Watching the Inauguration last week caused me to reflect on the
legacy this country provides to its citizens and the world. Despite the polarization and the
division that continues to exist between Red and Blue States, we still stand as a model for the
world for democratic stability and respect for tolerance and peaceful coexistence. Having lived in
other countries where power is not transferred and in which "death squads" control political
leaders and thought, I do not feel that average Americans realize the impact of free elections and
respect for elected officials.
The other legacy which we take for granted is the power and freedom to disagree. I
remember an experience I had with a teacher from Guatemala. We were sitting, having lunch at
a local restaurant, when I asked him in Spanish what was really going on in his country with
everyone disappearing and union leaders being murdered. His face turned very pale! He looked
at me very coldly, changed the subject and replied for me to finish eating my lunch. Afterwards,
when we had left the public lunch area, he told me how dangerous it was for him and for me to
speak that way in public. We could easily have been identified as subversives and found
ourselves in serious trouble. With the freedom and ability to speak openly, I never realized the
privilege it is to have that freedom. It is only when it is taken away from you that you realize the
It continues to amaze me of the importance of not taking for granted the incredible
freedoms we have and to see the importance of continuing the gift of dialogue. Now is the time
as a nation to see the importance of healing wounds and bringing people together. Now is the
time as a nation to see the importance of talking to and with people and not at people. Even
though we may disagree and even argue over issues, now is the time to see the importance of the
dialogue as part of the fabric of society and formation of human dignity for civilization.
So, as we experience disagreements or political change, whether it is on a national level,
or on the local level, please recognize the responsibility and accountability we have as
Americans to uphold and preserve freedom and tolerance in our society.
Let us pray to God in the midst of diversity to bring our government leaders to lift up
unity and reject the “love of power” and recognize through God’s Grace the “power of love.”
May our coming together
help us live the common life
in which our differences enrich us
rather than divide us!
Where our mistakes unite us
in forgiveness rather than
exclude us in judgment!
Our goal is to serve
rather than to be served. Amen.
Sermon Themes
February 03, 2013 The Nazareth Syndrome Luke 4:21-30
Some tourists or pilgrims have strange reactions when visiting the Holy Land -- they
develop a Messiah Complex.
February 10, 2013 The Case for Face to Face Exodus 34:29-35
Skype, Apple's FaceTime and technology for virtual business meetings are not going away.
But a recent study reveals that most people prefer face-to-face communication.
LENT 2013
The Way: Walking in the
Footsteps of Jesus
This Lent we will walk in Jesus' footsteps for 40 days, and as we embark on this
journey, may we grow in our love for Jesus and draw closer to him.
Join us on Wednesdays during Lent with a simple dinner @ 6:00 p.m.,
viewing a brief video clip during the dinner, and closing with a brief
worship. We hope to be done by 7:00 p.m. It is the hope of the Worship
Committee that this will be a special time for all of our church family and
Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. Join us for a simple dinner, video
clip and brief worship! Bring a friend, neighbor and the whole family!
Sunday, February 17, 2013 - Baptism and Temptation Luke 4:1-13; Walking in the
Footsteps of Jesus: The Jordan River and the Wilderness. We begin our journey of Lent by
exploring Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River and temptation in the wilderness.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. Join us for a simple dinner, video clip
and brief worship! Bring a friend, neighbor and the whole family!
Sunday, February 24, 2013 The Healing Ministry of Jesus Mark 2:1-12; Walking in the
footsteps of Jesus: Exploring the healing ministry of Jesus in Capernaum and beyond!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. Join us for a simple dinner, video clip
and brief worship! Bring a friend, neighbor and the whole family!
Sunday, March 3, 2013 - Proclaiming the Kingdom Matthew 5:1-12; Walking in the
footsteps of Jesus: We continue to explore the need for solitude and learning about God.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. Join us for a simple dinner, video clip and
brief worship! Bring a friend, neighbor and the whole family!
Sunday, March 10, 2013 - Calming the Storms Mark 4:35-41; Walking in the footsteps
of Jesus: We continue to recognize how Jesus calms the storms of our life.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. Join us for a simple dinner, video clip
and brief worship! Bring a friend, neighbor and the whole family!
Sunday, March 17, 2013 - Sinners, Outcasts and the Poor John 4:3-10; Walking in
the footsteps of Jesus: We continue to explore some stories about how Jesus cared for
society's outcasts.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. Join us for a simple dinner, video clip
and brief worship! Bring a friend, neighbor and the whole family!
