Website statistics guide | Statistics for your site | 123-reg

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What are website statistics?
Statistic terminology explained
How do I enable my website statistics?
How do I access my website statistics?
How do I navigate around in the smarter stats console?
Reports Explained
Standard reports
What are custom reports?
What are Report Items?
What are filter sets?
How do I create a filter set?
How do I edit a filter set?
How do I delete a filter set?
How do I create custom reports?
How do I view my custom reports?
How do I view specific dates in a report?
How do I export my smarter stats report?
How do I print my smarter stats report?
How do I add Report Items to my custom Report?
How do I delete Report Items from my custom Report?
How do I create a Scheduled Email Report?
How do I edit a scheduled email report?
How do I delete a scheduled email report?
What is Data mining?
How do I use Data Mining?
How do I add a report to my favorites?
How do I edit a favorite report?
How do I delete a favorite report?
Error Messages
Website statistics is a useful tool for you to gather information about how your website is performing. They
will tell you whether your website is getting hundreds of clicks a day or only a few clicks a month. You will
be able to keep track of your website activity and see which pages of your website are the most popular.
With website statistics you are able to view a range of information to improve your websites search engine
ranking and how to market your website better.
Some of the information you can find using website statistics is listed below:
Types of files:
The file type of a web page may be .HTML, .PHP or any other types of file such as an image or
downloadable pdf that you may offer to your visitors. You can see how many views specific file types are
The amount of kilobytes that a visitor coming to your website is using.
When a visitor goes from one of your website pages to another, this is the path they take.
A visit or visitor is counted each time a person goes to your website.
A link from another website or a visitor typing the website URL directly into their web browser. This can
show the websites your visitors are coming from. i.e. or whether they directly came to your
Shows you the browsers your visitors are using when they visit your website. This can help your web
designer when your website is to be built to a specific browser i.e. Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Server responses:
Are error pages that are displayed when a visitor on your website clicks on a broken link or if there is an
issue with your website. This can help you identify any problem areas of your website.
Search engine:
Can provide you with information such as what the website visitor searched for in a search engine to get to
your website or how many visitors are using search engines to get to your website.
Shows where in the world your visitors are accessing your website from. This can help with marketing your
website; you can see where your main audience is located.
When using website statistics, you will notice certain language and specific terms are employed within the
reports providing you with your data. This terminology can be hard to interpret, so we have put together a
glossary explaining the meaning of some of the most commonly used terms:
The amount of data in kilobytes transferred when someone views your website.
The amount of times someone clicks onto your website. A very popular term, but also the least useful unit
for web analysis. A hit is a single entry in a server log file, generated when a user requests a resource on a
website (a picture, a banner, some text etc). Because each webpage is made up of an arbitrary number of
individual files a single view of a page can generate multiple hits.
The amount of visitors that view your website.
A program that a user would use to view your website. A Typical browser would be Internet Explorer or
The amount of people or activity that go to your website.
The web site path a visitor would use to go to your website. i.e.
A collection of files or folders.
Uniform Resource Locator. A web address used on the World Wide Web to locate a document or website.
A person who accesses a website within a set period. One user may be recorded for many visits over a
period of time and many page views in a single visit.
Page view:
When a page is requested successfully by a visitor. This does not count visits to error pages.
To enable your website statistics, please follow the instructions below:
1. Log into your 123-reg control panel.
2. Scroll down to the Web Hosting Section.
3. Click on the Manage web hosting button.
4. Click on the Enable website statistics link.
This will then start the installation of statistics on your website.
Please Note: You may not be able to see any statistics for the first
24-48 hours after enabling them, as the information needs to be
To access your website statistics, please follow the instructions below:
Log into your 123-reg control panel.
Scroll down to the Web Hosting Section.
3. Click on the Manage web hosting button.
Click on the Website statistics link.
Please Note: Website statistics must be enabled in order to view
reports. This can take between 24-48 hours.
Now a new window will be opened with the statistics console showing your site overview as shown below.
Smarter stats first shows an overview of your websites statistics once you are in the statistic console.
This is the first screen that you will see when you are inside the smarter stats.
The toolbar on the left side is used to switch between the different report types.
