the smuggling activity we are need help to have updating data (include the picture for sample to our officers) that related with the Humphead Wrasse / Napoleon fish species. Maybe we can get the name of company that have been arrested by Hongkong government that already process to the court and have final penalty for our alert in export system. We have suggestion for doing inspection before packaging in the exporter placed and after inspection done the packaging should be labeled so can make the better control. Hotline Bea dan Cukai ¾ Direktorat IKC o Phone : (021) 489489-1949, o Phone : (021) 489489-0308 ext. 861 ext 865 o Faksimili : (021) 489 489--2859 ¾ KPPBC Ngurah Rai / Local Customs Office o Phone : (0361) 757165 , 754204 . o Faksimili : (0361) 754205 . o Email : (FELIX) The main problems in customs side is we didn’t have right to do direct inspection if we don’t have any intelligent information, so we just doing the check only by the system and the exporter make them self declaration in Export document. And we hope in the future we can get more knowledge maybe from special training to recognize the kind of Napoleon fish or another kind that in category delimitation or prohibited items according the International regulation. We have suggestion for Quarantine to put the term biological in the certificated so that will be same with the cites certificated because make more easy to for our officers to analyze. Spot check before loading in the airport. Intelligent data from market or competitors. Development facilities for inspection near with airport. Terima Kasih Thank’u By JOHANES FELIX Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Jl. A.Yani (By Pass) Po.Box 108 Jkt 10002 Telp/ Fax. : +62 21 4891949 / 4892859 Website : 2 6/10/2010 Heru Purnomo Banggai Island 4 Juni 2010 UD.Pulau Mas Banggai Island Banggai Island Banggai Island Banggai Island 1 6/10/2010 Togian island Togian island Raja Ampat Raja Ampat Raja Ampat Raja Ampat 2 6/10/2010 Raja Ampat Wakatobi Wakatobi Wakatobi Wakatobi Wakatobi 3 6/10/2010 Wakatobi Wakatobi Hong Kong – China by air from Bali Hong Kong – China by air from Bali Hong Kong – China by air from Bali Please Help Us To Fix HHW Problem 4 6/10/2010 Thank’s 5 Concerns with LRFT The Live Reef Food Fish Trade: “Coral Triangle” Programs • Resource over-exploitation and sustainability • Destructive fishing practices including: • Targeting of spawning aggregations • Capture and retention of juveniles for grow-out • Limited enforcement and monitoring g of: • International trans-shipment (i.e. CITES listed) • Trans-boundary trade and IUU (i.e. LTVs) Geoffrey Muldoon Strategy Leader, CTNI LRFT Strategy ASIA–PACIFIC REGIONAL TRADE IN LIVE REEF FOOD FISH ASIA–PACIFIC REGIONAL TRADE IN LIVE REEF FOOD FISH • Potential growth in market demand (e.g. PRC) • Food security for local communities ASIA–PACIFIC REGIONAL TRADE IN LIVE REEF FOOD FISH Lessons Learnt Indonesia LRFT Source: WWF Indonesia 1 ASIA–PACIFIC REGIONAL TRADE IN LIVE REEF FOOD FISH Trans-boundary Trade of LRF • Large trans-boundary trade between Philippines and Sabah, Malaysia – Up to 90% of LRF traded in Semporna are caught in Philippine waters – As much as 70-80% of LRF traded in Kudat are caught i Phili in Philippine i waters t Coral Trout Exports 1998-2008 Trans-boundary Trade of LRF Other Vietnam Malaysia Indonesia Philippines Australia – Up to 90% of LRF traded in Semporna are caught in Philippine waters – As much as 60-70% of LRF traded in Kudat are caught in Philippine waters • Trans-boundary imports into Malaysia are recorded as exports ‘from’ Malaysia into Hong Kong • Has implications for multi-country management of LRF stocks Ex xports Volume (' 000 kg) 3,500 • Large trans-boundary trade between Philippines and Sabah, Malaysia 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 - 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year ● Total exports from Malaysia rose 39% from 2002 – 2008 Trans-boundary Trade of LRF Trans-boundary Trade of LRF • Scant detail on mix of species being imported into Singapore, including from Indonesia for local consumption • Production likely to be mix of cultured (Tiger and Green grouper) and wild-caught species (Coral trout, HHW). • Wild-caught species a mix of market size and undersized fish that are being “ranched” or grown-out to market size • What are individual countries responsibilities where CITES listed species move across boundaries boundaries. – As CITES signatory is Singapore in violation of their NDF requirements – Are HHW ‘exports’ from Singapore trans-shipped from Indonesia in violation of Indonesia’s NDF agreements • Data available on LRFF exports from Singapore to Hong Kong – 105,502 kilograms from January 2005 to July 2007 – Exports likely to be transshipments through Singapore from neighboring countries Kilograms Coral Trout 36,585 Other Grouper 29,054 % of Total 34.7% 27.5% SPECIES Tiger Grouper 17,246 16.3% Green Grouper 5,022 HHW 17,595 4.8% 16.7% Source: Hong Kong AFCD 2 Key Objectives – CTNI 1. Support development of trade partnerships to promote more responsible/sustainable LRFFT 2. Promote adoption and increased production of “sustainable” full-cycle grouper aquaculture through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) CTI – Threatened Species Actions to address marine species of particular importance to the livelihoods and food security of coastal communities will be targeted, targeted specifically: high-priced wrasses and groupers 3. Create demand for sustainable LRF consumption and production in key markets (e.g. Hong Kong, Singapore) CTI – Threatened Species • GOAL 5: Threatened species status improving – TARGET 1: Improved status of identified threatened species – REGIONAL ACTION 6: Implement region-wide Conservation Action Plan for threatened, targeted Reef Fish and Invertebrate Species : •implementation i l t ti off b bestt practices ti •completion of non-detrimental findings (NDF); •site protection •trade monitoring (living/non-living commodities) •identification of gaps in management (e.g., IUU, exports at sea, quotas on domestic trade) Addressing IUU Exports CTI – Threatened Species – REGIONAL ACTION 8: At national, regional and international levels, adopt and strengthen: i.local & national legislative, policy and regulatory frameworks; ii.regional and international agreements on threatened species, and put in place supporting networks and information systems This can be in form of: i.Enabling harmonization of legal and policy frameworks ii.Recognition and enforcement of laws and regulations to combat IUU fishing and trafficking of threatened marine species as trans-national organized crime iii.Coordinated efforts to strengthen the protection of threatened marine species through trans-national cooperation Thank you! • Moratorium on HHW exports by sea imposed nationally • Integration and coordination across departments • Bi-lateral arrangements to enforce moratorium (i.e. Hong Kong/PRC) 3 Hong Kong Imports 1997-2008 Trends in Live Reef Fish Production Other Marine Fish Other Grouper High value 20,000 18,000 16,000 Imporrt Volume (tonnes) • LRF species over-exploited as measured by declining catches (Bentley, 1999; Scales, 2006) • Increasing trend in total recorded imports of LRF species by air since 1998, declining in last 2 years • Catches LRF species in the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia are steady or increasing since 2002 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year ● Imports into Hong Kong rose by 27% from 1999 – 2006 Coral Trout Imports 1998-2008 Other Vietnam Malaysia Indonesia Philippines Australia Socio-economics in the Live Reef Fish Trade in Palawan Ex xports Volume (' 000 kg) 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1 000 1,000 500 - 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year ● Coral trout imports to Hong Kong have risen 193% since 1998 ● Coral trout exports from Philippines have risen 72% since 1998 4