2007 Annual Repor t
American Liver Foundation
Support the 30 million Americans affected by liver disease.
Donate to the American Liver Foundation today at
Our Mission
The American Liver Foundation (ALF) is the
nation’s leading nonprofit organization
promoting liver health and disease prevention.
ALF provides research, education, and
advocacy for those affected by liver-related
diseases, including hepatitis.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Dear Friends,
An important message
from the Chairman and CEO
The past year has been a year full
of challenges and opportunities –
a year that has found the
American Liver Foundation assessing what we currently are AND what we can be. During this
year we have reallocated time, energy, and resources towards reinvigorating our fundraising,
enhancing our brand, and improving our program services. We have also continued our
commitment towards funding research and ensuring that our advocacy activities are robust and
serving the best interests of the 30 million people in our country that live every day with liver
But, most importantly, we are focusing a great deal of energy on how we can more effectively
improve quality of life.
We are working hard to create an organization that far surpasses the ALF of today. We’d like to
create an organization that changes people’s lives. We want to create an organization that
demonstrates empathy through providing people with tools they would not otherwise have. We
want to meet people at their point of crisis by providing resources tomorrow that will help them
improve their lives and the lives of their family.
And as we do that, we'll educate the world around us that people with liver disease did not invite
the predator into their homes. We'll create an environment of global concern about liver disease
and what it does to people and their loved ones that does not exist today. We want to engage the world around us to build a strong fortress that will keep the predator out
of people's homes. And when the predator breaks through the fortress, there will be new
therapeutic treatments that make their lives better, happier, and healthier. We'll energize the
research community to accelerate their efforts with a resilient sense of urgency that does not exist
And when all of that is done, we'll know we created a brighter tomorrow that simply would not
have materialized if leaders and donors such as you had not existed. That's the most remarkable
thing about manifest destiny. It takes strong people who are impatient with evolution to achieve
that destiny. It takes committed donors, event participants, researchers, volunteers, and corporate
So, that's what we can achieve together – with your leadership and support.
We're going to be impatient...and we're going to create a tomorrow where liver disease no longer
hurts families.
Thank you for joining us in accelerating our pursuit of this vital mission.
Rick Smith
President and CEO
American Liver Foundation
James L. Boyer, MD
Chair, Board of Directors
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Direct Programs and Services
The strength of the American Liver Foundation can be found in the hands of our volunteers
and staff within our twenty-five chapters. Located in major cities across the country, each
ALF chapter offers a wide range of education programs, events, and support for patients,
family members, medical providers, and the community. ALF also offers extensive
information at www.liverfoundation.org, a variety of online and print publications, and our
national HelpLine 1-800-GO LIVER.
Education Programs provide learning opportunities on liver-related topics for many
audiences including members of the general public, patients and their families, and health
and social services professionals including physicians, nurses, and social workers.
During the 2007 fiscal year, ALF offered 121 public/patient and 41 professional education
programs attended by 4,079 patients, family members, caregivers, and members of the
general public and 1,085 healthcare professionals, respectively; facilitated 250 support groups
sessions for more than 2,500 individuals; offered 26 screening and testing programs for more
than 1,300 individuals; and participated in or conducted 365 education outreach activities
including health fairs, conferences, and radio spots, reaching more than 65,000 people.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Public Education
Public education programs provide general information about liver wellness or disease-specific
issues during lunchtime, evening, and weekend programs and are facilitated by lay or clinical
professional speakers.
The Hawaii Chapter is one of ten Chapters that implemented ALF’s Think B Initiative. The Chapter
collaborated with the local Board of Education and one high school to develop and implement an
education program on hepatitis B for students. To increase the sustainability of this partnership,
the Chapter also worked with the Board of Education to plan a volunteer speaker training for
teachers. These efforts have increased local awareness not only of hepatitis B but also of ALF’s
Hawaii Chapter as a resource to the community on a broad range of liver health issues. As a result,
the Chapter was invited to conduct a roundtable presentation at the National School Health
Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The Rocky Mountain and Connecticut Chapters organized volunteer speaker trainings for local
volunteers. The Rocky Mountain Chapter widely promoted its free training to anyone interested
in becoming a volunteer speaker on Liver Wellness or Hepatitis B for the American Liver
Foundation. Members of the general public, liver patients and their family members, and
representatives from locals Department of Health and academic medical institutions attended.
The trainings provided in-depth information regarding liver wellness and hepatitis B, as well as
community outreach, public speaking, and program management techniques. After each
training, attendees received a certificate of achievement to acknowledge their successful
completion of the training and ability to conduct education programs on behalf of ALF.
The Connecticut Chapter has offered several two-part trainings for volunteers to learn how to
conduct community–based education programs about hepatitis C, testing, treatment options,
and other issues related to hepatitis C. Volunteer speakers are now members of the Chapter’s
Treatment Choices Initiative Speakers’ Bureau who have undergone hepatitis C treatment or are
very knowledgeable about hepatitis C and treatments. Volunteers conduct programs for
individuals who are infected with hepatitis C or who are at high risk of hepatitis C infection.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Patient Education
Patient education programs address disease-specific, testing, treatment, current research, and
living with liver disease topics for liver patients, their families, and caregivers. Programs are
facilitated by medical and social service professional faculty and often include patient speakers.
The Arizona Chapter held a patient education program in New Mexico, the first program
conducted there in more than a year and a half. HCV and liver transplant patients and their
families attended the program which included a panel of hepatitis C patients and liver transplant
recipients. Professional faculty from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and the University of
New Mexico addressed the transmission, clinical features, and natural history of hepatitis C and
current and new treatments for hepatitis C. The audience asked many questions and the panel
and presenters had an opportunity to address issues. The Chapter also invited the New Mexico
Organ Transplant Awareness Program to display and distribute information about organ donation.
The Greater Los Angeles Chapter worked with local community-based organizations to increase
their capacity to provide hepatitis C education for their clients and patients. Staff at these
agencies were trained using the Hepatitis Integration Training Manual (HIT’M) to integrate
hepatitis education with their existing education and treatment activities. The staff, with ALF
support, then conducted education programs regarding hepatitis C, including its transmission
and prevention.
Professional Education
Professional education programs are typically accredited seminars, live and audio conferences,
grand rounds, or symposia that address liver disease issues from a clinical point of view. These
programs are for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare and social service professionals,
presented by faculties of their peers.
The Illinois Chapter sponsored the first in a series
of CME Conferences for nurses and other healthcare
professionals. Held at the University of Illinois at
Chicago, the program was attended by nurses,
physicians, and physician assistants. The program,
titled “Hepatitis B: Exploring Treatment Options,”
helped providers understand the chronic hepatitis
B virus and how it affects the liver, and explored
treatment options. The Nursing Management
Series continued in May with a program titled “HCV
Treatment: Side Effects Management.”
The Ohio Chapter’s 2nd Annual Hepatology
Update, “LIVER MATTERS: A Clinical Guide to
Preventive Strategies,” was conducted for physicians
and nurses in Westlake, Ohio. This CME-accredited
program included workshop sessions on fatty liver
disease prevention; combating the effects of alcohol, tobacco, and coffee; pediatric obesity and
liver disease; the impact of weight change on the liver; alcohol and liver disease; and new
treatments for fatty liver disease.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Support Programs
Support programs provide information about disease and emotional support to patients and their
family members and caregivers.
The Mid-South Chapter has ongoing support groups that conduct sessions in cities throughout
Tennessee. Support groups focus on topics such as managing treatments, fundamental hepatitis
C information, and how to deal with an ill family member. Sessions are moderated by volunteer
nurse practitioners, patients, or lay individuals who are trained by the Chapter to use a manual
and other materials to help facilitate a support group session.
The Western New York Chapter works with dedicated support groups that reach individuals
affected by liver disease. Each group provides education, support, and social opportunities for its
members and their families. The Chapter offers each support group speakers, education material,
and other services as available. Each support group facilitator is committed to helping their
support group members. Their commitment and dedication make them valuable members of
the ALF family.