Sunday, March 24, 2013 - The Final Week & Jerusalem Mark 7:7-10; Walking in the
footsteps of Jesus: We continue to explore Jesus' last week of life.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. Join us for a simple dinner, video clip
and brief worship! Bring a friend, neighbor and the whole family!
Sunday, March 31, 2013 - Easter Sunday Luke 24:1-12; Walking in the footsteps of
Jesus: Resurrection means that the crucifixion was not the end of the story but the
Confirmation / New Member Class 2013
The Way: Walking in the
Footsteps of Jesus
membership/Confirmation class will be offered to our Middle School youth as
part of their Sunday School Class! The class is open to youth and folks of all
ages. We will be using Adam Hamilton's curriculum, "The Way: Walking in
the Footsteps of Jesus!"
409 Trowbridge Street
Allegan Mi 49010
Fax No. 269-673-8856
Sunday Morning Worship
9:30 a.m.
Church School
11:00 a.m.
Robert K. Lynch
Listed below are some of the Joys and Concerns heard during recent worship services. We
carry each other’s burdens and dance dances for all of God’s children. Reach out and touch
someone’s life as you pray for them.
Congratulations: Willard and Judy Jennings became first-time great
grandparents to Owen James; UMW presented special mission recognition
pins to Don Forster, Sari Hammon and Denny VanOrder.
Thank You:
JoAnne Giles thanks those who help with the Youth Group; Karen Rambadt
thanks everyone for their prayers for their son, Ryan, after his injury; Thanks
to Ellen Bierlein, Sari Hammon and Sue Thiel for filling in for Jacque while
she recuperated from hand surgery; Thanks to Ellen Bierlein, Kevin DeLaet
and June Querback for sharing their faith journey.
Celebrations and Joys: Barb Simpson enjoyed Christmas celebrations
with her family; Pastor Bob and Leslie happy to have Nathan and Kayla in
worship; Jacque returned to the organ and piano; Lisa Campeau feeling
much better; Pastor Bob and his family enjoyed their weekend in Chicago to
celebrate Kayla’s 19th birthday; Kevin and Beth Ann DeLaet will be in a 14mile race at the end of June; Celebrated our mentors and Kids Hope USA
program as they mentor to children at North Ward Elementary.
is a caring, dynamic community of faith where all people
are invited to encounter God
and to celebrate a Risen Lord.
Through God’s Spirit we grow
spiritually, emphasize the
individual’s relationship
with Christ and others, and
change with and serve the
needs of the community.
Concerns on following page...
Prayers for our military:
Those connected with this congregation: Ryan Balgoyen, Tanner Boysen, Ross Cady, Steven
Carroll, Thomas DeBruyne, Matt Fullam, Stephanie Hadley, Isaiah Hadley, Dillon Hileski,
Michael Hileski, Dustin Kilpatrick, Gregory McIntire, Bill Miller, Jason Star, Jeremy
Thompson, Travis Waigand, Dai Wessman and Dan Wrobleski.
Continued prayers for those battling cancer or having treatment:
Jane Allen, Dale Barber, Evelyn Bierlein, Tom Comeau, Jim Conlon, Kathy Gavin
VanAltman, Ernie Hagerman, Ryan Howrigan, Austin Joostberns, Pete Kaylor, Monica
Kreutz, Villas Mohrland, Philip Nicolai, June Nielsen, Martha Poolman, Jerri Remynse, Phil
Rose, Michael Salisbury, Terri Stapleton, Deb Stutzman, Jay Tange, Dan Wagner, Jenny
Wash and those known but unnamed.
Sympathy Extended to: Continued prayers for the Ed Garvin family on the loss of Mary Jane;
Family and friends of Chris Ivester; Bill and Carolyn Carr on the death of her brother, Lloyd
Health Concerns: Chris Jurkas fractured an ankle; Ryan Rambadt’s knee surgery and long
road to recovery; Norm and Margaret Pierson; Marian Fleming diagnosed with breast cancer;
JoAnne Giles requests prayers for a co-worker’s fiancé, Todd McIntire, who was diagnosed
with Stage 4 cancer; June Nielsen’s nephew, Ross Cady, broke his pelvis and long recovery;
Janet Miller’s sister, Marianne, had a heart attack but is back home; Marv Studman
hospitalized; Those suffering from the flu; Carolyn Carr; Continued prayers for Mackenzie
Sturman’s cousin, Austin Joostberns, who finished six rounds of chemo that seem to be
working but still faces surgery; Pat Huth recovering from shoulder surgery; Jack and Becky
Rininger’s oldest daughter’s mother-in-law has an enlarged liver and referred to an oncologist
and pray there is a positive outcome; Marty and Joan Ruiter’s oldest daughter diagnosed with a
leukemia that is slow growing and very treatable.
