Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) WELCOME TO THE ALLIANCE LIVE! CLASS SCHEDULE You may sign up for classes in any time zone. Choose whatever time fits your schedule best. If you live in the Central or Mountain Time Zone, please sign up for classes, just remember to adjust the time to your location. (Note: If the scheduled times won’t work for you then please let us know by emailing to We need your feedback to determine the most convenient time for the most people.) Sign up at the following address: Most classes consist of multiple 3-hour evening sessions. For example, if the class has a total of 9 hours, then the class will consist of three 3-hour sessions. If a class has a total of 15 hours, then the class will consist of five 3hour sessions. Saturday classes will have hours specified. Registration for a class ends about 7 days before the first day of class, so we will have enough time to send you a headset and books or other materials. Software, books, and materials are included with the class at no charge to the participant. Summary of Classes – Through March, 2016 Eastern 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Central 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Mountain 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Pacific 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Start Date Time Time Zone Dates Days Course Title HRS. 02/20/16 9am-12pm Eastern February 20 Saturday Prepare Your 2015 Taxes with Turbotax 3 02/20/16 9am-12pm Central February 20, 27 Saturday The Math of Work – Why Didn’t I Learn THAT in Math? 6 02/22/16 7pm-10pm Central February 22 Monday Excel 2013: Data Management 3 02/22/16 7pm-10pm Eastern February 22, 23, 24, 25 Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs Microsoft Excel Step by Step, Part 1 & 2 12 02/22/16 8pm-10pm Eastern February 22, 24 Monday/Wednesday Starting Your Own Business 4 02/23/16 7pm-10pm Eastern February 23, 24, 25 Tues/Wed/Thurs Using iTunes to Manage Your Music, Movies, Phone and More 9 02/23/16 7pm-10pm Eastern February 23, 25 Tues/Thurs Event Planning Certificate Program: Event Planning Fundamentals 6 02/23/16 7pm-10pm Eastern February 23 Tuesday Financial Education: Retirement Planning for AT&T Employees 3 02/24/16 7pm-10pm Eastern February 24, 25 Wednesday/Thursday The Health Benefits of Becoming a Vegetarian 6 02/25/16 6pm-9pm Central February 25 Thursday Finding College Scholarship Money 3 02/25/16 7pm-10pm Eastern February 25 Thursday How To Maximize Your Social Security: A Follow up to Savvy Social Security Planning 3 02/26/16 7pm-10pm Eastern February 26 Friday Creating a Will with Willmaker Plus 2015 3 02/27/16 9am-12pm Central February 27 Saturday Turbo Tax 2015 3 02/29/16 7pm-10pm Eastern February 29 Monday Tomorrow’s 2020 Carrier Networks 3 Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 1 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) 02/29/16 7pm-10pm Eastern February 29 Monday Overview of Building Your Own Brand 3 3/01/16 7pm-9pm Eastern March 1, 3 Tue/Thurs Event Planning Certificate Program: Contracts Essentials 3/01/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 1, 3 Tue/Thurs Introduction to Cloud Computing – Part 2 6 3/01/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 1, 2, 3 Tue/Wed/Thurs Graphics, Brochures, Greeting Cards and More with Printmaster 9 3/01/16 7pm-9pm Eastern March 1,3 Tues/Thurs Business English Certificate Program: The Language of Social Media 4 3/02/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 2 Wednesday Tune-Up your PC with System Mechanic 3 3/03/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 3 Thursday TMT III Work Orientation and Customer Service Skills Targeted Test Prep 3 3/03/16 7pm-9pm Central March 3 Thursday Overview of the Medical Billing and Coding Profession 2 3/04/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 4 Friday Finding Your Ancestors 3 3/07/16 6pm-9pm Central March 7 Monday Pay Day vs. Bill Day – Budgeting Made Simple 3 3/07/16 6pm-9pm Central March 7,10,14 Mon/Thurs The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 9 Mon/Tue/Wed/Thurs Digital Photo Editing with Adobe Photoshop Elements 14, Part 1 & 2 21 3/07/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 3/07/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 7 Monday Turbo Tax 2015 3 3/08/16 7:30pm-10pm Eastern March 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24 Tues/Thurs The Alliance Accounting Certificate Program: Step 3: Specialty Areas in Accounting 15 3/08/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 8 Tuesday Savvy Social Security Planning 3 3/09/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 9, 14 Wed/Mon TQT 1 Introduction to Tools and Equipment – Targeted Test Prep 6 3/09/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 9 Wednesday Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating 3 3/10/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 10 Thursday Spam, Phishing and Spoofing 3 3/12/16 9am-noon Eastern March 12 Saturday Ace the Interview, Get the Job Offers 3 3/12/16 9am-noon Central March 12 Saturday You Need a Budget 3 3/14/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 14, 16 Mon/Wed Market Your Small Business for Big Results 6 3/14/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 14, 15, 16, 17 Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs Mastering Microsoft Office 365, Part 1 & 2 12 3/14/16 7pm-9pm Central March 14, 16, 21, 23 Mon/Wed Healthcare IT Certificate Program: Healthcare Terminology and Regulations 8 3/15/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 15 Tuesday Financial Education: Retirement Planning for AT&T Employees 3 3/15/16 7pm-10pm Central March 15, 22 Tuesday Banking and Credit – Why Didn’t I Learn THAT in Math? 6 3/16/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 16 Wednesday Finding the Jobs You Didn’t Know Were There 3 3/16/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 16 Wednesday Excel 2013: Data Management 3 3/17/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 17 Thursday Your Computer Has Been Hacked! How to Clean it Up and Keep it Clean 3 3/18/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 18 Friday Prepare Your 2015 Taxes with Turbotax 3 3/21/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 21, 23, 28 Mon/Wed Leadership – The Tools to Get You to Where You Want to Be 9 