Screening and Testing Programs
Screening and testing programs give participants the opportunity to identify their risk of and be
tested for hepatitis B and C infection. Screening and testing programs are often offered jointly with
education programs.
The Greater New York Chapter expanded its screening and testing program services to the
Egyptian community in Queens. A planning committee, including medical professionals and
representatives from the Astoria Mosque, was convened to advise the Chapter on cultural and
religious issues that needed to be addressed to provide a successful hepatitis C education/
screening and testing program for the community. Members of the community are at high risk
for hepatitis C infection and predominantly Muslim and Arabic-speaking. To address these issues,
all education materials and screening and testing forms were translated into Arabic, and bilingual
volunteers helped to implement the education and testing components of the program.
The San Diego Chapter partnered with a local health care center to plan and implement an
education, screening, and testing program. In collaboration with its local partner, the Chapter
held planning meetings to strategize all aspects of the program, including program logistics, inlanguage education, and culturally sensitive marketing and communications.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Educational Outreach
Educational outreach can be formal or informal opportunities to raise awareness about liver
wellness and liver disease issues.
The Michigan Chapter was given an exhibit booth at the International Women’s Show (IWS) in
Novi, Michigan. The Chapter provided educational material and information about liver disease to
more than 10,000 people who attended the IWS and distributed more than 20,000 pieces of
literature. The Chapter also networked with many medical professionals who wanted to receive
more information and become involved in spreading the word about liver disease and ALF.
Wisconsin is home to more than 10,000 people originally from South East Asia. Like many other
South East Asian populations, the Hmong population is at higher risk for hepatitis B infection, and
the Wisconsin Chapter has proactively reached out to the local Hmong community to provide
education and information through the Think B program. The Chapter participated in the Hmong
annual festival and distributed brochures in English and Hmong. The Chapter also participated in
monthly radio spots on a local Hmong radio station and provided information on HBV risk factors,
testing, and treatment to the broadcast audience in six northern Wisconsin counties.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Transplant Trust Fund
Liver transplants are one of the great miracles of modern medicine, saving more lives each
year, but they are also very costly. The cost of a liver transplant currently averages about
$280,000 for immediate hospital and doctor expenses. Necessary pre- and post-operative
expenses bring the total to about $314,000 and in some especially complicated cases much
more. Follow-up care in the years after a transplant is an additional cause for concern. Even
patients whose transplants are covered by insurance find that they must raise a substantial
part of the costs themselves. The ALF Transplant Trust Fund Program assists patients and
families in this essential task, as it acts as a trustee of funds raised on behalf of patients to help
pay for medical care and associated transplantation expenses. ALF has more than 300 active
Transplant Trust Fund accounts.
ALF’s national, toll-free HelpLine is staffed with trained and experienced counselors who
provide emotional support and educational information to callers. More than 8,000 individual
callers contacted the HelpLine with questions on viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis,
cirrhosis, liver cancer, fatty liver disease, pediatric liver diseases, insurance issues, and other
concerns. Thousands more contact ALF electronically with similar questions.
Research Awards
In March 2007, ALF announced the winners of its 2007 Research Awards. Sixteen scientists
representing 12 medical and research institutions were awarded more than $1.2 million to
support their research in the areas of autoimmune hepatitis, biliary atresia, cirrhosis,
cholestatic liver disease, chronic liver inflammation, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, liver fibrosis, liver
regeneration, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and primary biliary cirrhosis.
ALF is proud to support these research efforts and hopeful that they will bring us closer to
finding cures for liver disease.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
ALF’s advocacy efforts seek to increase awareness of liver health and liver disease issues and
give a voice to those with liver disease.
ALF Chairman of the Board, James Boyer, MD testified before the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education in March. He presented
testimony on the need for increased funding for NIH, CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis, and
HRSA’s Division of Organ Transplantation. ALF Public Policy Committee Chair, Allan Wolkoff,
MD met with Representatives Stephen Lynch (DMA) and Peter King (R-NY) who reintroduced the
Liver Research Enhancement Act in Congress. The
purpose of this legislation is to create a Center
within NIDDK that will be focused solely on liver
and liver-related disease research. This bill will
create a Liver Disease Research Advisory Board to
keep active the recently developed Liver Disease
Research Action Plan. The plan will guide future
NIH funding decisions and help the liver disease
research community prioritize research efforts. In
addition, the bill provides new authorities
necessary to help ensure that the scientific
opportunities identified by the Liver Disease
Research Action Plan are adequately funded.
Additionally, all chapters participated in ALF’s
Hepatitis Awareness Month Education/Advocacy
Initiative in May 2007. In a nationally coordinated
Dr. James Boyer, MD testifies before the House
effort to raise awareness about hepatitis A, B, and
Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health
C, ALF’s network of 25 chapters, in collaboration
with local community-based organizations,
reached out to more than 500 decision makers around the nation. State and local legislators,
local health commissioners and health departments, and many media outlets received an ALF
information packet that included an overview of hepatitis as well as data that underscores the
devastating toll that chronic hepatitis B and C take on communities across the nation.
Approximately five million Americans are affected by chronic hepatitis.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Special Events
The American Liver Foundation’s fundraising is focused in each Chapter with two signature
events: Liver Life Walks and the Flavors of… events. In addition, several volunteer-driven
events take place, ranging from golf tournaments to fashion shows to rodeos. Revenue from
special events provides funding for programs, education, and research.
Walks are a great way to get the
community involved. Twenty-five
Liver Life Walks take place in the
spring and the fall around the country, bringing together families
affected by liver disease. With corporations and families rallying
together to build teams to support their local Walk, the Liver Life
Walks currently raise over $1.2 million annually.
The Flavors of… concept began in
Phoenix, Arizona seventeen years
ago when Chef Christopher Gross
from Christopher’s Fermier Brasserie brought the idea of the event
to the organization. Top chefs from across the nation assemble for
a night of elaborate table décor, exquisite food, fine wine, and a
great cause. Each chef has his or her own table and cooking station
with the responsibility of providing linens, flowers, theme-related
objects, or any other items to make each unique. All food is
prepared right in front of the guests who enjoy at least five courses
with accompanying wines and the opportunity to learn some tips
from the experts. Since its beginnings in Phoenix, we have
expanded this fundraising effort to more than 23 Flavors of…
events raising over $3 million across the country.
The Flavors of...
The Run for Research® team was
created 19 years ago by runner
Bobby Banks so that he could raise
money for the son of then Boston
Bruins Coach Terry O’Reilly. Terry’s son was born with liver disease.
Bobby and a handful of friends raised over $5,000 in support of the
O’Reillys. The Run for Research®, ALF’s single largest fundraising
event, attracts beginner and veteran runners alike from around the
country, and provides a training program that includes coaching,
training runs, and camaraderie. Today, more than 240 runners
expect to raise over $1.2 million bringing the overall total to more
than $11 million.
Run for Research®
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
American Liver Foundation
Year Ended September 30, 2007
Statement of Functional Expenses.................................................................................................................. 12
Statement of Activities......................................................................................................................................... 13
Balance Sheet.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Statement of Cash Flows..................................................................................................................................... 15
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
American Liver Foundation
Statement of Functional Expenses
Year Ended September 30, 2007
(with comparative totals for 2006)
Figure: Fiscal Year 2007 Functional Expenses (Unaudited)
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
American Liver Foundation
Statement of Activities
Year ended September 30, 2007
(with comparative totals for 2006)
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
American Liver Foundation
Balance Sheet
Year Ended September 30, 2007
(with comparative totals for 2006)
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
American Liver Foundation
Statement of Cash Flows
Year Ended September 30, 2007
(with comparative totals for 2006)
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Appendix A.
American Liver Foundation Gift Givers
Founder’s Society
Gifts of $250,000+
American Association for the Study
of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
Kenneth and Gloria Friedman
Roche Laboratories, Inc.
Benefactor’s Society
Gifts of $100,000 - $249,999
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
Jerome B. Zeldis, MD, PhD
Sponsor’s Society
Gifts of $50,000 - $99,999
American Society of Transplantation
Edmund and Carol Blake
Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc.
Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
George and Kristyn Jamieson
Michael and Susan Kerr
Missouri Foundation for Health
Chairman’s Society
Gifts of $10,000 - $49,999
Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.
Anesthesia Healthcare Partners, Inc.
Arch Insurance Group
Axcan Scandipharm, Inc.
Banner Health System
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Barron
Joshua and Anita Bekenstein
Charitable Fund
Biesecker Foundation
BJC Health System
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
CA, Inc.
William A. and Sonya T. Carpenter
Carruth Capital, LLC
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Jerry & Emily Chiles
Circle of Service Foundation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Clarian Health
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Community Foundation of NW
Community Health Charities
Community Health Charities
of Connecticut
Community Health Charities
of New Jersey
Damer & Cartwright, Inc.
Tim Danis
The DeAlessandro Foundation
Dell USA, LP
Deutsch Williams
Joe and Rosanne Diblasio
Stephen M. Ditman
Albert Einstein Healthcare Network
EMC Corporation
Ernst & Young LLP
Federal Companies
FedEX Services
First Bank
Fox Family Foundation
Robert H. and Laurel W. Graham
Greater Kansas City Community
Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance
Bertha And Hix Green Family
Samuel A. and Jill A. Hamacher
Carolyn A. Hamlin
Harte Hanks
Harrah's Atlantic City
Douglas Horst, MD
Kevin Humphries
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
Dolores Kennedy
Nancy M. and John V. Koris, Jr.
Michael P. Krasny
James Annenberg La Vea
Charitable Foundation
Lehman Brothers
Lisa M. Lynch
Roger M. Marino and Michelle
S. Marino Charitable Foundation
Gerson May
Mayo Foundation for Medical
Education and Research
Michael McCarthy
Mark and Debbie McGoldrick
Peter McGrath
Medquest Associates, Inc.
Mesirow Financial
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Charles K. Mills
Milner, Inc.
Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc.
Motorola, Inc.
Mullally Development Company
Thomas S. and Suzanne C. Murphy
NABI Biopharmaceuticals
Northwestern Mutual
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Pfizer Foundation
Susan G. and Stuart D. Porter
RED Development
Regions Bank
The Barbara and William Rosenthal
Family Foundation
Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Savings Bank Life Insurance Company
of Massachusetts
Ms. Barbara J. Segen
David and Susan Sherman
Thomas E. Starzl, MD, PhD
Winn R. and Judy W. Stephenson
Subaru of New England, Inc.
Aleksander Szlam
Tamara Mattison
Target Stores
Terasaki Foundation Lab
University Medical Center
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
University Transplant Associates, Inc.
Velocity Group, Inc.
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Wal-Mart Foundation
Douglas G. Watson
West Penn Allegheny Health System
Yale New Haven Hospital
President’s Society
Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
4th Source
Advogent Group, Inc.
Aetna Inc.
Kevin M. Allen
Anheuser Busch Companies, Inc.
The Apothecary Shop
AT&T Foundation
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
James Barksdale of Mississippi
Common Fund Trust
Randall S. and Christine F. Battat
Bayer Corporation
Michael P. Bergeron Foundation, Inc.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
BlueCross BlueShield of Arizona
BlueCross BlueShield of Georgia
BlueCross BlueShield of Massachusetts
BMW Constructors, Inc.
Kristen Boch
Boston Guild of Oenophilists, Inc.
Boston Herald
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Boyer
Justin G. and Ann J. Bullion
Cardinal Contracting, LLC
Caremark RX Inc.
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation
Caring & Sharing Program, Inc.
James L. Cashman, MD
Catelli Brothers, Inc.
G. Staley Cates
Bryan Cave, LLP
Centric Group, LLC
Centura Health
Children's Health Care Associates, Inc.
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Children's Organ Transplant
Association, Inc.
Ronald R. Chufo
Community Health Charities of Arizona
Community Health Charities
of Colorado
Community Health Charities
of Massachusetts
Community Health Charities
of Michigan
Community Health Charities of Texas
Community West Foundation
Corporations Caring for Kids
Sylvie P. and Gary Crum
Lloyd and Susie Cunningham
Nicholas J. DeRoma
Corinne L. Dodero Trust for Arts
and Sciences
Mark and Karen Doerflein
Charles F. and Helen Ann Dolan
RR Donnelley Foundation
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Emory Healthcare
Eric Olander
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.
FedEx Credit Union
Firstgiving, Inc.
Florida Hospital Medical Center
Henry Ford Health System
Forest City Enterprises
William G. Forrester
Louis Gilbert and Caroline LeGault
GMAC Residential Funding
Goldberg, Kohn, Bell,
Black, Rosenbloom & Moritz, Ltd.
Brett and Abby Gordon
Gary F. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis A. Green
Greenberg Traurig
Joanne Susan and Stephen P. Grieme
George & Mary Josephine Hamman
Hartford Fire Insurance Company
Walter Hassig
Edward and Margie Imo
Indiana Pathology Institute, PC
Insight Direct USA, Inc.
International Business Machines
Robert J. and Susan E. Jamieson
JDR Charitable Foundation Inc.
Donald M. Jensen, MD
Jones Apparel Group, Inc.
Arleen and Phillip E. Korenblat
James F. Kruidenier, MD
Ladish Co., Foundation
Lahey Clinic, Inc.
Lazard Freres & Co LLC
J. Christopher Loman
Paul Lorenzini
R. Laurence Macon
Marsh & McLennan Companies
The Wendy Marx Foundation for Organ
Donor Awareness
Medical College of Wisconsin
Merck & Co., Inc.
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
John B. Mezger
Microsoft Corporation
Minnesota Gastroenterolgy, PA
The Mohegan Tribe
National City Bank Trust Operations
Nemours Foundation
Nestle Purina Petcare Company
Pamela J. Newman
Oakdale Baptist Church
Grace Curtis and Priscilla O'Hara
R. Michael and Beth O'Neill
Option Care
Leon M. Park
The Pasta House Company
David B. Pearlstone, MD
Pfizer Inc.
Pharmaceutical Research
and Manufacturers of America
Phoenix Children's Hospital
Piedmont Hospital
Robert and Regina Pollichino
Richard S. and Linda B. Price
Katie Prouty
Patrick Purcell
Thomas Reilley
Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Rocky Mountain Gastroenterology
Associates, PLLC
Susan and Elihu Rose Foundation, Inc.
Rosemont Hockey Partners, LP
Brian Ross
Rush University Medical Center
Tim Sansone
Schering Plough
The Raymond F. Schinazi and Family
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Udo Schmeidl
Miriam Sevy
Jeanette Silver
Martha Silver
JR Smith Memorial Golf Tournament
South Denver Gastroenterology, PC
Sovereign Bank
Sportika Export
St. Francis Medical Center
TAP Pharmaceutical Products, Inc.
Time Warner Telecom Holdings, Inc.
Alex Treves
Trojahn Plumbing Company
Kyle Truitt
United Illuminating
United States Government
United Way of Kitsap County
University of Chicago
University Physicians, Inc.
USG Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Frank Uvena and Ms. Sherry Block
VA Hospital of Pittsburgh
Jody Venturoni
Volkswagen of America, Inc.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Gift Givers (continued)
Washington University in St. Louis
Linda & Steven Webster
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Westwood Capital, LLC
Woburn Foreign Motors Inc.
Kate Pew Wolters
XL Insurance America
Joseph & Vera Zilber Family
Foundation Inc.
Partner’s Society
Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999
84 Lumber Classic
Sherry Aaholm
AAR Corporation
Anita D.Adam
AirGroup America
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP
Alsco Metals
A&M Construction
Ameristar Casino St. Charles
Suzanne Anderson Properties
Answer to Cancer Foundation
Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates,
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP
Audio Acoustics, Inc.
Christopher Ballay
Bank of Choice
Bate Consulting, Inc.