Concerns: Family in Allegan living in a home without heat and hopefully transitioning to a
home with heat; Prayers for the ministry and safety of Ellen Bierlein’s nephew and wife, Jay
and Jean Dannelley, who are on a “World Race Mission” that involves 12 months and 11
countries; Janet Miller got laid off.
Looking ahead:
Jan. 25 – Feb. 13,
NW Fundraiser
Feb. 8 Sock Hop
6:00 P.M.
Fellowship Hall
Feb. 8, Feb. 11,
No School
A mentor is a person or friend who guides a less-experienced person by
building trust and modeling positive behaviors. An effective mentor
understands that his/her role is to be dependable, engaged, authentic and
tuned into the needs of the mentee. The mentor can fill a void in the life
of an at-risk child. As this friendship grows, it gives the child increased
self-confidence and self-esteem which almost automatically empowers them
to learn. When a mentor introduces compassion, love and understanding to
an at-risk child, one begins to see a change. One second-grade teacher
said, “I can’t believe the change I see in Amber since she has had a Kids
Hope mentor. She used to be so shy and now she raises her hand in class
and interacts with the other students.” Another Kids Hope student asked
her mentor if she came to see anyone else at school. The mentor explained
that they had a special relationship and she came to see only her on
Mondays. The student then replied, “Could you come to see me on
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday too?”
Karen Rambadt, Kids Hope USA Director
Project of the Month & Communion offering
Babyfold at Old Mutare Fairfield Children's Home
Advance #11713T Caring for abandoned children by providing love, clothing, food and education
Location: Zimbabwe, Africa Partner: The UMC, Zimbabwe Episcopal Area
Background/History. Before the children's homes opened, the children were often in poor health, did
not perform well in school, and had bad behavior. A rotating staff cared for them, so there was no one to take
responsibility for specific tasks. Often, sick children were not even taken to the hospital on time, even though it
was just next door. Over 40 children shared one toilet and one bathroom. There were many deaths during that
time, and there was no sense of belonging. A pile of clothes would be thrown into the middle of the courtyard
and a child would pick what they wanted to wear for the day.
Since Fairfield Children's Home opened, we have been able to increase our numbers to help up to 80
children at a time. Children are kept in homes of 8-10 "brothers and sisters" with their own "mother" hired from
all over the country, with a special emphasis on hiring those who either have older children or no children of
their own so they will really connect with the Fairfield Children as their own family. Right away, the difference
could be seen. The children performed better in school, were better behaved, their health improved as they
felt the love of a family for the first time. They now have their own clothes and belongings to teach them to
care for their things. They have their own cupboards to keep their clothes nicely.
We now have next to zero death rates as our children have a mother to take them to the hospital at the
first sign of illness knowing they will be accountable if anything goes wrong with the child. The main problem
with the children's home setup is the dramatic increase in finances needed to run the home efficiently. It
requires more staff that has higher levels of education. We now have 24 separate homes to maintain between
children and staff. Because we doubled in size, we need twice the food, fees for school, clothes and other
Since Apportionments (Ministry Shares) should be the backbone of our church’s outreach and giving, we
will continue with the loose change and penny offering going into this fund for February & March.
Watch our Ministry Shares Thermometer in Fellowship Hall grow. (Of the $24,000+ that is our 2013
church’s responsibility we have received $782.00.)
We have all been blessed to be blessings; let it be seen in our giving to this major source of being the
Hands & Feet of Jesus through the Ministry Shares covenant. The people of The United Methodist Church
connect together to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
2012 Final Report
2012 Visits
No. of People
2012 Visits
No. of People
Number of Households
Year End Totals
Christmas Baskets
Note: 2013 (As of 1/25/13) – There have been 40 visits which included 142 people.
Pantry Needs: Beef Stew, Hamburger Helper, Kraft Tangy Italian Spaghetti, canned pasta, mashed
potatoes, scalloped potatoes, rice sides, stuffing, pancake syrup, brownie mix, BBQ sauce.
Desperately Need: Laundry Soap, dish soap, large brown grocery bags.
Thanks to all the volunteers who help with the Food Pantry. This past year, we’ve seen a big increase
in the need for food. We couldn’t have met that need without you!