3/21/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 21, 22 Mon/Tues Introduction to Google Docs 6 Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 2 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) 3/21/16 7pm-10pm Central March 21,23 Mon/Wed Event Planning Certificate Program: Social Events 6 3/22/16 7pm-9:30pm Eastern March 22, 24, 29, 31 Tues/Thurs TMT III Problem-Solving Processes and Skills – Targeted Test Prep 10 3/22/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 22, 23 Tues/Wed Everything You Need to Know About Working with PDF Files 6 3/22/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 22,24 Tues/Thurs Introduction to Computer Forensics and Investigations 6 3/23/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 23, 28, 30 Wed/Mon Writing a Successful Business Plan 9 3/23/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 23, 24 Wed/Thurs Becoming a Windows 10 Power User 6 3/23/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 23 Wednesday Turbo Tax 2015 3 3/24/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 24 Thursday Prepare Your 2015 Taxes with Turbotax 3 3/24/16 7pm-10pm Central March 24 Thursday Drones - What are They 3 3/25/16 7pm-8:30pm Eastern March 25 Friday Emergency Preparedness: Creating an Evacuation and Communication Plan 1.5 3/26/16 9am-1pm Central March 26, April 2 Saturdays Alliance Web Design Certificate Program: Building an E-commerce Website 8 3/28/16 7pm-10pm Eastern Mar 28, 29, 30, 31 Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs Programming Wordpress 12 3/28/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 28 Monday How To Maximize Your Social Security: A Follow up to Savvy Social Security Planning 3 3/29/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 29 Tuesday Small Business & Personal Finance Free Online: Wave Accounting 3 3/29/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 29 Tuesday Overview of Building Your Own Brand 3 3/29/16 7pm-10pm Eastern Mar 29, 31 Tues/Thurs Powers of Ten 6 3/30/16 6pm-9pm Central March 30 Wednesday Tomorrow’s 2020 Carrier Networks 3 3/30/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 30 Wednesday Keeping Your Stuff in Sync (Computer, Tablet, Phone) 3 3/31/16 7pm-10pm Eastern March 31 Thursday Securing Your Identity: On Your Computer and Online 3 3/31/16 7pm-9pm Eastern March 31 Thursday Overview of the Paralegal Career 2 COURSE TITLE with description, outline and hours Ace the Interview, Get the Job Offers How much do you know about a company before you interview with them? Can you articulate their philosophy and mission statement? Do you have a finger on the pulse of the organization’s culture? Want to have your pick of job offers? If the answer is “Yes!” then this course will guide you step-by-step through the interview process. Topics: • Research the company, stand out in the interview • Role-play the interview process • Interview with confidence, weigh the offers that are sure to pour in 3 hours / Prerequisite: None Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 3 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) Banking and Credit – Why Didn’t I Learn THAT in Math? Would you feel better if you understood more about checking and savings accounts, their different interest rates, and overdraft options? Can you reconcile a bank statement? Do you know what information is collected for your credit score? If want to learn more about these items and other financial areas like shopping for a loan and better ways to buy on time with credit cards or installments, then this course is for you. You will learn everything you need to make better banking decisions and take better care of your credit. 6 hours / Prerequisite: None Become A Microsoft Windows Power User Microsoft is standardizing Windows! This makes it the best time to make sure you are a real power user. Come and learn the best and most productive ways to use the tool over 1 billion of us use every day. Book included. 6 hours, PC only. Business English Certificate Program: The Language of Social Media The Language of Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Blogging, Etc.) and E-Mails Social media is not going away and will continue to expand to meet business needs. Privacy issues, professional presentation of self, and concise, coherent, and accurate communication are subjects for this session. Homework: 30 minutes Participants will be instructed to post appropriate at three different social media sites to demonstrate competence. Prompts will be provided. E-mail etiquette, conciseness, and accuracy define this session which will include practice exercises. Homework: 30 minutes Participants must construct and submit an email that verifies competence in this area. A prompt will be provided. Interested participants are welcome to attend this course and are not required to complete any of the tracks of the Alliance Writing Certificate Program. 4 hours Topics to include: • Social Media • Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Blogging and emails • Privacy issues • Professional presentation and communication skills Creating and Using PDF Files PDF files are the standard medium for most files we need to share. This class will explore and provide software to create PDF files from any computer application, learn how to split and combine PDF’s and how to edit content in PDF’s. This class is a must for anyone who uses PDF files in any form. Software included. 3 hours. PC and Mac compatible. Creating a Will with Willmaker Plus 2015 Quicken WillMaker Plus is the easiest way to create your estate plan, whether it’s your first time or you want to update a previous plan. You’ll be guided through the process from beginning to end with practical and relevant legal information so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Software Included. 3 hours, PC only. Digital Photo Editing with Adobe Photoshop Elements 14, Part 1 & 2 Did you know that Photoshop Elements has over 90 percent of the features of regular Photoshop, at a fraction of the cost? Yes, you can become an excellent photo editor with Elements. Come and learn the basics. By the time you are through, you, your friends and family will be amazed at what you can do! Book and software included. Visit 21 hours, PC and Mac compatible. Drones – What are they? In this three-hour introductory course, participants will learn about unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones. UAVs are not only becoming a popular hobby, they have countless application in business and government. This course explores the types of drones on the market, business and personal applications, regulations, and future career opportunities in the UAV field. 