Battery Park City Parks Conservancy
Jeffrey and Yolanda Belmont
Don Benner
Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod
Betty Black
Thomas L. Black
Elizabeth Blackwell
Jim and Anna Blair
William Blair & Company Foundation
Bondi Printing Company, Inc.
Ralph Bowe
BP Foundation, Inc.
Jill Brack
Dorothy A. Brancamp
Mark P. Braaten
Thomas H. Brouster
Matthew Brown, MD
Brown Shoe Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brownell
Bennett H. Bruckner, MD
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
Gregory K. Buller
Daniel Butler
Richard and Tricia Calta
Deborah Canale
Canandaigua Wine Company, Inc.
Cargill Incorporated
Anthony and Ellen Catelli
Andrew P. and Mary A. Bealey Cates
Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc.
Irwin Chafetz Family Charitable Trust
Robert Chandler
Marc Chartier
Children's Hospital
Children's Hospital Boston
Chubb and Son
Douglas Claiborne
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Shirley K. and Alan Cohn
Colonel's Shoppes, LLC
Community Foundation of Southwest
GA, Inc.
Community Health Charities
of Alabama, Inc.
Community Health Charities
of Georgia
Community Health Charities of Kansas
and Missouri, Inc.
Community Health Charities
of New York
Community Health Charities of Ohio
Community Health Charities
of Wisconsin
Computer Task Group, Inc.
Connecticut Gastroenterology
Consultants, PC
Connecticut Gastroenterology
Associates, PC
Donna Conrad
Controlpoint Surveying, Inc.
Cook Systems International, Inc.
The Corkin Family
John Cotter
C.P.C., Inc.
CRC Insurance Services, Inc.
Cylex, Inc.
Dana Investment Advisors, Inc.
William H. Danforth
Tara C. and Brian Darrow
Delta Chi Fraternity
Kevin Demilt
Darcy Deer
Linda Sue Dews
DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary
Domain Associates, LLC
Donor Network of Arizona
Marc Duclos
Emerson Charitable Trust
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation
Excorp Medical, Inc.
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fairmount Park Commission
Debra Ferber
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Joseph Finder
First Data Western Union Foundation
Carlo Frappolli
Friends of Hawaii Charities, Inc.
Alan and Marion Garfield
Oliver Martin Garry
Gastroenterology Center
of the Midsouth
GateHouse Media Massachusetts, Inc.
Michael I. and Suzanne Wolfe Gilson
Spencer Glendon
Godfrey Roofing, Inc.
Robert Goetz
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
David Good
R. E. Goodson Construction Co., Inc.
Gordon Hanrahan, Inc.
Carol and James A. Grimm
Hackberry Endowment Partners
Susan Wells Hall
Hawaii Pathologists' Laboratory, LLP
Hepatitis Association of Delaware, Inc.
Heller Ehrman LLP
Gregg Herrell
Eunice and Clifford L. Hoff
F. Blaine Hollinger, MD
Hospital Pathology Associates, PA
Dr. Jonathan Hurst
IBM Employee Services Center
Mark S. Inboden
Italian American Charitable SO
Raymond James and Associates, Inc.
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
Lavada Johnson
JPMorgan Chase
Naomi Judd
JZ Partners, LLC
Betty V. Kaegel
Saul Joseph Karpen, MD, PhD
Jay and Kay A. Kaun
H. Katz Capital Group
Mark O. Kellogg
Michael Kemper
Ronald Kikawa
Susan E. Klemmer
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Koep & Cashman, MD, PC
Dr. Kris V. Kowdley, MD
Paul Y. Kwo, MD
Laboratory Corporation of America
Lake Harriet Christian Church
E.B. Lane
Norman Lang
John Laurent
Eric Desmond Lee
Louis E. and Sandra H. Levy
Alexander Lindsey
Jean Lipman
Jay and Joy Liss
Benjamin and Lucy Locke
Anna Suk Fong Lok, MD
James P. Lombardo
Long Island Power Authority
Lowery, Lowery & Cherry, Attorneys,
Loyola University Health Systems
Maritz, Inc.
Raymond Marshall
Paul Martin, MD
The Masamitsu Foundation
Daniel J. McCormick
William W. McInnes
Todd and Lane McKittrick
Meaden & Moore Management, Ltd.
Mellon Trust of New England, N.A.
Mercy Health Plans of Missouri, Inc.
Robert and Myrna Merowitz
Merrill Lynch
Methodist Healthcare
Miller Cooper & Company, Ltd.
Charlie Mills
Moneta Group
Lee and Lori E. Moriwaki
Deborah S. Mosey
Much Shelist
Murphy & David's Corp.
Curtis Nelson
Netrix, LLC
Newbury Comics, Inc.
Nike, Inc.
Northside Hospital
Thomas E. O'Brien
Mike Owens, MD
Beth Payne
Susan N. Peck
Belinda Peng
John Penny Enterprises
Jon B. and Jackie S. Peters
Thomas A. and Margaret M. Peterson
Pharma Care
Michael Phillips, MD
Deborah A. Pilalas
Plaza Motor Company
John Polio, MD
Premera Blue Cross
Jane E. Privateer
Protech Systems Group, Inc.
Quest Diagnostics Incorporated
Isadore Rivas
Mrs. Bruce G. Robert
Jill A. Roberts
Roberts Roofing & Siding, Inc.
Timothy A. Robertson
Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, LLP
Monique Robitaille
Ronald Robitaille
Gayle S. Rose Foundation, Inc.
Linda B. Ruff
Gregory Rund
David M. Sack, MD
Sam's Club Foundation
Schering-Plough Research Institute
Tom J. Schmitt
Doug Schnitzer
Fern G. Schwartz
Mark Schwiebert
Scottsdale Healthcare
S. & D. Developers, Inc.
Marla Slosberg
Patsy M. Solinger
Thomas Soviero
Caroline Spain
P. Bruce and Harriet Spain
Terry Spannagel
Nolan Sparks
Station Casino St. Charles
Henry J. Stewart
St. Anthony's Medical Center
St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center
Mary Strauss
Stephanie A. Stubler
Frederick J. Suchy, MD
W. Sullivan
Superiormirror.com, Inc.
Surgone PC
Symantec Corporation
Owen B. Tabor, MD
Tampa Bay Hepatitis and Liver Support
Taylor Enterprises of Wisconsin, Inc.
TDS Metrocom, Inc.
Technology Option Capital, LLC
Texas Children's Hospital
Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner,
Charles Thomas
Brad Thomason
Three Rivers Endoscopy Center
Three Rivers Pharmaceuticals
The TJX Foundation Inc.
Tohono O'odham Gaming Enterprise
Monica Johnson Tomanka
Trion Group, Inc.
Jeanne B. Tripp
Spring Tsai
United Way of Southeastern
United Western Bancorp, Inc.
University Hospitals Case Medical
University of Illinois
University of Pennsylvania Health
University of Wisconsin Medical
US Bank
UW Health
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Hugo Vargas, MD
Verizon Foundation
VietNow National Headquarters
Wachovia Foundation
James B. and Judy Wagonfeld
Michael Weildman
Marilyn L. Williams
Sally Williams
Thomas Lyle Williams, III
William E. and Meredith Bluhm Wolf
Allan W. Wolkoff, MD
Wesley K. Yamamoto
John M. Zinman
Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499
314/316 Magnone LLC
ABN Amro Services Company
Joan S. Abrams
Michael Abts
Aboud Affi
Accenture LLP
Accuity LLP
Ace American Insurance Co.
Admar Supply Company, Inc.
Affiliated Steam
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Gift Givers (continued)
AFU Family L.P.
Joanne D. Aguilera
Laverne B. Ahrens
Miley Ainsworth
Johnny Alayon
George T. Albrecht
Jermaine Aldred
Christopher M. Alexander
David J. Allen
Alliant Health Plans, Inc.
Allstate Giving Campaign
Aluma-Form Inc.