Home is the main workspace that you see when you open Smarter Stats. You have the following
categorised reports:
Workspace which covers the main reports that you may need to see.
This includes the following:
Site activity
Server health
Spiders and bots
Data mining
Navigation Pane
The navigation pane changes dependent on the link you choose in the toolbar.
Here you can get some of the following report options:
Standard reports
File reports
Browser reports
SEO reports
Content Pane
The content pane shows the dynamically generated
information collected by smarter stats in easy to read
format using graphs and statistics.
Some of the following will be shown dependant on
selected report:
A breakdown of the visits and views to your
Bandwidth usage
Top viewed pages
Top referring sites
Search engine information
Reports are now put into categories on the toolbar under the following:
Site activity
Server health
Spiders and Bots
Data mining
There are three main methods by which you can obtain data from your reports and analytical data for your
Standard reports are generically created by the website statistics package for you with a set of
data related to a specific subject.
Custom reports allow you to mix and match the specific data that you require in a report. For
example if you wanted a report to view the Geographic’s of users visiting your website and from the
highest page hits you can bring these 2 types of data into a custom report.
Data Mining is a way to obtain specific information in relation to a single file of your website. For
example, you could use this feature if you wanted specific data for your website’s homepage.
There are many types of standard reports that get generated automatically for you.
The standard reports are generic to a category name, for example the marketing
report shows statistics like Geographic’s to help with the marketing of your website.
For example the CEO Overview standard report includes the following report items:
CEO Overview
Top Pages:
Helps you identify the most popular pages on your website.
Referring Sites:
Shows any sites that have referred your site via a link or an advert on their site.
Entry Pages:
Shows the specific page of your website that visitors most used to access your website, for example
Shows you the journey that your visitors take on your website by monitoring the most frequent traffic
to your pages.
The type of computer platforms that your visitors are using when they view your website i.e.
Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Mac etc.
Shows which browser your visitors are using when they view your website i.e. Internet Explorer or
Firefox etc.
Monthly Totals:
Shows the general monthly totals of visits and page views to your website.
Weekday Totals:
Shows the general weekday totals of visits and page views to your website.
This displays the pages your visitors view, referring sites that your users are coming from.
Custom reports allow you have complete control over the data displayed in a report, as you are required to
specifically select the report items that the report displays. This feature allows you to create tailor made
reports for specific areas of your website.
Report items are types of data that you would like to be collated in your Report. For example you may want
to add the most common browsers used when visiting your website.
Filter sets are used to filter certain information out of your default and custom reports. You can use a filter
set for filtering specific data out of your reports. For example, this could be used if you don’t want the index
page shown on your reports.
In order to create a filter set, please follow the instructions below:
Click on the Settings tab icon.
Click on the Filter Sets link under the My Settings folder.
Click on the New button.
Fill in the following fields of your new filter set:
a. Name: This is the name you want for your filter.
b. Filters: This is where you can put in specific text that you wish to filter out from your generated
You can also select whether to make this filter set a default or filter blank user agents and filter out blank
referrers from your reports.
Click on the Save button.
In order to edit a filter set, please follow the instructions below:
Click on the Settings tab icon.
Click on the Filter Sets link under the My Settings folder.
Click on the relevant tick box next to the filter set you want to edit and click on the Edit button.
Make the relevant filter set changes and click on the Save button.
To delete a filter set, please follow the instructions below:
Click on the Settings tab icon.
Click on the Filter Sets link under the My Settings folder.
Click on the relevant tick box next to the filter set you want to delete and click on the Delete button.
Click on the OK button to confirm that you would like to delete the selected item.
In order to create a custom report, please follow the instructions below:
On the Workspace tab, click on the Manage Custom Reports under the Custom Reports folder.
Click on the New button.
Enter a name for your custom report, select a date range to generate the report for and select a filter set
to use.
Click on the Save button.
You can view your custom reports by selecting the report on the right pane under the custom reports folder.
Once you have selected your custom report it will be
displayed in the main pane.
In order to view specific dates of information generated In your report you will need to have a report
selected and follow the instructions below:
On the top of the report results select your date range.
Click on the refresh icon.
To export a report in smarter stats, please follow the instructions below:
Select a report you would like to export.
Click on the Export button above the generated data.