3 hours Topics: • Types of drones • Uses of drones • Photography • Mail/Package Delivery • Monitor Crops • Crop Pesticide Application • Security • Search and Rescue Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 4 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) • Fire Fighting • Military • Monitor Traffic • Monitor for Poachers • Safety Inspections • Drones Laws: • Rules for Recreational, Commercial, and Government Users • FAA Flight Restrictions • Identifying Restricted Areas • Temporary Flight Restrictions • Careers in the UAV Field Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastination There just isn't enough time for everything on our "To Do" list—and there never will be. Successful people don't try to do everything. They learn to focus on the most important tasks and make sure they get done. In this course you’ll learn the twenty-one practical and doable steps that will help you stop procrastinating and get more of the important tasks done—today! In a very short period of time, you will learn how to develop positive strategies to make every hour of your work day count. The legendary ‘Eat That Frog!’ provides the 21 most effective methods for conquering procrastination and accomplishing more. This course includes brand new information on how to keep technology from dominating our time and techniques to become the master of your time. 3 hours Topics include: • What is Procrastination? • Why Do You Do It? • And How to Correctly Set Your Goals Emergency Preparedness: Creating a Family Evacuation and Communication Plan What will happen to your family in the event of an emergency? What if cell phones don’t work? Every family needs a plan in case communication is down. Where to meet? When to meet? Be prepared for an emergency. This class will discuss the fundamentals of what to do and how to create an effective family evacuation and communication plan. See Handbook included. 1.5 hours. Event Planning Certificate Program: Contracts Essentials This course is a required foundational course for the Alliance Event Planning Certificate Program. Participants in core foundation course will acquire the basic skills needed to understand contractual obligations associated with successfully planning and executing events. Upon completion of this course, participants will have a sound understanding of the parts of a contract, what makes a contract valid or enforceable, available breach remedies, and realworld business contract dealings. 4 hours / Prerequisite: Event Planning Fundamentals Contract Essentials will address: ■ Duties/Terms/Expectations ■ Payments/Fees ■ Permits ■ Obligations & Consequences ■ Interpretations ■ Benchmarks ■ Change Orders ■ Deadlines/critical dates ■ Delays & Extensions ■ Inspections & Approvals ■ Defaults/Terminations & Legal Non-compliance ■ Insurance ■ Non- performance/Abandonment ■ Indemnity Agreements Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 5 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) ■ Applicable Laws ■ Agreement to Perform ■ Witnesses/Signatures/Authorizations Interested participants are welcome to attend this course and are not required to complete any of the tracks of the Alliance Event Planning Certificate Program. Event Planning Certificate Program: Event Planning Fundamentals This course is a required foundational course for the Alliance Event Planning Certificate Program. This engaging and interesting core foundation course will introduce you to the field of event planning. Participants will learn requirements, skills, and resources needed to begin a career as an event planning professional, what opportunities may be available and practical knowledge about what is needed to start or grow an event planning business. Participants will be led through the process of setting up a small business while gaining familiarity with elements common to all events. Emphasis will be placed on learning the roles and responsibilities germane to planning and delivery of all aspects of an event with a keen awareness of best industry practices. In addition, participants will examine which aspects of event planning match their skills and abilities and seek avenues to augment, if needed. Activities will be given to enhance the participants creativity and help them learn how to seek and implement creative approaches in order to create unforgettable events. Fundamentals of Event Planning will address: Key Requirements for Successful Event Planning o Creativity o Planning Skills o Time Management o Personnel Management o Communication Skills Types of Events Setting Up Home Office Pitfalls and Challenges Developing Business o Structure o Planning o Market Research o Brand Identity o Business Plan Developing Staff & Team o Staffing Concerns o Vendors Developing Event o Cost Analysis o Proposal o Client Marketing Strategies o Contract o Timeline/Production Schedule o Risk Assessment: Safety & Legal o Walk-thru o Closeout Interested participants are welcome to attend this course and are not required to complete any of the tracks of the Alliance Event Planning Certificate Program. 6 hours Event Planning Certificate Program: Social Events This course is a required course for the Alliance Event Planning Certificate Program. Social events are often the bread and butter of those starting out in the Event planning field. While the emphasis of having the party is enjoyment, those planners who fail to understand what is needed to deliver a great occasion soon Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 6 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) learn it isn’t all fun and games. Participants taking this course will become familiar with specifics needed to organize a variety of social events. Aspects of handling particular types of events will be addressed with clear information, tools and helpful hints provided to avoid pitfalls. Participants will leave this course with the ability to keep all elements on track for each occasion, ensuring that their client is satisfied with how the event was handled. 