Helmut V. Ammon, MD
Mark Anderson and Sysliene Turpin
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Anonymous (13)
Applera Corporation
Donald K. Ardolino
Irwin M. Arias, MD
Steve Arnold
Ashford and Wriston
Diane Asser
Danice K. Atkins
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
Brian Atwood
Jim Atwood
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Avalon Wealth Advisory, Inc.
AXA Foundation
Forrest D. Bachtel
Duwayne Backens
Anne Baer
Sherman Bailey
Alfred L. Baker, MD
Lowell A. Baker
Megan Baker
Michael Baker
Thomas G. Baker
Timothy C. Baker
Bank of Hawaii
Tony Banks
Thomas Bannister
Martin S. Barber
Deb and Steve Barnes
Timothy Barnett
Barry Company, Inc.
Greg Bartick
Fred Barton
Christin Laureen Bassett
Patrick Basu, MD
Kimberly D. and Erik D. Bates
Bauman, Loewe, Witt & Maxwell, PLLC
James and Eugenia Beasley
Jeffrey & Elaine Beason
Beere & Purves, Inc.
John M. Begg
Mike & Debra Benge
Gordon D. and Frances A. Benson
Janice M. Berg and Randy Sheppard
Paul David Berk, MD, FACP
Berman Field Foundation
Marc and Holly E. Bernstein
Simon and Shirley Bernstein
Gil Bickle
B. J. and Melony Bergeron
Brian Bilzin
Margot Black
Miles Black
Barbara Blackford
Blackhawk CenterCal, LLC
Blacktie LLC
Amy and Jeffrey Bloemke
BlueCross BlueShield of Michigan
Blue Knights Illinois XX
Henry C. Bodenheimer, Jr., MD
Joshua & Amy Boger
Annette L. Bohan
Todd Boltz
Boone Trail Corvette Club
George E. Booth Company, Inc.
Bosco's Buddies, Inc.
Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
Boston Plastic & Oral Surgery
Foundation, Inc.
Boston Red Sox Foundation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Rafael C. Botero, MD
Jennifer Bourgeois
Tony Bousamra
David Bower
Bowne of Atlanta, Inc.
Frederic F. and Janet K. Brace, Jr.
Stephen F. and Camilla T. Brauer
James S. and Debbie Breitman
David Brint
Heather I. Brody
Margaret E. Brogan
Maribel Maza Brooks
Bruce Brown
Jeffrey J. Brown, MD
Kimberly Ann Brown, MD
Kate Bruno
Sandra and Scott E. Budinsky
Michael D. Bugenhagen
John Bugh
Mark Bumgarner
Robin Viola Buonato
Robert Burke
Colleen M. Burns
F. D. Burstein, MD
Douglas W. and Eileen M. Buske
Lois and David Butterfield
BW Dexter II, Inc.
J D Byrider Foundation, Inc.
Lyle Campbell
Tom Cambell
Donna M. Canale
Candid Group, LLC
Cap World, Inc.
Capital Interior Contractors, Inc.
Frank Cardile 1997Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust
Caremarx Rx Inc.
Patricia Carr
Robert B. Carter
John Caughron
CBIZ, Inc.
Maurice Cerulli, MD
CF Advisors Group
Annette Chaffee
Emily Chang
William R. Chappelow
Phyllis and Leon Charash
Peter Charles
Chicago Community Bank
Children's Memorial Hospital
Thelma Chilicas
Kapil B. Chopra, MD
Dr. Dennis Christie
Mr. Ronald and Dr. Bridget Chufo
Donna M. Cipolla MD
Maxine Clark
The Clarks Companies, NA
Renee and Robert Cleaver
Michael Clemmy
A. Romi Cohn
Coleman Bartley Enterprises, LLC
College Street Management, LLC
Drs. Bobbi and Barry Coller
Katherine A. Colombo
Commercial Properties Inc.
Community Foundation
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Community Health Charities
of New Mexico
Concorde Financial Group
John Connaughton
Cooper Industries Foundation
Cooperative Dairy Marketing, LLC
Copeland Toyota
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Corporate Philanthropy Services
Corrosion Fluid Products Corporation
Jeffrey J. Coughlan
Thomas C. and Nan L. Coxe
Creative Sights and Sounds Inc.
Jeffrey S. and Nancy S. Crippin
Darla A. Crocker
Cubic Corporation
John J. Cuticelli, Jr.
Lawrence E. Cutler, MD
Michael and Helen R. Cyker Charitable
Cytyc Corporation
Melissa Davis
Katherine Dewald
Erica Deacon
Thomas DeAsentis
Timothy J. Debruicker
Dechert LLP
John V. Deguzman
Dr. Demetris
Michael D. Denesha
Denver Foundation
Guy C. Desmangles
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Krieg Devault LLP
Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote
Vincent and Denise Dicks Charitable
Douglas T. Dieterich, MD
Guido & Christine DiGeronimo Family
Anthony DiMarino, MD
Digestive Care, Incorporated
Digestive Disease Associates
Robert Dillon
Joe DiMartini
Troy DiNapoli
Diplomat Pharmacy
Julie DiRe
Shari Director
Michael K. Dishart
Dividend Capital Investments LLC
The Dixon Group, LLC
Richard Dobbs
D.O.C. Eyeworld of Canton
Stanton Forrest Dodson
Joy L. Doll
Diane Dolphin
Thomas Dominguez
Dorrance Family Foundation
David D. Douglas, MD
DPR Construction, Inc.
Paul Drake
DTE Energy Foundation
Ernest E. and Kathleen W. Dunbar
E4 Group, LLC
Betty Jo Eades
Linda Kelley Ebberson
Paul B. Edgerley
Edison International
James & Mildred Egan
Harry Eggleston, MD
Leopoldo Eisenberg, MD
Jean C. Elmond and Jane M. Balanoff
Chris Elkins
Emerson Electric Company
Entercom Boston LLC
Equinox Management Group, Inc.
Era Kings Bay Realty, Inc.
Martin Erzinger
Anne K. Eshelman, PhD
ESL Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Cindy Evans
Marie Evans
Christine Everett
Facial Spectrum Faithful/Gould
Constructive Expertise
Bruce E. Falby and Nancy R. Isikoff
Helen Feder
Herrick, Feinstein LLP
Bill Fellenz
Sheila Fiala
Fickling Family Foundation Inc.
The Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable
First Insurance Company of Hawaii,
Charles E. Fischer
Heidi Fischer, MD
The Five G's Family Foundation Inc.
Patrick Flachs
Rigo Flores
Charles L. and Florine H. Harowitz
Philanthropic Fund
Evan Fogel
Foley Family Foundation
Robert J. Fontana, MD
Forest County Potawatomi
Silvia C. Formenti
The Foundation for Enhancing
Steven Fox
Michelle Francis
Talcott Franklin
Jennifer J. Franzosa
Frederick's Beauty Etc.
Fremont Bank
Christopher B. French
Joshua R. Friedman, MD
FSB Foundation, Inc.
Fulton School Employees' Charitable
John J. Fung, MD
Julie Futch
Gajera and Patel, PLLC
Lisa Gallagher
Daniel R. Ganger, MD
Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MD
Sandy and Jim Gardner
R. E. and Patti Garrison
Gastronenterology Associates
of Olympia Fields
Kathleen Gates
Jane M. Geders, MD, PhD
Gemini Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Nicholas Gernt
General Electric Company
Matthew J. Geoghegan
Daniel Georgesen
Michael W. Gerding
John Giacchetto, MD PC
Charles R. and Harriett Gibbs
Jack Gibbs Scholarship Fund
Jay Gibbs
Gift of Life Donor Program
Edward Gildea
Whitney Giller
Giordano Foundation, Inc.
Jennifer Gitakis
Dennis F. and Karen L. Gleason
Janet J. and Jeffrey D. Glidden
Global Impact
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Brian D. Goldman, Inc.
Ronald H. Golub
Amy F. Goodusky
Stuart C. Gordon, MD
Lance Goudzwaard
Norman D. Grace, MD
Grantham, Mayo Van Otterloo
and Company LLC
Marcy & Bennett Grau
Greater Houston Community
Kelly Grimes and Felix Boake
Donald Grimm
Guidant Corporation
Sarah Hakes
Doug Hall Consulting Inc.