Select the type of file you would like to export your statistics using the drop down box.
Click on the OK button.
This will now download a file to your computer.
Please Note: We only store six weeks of statistics at a time.
To print a report in smarter stats, please follow the instructions below:
Select a report you would like to export.
Click on the Print button above the generated data.
You will then be presented with your print options.
To add report items to your custom report, please follow the instructions below:
On the Workspace tab, click on the Manage Custom Reports under the Custom Reports folder.
Click on the relevant tick box next to the custom report you would like to add a report item for, click on
the Edit button.
Click on the Add Item button.
Select your report item options and click on the Save button.
To add report items to your custom report, please follow the instructions below:
On the Workspace tab, click on the Manage Custom Reports under the Custom Reports folder.
Click on the relevant tick box next to the custom report you would like to add a report item for, click on
the Edit button.
Click on the Report Items link.
Click on the relevant tick box next to the report item you would like to delete.
Click on the Delete button.
Click on the OK button to confirm that you would like to delete the selected item.
To create a scheduled email report, please follow the instructions below:
On the Workspace tab, click on the Scheduled Email Reports link.
Click on the New button.
Select a report from the drop down menu.
Select a Frequency for your emailed report from the drop down menu.
Enter an email address that you would like to send the report to.
You have the option to send the report to a second email address using the CC field.
You can enter an email subject for the emailed report.
Choose a format for the email.
Choose whether you would like to include chart images in your emails.
You can enter a message with your emailed report.
Click on the Save button.
To edit a scheduled email report, please follow the instructions below:
Click on the tick box next to the relevant email report you would like to edit.
Click on the Edit button.
Make your changes and click on the Save button.
To delete a scheduled email report, please follow the instructions below:
Click on the tick box next to the relevant email report you would like to delete.
Click on the Delete button.
Click on the OK button to confirm deletion.
Data mining is different from the other types of reports as it allows you to obtain specific data relating to a
selected file on your website. For example if you would like detailed information relating to your ‘contact us’
page i.e. how often it is being viewed, you could obtain this by using the data mining feature. Data mining
can be used to obtain the following information relating to a specific file:
Daily activity
Websites your visitors were on before they came to your website
What visitors used the most bandwidth
Where visitors entered your website
Where visitors exited from your website
Number of times visitors returned to your website
The top paths taken by an IP Address
The top files requested by an IP Address
What visitors requested certain file
In order to use this feature, please follow the instructions below:
Click on the Data mining icon on the toolbar.
Select the report to use from the drop down list.
Click on the browse button to select the website file that you would like to get the data for, for example
if you would like information regarding your homepage you would need to select the homepage file i.e.
Select the date range to use.
Choose how many rows of data you would like to gather.
Choose the chart type from the drop down list.
Select a filter set from the drop down box and click on the Get Report button.
Click on the Get Report button to start the Data Mining process.
To add a report to the Favorites category, please follow the instructions below:
Click on the Workspace icon on the toolbar, click on the Manage Favourite Reoprts link.
Click on the New button.
Fill in the details for your favorite report.
Click on the Save button.
To edit a favorite report, please follow the instructions below:
Click on the Workspace icon on the toolbar, click on the Manage Favourite Reoprts link.
Click on the tick box next to the relevant favorite report that you would like to edit and click on the Edit
Make the relevant changes and click on the Save button.
To delete a report, please follow the instructions below:
Click on the Workspace icon on the toolbar, click on the Manage Favourite Reports link.
Click on the tick box next to the relevant favourite report that you would like to remove and click on the
Delete button.
Click on OK button to confirm you would like to delete the favourite report.
Occasionally when trying to access your website statistics you may encounter an error message. There are
two common error messages, an explanation of which is below:
"SmarterStats could not reach the SmarterStats Service that processes your logs. Please contact
your administrator for assistance."
This error message will be displayed if you are trying to access your website's statistics within the first 2448 hours after enabling them. Please be aware that it can take 24-48 hours for the information to be
"Import Error: 17/04/2009 05:11 - Could not find a part of the path
This error message will be displayed if no one has visited your website since you activated your website
statistics. As soon as you receive a hit on your website, this error message will disappear and you will be
able to view the statistics for your hosting package.