6 Hours/Prerequisite: Event Planning Fundamentals and Event Planning Contract Essentials Social Events will cover the planning of the following events: • Weddings • Family Reunions • Sweet 16/Quinceanera • Showers • Anniversaries • Retirements • Children’s Parties Interested participants are welcome to attend this course and are not required to complete any of the tracks of the Alliance Event Planning Certificate Program. Excel 2013: Data Management Learn how to use lists to extract and manipulate data. Participants will explore Excel’s 2013 table-related features in this workshop, as well as creating custom lists, validating data entry, sorting and filtering data, creating and removing subtotals, and recording a macro. Participants will also learn how to work with multiple worksheets and how to save a workspace. This workshop also introduces pivot tables. 3 hours / Prerequisite: Have a basic working knowledge of Excel 2013 with Excel 2013 PC Topics to include: • Specify data validation criteria • Convert data to a table and work with table features • Sort and filter data • Create and remove subtotals • Work with multiple worksheets • Compare workbooks Financial Education: Retirement Planning for AT&T Employees The Alliance LIVE! 3 hour Retirement Plans Overview Class focuses on the three major Retirement Plans offered to AT&T employees. Please note that this is NOT a company benefit presentation. We will cover the Pension Plan, Cash Balance Plan and the ARSP (AT&T Retirement Savings Plan, 401K). This Class is limited to 10 participants and will include lectures and case studies with participant exercises. 3 Hours Topics: • • • AT&T Pension Plan Options AT&T 401K Plan benefits and Investment Options IRA’s • • • AT&T Cash Balance Plan Options Termination Pay Choices (VTP, ECO) Income from IRA’s Finding College Scholarship Money Congratulations! Your child was accepted to the college. If you’re looking under the bed, in your sofa cushions, or in your loose change cup in your car for cash to cover tuition, you need this course. Often viewed as confusing and overwhelming, college scholarships can be the answer to financial solutions to pay for college. Spoiler alert, plan for more than four years. 3 hours / Prerequisite: None Finding the Jobs You Didn’t Know Were There Some of the best jobs are never formally advertised or even posted. Nearly three-quarters of jobs are obtained through networking. The key is to know where and how to network. Maximize your networking opportunities. Learn new tips for networking effectively. This course is an exceptional investment in your professional future, and its benefits will increase your employability quickly and dramatically. Topics: • Foster strong networking skills • Explore the best places to network Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 7 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) • Keep a step ahead of your competition 3 hours / Prerequisite: None Finding Your Ancestors Sharing, organizing and growing your family tree is easier than ever when you discover the latest features and enhancements on Use your trial subscription to and learn how to find your ancestors. Join our expert genealogist in this exciting class. Visit Trial software included. 3 hours, PC and Mac compatible. Graphics, Brochures, Greeting Cards and More with PrintMaster Create amazing print and scrapbook projects. PrintMaster is a complete desktop publishing solution for creating personalized projects including greeting cards signs banners and more. Choose from a wide variety of templates for any occasion or start from scratch. Full text editing and page layout tools make it fun and easy to create your own design. The ultimate creative toolkit! Includes305,000+ Premium Images *18,000+ Professionally Designed Templates *5100+ Fonts and Sentiments*! Software included. 6 hours. PC Only. Healthcare IT Certificate Program: Healthcare Terminology and Regulations Part of the Alliance Healthcare IT Technician Certificate Program In this eight (8) hour foundation class, participants will receive instruction on Healthcare Regulations and Terminology. One of the primary objectives of the class is to give non-healthcare professionals foundational knowledge to work in an IT capacity in the healthcare environment. The course will address the following: medical terminology, standards, agencies, laws, regulations, HIPAA controls, record retention, disposal, and archiving, and legal best practices, requirements, and documentation. In addition to giving participants an overview of healthcare regulations and terminology, the course will assist in preparing non-healthcare professionals for the CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician course and provides a stepping-stone for the Alliance Healthcare IT Technicians Certificate Program. 8 hours/ Prerequisite: None Topics to include: Identify standard agencies, laws, and regulations. • HHS • ONC • CMS • HIPAA • Medicare • Medicaid • ARRA • HITECH • Meaningful use • Eligible provider • NIST Explain and classify HIPAA controls and compliance issues. • PHI • Covered Entity • Security • HIPAA Security • Release of information • Access permissions Summarize regulatory rules of record retention, disposal, and archiving • Documentation requirements • Types of records • Methods of record disposal How to Maximize Your Social Security: A Follow up to Savvy Social Security Planning When should you take Social Security to maximize your benefits? What you don’t know can seriously hurt you: wrong decisions about which Social Security benefits to apply for cost some individual retirees tens of thousands of dollars in lost income every year. This course, based upon the book, ‘Get What's Yours: The Secrets to Maxing Out Your Social Security’ by Laurence Kotlikoff and the ‘Maximize My Social Security’ website can help you navigate the complex Social Security maze. Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 8 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) In this course, taught by our financial instructor Paul Wood you’ll learn the secrets to maximizing your Social Security benefits in an easy to understand and user-friendly manner that can potentially help you earn the highest possible benefits. You’ll also learn how to navigate the ‘Maximize My Social Security’ website which can help you choose the right benefits at the right time. The website is web based software that works with all browsers and does not require a download. Participants receive the textbook and a one year online subscription to ‘Maximize My Social Security’ for successfully completing the course. 