Heather Hamby
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Gift Givers (continued)
Hampshire Gastroenterology
Associates, Inc.
Steven-Huy Han MD
Joseph Hannon
Mary Ellen Hanrahan
Richard Harding
Harmony Hospice
George H. Harriman, MD
Harris Calorific Sales, Inc.
Peter J. and Annmarie Hart
Hartford Transplant Associates, PC
The Hartford
Scott and Elizabeth Timmie Haskins
Brett & Kate Hassan
Tarek Ishmail Hassanein, MD
Hawaii Employers' Mutual Insurance
Company, Inc.
Hawaii Transportation Consulting
Services, Inc.
Thomas M. Hawk, MD
Desmond Heathwood
John H. Helzberg, MD
Hemophilia of Georgia
Barry A. Hendin
Julie Henry
Scott Henry
Hepatitis Magazine, Inc.
Hepcare, Inc.
Marina Heppner
Naomi G. Herman
Highland Park Country Club
Gary Hinds
Dr. William Hirota
Mark K. Hollan
William Holliman
William & Sylvia Holloway
Betty S. Honma
The Matthew R. & Marie M. Hopkins
Allison Horne
The Horton Family Trust
Paul F. Honkamp
Bernice V. Horst
Christian E. Howe
R.S. Hoyt Jr. Family Foundation
HPC Foundation For Hospice
David Hull, MD, FACS
Hunton & Williams
Husch & Eppenberger, LLC
Anne Hyde
Hydrite Chemical Company
Cheryl Ann Impellizzeri
Indiana Organ Procurement
Organization, Inc.
Indiana University Health Care
Associates, Inc.
Indianapolis Fruit
Indianapolis Gastroenterology
Lewis S. and Shawn G. Ingall
ING Community Matching Gifts
Norman Ingrassia
Investeel, Inc.
Iovate Health Sciences U.S.A. Inc.
Iron Partners, LLC
Irwin Bank & Trust Company
Island Insurance Foundation
Italian Village
Jim Jackson
Sally Jacob
Louise M. Jacobbi
George Jamison
Jimco Maintenance, Inc.
Joe Angelo's Cafe & Deli
Donald Johnson
Robert Johnson, MD
Daniel F. Johnston, MD
Jones Foundation
Sara Pace Jones
Robert Jurkiewicz
Richard J. Justice
Kristin Kaiser
Terri Kalinowski
Igal Kam, MD
Kanter Plaut Foundation, Inc.
Doris P. Kaplan
Manmadharao Kasaraneni
Katsky / Korins LLP
Katz Law Firm Combined Operations
Louis and Ida Katz Foundation
Simon Katz
Ralph W. and Dorothy P. Kaufmann
John L. Keefe, Jr.
Mary and Howard Kelberg
David Drew and Mary Jane Kelemen
Laverne J. Kelleher
Dr. James Kelley
John J. Kelly, MD
Mark S. and Amy D. Kersey
Lawrence Kim, MD
Nathan Kjolhaug
Bruce Knowlton
Ted and Mary Koenecke
Donald and Nancy Koprowski
Ravi Kondaveeti
John V. Koris
Cheryl J. Kowalczyk
Bill Kowalski
Roberta Kramer
Sidney Kramer
Richard & Marianne Kreider
Terry Krupen
Peter Kruse
KSM Business Services, Inc.
Lawrence W. Kurtz
Donald Laclair
David L. Lageschulte
Catherine & Chris Lake
Thomas Lally
Homer Lancaster
Janet Lang
William Lantz
Deborah Lantzy-Talpos
Dennis LaRosee
Sandy and Curtis Lau
Karl Lautman
Jon Leasia
Bruce Lee
Eddie and Stephanie Lee
Kathleen Mitsuko Lee
Lehman Brothers
Lemle & Kelleher, LLP
Kenneth L. and Sylvia M. Lempit
The Dorothea L. Leonhardt
Foundation, Inc.
Robert I. Leventhal, MD
Arthur Levine
Michael J. and Pat Levitt
Joel Lewin
Liberty Bank
Rebekah S. Lieberman
Life Link Transplant Institute
Saverio Ligato
James Max and Jane M. Lill
Herbert Lim, MD
Keith D. Lindor, MD
Diane Lisacek
Liquor for Less & Wine Too, Inc.
Greg Livingston
Locke Liddell & Sapp LLP
Lodging Hospitality Management
Long Realty Cares Foundation
Longs Drug Stores
Jennifer and David Loschinskey
Linda Auyong Louie
Mr. & Mrs. Alistair Lowe
Richard and Ellen Lowe
Gary M. Lukens
Colin Lund
Lyda, Inc.
Paul Lynch
Dr. Frank Lyons
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
William T. Lyons
Robert Dale Mackie, MD
Michelle L. Mahon
Makeadonation.com Corporation
Richard A. Manch, MD
Kathy Mancini
Mangen Family Charitable Foundation
Lauren A. Mannarino
Alan & Linda Manning
Stephanie L. Mannis
Manny's Private Car Service Inc.
Marathon Sports
The Billi Marcus Foundation
Mardell Family Charitable Foundation
Marie E. and George J. Markunas
Marina Drywall
John Marotta
Shane Marshall
Michael J. Mascari
Tamara Mattison
Robert E. and Cherie L. Mauer
MC&A, Inc.
Carol S. McCarthy
Thomas O. McCarthy
Burns McClellan Inc.
Bill McCormack
John F. McDonagh, III
Frederic R. McGill
Leigh McGill
Jack McKee
Michael McKernan
Margaret McLaughlin
Laura McLeod
Donna & Joseph McPherson
Richard M. McVey
Brian J. Meade
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp.
Melina Hudson Foundation
Memphis Wholesale Plumbing Supply
Merck & Co., Inc. Employee Giving
Maria E. Meyerhofer
Mara Meyers
Douglas Milbrath
Anthony Milici
R. Terry Miller
John F. Milligan
Maureen A. Milliken
The Millipore Foundation
Charles W. and Margaret K. Mills
Norman Milstein
Missouri Orthopedic & Arthroscopic
Surgery, Inc.
Pramod Kumar Mistry, MD
Bill Mitchell
M. M. & R., Inc.
Mohegan Wolf Painting Co. LLC.
Lars Montag
Monterey Fund, Inc.
Cynthia Montgomery
Nancy Montgomery
W. Terry and Shirley E. Moore
Morgan Stanley
Morgan, Lewis and Bockius LLP
Rodney S. Moriyama
John Moss
Rosemarie V. and Fred C. Mueller
Jacqueline Muller
Joseph Mulvey
Bernie Murray
Mary K. and Mark A. Musgrove
Mary Jane Musser
William C. Mutterperl
Marcus Nahon
Norman Nakashima
Linda and Ron Nash
Carol Ann Nasuta
Michael H. and Suzanne Nathanson
The Nations' Triathlon LLC
Navarre Corporation
Victor J. Navarro, MD
NCI - Lending A Hand
Tom Nealon
Jim Nepute
New England Systems, Inc.
New York Design Center, Inc.
New York Presbyterian Hospital
NFL Alumni- Nothern California
Marie A. Niedermeier
Tom Niedermeyer
Richard Neimeth
Richard M. Nodel
North American Shippers Association,
North Shore Gastroenterology
& Endoscopy Center
Northern Trust Company
Nuevo Engineering
Christopher P. Nunes
Kevin K. Nunink
Mark Nunnelly & Denise Dupre
Victoria Oberdore
Roger J. and Irene Marmo O'Brien
Stacy L. Obringer-Varhall
Ocera Therapeutics, Inc.
Ochsner Clinic
William F. O'Connor Foundation
Glenn and Natasha O'Flaherty
Richard O'Kane
Paul B. and Cathy G. O'Kelly
Aaron and Sherri Y. Okinaga
Arnold T. Okubo and Associates, Inc.
