Key People in the 1920s 1.) Arthur Meighen p.55 2.) William Lyon MacKenzie King p.55 3.) Viscount Byng p.55 4.) Lord Balfour p.56 5.) Agnes McPhail p.60 6.) Emily Murphy p.60 7.) Emily Carr p.65 8.) Foster Hewitt p.65 For all key people, make sure that you identify them specifically with key points relative to the course. (A person should be able to read your description and know exactly to whom you are referring) Key Terms from the 1920s 1.) Communism p.50 2.) Socialism p.50 3.) collective bargaining p.50 4.) general strike p.50 5.) regionalism p.53 6.) minority government p.55 7.) autonomy p.55 8.) amending formula p.56 9.) branch plants p.57 10.) primary industry p.58 11.) secondary industries p.58 12.) plebiscite p.58 13.) urbanization p.59 For all key terms, use the text page reference to get the context, but please use the definition from the glossary.