3 hours Increase Your Productivity with Microsoft Office, Part 1 & 2 Microsoft Office is changing! The newest version Office 365 is online and mobile, and on your PC and Mac! This groundbreaking class will explore the benefits of Office 365 and help you migrate to this new platform! This is the most significant upgrade of Office in over 14 years. Book and trial software included. To learn more visit: Software included. 12 hours, PC, Mac, tablet, smartphone compatible. Introduction to Cloud Computing – Part 2 In the second part of this foundations course participants will expand their knowledge of how cloud computing is revolutionizing every aspect of IT, including hardware, carrier networks, operating systems, and applications. They will see how the cloud in AT&T’s Domain 2.0 architecture is critical to the AT&T 2020 plan. The role of Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) will be explored. Participants will learn about the strategies behind AT&T’s cloud-based data and voice solutions, and how they can be implemented as well as AT&T M2X and Internet of Things (IoT) services. Topics: • Cloud Architecture • The Role of Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) • AT&T Cloud-Based Data and Voice Solutions • AT&T M2X and Internet of Things • Storage Space in the Cloud 6 hours / Prerequisite: Introduction to Cloud Computing – Part 1 Introduction to Computer Forensics and Investigation This courses teaches participants how to conduct examinations by discussing what digital forensics is, the methodologies used, key technical concepts and the tools needed to perform examinations. Details on digital forensics for computers, networks, cell phones, GPS, the cloud, and Internet are discussed. Also learn how to collect evidence, document the scene, and how deleted data is recovered. 6 hours Topics: • What Digital Forensics entails • Building a toolkit • Preparing an investigative plan • Common artifacts to look for during an exam Introduction to Google Docs Google Docs brings your documents to life with smart editing and styling tools to help you easily format text and paragraphs. Choose from hundreds of fonts, add links, images, and drawings. All for free. This class will focus on getting started with Google docs so you can take advantage of all that is offered. Book included. 6 hours. PC and Mac compatible. Keeping Your Stuff in Sync (Computer, Tablet, Phone) Access to your data from anywhere you are. That’s the goal of today’s technology. Can it really happen? Are you using this technology? How would your life change if had ALL your contacts, files, calendars, to-do lists, reminders, photos, at your fingertips at all times? This class will help you see and experience the power of data at your fingertips through sync. Software included. 3 hours, PC, Mac and mobile compatible. Leadership – The Tools to Get You to Where You Want to Be Are you currently in a leadership position, or looking to move to one? Are you concerned that you don’t have the qualities required? Put your worries away because most leaders are NOT born, they are self-made. This course covers what you need to know to start being an effective leader. Whether it’s at work, starting your own business, in a community group, or personal life; you will learn the skills to become the kind of leader that people want to follow. 9 hours / Prerequisite: None Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 9 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) Market Your Small Business for Big Results Marketing is about getting your business known and building your position within the marketplace. Small businesses don’t always have a big budget for marketing, so they have to do things a little differently than big business in order to grow their presence, increase results, and meet their goals. This course will help small business owners and managers develop their marketing message, create a marketing plan, and apply the right strategies. 6 hours / Prerequisite: None Microsoft Excel Step by Step, Part 1 & 2 Microsoft Excel is THE program that literally changed computing. Come and learn or brush up on the basic concepts needed to be productive using Excel. You’ll learn about rows and columns, calculations, formatting, printing reports, functions and so much more! Book and trial software included. To learn more visit: 12 hours, PC, Mac, tablet, smartphone compatible. Overview of Building Your Own Brand Personal branding is the practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands. While previous self-help management techniques were about self-improvement, the personal-branding concept suggests instead that success comes from self-packaging. Start thinking of yourself as a brand! You have to be accountable for your own career and take charge of your life. In addition, the internet has changed how we manage our careers and social media has become the leading channel to communicate who you are and what you do. Your first impression is no longer a handshake, it's a Google search for your name. What people discover about you online can make or break you and if you don't take control of your online brand, someone else will. Today, everyone is a brand, even you! Those who will be successful will understand the power of personal branding and best leverage it to stand out from the competition and turn their passions into profits. 