Joseph A. Olejnik
Michael A. Olenski
Andrew and Kathleen Oliver
Todd A. Olsen
Olsson Associates
Omaha Community Foundation
One Lambda
David & Nicole O'Reilly
Janice R. Orlando
David Ornato
Joan Oswald
Outdoor Solutions, Inc.
Michael Owens, MD
Glenn M.L. Pang, MD
Ken Pasley
Kimberly and Michael Pelzar
Dianne Penchina
Grace Peng
Ronald J. Penoyer
Edward F. Pergiovanni, DMD PC
Carolyn Perry
Robert L. Perry
PG&E Corporation
PharmEd International
Lawrence Phillips
Phon Dewey Sutton
Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William Pitruzzelli
Murray and Ina Pitt
Stephen A. and Peni E. Plucker
Marlene Sue Plummer
Dion D. Podgurny
Anthony Posella
John Powers
Jennifer Pratt
Michael J. Pretasky
Donna M. Preziotti
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Organization
The Prime Group, Inc.
Professional Plastering and Drywall Co.
Progressive Computing
Progressive Insurance Foundation
Georgia Prstojevich
Michael Prstojevich
Patrick & Simone Purcell
Putnam Investments
Quality Supply & Tool Company, Inc.
The Queen's Medical Center
Patricia Quigley
Shannon Rabe
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Gift Givers (continued)
Jill and Carlos Ramos
Elizabeth B. Rand, MD
Stuart I. Raskas Marital Trust
Sharon M. Rayman
Michelle Read and David L. Seeger
Nancy Reau
Mary Rech
Rodney J. Recker
John N. Redash
Guru N. Reddy, MD
Red Robin International, Inc.
Oliver Reeves
Tara Reeves
Regions Financial Corporation
Bethany Rentz and Dan Thrush
Richard E. Reinkall
Relative Valve Partners, LLC
Michael Rivett
Debra and David Robson
Mike Rodriguez-Chapman
Gregory C. Rogers
Peter and Gerry Rogness
David A. Rolfe
David Roncari
Jeanne Rozek
David Rubin
Raymond A. Rubin, MD
Samuel H. and Audrey A. Rubin
Seymour and Shirley Rubin
Sally L. Sachse
Katherine K. Saiki
Leola S. Saloy
Stefano Salvaggio
Sam's Clubs
Sam's Club #4787
Sam's Club #4818
Sam's Club #6242
Sam's Club #6343
Sam's Club #6351
Sam's Club #6403
Sam's Club #6404
Sam's Club #6442
Sam's Club #6606
Sam's Club #6608
Sam’s Club #6657
Sam's Club #6688
Sam's Club #6692
Sam's Club #8251
Sam's Club #8290
San Diego County Credit Union
Santarus, Inc.
Sarlo Foundation
Michael Sartoni
H.D. Saunders
Sawyer Charitable Foundation
Saylor and Hill Co.
Don R. and Cecia S. Scarbrough
Ernest Scheller, Jr.
Ilene & Jerry Schiff
Thomas M. Schlaak
Carol Schreiner
Cades Schutte LLP
John B. Schwemm
Jennifer R. Scofield
Shereta R. Seelig
Senior Management
Akerman Senterfitt
Cindy Settleman
Nikunj Shah, MD
Seyrath Shaw LLP
J. Mark Shea
Bill Sheehan
Robert K. Sheridan
Diane and Leonard Sherman
Darlene V. Shiley
Shipp Family Foundation Inc.
Julie H. Shorr
Irene Silver
William D. Sitton
Jane Dru Fickling Skinner
Christopher Skryd
Slay for Mayor
Rodger Sleven, MD
Smart Technology Services, Inc.
Gerald Smith
James Smith
Jason R. Smith
Todd Smith
Terrrance A. Smith Distributing, Inc.
Craig Sommerville David and Eydie L.
Sonoa Systems, Inc.
Hani Soudah
James B. Sowell
David G. Spak, Esq
Grady and Connie Sparks
David Spates
Special Risk Insurance Services, Inc.
Stephen J. Sperling
Stephanie H. and David A.Spina
SSM Health Care – St. Louis
Michael S. and Charlotte Stewart
Joseph and Susan Stone
Lee Jayson Stone, MD
Anthony Strafaci
Steven. M. Strasberg, MD
Michael St. John
St. Louis Rams
David and Patricia Stringer
Sullivan Tire Company Inc.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Diana L. Sutherland
Lois M. Sutton
Linda A. Swartz
Timothy M. Sylvia
Christopher and Tamar Taddei
Tampa General Hospital
Thomas Tansi
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
Yi Fei Teng
April Thiesen PA-C
David W. Thomas
JoAnn Thompson
Thomson Financial Services
Three Peaks Capital Management, LLC
Kevin Thornton
Leslie C. Thornton
Gerald Thurer
Salvatore A. and Kim M. Tiano
Maureen M. Toal
Tokio Marine Management, Inc.
Scott T. Tross
Naoky C.S. Tsai, MD
Ralph David Tucker
Tucson Gastroenterology Specialists,
Timothy Turner
Turner Construction Company
Steve Ukman
Renuka Umashanker, MD
Union Bank of California, N.A.
United Way Central Indiana, Inc.
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
United Way Greater Twin Cities
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
United Way of the Mid South
United Way of Somerset County
United Way Special Distribution
Unity in Chicago
University of Pittsburgh
Valeant Pharmaceuticals
Alla and Giovanni Valente
Vatterott Foundation
Barbara and Andrew F. Veres
VF Services, Inc.
Terry L. Wade
The Wagner Foundation
Wal-Mart #815
Wal-Mart #906
Wal-Mart #1239
Wal-Mart #1340
Wal-Mart #1381
Wal-Mart #1443
Wal-Mart #1465
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Wal-Mart #1504
Wal-Mart #1595
Wal-Mart #1646
Wal-Mart #1691
Wal-Mart #1707
Wal-Mart #1726
Wal-Mart #1775
Wal-Mart #1890
Wal-Mart #1959
Wal-Mart #2073
Wal-Mart #2083
Wal-Mart #2098
Wal-Mart #2211
Wal-Mart #2317
Wal-Mart #2323
Wal-Mart #2362
Wal-Mart #2426
Wal-Mart #2490
Wal-Mart #2522
Wal-Mart #2616
Wal-Mart #2725
Wal-Mart #2833
Wal-Mart #2850
Wal-Mart #3297
Wal-Mart #3420
Wal-Mart #3441
Wal-Mart #3443
Wal-Mart #3476
Wal-Mart #3542
Wal-Mart #7013
Sumner James Waring, III
Stacey Washington
Belinda G. Watkins
Kalen & Michael Webb
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Daniel Weil
Edward S. Weil, Jr.
Christy Weildman
Wellington Management Company,
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Wells Fargo Community Support
John Wentzell
Michael E. Wermuth
West Hills Gastroenterology
Associates, PC
WF Community Support Campaign
Christopher Wheeler
John Douglas Whelan
Gary A. White
Robert White, MD
Wanda C. White
Peter F. Whitington
Ken Widder
Diane Williams
Joyce S. and Robert M. Willig
Wayne L. and Anna Maria Winter
Wolfe Enterprises, Inc.
Gary Wolinski
Linda Lou Wong, MD
Rima A. Woo
McGuire Woods
Mark S. Wrighton
Dominick C. Yee
Gary Yourtz
Rick Zehether
Jonathan F. and Kathryn A. Zeschin
Mark White
Wholesale Unlimited
Laurie Wiesenberg
Claude Wild
Jerald L. and Gertrude H. Wille
Linda Lou Wong, MD
Woodlands Operating Company, LP
World Reach, Inc.
Worldwide Parts, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Wright
Amanda and Richard Wurzburg
Xerox Corporation
Wesley K. Yamamoto
Dennis and Susan Yep
Stacie Yonkin
Edward Zelonis
Susan A. Zimmerman
Zucco Enterprises
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Appendix B.