We want to thank the congregation for your support. Your gifts of food and money have helped to
keep people from being hungry in the Allegan area.
We’re always looking for volunteers!
The Mission Committee
This group meets every
week on Thursday at 1:00
p.m. in Fellowship Hall.
Come join us!
Box Tops for Education for
North Ward Elementary
Lions Club – Glasses
Loose Change/Pennies –
Pop Tops from cans- Burn
Center in Chicago
Receipts from Village Market
For North Ward Elemen.
Thank you so much for letting
us have our meetings in the
Association for the Blind and
Visually Impaired
3 - Ryan Brink
Nathan Parrish
10 - Aaron Salisbury
Kalyn Salisbury
17 - Naomi DeLaet
Clyde DeLaet
24 - Chase Milbocker
Hunter Weeks
The red candle that is on the
communion table or organ
represents our thoughts and
prayers for all the service
people serving overseas. It
never goes out and our prayers
Did you know that our newsletter is on our website? You
can see the current month
calendar too! Check it out at
Leader: Sheryl Parrish
10 - Cathy Foune
17 - Diane McElwee
24 - Barb Brewster
310 17 24 -
3 - Willard and Judy
Tom and Lois Giles
Mark Boylen
Tita Balgoyen
Joe Bemer
Joe Bemer
310 17 24 -
Tabitha Brink
Patty Anderson
Samatha Wood
Jill LeMaire
3 - Jack and Leslie Johnson
10 - Tom Giles
17 - Jackie Thompson
24 - JoAnne Giles
3 - Tom and Lois Giles
George and Emmie
10 - Mike and Virginia
Scott and Connie
17 - Chris Jurkas
Emily Mancuso
Kamry Powell
Barb Simpson
Jeff Gowens
24 -Willard and Judy
Lee and Chic Heckman
310 17 24 -
Patty Anderson
Amanda Wood
Wende Wood
Mackenzie Sturman
3 – Jon Brink
10 – Ed Garvin
17 – Eleanor Nielsen
24 – David Stewart
3 - Tina Thiel
Cindy Thiele
10 - Jack and Becky Rininger
17 - David and Irene Waanders
24 - Laura Weaver
Bailey Weaver
Allegan United Methodist Church
Administrative Board Minutes
January 10, 2013
Rod Rambadt shared a devotional regarding being thankful to God for all things at all times. We are quick to
run to Him when things aren’t going so well for us but become complacent when our lives are running
smoothly. We must learn to be thankful & happy in bad times as well as good times. In all things give thanks.
Pastor Bob opened the meeting with prayer.
Cross Fire: This outreach program will no longer continue in its present format. The Nominating/Visionary
Committee will be working on some type of evangelical outreach program. They hope to reach more young
families and keep the ones we now have. They are meeting every other month.
Finance: John Watson stated he felt we would have around $5,000 surplus from 2012 giving. A discussion was
held regarding the best utilization of the extra funds. A motion was made by John Watson & seconded by Don
Forster to repay $4,000 borrowed from the Wynne Memorial & use fifty percent of the remainder to pay
towards our Ministry Shares. It passed unanimously.
Another discussion was held following the vote. John Watson & Don Forster rescinded the above motion. It
passed unanimously.
Don Forster made a motion seconded by Hanford Brink to have the Finance Committee determine the amount
of money to be repaid to the Wynne Memorial at this time & the amount to pay towards our Ministry Shares. It
passed unanimously.
A new Quicken program is to be installed soon which has greater capabilities & will show distribution of funds
into various programs from one general account.
A motion was made by John Watson & seconded by Chic Heckman to hold our Service Auction Saturday, April
13th in Fellowship Hall. Desserts will be served at 6:30 p.m. with the auction beginning at 7:00 p.m. The
motion passed unanimously. We will begin the planning at the next Administrative Board meeting.
Committee reports attached.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by John Watson & seconded by Karen Rambadt. Motion carried.
Next meeting February 28th at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Chic Heckman
Members Attending
Rod Rambadt Pastor Bob Lynch Eleanor Nielsen Karen Rambadt Dan Forster Judy Jennings
Amy Brink John Watson Hanford Brink Chic Heckman Scott Dangremond
Administrative Board Synopsis
January 10, 2013
Education: Vacation Bible School meeting Tuesday, Jan. 15th, at 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship
Kids Hope: January is KH national mentor month. A special celebration will be held Jan.
27th. KH families will also be invited. February 8th, KH Sock Hop Fundraiser. Hot Dogs,
chips, root beer floats will be served. Surprise entertainment & a movie.