3 hours In this three hour course, participants will explore the following topics: • What is a Personal Brand? • How to start building a strong Personal Brand? • Audit your online presence • Find ways to produce value Overview of the Medical Billing and Coding Profession With an aging population, increase insurance claims, and changes to healthcare law, employment opportunities for medical coders is expected to increase much faster than the average for all occupations through 2022. This course explores the field of Medical Billing and Coding and if it’s the right career for you. 2 hours Topics to include: • Career opportunities: o Billing Coder – Assess and code data to ensure that every duty performed in a medical office has an accurate code assigned to it for appropriate billing. o Medical Records Technician/Analyst – process insurance claims, medical coding, and maintain patient records in health care systems o Health Information Clerk – Maintain and Update patient records in a hospital, clinic or private practice. o Medical Assistant - Perform administrative and certain clinical duties under the direction of a physician including scheduling appointments, updating medical records, billing, and coding information for insurance. Is this the right career for you? Overview of the Paralegal Career Many law practices and other organizations rely on paralegals to assist attorneys and increase office productivity. Promising careers are available to persons who can provide law firms with the knowledge and skill of a competent paralegal. In addition, paralegals are often in high demand in the public policy arenas as well as economic, research, and business professions. This seminar introduces participants to the paralegal profession and provides an overview of the courses and certificate programs offered that prepare participants for a career as a paralegal. 2 hours Topics • Who should consider a career as a paralegal? Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 10 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) • • • • Personal qualities and aptitudes of the paralegal Overview of the professional organizations available to a paralegal. Career opportunities and tasks performed by a paralegal Overview of the courses and Paralegal Certificate Programs o Introduction to Law o Torts and Personal Injury o Civil Litigation o Legal Research & Writing o Contract Law o Business Law Pay Day vs. Bill Day – Budgeting Made Simple Do you find yourself thinking at the end of each pay period, “Where does it all go?” Have you ever attempted to follow a budget only to give up in frustration and discouragement? This course will show you how to get a better idea of how you spend your money by putting together and sticking to a personal budget. Analyzing your spending habits as well as incomes can provide a clear picture of the distribution of your financial assets — the money you earn and the ways it is spent. This workshop will help you develop a personalized budget custom-tailored to your needs and goals and will help you target effective ways to save money, and help to secure your financial future. 3 hours / Prerequisite: None Powers of Ten This course is foundational to the TQT 1 Test Preparation program. Many numbers used in electronics are either very large or very small. Obviously, to do calculations with these numbers, a method of “bookkeeping” is needed. This method is called “scientific notation” or “powers of 10.” The large and small numbers are expressed as a number between 1 and 10 raised or lowered by 10 to the appropriate power. Topics: • Defining the 10 Digits • Reading Powers of Ten • Multiply a Whole Number by a Power of Ten 6 hours / Prerequisite: None Prepare Your 2015 Taxes with Turbotax Get your taxes done right and your maximum refund with TurboTax Deluxe. This class will focus on how to use TurboTax. This is not a tax class, but a class on how to use the software and make sure you don’t miss anything. Financial advice is not part of this class. Software included. 3 hours, PC and Mac compatible. Programming WordPress WordPress is one of the best know applications for easily creating web sites. This class will present the fundamentals of working with WordPress and teach how to best use its capabilities. We’ll be creating a working website as part of this class. So if you have wanted to do some web development, but were intimidated by all the detail, this class is for you! Book included. 12 hours. PC and Mac compatible. Savvy Social Security Planning Social Security is far more complicated than most people realize. The decisions you make now can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of benefits you stand to receive over your lifetime. This informative class covers the basics of Social Security and reveals innovative strategies for maximizing your benefits. This Class is limited to 10 participants and will include lectures and case studies with participant exercises 3 Hours Topics: • • • Will Social Security be there for me? When should I apply for Social Security? Will Social Security be enough to live on in retirement? • • How much can I expect to receive? How can I maximize my benefits? Securing Your Identity: On Your Computer and Online This class will focus on security issues in the everyday use of your computer and mobile devices and provide answers to making your identity and data much more secure. A must for all computer and smart phone users! Software included. 3 hours, PC and Mac compatible Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 11 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) Small Business & Personal Finance Free Online: Wave Accounting Wave is a free, online software alternative to Quickbooks. Wave helps manage invoices, credit card payments, accounting & payroll. Used by more than 1 million small business to track $60 billion in income, Wave is the next generation in personal finance and business accounting. Come and learn how easy it is to use, all at no cost! Software included. 3 hours. PC and Mac compatible. Spam, Phishing and Spoofing In this three hour course, participants will learn how to protect themselves against those who attempt to lure them into disclosing confidential information. Participants will also discover how to use Malwarebytes to protect their system. Malwarebytes Pro is designed to supplement antivirus software, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware removes spyware, adware, potentially unwanted programs and other malicious and annoying software from a Windows computer. Participants receive CD Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software in lieu of a textbook. Software is not compatible with Mac 3 hours Topics to include: • Spam o Also known as unsolicited bulk e-mail or any email messages irrespective of content that is unwanted or unrequested by the recipient. • Phishing o Phishing is a special type of spam that is intended to trick you into entering your personal or account information for the purpose of breaching your account and committing identity theft or fraud. • Spoofing o Spoofing is the forgery of an e-mail header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. Spoofing is often used by spammers and can be accomplished by changing your "FROM" e-mail address. • How to