Board of Directors
James L. Boyer, MD
Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut
George Jamieson
New London, New Hampshire
President/Chief Executive Officer
Paul Martin, MD
University of Miami
Miami, Florida
Rick Smith
American Liver Foundation
New York, New York
Chris McCarrick
Velocity Group, Inc.
Alexandria, Virgina
Val Peacock, RN, BSN, CRC
UCLA School of Medicine
Los Angeles, California
Miriam Sevy
Leora Consulting Group LLC
Seattle, Washington
Frank Uvena
Chicago, Illinois
Eddie Cheung, MD, FACG
University of California, Davis
Martinez, California
Donna Cryer
CryerHealth, LLC
Washington, DC
Nicholas J. DeRoma
New Canaan, Connecticut
Frank Dzvonik
Abbott Laboratories
Alameda, California
Norman D. Grace, MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Ellis Green
Raymond James & Associates, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
Louise M. Jacobbi
Saturn Management Services
Des Plaines, Illinois
Bruce F. Scharschmidt, MD
Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics, Inc.
Emeryville, California
David A. Sherman
Benj. E. Sherman and Sons
Deerfield, Illinois
Ronald J. Sokol, MD
Research University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine
The Children's Hospital
Aurora, Colorado
Susan Sherman Stone
Hingham, Massachusetts
Frederick J. Suchy, MD
The Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, New York
Douglas G. Watson
Pittencrieff Glen Associates
Far Hills, New Jersey
Honorary Board Members
Edmund Blake
Pinnacle Associates, Ltd.
New York, New York
Thomas E. Starzl, MD
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Appendix C.
Categories of ALF Research Awards
Liver Scholar Awards offer young scientists three consecutive years of support towards
research carried out between completion of their formal medical training and attainment of
status as independent research scientists. These awards generally support the study of a
specific area of liver disease research.
Special Research Initiative Awards offer faculty members at all academic levels with two
years of support towards carrying out innovative research in specific areas of liver disease.
These grants particularly seek to support research that involve direct interactions with
patients and that will lead directly to successful NIH funding applications.
Seed Grant Awards promote the study of a specific area of liver disease research by either
young scholars or post-doctoral candidates.
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship Awards offer a year of funding towards a specific area of
liver disease research to MD, PhD, or MD/PhD Postdoctoral Fellows in their first or second year
of appointment.
Resident Scholar Travel Awards enable medical residents to attend the AASLD’s annual Liver
Meeting. These grants are designed to spark young professionals’ interest in entering the field
of hepatology.
American Liver Foundation 2007 Annual Report
Appendix D.
The 2007 Grants Review Committee
Mark A. Zern, MD, Chair
University of California, Davis, CA
Margaret J. Koziel, MD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard University, MA
Vice Chair
Anna SF Lok, MD
University of Michigan Medical Center, MI
Mark J. Czaja, MD, Vice Chair
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY
Bruce A. Luxon, MD
Saint Louis University Medical Center, MO
George Michalopoulos, MD, PhD
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, PA
Raymond T. Chung, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital, MA
Ian Nicholas Crispe, MB, BS, PhD
The University of Rochester, NY
Marion Peters, MD
University of California, San Francisco, CA
Mark Feitelson, PhD
Temple University, PA
Stewart Sell, MD
New York State Health Department, Wadsworth Center &
Ordway Research Institute, NY
M. Eric Gershwin, MD
University of California, Davis, CA
Vijay Shah, MD
Mayo Clinic, MN
Jeffrey Glenn, MD, PhD
Stanford University, CA
Norah Terrault, MD, MPH
University of California, San Francisco, CA
Regino Gonzalez-Peralta, MD
University of Florida, FL
Steven A. Weinmann, MD, PhD
University of Texas Medical Branch, TX
Linda Greenbaum, MD
University of Pennsylvania, PA
American Liver Foundation Officers
Charles Howell, MD
University of Maryland, MD
Maureen Jonas, MD
Children’s Hospital, MA
Klaus Kaestner, PhD
University of Pennsylvania, PA
James L. Boyer, MD
Chair, Board of Directors
Yale University, CT
Ronald J. Sokol, MD
Children’s Hospital, CO
Frederick J. Suchy, MD
Chair, Scientific Affairs
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY
With the support of donors like you, the
American Liver Foundation can continue
to promote education about liver
wellness, provide assistance to those
affected by and at risk for liver disease,
and work to find cures and better
treatments. Help us to continue this
vital work. Give to our cause today at
Arizona Chapter (Arizona)
4545 East Shea Boulevard – Suite 164
Phoenix, AZ 85028
Phone: (602) 953-1800
Gulf Coast Chapter (Central Florida)
202 South 22nd Street – Suite 104
Ybor City, FL 33605
Phone: (813) 248-3337
San Diego Chapter (California - San
Diego Area)
2515 Camino del Rio South – Suite 122
San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: (619) 291-5483
Georgia Chapter (Georgia)
2250 North Druid Hills Road – Suite 285
Atlanta, GA 30329
Phone: (866) 425-4837
Greater Los Angeles Chapter
(California - Los Angeles Area)
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Los Angeles, CA 90045
Phone: (310) 670-4624
Northern California Chapter
(California - Northern California Area)
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San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 248-1060
Rocky Mountain Chapter (Colorado)
3650 S. Yosemite – Suite 212
Denver, CO 80237
Phone: (303) 988-4388
Connecticut Chapter (Connecticut)
127 Washington Avenue – 2nd Floor
North Haven, CT 06473
Phone: (203) 234-2022
National Capital Area Chapter
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Maryland, Northern Virginia)
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Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (866) 830-6316
Hawai'i Chapter (Hawai'i)
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Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: (808) 737-0400
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Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 377-9030
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6525 E. 82nd Street – Suite 215
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Phone: (317) 594-5074
New England Chapter
(Massachusetts, Maine, New
Hampshire,Rhode Island, Vermont)
88 Winchester Street
Newton, MA 02461
Phone: (800) 298-6766
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31700 West 12 Mile Road – Suite 201
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Phone: (248) 489-5400
75 Maiden Lane, Suite 603
New York, NY 10038-4810
National HelpLine:
800-GO-LIVER (800-465-4837)
The American Liver Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
© 2008 American Liver Foundation. All rights reserved.
Upper Midwest Chapter (Minnesota,
North Dakota, South Dakota)
2626 East 82nd Street – Suite 263
Bloomington, MN 55425
Phone: (952) 854-6181
Missouri/Kansas Chapter (Missouri,
Eastern Kansas)
16 Hampton Village Plaza – Suite 215
St. Louis, MO 63109
Phone: (314) 352-7377
National Capital Area Chapter
(District of Columbia, Southern
127 South Peyton Street – Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (866) 830-6316
Greater New York Chapter (New York
City Area, Northern N.J.)
50 Broadway – Suite 1504
New York, NY 10004
Phone: (877) 307-7507
Delaware Valley Chapter (Eastern
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Southern
New Jersey)
111 Presidential Boulevard – Suite 214
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Phone: (610) 668-0152
Western Pennsylvania Chapter
(Western Pennsylvania)
100 West Station Square – Suite 215
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: (412) 434-7044
Mid-South Chapter (Tennessee,
Arkansas, Mississippi)
1010 June Road – Suite 101
Memphis, TN 38119
Phone: (901) 766-7668
South Texas Chapter (South Texas)
2425 West Loop South – Suite 840
Houston, TX 77027
Phone: (713) 622-1318
Western New York Chapter (Western
New York State)
25 Canterbury Road – Suite 316
Rochester, NY 14607
Phone: (585) 271-2859
Pacific Northwest Chapter
(Washington, Alaska, Idaho,
Montana, Oregon)
2033 Sixth Avenue – Suite 260
Seattle, WA 98121
Phone: (206) 443-3805
Ohio Chapter (Ohio)
5755 Granger Road – Suite 335
Independence, OH 44131
Phone: (216) 635-2780
Wisconsin Chapter (Wisconsin)
4929 North Lydell Avenue
Glendale, WI 53217
Phone: (414) 961-4936