Evangelism: Cross Fire will no longer continue in its present form. Thanks to Sue Thiel
for all the food coordination.
Nominating/Visionary: The committee will be working on some type of evangelical
outreach program.
Membership: 292
Missions: 14 families were able to enjoy a happier Christ-filled Christmas because of
our church family generosity. A Ministry Shares thermometer will be created to give a
visual of how we are doing in meeting this important goal. January Communion offering,
Project of the Month & loose change offering will go towards this.
SPRC: Norm Pierson, our Bell Director, is out on medical leave. Jacque James returns as
organist January 13, two weeks ahead of schedule.
UMW: Meeting Sunday, January 13th to set the budget, calendar, board positions, coffee
hour & Lenten suppers.
Worship: Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 14th at 6:30 p.m. Pastor Bob will be
away for the January 20th worship.
Youth Group: In need of someone to help with the Youth Group.
Next Ad. Board meeting is scheduled for February 28, 2013
2-Kyle Kenny
3-Angel Ruis, Xander Ruis
5-Dan Richardson
6-Tina Thiel
8-Scott Dangremond
9-Kathryn Brininger
10-Dick Clark
11-Amanda Wood
12-Lee Heckman
16-Alli Dangremond
20-Doris Fuller
22-Sue Thiel, Nathan Giles
23-Barb Sanborn, Joshua DeBruyne
25-John Cantwell
27-John Watson
28-Sheryl Parrish
29-Sam Armintrout
Improve Your Prayer Life
Start off giving five minutes to God. Then maybe try adding another five minutes. Soon you'll
find that you'll start going to God more often and for more things.
Read Your Bible in a Year
It just takes discipline to open up the book every night. You may not even want to read the
entire Bible, but rather use a year to focus on a specific topic or area of your life that you want
God to help you improve.
Help Other People
God calls on us throughout the Bible to do good works.
Get Involved in Church
Join a Bible Study.
Become a Better Steward
God calls on all Christians to be good stewards. In fact, money is mentioned far more often in
the Bible than other topics like getting along with parents and others.
Use a Devotional
Reading your Bible is an essential part of anyone's Christian walk, because it keeps your head in
God's Word.
Plant Some Seeds of Faith
Use platforms like your Facebook or MySpace profiles to demonstrate your beliefs. Plant many
seeds of faith and let them grow.
Bring Someone to Church
A simple idea, but it takes a lot of courage to ask a friend to come to church. Faith is something
most Christians have difficulty discussing with non-Christian friends, because it is often
something very personal.
At this writing, Christmas has not happened yet. We have walked the journey towards
Christmas by adding figures to the nativity scene, singing carols, lighting candles, and
hearing readings that prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of the Christ child.
How do we prepare when folks are grieving or preparing for the end of life? What about
the sadness in Connecticut; how do those people celebrate when such a horrific act
brought such grief to that small community and throughout the world? It is hard to
imagine them being able to wrap themselves up in the Christmas spirit when their hearts
are broken. Sadly, sadness comes, no matter the day or time. As hard as it is, Christmas
still comes! A child was born to be the Savior of the world and no matter what despair
we are in, we must grasp the promise that came when a young woman became the mother
of our Lord. I had the opportunity to see three different children’s Christmas pageants
this year, at three different churches. At each one, I was reminded anew of the glory of
the coming of the Christ Child through the eyes of a child. Dressed as angels, shepherds,
animals, wise men, and, of course, Mary and Joseph, they played out the story of old.
These innocent children brought smiles and tears to the eyes of those who were in
attendance. Our 2-year-old grandson, Rudi, was to be a camel, but at the last minute he
became a reluctant camel and stayed on his mommy’s lap. He did, however, go up front
when Father Christmas was handing out gifts! Ah, that’s what makes Christmas, isn’t it?
At the three different churches I visited, each one of them prayed for the families of
Connecticut. Amid the excitement of the children’s programs, they took time to
remember and pray for those who had suffered such a great loss. That is what it is all
about, reaching out in prayer for those who are hurting. May the prayers and love of
people around the world touch their hearts and minds and bring them the peace that
passes all understanding.
Dear God, How do I ever thank You for the gift of Your Son! He came
to bring us peace and love, and that love and peace reaches out beyond
our church doors and way beyond. May those in need of your comfort
have a vision of the children cradled in your lap or sitting at your feet.
Love came down at Christmas, and it comes for one and all.
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year