identify Phishing and Spoofing messages • Protecting your computer Starting Your Own Business Starting your own business is one of the most powerful ways to take control of your life and make extra cash month after month. You know you’ve thought about it. Maybe you’ve even done a little research or sketched out a rough plan. Take the leap — become your own boss by starting a business. This course provides you with the foundation to launch your business and ensure its success. Hone in on the right idea, consider potential customers as well as competitors, and acquire critical information about licenses and taxes. Are you ready for a game-changer? Topics: • Examine the marketability and feasibility of your business • Learn the legal and financial ins and outs • Acquire valuable tips about hiring the right people, partnering with others and managing the daily operations 4 hours / Prerequisite: None The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People workshop, individuals learn Stephen Covey’s principles that propel them toward greater self-fulfillment. They discover how to maximize performance and reach career goals by avoiding both dependence on others and independence, and moving on to where real success lies — being interdependent. This allows them to experience first-hand the rewards of superb cooperation and collaboration. 9 hours / Prerequisite: None The Alliance Accounting Certificate Program: Step 3: Specialty Areas in Accounting A requirement for The Alliance Accounting Certificate. The focus of this section will be on the specialty areas in accounting that offer job skills in lucrative areas: Manufacturing and Inventory, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable. We will identify these areas and how they impact a business. 15 hours / Prerequisite: The Alliance Accounting Certificate Program: Step 1: Overview of Accounting: Fun & Easy & Step 2: What Are Financial Reports and What Do They Mean? Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 12 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) The Health Benefit of Becoming a Vegetarian Are you curious about vegetarianism or thinking of becoming a vegetarian? Millions of people have made the switch to vegetarianism. Why? Because there are so many benefits, including for your health, and the planet! This course provides information, tips and advice on making the switch. Participants will learn about the different types of vegetarians, the history of vegetarianism, get an in-depth look at the various reasons why people choose vegetarianism, some famous vegetarians, as well as vegetarian myths and frequently asked questions. In addition to learning vegetarian nutritional needs, participants will learn how to eat as a vegetarian, including dining out and as a guest at someone's home. 6 hours Topics: • Introduction to Vegetarianism • The History of Vegetarianism • Vegetarian Health Benefits • Environmental Benefits of Vegetarianism • Vegetarian Nutritional Needs • Raising Vegetarian Children • Vegetarian Eating • Famous Vegetarians • Myths and FAQs • Tips for Transition and Success The Mathematics of Work – Why Didn’t I Learn THAT in Math? Do you ever wonder if your pay statement is correct, but are not quite sure how to check? Would you like to compare job offers based on the numbers to make a better decision? There are many things that affect your pay and your finances — how your pay is figured, taxes and deductions, and life & health insurance. Get comfortable with the math so you have a better understanding of how it all works! With an understanding of some basic math concepts, you CAN make sense of the forms, the tables and the numbers. Once you understand the concepts and the simple formulas involved, you will be much more money savvy and better able to make good financial and work decisions. Topics: • Quick review of math skills and basic concepts • Finding a job and comparing the numbers • Computing your pay: salary, hourly wages and overtime, piecework, and working on commission • Time sheets and time cards • Understanding a pay statement and deductions including social security and health and life insurance 6 hours / Prerequisite: None TMT III Problem-Solving Processes and Skills Targeted Test Preparation Training It’s important to properly prepare for the AT&T Technical/Mechanical Test III (TMT III) test in order to succeed, and the TMT-III test preparation course can help you achieve this goal. This course will is designed to work specifically on problem-solving section. It provides updated practice test and in-depth explanations. Topics: • Defining Technical Problems (Verbal Comprehension) • Analyzing Information and Situations (Numerical Reasoning) • Using Tables and Diagrams (Technical Skills) • Generating Alternatives (Abstract Thinking) • Evaluating Alternatives (Pattern Recognition) • Selecting the Best Solution (Logical Reasoning) 9 hours / Prerequisite: None TMT III Work Orientation and Customer Service Skills Targeted Test Preparation Training It’s important to properly prepare for the AT&T Technical/Mechanical Test III (TMT III) test in order to succeed, and the TMT III test preparation course can help you achieve this goal. This course will is designed to work specifically on mechanical principles section. It provides updated practice test and in-depth explanations. Topics: Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 13 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) • Clarifying Attitudes toward Work - Cognitive - Task Performance, Productivity, Commitment, Supervision - Affective - Personality, Teamwork, Satisfaction, Recognition • Identifying Quality Customer Service Skills - Empathy, Patience, and Consistency - Adaptability - Clear Communications - Work Ethic - Knowledge 3 hours / Prerequisite: None Tomorrow’s 2020 Carrier Networks As today’s carriers move towards advanced technologies implemented within the 2020 and beyond carrier service networks, it is imperative that your training and skill sets keep pace with the cutting-edge solutions that are being implemented. Participants in this course will learn how high performance networks, virtualization, mobilization, and security are the key to the future. Gain an understanding of how legacy systems will be impacted and how tomorrow’s networks will enable on-demand control of capacity. 3 hours / Prerequisite: None TQT 1 Introduction to Electricity and Electronics - Targeted Test Prep Targeted Test Preparation Training Introduction to Electricity and Electronics presents the technical concepts of electronic components, circuits, and theory; principles of current and voltage control devices; and basic circuits for power supplies, amplifiers, oscillators, and basic test instruments. Participants will analyze and solve realistic problems, use mathematical techniques effectively in solutions, reason accurately, and investigate the role of electronics in the ever-changing field of communications. Topics: • Electron Theory • Circuits • Magnetic Fields • Inductance and Capacitance • AC and DC 15 hours / Prerequisite: None Tune-Up your PC with System Mechanic Remember how your PC sprinted like Usain Bolt when you first booted it up? Your computer can have that fresh-out-ofthe-box performance once again. Learn what makes your computer slow down. Discover a utility to get rid of problems and take care of what’s causing your PC’s slowdowns. What is a PC tune-up utility, you ask? It’s an application designed to fix the wear and tear that computers suffer over time by repairing hard drive fragmentation, fixing the problematic Windows registry, and deleting useless and duplicate files. This course teaches participants how to use the System Mechanic software to do a complete PC tune-up to fix frustrating errors, crashes and freezes and restore maximum speed, power and stability. Participants receive the System Mechanic PC software in lieu of a textbook. Software is not compatible with MAC 3 hours Topics: • Backing up what’s important • Getting a good antivirus program • Running an anti-malware scan • Removing old programs • Clean up registry and temporary files • Defragment your hard drive • Optimizing start-up and shutdown • Checking for updates Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 14 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) Turbo Tax 2015 TurboTax Deluxe 2015 Federal + State + efile is designed to make it easy for you to get the biggest tax refund possible. Also, federal efile is now included when you do your taxes with TurboTax. TurboTax Deluxe 2015 Federal + State + efile gives you everything you need to easily prepare, print, and efile one federal return and prepare and mail one state return (fees apply to state efile). In this hands-on class you will learn how to load the software, complete your tax forms, save money, and learn about current tax laws. You will learn the easy-to-use software and be guided step-by-step through mortgage interest, charitable contributions, education expenses, medical expenses and more. Also, TurboTax Deluxe will assist you in finding errors, overlooked deductions, and entries that could trigger an audit. During the classroom experience, you will practice various scenarios and analyze profiles that will help you later in the preparation of your own taxes. Taught by an experienced business person this course can save you time and money in doing one of the chores we all hate. Enroll today and get a jump on April 15th. Participants receive TurboTax Deluxe 2015 software in lieu of a book. Software is compatible with Mac and PC 3 hours / Prerequisite: None Topics • Easily prepare your tax return • eFile your federal return • Preparing your state tax return Using iTunes to Manage Music, Movies, Phone and More ITunes is the most powerful music and video manager created, but we only use a small percentage of its capabilities. Come and learn key tips and tricks to make your use of iTunes more enjoyable, productive, and fun! 9 hours, PC and Mac compatible. Alliance Web Design Certificate Program: Building an E-commerce Website Like many other facets of website design, WordPress has made online selling unbelievably easy even for the most amateur users. Even if you have zero understanding of HTML, PHP or any other form of website coding, you can still configure your own, extremely effective, ecommerce website using WordPress Installing premium WordPress theme 8 hours/ Prerequisite: Web Design Certificate Program: must have successfully passed 40 hour course and completed website Topics to Include: • Learn how to install and configure e-commerce plugin for WP • Learn how to connect your e-commerce site to PayPal • Start selling Writing a Successful Business Plan This course is designed to help business owners and entrepreneurs who are ready to create a business plan. All the essential steps are covered, including drafting the original document; identifying the audience; gathering information; researching; describing product plans; and marketing, sales, and accounting terms. You will come away from the course energized and prepared to write your own business plan. 9 hours / Prerequisite: None You Need a Budget ‘You Need a Budget’ (YNAB) software makes it easier than ever to stay focused on your budget and keep up to date by staying in sync wherever there is an internet connection. There is no more guessing when it comes to spending decisions, since your budget is always up to date. ‘You Need a Budget’ helps you start the year off on the right financial foot and gets you off a financial roller coaster. This course will provide strategies to help you set aside funds for larger infrequent bills. The budget interface shows you what you need to happen now so that you can handle what happens next. The software allows you a flexible living budget that helps you deal with overspending and makes it easier to save and make better spending decisions. Participants receive a one-year online subscription to ‘You Need a Budget’ in lieu of a textbook. Online program is compatible with PC and MAC 3 hours Topics • Overview of software and features • Walkthrough review of basic functions • YNAB’s 4 rules to successful budget management Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 15 of 16 Instructor Led Virtual Classes Schedule PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) Your Computer Has Been Hacked! How to Clean it Up and Keep it Clean Over 80 percent of all computers are infected with some sort of computer virus or malware. This class will focus on how to get rid of ALL computer viruses or malware that exist on your computer. Plus, we will learn how to keep your computer malware free from now on! Software included. Software included. 3 hours, PC and Mac Compatible. Alliance Live! PD Schedule for Feb-Mar 2016.doc 16 of 16